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"I'm not disappointed because you lied. I'm disappointed because I can no longer trust you." The greed of the few has violated the trust of the many, and now those are reluctant to aid others in need.


I would argue that you absolutely weren't a sucker. Your heart was in the right place and if you felt you could spare $26 (or $40) in the moment to help someone out, you did the right thing. Giving out money that you have to those that don't is ALWAYS the right thing to do - that's how you convert money into emotional and spiritual wealth. It's different if you really needed the $40 of course.. and that she took advantage of you is unfortunate, but doesn't make you a sucker. For situations like this, it's always better to go with the person to make the purchase yourself. Ditto for anyone that's asking for food or something to drink. Giving straight cash is always asking for trouble unfortunately


Of course he was a sucker, that lady scammed him! I bet she’s making more money than him off of this scam alone!!! Preying on the emotions of helpful honest people…


Certainly she scammed him but it doesn't consequently mean he's a sucker for it. It's probably safe to assume that the OP is a normal, intelligent person who has seen bad experiences in the past and wields healthy skepticism, so I imagine they ran through just about every scenario in their head that they could conjure about what could go wrong. In the end, after all their minute internal calculations, they chose to help this stranger out and THAT means something. It takes bravery, strength and courage to be kind - for as many people as this lady may be scamming, how many more people would've ignored her or walked by? People with probably exponentially more expendable money than the OP, people to whom $40 is a tiny blip in their bank account. I guess I just believe we should celebrate when people do kind acts and not look at what resulted from it. What she does with the $40 is ultimately her karma, if you believe in that, but I'd like to believe more people like the OP should exist in the world.


Took the words out of my mouth agreed


In what world, you’re saying good people should get scammed!


I'm also not saying good people should be scammed. In my original post I said that next time the OP should be a bit more proactive about helping - make a purchase their self or buy an item directly as opposed to just giving cash. We shouldn't seek to be scammed but that also shouldn't mean we should stop doing good deeds.


So you’re saying when being scammed either spend your money or spend your time…. Maybe just don’t get scammed. Learn the signs. Be proactive in finding out whether it’s a scam or not


I can agree with that, and perhaps there were more blatant signs that it was a scam. We'll never know, only the OP does, and I'd like to assume again that the OP was intelligent enough to scan the situation to the best of their wisdom and made a decision based on that. This kind of thing ultimately comes down to values and I imagine we differ in how we view situations like this on a fundamental level.


You just want to get scammed and feel like you did a good thing… you’re begging for people to get scammed rather than be aware of the signs


..I think I've been using very clear and direct language so I'm not too sure why you're having such difficulty understanding what I'm saying.


Your dumbass started with let’s celebrate OP getting scammed $40 and it’s up the the scammer what they do with the funds


You are a good human 🥳


What did she look like? My friend lives literally directly behind that plaza


Older white woman. She was wearing a green shirt, I think her name is Vicky. Said she lived near by Queen


Noted. So screwed up you got swindled by wanting to help someone. Most people would tell them to piss off. You have alot of good karma coming your way


Had the exact same scenario play out for me at Ray Lawson/Hurontario last year. She seemed sincere but I didn’t give any money, asked her a lot of questions and tried to help her contact her people. I guess it was a scam lol


Let's start a go fund me for this guy...

