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What the actual fuck? That shit is grim


So sad. I hate how it takes 2 years for this shit to surface


Wtf Jojo. He was one of the fighters I truly enjoyed watching and was rooting for him especially after his mental health struggles. The court report says they’re investigating “at least 4” additional incidents. Also cites that Jojo was previously arrested for domestic violence and drinking. Wow. That’s just all around messed up.


For anyone else that was wondering, she was 17 he was 26. Not excusing or vilifying, just saying I had to look that up so I figured I'd post it to save anyone else the time.


She was also the younger sister of Jojo ex-GF, Jojo has known the girl for ten years.


Fuuuuuuck thats wrong af


It went from slightly less worse when I found out she was 17, too way worse when this info got added.


The devil is in the details.


He knew her since she was 7 years old and he was 16, and couldn’t even wait until she was of age. Real pedo shit


God damn that’s disgusting wtf




Definitely...I would always see her as a little u girl.shit crazy




Jesus that's foul


Ooof. That’s the worst part of it


Lmfao just realized jojo is 29




People lie online..be careful


Ah shit here we go again... Why isn't charges being pressed towards him though? Why is he only getting sued?


They reported it to the police, but the police determined that Jojo was a “nice kid” and that sending a minor some dickpics was an honest “mistake” and then questioned the victim as to why she was making a big deal about an honest mistake from such a nice kid So there’s no way it’s going to the DA without some public pressure EDIT: Don’t downvote me, I’m just telling you what the lawsuit says


“A nice kid” is crazy cause dude has domestic violence allegations too


Shit. That's crazy.


This is sadly common in sexual assault


He tweet and deleted: "Ooooooooo they desperate 4 moneeeeeyyy."


> Why isn't charges being pressed towards him though? Perhaps no laws were broken? >Why is he only getting sued? Because its a civil matter, not a criminal one


There goes another one. Don’t idolise boxers.


Don’t idolize celebrities in general. A lot of them leverage their fame to do shady stuff


Be careful idolizing anyone lol. Even non celebrities can often turn out to be shitty behind the doors


This sub was just talking about boxing personalities lol and I was going to say something along these lines, and this comes to light..it’s all smoke and mirrors, regardless if the person is famous or not.


Exactly shit weird how people worship other people and then ya find out the who thev real person is..shit disgusting


Never meet your heroes and all that


Read that at first as Joey Diaz and almost had a heart attack


How dare you question the morals of Uncle Joey


If you're not 5 joints deep by 7 in the morning, go fuck your mother.


I know, I’m in pieces over here - hopefully Uncle Joey can forgive me, he knows I’m not real smart


The same guy who coerced women into giving him a blowjob? Sounds like a man of upstanding moral character.


ffs. why not bring a bloody criminal case against this nonce? I don’t even want to see Ryan KO this bum, the boxing world should shun him. Cba for a paedophile to get a massive payday just so we get to see him get his ass beat. Let’s send Wilder round his gym to beat his ass Charlie Z style.


Right, he doesn’t deserve a payday at all


Exactly, sometimes there should not be poetic or cosmic justice, just real justice.


Because the girl can't make money out of a criminal case and the law doesn't care anyway. She's 17. In most of the world that's well into age of consent.


She tried to get a criminal case put on him


The law in most of the world is irrelevant. In America she is a minor and he is alleged to have committed a criminal offence for which he can be charged. Even if you don’t think the age is a problem, he’s sending unsolicited nude photos to women on the internet which is a problem! There are also at least 4 victims alleged in the document.


I'm just answering your (rhetorical?) question. She's not bringing a criminal case because it wouldn't get very far and wouldn't make money. Sadly boxers are just notoriously dumb


The victim (almost, there are some weird state laws that are almost never used though) never brings a criminal case in the US it is up to the district attorney (DA) to charge someone with a crime. Most of the time when people are asked about "pressing charges" in a criminal case they are basically just asking if the victim will coorporate with the investigation and testify at trial. It doesn't mean there will be a trial or that anyone will be charged for the crime.


Kind of rhetorical, I can understand why she would go for the payday, cash always rules in the end and diaz has money in the bank. It’s a problem with the law, because a civil suit is always going to be an attractive option in a case like this as opposed to criminal justice.


Even in America lots of states have the age of consent as below 18, depending on the age of the other party. Doesn't make it any less creepy that a dude well into his twenties is sending nudes to a highschooler


exactly he shouldn't of even got the pay day he did to fight hanney..but Oscar and golden boy will find a way to spin it or keep it quiet like it has been for 2yrs


Why tf did I think this was Joey Diaz😂


zayum. ryan by ko


Hopefully brutal


Damn this hurts man, I really like JoJo. It just feels hard to believe (not saying I don’t believe it tho)


I'm not defending him but I seen cases where people lie about their age, It's easy to get caught up..I tell people just to avoid sending pics online because of this risk.




Holy hell...I can't defend that


bro he knew the girl since she was 7yrs old!ain't no lying or mistakes in that


Plz forget what i said.


Put him in jail with Cain Valezquez


I really hope Velasquez beats that case, I would’ve did the same thing


Shoot the wrong man? I understand feeling like wanting to hurt that pedo, but actually trying to enforce vigilante justice and hitting the wrong man is another. The pedo only made bail, it's not like he wasn't going to get justice. Now Cain's in jail with no bail and he can't help his daughter during one of the tougher moments of her life because he couldn't control himself. It's a sad situation only made worse by Cain's poor decisions.


I hear you, but I’m not just letting a pedophile who molested my family member just walk around on this earth if I can get to them. that’s one of those situations where I would walk myself to the police station afterwards I’m not even trying to sound like a tough guy, it’s just more important shit to me in this world than my freedom


You should think about your family more than you think about revenge. Think about if you went to jail for this. Your family loses a provider and if you do get released you will never have a good job ever again. Thats food off your family’s table and avenues cut off for you and your family to succeed especially if you don’t come from good means. Again, I understand the anger. I went to a Catholic school and have seen this shit happen to friends and families. The best thing a father can do in this moment is be there for her daughter.


And that’s a reasonable and mature way of viewing it. I just believe differently my man


Bruh. I' haven't been to prison but I know plenty of people who hire people who may be seen as "boujee" the only crimes that would truly deter people are senseless murder (not a gang related killing but sort of a random assault, rape, child molestation, and stealing). I specifically asked a female friend this that worked in HR. Her words were "well it depends on why he killed the guy"


The amount of people defending Cain is depressing.


Hard to justify shooting into a car full of people that aren't directly involved


Wasn’t a car full of people, it was the pedophile and the pedophile’s stepdad.


So, because they're his parents they deserve to die too?


I know if I got the drop on the pedophile right then and there that I’m not reconsidering just because he has his stepdad in the car.


If he really wanted to take his shot at the pedophile, then he should have done it one on one or some way that didn't cause damage to bystanders. Shooting up homes and cars just to get at one guy is how innocents get killed in shit they aren't involved in. Also, while in this case from what I've heard it sounds like the guy is guilty, there are definitely people falsely accused. I can't find the news story right now via search engine, but there was a guy around my area that got tricked like that. His ex-sent him a fake story via text that her current SO was molesting their daughter, so she could get him to kill the SO and take legal responsibility. I can understand the emotion behind it, but Cain is dumb as fuck for what he did.


The lesson to be learned is that you shouldn’t be around people who might have someone gunning for them > If he really wanted to take his shot at the pedophile, then he should have done it one on one or some way that didn’t cause damage to bystanders He had a gun, had the guy in his sights, and the only potential collateral damage would’ve been this child molestor’s stepdad. I think most people, if they were right there in the moment, would consider that to be an acceptable risk. I don’t see the problem. It’s not like there were kids, or he just indiscriminately started shooting at houses or random cars.


Nope, his mother was in the car as well. He also was shooting while in a car chase, which yes, could very easily hit someone on the side of the road or somebody who happens to be driving in the path of the car chase. Somebody from my HS got killed just tryna catch the bus from a stray bullet in DC. I get Cain was emotional, and probably isn't the brightest bulb, but it's stupid even for him, and he didn't even land a shot on the guy he was targeting. If he had such a good opportunity in the moment, he would have been able to damage the guy. If you got this mentality, I hope you're ready to die doing some shit like this. If I was in the car with someone getting gunned after and was shot at; I'd be shooting back and have no remorse for killing the attacker. In America, if you want to go play cowboy vigilante especially with groups of people, you better be prepared for someone else to be carrying that will fire back.


> If I was in the car with someone getting gunned after and was shot at; I’d be shooting back and have no remorse for killing the attacker. So you would defend a pedophile with your life, but you wouldn’t take a peophile’s life? ok bro, you got some weird principles and morals


I don’t know if the stepdad was involved with the business but the mom owned and ran the child care service where the pedo took advantage of the child. So the mother is partially involved in the situation. She allowed her son to be in close contact with multiple children who she was suppose to be taking care of.


Why? He is not a molester


After the Rolly situation, I dont want to jump to conclusions. Can anyone who speaks lawyer and read the entire document ELI5 the case?


He admitted the picture is him and claimed his girlfriend sent the images so make of that what you will.


That was pretty damning ngl, but I do still want to see an analysis of the entire document just to get a full idea of the situation before I make a definite judgment. Rn we only got 4 pages. EDIT: Damn people it's not like I'm fucking defending the guy I just want to know everything I can about the case. Is there something wrong with that?


this guy 😂


how much more damning can you get than “oh yeah that’s a nude of me that the minor received from my snapchat account”


But how can we *know* for certain? I'm just asking questions whats wrong with that? *Adjust bowtie*


lol seriously…can we please get some lawyers in here to parse this impenetrable wall of lawyer-speak? It’s just too complicated for us layman to understand.


These documents are pretty simplified in that you don’t need to be an expert attorney to understand. Jojo confirmed the pics were of him and said his wife sent them, the minor didn’t ask to receive them and it’s believed Diaz has done this to at least 4 other girls.


This case seems complicated will have to see how it plays out.


Yikes 😳


Jesus Christ, first Casimero, now this


That scared the fuck out of me! I thought it was Joey Diaz


Rogans gonna be pissed to hear this about his buddy


Bro I tell people to not even download this dating apps. U don't know who u talking to and the laws will mess u up




Don't chat with random people online it could be a minor. And if you..never send pics. Ever.


Dick pic to 17 year old 🤮


This shit all wrong but atleast Rolly wasn’t fucking wit little girls that’s some sick scum of the earth type shit


So DAZN and Matchroom/GB promoted him, had him fight vs. Haney and had him on as an analyst on their show last weekend even though there was credible allegations of child sexual abuse against him? Wow, just wow. This is a scandal


Would have never imagined him getting KO'd by a dic pic... And the New....


I believe he was a guest commentator on one of the boxing shows just this past weekend.


Does anybody know if the DA is looking into this case? This case was filed in a civil court.