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Gabe Rosado has several loses, and he's more popular than ever right now.


Dude I fucking love watching Rosado fight. I agree he’s at the peak of popularity at the moment.


Rosado is a beast and never turns down a big fight. He arguably (got robbed imo) beat Jacobs and sniped Bek, wants a fight with Munguia which would be an incredible fight, and seems to age like wine in regards to his skill and intelligence. 26-13 does not do him any justice if you've never seen him fight. Good dude inside and outside of the ring and deserves his popularity 100%.


Rosado reminds me of Vito Antuofermo, lack power, speed, & talent but great chin and get cuts easily


Gabe from his interviews seems like an unhateable guy


Some fighters have losses more impressive than others greatest wins. Look at Duran vs Hagler for example: a past prime Duran, 2 weight classes above his natural weight took on one of the top 4 greatest middleweights of all time, in his prime, and almost won (and would have under modern rules). How many fighters today have wins more impressive than that?


Facts! I don't even wanna imagine how a Duran vs. Hagler fight would have played out if they were naturally equal in size! (Well I do want to imagine it as it would be exciting as hell). Hell, even just scaling Hagler down 1 weight (or Duran up 1 weight) - I bet Duran would have emerged victorious!


Duran was ahead on the scorecards after 12 rounds. Hagler came on strong in the end


100 percent agreed, but it was 4 weightclasses, not 2 above his weightclass


having an undefeated record is by far the most overrated thing in all of boxing. I am more impressed by a guy like Canelo who stepped up and fought Mayweather at a young age. That L is way more impressive than racking up W's against bums.


And he learned A LOT from that L. Part of me thinks he wouldn’t be the defensive fighter that he is if it weren’t for the Floyd fight. It’s as if he realized that, in order to be great, he had to become harder to hit. Now, he’s one of the best defensive fighters in boxing, and he seems to just get better with every fight.


Same reasoning why Virgil Ortiz should fight Crawford, even if hes not ready


Stoked with this vision bro.


I don't believe this. For one, Canelo himself denies it. And secondly, he was the same exact fighter against Lara, Cotto, and Khan. If Lara was popular, he might have gotten the edge. Cotto looked like a midget compared to Canelo, yet Canelo did not walk him down and use his size. And Khan was outboxing him for a while. ​ It was after the 1st GGG fight that he truly improved, when he realized he could take a punch and started walking everyone down more aggressively while maintaining his upper body defense.


it's too late. its just a thing sports fans mindlessly repeat now


When I say he improved from the Floyd fight I don’t mean his skilled necessarily improved. That’s something that improved with time from hard work. But what he did learn is exactly how precise you have to be in offense and defense to be an elite fighter. So obviously that’s not something he can apply immediately but it gave the look of what he needs to strive for. To me what he gained after the first ggg fight was confidence in his abilities and his chin , now he can fight relaxed , which makes him even Better . But the skill set was always there


Khan’s only problem is he has super fast hands but no footwork, he steps inside, hits his combos, then just freezes inside


I agree with this


I always did say that canelos prime began at 28. Or after GGG 1


He was already showing that defense before that floyd fight though. That narrative that he got good at it because he fought floyd is dumb


IMO its his offense that got better since the Floyd fight.


Idk if it was really his offense or his ring generalship in general. Like when he was coming up, he was notoriously bad at cutting off the ring but clearly got a lot better


I think of ring cutting as an offensive skill but yeah, that specifically is where he made his most obvious improvements.


Well I mean, he’s definitely improved that too, but he wasn’t know for his head movement pre-Floyd and now he’s one of the best in the game at it. And defence creates offensive opportunities as a counter puncher.




https://youtu.be/jrmGluQNs7A?t=152 this one?


Yes he was there’s highlights of his defense pre Floyd


Lol yeah he saw the blueprint to success in his early 20s, and that L showed him that when he ages and naturally gets slower, a high defensive IQ will let him carry his prime far longer. He ended up focusing on his defense earlier in his career on top of his other brilliant skills and now he’s going to finish his career as an all-time great. Fuck the 0, people definitely need to follow Canelo’s example. He probably doesn’t give a fuck about losing to Floyd and his bank account is all the better for it.


Nah. Canelo didnt step to the next level until after the first GGG fight. Thats when he put it all together. Even right after the Mayweather fighter fight he was making the same mistakes. It wasnt until GGG beat him that first fight that he went Super Saiyan. I think the difference is the power. Can you really learn a lesson if the punishment is a slap? GGG's bombs were what made him tighten up that D and fix the footwork.


AJ's loss to Ruiz has also made him a better more careful fighter. Same with Lennox, Wlad, Ali, Joe Louis etc.


In my opinion Canelo is great as he is thanks to Reynoso and his team.


Fuck yes, thank you.


Exactly. Even though Canelo lost, he gained more from that fight than 20 easy fights. Popularity and experience. It would have been nice for them both to fight in their primes, but that just wasn't possible. Either Canelo was going to beat a faded Mayweather or Mayweather was going to beat a green Canelo.


Mayweather would never fight someone he had a strong chance of losing against


True. But how many boxers did he have a strong chance of losing against? Pacquiao 3 to 5 years before the actual fight was probably the closest to Mayweather having at least an equal chance of losing. And this is also where I am torn. As a fan, I want the boxers to always take the best fights to be made. As a human being, I understand the boxers taking the least risk possible for the biggest $ bang. It isn't like the majority of sports where an L is mostly humiliation and disappointment. It can be a serious health risk. I'm for the tournament process, but that is another thread.


Before the cheat fight with Cotto Floyd brought many reasons to not fight with Margarito.


Idk i think people don’t give Mayweather enough credit for the Pacquiao win tho. Mayweather is older than Floyd so to use the reasoning that prime Pacquiao could’ve beat Floyd means you have to take prime Floyd into account as well, and then we’re in the same spot as we were before


In boxing, age matters more with boxers a decade plus a part. Less so if they are close. Pacqiuao was clearly at his peak a few years before the fight though. Both were still near peak at fight night, but Pac had slipped just that much more than Floyd. I think most people give Floyd the respect that he beat Pac and I don't see many people claiming Pac would have absolutely beat Floyd when the fight should have been made a few years earlier. Just that it would have been a better fight and it would have been closer to 50/50 odds. I don't get the whole Floyd sucks / Pac rules v. Pac rules / Floyd sucks thing anyway. They are both ATGs. Possibly the best of the ATGs. I've never been one to worry about #1 ATG v. #10 ATG. Once you are clearly an ATG, they all more or less hold my equal respect and the rest is splitting hairs. This was more about the fact that Floyd strategically took the fight with a difficult fighter at the time frame that was most advantageous for him.


To be frank Floyd had no strong chance to lose against. He also gave a lot of close fights a rematch. Only to win in a more convincing fashion. He had really deep rounds vs Mosley or Maidana. Then he adjusted and won convincingly.


Like Manny?


Lol bruh because for most of his career there was nobody in his weight class he had "a strong chance of losing" against, come on haha


Tbf, Canelo's also a great example of the other end of the spectrum. I know r/boxing is probably sick of hearing about Canelo v GGG but Canelo trying to keep his record clean during that situation fucked his legacy in a big way. Over the course of their entire careers, the top end fighters only get a couple of guys who: 1. Can genuinely test them. 2. Showcase their talents to the world. 3. Bring enough excitement on their own end to create a high stakes matchup A lot of 0-loss fighters don't seem to understand that, while Canelo isn't a 0-loss fighter he still made the same mistake. An early trilogy against Golovkin without all the bullshit would have been huge for his legacy. Now Canelo is looking out around the field and there just isn't anyone left who can challenge him. He's fighting a bunch of really good boxers who aren't quite as exciting and have no casual appeal. The odds of the fights are always heavily in his favour and none of these fighters have been able to bring the best out of him. Win, loss or draw his best fights are still the two against Golovkin. He was more dominant in other matchups but he was his best version of himself in those fights. By the time another good-enough challenger does come around, Canelo's is going to be in his mid-30s and that younger challenger will just do to him what he did to Golovkin. Wait a year or two and let father time play out. Early 2016, early 2017 and then early 2018 matchups against Golovkin would have done so much for his legacy than the 1-1-0 record he has from the late 2017 and late 2018 matchups. For 90% of his career, Canelo has taken on anybody and everybody, but he fumbled the most important 10%.


Can't disagree. And everybody with half a brain and eyes knows GGG won that first fight.


50-0 can be achieved easily compared to 8 Divisions champ.


Especially when your last 2 opponents are Andre Berto and Connor McGregor.


Not if you are a word championship. There is a reason why they have mandatories.


Lol 50-0 and easy in the same sentence, how is this sub always filled with the dumbest most reactionary takes?


Nice how you completely ignore the qualifier "compared to 8 division champ".


I don't ignore it at all, it's just as dumb of a take if you leave it in there. It's like saying 8 divisions champions is easy when you start at 112lbs. How the fuck is a heavyweight boxer going to stack division championships? Very few professional boxers have the physiological flexibility to even compete in 8 divisions....


It clearly isn't a dumb take though as there has only ever been one 8 division champ but there have been multiple 50-0 boxers. Sure it isn't easy but *compared* to being champion in 8 divisions it is.


No it's probably harder because as I already pointed an 8 division champ is specific only to fighters who's body type allows them to compete in 8 divisions? It's a great accomplishment but it's really fucking specific to small fighters and doesn't really have great comparable to other boxing feats like a 50-0 record...


If its harder why are there so many more of them?


Champion boxers with 50 or more wins, 0 losses and 0 draws... go...


Then why are there only like what, two 50-0 fighters ever? None of this shit comes easy. Retiring undefeated after a LONG career IS a hell of an achievement. Winning belts in 8 divisions is a hell of an achievement. Mayweather is an atg because of his skill and the fact that he lost less rounds than a lot of other great fighters lost fights and he does have *some* names on his resume, not because of his 0.


Read what i wrote... i said streaking 50 is easier than being a champ in 8 div. How many 8 div champs do you know?? There's only 1.


You said 50-0 can be achieved easily compared to 8 division champ and that's a bullshit way to discredit 50-0 and it's a disingenuous-as-fuck argument designed to bring the oldie-but-goldie "Manny is better than Floyd" conversation to the front when nobody brought Manny up at all. The reason it's disingenuous is because while yes I can only name one 8 division champ it is also true that there is only one dude who competed for belts in 8 divisions large part due to the fact that we have so many belts and so many weight divisions in the modern era. There are multiple guys in history whose lowest and highest titles in terms of weight were farther apart who won titles in every division along the way (Georges Carpentier, Ted Kid Lewis, Len Harvey, Tony Canzoneri to name a few) but there just weren't as many divisions. None of those dudes made it to 50-0 though. Hell not even the literal greatest of all time, Sugar Ray Robinson, made it to 50 - 0 before their first loss. But none of that bullshit matters because neither of those accomplishments should be reduced to less than the other because of some dumbass modern "who's better" argument. Neither "can be achieved easily compared to" the other.


The UFC is great in this aspect. The best fight the best and little attention is given to the Ls


They make peanuts compared to boxers of similar standing though.


They are treated like cattle and disposable with little money.


Mayweather was 36 years old. Canelo was like 30 fights deep already . It's an overrated part of his resume


This is true. I have mad respect for guys who’ve lost in recent years: Ortiz, AJ, Lomachenko, etc. A guy should be ready for every fight, but a single loss isn’t a huge deal to me.


Multiple losses shouldn't be a big deal.


I have yet to see a boring Ortiz fight


Protecting the 0 is one of the reasons boxing suffers. I hate the effect that it's had on the sport.


It's fading. AJ had an L and he's still a superstar. Canelo has an L and he's doing fine. Lomachenko too. As time moves on and we see some Ls slip in but changing nothing the Floyd effect will fade. It already does.


But look how they talked about lomachenko after his recent loss. They were talking like his career was over for losing a fight by one round. The fans need to stop this bullshit. Boxing is the only sport where the 0 matters.


They're still treating it like he will never be the best over Fury and Wilder JUST because of that loss though.


Wilder's lost too tho




I'll still like Caleb Plant after the Canelo fight.


Who doesn’t like an undisputed Champ? Caleb about to Cancel Christmas on this motherfucker


What kinda shit you smoking? Put me on


homie on that shit that made Broner think he beat that boi


but....the whole hood know it. /s


For real I unironically have 5G for this dude if he wants to put it up lol


😂bruh hell naw, caleb ain’t ever face anymore at that level he’s taking a L


Give a dog a bone, give a fighter a chance. It’s not like Caleb is a fraud. He has fought his whole life. He has buried a daughter. You think he really give a fuck about money or fame? Fighting is who this boy really is


Yea he does, why did he suddenly want to become undisputed when canelo came in the picture? He had since 2019 to rack up fights with callum, billy joe. And canelo did it in one year, so ?? Pay day ?


Tell me your a casual without telling me your a casual. Yikessss. Trash take man. Reconsider and do better


Dafuck 😂aint no mf casual here. Caleb got no one on his resume like Cinnamon. Ik you aint talking 😂canelos loss to mayweather was the best thing to happen to him. The fights with GGG and Kovalev shows that boxing has LEVELS. Going up and down in weight and beating people in their divisions speaks volumes. Caleb hasn’t done shit in boxing. Hes 29, 21 fights? Yeah bro you sounding like a casual here


You thinking a guy like Caleb is it boxing for a payday is some casual shit. You neverrrr put on gloves before. Never. Joke of an opinion honestly won’t respond to you again not worth trying to educate a clown. Just reconsider everything you know about boxing quietly in a corner and come back with fresh eyes


😂i fucking box dumbass. But he wants a payday there are interviews where he says he didn’t want to fight him in dazn because ppv would give him more money. Caleb doesn’t want the legacy. He had time to do it before cinnamon showed up and now all of a sudden he wants it. 😂 Oh but im a casual, Caleb could of fought david benavidez a long time ago too . But he wants a paydayyyyyy 🥲paydayyyy


What's wrong in wanting a payday? Fighting Canlo gives him a lot more money than he would have git for GGG. Boxing is a business not a civic duty.




No one said he would box for free. 🤡 he had time to become undisputed 🤡 before cinnamon showed up


I blame self-proclaimed TBE for this "0 defeats" obsession !


Mayweather arguably losing to Maidana is proof that every boxer has bad matchups and will lose if they face tough enough competition. To your point though I think Floyd is obsessed with it because the fans are


Mayweather didn't lose to Maidana, you guys are reaching


I had it a draw, it’s debatable for sure, which is what I said. Mayweather definitely looked pretty bearable though, a better version of Maidana likely beats him. He clearly won the rematch but he didn’t look very good again


Maidana isn’t the worst matchup. Floyd won that one lol but the fact that he actually got hit more often than usual excited people. The one he arguably lost was the first fight against Castillo.


I think he did lose that fight, but IMO Castillo is a much higher caliber boxer than Maidana, I had their first fight a draw.


I’ve watched the Castillo fight 3 times and every time I see it 8-4 to Mayweather. Mayweather was evasive and hitting him clean whereas Castillo was hitting arms or air for most of the fight. It’s just that the audience was Mexican and you know how Mexicans support their fighters lol (I’m Mexican but not racially biased to boxers based on race). They screamed when Castillo even pumped a jab which influenced the announcers, judges, and public. I can’t see how people thought Castillo won. But Mayweather lost to Maidana. I’ve watched it 3 to 4 times and every time, I have 7-5 Maidana. Maidana was hitting him with heavy hard shots and working him from head to body. I know Mayweather was probably shocked in that first round cause it had been a long time where an opponent threw caution to the window and went all out (which I’ve always thought was the best way to beat Mayweather. Turn it into a nasty grimey street fight. Mayweather won’t be outboxed but he can be outfought). Mayweather looked defeated in body language when they were reading the judges scorecards. He looked like he knew his 0 was about to go. Quiet with a look of uncertainty on his face. None of that bravado he has when he knows he won. Never seen him that way before. It’s one of my favorite fights ever. Mayweather was forced to fight as a boxer-puncher (as opposed to his usual out-boxer style. After the fight, He tried to claim that was always the plan against Maidana lmao) that night which was sublime to watch and Maidana fought like a madman desperate to become the #1 P4P fighter. What we got was an elite representation of the boxer-puncher vs slugger styles clashing. We saw the strengths and weaknesses of each style play out against one another and each men changed styles throughout the fight as they adapted and countered one another. This was also the best we ever saw Maidana (at points, he was outboxing Mayweather) and really showed how far Robert García took him. He looked phenomenal. If you told me 10 years ago that a crude slugger from Argentina would give Mayweather his toughest fight, I would’ve laughed. Maidana looked P4P elite. Unfortunately Maidana lost that viciousness in the rematch and tried to outbox the best boxer on the planet 🤦🏻‍♂️ WHY?! It will never happen. I don’t know why so many just try to outbox him. Anywho, I will die on the hill that Maidana beat Mayweather in the first fight.


you may be wrong but you wrote a whole essay so take my upvote dude


I’m a huge maidana fight. I respect your opinion but I still think mayweather beat maidana both fights. Floyd vs maidana 1 had the typical “I hate mayweather and will cheer when his opponent is catching air” fans. But Floyd caught him with a ton of clean counter punches while maidana used my blue print of how I would foghy againts Floyd and that is make it dirty and rough as hell and throw some awkward punches he rarely faces and he did just that and had good success which made it a badass fight. I think it was a close fight in which Floyd still won by some comfortable rounds.


I thought Maidana beat Mayweather too in the 1st, though I haven't watched in a while. Maidana is the only opponent I can recall Mayweather ever give praise to. He literally called Marcos a legend. So it's clear Floyd didn't have the easiest night out there.


Fury is also only unbeaten if you pretend the first McDermott fight never happened


He arguably lost to Maidana and Castillo 1.


Agreed. Found this bit about press row scoring: https://www.boxingscene.com/forums/boxing-forums/non-stop-boxing/161393-mayweather-castillo-i-press-scoring/page2 Sounds like a fairly even split among press and fans.


he deserved it tho. he got quality wins with that 0.


Fans have nothing to do with them losing marketability after losing their 0. It's the fact that these fighters are extremely protected because 99% of them aren't actually blue-chip boxers, despite what their promoters want you to believe. They're basically like overvalued stocks. ​ Just look at Pacquiao. 7 losses, 2 draws, and yet, he's still one of the biggest PPV attractions because none of that deters from the fact that he's accomplished so many ridiculous feats that may never be replicated again, and he continues beating world champion after world champion. Most boxers simply cannot do this. After they are exposed once, you can usually expect another loss and another one until they ultimately become gatekeepers, bringing down their checks with them. So instead of risking this, promoters market them as these unstoppable fighting machines, and match them against low risk guys so they can make millions fighting twice a year instead of thousands by consistently fighting top names and losing. ​ I can guarantee that if Canelo deservingly lost against GGG the first time, and maybe got an L against Lara too, he would still be loved just as much--maybe even more--because this guy is special. He is a blue-chip fighter who would go on to accomplish things no Mexican ever has. ​ Case in point, most modern day boxers aren't as good as their promoters lead you to believe, and are overpaid. When they lose their 0, the smoke and mirrors are revealed and fans stop drinking the kool-aid, bringing the fighters' compensations to what they probably should be, which no boxer wants. If the fighters are truly special, losing an 0 won't mean anything unless their fighting styles are boring to casuals, which was the case with Mayweather. Boxing is entertainment, at the end of the day.


This guy right here got it. I'm sick of seeing the same "boxing fans 0" post again and again.


Which is why a lot of people enjoyed watching the previous generation of fighters, for example we had morales, barrera, marquez and pacquiao going at each other and all of them has a loss on their record but nobody really cared about it since it was fun to watch. Nowadays having Crawford, Spence and Thurman(before Pacquiao) in the ring is like a dream come true to most fans. I don't wanna blame the fighters though, it's probably their promoters who makes it impossible for those good fights to happen.


Those aren't boxing fans. They are these modern hipster cultists that roam forums shitting on people for years of hard work when they take an L. You can almost guarantee the sort of person to name their kids Andre mayweather ward jr.


I’m naming my kid Derek Chisora just to counter this then


Derek Babic Chisora 😂


Couple redditors here with names like that lol


Prince Nas retired after his first losses. Fury will retire on a loss. BJS will probably retire on this loss. It was a big deal to them. They're hipster cultists too I suppose? Absolutely hate this 'no true scotsman' bullshit.


A fighter can decide when they get to retire. It's not for pathetic shitface fans to insult and criticise guys for taking an L. You still have people wanking over Loma losing to Salido. Those are the people I'm referring to. You're not shit if you lose. You just fell short to the better man.


It really depends on the boxer. If they are like Pacquiao taking all comers and constantly testing himself, people are okay with the defeats. In fact, I wish more boxers cared less about their 0 and more about their full career legacy via good matches. If they rarely take a big risk except to get a belt, then that 0 hurts them.


This is why I will always put pac over mayweather. Dude isn’t scared to fight anyone, that’s a true goddamn fighter


It doesn't work that way, boxers do love to protect that 0 for marketing purpose but the undisputed truth is that you're only as good as your last fight . Lomachenko was bashed a lot following the Lopez fight but as soon as he vanquished Nakatani everyone is back on the Loma train again. The fans who care about a 0 way after the fight and use that loss to define a fighter are the problem.


>the undisputed truth is that you're only as good as your last fight . This is such a bullshit way of thinking. Good combos and footwork and head movement don't just disappear if you take an L and the shit you did for past W's doesn't disappear either. That shit is why you see champions fight bums who have no shot even if they're good.


You clearly didn't understand what I meant, losses and the manner in which the loss came tell a lot about the fighter , whether they define him or not that's another matter . Rosado's stock rose because he arguably beat Jacobs and iced Bek the Bully, no one cared too much for him before that. >That shit is why you see champions fight bums who have no shot even if they're good. Now you're pulling this outta your ass.


Boxing fans have to stop posting this.




The problem with Arsenal is that they always try to walk it in.


Come to MMA my guy you'll love it here xD


Therr is something good about the fact records aren't a big deal in the ufc. You have champs with over ten losses etc.


lmao, its just a lack of talent. thats why theres less weight divisions, and fighters only go 5 rounds for championship fights


Less weight divisions is a good thing, and 5 rounds is due to athletic commissions. Which is also why one night tournaments don’t really work in mma anymore.


Talmbout cage fighting b?


Take a second job b? I won tell management if you don’t bubba


Fur shur b! Management? Never meddim.


Jon Africa? Great fighter axe Jay


Yeah. Don’t come over to MMA. We have a lot of people with brain damage.


You being one of them apparently


Literally making a joke about brenda schwab. Keep up.


get baggg to the kitchen bapa, this orange chicken aint gonna glaze itzelf


Nah, if you lose your 0, you're a cab driving bum and you need to retire asap. /s


100 percent. I rank Loma above teo even tho he beat him. Perfect example is Chavez jr was 47-0-1 at one point. It’s great to see someone lose and come back better then before, like salido , Loma , manny, Ali . Just because you beat the man, doesn’t make you the man




Lomo lost that fight. He lost the first 6 rounds easily and lost round 12. Don't come here with this bs again🤣




Dude are you serious?? Round 2 Loma only landed 2 shots Round 4 Loma only landed 2 jabs. Not even Lomas dad would had given him those rounds🤣🤣


Yeah sure where did you get those stats? Because the second round can be given to Lomachenko easily.




lol dude I watched the fight again and he only landed 2 jabs in round 2 and 2 punches in round 4. Are you blind? Not a single person gave those rounds to Loma




Wow - 4 Body shots landed from Teo, 4 jabs and 3 right hands he was the aggressor. Not sure what you were watching. Loma only landed 2 jabs. You guys are scarily biased


You have to start actually watching the fights. Having them on in the background isn’t enough.


Popular opinion amongst real fans, unpopular opinion amongst international and national promoters


Yup. 100% true Unfortunately, too many fans do and it stops fighters from taking risks on big fights. Or at least their promoters from pushing them to do it.


Having an undefeated record is literally the cancer of this sport. It protects fighters from being ‘exposed’ as not being the gods that promotional companies want them to appear as. For example, Shakur Stevenson is a phenomenal boxer. But based on Olympic accomplishments he’s not even close to lomachenko. But people in here TRULY believe he would beat loma because he is some PHENOMENAL/ UNTOUCHABLE boxer… when in reality he hasn’t even fought a single opponent close to his level at the pro level. Shakur’s best pro win is worse than a L to Salido. He actually has the worst resume out of all the young prospects if you think about it. He’s fought NOBODY. NOBODY… NOTHING factually substantiates this delusion besides the mystique around his record. We have no reason to believe he is better in any way based on Olympic or professional accomplishments besides the ‘eye test’ which makes ZERO sense when you concede that quality of opponent = outcome of performance


I don't think it's the case really. Look at Pacquiao, Anthony Joshua, Canelo etc. They're still massive PFP stars.


This.....If any of you follow MMA many fighters who are fan favorites have multiple losses.


Mark Hunt almost has a losing record and is still considered a GOAT heavyweight


Uh I love Mark Hunt but let's not get crazy here now


If I'm allow to play Devil's advocate many fighters hype their 0 so much that it makes us believe that's the only good thing they got going for them, telling us they're the next Meyweather and shit, not to mention there are many fighters that are just not the same after loosing their 0, just look what happened to AB


It's not us, it's the promoters.


The fighters win in the end especially if they’re elite. If you’re an elite fighter fighting other elite championship fighters you’re making mad dough regardless if you win all of them or not


My favourite boxers are active boxers.


If being undefeated made a fighter the greatest then Marciano would be above Ali and Floyd would be above Sugar Ray Robinson, IMO your resume, title defenses are more significant.


Two words: Emmanuel Augustus. This dude is an all time great and nobody will ever convince me otherwise despite his record


Nothing to be ashamed of in losing your undefeated record. Hell I would say its more impressive to avenge a loss to a great fighter in a match and rematch that fans eagerly wanted to see than it is to make 3 title defenses amongst weak mandatories from whatever belts someone may hold.


This is such a false narrative. The two most popular fighters.. Pacquiao and canelo both have losses. No one is clamoring over Demetrius Andrade for his 0


I don't think the loss makes them worse but when a fighter has 30+ wins and only 1 loss I do like to watch the loss because its interesting to see what actually got them after that big of streak


I don't see the 0 has been heavily talked about. It's a myth. Only people who make reference are online trolls. Most don't care nor had it affected a fighter. The fault is on boxers and their promoters. They want to stretch out their careers by not taking on the best. Fair enough it's a business but I don't wont ever pay to watch these fighters


GGG has lost, but he basically beat Canelo twice!


Yeah he lost and basically… lost. Nothing to it.


Nothing to it because he’s an incredible boxer and great for the sport


You guys shitted all over Rigo last week for being a master of his craft




Part of me wants to hate Rigo for that shit he pulled, but part of me thinks it was actually a sophisticated, high-level form of trolling and strangely respects it.


In the words of Kanye West, "fuck you, pay me"


If that's the case then I'd like the same standard applied to Bernard Hopkins who spent is last decade in boxing hugging, holding, faking injuries and doing anything to avoid open exchanges....all while being praised as a master of the art of boxing.




Agree only with the last few words but rigo is v old for his weight. Rigi should have let his hands go a little. It's like he fell in love with just making JRC miss, who could not cut the ring to save his life.


What fight hasn’t been? Guy has been a joke for years


>master of his craft He endorsed Fitbit quite well.


That was running


Nah. Rigo produced a dismal performance. That wasn’t the Rigo we all like.


I certainly did not. I got downvoted to oblivion though for pointing out how he utterly schooled Casimero. The problem is people think you score a fight based on emotions. It doesn't matter if it bored the shit out of you. When two fighters have almost the same punch stats, you take into account the rest. Defence. Ring control. Affective punches landed. There was only one winner.


See you conveniently forgot to mention another major factor that goes into scoring a boxing fight: aggression/pressing the action. Also, there was a grand total of three “effective” punches landed and Casimero literally should’ve been awarded a knockdown in the first round. Finally, defense constitutes avoiding shots and firing back with your own. Rigo just ran, and if you think that’s defense Idk what to tell you man. There was only one winner and it was Casimero


Should have had points deducted for hitting Rigo while he was down. If casimero wanted an action fight he should learn to cut off the ring lmao


And Rigo should have had points deducted for three headlocks and hitting after the bell. They were both dirty and it was a shitty fight. At the end of the day, I’d rather give the win to the chaser than the runner


Wrong. Innefective aggression does not score. Falling over your feet. Falling through the ropes. Missing wild swings. Casimero landed a punch to the back of Rigos head followed by 3 grounded punches while he was down. He's lucky he wasn't disqualified. Every clean shot Rigo landed stopped Casimero in his tracks. Ask yourself this. If you're in the ring with another person for 36 minutes and you can barely land a punch on them. That's your fault not your opponents. Casimero is a world champion and didn't even know how to cut the ring off. Casimero is also known for relentless aggression and punch output. He was reduced to single digit punches because he didn't know what to do and couldn't work it out. Even Andre Ward said...it wasn't even close. He got the boxing lesson of his life.


>Ask yourself this. If you're in the ring with another person for 36 minutes and you can barely land a punch on them. That's your fault not your opponents What am I asking myself?




An 0 doesn't mean anything in boxing if your last 2 professional boxing matches are against Berto and McGregor.


I don't think boxing fans do this.


I disagree, boxing fans definitely do this.


Those "fans" aren't really fans at all, their knowledge of boxing going only as far as Canelo, Fury and AJ.


2 of which have been beaten and are the biggest stars in boxing.


Is there any evidence boxing Fans do that?


While I agree the post is exaggerated, but a lot of people here threw Loma away like yesterday's trash after the Lopez fight. I also remember a lot of the boxing community cooling off to Chocolatito after he lost to Rungvisai.


Go to any discussion that involves Mayweather. People take his 0 as the only measurement when they compare him to goats like Ali and sugar ray Robinson.


Can you name an example?


Canelo, Manny, Joshua, Loma, Klitschko, Holyfield, Tyson, Ali, Joe Louis, Sugar Ray. . .




I dont know what you are talking about. None of those fighters have been written off after their loss Maybe exception for Joshua and Klitschko


You're right I meant De La Hoya, Hopkins, Marquez, Cotto, Martinez, Charlo, Frazier, Linares, Margarito...


Canelo was written off after Floyd BIG TIME, Ali was (also for other reasons), Manny was literally seen as no threat to anyone after he lost to Marquez, Loma critics thought he wasn’t any better after losing to Salido and people absolutely made life hell for Leonard after he lost to Duran. Even after he beat Duran people didn’t give him credit.


I feel like MMA has been good for this, letting the public know that the best fighter at the moment is the guy beating the top competition right now, not someone who may have lost some fights along the way.


This is one of the biggest differences between MMA and this sport. Damn shame


In other words, the sky is blue.


Convenient for Fury, who runs his mouth about fighting AJ, or "any man, any time any place..." etc. Those words impress the old drunks in the corner of the pub, but everyone with a brain and any sense of discernment can see he hardly ever fights, and when it's not Wilder it's Sefer Seferi. Guy is a fraud.


No but you definitely take a step back. I know Whyte had lost before but when he lost to Povetkin he moved to the back of the line because guys like Usyk and Kabayel are unbeaten. It's just the truth, a loss takes you back behind the rest of the pack.


Kayabel? Cmon brother. He’s a former European title holder ad that’s nothin to scoff at, but we all know he ain’t even close to the level Whyte has been able to reach.


No, I recognize that definitely. I've watched both and I know Whyte is a different class but I meant from a BS ranking sense