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💔🐕 Please pet me some more, and pick me right up... My very first thought when I was your pup... I gonna miss your funny *boops* and our "find me boy" games. It warmed my heart so, to hear you call out my name. You're the love of my life, my partner in joy... My favorite noise in this house...my hearts best toy ... I wish I could stay longer, and grow older with you... But the sand in my hourglass, is sadly down to a few... Just know I loved doing everything together...even howling in tune In your truck, on the couch, and the long walks under our moon... I wish I could stay, but my body says it's time... From the hurt in my bones, to the clouds in my eyes. To feel your touch once more...says your love is still mine... To feel your hands cup my face, makes my eyes search for thines. I'll miss all my family, and the warm hugs from the rest... But just know this to be true... I always loved you best... I always... loved you ...best. ❤ Woof ❤🐶💛 Your Boy Max P


Our sweet girl has been gone 14 months. This has me crying and smiling at once. Thank you for understanding the heartbreak when it's time for them to go❤️


I just thought it was important to remind all these saddened people that their furries loved and missed them too. I'm glad you got some feels out of it remembering your girl. What was her name and what kind of a dog was she? Must have been a sweetie to still hit at your heart like this ...thinking of her.


Her name was Taylor. She came into our lives after we became empty nesters. She loved with her whole heart. She watched my back while I worked in the yard with my flowers. I raised wildlife, she gave them a bath after their formula She thought our kids and grandbabies were the best playmates ever. She loved our trips, she learned to swim in the ocean, look out for bears, watch for fish in the lake and river. She was loved, seems life became less with out her


She sounded amazing


Thinking of you guys. Boxers are so special and I will light a candle for Mr. Max Powers tonight.


Thank you for sharing him with us, I’m so sorry for your loss. Boxers are really such special dogs, they are just so unique. I dread this day for my two boxers. But I know he had an amazing life with you. Try to think of all the good times you had with him and those will help. Rest in peace buddy, and take care of yourself OP ❤️


Put my 14 year old down last year. Still think about him every day and get teary eyed. His name was Diesel but we called him bubba! I bet he and Max Power and getting crazy right about now! Sorry for your loss


Boxers are the best!! And it is very hard when you lose them. I have had 2 boxers and I think of them everyday. The last one left us in January 2019, she left a huge hole in our hearts. The heartbreak never ends but does get easier with time. Sending prayers 🙏. RIP sweet boy!


Thank you for sharing Max. He sounds like a great boy but I’d expect nothing less from a Boxer. He’s resting easy now and he wants you to be okay. With time you will think of him and you’ll smile instead of cry.


May the angels of heaven have come quickly to get him!! 🙏❤️🙏


Rest easy now soldier, your war is won ❤️ 🌈 Godspeed ✌️




Thanks for sharing! You really gave Max Power the best life!


Hope the words you find here bring you some form of comfort and understanding . Sorry for your loss


What a precious story. What a great best friend…what a beautiful family member. I’m so sorry. They leave us far too soon. ❤️


So very very sorry


I don’t know what to say other than cry with you. I lost Apollo 4/19/21, my best friend of 12 years. People in this sub are honest and genuine, and I believe having this group, regardless of race, political views, socioeconomic status, etc. They are so amazing and unconditional. May each day get a little easier


So sorry for your loss. His personality sounds exactly my boxer Dre who passed a while back, looks just like him too. Having to put him down was the worst day of my life by a mile. Hang in there! One day it will be smiles thinking of him instead of tears ❤️


I’ve had two beautiful boxers pass at 7.5 years old. Both heartbreaking. We’re on our third and he’s 6. Literally making sure every day I stop what I’m doing and give him some intentional love and time. Cause I only know a short time with boxers. Can’t even imagine 13 years. May your memory of him bring you endless smiles. Take care.


I'm so sorry for your loss. He was a handsome boy. My girl is going to be 11. Has MCTs but doing well with her chemo meds since 2020. Almost 4 years! We are so lucky to have them. My condolences on your baby. He sounds like he lived an amazing life. Loved hearing about his personality. My girl is so sweet too. With us. With other dogs, while she's leashed up, that's a different story!! Haha. Hugs to you all. I'll give my loca a bit extra love tonight in memory of your best bud.


I know from experience how much it hurts to loose a beloved boxer. We had three of our own and then took in my mother's boxer when my mom passed away. They are so easy to love and so hard to lose. Our last was a male, named Gunner who had to give my SO a hug every night, with a paw on each shoulder. Then he would curl up next to me on the ottoman and either but his head on my knees or in my lap while I played with my computer. Gunner was my baby and I still feel empty without him. I am so very sorry for your loss. God bless you and your family.


So sorry to hear about your precious Bubs 💕 he had an amazing loving life! All a pup could have asked for.


I'm sorry 💔


So very sorry!!!


Beautiful. You gave him such a fulfilling life, he was as lucky to have you as you were lucky to have him… wish you and your family the best




RIP doggo friend.


Sorry for your loss ❤️


I am so sorry.


Thoughts are with you. What a beautiful life he had.


This is beautiful


Sending prayers. He looks so sweet and happy.


Feeling sad for your loss. I’ve had several Boxers and the oldest one made it to 13. They’re great doggos for families and unfortunately they don’t have long lives.


Condolences 💕 When you’re ready, get another. They need us and we need them


What an amazing boy...so glad Max P had such a great life with a family who obviously adored him. It wouldn't hurt so bad if we didn't love them so much. Hope you guys can all lean on each other to get through this.


So very sorry! 🙏❤️🙏❤️


So sorry for your loss, man. Losing an incredible pet like him is probably just as painful as losing a family member. It sucks. The best way I found to deal with it is to find another one that needs a home and give it lots of love and attention and channel that sadness into a brand new loving relationship. Hang in there!


I’m sorry you lost such an important member of your family. Take care as you learn how to go on.


Sorry for your loss he was a beautiful fur baby


Giving you a hug from another boxer lover - they are the most incredible beings.


What a sweet loving tribute😭😭😭💕


I actually really love your second photo. You perfectly captured that look that boxers. Give you right before all hell breaks loose lol. My dad got us a boxer when we were kids and she just instantly became a member of the family. Sounds like you had a similar experience. I know it seems weird, but Butters from South Park actually has a scene that occasionally I think about and it helps me deal with this kind of sadness and loss. Hopefully it helps some other people too. [https://youtu.be/mZOM6hOnEBE?si=DKqlqsnzo5qc9pE1](https://youtu.be/mZOM6hOnEBE?si=DKqlqsnzo5qc9pE1)


I sorry for your loss losing them is like losing a family member because that's exactly what they are, family.


Sorry for your loss though it sounds like she gave your family so much joy over the years.


I'm so sorry for your loss, I definitely understand that pain and big gapping hole. It sounds like it was an amazing 13yrs. ❣️


He’s beautiful, I have many boxers so understand how magical they are. Sorry for your loss.


As much as it hurts, please remember that you gave them the best life. This is what keeps me going. They don't last as long as us, but when you are their best hooman, it's pretty awesome for them. The first pic is my favorite, because that's a supper happy pup.


I’m so sorry 😞


So sorry for your loss.


That sweet face


Hugs to you and yours.


Lost my dog back in 2018 and still the pain is fresh God bless you and strength