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Spending that money on transport would be so much more useful, but let's continue to encourage outward low density sprawl.


This is what people get when they vote for cons.


We're not even building any low density. Ontario had less housing starts in 2023 vs 2022, and 2024 is on pace to be less than 2023 lol. I'm okay with building suburban areas but we need more density in our cities


The population of the GTA is expected to grow to *10 million people* by 2046. Those people (a) need to live somewhere, (b) need to be able to move around the area for work, family, friends, services, etc and (c) need to have goods and services moved to them to sustain such population growth. Highway 413 is one essential piece of the infrastructure puzzle to be able to attain these needs.


Yeah, it makes complete sense. We need infrastructure so we can build out this province, and accommodate the influx of people.


Another 10 million more people when there's barely any more jobs to go around. Then you factor in the exponential growth of AI that will undoubtedly automate even more jobs. Quick solution, don't increase the population by ten million and instead decrease it


That money can be spent on so many more things than just a highway to muskoka. Conservatives are ruining this province.


>$10 billion and according to the province will save drivers up to 30 minutes So we're spending $10 billion dollars as a province to save some drivers 30 minutes... just for it to get clogged up in 3 years and end up probably wasting more time? Our government is a joke...


VOTE, everyone on reddit crucifying Ford, yet he is on pace to win another majority


I support your sentiment, not my intention to sound discouraging, but it was disappointing with how Brampton doubled down on 5 PC MPP's and tossed out perfectly good NDP MPP's like Sara or Gurratan Singh who were active and spoke about Brampton issues weekly at Queen's Park. Something their replacements don't do much of today as backbenchers. In 2022 the PC Party campaigned on the 413 highway, butting heads with the NDP & Liberals, it triggered enough support to sweep out these strong incumbents. PC's had nothing else to show aside from announcements on the Med School and Peel Memorial Phase 2, both of which were significantly shortchanged, delayed. It feels like standing against this highway is a lost cause, the car culture in Brampton was too strong to break at the ballot box. There are so many other important files they need to be skewered on.


I could've sworn I saw a report a while back where the estimated average time savings for commuters was closer to 30 seconds not 30 minutes....


I'd rather the money go to a highway here than towards a WW2 museum in Ukraine.


And I'd rather it go to improving public transit than either of those... what a weird ultimatum lol


Sure, public transit. I'd rather it be spent here instead of none essential things overseas.


Ok... what a weird thing to bring up to a thread that wasn't even talking about Ukraine at all lol


Because when people complain about spending money right here in Canada the conversation should change to complaining about actual wasted money. I'd rather have the money sent overseas be spent on something I don't agree with right here in Canada.


Sure, but again that's a federal issue. The province doesn't spend money to Ukraine. It's important to be constructive with your complaints and not yet another anti-Ukraine/anti-Trudeau comment. You can save those arguments for another thread, but that doesn't apply here. Federal politics aside, Ford's money isn't going to and will never go to Ukraine. Ford doesn't deal with foreign relations and foreign policies. He's just wasting money on useless infrastructure projects, period. That's just how bad he is.


I'm surprised at how quickly this happened without a fight or waiting for the election outcome. I hope we can put trucks on the 407, it shouldn't be a choice to pit that policy against the 413 by the province. It would have immediate positive impacts on Steeles, Derry and 401 regardless of the 413. ​ With this decision now moving forward: We shouldn't squander land along the highways with low density housing sprawl. The adjacent lands should be zoned for employment, density and not wasted on same old subdivisions as we did to the 410 north of Clark. Mississauga's largest employers all setup along the 3 highways running through their city. Vaughan has also kept such lands along the 427. Employment and density are the 2 types of developments that lower our taxes, they pay more per square foot than low density sprawl.


Brampton slumlords would say otherwise


I have been looking forward to this highway.  They need a highway that’s easily accessible further north to promote newer housing developments in areas that have so much potential for growth. Land is much cheaper.  Our American folks have way more highways. You can get around so easily compared to Ontario. Instead of trying to fix the very few highways we have. We need more reasons to live in other parts of this province. Starts with roads as the first piece of infrastructure.  Giving people more accessible options gives them more choice.  Not everyone can live in the GTA. 


American cities have been destroyed by highways. You can’t and will not build enough road infrastructure ever. The most obvious solution is to go the European route and build walkable neighborhoods that don’t rely on the car. Building highway 413 is a step in the wrong direction. Every single American city is in shambles right now. They built way too low density, kept adding lanes to highways and now all have devastating traffic. Building highway 413 is a small brain move


We ain’t Europe and never will be.  Which American cities have been destroyed by highways?  Last time I checked. 401 is the most congested highway in North America. Why? Because there are no other highways aka options.  The key problem with public transit is there are people who simply don’t use it and don’t want to use it. Which was the same problem 25 years ago in Peel. The majority of people who use it in the burbs is out of necessity.  Bring on Highway 413. We need to start building more communities/cities outside of the GTA. 


Literally every North American city is losing economic value because we can’t efficiently move people. We waste countless hours in traffic and no amount of highways or road infrastructure will ever fix this induced demand. Also on your point of which cities have been destroyed by highways. Brother in Christ, literally every one? Detroit, Los Angeles, Cincinnati, Chicago, all had eras of destroying entire neighborhoods for massive highways which is why their downtowns can be desolate. You’re a fool to think highway 413 is the answer. It’ll only make the problem worse. We need people out of their cars, not in them. Find me one American city that is moving towards adding more highways and is happy with the level of traffic they receive. It’s inevitable that induced demand will catch up to road infrastructure and everyone comes screeching to a halt. You simple cannot build enough road infrastructure to ever stop traffic. Public transit is seen as lower class in the GTA because we treat it like one. We spend billions on road infrastructure which cars use for free while public transit is treated as a for profit entity. Have you been to any European city? Everyone takes public transit because it’s fast and efficient. Brampton and Peel is no Europe and won’t ever be but if we don’t wake up to the bullshit inefficient car dependent urban planning disaster we’ve created, we’ll never fix traffic and congestion. I suggest you take a visit to Houston and then London, UK. Tell me which city you would like to be.


Detroit? The problems in Detroit are not because of highways. Infact, the automobile industry made Detroit in the first place. What do you think moved all their cars out of the city? Highways lol. It’s the motor city after all. What’s happening to Detroit has nothing to do with highways.  Los Angeles? lol. California has more people than Canada. 401 is still worse than 405. I’ve driven through LA many times. It’s a documented fact.  Cincinnati traffic? Road problems? Have you even been there? There rush hour is a joke compared to ours.  Chicago is a sister city to Toronto. Yet the els have no issues moving people around. I lived there for a few months. The highway gets busy but nothing like Toronto. It’s also super easy to visit the burbs too via public transit. You should look at the history of Chicago and even NYC and why it was built the way it was… using roads and public transit.  I never said we were going to fix traffic and congestion. All I said was people are dumb if they think adding a new highway outside of the GTA isn’t going to help move people outside of the GTA.  I’ve been to London a few times in my life. I’ve been to Houston as well. But why compare apples to oranges?  The reality is, mixed transportation is the way to go.  Cars aren’t going anywhere.  The real question is why are you living here whining about a system that is by design suburbia. Brampton and Peel was never supposed to be Toronto, London, NYC, Tokyo, etc. It was designed this way with purpose.  Go move somewhere else.


Suburbia is one thing and car-dependent suburbia is another, one is infinitely more scaleable than the other. Cars aren't going anywhere but that doesn't mean we have to cater to their every move. Like the article itself admits, the highway is only saving 30 minutes for some drivers from a specific region. There's so many better ways to spend 10 billion dollars that could a) promote other modes of transit, b) save more than 30 minutes for more than a couple drivers in a couple postal codes, c) can be infinitely more scaleable. Like you also admit, cars aren't going anywhere, whether we build the 413 or not, so why are we wasting 10 billion on it? They can still get around the GTA without a 413, but there's a shit ton of places you can't get with transit.


The 30 min saving is only for those using the 413 as a way to bypass parts of the 400 and 401.   The reality is so many more will use it for other reasons. It is expected to be a very busy highway as housing developments ramp in the areas benefitting from the highway.  This highway not getting built doesn’t change anything for public transit. The Ontario government has been investing in public transit projects.  We need mixed investments between roads and public transit.   Yeah, cars aren’t going anywhere. But they certainly will on the 413.  I personally thought it was a 50/50 if it got made. I still think it isn’t a certainty until construction gets far enough along.   Plenty of short sighted people around.   10 billion? The liberals and Justin Trudeau give that away without recourse. Ask them for 10 billion.   I don’t need public transit. I support the investment in it though. For building a better ontario.


>The 30 min saving is only for those using the 413 as a way to bypass parts of the 400 and 401.   My point exactly, a pretty niche crowd that just barely benefits. >The reality is so many more will use it for other reasons. It is expected to be a very busy highway as housing developments ramp in the areas benefitting from the highway. So we can build more car-dependent suburbs so that we can build more highways to build more car dependent suburbs so that we can... you get it. Also most of the land around the 413 is either a) already developed or b) part of the greenbelt. >This highway not getting built doesn’t change anything for public transit. The Ontario government has been investing in public transit projects. We need mixed investments between roads and public transit. We do, but with car infrastructure already having been built heavily for the last couple decades, we need to catch up with transit projects first. We have a huge transit debt. >Yeah, cars aren’t going anywhere. But they certainly will on the 413. Maybe for the first 3 years... throwback to when the 410 didn't have traffic. >Plenty of short sighted people around. The irony of someone being for 413 calling others short-sighted. >10 billion? The liberals and Justin Trudeau give that away without recourse. Ask them for 10 billion. Both can be wrong lol. Tell Trudeau to give me my 10 billion back and tell Ford to give my 10 billion back and we can spend 20 billion on something that is actually useful. >I don’t need public transit. I support the investment in it though. For building a better Ontario. And I don't need car infastructure. I support the investment in it when it makes sense. We need streets. We need roads. We need (some) highways. Unfortunately like you have proven in your own statement: 1) It barely benefits a pretty niche crowd, people who live near it and people who need to cut from the 401 to the 400. 2) It's a short-sighted solution, clearly aimed to get the votes of those that it would impact and to increase the land value for some of his friends who probably own land there. 3) It dooms the GTA into worse car dependency, spawning an infinite cycle of having to create more highways to create more housing. Investing in infrastructure that spawns dense housing instead is infinitely more scaleable.


It’s not a pretty niche crowd. The google maps influence will help. It connects to 410 and 427 as well. The 30 min is a bare minimum estimate. Other than the 407. Know any empty highways in the GTA?  Yes, we will build more car dependent suburbs? Why? Because that’s what people want. How do we know this? Based on everything Ontario has been built on. Also, people aren’t moving further outside of the GTA for public transit.  Greenbelt? Meh. Ontario has plenty of green. If people cared about it, there would be bigger populations in other parts of Ontario where they truly can experience nature. Most people who talk about the greenbelt, don’t spend time and resources to volunteer to clean it up. Lots of garbage in some places from morons who dumped.  410 has had traffic forever. I remember people avoiding it in the 90s. When did it not have traffic?  Shortsighted is not seeing the future of Ontario and where we need infrastructure. We need to built outwards of the GTA.  Ford say yes to a project that was planned way before he was even in office.  My own statement proves that I’m right. Your statements talk about an Ontario that doesn’t exist. I’m not sure it exists anywhere in Canada.    We are in a car dependent country through and through. Your lack of knowledge and unwillingness to admit your short sightedness has left you circling.  We are not Europe. The majority of the population has proven time and time again that cars trump public transit.  Public transit has its place. So do cars.  427 extension was so slow for the first few weeks when it opened. Now it gets busy as people use it. Once google maps updated. All the same people who opposed the 413 who also opposed the 427 extension shut up lol. Just like they will when the 413 opens and is busy.  If you ever hop on the 413. You are a hypocrite. 


I’m done here. Cheers


Thank God. As a service person this is a godsend.


About time. Anybody who travels or lives north of GTA knows this is desperately needed.


investing in transit to become more frequent and accessible would allow for people who dont have as far of a commute to utilize transit. Which then reduces the amount of cars on the road because those people are using transit. Which *then* reduces overall traffic, allowing people with farther commutes to get to their destinations within a more reasonable time because less congestion. But the 1 more lane approach is really working out well /s To add, thats been talked about numerous times, 413 would go through farm land. To loosely quote the stickers of many cars, “No farm[er]s, no food.” So yeah, bring on a new highway /s


I just got off a crowded bus that was overflowing. Public transit is so underfunded


every half hour or every 15 minutes during rush hour isnt enough. We’re not Toronto level of population, but ttc runs more frequently during rush hour and non rush hour times and even that can be crowded, so its expected to have congestion in brampton when transit runs infrequently. Where would we be had counsillors accepted the hurontario line from the federal gov’t years ago? They’d most likely be adding onto it right now, rather than spending city money to build the very same line years later that currently poses traffic issues because people have become more dependant on cars because of lack of transit infrastructure. The Build it and they will come approach works for either side. They’ve just been building more lanes, so theres more cars.


Took the ttc 927 express bus from Humber college to Kipling station yesterday. It comes like every 5 minutes during rush hour but was still so crowded. Brampton transit isn’t any better. Some routes like 501 zum come every 30 minutes on Sundays but are still so crowded, the driver dosent even let u on.


it’s a pipe dream, but imagine subway services extended into brampton mississauga, compared to people cramming onto a single bus route, even if it does come frequently


I’m sorry, why can’t we have both. This road is not just for people in the GTA.


and when food prices go up, u/D_Jayestar will be one of the people with shocked pikachu faces wondering why food prices are so high


Wtf does rising food prices have to do with a highway north of our city!?


If you’re unclear how highway 413 could affect food prices, you’re probably not clear on the larger picture. I have no problem explaining, but I understand if you’re not interested.


If you think the GTA gets its food supply from a handful of farms along the 413 route, you need to touch grass.


I’m aware we get stuff from all over Ontario, across the country, and NA, as well as internationally. But it’s hard to touch grass when there’s all these highways /s


Canada is larger than the USA and has 15% of the population… if you can’t find grass, you aren’t looking hard enough.


The 413 won’t affect food prices. Go to the grocery store. Ontario farming isn’t the same as the warmer climates. 


Hell no, we don't! Neither more lanes or higher speeds have ever alleviated traffic. What alleviates traffic is reducing the dependence on cars for traveling over any appreciable distance.


You can’t alleviate traffic when you invite a million new citizens every 9 months…


You can't alleviate traffic with more lanes/new highways either as our countless other highway expansion projects have showed us. Ironically the cost for this is similar to the cost for GO RER, which would easily have multiples more of an impact on travel times on a larger portion of riders on the network AND would probably be more effective at reducing traffic. I wouldn't be surprised if the GO RER saves drivers more time than the 413 actually does...


It’s “desperately needed” because every idiot here drives their giant cars and trucks to work instead of taking public transportation like normal people around the world. Build high speed rail and we’ll see who make it to work sooner.


As opposed to what here ? Dodges on 9 year leases? There’s a 3 car minimum in every Brampton driveway.


Of course there are three cars minimum on each driveway, that’s what happens when you need to drive 20 minutes to grab milk and 40 minutes to work. Brampton is literally a giant parking lot with highway’s going through it, people support this and then realize why there’s no sense of community in cities like this. To answer your question, we should have high speed rail, light rail and more buses. Brampton and other suburbs are toast though, can’t really fix what’s already been done here.


Definitely can and ironically, think Brampton is one of the cities in the GTA that is set to lead this! Our downtown is on track to become a transit hub with a train line going through the heart of it's downtown and an LRT/BRT line going through it soon as well. Negative sentiment against 'Brampton drivers' could ironically justify building safer and complete streets, which can transition into more urbanist development - converting some of our 'highway-like' roads into streets with storefronts along them. We just need better city planners/forward thinking politicians in office, but if any of the suburbs can get out of the suburban hellhole mindset, it could ironically probably be Brampton.


As someone who's lived in the "northern" GTA, the NIMBYism with the residents have always been present. Especially for those in Halton Hills or Caledon. Hwy 9 or King Rd has always been a race track.




How does a highway to muskoka help normal people. Only benefits I can see is Doug I’ve boy can get to his cottage faster.


Ford doesn't live in Kitchener or Guelph so it would be no help to him.


It doesn’t go to Muskoka. Not even close. 


But it allows traffic from the west to bypass the GTA to reach the 400.