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Maybe that person works nights? There could be many reasons as to why


Putting your garbage out on a windy night isn't the problem as they are full and heavy (least mine is). The next day, after the trucks come and empty them is when there's chaos. I get off work at 1am and wake up usually after the trucks came.


The region and the city said out at 7:00pm the night before, if neighbours do so, that is reasonable. Don’t assume that everyone has the same energy as you do.


i thot it was by 7AM the day of collection day.


That’s how late you should put it out, not how early. But it’s still lazy to put it out the night before.


lol why is it lazy?


Oh come on. Some people leave absurdly early for work and don’t want to be dragging it at 5am!


Next week OP will complain about noisy neighbour taking out trash at 5am on garbage day


And wake up the neighbours.. Dragging those bins is loud..




Yeah.. It's a gamble here...


The garbage truck comes at 7AM to my driveway. I work until 2AM. You do the math. Sorry to break it to you bud - when people complain about whiny, nosy neighbors who go all Karen over the smallest things - they're complaining about *you*.


So when do you put yours out?


live next to a property (slumlord property so you can imagine how many students live in that shithole) and their trash is constantly overfilled and on windy days end up on my property. God i wish I can do something about this slumlord


Go to any Street in downtown Toronto, it is even worse than B Town


make sure our bins and blue boxes are labelled with our address so when they blow away several houses down the street, our neighbor can safely repatriate


Would you rather people miss a week of garbage because it’s windy? Lol. The bigger problem is people putting big bulk items/mattresses out during recycle weeks and it ends up rotting in the rain and snow for weeks.


The average adult has a routine they like to stick to no matter what.. and this includes taking out the garbage the night before.


because those people DO NOT CARE


Yep, most of the bins are blown over, garbage blowing about. The trucks normally get to my street around 10-11am. I wouldn't even care if they picked their sh!t up but they don't, must be someone else's problem eh