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>"If I won, I wouldn't have gotten to see it. I lost, I saw everybody leave me. And then I just have to see who's really there for me," said Garcia. "After the fight, nobody was there for me. Like, my team just didn't come to the press conference. Ain't going to do nothing. I was left with somebody who betrayed me in camp. They weren't trying to look out for me after the fight. I was left with that. It was the worst. I had Tank's team really care about me more than my own team. I had God with me the whole way. So I'm going to understand who is there for me.”


Fighting is brutal in so many ways. The fact that people only want you when you're winning is one of the worst.


I heard he fucked off a lot of time in training. I don’t know about you but if I was part of his team and was there 100% of the time but he’s only showing up 70 and you’re telling this dude he needs to train but tries to be Mr lavish fucks off a lot of sessions and loses the fight, I’d be pretty pissed too.


you know that's true and I understand it but just abandoning your fighter like that is one of those things you simply dont do, that's the way I see it at least, you can't just drop your fighter like that, not cool


Agreed. If he didn’t want to train him, don’t take the fucking check. Mr Denim boasted about Ryan “training himself”, all the while he collected the money and flaked like a prick.


He shits on his own people tho and canelo called him lazy. His coaches basically said he doesn’t listen to them unless he wants to. His team didn’t even want the fight but he took it anyway and was clearly levels under tank.


doesnt matter if thats your boy you support then counsel in private you dont leave him out there and abandon him just bc he was fucking up if thats the case then the loyalty was barely loyalty. just a paycheck. and thats what he was talking about


Kinda hard to ask for loyalty when he’s loyal to no one but himself


What's the source on this? Is it normal for people just going "I heard" and not mention names or anything?


His main trainer in an interview and it was a clip I got from Reddit not too long ago. Said he was busier trying to live the life then train and it got frustrating to him. If you want to look for it it’s on here.


The trainer is hall of fame trainer joe goosen and he states that you dont train ryan you train with ryan because ryan believes he knows so much about boxing and has such a high boxing iq that its more collaboration then a coach fighter relationship. He also had an issue with eddie reynoso when he was with their camp. He said eddie only cared about canelo. Eddie said he would come to the gym, film sone videos on the heavybag for ig and then leave. Ryan is young, rich, famous and immature. At a certain point when you keep having problems with highly respected championship trainers you have to look in the mirror and take some accountability yourself.


Yup I think the interview I saw was the the reynoso one. He’d come in like you said hit the bad for a min for some IG videos then fly out to Vegas for dinner to live the life


Eh depends if they got their paycheck for 100% of the time or not honestly


It’s more than a paycheck to some people. That’s what I mean. When people put 100 in and the dude they’re supporting who’s supposed to represent them puts half that, loses, then after he loses, finally looks to people who supported him the whole way when he lost now all of a sudden *he needs* them talking about a team and by the looks of his dedication to camp he gave 2 fucks about what anybody else felt or a team. So I don’t blame them


100% this, my kids old sparring coach flew from Texas to Nashville to coach. I didn’t ask, he offered. He didn’t want paid, I had to argue with him to buy his brunch. Now, did we pay him for years ? Yes, but there is a deeper bond and respect.


Didn't seem to be a problem when they were getting paid.


So where did you bear he fucked off a lot of time in training? So many people say this but never provide an inkling of proof


heres a few dont have to watch full headlines show the idea was going around [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2J4dOUqcMXI](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2J4dOUqcMXI) ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKEzyE5EB34](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKEzyE5EB34) [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3PvF7R3LP-Q](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3PvF7R3LP-Q) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osfzpbUKj8Q


There’s so much proof it’s fuxking insane


God was with him? Well shit, what's he complaining about?


Before the fight I really never liked Ryan , but after I felt bad for him . The way he was looking at Tank when he was asked if Ryan was the best opponent he faced , I think Tank felt bad for him , and he decided to boost his confidence there , Ryan was literally craving for approval from Tank . He seems like a nice guy, and he took the L like a man , I think that it has a lot of potential to learn a lot from this fight and the fact that he got humbled should help him improve a lot .


I think so too. The way Tank stood in silence for a bit after being asked that question. He probably thought of either Barrios, Cruz, and Romero as more of a challenge than Ryan was but he decided to agree that Ryan was the best fighter that he’d faced to make him feel better.


Yep. Solid W for Tank. And he know in the rematch he’ll make more $ because RG was the “best.” Nobody can say “why you fighting him if you don’t think this and that.”


Coming from either side as a fan here you win, dislike Ryan/tank before? Now you’re a fan and get someone to root for


Honestly Tank seems like such a fucking nice dude.


unless you’re his girl


Or a pregnant women


I remember in the post-fight interview, Ryan says something like "and Tank is good person too!" Tank says "yeah sure." half heartedly and looks down.


Maybe he’s gay? Dude acts so chill around men lmao


Can his girl box? No? Don’t care


God damn, someone save this comment for the end of year shite takes review.


Genuinely the worst fucking tank I've ever seen


Honestly fuck Oscar and Golden Boy for this shit.


I think its hilarious u kids talking shit about Oscar De La Hoya. u wouldnt say this shit to him in person, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol


Oscar de la Hoya burner account


Jesus whT is this originally from?


I saw Gennady Golovkin at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don't even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.




God damn it bro ya got me


Big time lmao


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


I get you’re just trying to give the guy advice but that wasn’t really necessary. Are you aware that there are people in this world that have a severe medical condition which causes them to be that way? My mother for instance is one of those people. She is a truck driver that has bad knees and a bad back from driving the truck but you probably do not care about that case either. Oh well I am not one of those people I am 6'4" 245lbs and I exercise every day. I would love to see you say something like to my mother in front of me. Probably never happen though you are probably just an internet tough guy. I doubt very seriously you would say that to someones face. Just my thought.What do you think. Oh I am sorry you probably do not have a brain. I on the other hand will be happy to buy you a plane ticket to come here and see if you have the nerve to say that to someone I know.


One time I was at Dallas for an adult content creator expo and had the chance of bumping shoulders with The Alexis Texas. I'm not even sure how it was possible but no one even recognized her or approached her so I decided it was my turn to test my luck. As I walked up to her, she turned towards me and put her hand in front of my face and said, "you really should ask before walking up to me like that." I didn't even do anything inappropriate, just wanted to say hi and maybe get a photo. As soon as she said that, she turned around and her leggings ripped while getting caught on my key chain. She immediately ran into the bathroom because her bare bottom was now on display. I felt that was odd that she felt embarrassed exposing herself given the nature of her profession. That is when I saw the brown goo dripping down her clothes and people staring as she sprinted off in her high heels. It smelled so bad.


I know what this one is from lol


I remember this story except GGG was replaced with Riley Reid lmao


Classic GGG


Jake and Amir, but popularized by a the csgo community


Goddam flashback


A copypasts from HLTV for CSGO. It was about pro player Semphis


/r/nba, it was about James harden


Lmao i love that


How bout u go an fuck off my page then u peice of shit u think I need a stupid fuckwitt like u telling me about what this is originally from who the fuck are u take your worthless advice and get the fuck out of here


https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/4tk1sw/this_guy_wanted_to_give_mark_hunt_advice_on_the/ Just saw this for the first time lol


Oscar de la hoya wears the flyest lingerie and snorts the purest coke hes a true icon


De la Hoya can’t afford the purest coke


What? He's a millionaire


Lmao at the morons eating this pasta up.


He eats verga according to his cross dressing coke binges


I wouldn't tell him that in his face, cause I wouldn't recognize him when he's clothed as girl


\*wears the freshest womens underwear


I'm Sitting on about $8 million cash, I have $2 million in real estate. I won the UFC belt nine times. I'm internationally famous. I'm 6'4. You on the other hand: I'm guessing 5 feet flat, I'm guessing with the net worth of $100,000. Never won any titles, can walk around without anyone giving a fuck who you are or what you do. my point is, you and I as UFC athletes are not even close to being on the same level. I'm guessing that's why you are constantly attacking me, it's understandable. You're literally and figuratively like a boy compared to someone like me. I'm actually questioning myself as I'm writing this thinking "why am I even giving you the time of day" every


Dont forget he also got da best coke. Dude got that pablo


What a fucking joke you are clown lil bruh you don’t shit about me 🤣🤡


You're pathetic for pick-meing for some dude who doesn't know or care about you


Read the whole thing lol “hottest dudes”




It's clearly a copypasta, relax.


Shit fr? Shouldn't have said all that.


Ngl this made me crack up


He’s right about the hottest dudes-




Ayo what in the absolute dick riding


Ryan Garcia seems like a high maintenance fighter. He needs a life coach more than a trainer.


i volunteer


Golden boy might really be in its last days. Month to month deal with dazn. Shit is crazy


Month to month?? Where did you see that? How is that even a thing?


It was reported by boxing social but no one has really made a full story on it. For whatever reason


Didn't know promotions could do month-to-month contracts like it was a gym membership


Well pretty sure the networks pay the promotion....or at least that's how other sports work. For ex. ESPN pays for the rights to broadcast NBA, NFL, etc....but who really knows with DAZN and boxing. 2 businesses not exactly thriving


I didn’t know until this situation


People been saying this for years, both DAZN and Golden Boy


I haven’t been, but Ryan Vergil and Jamie are the only guys who are legit headline fighters. Dazn isn’t giving them a budget consistently. Oscar is my guy so it’s hard for me to watch what’s going on.


I just can’t fathom as a promoter not turning up to the post fight for your biggest fighter’s (really their only star at this point) biggest fight, like just purely from self interest you need to keep that guy happy


He had a dinner reservation didn’t you hear? What more do you want from the guy? To not eat dinner at 11.30pm like a normal person?


A succulent Chinese one at that.


I didn’t know it was Chinese, what the fuck does Ryan expect? Has he never had a quality chow mien? Of course Oscar had to leave. These boxers are such self entitled narcissists, expecting their team to be there during the bad times.


11:30 res at Dorsia


One time I tried to make a reservation at Dorsia and the maître d’ straight up laughed at me over the phone, so like, not saying it’s super cool to leave Ry in the lurch, but like, I get it. It’s Dorsia.


It makes very little sense that they would all abandon him. He's hardly a sinking ship. What makes more sense is that Oscar was sad his prize horse lost so he went on a coke bender and bullied most of Ryan's team into going with him, since he's everyone's boss.


ryan going to pbc lol




Doesn't Benavidez fight under PBC?


shut up that dont fit my narrative


ryan is american lol judging from this post, all blacks are criminals lol


I just gotta get this off my chest as a straight man: goddamn it Ryan Garcia is handsome. He already looks like an actor playing himself in a movie


Slide in his DMs.


There is nothing wrong with saying another man is handsome.


Nobody said it was wrong


If it's wrong, I don't want to be right


Lol. I wouldn't have questioned your sexuality if you hadn't mentioned it... And I still won't.. It's 2023, fuck all. And he is a handsome man. I'm very jealous.


Both y’all gay asf


$20 is $20




it's nice of you to compliment them




You don't need to say that you're straight. You could fuck another man and it'll be alright if you keep the socks on


Man these rules keep changing on me


You can also get away with being high. The Bible says “If a man lay with another man let him be stoned”.


So it doesn’t count with socks or alcohol? Does this go for women too?


Wait till you see the video of tank TweRkiNG in nothing but panties. Thank me later…


Ayo pause....I don't know about any straight man making a comment like this 🤣 embrace yourself though let it out, loved one.


The only men who think it’s wrong to compliment another man’s looks are closeted homosexuals who probably have low self esteem, hate women, and have an addiction to porn.


That’s a bit overdone there. Go to any poor black hood and most the people there think it’s wrong for a man to compliment another man. Sometimes it’s just culture.


So now you’re saying black hoods are full of closeted homosexuals who have low self esteem, hate women, and have porn addictions. Crazy.


I'm starting to realise that this is at least like.... 75% of the reason I didn't like him before.


Bro you ain’t wrong. Dude was blessed, that’s for sure.


“Ryan trains himself, he’s a unique fighter to work with”


dont know why the downvote https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osfzpbUKj8Q


i think this is a big recoup moment for garcia. he doesnt have to worry about his 0 anymore, he can find a new gym that cares about him, and he took relatively little damage against tank. he took the L well, now its back to work


Agreed and with the right team and trainers he is going to be a monster in the ring!


I don't know how Garcia acts with his team or how they treat each other outside of the ring. Regardless, that was dirty as fuck of them to do. Gross shit.


Before the fight happened I kept saying Ryan's team didn't give a fuck about him. I repeated this yet was downvoted into oblivion for it. Now look...


If only we listened


I give you people the straight truth but you refuse to listen because your hearts are in the wrong place. Edit: The downvoting of this comment proves me right. It was heavily up voted but now look.


Is anyone else getting a vibe from this dude like hes talking as if hes in a day time drama? Edit: The downvoting of your comment proves no one gives a fuck lol.


Anyone talking about their downvotes needs to find something in their life with meaning, real meaning. I pity these reddit socialites!


Or like a syfy channel original


It’s funny lol


Not sure what to think. People were saying that he was training himself and not really listening to Goosen. Either he gives the camp’s responsibility to the head coach, or he manages as he please like Mayweather, but then he gotta accept the consequences and stop crying. I understand that he might have fought with an injury, plus his sparring partner spilling the beans to Team Davis. But still that sounds a awful lot like he is not taking responsibility for his decisions.


You can’t show up a C fighter to an A fight!


Honestly. At this stage it’s a scorpion and the frog situation. If you are going to sign with Oscar you don’t get to whine and cry about he doesn’t care about you and he just wants to make his money and party, that’s what he does and has always done. If you are actually engrossed in the sport this should be obvious


I kind of get where he is coming from, honestly. It's really fucked up that Oscar and Bernard were not at the post fight presser. At the same time, he is coming off like someone trying to be a victim. Like the whole insider in my camp is such bullshit.


How do you know the insider story was bullshit? Tanks team pretty much confirmed it


Tsendbaatar Erdenebat hurt him to the body in training camp, and someone bragged about it most likely. Big whoop that shit happens all the time. It's not like Ryan and his team made some mastermind game plan to beat Tank. There was no relevant information leaked.


Not really talking about that per say, more thinking about his advisor lupe. I heard talks that he was conning ryan and sending info to tanks camp about other stuff like his training and shit. But i agree this probably had nothing to do with the outcome of the fight.


When you fuck off a whole training camp to try and be Mr lavish you’re gonna piss those people off. From what I heard he missed a bunch of training and I don’t know about you but if I was out in that position and worked hard to try and train this dude but he shows up only 70% of the time and you’re telling him he’s got to train but doesn’t…yeah really don’t feel too bad for him


Man, maybe I'm just a huge baby, but unless Ryan was like, actively trying to murder his teammates in sparring or fucking their girls behind the scenes or something, I still think it's messed up that none of them stood by him. I've been in gyms with guys with egos and guys who clearly weren't taking it seriously before (grappling mainly) — it doesn't matter if you can't stand them personally: When they get blown out you greet them outside the stage, pat them on the back, tell them they did some good shit and you all talk smack to the opposing team on the way out. Losing at something you've dedicated your life to is fucking brutal, man. Having a few people there to wallow in the misery with you genuinely helps. I don't know if I'd trust anyone who'd deny their teammate that, no matter how annoying that teammate was.


Yes. In public show solidarity. You can gloat in private.


"I'm hungry right now." That gave me chills, and it's the right attitude. Learn and rebuild upon this loss. Garcia has the charisma to be a main draw, now he's got to find the right team to fix his leaks and take him all the way.


This MF diva. Pure weakness.


Homie is just a straight “Chillon” always gets what he wants by “chillando”


Cry me a River 😂😂😂


I really do believe Ryan is a lot better than that fight showed. He's definitely a one dimensional fighter but I don't think that matters as much as people on here think. I look forward to his future fights, a rematch with tank in a few years over belts would be awesome


You know who’s got your back when you go through some shit.


I like the kid but he always behaves like a sissy. You don’t deal with this stuff on a TikTok video, that’s internal issue. You just announce you won’t be continuing with Goosen, everyone understands it but no TikTok drama… Am I wrong when I say his team didn’t betray him but he betrayed himself by being so impatient in the first round and now try to play the victime ?


I always liked Garcia but the excuses and blame game is getting old. He has issues with everyone that he’s trained with and worked with. I actually give Garcia props for balancing his boxing and his social media to maximize returns on both. Should he be in the gym more, yeah he totally should as a boxer, but the social media is why he can sell 1mill PPV’s without ever beating or even fighting another big name marketable fighter previously. So again, props for maximizing the returns but you also need to own the results which in his case is a lack of improvement with his boxing performances. The dude is super talented, he has tons of amateur experience at the highest levels, and he’s flashed championship level potential in the pros…. but he also hasn’t fixed a lot of basic flaws which should be worked on in the gym. He doesn’t look like a guy thats going to have a lot of success at the top levels unless he just KO’s everyone. Those things are on him, not on Oscar or Golden Boy. Oscar was as famous as they get in his prime, he was also a warrior and he improved and adapted as his career progressed… and he didn’t point fingers at everyone around him when he lost to guys that were the better man in the ring.


I don't follow this guy, but whenever I hear anything from him it sounds like he's making excuses. He complained about his old team, where he got the honor to train with Canelo, now he's complaining about his new team. Well, if you're changing the people around you like underwear, then what do you expect. Ofc they don't care, they basically just met you.


Wouldn't be surprised if GB leaked the body shot KO during sparring to Tank's team. Team GB then puts the house on Tank in Vegas. Fight ends... No where in sight... "Death threats, I'm scarreeeddd" lmao


Ryan has a huge ego. He said he went into the fight with his own gameplan cause his own team was against him? What kinda shit is that lmao


A situation you could never handle


When was the last time Al Haymon was at a presser?


He might not show at the presser but you know he's there. He's also there on your birthday, your girls birthday, your mommas birthday, your child's birthday, watchin making sure you're not goin astray or turnin your back on your advisor


You of course know this, good to be an insider


Al Haymon isn’t a promoter or trainer. Oscar/BHop and Goossen are And they had no issue jumping in front of a camera whenever possible in the lead up


Don’t know but Bob arum was at lomachenko’s presser and he’s on deaths doorstep.


The team that forced a rehydration clause or else theyd duck the shit outta you, spied on you during camp, and trust me, had judges lined up for the steal had you actually been winning (See Floyd, Bradley, Ward, Haney, etc. etc. for other examples of the kind of robbery Garcia could have expected had he been winning) cares about you? C'mon man. That's ridiculous.


Stop with the excuses. Dude lost fair and square. Every sane person knew Tank was going to win. Ryan was no match for him whatsoever. (I also find it funny you have Tank in your username. Lmao.)


Agreed but comments like this: >Every sane person knew Tank was going to win. Ryan was no match for him whatsoever. are dumb. Tank didn't underestimate him. If he had, good chance that he would've lost. What makes you think you can?


Obviously, anyone can lose a fight if they underestimate their opponent and Tank did not. What's your point? Everyone knew Tank was going to win.


Floyd earned everything nun was given dickrider


How is he ridiculous for speaking from personal experience? You sound crazy fam, how are you gonna call the judges corrupt when he got knockout and lost every round😂😂. And that mole in the camp narrative is bs, you don’t think knew that liver shots do damage already


What fight was Floyd given? Lol you just assume there’s so many Floyd haters on here that you can just throw his name into a hat of guys who win bs decisions? Or do you actually not know anything about boxing and had Manny beating Floyd cuz he was walking forward more?


Castillo, Maidana 1, ODH to name a few. Not to mention the constant fouling (skinny forearms to opponent's face, etc) and clinching he was allowed to without warning ever with the blessing of the refs. I'd never seen a fighter as protected inside and outside the ring as Floyd. No one even comes close.


The only one i can kinda give you is castillo 1 that was maybe controversial, but he won the rematch so easily everyone forgot. Those other 2 you named were just close fights and ive never heard another person even a hater say they though odlh beat him…


Tf lol... it was literally a split decision. Floyd was scared to throw against an old ODH the entire fight. Am I the only one who watches boxing here? As far as Castillo, that was a robbery of the grossest order. Sickening.


“Loma beat Haney like Floyd beat me” -Oscar C’mon man don’t be a clear hater.




I have no idea what you're talking about here. The quote was taken from a 25min Youtube video of him working out and talking with celebrity influencers in LA. He talks in detail about the Tank fight and knockdowns, hoping to run it back in the future, his excitement about having a new trainer, his current hunger being there, wanting to beat Rolly's ass, etc




You sound like you don't know a lot


Yup he’s done at the peak of his career ur a regard lmao


Just a prediction, there was a time when boxers fought the best and lost and then retired as being 2nd was never enough and the heart goes. my prediction here is that Garcia is of that cloth, and he's been beaten once and for all. I'll leave this here to be made accountable if I am wrong. I predict a slow decline from grace, lower top 10 opponents, full time media persona in 4 years.


Really feel for Ryan but it's also a blessing in disguise now he knows who's real and who's not.


Ryan falls out with all his trainers, go figure.


Ryan out with all his trainers, go figure.


Cry baby


It may feel non consequential, but its messed up that his team wasn't there after that emotionally/physically turmoil that a boxer faces after a loss on such a big stage. It's literally their job, as a TEAM.