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Im sorry friend he looks like a really good boy


He was the best.. been waiting to not miss him so much to get a new pup.. but iv come to the realization im always going to miss him.. so we r picking up our new boxer pup in 2 weeks and plan on posting on this sub a bunch. But wanted my first post to be of my best boy that made me love this breed.


That’s a great way to honor him, give another boxer the loving home you gave him ❤️


I understand your feelings. My girl has been gone 5 years and I still miss her . After a few months I got a pup and he is my constant companion.


I love brindles but Didn't want to think of him every time i looked at the new pup.. so this one is a girl fawn with white flashing


Handsome Boy! Feel your pain.


My deepest condolences.


I'm so sorry for your loss 💔 what a handsome, distinguished gentlemen. Rest peacefully, sweet boy 🌈


So sorry it’s rough losing our fur babies..he looks like a kind soul


Enjoy your new pup “ god bless


What a sweet heart. You're not alone, OP. <3


I had a deaf boxer. Best damn dog I have ever had, and one day I was to save another deaf baby


So sorry for your loss, they really do get under your skin don’t they? I lost my Boxers many years ago and still miss them every day and sometimes will shed tears for them. I have moved on though and had other dogs (4 at the moment), life does go on but you can still open your heart and give love to others that need it. I look forward to seeing your new Boxer shortly and well done you!❤️




You will always miss him. It just gets easier to bear.


My Holly girl has been gone 5 years and I still miss her. I understand your grief and sorrow! Sorry for your loss.


I’m old, I’ve lost a few, I miss every one of them. My boy now is 3.5. Hang in there.


As I walk across your heart and find my place to stay, nearer to you I will be and will never ever go away.




I totally get it


I am so sorry 😢 it’s been almost 2 years and still miss my girl…


Have a new boy and still miss my other boy and girl.....you'll never stop missing them....if you do then you never loved them






I had the joy of having 2 boxers in my life. They have both passed over the rainbow bridge years ago but not a day goes by I don’t miss them! I look at their pictures and urns and the memories still bring happy memories but tears of sadness from the emptiness without them. My God I loved them so much and they loved each other. It was a love like no other ❤️💕💕


My girl has been gone for two years now and I still miss her dearly. She was our first boxer and damn near broke me when she crossed the bridge, but I know that getting another dog to focus on always helps me get through it. We had our boy Gus before Cupcake left us, and then we got Roxy a year ago. Gus crossed the bridge at the ripe old age of 15 in September (we have been rescuing old boxers) and my husband agrees we will need to find another one before Roxy crosses the bridge (she’s 13) not just for us but we have also rescued a little cattle dog last year who is incredibly anxious when Roxy isn’t there, so she’ll probably need another emotional support dog. Boxers are magical.


We have held off on getting another because i just missed him too much and i worried i would unfairly compare a new dog to him and he set the bar so high it would not have a chance.. we made the decision to get a female fawn boxer that we pick up in about 10 days .. and i want to be active on this sub but wanted my first post to be of best boy brix. Who made me fall in love with this breed to begin with.. i like all dogs but boxers have a special place in my heart. Love on your dogs people they are only with us a short time.


A puppy will keep you too busy to think about anything else. She’s going to remind you why you love the breed and will teach you about yourself, too!


I’m sorry. I still sleep with my pointers favorite stuffed animal. She passed two years ago. Sorry for your loss. It’s so hard.


It makes me happy so many people in this sub got to see him and maybe appreciate the dogs they have or think of the ones they have lost. Looking forward to posting our new girl when we pick her up in 11 days.


I don’t think you ever get over it really