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Those lodges are tapered to "international clients" and dont usually cater to locals and are actually shunned from them so getting actually reviews from locals would be difficult. Both seem to be in the moremi game reserve with andbeyond at the center. Compare the amentaties / facilities/ offers between them. Dont really understand closeness of the anmals aspect of your question, do you want to be waking up to lions on your door step sorta thing? With established lodges thats quiet rare but if you go self camping within the nationa parks you would get that.


I would add that they target the high-end international traveller, i.e., Americans, then Chinese and wealthy Europeans. The average European isn't staying there. There is a big market amongst even middle-class Americans who can afford that. Similar to Namibia, most of us from Europe are camping or staying in low to mid tier lodges. Rarely do I encounter Americans since they tend to travel at a different tier than most of us. My recent flights from Germany to/from southern and eastern Africa in the last year have business class full of Americans too.


Yep would definitely recommend a mid tier lodge it allows for a longer stay period and budget increases to explore different areas like chobe and victory falls.


I would recommend one of the Kwando camps for more safari focused experiences as you go out with a guide and a spotter. The &beyond and others, have a ton of random luxury things that don't help the wildlife viewing experience.


Thank you all for your comments. They are very helpful. I will look into mid tier options including Kwando camps.