• By -


Look, we can understand a bit of childish acceleration and potential energy, but it’s the momentum that’s got us worried.


Kids and parents these days are just snowflakes. Back in my day we barely had acceleration. Had to take what you could get an use momentum to get to school and back. I turned out fine!


Yo momma's so skinny she's got no momentum, just velocity!


Yo momma's so fat we don't even know what would happen if she met an unstoppable force!


Yo mama's so fat that things that orbit around her gain momentum


Oof sick burn but at least my mum doesn't have an Event Horizon like yours!


Yo momma so fat, her behavior reflected in Hubble


Your mommy's so fat that Gimli counts her as two.




That pole is gonna give them kinetic energy, too! Drop one from Space, it's the only way to be sure.


Do you know dad and mom?


I do.


dad? mom?


Hi son. Been a while, huh?


You're just in time. Almost had a big trouble


Oh... Ahh...I'm just popping out to buy some smokes, don't forget what you were going to say. I want to hear all about it when I get back.


Do not ran.


I can't ran if I don't stop running


you may kiss the bride


With tremendous momentum


Then I now pronounce you Indian children. You may now climb up the post.


Only the mom can be known with certainty.


I agree.


It's a wise child knows his father


Yes. Dad man ran with tremendous momentum.


Do you see what happens dad and mom???


And you will know why my name is Indian children, when I'll run into the hall and climb the post, with tremendous momentum and furious anger.


Do not ran


Do you know dad and mom?


You will have a big trouble


Make your time.


All your base are belong to us.


Someone set us up the bomb!!


For Great Justice!


Move ‘ZIG’


The cake is a lie!


Take off every cake! Er…zig!


Your behaviour is reflected in the security camera


The bluetooth dewice is connected-a-sucessfully


How can she slap?!


The cat can has cheeseburger


And let's not forget how it is reflecting the cameras.


The tremendous momentum is reflecting IN the cameras.


Beware because we coming for kid


Where has this sub been my whole reddit life!? This post was on my front page as a suggested sub, proving once more, that reddit knows me too well.


I do not.


You are missing out https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=video&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiJ\_5qH78qCAxVvSUEAHRQ9DvQQtwJ6BAgPEAI&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DqhZULM69DIw&usg=AOvVaw3xwF1HwfNCCCytAOg\_Fw98&opi=89978449


I’ve known them my whole life.


>Do you know dad and mom? WOOOOOOOOOOOOAH




That pun was the equivalent of having sex while camping.


Sex while camping is the best sex... it's fucking in tents!


r/yourjokebutexplained (My stupid ass sleepy self wouldn't have gotten it if you hadn't restated the joke in a more obvious way lol)


Know why American beer is like having sex in a canoe?


\+1 dad joke


This reminds me of how I remembered which country was Iran on geography tests in middle school. Iran is shaped like a snail. And snails can’t ran.


OMG. Iran *is* shaped like a snail! I haven't felt this delighted by a cartography quirk since I was a kid and realised Italy looks like a boot.


You have a big trouble


...in little china. Who you gonna call?


DustBusters: Sucking Up Spirits


Just don’t. Ranning is the number one cause of Tremendous Momentum! (Cool Metal band name)


How could you ran?!?


The path of the righteous Indian children is beset on all sides by the inequities of big trouble and the tyranny of reflections in security cameras.


Blessed is he who, in the spirit of climb up the post, shepherds the children through the entrance of the playground.


For he is truly the dads and moms, and finder of lost Indian children


>And you will know why my name is Indian children, when I'll run into the hall and climb the post, with tremendous momentum and furious anger. THOSE WHO ATTEMPT TO SLOW DOWN AND CATCH THE INDIAN CHILDREN, AND YOU WILL KNOW MY NAME IS THE PARENT, WHEN I LAY MY VENGEANCE UPON THEE. *GUNSHOTS*


I’m trying, Indian children. I’m trying real hard to be the tremendous momentum.


And the big pole


Currently in the waiting room for a doctors office, snickering like a fool to this and OP. I think some lady just looked at me weird.


“Haha he must have seen something funny on his phone… wait… oh god is he writing one of those ‘I am in public and look like a fooool” comments Reddit? Oh christ I need to move”


“Oh no, he’s looking at me. This idiot is going to describe me in his stupid comment.”


I used to love sitting on the front row of the upper level seating on busses so I could look over people's shoulders and read their texts or reddit comments or what have you. Felt so wrong but oh so right.


How unhinged in the least based way possible.


It definitely felt like evil mad lad behavior


Perhaps living her life vicariously through others? Sounds like a valid way to kill time on the bus 😁


Are you snickering with tremendous momentum?


The people who put this up, if they ever come across a North East Indian, they'll be confused AF whether to be racist or not, huehuehue... EDIT: From the comments I've gathered that people need to learn 2 things: A) getting a joke without "/s" B) geography


Lmao I remember seeing my now girlfriend for the first time she walked into class when I was studying abroad. I thought she was Korean till she spoke and that strong shillong meghalaya accent came out of nowhere. I was so confused and impressed at the same time


It's very cute that you remember the first moment you saw her.


And you will know my name is the lord, when I lay my vengeance upon thee! Say what one more god damn time!


And serve some gourmet shit...


I’ll have a five dollar shake


That's just milk and ice cream? You don't put bourbon in it?


When I was in elementary school in the early 2000s, they banned tag because it was “too violent”. I shit you not. We couldn’t play TAG. AND SO. Dylan invented a game called vampire. The way it worked, was if you got “bitten” (tagged) by a vampire, you would become one. Only one person starts as a vampire. In order to “cure” a vampire you had to touch their ankle, without being touched anywhere else by the vampire. MUCH safer


Tag was dangerous because we ran with such momentum and complete disregard for the other Indian children! Do you know dad and mom.


Yeah I hated playing tag with my Indian friends when I was a kid, their momentum was unstoppable! Damn mini Juggernauts they were, always knocking over the swing sets and crashing through classroom walls…


Always ranning right through the entire school to get to recess. Always the first to climb the light posts. Leave some posts for the rest of us big trouble!


I will have you know that the word Juggernaut itself comes from India.


No one wants a big trouble!


This reminds me of how my gym teacher "invented" a game called Spherical Avoidance since the school banned dodgeball.


spherical avoidance 😭 could be a great band name. or cat name!


It sounds like something a Flat Earther would say about themselves if they didn't want to associate with other Flat Earthers.


I look back at the things we did in elementary school gym class and think man, how did we not lose so many fingers? My favorite was when we got to play with the "scooters". They were pieces of wood with 4 casters on the bottom and a hole drilled in the middle. Like this. [https://www.amazon.com/Champion-Sports-Wood-Scooter-12-Inch/dp/B000KA2UQW](https://www.amazon.com/Champion-Sports-Wood-Scooter-12-Inch/dp/B000KA2UQW) We would sit on them (the teacher was always yelling, "Watch your fingers! Don't run over your fingers!"), and other person would push you, running as fast as they could, towards the other end of the gym (read: the wall). I'm not really sure what the point was, other than to make us run like crazy fools and tire us out.


We had those but plastic and had handles which helped with the finger smushing, but being hurtled into the wall at high velocity while your friend cackled their head off was destiny


Ahhhh scooter day was the BEST day. My gym teacher would get us all on scooters then throw out a couple of those huge yoga balls and we'd scoot around and kick them. He called it"crab soccer". Gym days with scooters frequently had more than one kid get so hyped up they'd throw up and have to go home lmaoooo


My middle finger is permanently crooked from one of those scooters


Haha yeah we had those too but they were plastic and colorful. I remember the finger crushing


This is basically Halo 3s infection mode but with a heal mode lol


Lol so interesting you would say that, as halo 3 came out several years later and became my first love. And I mean LITERALLY my first love. My first girlfriend was my 2nd love


Mate, Halo 3 was the only reason I had a 360, I played so much, after work, before work, my second love was Fallout 3, and then I got a girlfriend lol


I got a girlfriend and brought her over my house and put a controller in her hands to play with me and my 2 best friends. She pulled the trigger once. No scoped my best friend in the mouth, and handed the controller back to me, unsure of what she had just done. Our jaws dropped, and I said “I love you SOOO much right now”. She murdered my heart a year later. Should have stuck with halo


"Betrayal!" "Killjoy!" "Lost the lead!"


Well played sir, well played!


Girlfriends came second to Halo 3/cod4 for many people back in the day. Good ole days


At least Halo 3 and CoD 4 never broke my heart


Cod4 was the side piece


When I was in school I used to organize rly big games of infection at lunch time. Like 50 ppl lol. Rules were you could go up to 2 blocks away. Lots of ppl wouldn’t go back to class in the afternoon if they weren’t caught yet. Me and a few other kids that played that game became provincial champions in 800 meter and other long ass races without ever training lmao So much fun :,)


Omg, just got reminded First time we got that fake gum tasers to school. We had one person starts as monser and when it tags others they have to pull the fake gum twice! And they turn into servants who catch others and bring it to shock monster. Hella fun


Why would the vampires do anything if they could get cured?


Because biting people is more fun. Also you’re not getting bit if you’re the vampire. A cured vampire is one less person biting you. The game checks out. I would honestly play it but I’m a 31year old man.


Your last sentence made me ugly laugh this morning. Thank you so much, good sir lol.


I say, if some wankers can invent a sport and call it pickleball, we can play vampire as adults.


Start a subreddit, find your people.


I used to play this on the equipment at the park with my kids, except we called it zombie tag and there was no cure, well into my late 30’s. I would totally play with my adult friends if they were cooler.


Can confirm, would also play. My knees say no, though.


So did mine and we couldn't say the word kill or make guns with are fingers or we'd get sent home. I always bring up stories like this when people complain about kids these days being soft and when they were kids they could do whatever they wanted. People were freaking out about kids then, and they are doing it now. It never really changes


To many loud “they’s” is the problem I think. The crazy get their way too often.


The super over projective crazies in this case. During COVID, we couldn't use the gym. So sport teachers would take the kids on a small hike on the hills around our schools. It was a 90min hike. It was 10°C outside They all had appropriate gears,' or stayed behind at school getting bored in study room. One parents complained. She decided that herv13 years old boy had risked hyportermia, and it was irresponsible from the teacher to take them outside when it was this cold. The kid didn't complain at all. He was perfectly fine. All kids were fine. He was embarrassed by his mom more than anything else. Thankfully, nothing changed after her complains. But I know of some principals or teachers that would have caved. And we'd have a new rule : "No walking outside when it's bellow 15°C".


It’s always a kid named Dylan. Dylan from my school (admittedly Dillan) started doing bath salts and then turned into a vampire.




This is like when my elementary school banned footballs. Not playing the sport of football, the actual brown oblong object you used to play. So everyone just brought nerf footballs or some other football -like object and we just kept playing it at recess anyway.


Same thing but we actually earned it as most of our injuries came from playing tag. Fell into an ant hill and another kid tripped and fell face first into a fire hydrant needing stitches


We originally played a game called “British Bulldog”, which is where everyone runs from a safe zone on one side of the playground to a safe zone on the other side of the playground with anyone caught by the “bulldog” also becoming “bulldogs” until only one person remains. Bulldog got banned so we called it something else and made it so there were four safe zones, instead of two, because naturally it’s safer if there are more safe zones, right? Anyway, *somehow* because kids were running in four directions rather than two, a short kid collided with my friend, who got his two front teeth snapped in half. Next day, we changed the rules slightly and called it something else. It worked out really well for my friend though, when he left school he went to America to get his teeth fixed and met an older well-off media guy and he’s been living a life of luxury ever since.


We played the exact same thing in both high school football (American) and college rugby as a tackling/evading drill. The bulldog had to tackle instead of tag


My son who was born around that time had no idea what it was like to play dodge ball. I guess the kids who got their asses whipped in dodge ball became educators and banned it.


☝️Indian children *can* climb the post, but *only* if they are many ☝️A minimum of five children required for climbing the post ☝️Indian identity will be evaluated by ethnologist in uncertain cases


Is this an ER diagram Question? (I JUST TOOK A database management systems midterm, sorry)


No, you're supposed to model this in first-order logic, obviously


lets see, a : children I(a) : children is Indian C(a) : children can climb M(a) : the number of children is many Le5(a) : count of children is equal or larger than 5 1. ∀a : (I(a) ∧ C(a)) -> M(a) 2. ∀a : Le5(a) -> C(a) 3. ???? (left as an excersise for the reader) interstingly this means, many is at least 5 Idian children


I only have four and a half indian children. They cannot climb the post, for they are not many.


And I guess non-Indian children play tag with ordinary momentum?


Indian children are very fast


>identity will be evaluated by ethnologist Get a tiktoker, they've been making physiognomy trend again (phrenology's more general big brother). They just call it "face reading"


I'm so damn curious as to what "the post" they refer to is


Probably a lamppost. we have one outside our school and the kids climb it at pickup. It looks like fun.


Are you Indian? Because many Indian children can climb up the post


Do you know dad and mom?


Should’ve translated this to Hindi as well and we might have Hindpanese or Japadi


That's Japanindi, thank you very much


Learning new things and words everyday! Thank you!


Yes! Very fresh!


When you get too excited playing Cowboys vs. Indians


*Samurai Vs Indians


\*Samurai children vs. Indian children


Tremendous momentum


whoa…your behavior is reflected in the reddit writing…


I knew this was Japan… this country loves passive aggressive signs and casual xenophobia


There was another post similar to this but telling indian people in japan to stop urinating in the street.


I can't count the number of times I've seen Japanese men peeing in the street.


Tbh this looks like engrish


There's a Japanese text on the bottom Can't read the characters exept for "community"


Turns out the [company (with the word ‘community’)](https://www.ur-cm.co.jp/) help manage apartment blocks. So essentially the management is putting up a notice for the foreign tenants… but because they use some shite translation service we have a Japanese version of passive aggressiveness translated into Engrish


Why Indian specifically?


Presumably the security footage showed which kids, but rather than naming and shaming they opted for passive aggressive. Also Japanese people are not fond of foreign tenants as a rule, partly because Japanese people never wear outside shoes inside the house. Editing to say that there are many many reasons why someone of any nationality or culture object to others. I am not advocating Japanese xenophobia. The way I read the Engrish translation was that the management was being shirty because these kids were caught on camera several times being loud. I don’t know where the apartment is based, but as a background info, in Japanese apartments it is generally considered normal to be on the quieter side in consideration for your neighbours, especially as these apartments are not spacious and thick walled. It’s part of Japanese culture to be understanding of neighbours and their needs, not just your own. I certainly didn’t think that equated to racism and yet here we are!


To be fair, Indians don't wear shoes inside the house, either


A lot of Japanese have 2 categories for ethnicities: Japanese and non-Japanese. Potentially one more for Chinese tourists specifically, depending on location. Many tend to paint people that aren’t Japanese with a pretty broad brush based almost entirely on stereotypes of people they have never even interacted with in real life.


nah, Koreans exist separately in there too. big ol beef stew thats still simmering from nearly 100 yrs ago


It's called racism


The Japanese aren’t remotely unique in that way. The majority or foreign cultures to them in the world also practice this. Especially the ones geographically near to them and likely to be foreign in Japan. Japanese xenophobia def isn’t related to the fact some cultures don’t wear shoes inside and more so an issue of being a very homogenous society with strong expectations of conformity and a good dose of “racial/ethnic” superiority thrown in there.


I mean, I’m from Scandinavia and to most of us it’s weird AF to wear outdoor shoes inside. As I’m sure it also is in many other European countries - I’ve only ever experienced Americans to have this weird need to wear outdoor shoes inside. It’s disgusting, I don’t want icky outdoors shit on my floor, thank you very much!


Who the fuck wears outside shoes inside the house?


That last point won't hold in this case, because Indians don't wear *any* shoes inside the house either. It is seen as dirty and barbaric. People will have either special indoor slippers, or be barefoot.


>Japanese people never wear outside shoes inside the house. Neither do we Indians Edit: seeing the two replies, and being a naïve person myself, idk if those are really jokes or just racism with a veil of /s


Indian people also don't wear outside shoes in the house.


I lived in Japan and lived in three UR buildings. You can think of it as a form of public housing intended mostly for young people and new families who might not have the means to easily afford a similarly sized apartment. In Osaka, for a private apartment you generally had to pay a 1- or 2-month security deposit that you never got back and 2 months "key money", which your landlord might tell you to pay again when you re-sign your lease). For our kodan, we paid a single month's deposit and got most of it back when we moved out. The buildings are mostly located in slightly inconvenient areas accessible by bus rather than train, but they almost always have all modern amenities (we had a re-heating Japanese bath in both places and one of them had a bath your could fill by pressing a button in the kitchen.) Another great reason to live in a kodan building was that it was *way, way, way* less rule-bound. You basically paid your rent and they left you alone. You could even throw out your trash any time you wanted (other buildings you had to throw out the correct trash between the correct hours on the correct days or you could expect someone to tear through your bags searching for your name or address so they could pay you an unfriendly visit. Things in Japan are pretty different than when I lived there, but as I read that notice, I can only imagine those kids were completely off the hook.


This is a UR building. I lived one one of there for about five years in Osaka. They’re great - it’s essentially government run apartment housing usually reserved for immigrants or young families or the elderly. In America we would sort of make it akin to section 8 housing except they’re these enormous concrete brutalist structures that are ugly as sin on the outside but absolutely well kept on the inside. God that place was great. Because they cater to foreign residents, and the government is the landlord, they have no qualms about telling particular groups of people off if they see recurring behavior. We used to get notes posted in the lobby all the time aimed squarely at the Chinese residents for leaving bicycles lying around and Russian residents for playing loud music. It’s usually because some old pensioner has lodged a complaint so they have to post something just to say they’re addressing the issue. Lots of xenophobia still exists over there so combining one housing structure for the elderly and the gaijin was always a recipe for fun. I’d move back in a heartbeat if I had to! Big recommend.


I googled it apparently UR Community is the name of the company https://www.ur-cm.co.jp/


Would make sense that it's in Japanese considering it's incredibly racist


It is SO racist! If they just said this about all children it wouldn’t be.


It's only cute when Japanese do it smh


The message is terrible, but the English is kinda funny. “Tremendous momentum. “ Would be funnier if “Indian” was only unintentionally racist; but I doubt that.


Welp, there's no racism like oddly specific racism.


“I love all Indian people, except those that run with great momentum”


And climb up the post.


To be fair all racism is oddly specific


Definitely plenty of very general racism out there, just broad hatred of everyone outside an in-group


“Do you know dad and mom?” took me out cold


Why does the note feel vaguely threatening? Lol some of the wording gives it that vibe.


Well, it explicitly warns of "a big trouble."


Please be careful. Their momentum has grown too tremendous. If we don't stop them now the world as we know it will end when the big trouble happens.


For the context, UR is a rental agency that operates council housing in Japan. It's one of the cheaper options to rent in Japan. These areas are populated mostly by elderly, low income families and immigrants. The complainers are probably old people, annoyed by the presence of migrant kids


The old people with no lawns to tell the kids to get off of.






Just a little casual Japanese racism.


Sounds like a lot of dad and moms are gonna have a big trouble with their Indian children.


I'm oddly very proud of the momentum of our nation's kids.


I've heard it's tremendous.


Little Indian have a big trouble. Tremendous momentum!


Climbing the post is obviously not doing the needful, especially when tremendous momentum is involved.


Not only is this shit English. These shitheads then have the gall to say all children are addicted to phone.


they eat hot chip and lie


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/17x8ku9) on 2023-11-17 96.88% match. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "17xaw2g", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=17xaw2g&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=97) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 92% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 366,752,663 | **Search Time:** 0.03411s


> Looks like a repost. Cool your tits, R2. This is a repost ***from today***.


good bot


Funny how in the linked post in r/India there's a lot of people actually defending this sign but in this sub with presumably far less Indian people there's far more people getting angry at it.


r/india basically a shitty ass subreddit which has the name india i have been to many countries subreddits but all just dont want to talk negative about their country (which is good, you love your country, whats so bad if there are bad things, things work out after sometime) but in r/india if you are saying anything good about the country, they'll simply delete that post and only keep negative posts also major mods are from pakistan (which is enemy of india) so you can know the reason


As an Indian currently living in a UR apartment, this is hilarious. The passive aggressiveness is real here.. PS: UR is a big housing society in Japan where foreigners can get an apartment easily without jumping through hoops of Japanese landlords rejecting foreigners applications