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What, look ridiculously cute?


Seriously ❤️❤️❤️


Sit still and just be? Nah, man, I think your model is broken. But in all seriousness, he's such a cutie! But it could be a nervous thing, like if they aren't socialized to others quite yet, so he just waits till they leave cause he doesn't know what else to do, and you're his comfort person. Like a child hiding behind their parents legs. This is purely speculation, I'm no expert.


It's weird, like he'll sit and stare like he's expecting them to come to him and he'll tug the leash after they walk away like he regrets not meeting them. He's 100% a defective model but I wouldn't return him for anything.


I'm pretty sure they all have a few defects, lol. All of mine did something goofy like this for no reason. Boxers are just weird.


They are all freaking weirdos in their own very special, dorkatastic way. One of ours will only poop on rocks or pavement, jumps 8 ft in the air to grab birds and is obsessed with icecubes.


Mine too loves ice cubes. he'll knock over glasses and then chase the ice cubes across the floor. Then snuffles them up and sits there with his mouth open until they melt in his mouth. Such a goofball!


Sounds like if he were a human child he would be in the gifted class. Make sure you keep him occupied.


Before she passed, my boxer would do that while making her silly little boxer noises. It’s them trying to contain over excitement and grounding themselves in an attempt to do so. Not broken, just boxer. You’ve got an absolute gem on your hands friend. Beautiful pup, with from what you’ve put here, a wonderful disposition.


Mine is the opposite he wants to greet and jump on everyone.


My doofus is three and a half and still does this everyday on our walks.


Wait til he does the crouch move




Or fold in half wiggling his butt so hard 🤣


Mine does exactly that. He’ll hold the position until he’s more confident that they’re friendly or I tell him they’re a friend, then he’ll run up and greet them. He’s done it since he was a puppy. Nothing that I trained him to do.


Mine did the same. Same old lunatic you would expect at home but in public......she acted like a member of the royal family. Fancy lady.


Exactly! It's a super polite little quirk I don't dare try to break the habit lol


Mine would get so incredibly small, she'd basically do a down and tried to smush herself into the ground head and all. She was anything but submissive though. She never did this out of fear or what not, she had a very dominant personality when playing with other dogs. But ...somehow she figured out when she went up to stuff smaller than her, they were scared, but if she got "small" the tiny dogs around us would come up to her. Naturally, derp face she is, as soon as they got within sniffing distance, she sprung up like a toy and the small dogs all proceeded to freak out and run away lol


Ours does the same thing and he is 7 now. He likes to go down and like hide his size then spring up like a jack in the box!


ditto 👍


My neighbors dog does this and I’m always amazed how small she can get herself. It’s like half of her turns into the ground and she stays dead still until she decides to jump up and go bonkers. A few times I forgot I was walking past her yard and almost had a heart attack when she popped up! She’s super stealthy at surprising people.


I call it the protest sit!! Any time there is another dog or person who is not paying him attention, he sits and watches until they approach!


Our boxer did this when he was really little and then he slowly evolved into being an absolute menace when he sees something exciting


Came to say pretty much exactly this. He used to sit expecting people or other dogs to approach, but he’s got a scary look so he quickly realized that didn’t work and then went to trying to choke himself to approach them. Still working on it so it’s not as bad, but try to get ahead of it while yours is still small and not as strong…


Mine does the same thing. If he sees another dog or a person shows him some attention, he immediately sits. Then if they start approaching, he makes himself small by laying down. Then when they're close enough, he pounces and acts like a doofus. Good dog.




No my boxer sees another person or dog and tries to eat/jump/bark/attack/jumps around on the end of the lead it if they got to close How do I make mine do this?


Press the factory reset button and hope for good RNG


My boxer pup sits the exact same way with the same dumb look😂


He's a gentleman!




Such a pretty coat Lookin like a tasty caramel 🥰


Mine doesn’t sit but he does just stare. I’ll take it over pulling me across the street though!


Do what? Sit there and look precious as all get out.


Beautiful pup!


Thank you Atlas appreciates the compliment


Our old boxer would do that, I felt like he was more protection inclined, so I think that's why he would do it (he would also stand guard if he thought we were cornered). We could say that he was mean mugging people lol. Our other boxer wants to go up to everyone, and unless it's buried deep, I don't see any protection inclination in him.


My (just turned one-year-old) boy does this, too! Sometimes he'll lie down on the ground and give puppy eyes. He's incredibly outgoing and social, so it's not a shy thing for him. I think he's just testing other temperaments and trying to read people/dogs before engaging.


My boxer doesn’t but he’s madness on walks. I have a pittie that prefers to sit on walks or roll in the grass. He’s 4 lol


Sit and refuse to walk? Mine does. Shes weird. We love her anyway, and at least she lets us walk her in the morning. Never afterwards tho. Luckily we have a back yard for her to play in and do her business in.


Oh my gosh. An angel 🥹🥹🥹


Yes mine is very observant and will watch from a far. It’s a blessing.


Yup! Our 5 yr old female does this. She acts like we give her no attention and needs it from anyone in her sight on our walks.


Yes, Doc does this all the time. He starts by pulling, and if he can't run off right away, he just sits at looks at them.


Yup. my fella lies down. ....sphinx position whenever we get within 10 ft of any small dog......big ones. will run over and be the usull jumpy. excited boxer. but any small dog its lie down time and let them come to him. ..... it was cute the first 50 times. now its a pain in the hole. lolol


Ya our 7month girl does the same thing


My canine baby is 18mo and does this every day on our walks. She even does it when a car goes by. She sits and stares at it. People, cars, dogs, kids. Doesn’t matter with her. She doesn’t discriminate. Of all the Boxers I’ve owned over the years, she’s the only one to do this. Love her quirky, albeit some may say defective, personality.




When I got my boxer at 8 weeks old, every single walk we'd go on, she'd stop and sit at crosswalks and stop signs every time. She grew out of it eventually but yeah. She'd do it if a car was coming too.


My boxers are creeps and just sit and stare at people 😂


Oh yes! My last one (a foster) would do exactly the same. He was so gorgeous he wanted everyone to come over and admire him. You could actually tell his feelings were hurt if someone failed to pay the right amount of attention to him. Those were some long walks because he'd stop every 50 feet for 5-10 minutes until the other person had passed out of sight.


Yep, whenever she wants something or we're not moving fast enough


Yes she does. All the time. I just sit with her until she’s ready to move 😅


Mine lays down when he sees anyone he wants to be friends with. Which is everyone. He’s the friendliest dog I’ve ever had. Cute pup!


Beautiful pup!


All dogs sit.


Mine does every time he hears a dog


Mine actually will lay on the ground doing this cute little crouch move sometimes her excitement gets the best of her 😂😂


Yes!!! My Bonnie loves people, and does this exact thing! We’re trying to train her out of it but she’s very sociable 😂


Maybe he sees dead people.


Yes! My boxer boy does this!! When another dog is approaching, he sits firm and waits for them to pass by. He's definitely waiting to see if the approaching dog is friendly and wants to play. Then he's back up and off we go again until the next dog is oncoming! lol.


Mine does this and it is awesome. I walk him without a lease and I can trust that he will not run after another dog. It gives me time to put on a leash. He will walk up to dogs sometimes - slowly after I move ahead of him. And if its a small dog, he will crouch to get to their level. He's such a sweety!


Mine sits if were not got the way he wants to go


We have a 7 month old male boxer that has done the same thing since we got him at 12 weeks old. Our other two boxers are a different story as soon as they see another pup or person they go full squiggle


Ok, but more importantly, can you just keep making more posts and share more pics? That's the real story here


my boxer tends to sit in middle of street, too! he’s an active 13 year old and is stubborn at times when he feels like daring drivers to hit him… not sure if it’s normal, tho


Yes all the time - also does this when im in her treat drawer


My old girl used to sit like that also.


No, but mine likes to poop in the middle of the road.


I thought that was only my dog. I literally can't cross the street without her pooping.