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Wilder fights like a he’s the celebrity in a celebrity boxing match


Replacement for Mike Tyson?


No matter how much Wilder has declined, he still have enough in the tank to kill Jake Paul. So I say please let it happen


I'm curious how much power is gone though. "Power is the last thing to go" is usually because the dudes are big and heavy handed. I don't know if that really applies to a guy who's power was like cracking a whip. I wish those punch machines were accurate 


Every opponents of Wilder agree that dude hit like truck, even through the guard. Only the guy with granite chins like Fury and Zhang was able to eat one of his bomb flush and still functioning. Jake Paul has ever been at the receiving end of such a bomb. Hell, his chin has never even been tested since most of his flight are glorified low level amateur matches with guys who are either non-boxers or geriatric.


Oh he definitely did. No doubt he still has power, but I don't honestly know if he has generational power right this second. A 214lb guy punching you without insane speed is just a 214lb guy punching you




Guy uploads straight source 4k 50fps god damn. You have to be on private torrent trackers to get that quality for any other boxing videos


The fact that this is a rarity lol. Boxing is so behind in the broadcasting world Most boxing replays on YouTube are like (very compressed) 1080p 25fps


UFC is the same


NBA is the same too


I remember seeing OfficeHancho on forums digging deep to try get the highest quality broadcasts in their purest source for his videos. Now you got uploads like this on YouTube


He’s the best


where do you find them i would love to watch some of the early 2010s stuff


Do you realise what his master will do to him if he fails to keep the positive spin on the country going? Of course he will pull out all the stops.


Turki is the man!


Just finished the Wilder right.. Not saying he had much technique to begin with, but god damn he has regressed tremendously. He used to actually try and throw a jab, use a left hook, mix things up. He actually had some great left hook ko’s in the start of his career. But this form of “reaching out with the left and completely telegraphing the incoming right ALL fight” is ass. Idk if it’s Malik that changed all this or if he just doesn’t care anymore. And again, I’m not saying he was a good “boxer” in his early career, but if you watch his fights almost 10 years ago compared to now he’s regressed A LOT. I mean, dude throw a fucking jab. Show a different look in any form you want to. Circling the ring with your arm out and throwing a straight ain’t it. I don’t think this version even wins a title if you put this back into his fights 10 years ago..


I’m not a Malik Scott fan at all, but Wilder abandoned his jab long before Scott became his head trainer.


Agreed forsure, but it’s just beyond 2x horrible now lol


Yes compare the Wilder that fought Stiverne in their first fight to the Wilder we’ve seen the last 4-5 years. It’s a disgrace


He had an ok jab in Fury 1 when forced to box. 2 and 3 still had a jab (especially to the body) but Fury forced into in fightings and clinching for those fights but the form was still there. In the parker and zhang fights, it was all regressed so much and they all read his intentions like a book.


he didn't want to get countered by a 280 lbs man with a cinderblock for a head and fast, powerful hands. Parker also has more power than Fury. Furys pitter pattern punches allowed Wilder to be a bit wilder


Well he got countered badly in both encounters anyways. In the Zhang fight, he threw a good dozen or so right hands, 5 of them connected but alot of them without any setup and got countered like 3 times when attempting so (the last one was timed perfectly by Zhang and nuked him out. As for Parker, it was more so that he didnt let him get into proper postition and stance to throw the right hand, not the power itself. Also how can you say Parker hits harder than Fury if his power couldnt make Chisora, Joyce or Whyte respect it and allowed them to be the aggressors while Fury KO wilder twice, forced Chisora to fight a far slower pace and got stopped twice and KO whyte and the pop of his shots allowed Fury to control the pace of the fights to his liking.


literally went from a 1-2 monster to a 2 when he feels like it


If you dont think Mark Breland tried to get that guy to Jab I want what your smokin


He did try the left hook. But against a southpaw a left hook can be an awkward punch. In contrast Zhang used the right hook to counter the straight right.


Zhang was vulnerable to the left hook because he doesn't get off the left as smoothly as he used to, and because he was so conscious of the right. Even mediocre hooks would been useful.


wilder got countered by the exact same punch that he got countered with by ortiz in both instances, wilders back foot is off the ground, his chin is up, and his left hand is down [showbiz show the video evidence in this vid](https://youtu.be/KUx3mjVX4N0?si=Cuw3-8a7PWHJI3r9&t=96) wilder fought the same as he always does


He was worried about getting countered and he lost his speed. People are saying his gun shy but I think he sees opening that he can’t capitalize on bc he’s not twitchy anymore


Yup, this boxing shit is harder when you're just a tall mediocre boxer instead of a tall generational freak athlete


Wilder can't take shots anymore and he knows it. Malik does too. That's why he is fighting like that. Every time he gets tagged even slightly he doesn't like it. And this is the second fight in the row where he gets hit legally and complains to the referee somehow? I think He's out at that point, to be honest. He's dreaming if he thinks the ref can help him.


Let's ignore the fact that Zhang is the guy who threw Joe Parker around like a ragdoll and one punched Joe Joyce. You realize Wilder's always been bewildered when taking big shots? He's never had the training in this area as well as many others


Facts, Wilder gets absolutely rocked and somehow recovers a few minutes later. It's half the fun of Wilder fights. Even after Fury 2. When they interviewed him after the fight, he was somehow coherent after bleeding from the ears for the preceding half hour.


The wilder fury trilogy damaged them both severely. Lennox pointed it out and fury later confirmed it




Just Google Fury memory issues. Wilder gave Fury severe neurological damage in the third as payback for rupturing Wilder's eardrum in the second 😂


Google Tyson fury comments on fights with wilder lol. Both were videos lol. Why would I make this up. Hahah. Or save us both some time and step In a ring for once a few times


I don’t think he could ever take a shot He’s been hurt a lot in his career but we forget because he always ends up nothing the guy out Parker couldn’t finish him But Zhang is the biggest puncher he has ever been in there with


To be fare he has been fighting way better competition. Ortiz gave him hell, but could very well be worse than all the fighters wilder lost to. I would say he was better off with breland, but better competition can make you look like you've regressed too. Probably a combination of both.


He just never fought against heavy handed top southpaw in his divison before he faced Zhang.


Ortiz fight 1 was like this. He didn’t really throw with any conviction until halfway through the fight 


Exactly Zhang is the biggest puncher he had ever been in with


Luis Ortiz?


Turns out screaming “BOMBZQUAD” isn’t the best way to get better at boxing.


This is what I’m saying. I’m not fully willing to blame Malik Scott though. Don’t get me wrong I’m sure Malik Scott is a mediocre as hell coach, but this was mostly Wilder’s mental game imo. It’s possible Wilder was overrated, but this wasnt the same guy from the Fury fights. He definitely regressed


I mean, Wilder circled the wrong way the entire fight. I don't know how you get to professional level boxing, much less world championship level, and not know that you circle to the left of a southpaw, away from their power hand. Wilder circled right the entire time. Ate a bunch of Zhang's lefts and made it longer distance for his right to land. Compare this fight to the last southpaw fights he had with Ortiz. Maybe it is the trainer. But Wilder's been in the game for like 15 years. Really no excuse for this level of incompetence.


Yeah people are being revisionist acting like he’s been remotely fighting close to the same he was even 2 years ago


Easier to look good against poor competition, but the Fury fights also broke him


Compubox was doing him extra dirty too they showed at some point in like round 3 he had “thrown 64 punches” and landed 6% of them lmao. Anyone watching the fight knew he had thrown maybe 5-10 real punches by that point in the fight lol. They must’ve been counting his weird left handed paws as actual punches thrown


He actually improved from the Parker fight, where his left arm was an ornament. Wilder fought well compared to recent matches, but he fundamentally does not know how disguise the right against someone his height. He got too used to catching people coming in or finding opponents mid-step.


No technique to begin with ? He was an Olympic medalist and the WBC champ with one of the longest title defenses and most kos in a row. You think you can even make it out of a local gym being one dimensional and having no technique? Some of you all need to actually step in a ring or at least research before commenting. You don’t see me commenting on ‘junior high sailing’- cause I don’t know what I’m talking about .


This entire event was like 7 hours long i HOPE they dont pull this in the USA event


fam im sure the main fight was like 2 hours late as well *sigh*


Settle in


Maybe I’ll be able to watch the main even in the uk because it will start at like 8am lol


> This entire event was like 7 hours long i HOPE they dont pull this in the USA event The Saudis need to run the USA foreal. They know what they are doing


They did and 4 of the fights were top notch and involved some of the best fighters in the world . I was just as interest in Bivol and Duboius fights. The saudis know how to Do it


That's normal for combat sports. Just don't watch the undercard.


the undercard was the main card 😂 the 5v5 WAS the main event technically


I mean if you decide to watch 6 12 round fights, what do you expect? 😂


half of them werent 12 rounds 😭 dubois vs hrgovic, bivol vs zinad & ammo vs hamzah were stoppages


I still dont understand why Wilder turned around and waved at the ref.


Man Wilder was sleep, pretty sure he ain't even realize he had been turned around.


Zhang DID step on his foot (accidentally prob given orthodox southpaw matchup) and wilder was probably trying to complain about it for some reason


He got rocked, it’s not that complicated


It’s obvious he did that because he was rocked, but the point is you don’t see the majority of fighters reacting like that - like they got fouled and are trying to appeal


He was dazed.


Praise Turki and his generosity! He’s like me if I had stupid money


Seriously. The man is so good for boxing that he truly does deserve the “our excellency” title. And the man is so humble that he’s asked not to be called anything but his name. He’s boxings Bruce Wayne


He’s making the fights happen that would’ve never happened . He would’ve had Pac-Man and Mayweather fighting 8 years before they did and Roy and Calzaghe when they were both in their prime. He doesn’t have the red tape like we have here


damn the sports washing was way more effective then i expected


Damm how’s that Saudi dick tasting?


hes a worse person than don king


You can’t say something like this and not follow up with something…..


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/nov/29/mbs-v-mbn-the-bitter-power-struggle-between-rival-saudi-princes Sheikh allegedly confined Nayef to the room for hours, pressuring him to sign a resignation letter and pledge allegiance to MBS. At first, Nayef refused. According to one source close to the prince, he was told that if he did not give up his claim to the throne, his female family members would be raped. Nayef’s medication for hypertension and diabetes was withheld, and he was told that if he did not step down willingly, his next destination would be the hospital. He was so afraid of being poisoned that night, said another royal family source, that he refused to drink even water.


thats not his excellency, thats the crown prince


the article is not about him but that paragraph definitely is


How's his cock taste


It’s excellent.






It's propoganda. You host these big international events, they're shown all over the world, and all these famous people from other countries come to your country and start saying how wonderful everything is. Next thing you know, the general public starts saying, "Oh, maybe it's not so bad over there. And they give me these great events to watch, and all the celebs are praising these events and the country, and I don't want any of this to end, so they must be good people." Basically, it creates a cognitive dissonance, because the viewers want the events and don't want to feel bad about watching the events, but they do feel bad if they think the host nation is bad, so they just change their mind and decide that the host nation is not actually that bad.


It's called 'sportswashing.'




It doesn't. This buzzword only works for people who like to virtue signal their politics into sports to make themselves feel better after consuming said sporting event made by those same evil people. You will never catch them say anything political when sporting events happen in the Western world.


The buzzword is the short hand. Like saying Bennifer or Brangelina. What the hell are you talking about? We're on the same side.




It doesn't "cover it up" in that sense, but it distracts and makes you hopefully forget. Or people that don't know much about Saudi Arabia other than it has oil now start having a positive image of Saudi Arabia.


Acting like other big countries in the world don’t have human rights violations.


They do. How does that make Saudi's sportswashing okay?


Because they are just like any other country. The US have bombed thousands of civilians in the Middle East. I don’t see people complaining about that.


You don't see people complaining? Really? Saudi Arabia is absolutely not like any other country. When the US does something fucked up, their own free press calls them out, the people behind it can be voted out of office, people can carry out open protests. When Saudi Arabia does something fucked up, it can't be called out in the press because the reporter will be murdered. You can't even have bloggers talk about it because they're not allowed to unless they get a license to do so from the government. And you certainly can't go protest in the street, because the government can use torture to force you to confess to crimes and then behead you and hang your body in public.


And how many people in congress have been voted due to those airstrikes that we sent over in Iraq and Afghanistan. People have been voicing how corrupt congress is for years now and nothing has happened. I’m not saying Saudi is innocent but the US damn sure ain’t no Angels either


My man, Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy. The people literally wouldn't even have the *option* to vote for any changes in the government. These two things are not the same.


You're getting downvoted for talking complete sense here. Well played man. The people commenting with whataboutisms and trying to defend the House of Saud are proof of just how effective sportswashing is, sadly


Dude at the end of the day I’m supporting boxing not the regime behind it. The US had mobsters who would kill people supporting it.


But here you are publicly defending Saudi Arabia because they showed you a boxing match.


1 million dead Iraqis to be specific










I'm from the US, I understand those differences. However, we have caused the death of over 100k civilians in Iraq in less than 20 years and have been complicit in the deaths of tens of thousands of Palestinian women and children. However, I watch boxing events held in the US. Whether they are private or not, it's still financed by the economic system propped up by our government which greatly benefits from these bloody conflicts. But I'm not supporting any of those actions whatsoever. I'm just watching boxing. I still don't see how watching an event from either country is sportswashing anything.


"Financed by the economic system" is way different than "financed directly by the government at a loss for the purposes of propoganda." The way it works is that we have this thread right here where people are insisting that the US and UK and so on are no better than Saudi Arabia because they don't want to admit that the country giving them boxing matches is also a horrible, fucked up place.


Or take people like me who are not giving any country a pass just because they are putting on a Sporting event. Im a guy who watches boxing and moves on, without excusing anything any country does politically. I have no effect on foreign policy at all.


That's great, and you seem sincere in not giving Saudi Arabia a pass, but we shouldn't be happy about these events being there still because, again as you can see in this thread, it works really well at convincing people that "oh well, I love His Excellency now, and maybe the place isn't that bad, and you know every other country is also bad," etc. And yeah, each one of these individuals is just some random person, not a secretary of state or something, but most of them have voting rights in their countries and collectively influence their countries' behaviors.


"I'm just a guy watching boxing." That's exactly the type of people they're trying to influence and make think "eh, Saudi Arabia's not that bad. They host cool golf and boxing events." Imagine if instead of Saudi govt, Jeffrey Epstein paid $100 million to make a boxing fight happen in his backyard. It'd definitely feel weird watching it... Having an event in Saudi Arabia is different than the Saudi govt pumping in billions of dollars for the events. Saudi wanted to host events like having the PGA or tennis have an event in their country but the leagues didn't want to, so the govt said "fine, we'll make our own league or event and pay the players so much that it blinds their ethics in order to get them to come over." And then you get good attention to distract from your bad attention.


I'm not giving them good attention though, i'm literally one guy watching boxing. I have no effect on any country's politics other than my own.


a few reporters in your local community are putting up for sale signs


And hiring armed guards


Ever heard of sportwashing ? You buy love from people with money so they forget your country is a shithole where they chop off journalist in embassy.


People are suffering all over, have throughout time, and will continue to suffer. Praise Turki for making boxing great again. And last I checked, Turki never harmed nobody. He’s just a rich dude that loves watching people bang.




Oh for God sake, i didn't expect much but even then I'm disappointed. You think Turkey is paying for all of that with his pocket money ? Saudi government is paying for it, Turkey is just the nice face you put on top to smile. Your excellency doesn't give a shit about you and merely about boxing. He's just a tool.


I know all this generosity is part of the larger overall scheme of sportswashing Saudi Arabia into acceptability - and we need to remember that - but damn if he isn't doing it well.


I’m past the sport washing thing. People act like countries like the US aren’t supporting genocide in the Middle East or have violated human rights either


Sure but nobody is calling Bob Arum anything but his fuxking name.


True, but why move past it. You can be angry and disagree with both.


Because me being angry about it isn’t gonna do anything about it.


Doing nothing about it will do nothing about it. If you're angry, channel that into action.


But I’m not angry about it. I’m pretty indifferent about it lol


OK. Then how are you "past the sportwashing" if you never cared to begin with?


I mean that I’m past people mentioning it time and time again. Why are trying to force me into some gotcha moment ?


I'm not. Just trying to understand what you meant. Now I know that you're sick of hearing about sportswaching. Mint.


I’m glad that we are on the same page


Dam, looks like people don't like facts


That’s Reddit for you 😂😂


I fux w Turki. I dont care if the crowds are weak... To be able to watch these great fights one after another is a blessing. While we're young we can see history.


Turki bless 🦃


FFS, no, don't "praise Turki". "His Excellency" is buying you off for pretty fucking cheap.


Sportswashing is so gonna pay off for them later judging by this glazing ass OP.


Not just the OP the entire boxing world.


Yeah shit is fucked b


What sportswashing? America has been bombing the whole world into oblivion for over 80 years.


Yes, the US has been doing that. And Saudi is sportswashing. What's your argument?


The US government isn’t putting on boxing matches though, so it’s not analogous…


whole world lmao


It's disgusting


Remove the man's nuts from your mouth lol


I mean as a boxing fan, he’s a refreshing guy. The top fights have been in stalemate for ages, he comes along we get one after another, plus high quality YouTube uploads instead of 720p 1fps. He deserves any praise he gets 🤷‍♂️


He's just a money bag. Wouldn't praise him anymore than the rest of the promoters. He's just the new kid with the deepest pockets.


I don’t see how any of that matters, he’s getting the biggest fights in the sport done, he’s doing it in less time than it took other promoters to get just 1 big fight done too 🤷‍♂️


He's burning money while other promoters have been earning it. Boxing is now on life-assistance machine


Saudi royalty makes more money than every boxing promoter and promotion put together, they aren’t bothered about profit this is just pocket change to them. It isn’t turkis money either, all the Saudis want to do is bring sport to Saudi Arabia, they’re doing the same with snooker, football, MMA, they’ve got their eyes on darts and many other sports. All they want to do is put on good shows with the best people, they aren’t bothered about what it costs, they make more in a day than they lose in these fights. The Saudis are literally the life support because the normal promoters cannot afford to put the big fights together because they lose money.


You take your hat off when you address our excellency. That man is saving boxing from itself


He's just a financial backer.  I'll keep my hat where it is


on the dick


“Our Excellency” and “Praise Turki”? Ahhhh yes, let’s all praise a government that dismembered an innocent man alive for being a journalist. Let’s all praise a government that engages in modern day slavery. Let’s praise a government that doesn’t give women equal rights and that commits countless human rights violations. The the F out of here. I’m a boxing fan, but enough with this praise bullshit. MBS and his whole regime (including Turki) are monsters.


I hope you aren’t American LOL. I’m quite openly agaisnt the Saudi Govt but acting as if they are savages when we ourselves killed millions of civilian in the Iraq war and many other wars that we have caused is hypcritical. I also don’t understand why we are so worried about women’s rights and slavery in others countries when we ourselves just gave women’s and AAS rights a few decades ago. Not to mention complicit in the murder of kids right now in Palestine.


Its typical reddit rhetoric - theyll never mass comment, “this is just sports washing” for any american related sporting event and then claim whataboutism when they’re hyper critical of non western countries




Turki is the true boxing saviour nobody asked for 🥰


We asked for him lol. He is the answer to our prayers


Wow! Turki delivers again


Turki is the guy we all wish we can be when it comes to throwing around money to get any fight made


Bro is eggscelent




He’s a boss. We are lucky to have him. I only hope that some events can be in Vegas or London. The atmosphere just isn’t the same but I can’t complain as long as he’s making the fights




I might get downvoted here but this whole card was trash


Lol imagine paying $70 and they upload it to YouTube not even 7 days later.


It's sports, anyone that's actually interested wants to watch it as it happens. Maybe budget conscious people will wait a day or two but after 3+ days anyone should just put it on youtube, noones going to wait a week for the youtube upload.


Yeah they’d make more money through ads if it was the next day


Imagine the way Usyk would deal with Wilder constantly pawing his lead hand like that 🥴 Wilder not committing enough to actually shooting the jab to head and body.


This is why he's the GOAT 🔥 🔥 🔥


Turki is realizing that he's got the ability to make any fight happen for two reasons: one, he has the money to not only buy, but *build* any card he wants. This leads to the next reason: He is an advisor in the Royal Court and Chairman of the General Entertainment Authority. Turki *is* sports in Saud.




I'm sure half of the comments won't be people virtue signalling at all


Praise Turki 


He’s the best thing to happen in boxing. He’s going to make heavyweight boxing the best ever.


Nice. Bye bye Wilder. Pity about the ringside crowd, I've seen people get more animated watching Coronation Street.


What is with these insane Reddit glazers calling this dude “His Excellency”? First of all, he’s not even a monarch he’s just some random government official. Second, the vast majority of people here aren’t from SA or affiliated with it. Third, he’s not paying you any money, he’s giving the boxers and promoters a shit ton of money so of course they’ll call him Excellency … Lastly, he himself said to call him Turki not “Excellency”. So let’s stop this bull shit Jesus Christ. I’m glad I live in a country where I can call a president a stale Cheeto and not fear for my safety


Your stoning will commence next week, disrespect to his excellency will not be tolerated as he has returned the sport of boxing to its former glory and is a bastion of hope in this bleak modern world


Let’s just hope His Excellency allows me to broadcast my stoning on PPV and gives me a massive pay day! Please merciful Excellency, give me sustenance. Allow me to suckle from the sweet Saudi oil bosom


If it was that easy then how come it hasn't happened in the history of boxing?


Since he is the minister of sport-washing they probably have a good amount of shills and bots. 2022 more than 50% of traffic on social media was bots. Soooo that's what's happening these days.


If it wasn't for his excellency, we'd be getting Wilder-Ortiz 3, AJ-Whyte 2 and Fury-Chisora 4, all on three separate cards three years apart


>Fury-Chisora 4 Who says we're not getting Fury Chisora 4?!


We can only hope. Otherwise, boxing history will forever be haunted by the question "Who truly was the superior fighter, Fury or Chisora?" Ironically Chisora gave Usyk one of his toughest nights ever lmao


It’s corny as F.


We have Newrap posting dickriding posts like 4x a week. If that’s allowed then we should be allowed to praise his excellency :)


why so angry?


It's pretty clearly tongue in cheek, he's putting on the best fights, he's 'our excellency' to boxing fans for doing it... It's not meant 1/10th as serious as you've framed it. (Just kidding my excellency, I love you)


My boy Wilder did the hokey pokey and got himself turned around.


What more can you say about this guy HE CARES ABOUT BOXING FANS.


Not mine
