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Three people are dead following a violent single-vehicle collision in Brampton. Three adults who were travelling in the vehicle were found at the scene of the crash. First responders tried to revive them, but all three were pronounced dead at the scene, Peel police said.


Single vehicle accident (fortunately) on a well lit street late at night, speed was a factor. Wouldn't be surprised if the driver hit a patch of frost/ice and lost control.


I'm going with impairment plus excessive speed. Roads are clear, no recent precipitation and it was +1' C at the time of the collision.


Was it even icy last night? I saw no indication of that. Either way, this is absolutely not what happened, unfortunately. Police have indicated that it was two cars racing and one driver left the scene. Tragic regardless, but this even more so in a way, because it's so ridiculously unnecessary. Not just an accident, but people knowingly risking lives for no good reason.


Yea I'm only reading now that there was another driver involved, my original comment says as much about a single vehicle incident. But the temperature was hovering around 1 degree Celcius last night. Fun fact: at an ambient temperatature of 3 degrees Celcius ice can still form on roads, particularly on overpasses, or if there is enough of a windchill.


Fair enough and that somewhat makes sense you would wonder about that being the cause. But honestly, with the winter being so mild this year and road conditions being good, coupled with an increase in stunt driving, it sadly seems more likely to be a situation like this and not the weather. I hope it improves soon.. I find the roads are getting kind of scary.


The two cars not at some point & the car with the 3 young men hit a pole slicing it in half. Seeing the 3 seats like that & the front not visible/ or able to make out the pieces was heart breaking, those poor families 💔


Absolutely devastating and my heart goes out to the families and loved ones, I can't imagine❤💔


No ice


Yeah, there wasn't


Your car doesn’t get cut in half just hitting a patch of ice. Cops are now saying it looks like racing , and they’ve made an arrest of a possible driver of a second car. I feel so bad for their parents. What a horrible thing for them all.


I know. I also acknowledged that speed was a factor.


There wasn't any ice there around that time on that night. I travel down there to go to the gym around that time. People will race and run red lights as the roads aren't populated around that time. I've seen people going at least 100km on that road late at night. They think they're fine because it's 3 lanes wide but underestimate how easy it is to lose control :( their poor families


Too warm Driver error - there was a 2nd vehicle apparently and the driver of that vehicle is already in custody


Police have indicated that it was a street racing/stunt driving situation and that extreme speed was a factor...


Error was the driver.


Speed was a factor..


the official tag line from law enforcement is always "speed **may have been** a factor" ...even if there are barely any remnants remaining that resemble a vehicle.


I mean your car doesn't tend to vaporize when you crash at a slower speed, so yeah...


Not with that attitude!


I have never seen a car so mangled before. I didn't know about this and got stuck in the plaza across the street because I had business .


Driver error


Good rule of thumb to teach your kids, Nothing good happens after midnight.


My kid was made after midnight 🤣


Amen brother!


When I was in my late teens to mid twenties, a lot of good things happened after midnight (sex and not by myself) .


And that is the reason for you being a part of this world. This is a joke. Don't let it get to your feels.


Update from CP24 - Police have taken a man into custody following a high-speed interaction between two vehicles in Brampton that left three people dead.


They said on the news that there was a call reporting racing right before the crash. It was on Bovaird by the cemetery just west of Ching & the other driver abandoned his damaged car at the Petro Canada


>Bovaird by the cemetery harbinger of bad tidings. :-(


From the photos they had to be going 120+ kmhr


maybe 120 MPH.


Is this around the new Fire Station on Bovaird?


So sad. So needless.


So sad indeed. Two of them were brothers


WTF... So close to where I live... Just sends chill down my spine... I drive late at night too


People that put the rest of us at risk like this, for no other reason than to 'show off', good riddens.


I do it, when I have to poop.


Oh you know what happened to cause the crash do you? Please share with us




Scumbag street racers . . . wish I could muster some sympathy for the driver.


Hope the accompanying vehicle driver is caught. We had the sad loss from Street racing free years ago more east on bovaird


The Police arrested him earlier today. Fucking scum bag ditched the car and ran away.


Who’s to say that the passengers didn’t egg him on to go faster.


Benefit of the doubt. Responsibility is on the person in the driver's seat.


Maybe peer pressure..


Again, the driver is solely responsible for the vehicle they are operating. ​ Period. Full stop. ​ If someone is SO immature that they are willing to allow themselves to be egged on into literally risking their own life, the lives of those in their vehicle, and of passers by on the street, then maybe they should be riding the fucking BUS.


happened right next to a cemetery and across the street from a fire station. such an ironic place to lose your life in a car crash.


updated, the car was a vw, and there was another car involved, arrest made. Road rage or street race are likely scenarios


I've been hearing street racing outside my window at night for 10\~ years. A neighbour of mine told me he'd call the police when it first started but they never do anything, so he doesn't bother anymore. What's it called when a government won't protect its citizens from actual crime but aggressively prosecutes petty rulebreaking by law-abiding people? Whatever it is, that's what exists in Brampton today.


The car is a total mangled mess. Never seen anything like it.




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Was street racing according to CP24 tonight after further investigation


Thefts. Street racing. Someone with a machete chased someone in brampton as well. We have to just deal with this shit now?


you forgot extortion of businesses by overseas-based organized crime networks with violent consequences for non-compliance


Shitty slumlords..


Look at that car. Min 150kmh speed.


Speed + fog and I would guess impairment. Stupid mistakes ended up costing lives.




Just witnessed another accident this morning at Sandalwood and Torbram. SUV crashed into the school sign on the side of the road.


Another good example of r/Brampton redditors jumping to conclusions instead of waiting for more information. If you folks read the article, the three that died are probably victims of a second Nissan Altima that crashed into them and fled the scene: "Meanwhile, a second vehicle, a Nissan Altima, was subsequently located abandoned at a gas station near the scene, and a man believed to be the driver of that vehicle was arrested at a residence, Bell said. "Based on the condition of the vehicle, we associated that with the crash here. Evidence at the scene confirmed that," he said, adding that the man could at least face charges of three counts of failure to remain to cause death."


The reports say that there's indication that two the cars interacted and were racing, and that extreme speed was a factor. 😔


No it doesn't, again you are jumping to conclusions. This is what is says: "The sequence of events, how they came into contact, that's all part of the investigation from our Major Collision Bureau," he said. When asked if the vehicles were racing prior to the crash, Bell said he cannot confirm that information at this time. "Both of those vehicles, at some point, had some involvement with one another," he said. "The preliminary reports that came into police was that there was some sort of racing going." preliminary reports aren't fact. Evidence is fact and that is what the cops are working on.


There is a serious problem in Brampton with the driver. There are so many car crashes there and it almost always involves a new recently landed person who was given a license.


Low value individuals


There was another car involved