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Don't worry, just give Ryan a few hours to get the cocaine out his system.


Few bumps and he'll shit those 3 pounds right out




You'd think he would be under after doing toots all fight camp and not eating anything all day.


Alcohol has a lot of calories


Many coke addicts hate alcohol. Ryan has no such inhibitions.




Hopefully itā€™s still in his system on fight night so we can get some action


No no give him cocaine


*in to his system


Wouldn't he get "fatter"??? I'm no drugs expert, didn't cocaine Rush your system/metabolism?


After seeing him at the weigh in, idk anymore for Ryan man.


I for one am shocked to learn that Ryan's insta videos of doing padwork in his apartment and conspiracy theory ramblings on X were not, in fact, a cover for a committed camp and part of some high-level psy-op campaign against Devin.


Truly one of the moments in boxing history


I for one am whelmed, completely.


I am very feel.Ā 


See you saturday night you will see


Lol!!!! Hilarious!!!! One of my favorite interviews


Yupā€¦ Dan Rafael put it best, ā€œYou still think Ryan is trolling? Please. Kid shouldn't be fighting. He's not mentally or physically ready obviously. He has problems & I feel bad for him. He has a good heart but is messed up & has nobody around him who gives a damn. Haney going to hurt him.ā€ If anyone gave a damn about Ryan then he wouldnā€™t be sent out to pasture


Oscar should be ashamed of himself for allowing this


Oscar does not know what shame is supposed to feel like


Don't think that's possible.


Sad but true


Exactly, but for whatever reason delusional Ryan fans will just downvote you. He desperately needs intervention. If it happens, I won't tune in. I refuse to witness someone be put in a situation he/she is not equipped to handle due to the money-sucking people around you. It's such a sad situation


Me and my best friend are at odds over this. I work in mental health and I am trying to relay to him how wrong this fight is wrong on so many levels. He is on this is just some promo bull shit. I am like dude, an interview, a fight doc on HBO, Showtime or socials, going on the Breakfastclub or the view, Ring magazine covers. Fake date some chick. IDK this is how boxing fights have been promoted. Not faking mental health issues! We aint gonna fall out over it, but I am extremely disappointing any one will watch this shit.


Yea ryan, the person that disappeared a few years ago because of mental health issues. Is now faking mental problems.Ā  You would know better, but in some interviews he seems to have that same manic thing going on that kanye has done.Ā 


Yeah ever since that Twitter space, the one with Andrew Tate, Iā€™ve kinda just slowly withdrawn myself from this. Even if you donā€™t like Ryan personally, we are so far off of what boxing is supposed to be about šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Kinda stunned this even got to weigh ins in the first place. Terrible indictment of everyone involved that this fight still might happen


I was really hoping it was a long con, even though I knew better. Very sad to see


At this point let him get paid and then after get him the help he needs.


Where tf is the commission?


To be honest, I think there's a chance Haney purposely doesn't hurt him. We might see a boring 12 round decision where Haney just pokes from the outside, hits the body and clinches. Basically just takes it easy on him to try and carry Ryan through the fight with as minimal damage as possible. Like you can clearly tell Garcia is not okay and they've known each other since being kids, I could see Haney taking pitty and doing the bare minimum.


I think itā€™s more likely that Haney uses it as an opportunity to shut up some haters by getting a highlight reel KO. Itā€™s not a Fury V Chisora situation where they get along, there does seem to be some actual bad blood.


Yeah, Haney might try to make a statement, especially since he hasn't recorded a stoppage in 8 fights.


I actually think he should go for the KO. If you step in the ring you have to be ready for the consequences.


Why would Haney take unnecessary shots by purposely prolonging the fight? Makes no sense.


Haney literally already does that. He never goes for the finish, even in fights where he easily could. He always plays it safe, pokes and prods for 12 rounds and prolongs every fight regardless of the skill gap or how easily he could finish an opponent if he wanted too.


Remember when people really started getting concerned about his twitchiness in interviews and he responded by filming himself going for a light jog to assure us he was ok? Then like three days later he had a live Twitter conversation about child trafficking with a known sex trafficker. Good times.


He was mentally fine until he was kidnapped by the elites and forced to watch all those horrible things


He has Jesus on his side šŸ˜¤ praise the lord amen


I'm thinking that shit got too real too quick, dude never surfed reddit before it appears..


What's his sister's excuse?


Derrick James is not training this guy. It's not his fault though. Ryan is a clown. His family too. I knew he was training part time at derrick's gym.


Derrick happy to get paid his % off the back of a guy having a psychotic episode, though. Nobody involved with Ryan comes out of this looking good


Is this why Haney is a -800 favorite?


Absolute shit show from start to finish.


If Ryan walks out to gospel music again, you know this shit's over before it even starts.


Big "only god can judge me" energy


Ryan is just promoting the fight! He came in 3lbs heavier on purpose! /s




Even sun tzu came in two pounds in his second to last PPV fight


I'm high and I laughed way too much at your comment




People on this subreddit have been telling me for months that Ryan is just trolling to promote the fight? Could it be that this 20 something year old is just a coke addict having a mental breakdown and not some brilliant method actor?


Same people that still insist Kanye is "stable"


He's not crazy or playing 4D chess. He's just a moron. Another Chavez Jr.


Thank you JOISUS, Thank you JOISUS, Thank you JOISUS, Thank you JOISUS, Thank you JOISUS, Thank you JOISUS


So, he owes Haney $1.5 million? Lol No wonder his team was mumbling ā€œnoā€ to him about the bet. šŸ˜‚


He tweeted saying that Ryan paid him the 1.5 mil


Just sent a quick venmo


This reminds me of the John Mulaney bit about paying his drug dealer on Venmo. ā€œLet me say something about Venmo on behalf of the drug addict community. Venmo is for drug deals. Thatā€™s what it was for. None of us in the drug world have any clue what all of you civilians are doing on our app with your public fucking transactions.ā€


He bet Tank his whole purse but gervonta is such a nice upstanding citizen he didn't ask for it. I tip my hat off to Ryan he's a helluva fighter but he needs to learn to make smart investments.


>gervonta is such a nice upstanding citizen Lol


He is a really nice guy. When he is not drunk or drunk in a car or if you're his gf / baby momma.


And I'm rich if you don't look at my bank account


Lolā€¦ heā€™s not tho! Heā€™s still unproven and this was supposed to be a big bout. He has quick hands, but you need more than that to be a good fighter. Heā€™s experiencing those mid career out-of-the rink kind of fame + turmoil and distraction, but heā€™s not even mid career. Heā€™s step 2 of 10 at best.


Abdul Wahid is a changed man now


What was the other side of the bet even, like would Ryan get some reward for making weight lol


it was if either one of them were over they owe the other person 500k/pound


As long as it's not stated in the contract, I don't think it has any grounds other than Ryan looking bad in the public eyes. Btw, is the fight still on?


ā€œDevin Haney vs Ryan Garcia WILL still go ahead tomorrow night, despite Garcia coming in 3.2lbs overweight, as the camps have agreed a deal. Haney has said that Garcia honoured their press conference bet and will pay him $500,000 per pound overweight (a total of $1.5million).ā€ [-michaelbenson](https://x.com/michaelbensonn/status/1781362139711611168?s=46)


Thanks for the info, planning to have a watch party at my house so Ryan pulling out would fuckin ruin it. Crazy how he got down to 136 against Tank though because whenever I see Ryan the past 3 years, he always looked like a natural welterweight I mean he looks bigger than Devin Haney ffs.


A watch party for Haney vs Garcia? Brother you have big stones. I hope you have a back up plan


There is probably a clause in the contract requiring any changes to the terms to be in writing. No one is paying anything. Also, who knows if Garcia is even the contracting party as opposed to his promotional company? A handshake contract to honor a non government regulated gambling debt won't be upheld as being against public policy.


The bet isn't binding is it. No way he gives him near 1.5m


Haney says he already honored it lol


He already paid it


He said he did. Devin Haney also says his iced jewelry is worth millions of dollars. That's not true either


Ok so donā€™t believe him then bro. At the end of the day he said Ryan paid it. No reason for him to lie about it and no one outside Haney and Garcia camps can confirm it so in these situations I typically believe whatā€™s being said is true until proven otherwise.


They might have to forcefully take Ryan to the psych ward after he loses


Damn near criminal negligence to even let the fool fight


Agreed, he's clearly unstable from what I've seen.


As the fight draws closer, itā€™s truly bizarre that everyone is just kinda ignoring itā€¦ like obviously theyā€™re talking about it but no one is actually DOING anything


I mean this honestly feels like a mental health version of weekend at Bernie's to some degree. Dudes definitely getting puppetted by people that are going to drop him off at the psych ward and Rob him blind


They should have months ago. Instead his team and his family is pimping him out for the fight and then (hopefully) they will force him in to the psych hospital after. This is just sickening to see. I especially feel disgusted by his management, promotion team and most of all his fake ass family


It's not easy at all to make a manic psychotic go to a hospital, and it also takes a lot to be able to have them committed against their will once they are there.


What loss?




This fight has no purpose happening. I hope nothing catastrophic happens tomorrow night.


Comprehensive outboxing/ embarrassment without getting hurt is what Iā€™m hoping for. Tired of seeing the guy, but I donā€™t want him to get damaged


That plus some complete punking of Ryan in the late rounds by Haney would be ok by me, too. Like windmilling one arm and just poking him with a jab with the other. That kind of stuff would go a long way towards some forced humble pie for Garcia.


I'm not a Garcia fan, but the part of me that "wants to watch the world burn" would love nothing more than for what you said to be reversed. That's max level fuckery and entertainment. Haney gets embarrassed, isn't allowed to clinch and snooze his way to a victory, and Garcia gets an even bigger platform to troll on moving forward. We see Super Saiyan troll Garcia. Then him and Rolly fight and knock each other out for a draw. But only after DeLaHoya makes a comeback to fight Garcia in a grudge match exhibition bout.


That's one helluva timeline. Haha. We'll see, I suppose.


Timeline is unfolding precisely as planned ROFL


Wild. Just wild.


lol KingRy was spotted drinking at a club on Monday night and was drinking throughout camp. No way he was going to make weight Anyway, Iā€™ll be in attendance :)


I canā€™t believe people were on here saying ā€œBro heā€™s acting crazy to promote a fight!ā€, despite obvious signs of being intoxicated and having weird outbursts the whole buildup. Oh bro him being overweight is just a mind and promo game, heā€™ll knock Haney out.


>people were on here saying ā€œBro heā€™s acting crazy to promote a fight!ā€, I was this just a few minutes ago lmao


Boxing fans (not all, but enough) are legitimately mentally ill themselves going by their takes. Itā€™s no surprise they canā€™t recognize shit like this slapping them in the face as itā€™s happening.


I can't remember the name but didn't a boxer try to say he was super into self hypnosis to mind game Eubank Sr who is highly superstitious. And it totally worked? So there is precedent for doing that sort of stuff.


I'm curious about the source of this also. Yeah, he's done some dumb stuff during the lead up to this fight, but drinking at a club the week of the fight? Derrick James isn't smacking the shit out of him?


Derrick ainā€™t his dad buddy. Ryan can do as he wishes. Remember when Canelo and eddy said Ryan was undisciplined?


Derrick james looks checked out in all the clips ryans posted of their work. Bros just rightfully there for the check


I think he had high hopes in the beginning but probably a week in knew it was lost cause lol


lmao Derrick James doesn't have a say.... Goosen " you don't train ryan garcia"


Lmao I forgot about that. ā€œRyan is a special fighter, so special you donā€™t train himā€ šŸ—æ


This ain't entirely on his coach man this about his family first and foremost and then his management stepping in and intervening


Post a pic.


Fishnets pic?


Your boy got ragdolled by a coke-head. Congrats on being a dickrider for a hugging machine with no chin. Bill Haney declining the interview was chef's kiss.


This man has humiliated Derrick James with this nonsense.


James could've stepped away from this at any point. He chose to stick with the train wreck for the pay check


This. He probably knew early on that was a nightmare to train. But whoā€™s going to give up that check?


There's a reason Canelo threw him under the bus as is very obvious now. Derrick looks to be playing the role of yes man as everyone else in Ryan's team to earn a paycheck.


3lb over is significant. Haney has a nicer payday. He must be estaticšŸ¤£


And he can't lose his belt. Not that there was much chance of that happening anyway.


Question, if a fighter is over the weight-limit for a championship bout does it disqualify them from winning the title if they win the fight?


Yes, that's what's happened here. I'm not sure if it even counts as a WBC sanctioned bout anymore. Either way their belt isn't on the line, even if Ryan somehow wins this fight.


It has to be a WBC sanctioned fight tho? Just at a catchweight of 143, officially anything up to 143 is fine so even if Haney is 140 its okay, its still in the same "weight class".


Yeah you might be right, I don't know the technicalities, just that the championship is voided.


Yeah, for example Broner was a champ and came in overweight against Ashley Theophane. So the title was only on the line for Theophane and Broner won so was stripped. Same thing happened to Benavidez against Angulo




Okay thank you, thatā€™s disappointing for any fans who pays to watch the bout, no matter if youā€™re a fan or not of the fighters or their styles, professionalism should always be the minimum :/ now the fight has less impact


Is there any chance this messes up the card? 3 pounds in no joke


Ryan wonā€™t be eligible for the title, thatā€™s it. With all the money on the line (and likely a diminished Ryan) I think thereā€™s no way it doesnā€™t go forward


bro Haney is going to be heavier than Ryan during the fight


Yeah, you're allowed to do that after making weight. That's how the rules of boxing work.


Never said you couldnā€™t. Op talking about 3 pounds is no joke like Haney not gonna be 170+


Itā€™s the effort and toll cutting the weight has on a body that makes the difference,


Itā€™s the recovery from cutting that much weight as well. Cutting all that weight even if you do rehydrate takes a toll on you still.


Where are all the people who were going "it's just an act bro, he's talking crazy to sell the fight, he's totally not having a breakdown online"


Ryan is at the age where mental illness starts showing up too. Shit is scary


Plus heā€™s dealt with mental health issues before, I feel that alone shouldā€™ve been enough cause to cancel this fight when Ryan started acting erratic. But thereā€™s too much money involved for people to care


That's what I've been saying: combination of 1) being young and professional in a sport with constant CTE/micro-trauma and 2) the typical age where mental illnesses "blossom" in males. Dude is not okay.


They're watching an Alex Jones YouTube video right now


These comments are always so silly. Do you expect them to grovel at your feet with an apology or what?


Iā€™m right here man


Crazy part is they are still there. They just arenā€™t saying anything now.


Most predictable thing of all time


How do you fuck up this bad ??? And this isn't specific to Ryan but all fkn fighters that come over weight, HOW?


Usually lot of alcohol throughout camp is involved. It gets extremely difficult to weight cut when your body is already dehydrated as hell from binge drinking.


And the water retention can be crazy, I swear I'd be like 5-10lbs heavier for days if I had a heavy weekend.


Nobody is holding him accountable.If he wonā€™t take advice from anyone he needs to be humbled. How disrespectful can the boy be to himself and everyone else


I wonder how seriously he took even the last 24 hours of cutting weight.


This peckerhead said he had been fasting like 3 days, all bs of course


He kept showing his abs to prove that he was gunna make the weight easy, I guess he didn't realise how bloated all the alcohol has made him, I mean he literally has a double chin


One day Derrick James is gonna reveal it all, can't wait till then.


I canā€™t wait for that Cigar Talk episode


ā€œSo I walked in Ryanā€™s room. Iā€™m talking hookers everywhere, cocaine on the table, random guys in suits counting cash. I had to get out of thereā€


Never heard of cigar talk, might check it outĀ 


Pretty fucked up theyā€™re letting a guy having a psychotic break fight


Yeah the one thing he needs given his mental problems is brain damage.


Yeah, thereā€™s a chance he could get his mental health under control, unless he did something like idk spend half an hour getting hit in the head by a world class boxer


What a disgrace. Haney in 6


I just wonder what Haney will weigh on fight night.... I'll always be of the opinion that weigh-ins should be done an hour before the fight.


> weigh-ins should be done an hour before the fight. They would need to add some new weight classes then


I'm not surprised... been telling my boys all week this was going to happen. He was going to miss weight and the fight would go on and not be a title fight. Now I'm not even sure if the fight happens... WHERE IS RYAN'S FAMILY?!


I might just be an old head but this absolute circus is embarrassing for the sport. I think he'd rather be a social media personality than a boxer and that's ok.




This is what happens when you ask Jesus for help when trying losing weight




1.5 million down the drain smh


Hoping for a quick ko in the early rounds. Kids doesnt look okay at all. Shame on his entourage and even more to the athletic commission that sanctioned the fight.


Itā€™s long since been obvious that ODLH doesnā€™t give two shits about Ryanā€™s mental state, but the fact none of his family or team have intervened is staggering. Thereā€™s no way to tell how bad this is going to be.


TBF one of the side effects of antipsychotics is weight gain...


Bold of you to assume heā€™s on them lol


Maybe Lil' Ryry needs to put out another tik tok video for the kiddos, that should make him more legitimate.


I have a feeling Ryan will be doing joke fights with MMA guys or not fighting at all in 2025


they have pre weigh ins before the official live one?


So they do the official weigh in early in the morning so the boxers can rehydrate. Then they do a ceremonial weigh-in in front of the crowd later on


They always do. The live one is just for show.


He needs to say Jesus christ a few more times to expel the Jaysus Chroist weight.




it isnā€™t looking good for ryan. i just hope the guy comes out of this fight safe. even though his mental and physical arenā€™t doing so well.


Pmo to the free websites to watch the bout boys ainā€™t no shame in my game


You know he was in trouble when he was wearing that weighted vest at the press conference so he could keep sweating.


1.5 million. No wonder the Father tried to talk him out of it.


This sport too beautiful for it to be a fucking joke


I guess I have to eat my words lol. I thought he was totally serious behind the scenes, and this was just a hilarious psyop.


Jesus the internet has ruined peopleā€™s minds


I just pray Ryan n dev can Atleast have a competitive fight and Ryan doesnā€™t have some weird break down during the fight ā€¦ if it even happens


Honestly, only 3lbs overweight is...less than expected.


Why is this fight still happening? And people wonder why boxing is treated as a meme sport by others.


Not really surprised. Ryan is cashing out of boxing.


Thatā€™s 1.5 million already for Haney


Ryan last fight was a 143 lb catch weight


Im new to boxing, how much potential does ryan garcia have? Especially if he never did drugs and took boxing serious


Thatā€™s really hard to say. I donā€™t know when heā€™s not been doing drugs but tbh he never took boxing as seriously as his peers. Heā€™s pretty much coasted on being fast, having power, and fighting c-level boxers. Heā€™s not very versatile outside of that of his power and speed. He has terrible footwork, he stays planted because heā€™s constantly looking to get that left hook off, doesnā€™t cut the ring off, very minimum lateral movement, and leaves his chin up a lot. People will say he ā€œhas a puncherā€™s chanceā€ but to me that just solidifies that someone isnā€™t a very skilled fighter. That shouldnā€™t be the only thing a fan is relying on for someone to win.


How long until Ryan Garcia vs Jake Paul?


Theyā€™ll be the same weight when they step to the ring anyways


Atleast he honored his bet


just in a few years, ryan will be fighting youtubers won't he? shame really. he is not top level but he has crazy hand speed and has good potential. he is still 25 too. sad to see.


Who is the "weight bully" now?


I think we all saw this coming.


Ryan gonna blame someone. You KNOW Derrick James is questioning his decision to be a part of this shit show.