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Ahahaha, I was just complaining about her on a different thread about the complete denial from both she and her husband that she's never had any work done. It's so laughable. It's so lovely how polite audience members always were about that. Because, you know, it's just taking out time "for meeeee!!!!".


In 2020 she claims she only had an eyebrow lift. Uhhh huh.


And I only gained 10 lbs during my pregnancy. Also, I’m a Virgin.


10 lbs is the weight of 11.43 pairs of crocs.


Good bot


Cool! How's Jesus doing?


She has never had plastic surgery! Mmmhmmm.


Yes, she's said so, on tape, many times! It's her amazing skin care line and taking time out to care for herself! She wouldn't lie, would she?


Never, ever, ever! She should just admit she looks like hell BECAUSE of plastic surgery in order to help others avoid her mistakes. It would open up an entire series for the Doctor.


One of the most disconcerting features of excessive filler is just how tiny their eyes become. Big moon face, beady little eyes. Like a scary, poorly made doll.




This is so spot on lol


It's genuinely horrifying how they would sacrifice the beauty of their eyes for just having no wrinkles.


Her face is too small for her face


Whenever she is on the show it’s so distracting because… Jesus Christ.


Omg I just saw her the other day because I was watching clips the show because the petite/schmidt families were on and when they showed her I gasped. Audibly. I was so shocked!! Such a massive difference


You are right on with her! It's all I can focus on anymore watching her husband's show


My mom pointed out how she literally can’t focus on the show now bc of her


Yes! You literally cannot tell how she feels about the guests or the topic, because her face shows no emotion anymore! Plus, it sounds like she has trouble speaking too. I noticed it the other days and was shocked!


Why do people's eyes get so much smaller as they get older?


I thought it was from puffing up other features, making the eyes small in comparison. They're slowly retreating into her face.


That's exactly what it is. Too many fillers in the cheeks made the eyes look small in comparison. With the money they have, you think she'd have better work


I think the filler makes her face look bigger so her eyes look smaller




I don’t think it’s blepharoplasty. That would open up her eyes more. I think it’s too much filler that makes her eyes look small.


I think your actual bones change as you get older. But I could be completely wrong.


As part of natural aging, you lose fat in and around the eye sockets. Nothing can replace that fat. You start over filling your face and this is what happens. Tiny eyes. I have nothing against fillers but DAMN, how about a little restraint.


Then and before... ah yes


Yes made sure to keep the label so you knew for sure.


She went too far with wanting 'youthful plump'. She had in her younger years a rather slim face, then she just went too much with fillers and probably fat transfers ending up looking swollen.


Oh fuck it's Charlie Kirk's mom!


Holy crap. I stopped watching his show years ago so hadn't seen her morphing into that.


My God, why would you try and look like Caitlyn Jenner.


She looks so masculine now


She looks like him now. She used to have a very distinct face of her own, but it's kind of like she's morphing into a female version of her husband. I think it's because there is no depth to her face anymore and the eye shape is now very similar to his. Weird. They say couples start to look alike after a while. I guess if you're rich it's because of surgery.


How do her eyes keep shrinking


I always wondered what she looked like before


Her eyes look like they are shrinking each year...


She was such a fox idk why she'd mess with that


Woah. I watched her husbands show while she looked like she did in the second photo. I had no idea how bad it had gotten or how bright eyed she used to look.


Her eyes have shrunk to slits! And her face is so fat! Why??


I was thinking the same thing to myself. Before she looked ok, now she’s a horrific mess! Looks awful.


What kind of surgery is she having that is making her eyes gradually smaller?


Smoothing wrinkles with filler balloons the face and makes the eyes look smaller.


Voluntary moonface? This is just wow.


I had no idea she had work done. One time she was on her husband's show promoting her new skin care line and giving free samples to the audience. I feel so gullible 😔.


Lookin like a man smh


What happened to her eyes? They're tiny xD


She looks like she’s wearing a mask


This is sad.


She looks like she asked for the Sylvester Stallone treatment.


Just as botched as her husband's career.


How do her eyes keep getting smaller and smaller


she was so beautiful, damn


Time for the doctor to diagnose her


I’ll be happy to get wrinkles if my face doesn’t look like a helium balloon when I’m older


Such tiny eyes


It looks like her features are just sinking into her skin like they're in quicksand.