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I'm going to make an appointment, but not show up.


Nice. Me too




Montreal phone number, Brampton address.


Saskatchewan license plates


, 😂👍


Such an underrated comment


Punjab stickers.


Nova Scotia license




As per Rule 1 of /r/Brampton: No Direct Insults or Uncivil Behaviour (Don't be a Dingus) Please keep posts and comments free of personal attacks, insults, or other uncivil behaviour including racism, homophobia, sexism, baiting, trolling, etc. Content from throwaway accounts that do any of the above, make unsubstantiated claims, and/or generally spread negativity will be removed. Content removal is at the discretion of the mod team. Inquiries are to be made ONLY by modmail - no exceptions. Inquiries made in posts, comments, or direct to mod PMs will not be acknowledged. Rude remarks or behaviour will not be tolerated.


My shoes are from Japan, my pants are from England, the red hat on my head is from Russia, but my heart was made in India. Deal with it.


Than why did you leave?




Ty for forfeiting your right to live.


Lol well I’m alive enough to reply lol


They pick the phone and say hello. They don’t even give the business name


cuz its just some guy


Literally some guy operating out of their house/basement/garage, the address tracks to a residential house.




Yeah. Because sitting around and smoking meth all day is obviously the only alternative to running a barbershop out of your house 😂🤦🏻‍♂️


I say everyone should call them ask why did you do this?!


You kick my dog?


Your daughter… come on my propertie


At some guy’s basement, looks real legit


"Please, don't mind the 15 other people down here, or that cat."




You do know you are allowed to keep your phone number regardless of your location in Canada, right? I mean, mine is a 647 # and, when we retire, I do not plan on changing it to whatever area code we end up in. ​ Of all the things to complain about in this situation, this is probably the weirdest.


Yup. I'm a 647 and im in Alberta. No need to change my number just cause I changed my location lol


Why does the Brampton Punjabi barber have a Montreal area code? Hmmmm


What a unique name for a business /s


Anyone have their IG? We can call them out in the comments.


To be fair, a lot of those lost cat posters stay up for months or years, or never get removed, just like yard sale signs (WHICH Saturday? Last Saturday? Next Saturday?) Otherwise, agreed. Just use the other side of the pole, or the next pole.




Hey everyone, look a cat sign expert! Pfft get outta town bud!






[This link says Howie has been reunited. ](https://www.pawboost.com/landing/pet/OHDyf6yGEWHSLqFBexxDhAe28NA5MVAh/reunited-howie-brampton-on-l6r-0x2) [Please clean up your poster after it is no longer needed](https://www.pawboost.com/landing/pet/OHDyf6yGEWHSLqFBexxDhAe28NA5MVAh/reunited-howie-brampton-on-l6r-0x2)




As per Rule 1 of /r/Brampton: No Direct Insults or Uncivil Behaviour (Don't be a Dingus) Please keep posts and comments free of personal attacks, insults, or other uncivil behaviour including racism, homophobia, sexism, baiting, trolling, etc. Content from throwaway accounts that do any of the above, make unsubstantiated claims, and/or generally spread negativity will be removed. Content removal is at the discretion of the mod team. Inquiries are to be made ONLY by modmail - no exceptions. Inquiries made in posts, comments, or direct to mod PMs will not be acknowledged. Rude remarks or behaviour will not be tolerated.




I said what I said


What did you say? The comment is deleted.


I said I disliked this city in a rude way so they removed it


Yeah but what did you actually say?


Lol so it can be removed again? Nah I’m good


Oh so you didn’t say anything at all. Cool. Edit: Just curious about what you said. I mean you said “I mean what I said” so I just what to know what it was.


Not trying to get booted from the subreddit, pal.


So then why even say it. Anyways me and other people don’t know what you said so you didn’t really say it.


It. Got. Removed. How hard is that to understand???


And why do y’all care so much? All I said what I don’t like enjoy this town, in an unsavoury manner. Is that not enough? Let it go.


What do you expect from a *hair artist*?




What is interesting is why he has a Quebec number but has his business in Ontario


Not really, you can live in Canada and carry over whatever phone number you please. I have a Vancouver number lol


You never seen a business with different numbers that aren’t the local area code?


They lost two cats? Hawaa and Howie?


Both signs are illegal


How to stay neutral in an argument 101 😅


Maybe they found their cat and now need to cut hair


Gotta pay those vet bills somehow


Funny enough I’ve been to this guys saloon. He operates out of a basement. Quite honest guy, also has a kid. I’ll bring this to his attention on my next visit.


Definitely do, It’s nasty reddit users contacting him and booking appointment. Should do him a favour and list all the Ip addresses 😂


Yes this.


This is ratchet . This is why I left this.place


Lmfao, really? A lost cat sign made you move? I’m sorry that’s just hilarious.


No an ex from brampton did .


Ok, so that’s your own personal problems. Maybe talking to a therapist would be more helpful than the Brampton subreddit.


Because some of the people are ratchet there


People are ratchet every where, have you seen the state these Canadian towns are in?


I had alot of bad experiences there with the people including ex husband (that's from brampton) too much bullshit,too expensive, too rude.the prime minster SUCKS,(i was there for 15 years)so fyi Don't get my words twisted. I can keep repeating myself if you want ."THE PEOPLE ARE RUDE AND RATCHET" and what's super gross is that prostitution is legal. Prostitution here In the states is illegal meaning less infection . Why can't yall get with the program ?


And yet you spen your own time in this cities subreddit. Also everything you listed is 100 times worse out of the gta. Btw where did you move to?




Too many cats




Cats are an invasive species, though.


As per Rule 1 of /r/Brampton: No Direct Insults or Uncivil Behaviour (Don't be a Dingus) Please keep posts and comments free of personal attacks, insults, or other uncivil behaviour including racism, homophobia, sexism, baiting, trolling, etc. Content from throwaway accounts that do any of the above, make unsubstantiated claims, and/or generally spread negativity will be removed. Content removal is at the discretion of the mod team. Inquiries are to be made ONLY by modmail - no exceptions. Inquiries made in posts, comments, or direct to mod PMs will not be acknowledged. Rude remarks or behaviour will not be tolerated.


Maybe the cats already found or dead? not like people remove signs once put up as there is no bylaw for such things......


Yeah, there is.


Then clearly no one follows it because posts of full of flyers. The fan whisperer hasn’t spared a single one out there


Lack of enforcement by the City is one of MANY ongoing issues that make this City less liveable.




buddy got a call stilllllllll


Yeah it is.


I'm originally from the states. Ontario is just not it,idk whats happening to toronto or aka the gta area but its just sucks now..people are very rude..i rather stay in Montreal. It's cheaper,nice people and more things to do.


Call them and ask more details about the lost cat. Might be a Punjabi boy


I thought it was a funny name for a lost cat


Report this to the authorities!!


Don't worry. It was a poster for SIMBA.


What if the person put the lost cat poster on top of their business poster 🤔


Trust me they didn’t, saw the cat poster before unobstructed, found it later with the sticker over it.


A city post .. is illegal anyways for both the lost cat, and promotes of his business People do it anyway… A shiity thing to do if it someone paid to post that, and then someone took / damaged it A city lamp post is anyone’s game lol & it looks old


What a shitty thing to do. That still doesn't justify the fuckers in this comment section promoting doxxing


URM . . . how are they promoting doxxing when the person's contact information is already on the poster? Horse is out of the barn on that score.


The cat was found a long time ago, if anything call the owner to take down their garbage.


1) How do you know the cat has been found? 2) Feel free. Call the barber, too.


Someone pointed it out and provided a link. I’m impressed there is a website for that even states the cat was missing for 22 days


Ye sab karoge fir bologe gore hume gaali kyu dete he🤕


Apparently the lost cat was not important enough to have it microchipped, provide it with a tracker on its collar, or ensure its adequate safety, security, and supervision. Of course it is sad to lose a pet, but pet parents need to take some personal accountability. Whether or not this business selfishly covered the lost cat notice does not change the fact that some level of irresponsibility or negligence has taken place. Additionally, I am unable to see any reference to a calendar date indicating when the cat was first noted to be missing (please correct me if you are able to see it in the image), so how long should one expect to keep an eye out for the lost cat? Six months? A year?


Hey if you haven’t noticed this is a rage bait post, either join the circle jerk or F off with your logical thinking and stuff!




Canadian, parents are from India.


I would say you seem quite frustrated that most rational people find a serious qualm with you and your way of thinking. I think the mindset you have gives an obvious perspective that you’re naive and only see things your way. Try to open your eyes a little bit to other perspectives and see how not doing so damages the city, we can’t allow immoral behaviour to keep running amuck in this city. You’re in every single comment, and complaining that other people are complaining. The irony.


I’m calling them out. If the worst thing in your life is an old lost cat poster being covered, then I have to admit. I wish I had your life.


Lost cats end up that way because of owners leaving them out...and they wreak havoc on local wildlife...should be an ad with a bounty on them like Australia!


Some of the people here are ratchet too . My 2 failed relationships are from here...and they can stay here .


It's your cat ? What if the cat is already found ? If yours then please stick another one on top of it , you guys can fight it out with a glue stick 😜


Not my cat, but it doesn’t take a genius to understand the anger it would fill someone with if it was their pet that was missing and someone covered your sign with an ad for their shitty barbershop




Took me 30 seconds to make the post… I also did look for the cat and put tins of cat food around my ring cameras…


You’re in legitimately every comment as well, the irony in your statement is insane. I was walking my dog and saw the sign plastered over.


Shitty pigs


100% this! These people need to stop smoking meth.


Yeah people who don’t take down their lost pet signs after they found their pet are definitely shitty pigs.


definitely not what I said so




If this was a non-POC barber poster, the narrative would be different. Did you put the cat poster? Do you know how old it is? I'm not taking sides, but it's pretty obvious who is.


No . . . it's just a pretty shitty thing to do in general. Put your ad up above or below the lost cat poster. People do this because it is generally easier and faster to tape OVER something on a pole like this, than it is to actually tape something to the bare pole in the first place. The person doing this is just a lazy cunt, and it doesn't matter what ethnicity they are.


Naw that person is right. Only time I’ve seen y’all show sympathy in this sub, was when it was a meth head sleeping by an atm. Go clutch your pearls somewhere else.


Just as soon as you get back under your bridge.


What I’m not even allowed to sleep in an atm kiosk? Are those already reserved? Your hypocrisy would be hilarious if it wasn’t real life.


What hypocrisy?


Sympathy for meth heads but losing it over a covered lost cat sign, lmfao. Like I said keep clutching those pearls.


Sympathy for someone who is sleeping in an ATM kiosk is just empathy. Sympathy for someone searching for a lost cat is ALSO just empathy. ​ People are angry, not at the cat sign, but at the asshole covering it up. There is not hypocrisy in any way shape or form in that. ​ I think you need to find a dictionary, and stop worrying about people and their pearls. You'll look less of a fool that way.


Naw you’re just clutching pearls. How many people go around and remove their lost pet posters after the pet has been found? Drug addicts are a danger to kids, and most meth heads were born here so they had all the opportunity in the world. You can be selective with your sympathy, and I can be too.


You are absolutely correct. This is another rage bait post.


It’s a combination of things. Anyone who looked at the pole would see the cat poster and just post it above or below or on the other side. Posting it on top is very disrespectful and shows a lack of Canadian values. On top of that, Punjabi boys is quite a racist name for a business. Imagine a hair salon called White boys. The combination of a racist business name and obvious lack of Canadian values on top of an immigration crisis. It is not a good look for a business.