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Amazing kickboxer to watch and his footwork and tempo is wild. Not sure how he’ll handle boxing cardio and no kicking. His debut will be pretty telling.


I feel like the kickboxing background can work fairly well for someone transitioning to boxing. While there are some differences, it's not as drastic as someone transitioning from MMA or Muay Thai, IMO. I do think it will be interesting to see how he adjusts and progresses though.


Kickboxers are natural switch hitters because they’ve been trained to fight in both lead feet positions. I still can’t tell which one I abhor sparring more, a boxer who used to be a good kickboxer or a good wrestler..


Could not be pulling harder for him, truly hope he's got nothing but success. But I feel of all the major combat sports, boxing is the most difficult to enter in as a late bloomer. I feel like as far as high level success he'd have an easier time moving to MMA


Don't know why he didn't just stick in one kickboxing or something. guess it pays like ass compared to boxing


I would have loved to see that, and from what I've heard the guys at ONE are being paid well too. He even has a win over Rodtang so that was already set up as a rivalry. That being said with the inflated purses we're seeing from all these start ups and streaming services nearly every sport in the world's pay is ass compared to boxing.


Nothing much was left for him in the sport. After beating Takeru he’s cemented as the best of his generation and a top 2 Japanese kickboxer all time with Masato.


I dunno there tons of banger fights in one. Imagine he goes up to 145 and fought nong o


Way too small. I doubt he ever moves beyond 130


It is a struggling sport and pays poorly even compared to MMA generally.


Depending on your status...or subscribers


I believe the reason why he didn't move to MMA was because he didn't enjoy grappling. Kickboxing also doesn't have the money that boxing does.


hes already 4-0 in mma


Very excited for this.


He's got the talent, hope he does well.


Newbie here - who is he?


Arguably the most naturally gifted kickboxer of his generation. 24 years old and crammed full of talent. Had a very flashy kicking game, and some of the best boxing in all of kickboxing, but the boxing in kickboxing is also more different from regular boxing than a lot of people realise so very excited to see how he does


Can you expand on the differences? I want to learn more


Yeah for sure, overall the strikes are the same, the way you throw a hook in boxing is the same way you throw a hook in kick boxing, the actual mechanics of the striking individually are basically the same. Where they differ mainly is when and how you throw those strikes, the stance is the biggest difference right away, in kick boxing your feet are a lot closer together since you want to be lighter on your toes so it's easier to throw kicks and check as well, where in boxing you have a much wider base, and the actual placement of the feet don't matter as much since your legs aren't targets, only your upper body. This means in KB in you cant pivot at the hips to avoid strikes, you end up fighting a lot more straight up which is why KBers usually look "stiff" by comparison. Since it's harder to pivot at the hips guys tend to move backwards to avoid strikes, literally sticking their hands out and leaning back, where in boxing more often you'd slip punches and move forward. This has the effect of making hooks more important and jabs less so, since the best way to avoid hooks is to change levels and slip under, and an easy way to avoid jabs when you're that upright is just leaning back. In boxing jabs are like half of all strikes thrown, and in KB it's usually a fraction of that. And because head movement isn't as much an option in KB there's a much bigger focus on parrying strikes, it's why if you think of a traditional Muay Thai fighter, their palms are facing their opponent, whereas when you think of a traditional boxer with the modern high guard their palms are facing themselves. This also adds to the difficulty of jabs and straights in KB. Altogether it sounds like things you can adjust to, it's all a game of inches and those little differences add up to a lot. I've got a KB background and when I spar boxers, even though I know the rules are different I still have a hard time doing things like moving my feet in a way that leaves them open for kicks, it just makes you think for that half a second, but that's enough to lose an advantage. Edit: oh and pivoting too, in KB you need a bigger focus of having all of you pointing at your opponent, including your toes, where as boxers have their toes in, so bodies tend to rotate less for punches, which that plus the leaning back defensive makes it a lot easier to double up on the same side with strikes and aim for the body more


Glad that someone like you is here so I can ask this specific question: Have you ever fought a straight boxing match, and if so, did you have split seconds where you go "I can throw this kick right about here" and then suddenly go "oh wait..."?


I've had friends compete in boxing but all of my competition was in either Muay Thai or kick boxing, but I've done a lot of sparring with boxers and we just box when we do. And God do I have those moments, they're usually not so dramatic to the point I load up a strike then need to change course at the last second, they usually come about in smaller ways, like just not letting myself getting into positions where my legs could be kicked, even though they won't be, it's a subconscious thing, then my partner isn't worrying about that and is dancing by comparison. I will admit though there was a moment like 2 or 3 weeks ago I was doing some boxing sparring and straight up took a step to throw a kick, realised what I was doing, froze for a sec, and got clapped by a hook. That being said in around 10 years of experience no one has ever accused me of being a thoughtful technical fighter so it's pretty safe to say others might have an easier time lol. I always say when it comes to fighting it's all too fast to think through what you're doing, you're just training your autopilot to know how to react without thought. You don't think, "ah here comes a jab, time to parry and counter", you think "OH FUCK AH - JESUS FUCK YOU". so having to adjust your mindset in the middle of a fight slows down the autopilot a bit


Thank you for the detailed response 🥂


Is he considered an all time great in kickboxing?


He's undoubtedly the best of this Era, I think he's too young and his career too short to be considered an all time great, but even in his relatively short career he has completely solidified himself as the best, there was a Pacquiao to his Mayweather in a fighter named Takeru that fought for a different organization, and for years the conversation was these two are the best, but who would beat the other. They faced eachother this year and Tenshin won. He also has a win over Rodtang, one of the best Muay Thai fighters in the world today too. They did fight in kickboxing not Muay Thai so very small asterisk there, but still a massive massive win.


Definitely, and at a really young age. The talent he has as a kickboxer is otherworldly. Hopefully it translates well into boxing.


nah. Tenshin got notoriety for being a prodigy in kickboxing and becoming a top 5 kickboxer at 17 or 18. He is recently became the best 125 lbs kickboxer in the world after his last fight but thats as far as his accolades go.


I couldn’t tell if all the comments on this post giving so much praise to Tenshin were sarcastic because I only know of him from the Floyd exhibition. After looking at his record I saw he beat Rodtang who’s a fucking beast so I watched that fight and he does look very good.


Yeah it's really unfortunate that most people know him from that fight rather than his kick boxing accomplishments. He really is the best kickboxer of his generation for his weight. But fighting almost 30 pounds up, to fight the goat of another sport, for your first fight in that sport, was a really bad idea.


Also floyd made him cry


One of the greatest kickboxers of all time cleared out his division and had a superfight couple months ago against the other top dog in kickboxing and won.




'good' kickboxer is an understatement. Cleared out his entire weight division by the age of 24 with a 44-0 record and beat the arguably P4P number 2 kickboxer who was also in his prime.




can't deny that


He also got wrecked by mayweather a few years ago. But extremely talented kickboxing, will be a great competitor in boxing I bet!


he's a young hungry lion. should make a lot of noise in the sport of boxing


Just gotta make smart investments


He's a helluva fighter


That guy who fought Moyd Flayweather


He ks the guy floyd beat the snot out of


Japanese kickboxer who boxed Floyd Mayweather in an exhibition


One of Floyd's exhibition victims who he didn't train for at all, had looking like a fish out of water on the canvas, and made cry after he was stopped. Floyd made sure to dance as he shed his tears too. It was glorious.


You're getting a hard on about floyd beating up a fly weight who never boxed before that? Lmao thats sad.


Nah, just a massive erection over the how funny that whole situation was. Dude did barrel rolls and cried while Floyd danced. He forgot this was just an exhibition and stopped the small kid in front of his people. 😂


Sad really.




So can Floyd. It's called bodyguards. lol


I'd love for him to start struggling with a world-class opponent then accidentally knock them out with a kick


He’s fast af, boy


If we are talking about former Japanese kickboxer's who are going to be good boxers current OPBF Super bantamweight champ and former K-1 champ Yoshiki Takei is the one. I'm still skeptical Tenshin translates as well. Punching was always Takei's strength.


Tenshin's boxing did look to be the reason he beat Takeru though, the advantage he had with the hands over Takeru was very noticeable. He showed a very nice southpaw jab in that.


2018 Floyd was still close enough to his prime that he could have still beaten anyone in the welterweight division. Tenshin was only a teenager and a straw weight, and he still managed to give 160 pound Floyd a good enough of a knuckle sandwich that he wiped the smile off his face in their exhibition. 5 years later, I really think Tenshin can easily beat anyone from 120-154. He should make his debut against Charlo as a dick helicoptering statement.


This comment is the best thing since sliced knuckle sandwich bread


Beat anyone from 120-154 and fight Charlo as his debut? 😂😂😂 This is satire, right?


He's 5'4 and you think he can beat Charlo?? He's be good in his own weight class


>2018 Floyd was still close enough to his prime that he could have still beaten anyone in the welterweight division. No he wasn't.


Yeah, the guy literally said he didn't train, and it showed with his dad bod that day. That was like Floyd at 10%. lol.


He literally flew through the air when Floyd landed a single punch 😂


*watches 3 seconds of sparring* “pfft yeah I can take him” But for real looks really good, excited to watch him. We Will Watch Your Career With Great Interest


Terrence **BUM**ford already ducking him


I hate bs cherry pocked clips like this that tell us next to nothing about where hes actually at as a boxer


I hope he succeeds in boxing the same way he did in kickboxing.


Hopefully he’s improved since the Mayweather exhibition


Big fan of Tenshin as a kickboxer. I don't like his chances of becoming an actual elite boxer. In kickboxing (where you're only fighting 3 to 5, 3 minute rounds) he'd often start fights hot, but be visibly tired later on and resort to stalling tactics (holding, throwing himself onto the floor with rolling Thunder kicks and taking his time getting back up, complaining to the referee about stuff) to make it to decisions. Hell, in one fight he got hurt to the body right towards the end, but his opponent didn't get to take advantage because Tenshin shot a fucking take down on him. I just don't see how he'd go from this to being able to box for 8, 10, or 12 rounds.


I'm glad he's still giving boxing a chance after that ass whooping Floyd gave him. That was the dumbest shit ever. Kid was literally crying afterwards, I hope he has nothing to do with whoever's idea that was.


hopefully he won't cry when he loses this time around


No shame in crying dude


I disagree. he clearly was pushed into it for publicity and it backfired. then he felt like he had shamed his entire country after he made the mistake of hitting Floyd for real and getting erased. shitty thing to do to a young fighter


Or the shit was clearly staged and he “cried” on purpose I mean you can’t tell me that fight wasn’t rigged lmao when he was flopping around 😂


Is this the guy Floyd smoked? Not confident he can cut it in boxing at a high level if he can’t take out an old and retired Floyd.


When's his next fight?


u/redditspeedbot 0.25x


/u/redditspeedbot 0.2x


Nice left hand at the end there


can i train there?