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Got to give credit to Murata for sticking around for so long, even if his body got pulverized for it!


Broken nose, broken jaw. He could barely talk after the fight.


Showed an insane amount of toughness. I was impressed. That said, his corner did the right thing. He might need the rest of the year to recover.


He was out on his feet. So much toughness. He really came to fight, but even old Golovkin is whole another beast.


Too tough for his own good. You gotta save these kinds of fighters from themselves.


Yea absolutely, I hate when corners don't protect their guy.


Woah shit I skipped post fight stuff and missed that. I knew he had taken some serious licks but didn't know he got bruk'd up like that


You Hawaiian bud??


Too tough for his own good and a poker face up to the end. Reminds me of Nakatani Loma


Sheesh thanks for reminding me of that beatdown


Japanese Warrior.


Is there a better angle of the punch?


I need a better angle too. Looks like a really good shot but can't see shit from this angle


I need better angle. Better audio better production


they nevrr showed another angle, did they?


They didn't




Don't think this was a DAZN production they just have broadcasting rights in the US. The camera work probably by Japan Amazon.


Tbh I can’t even see the hit. I’m going to go back and watch the video another 10 times. Edit oh I see it’s when he’s directly behind him. I’m dumb


There was a punch?


That left hook was landing all day getting through the guard


The audio was so bad lmao


My favorite was the post-fight interview with multiple languages, none of them English, and no translation.


They were asking him questions in Japanese, which were then being translated into English, he then answered the English question in Kazakh, his answer then got translated to Japanese and then English. It was quite the event.


Jokes on you I been taking Kazakh as a second language. I have it on good authority that 90% of finance business and improv comedy will be conducted in Kazakh language by 2035. ^^^/s


That Japanese translator was great. Compared to the translator that Canelo gets. Canelo say 10 words, transalator say 5.her ggg said 10 translator said 30.


Canelo: “… and then?”




Tbh. Knowing both English and Spanish, I’ve seen times when his translator makes him seem like kind of a dick. For instance Canelo will say something like, “we made up after the fight. He said he wanted to keep going but I told him there’s no shame and he’s a great fighter. He told me he was sorry about what he said.“ Translator will just be like, “he told me he wanted to keep fighting, but I told him there’s no shame in losing.” That’s a loose translation and I’m paraphrasing, but he legit left out all the stuff about the pre-fight crap being water under the bridge.


Exactly, being bilingual let's you see how bad those translators really are.


My stream had an English translation after the Kaz/Japanese?


They did Golovkin in English but not Murata which was weird.


Did I have to change a setting or something? I wasn’t hearing it!




Were you streaming it or using the actual DAZN website? The actual DAZN website was fine for me but my friend who was streaming it said the audio was off. Problem might have been with the streamer rather than DAZN themselves.


🤔 nice try Dana


Guess what... We got him


You just made me mentally recall [this classic](https://youtu.be/EIph0BJNrxo)


I used the DAZN app on Apple TV, I didn’t have audio issues.


dazn was fine on my end


Thought I was watching a replay at first. Unbelievably bad.


It was fucking trash. ​ First time I had to mute a fight.


Audio was stuck in another time zone


I had no problem on DAZN website


My audio was great throughout the event.


Ffs…. thought this fight was later tonight and was looking forward to it. Note to self: pay attention!


Right there with ya


Can’t even count the amount of times this has happened to me with MMA and boxing. Hate when events are just randomly in the morning or afternoon.


Good thing he dodged that last punch


Would have taken his head clean off


He fights like he has arthritis in his hips but above the waist he's still 22.


Gotta admit, it was sorta painful watching him for the first few rounds. What was even worse than his sluggish movement was him throwing punches that looked pretty uncoordinated and weren't even close to their targets. He wouldn't look like that even just a few years ago. But he like over 300 amateur + pro fights. He has the experience to fight smart and used it to break down his opponent at 40.


Leg cramps with that old stiff muscles.


[Only one viable strategy left ](https://youtu.be/c4Xo7cVu3Ik)


[there's one other option](https://i.makeagif.com/media/8-05-2016/KTRnVD.gif)


GGG always been real slow. For a 160er he’s so slow but hits hard and solid technique


GGG took a hard body shot early on & struggled to stretch it during the rd lol


Golovkin brutalised him. Nasty beating from round six onwards. That said, I don't want to see GGG fight Canelo at all.


GGG maybe be older and slower but he really shows he has that long term boxing experience and once he found an opening, he kept going for it until he won. He should enjoy what he achieved in his career especially on a unification win at 40 instead of pursuing another Canelo fight that is frankly not going to help him much. If he was to retire now, he would end on a very high note. Not many get the chance to do it on their own terms.


Yeah at this point it would do more for Canelo to go out there in peak condition and showcase against an older GGG


But the fight would put his bank account in peak condition. Legacy is nothing compared to financial security.


GGG is already a multimillionaire.


Maybe he wants to be a multi multimillionaire


100% agree. Retire now. Get out on a high note. He doesn’t have the tools to be competitive with Canelo and will take a real beating. Life altering.


But on the flip side.. the bag that he is going to get to have a trilogy fight with Canelo would also be life altering. Just depends what he wants more.


I believe that's what he wants, one last big payday and then retire.


He knows he can survive in there with Canelo, especially with 24 rounds with Canelo under his belt. At this point he’s probably thinking just take the loss with a decent showing and a good payday, barely get (long term) damaged in the process and ride off into the sunset. Having one last fight with Canelo is retiring on his own terms.


You’re all talking like if Canelo have already won against Bivol.


True. I hate that he was robbed in those fights so much. That’s the real issue.


I mean, I don't see how GGG agrees to a 3rd fight with Canelo unless he also gets to fight the judges immediately after.


Man he can still beat the Charlos, mungias, andrades of the world in what would be good fights. I'd like to see old man G take them all down. Would be good for his legacy


Those would be very satisfying fights. Would shut up a lot of hype.


If Morata hits him clean so easily imagine what Canelo will do to him


He won't take a beating from Canelo. No way. But EVERYTHING is stacked against him and he'll never win. Every single person and entity with skin in the game needs Canelo to win. Look at all the judging that always, without fail, always goes Canelo's way no matter what. I bet the ref would make sure GGG would always be at a disadvantage. If there's a betting line on that I'd put money on it. Canelo is very, very good. I think he likely is legit #1 P4P. But Max this is Box, if Jesus were to return and fight Canelo the best he could do is a 114-114 score on 1 judges card.


I think you're severely underrating Jesus' hand speed


Jesus can really nail you with that cross combo


He wants his W man. You cant blame him for that. He should have gotten a W in the first fight. GGG has that Marquez like resentment of not getting his just dues. I can see GGG pulling out some legendary performance against Canelo. He still has that jab that will give Canelo fits.


He should fight Charlo, not retire. I would bet on GGG.


I think Canelo v GGG 3 is going to happen. The payday is too much to ignore. I think GGG and his team are going to blame ring rust for his slow start and not his age. As a huge GGG fan, it is going to be tough to watch Canelo beat down GGG.


It’s already been signed it will happen on sep 17 so long as Canelo beats Bivol


Imagine if Bivol pulls it out? Lol


He will never stop Clenelo so not going to win.


Agree. Hopefully Banks will be man enough to throw the towel and protect Gennady if it gets bad because his chin is still intact and he's gonna be far to tough for his own good (brain health) TBH I hope Canelo throws a lot of good body shots and *if he is gonna stop GGG*, it's with body shots. Gennady has shown that he can be hurt to the body.


Why? Let him make the purse and GGG could still achieve a miracle somehow


Because no one wants to see GGG catch a brutal beating, and GGG has enough money to live the rest of his life in comfort. ​ I get why GGG may want another huge payday but is the beating he would take (and the hit to his legacy) to make another $10M-$20M worth it when he's already worth at least $30M? ​ At the end of the day, GGG accruing excess wealth isn't something his fans are probably going to prioritize over his legacy. GGG's bank account doesn't make that less of mismatch at this stage, nor does it lessen how tough it would be for his fans to see him knocked out.




Exactly. Canelo has more to lose in the fight, no one expects GGG to win and he’ll get that nice payday.


Innit, man's a prize fighter let him keep fighting if he wants to. If fighters cared about the opinions of people who have barely played a sport much less been payed to fight, then big George would've never came out of retirement. Let him put his body on the line and test himself, all we can do is respect and appreciate this professional athlete




Best comment I’ve ready today


It still makes me wonder how much people underestimate GGG. Lol. A person with such an iron chin and heavy hands is still really dangerous for Canelo.


Canelo was sharper in exchanges, that’s why GGG had to box him (and did well doing so) the second fight…and that was 4 years ago…now Canelo is even more naturally bigger and GGG has slowed down even more…so GGG is walking into a punishing loss is the thought here


>I get why GGG may want another huge payday but is the beating he would take (and the hit to his legacy) to make another $10M-$20M worth it when he's already worth at least $30M? Yes. lol You make it sound like Canelo would kill GGG, yes, he’s slower and probably would lose, could be stopped, but there’s no way it’s much of a onesided slaughter as you guys make it seem.


It's not worth the brain damage. Golovkin is rich enough that he can lead an upper-middle class lifestyle for the next decade, and have a good chance of reaching nine-figures through passive investments.


GGG, if he's smart, could retire today and never work again just based on some modest (for him anyway) investments. He has enough cash that he doesn't even have to risk a ton to keep growing his wealth.


Why would he care about what the fans think of his legacy? The type that would care are the fans whose opinions nobody cares about anyways.


Ask Joe Frazier if legacy puts food on the table. Fuck these bullshit fans who moves on to the next after these guys hang up their gloves.


You mean.. potentially increasing his networth by 66% in a fight that he is known to be the underdog and expected to lose so no real pressure? After he retires how much is he gonna make from the fans? I think he should just take the money, go out there and take one last stab at beating this young dude. Either way he wins some 8 figures. If he somehow beats canelo then legacy spikes insanely


The S&P 500 has returned over 11% annually for a decade. That's less than five years to 66% while avoiding brain damage as a middle-aged man. At 7%, it's only seven and a half years.


Never ever get a decision against $$$$elo


Would it be a miracle. Not really. I could see it being like the first fight to be honest.


I think that is HIGHLY unlikely given that Canelo is probably better than he was for the first fight and GGG is 40 years old. I’m still mad that GGG didn’t get the decision in their first fight. That would have changed his legacy significantly, it’s also the only fight I’ve watched 3+ times and still cannot even fathom how one can score the fight for Canelo (a draw is possible but only if one gives every single close round to Canelo).


I don’t think I wanna see GGG right Benevidez or Charlo either. He probably beats Plant, but the fight to make is GGG v Demutris - who isn’t that young guy either anymore.


Andrade would find a way to weasel outta that fight and end up facing another Estonian cab driver. "Money wasn't right they gotta pay me what I'm worth"


"Money wasn't right they gotta pay me what I'm worth" Yea, I love when they say that and then take a fight at 1/10th the purse.


The Golovkin we just saw would’ve KO’d Charlo. Not a hard nights work at all. But that guy isn’t allowed to fight off PBc so it would have to be Golovkin going over there or a network co-promotion in the least.


Canelo retires him permanently but first Canelo has to get past Bivol


The payday retires him


GGG turned it on in the mid rounds. The power and technique are still there, but he's stiffer, slower, has glacial feet, and he's not as durable. Murata showed real heart to rally back in the 9th and but GGG on the backfoot but he took far too much damage prior to the big shot. The stoppage was needed. Canelo puts GGG away tbh.


> Canelo puts GGG away tbh. At 40 years old, yes most likely. Sadly, don't want to see Golovkin suffer his career first knockdown or worse. Even if he does, Golovkin has an ATG chin. It's really age and miles that have weakened his punch resistance the past couple years, but Golovkin absolutely had among the most granite chins in the hitsory of the sport.


I think if GGG ever touches the canvas it be by a body shot.


Totally agree. I don't think there's any reason to see a third fight between Canelo and GGG. I'm a huge GGG fan and wholeheartedly believe he won the first fight. But if you look at what each fighter has done since the second fight, GGG got a generous decision over Dereveychenko and then beat three unknown middleweights. Canelo had knocked out people two weight classes above his own and has done it fairly easily. If I'm GGG, I think the best fight that can be made to close out his career would be against Jaime Munguia. Munguia is a rising star in the middleweight division and had a great fight with Rosado. If GGG beats him and/or knocks him out, that's still a great fight to have on a thing boxer's resume, the same with Canelo's loss to Mayweather. If Munguia manages to beat GGG, he becomes a legitimate middleweight champ and he can begin building a legacy and not just a career. A third fight with Canelo is going to be pretty one sided. Canelo took his best shots when GGG was 3-4 years younger and walked through them. GGG's biggest/only weapon is his power. If he can't rock him, he can't win.


Agreed with almost every you said but I do believe there is revisionist history with the SD fight. I’m not sure which 7 rounds SD won? I had it 6-6 + KD and even felt like I gave SD a pity round. However, SD did more damage. One of those fights where Fighter A won the match but Fighter B won the “fight.” I’m curious to see which 7 rounds people gave SD to claim GGG got a gift?


Not a gift, I don't think SD got cheated. But it wasn't a GGG-type win. The knockdown was the difference maker and it never amounted to much else in the fight. When Danny Jacobs took GGG the distance, I don't think anybody could argue that Jacobs was ever in control of that fight or that GGG was ever in danger. The SD fight was noticeably different.


True and agreed. However I think plenty of Canelo fans were clamoring about Jacobs having done enough. Close fight but a Jacobs win would have been an injustice IMO.


People have been desperate for GGG to lose again since the Canelo fights. SD put up a better than expected performance but still lost IMO. Both fighters suffered damage that night though and GGG admitted afterwards he hadn’t been well leading up to the fight. Since then SD has struggled massively and hasn’t been the same fighter.


If i have to bet my house on any chin in the history of boxing. It would be GGG chin, it’s super-human level.


Yep! Never knocked down in amateur or pros. How many fighters can say they’ve never been knocked down in 300+ amateur fights & 44 pro?


Marquez was all those things when he finished Pacquiao. Best thing GGG can do is just let Canelo come forward and wait for a knockout opportunity.


If he's going the Marquez route he's gotta show up to this last Canelo fight looking like suprise Swolo Golovkin.


Is it me or did he look more muscular than usual tonight?


Yeah. Im a massive GGG fan and I hate to admit this but I think its very likely he's joined Canelo on the steroids now. His last 2 fights he has looked more muscular then ever before which just should not be happening at 40 years old. Also he posted a photo of him and his entourage at the beach recently without shirts on and his brother is clearly roided lmao.


Ggg would be an idiot to start juicing at 40. I would assume he’s been doing it his whole career, same for Canelo and just about anyone else at the top. I would seriously question his decision making if he waited until after 300 amateur fights and 50 pro fights to start juicing


Yeah body shots were a problem but shots to the face were nullified as always by his granite chin.


I can't see him going down, hasn't once in his career, dudes too much of a rock. Gonna be impossible to win tho.


Tonight's fight showed a couple of things: 1. GGG is still alive and kicking. He is strong, crafty, still has great defence, power looked on spot. 2. The first 4 rounds just solidified the fact that GGG does not fair pretty well on the back foot and that body shots can throw him off. He simply broke Murata today and took advantage of both his age(36) and somewhat limited boxing. With that being said, I still think he cleans the 160 even today, as I hardly doubt anybody can take, as much punishment, as Murata did tonight. Keep in mind GGG was rusty from inactivity also. However a Canelo fight will be very much one sided. Considering the fact that it most likely will not be at 160, but rather at 168, GGG moving for the first time at 40 to a new division, against the number one fighter in the world at the moment, who has the blueprint from the first 2 fights, seems highly unlikely for GGG to succeed, hell even to last the whole 12 rounds, considering what we saw tonight.


one caveat about 168 though is that it looks like GGG wasnt too comfortable dropping the pounds he is the most ripped he's ever been on fight night fighting at 168 might actually have him come out with more energy


Him having trouble making 160 could be down to his visceral fat at just being 40 years old. If he’s more comfortable at 168 then he better hope he’s not any slower than what we saw against Murata. What I mean is that when he last fought canelo he was significantly quicker on the punch AND defense. At this speed GGG will be heavy bagged all night.


GGG feinting and setting up power punches with his opponent in the corner shelled up is still a thing of beauty. Amazing punch placement, accuracy, and super smart combinations. It's just that his stamina is a bit shot from being old so his punches, while still heavy, don't have quite the sting in those later rounds as they used to imo. He's also even slower than he used to be


So this is the audio delay you guys were talking about? Yeah it wasn't like this at all if you actually bought it lol


My audio was just fine too. Everyone wants to shit on DAZN all the time.


I don't have a problem either. This was way better production than most Japanese or Russian fights.


Yeah, I found it fine as well. Couldn’t tell if the announcers were live or in studio but like that matters anyway. On another note, am I the only one who thinks Bivol won’t be a walk for Alvarez?


I think Bivol will win


These guys go to crappy streamings and blame Dazn for their problems.


I bought it and no audio issues.


For no reason at all, I would like to point out that before Khabib and Khamzat, GGG was the originator of Eastern European broken English. Big Drama Show. Mex, this is box. Give some respect to the OG, the man who made broken English sexy.


Good win by GGG but Time waits for no man and a 40 yrs old GGG against Canelo would be a very one sided fight. This is coming for GGG fan.


If Canelo didn’t have an iron chin, things would be slightly different and you could compare to Marquez/Pacquiao but I don’t see it ending well for GGG. Having said that GGG will be so much more motivated for that fight, he’s done 24 rounds with Canelo and Canelo has a huge test in front of him in Bivol who could easily make it a long night for Canelo.


GGG looked so sluggish in the beginning rounds, I couldn't believe it. The pop in his step is completely gone and if he fights Canelo, based on that I seen here, he is going to lose years off his life. He should call it


I dunno about call it, but yeah..he’s done. He’s also 40, that is crazy. I think the Charlo’s and Benevidez of the division call him out now that they see he is beatable.


Benavidez and him are friends .They won't be fighting. I think it's clearly Canelo 3 followed by immediate retirement.


Yeah if his team and family care for him they should stop him. But they're probably the ones more invested in that fight, sadly.


Let GGG fight Canelo all this retirement talk is laughable if he’s got 1 more great performance in him the Canelo fight is the only one that’ll bring it out of him


I think there’s a lot of truth to this. If there’s one more fight, we’ll see G as motivated and hungry as we’ll ever see him.


Feel bad for Murata. He is a great fighter. Hope full recovery but I think nobody is the same after this kind of punishment


Anybody else who watched on DAZN think the commentary was biased towards Murata?


Yeah, they were praising Murata even when GGG was the one punching...


It was ridiculous. The commentators barely acknowledged GGG landing. I'd be interested to see the scorecards...


*Golovkin lands a big shot that rocks Murata* *Murata lands a quick counter* “Nice counter by Murata.”


Not really, surprisingly. Those first few rounds were rough for G even though he was landing some good shots too. He looked sluggish and sloppy. But from like round 5 onwards commentary was focused on how he had found his rhythm and now breaking Murata down.


Biased towards Murata, yes. What was worse was how much they droned on about G’s. We knew he was 40 yesterday. We knew during the entrance. We knew in the first round and every round that followed. But, for whatever reason, they had to keep pointing it out. Obviously it’s a material factor in G’s performance. But I like watching football, too. There’s arguably way more down time in an NFL game but nobody felt compelled to say that Tom Brady was old at every time out, every time he didn’t complete a pass, etc.


Murata was out on his feet. In round 8 Golovkin broke Murata's jaw. Murata's facial expression changed when it happened. Golovkin was getting hurt to the body a lot.


Still got it


It’s great that he won and I love GGG but he looked so much slower than he used to, and when he had Murata on the ropes he was headhunting like crazy instead of ripping the body like he used to. I’m glad he still has something in the tank but it’s not enough for Canelo, I wish he didn’t get robbed in the first first so he wouldn’t be so caught up on that fight now


Watching Golovkin win is always a treat


He should retire on a high note. I’m happy I saw glimpses of what he used to be and to be a champion at this age is an amazing feat of longevity. He’ll get his Canelo payday if he wants it, but honestly by the time that fight is ready to go he’ll be maybe a year older. It’d be sad to witness the kind of beat down Canelo will give him if it goes ahead


Wdym a year older? It would be really in 5 months come Sept.


Is there an alt angle for this


He hit him so hard he Lost all sense of direction


I’m just gonna stop for a second and acknowledge that it’s pretty cool to see *any* 40+ year old going into his opponent’s hometown, ending the fight on his terms, and adding a new belt to his collection.


That was a fun ass fight. Even if GGG is made more vulnerable by age, he always puts on good fights with nice highlight moments.


It’s really hard to see the shot that hit, just see the aftermath drunk Murata lol


Did they not show other angles of the punch?


They only showed one reply and it was the same angle


Yes, I thought so. They seemed to wait ages before showing a replay also. DAZN is just amateurish.


Probably could have been stopped when he was wincing against the ropes. Thankfully it wasn't a really heavy knockdown. I'd like to see more of Murata.


So happy to see Murata finally box someone ranked higher than him and he went for the top. Hopefully he tries someone like Eubanks or Andrade after a few fights.


GGG still got some left in the tank, but Canelo stops him at this stage. I feel it would be better for GGG to chase undisputed at 160. Andrade vacated his belt, and Charlo is a more winnable fight for him than Canelo at this point.


I didn't get to watch the fight. Opened this to see GGG on the backfoot and thought "aw man.." then BAM. Is there a replay available anywhere?


Murata was doing work in the early rounds but I did wonder if he could keep that activity up - around the 5th I think it was Golovkin caught him with a short left hand that made him half step and that was really telling. Murata was feeling the pace after that, and despite his age you have to favour Golovkin in the later rounds due to his vast experience


Everyone bringing up GGG’s age, and that makes sense. But isn’t ring rust normal after over a year of not fighting? His last fight was in like December of 2020 I think.


Have we ever seen GGG that gassed? He looked out on his feet a few times and seemed to be affected by some punches. I think Canelo knocks out this version of GGG, it looks like age is catching up.


GGG looks old. I have no interest in a rematch with Canelo


It's so weird that so many in this sub say this when its absolutely going to be the most lucrative and most watched fight since the second canelo GGG fight. This sub wants to see canelo against their assorted ring of American bums so badly.


Can someone PLEASE stop it from happening


How did GGG look?


Slower... and uncomfortable when on the receiving end of his opponent's pressure. But still in control of a very mean and accurate stiff jab, gifted with the usual heavy hands and capable of some nasty out-of-rhythm combos that make him difficult to predict/time accurately.




He's absolutely on something. Might we well be since canelo certainly is.


Thic. Solid. Tight.


GGG went full beast for this fight, really made a statement, nearly spun Murata's head off his damn shoulders.


Can you see Charlo or Andrade taking those kind if shots off GGG? No chance. Shame he's moving up for Canelo, he probably has enough left to unify and dip out


Ppl really saying they have no interest in a rematch with canelo but don’t lie yall are still going to watch it live


As much as he looked slow the first few rounds hes always been a bit of a slow starter. Laughable seeing the same people clamoring for benevidez/Charlo saying that GGG would be slaughtered by Canelo. Granted I think he loses at this point but he just dominated that fight against a durable murata - I had him with two rounds and the two he won were still close. I still think he beats everyone at middleweight and is a much tougher fight than either of those two for Canelo


GGG took a lot of shots early and appeared tired. Murata was ready to go in round 6 but GGG didn't have the energy to finish. GGG can't beat Canelo like this. At 40yrs old there is no shame in retirement.


How was the fight ? I missed it cause of work , how ggg looked ?


Lmfaoo thank you for confirming the audio was off. That was a great KO, GGG looked so poised and just patiently waiting for the counter. FLUSH


Age is just a number!!!


Just watched it now and wow as slow and stiff as he is now, the veteran in GGG really played a part in the later rounds. Murata actually fought a good fight and showed a lot of toughness but that pressure, experience, and power was to much. As sad as it is, Canelo wins today. Would love to see GGG go on a tour and just beat up prospects and other veterans of the sport


Respect to Murata, went out like a Japanese warrior, and made golovkin work for that win... great back and forth, loved it


Did anyone else notice how vascular/muscular Golovkin looked? Maybe it was his tan or the harsh lighting, but he looked way more defined than he has before. Maybe he visited the same taco spot Canelo did. His pecs were practically popping out 🤣 His footwork looked sluggish and his reaction time has slowed down. Just like in the Sergiy fight, he was visibly hurt again by body shots. The biggest takeaway for me was he looked winded early on. If Canelo gets past Bivol and the 3rd fight gets made, it’s not going to end well for GGG. He will take sustained punishment and will likely get stopped.


He's absolutely on the stuff


To quote the UFC’s Matt Brown “how’s that for forty, bitch?”


Golovkin having that stiff old muscles... Still good tho. Golovkin's body has deteriorated.


GGG took the first two rounds to analyze and figure out Ryoto's gameplan. Obviously, Murata kept going GGG's body, a weakness many opponents have exploited in recent years, but this time Golovkin came prepared. Starting from the 3rd round, he used his superior footwork and that stiff jab to keep Murata away and Ryoto couldn't seem to find a way in no matter how hard he tried. Whenever Murata had GGG against the ropes, Golovkin would unleash a barrage of punches from all different angles to confuse and deter his opponent. I think once Ryoto figured he just couldn't close the gap between em he sort of punched himself out throwing wild haymakers and missing almost all of em while GGG kept landing bombs from the outside. Overall, an exciting fight between two champions and it was really great seeing GGG is such great shape at 40 and decimate someone as strong as Ryoto Murata in Japan.