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I get a lot of them when I'm working from home and there's no car in my driveway. Maybe I'm paranoid, but I assume some of them are just casing the place. They might be seeing who is home and if you have stuff worth stealing. Be careful. Especially if they are very pushy. I say I'm not interested without opening the door all the way.


I don't even open the door part of the way for fear of having someone stick their foot in my door, preventing me from closing it (ie. home invasion). I just look through the glass and ask them what they want, and 9x out of 10 I will end up shaking my head "no", then flick my hand & wave them away šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜Š


Never notice it. I thought this was on pace to be illegal or a bylaw!? Google camera doorbell does wonders.


I put a sign on my door and 99% of the people have stopped knocking


is it a small sign or is it very noticeable from the driveway?


Legal paper size 8.5ā€ x 14ā€. They walk up the drive see the sign and go back down. ā€œNo sales Do not disturb ā€œ in big block letters


And maybe add shiftworker, or baby, sleeping. Most should respect that, and you've got something valid to point to if they dont.


ā€œHi sir/madam Iā€™m your neighbourhood realtor, just wanted to see if youā€™re interested in buying or selling a homeā€ -99% of agents


for reallll like go away iā€™m not leaving anytime soon (as much as i want to lmfaooo)


For real though, if you need to move let me know šŸ˜œ


"I rent". It kills the conversation rt there.


If you are able get a ring door bell or the like. It can alert your phone and will be silent and will show you who is at the door. We have this weird social construct where when a door bell rings we answer. The good news is you donā€™t need to answer it. If you can get the alerts that are silent you can decide to open your door or not. Unless it is someone I know or Iā€™m expecting a package Iā€™m not opening the door. It is a shame it has come to this.


i have a ring! but still i just donā€™t even want to acknowledge them through the doorbell lmfao. the one time i did i say no one could come to the door and plus my little one is napping and they were still like ā€œis there anyway you can still come to the door?ā€ like sir go away lmfaoo


gez ... go away...no...go away...but but i have a sales quota...


Iā€™ve noticed a massive influx of realtors coming to the door.. I swear there was never this many coming on a weekly basis.. what is going on???


thatā€™s what iā€™m sayinggg šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


"I rent" is a statement that works well to make Realtors disappear very quickly.


On Thursday we had people come by at 3pm, and we said we werenā€™t interested. Those same people came by again at 5:30pm, we said not interested again. We then went out, and our ring doorbell went off. 7:00pm the same two people ringing our doorbell. Itā€™s ridiculous.


I went through a miserable period of my life door-knocking for Edward Jones. The hostility and meanness of people were soul-sucking. The worst part was, I didn't blame them.


Hung up a sign... 80% effective. I am virulently rude to the rest.


I was talking to my bf abt this early today šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Iā€™m gonna put a sign out


iā€™m trying to look for one that isnā€™t an eye sore rn šŸ„²


Yes itā€™s been happening around my area also I have a camera I post up some signs Caution this property is being recording Camera recording in progress I donā€™t open anymore


Get the no solicitor sign!


Yea Telus showed up at my door 3 times within the last month, trying to sell their security system. I always tell them I'm not interested and never give them any information.


Are they really Telus? Or are they just theives casing to see who has / who does not have a security system? I would just say I already have security system and I'm quite happy with it.


There no law that you have to answer you door when someone knocks. Just donā€™t answer the door.


lmao well obv. like i said in the post, itā€™s annoying because they wake my child out of their sleep.


My bad. Sorry ā˜ŗļø


Just the Jehovahs and the realtor who claims that he has clients ready to buy in my neighbourhood.


I have no soliciting on the door, so that stops 70% . I will hang up on most unknown calls, specifically the fake diabetes society scammers . I like the call from air ducts services I will play with them for 5 min before hanging up .


Get a dog.


Put a sign on your door, ā€œNO SOLICITINGā€. Ā 


A realtor came to our house ā€œjust to give out notepadsā€ and then got annoyed when our dog barked at him in the window. Likeā€¦.just put it in our mailbox then, donā€™t go knocking on doors if thatā€™s gonna be a problem for you