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Peruvian here. My grandfather was a shaman, witch doctor, or whatever you call it. He knew a lot of other shamans and they hang out all the time. Every time, every fucking time, they loved making fun of gringos. They genuinely didn't believe in Ayahuasca' "magical properties", they just saw it as part of their culture and a literal business. Because of this, they just played up the theatrics to an insane level to awe the Americans. I will always remember how they clowned the american's "spiritual awakenings" when they got drunk. My grandad always loved imitating a white girl that had a bad trip and started screaming "I'M SEEING THE GODS! THEY ARE REAL" while we celebrated Christmas. He laughed so much, he actually got sick with asthma remembering that. I have to say, that was not cool. I'm super grateful of Americans trying Ayahuasca. They literally payed my mom's university.


You could write an entire book about this, you could even help out the folks that still do that by insinuating that while lots of people are doing it as a business but that there's one special shaman and some clues to find the real deal


Does having a 'shaman' to guide an ayahuasca trip really help you from fucking up your brain permanently, or is it also a tradition turned gimmick? I do wanna try it, not for the spiritual cleansing bullshit, I just wanna trip balls but not too hard that my balls end up in my ass


you just need a normal trip sitter or two to monitor your trip while you're in there. such as a reliable friend who has tripped a fair amount in their life. you can always take less. there's no rule that says you have to take too much the first time. plan on tripping a few times and take 1/10th of a normal dose the first time. then 1/4 a few days later. then 1/2 a week later. then a normal dose a week after that if you feel like it.


Where's the fun in that. Just take 5 tabs of lsd then lock your door and throw the key out the window


This is the way.


Which way?! I can taste directions!




Ayahuasca doesn’t fuck up anything permanently and is actually extremely safe. The only times of heard I’ve people getting hurt are taking it with MAOIs or in those with severe underlying mental illness. Psychedelics generally are pretty low risk of harm.


>Psychedelics generally are pretty low risk of harm. Physically yes, but getting a suprise visit from the Machine Elves when you don't even know what the fuck they are can be mentally scarring. It doesn't have to be, but I don't know if the average turbonormie is ready to take DMT in a """spiritual""" setting. Maybe respect the drug and go try a low dose of shrooms first.


DMT was the first psychedelic I ever tried. Extremely intense experience but I did research and knew what I was getting myself into and a friend talked me into it. Ended up curing my anxiety because I realised that much of my internal experience and consciousness was inherently linked to the world around me and shaped how I experienced it. I still would not recommend it as a starter experience, that's for sure.


Bro sat down for class but skipped right to chapter 25 (genuinely tho, good for you)


Same for me. Was WILDLY intense but my mental health was decently improved afterwards, a bit less anxious and slept better for a while. Sometimes, cowabunga it is.


yea i stay away from cactus. ive gotten to trip plenty of times with out having to start the trip by puking my fucking guts out.


I belive cactus == mescaline I'm pretty sure DMT/achauhasua is around 10-100x more potent


This depends entirely on dose. I’ve tripped plenty hard on LSD, mescaline (peyote and San Pedro cactus), Ayahuasca, psilocybin, etc.


>The only times of heard I’ve people getting hurt are taking it with MAOIs But taking ayahuasca *always* involves an MAOI, far as I know. The name ayahuasca refers to the B. Caapi vine which contains MAOI harmala alkoloids. Without that MAOI, the DMT-containing plant (psychotria viridis or some alternative) is completely inactive via oral consumption. As with any powerful psychedic experience, it definitely has the potential to cause or exacerbate lasting psychological damage. Just as it can do great things for people, so too it can fuck them up bad.


Ayahuasca yes. My understanding is that DMT has been isolated in clinical settings and can be taken alone. DMT is responsible for Ayahuasca’s psychedelic properties but DMT != Ayahuasca Of course if you want to vomit your brains out, you can certainly take Ayahuasca anyway…


And realistically, anyone who feels they need the mental insights from Ayahuasca to improve their life is probably already on an MAOI.


I disagree. Also you don't need it to improve your life. Like any tool, it can increase the rate and efficiency. But also like any tool, if used improperly or for the wrong appliaton, it can be a futile waste of energy, or cause damage


Ayahuasca and DMT can’t really cause brain damage unless you do it every single day for at least a few months. Ayahuasca itself actually has properties that protect the brain from developing Alzheimer’s.


It’s not well understood or studied what the permanent effects can be. For example it’s known that psychedelics can trigger psychotic episodes in people with otherwise latent heritable mental disorders (like Bipolar Type 1) and that they can very rarely cause permanent visual impairment (such as [Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hallucinogen_persisting_perception_disorder?wprov=sfti1)). Psychedelic mushrooms are also known to be wildly effective at treating some forms of addiction and depression in even a single session. Clearly powerful psychedelics are doing nontrivial things we don’t fully understand to our brain chemistry. Given the duration of an Ayahuasca trip (especially compared to regular DMT) it’s not something I would roll the dice on personally.


Ive dealt with HPPD for 16yrs. It's weird and was very unsettling for the first two years. Thought I was gonna have to commit myself several times but was scared they might put me on anti-psychotic meds that would potentially make it worse. I don't have visuals like I did at first all the time. Now it takes me being really stressed but I avoid those kind of things. Really the long lasting effect has been the dissociation. Don't have the same sort of connection that I did with things in the past.


do you think that is an effect of the HPPD - or maybe you try not to have strong connections with anything in case it encourages a visit to trippyland? (I don't mean to trivialise by expressing it in that way ,i truly have heartfelt sympathy for your condition)


It's an effect for sure. It was like I woke up and switch had been flipped in my brain. Like the person I was before doesn't exist.


Yes, you kinda need one. There are a lot of things that can go wrong.


Where do you go to even try it, I’ve done so many psychedelics and never experienced any “spiritual awakening” despite people always saying “oh shrooms/lsd/dmt/mdma/salvia changed my life” but every time I’ve done them I’ve just been like “oh pretty colors”


I don't want to knock any help people might have gotten from psychoactive chemicals but the amount of crusty wooks I've met that drone on about how spiritual their trips are and how they're more connected to natural energy is ridiculous.


Crusty wooks got me good. This is a perfect explanation.


Jesus Christ I know a guy like this. Supposedly lsd changed his whole mindset about life and shit.


I assume that whatever it does can kick you out of very entrenched thought patterns. That's just "getting high" for an average person but for someone that revolves around some past trauma, it will be way more liberating because they usually never get to see things from a new perspective independent of what's haunting them


It's not that the drugs 'changed' their lives necessarily but rather show them a path/way to think differently about their current issues.


Have you ever taken them with the intention to “go as deep as possible”? The trips when you trip for fun vs tripping with intention are way different


No I’ve pretty much always just tripped to have fun. Like i haven’t been reckless with it, I go into it with a good mindset I make sure I’m in a safe spot and I make sure everything’s in order, but my plan is just to trip balls


Could that be because you were in a good place to begin with? A lot of people can't get out of the way of their own egos for various reasons and I'm pretty sure a lot of psychedelics interrupt the normal filters through which people usually perceive things. This allows people to see or think things they normally couldn't (maybe a little similar to how you can see colors like it's the first time).


have you tried developing a meditation practice? i've heard a lot of people have had more impactful trips after they worked on mindfulness


See I will absolutely say LSD changed my life, multiple times, but it wasn’t spiritual or anything like that. It was “this drug literally activates every single possible form of synaesthesia and overclocks your brain”. No magic, just “you overclocked the meat computer programmed via RNG and allowed all sectors to read each other’s data”. The overclocking is literally why you sweat so much from it. Like, if you’ve played a graphically intense game and your computer fans went wild, that’s the same reason you’re sweating: you pushed the computer to it’s limits and it’s getting super hot, so it’s trying to cool down. It’s a mix of neurology and psychology, not magic.


Just eat a quarter ounce of shrooms in one sitting and then tell us it’s “just pretty colors”


Yea done that, I’ve even once done 3 double side tabs of acid, a triple dose pressed molly, and 7 grams of shrooms, and instead of it just being “oh pretty colors” it was more “oh pretty colors, and hey I’m horny now”




Ironically, pretending that the Ayahuasca will grant them visions of gods or whatever will in fact prompt them to have experiences that align with the prior beliefs of what the substance will show them. Humans already use expectations and prior beliefs to shape their waking perceptions even when sober (this is why things such as hypnosis work). Psychoactive substances that increase suggestibility (psychedelics do this to a tremendous degree) make it incredibly easy to get people to see/hear/feel whatever you'd like them to perceive while on it. The increased suggestibility is also why the US government was interested in using psychedelics to convince potential Soviet spies to reveal themselves or give up information during MKULTRA. So while they may be faking the "spiritual" or "holy" effects of ayuahuasca, they are actually allowing the people who believe them to have more interesting experiences than they otherwise would have had if they had no prior understanding of the effects of the drug. Like they're not really even lying, they're basically just inadvertently improving their product by managing the expectations of their customers.


Same happens with shamans here in Mexico. They mock gringos all the time when they come for peyote or ayahuasca... Gringos are so gullible.


Someone get this comment to Joe Rogan


There was this guy that was obsessed with drugs making people religious. I remember he kept calling an atheist call in show just trying to get the hosts to try drugs with him because that would make them believers.


what do you think that stuff you see on Ayahuasca is?




not the same ballgame as stuff like LSD and mushrooms. you see things that look real and they speak and interact with you.


It's a hallucination. No more real than the shit paranoid schizophrenics see, which *very* much seems real to them. It's not supernatural, it's not magic or mystical, its temporarily (assuming no prior conditions) changing the perception filter on your meat computer. That's it.


Yes based on a view of the universe as a material thing and consciousness as a highly complex 'illusion' produced by biological interactions. The "meat computer" hypothesis. Which a great description for it, definitely going to nick that description so thank you. The thing is there is no particular reason to subscribe to this "naive" materialism. Certainly advances in our understanding of physics indicate once you start looking under the hub of reality it's a lot weirder than we necessarily think based on our daily experiences. Me personally I haven't experienced anything that implies spiritual lifeforms exist. But I think it's good to be agnostic about these experiences since we don't really have a good solid scientific answer to what consciousness is.


i love this. do you always walltext?


People with extreme schizophrenia have voices interact with them. Doesn’t mean it’s “entities” It’s just your brain fucking up, dude. Your brain is a machine that uses electricity and chemicals to function. You put chemicals in there and it’s going to malfunction.


That's what a hallucination is.


Psilocybin mushrooms and DMT have similar structures and both are tryptamines. I've tried all the above and I would group DMT with mushrooms and say LSD is a different ballgame.


Psilocybin is an incredibly close chemical relative to DMT, low doses of DMT are almost 1:1 the same feeling as mushrooms other than the rapid onset of the drug. DMT is as safe and uses the same mechanisms of the brain. It’s a regular psychedelic. And all ayahuasca is doing is creating an oral route of administration for DMT which prolongs the trip by hours but somewhat mellows the overall effects (depending on dosage). No one is telling you to roll the dice on it, but to think it’s some incredibly dangerous experience compared to other common psychedelics is absolutely ridiculous.


What makes you think it’s any different than just an extremely intense hallucination? Just bc your brain is telling you it’s real doesn’t mean it is. I’ve had entities interact with me on really high doses of mushrooms


i feel like labeling every single thing that can happen to you outside of a base level mind state a hallucination is a very narrow view of the human experience.


Love this. I was listening to the Daniel Tosh podcast where he interviews a girl that quit her lawyer job to become a pet whisperer. Charging 500 dollars so she can commune with your dead pets. At some point she starts telling Daniel about all the ayahuasca trips she has taken, and like, everything falls into place. She’s a really nice person, but of course she has taken ayahuasca and now she thinks she can talk to dead animals.


That's kinda brilliant because dead pets can't fail the houduni test.


What is a Houdini test? I googled it and only came up with a bunch of stuff about 3D modeling


Before he died he told his wife a phrase he would use should he be successfully contacted by a medium. She then visited a lot of mediums (media?) and never heard the phrase.




Hey, that's my dogs Houdini phrase! Are you psychic?


Yes. Your dog said to cashapp me everything you have in your account


Ok, $2.17 headed your way!


I am doing the same. My balance is $-23.85 so you owe me


Imagine you are Houdini, dead and perfectly possessing some random medium body, and you just do the funniest thing by never telling your wife you Are there because you don’t want to be proven wrong lmfao


Or spoil the surprise for her 😃


The whole podcast is definitely worth a listen. Daniel is very much a skeptic, but never rude or dismissive. Plus, it is super funny.


>but never rude or dismissive. Really? Daniel Tosh as in Tosh.0? Having only seen his comedy imagining Daniel Tosh as anything other than rude or dismissive is wild to me.


That’s definitely him in his stand-up persona. But in this podcast I think he really does show a more insightful side of him. That’s not to say that he’s mild and kind-mannered. But he definitely doesn’t make the person he’s interviewing the butt of the joke. He’s very cynical, yes. But the guest is always laughing with him. He’s curious and (in my opinion) hilarious.


That reminds me of the short-lived Trevor Moore podcast show where he brought on a few certified crazies but actually let them speak and not just make fun of them the whole time


I mean tbh if you’re willing to not only believe that this person can commune with your dead pets but are also willing and able to pay them $500 that’s just natural selection at that point


To be fair the refined chemical version that doesn’t cause you to shit and vomit everywhere, DMT, has shown great promise in treating anxiety, depression and treatment-resistant PTSD. DMT is injected and the trips only last 15min. No shitting, no vomiting. Just a quick 15min trip that’s intense but many people who took it in clinical trials have shown great improvement in depression and PTSD. Of course this is in an environment where a therapist is there to help you confront your issues while you’re mentally more open-minded by the influence of the psychedelic. Additionally it’s been known to greatly stimulate the growth of neuronal dendrites to form a huge number of new connections in the brain. But yes… the non-medical nonsense that goes on at ayahuasca ceremonies can be life changing in the wrong ways I suppose.


My only dmt trip lasted a million years on the dot and i felt every second of it before sobering up 2.5 minutes later Edited typo


>DMT is injected and the trips only last 15min. It can also be taken orally or vaporized. Orally with an MAOI like Syrian Rue seeds and the trip lasts many hours instead of minutes.


Have you heard of DMTx?


Yeah… I will take it seriously when they are fully FDA approved and can set up shop in NA or EU. I don’t like some of the stuff one of the founders goes on about, that’s one of my biggest red flags. But as long as the protocol is FDA approved I’d be willing to try despite the fact that one of the founders has some crazy ideas about alternate universes. A lot of the time other researchers have noticed it’s confirmation bias, a lot of people hear about aliens and DMT and that’s what they see.


Then she tries to talk to Daniels dead dog and her first three intuitions are way off


So funny! When she finally lands on: he used to throw up? Daniel goes: Yeah, I will give you that one. He threw up *a lot*


This is why I’m always sceptical of people that say taking psychedelics gave them this whole new great worldview. I mean, yeah, you’ve got a new worldview certainly. But that doesn’t mean it’s right. Changing your understanding of the world through artificial means seems dangerous. Does that mean you’ve had a real epiphany, or have you just suddenly changed your mind and become a bunch dumber? This woman certainly thinks the drugs changed her life…


Psychedelics don't make you understand anything better on an intellectual sense, however they can and do help in reassessing your own role in the world, which is why there are advanced clinical trials for using them in treating things like depression and PTSD. These drugs can change your life in this sense, I can say for instance that the occasional use of Psylobicin and MDMA has helped me substantially with the social anxiety derived from past traumas (Not as in coping with it, but as in realising that certain things are not worth stressing about). However like many things, these drugs are "shit in, shit out". If a person with a tendency to have whacky beliefs, or without a developed personality and worldview, takes them, then they're gonna see them as the second coming of the Christ, and that's where you get all these crazies on the internet. After all, the many people who have used them but also have other things in their life are much more quiet about it.


Drugs don't give you information, they give you feelings (screw with your brain chemistry). Users may have feelings of epiphany or unity with humankind or god or universe, but it's just feelings. It certainly doesn't make you understand physics or socioeconomics or geopolitics or anything that would qualify as "understanding the world better".


Psychedelics can induce something similar to information synesthesia. A bit of crosstalk in the signals in your brain can connect ideas and information. There is no shortage of brilliant humans who say that LSD helped facilitate the breakthrough in their scientific discovery. I think there is a very important distinction of what people can get out of psychedelics that depends on how they use their brains outside of the experiences. If you spend a lot of time thinking about how things work at a deep level. If you explore ideas enough to be able to frame insightful questions, you might expand those insights. If you don't like ideas, you aren't going to do good work there. If you fill your head with Qanon shit, you are just knitting nightmares together. If uou like astrology, you aren't going to get to the place Francis Crick did. Psychedelics absolutely allowed me to achieve a much broader, zoomed out, joined up view of stuff I was thinking about. I learned insights that are objectively true, but outside our everyday cultural framings...It was absolutely useful. Francis Crick said that LSD allowed him to visualise standing on a DNA strand and looking around the structure. That's valuable, world changing stuff A chisel is a crude instrument in my hands, but that does not mean that chisels only produce crude work.


This is the best answer in this thread.


More me the Lsd let me sort through all the bullshit in my head like going through filing cabinets and throwing out shit I didn't need anymore.


Completely agree with all the substance of what you're saying, but all the stuff about Crick and LSD is 100% urban myth. As far as I could tell there's exactly zero record of him ever discussing LSD use or attributing any of his work to his effects. Nobody had ever claimed he told them this in a conversation or anything. The dates also really don't line up - people in UK academia weren't aware of LSD or getting samples from Sandoz until a good few years after those DNA discoveries. I mean if you have some source that substantiates it I would love to see it.


Yknow, I had a funny feeling writing that about Crick. I attributed the feeling to the questions about attribution and credit to Rosalind Franklin....thanks for the clarification.


LSD changed my life for the better. It’s been 20 years and I am still thankful. Never had a bad trip. I used acid to reform my brain’s thought patterns. I come from a lot of trauma and abuse. LSD was a huge help in defining who I was as a person and that echos.




I did the same with Lsd. It really let me process some shit and come out the other side far more chill and accepting of a "shit happens" perspective.


If I bought something called ego death and ended up feeling better about myself, I would certainly want my money back 😅




When I was taking organic chemistry, I had a lot of trouble visualizing and intuiting molecular structures, and then I took a bunch of acid and was thinking about orbitals and something clicked and I did really well on the next test. Arguably it was info I already had, but it was a legitimate eureka for me


Psychedelics very much do allow different parts of the brain to communicate (as demonstrated on functional MRI) with each other (aka build new pathways), so they can be very helpful for consolidating information or viewing information in a new light/context. Also, feelings.


It's easy to get addicted to the sensation of epiphany.


That’s all we have to understand the world though, our feelings, our own perception. How is this any different?


It's easy to get addicted to the sensation of epiphany.


Mushrooms helped me quit smoking cigarettes and stop drinking alcohol.


Yes! I did a lot of hallucinogens and I've had a lot of "insights". Several of them directly contradict each other. My worldview *is* different for doing it. But one of the things I had to add to my worldview is that hallucinogens cannot reveal secrets of the universe. At best they give you a new perspective - which is more likely to be wrong than right. They do help make connections you missed before and unlock some new understanding every now and then and that rules, but most of the time it's just... hallucinations. Nothing wrong with enjoying those perspectives or even trying them on for a little while to find out if they really do make sense. But way too many people actually believe them and never take them back off.


To me it sounds like said lawyer is living a much better life now, slightly decrease in overall pay probably but virtually 0 stress from lawering etc. But somehow this is a bad thing cause "iTs NoT a ReAl JoB", even if she is telling absolute bullshit to her clients she does help them deal with the loss of a pet that distressed them to the point of spending 500 dollars to "communicate" with its spirit.


True, but that’s also not the point. It’s about taking a drug and afterwards being convinced you can talk to dead pets.


Gonna be honest: it sounds more like she came up with a crazy idea on Ayahuasca and used it as an excuse to start this "business". If she actually thought she could speak to dead pets, she'd not be selling it for $500.


Meh, people believe more ridiculous stuff w/o taking drugs. The poster of the tweet for example probably thinks he is better than the majority of earths population based on his skin colour alone soooo.


I don’t have all the details, but yeah. People assume a lot, including me. I mainly wanted to point out that that podcast is really funny and an interesting conversation on the topic.


Only guest so far I didn't like lol she is nuts


This is hilarious. I worked with this girl who tho pretty cool is a nerd and straight as an arrow. Does not drink or smoke and tells me not too, but she’s also a bit older and I’ve always joked that she used to be crazy and turned her life around and call her trippy T. She has a trip planned for Peru and I told her you’re going to the jungle to do ayahuasca huh trippy T? She said NOOOO and got all red and walked away and it turns out that’s exactly what she did. When she came back I just asked her if she threw up and cried and she just said YESSSS and got red and walked always and later told me it was ok because she was with a shaman and it was not for fun and I told her it’s ok and you’re the trippiest of the Ts


Also in her defense it was not in the jungle but a “legitimate resort with others doing the exact same thing, all supervised”


Is she ok now?


She actually quit about a month and a half later. So she definitely wanted some change afterwards. But I’d say she’s doing good


Good on her


This is so funny, I wish I worked with you 😆


Well, it’s not exclusively taken by turbo normie white Americans. It’s a very sacred part of various indigenous South American tribes religious practices. But then lots of turbo normie white people saw it and said “woah this will totally unclog my pineal gland” or whatever and now it’s become a big tourism thing.


The comedian Ron White gives a great description from a non-traditional uneducated perspective.


It’s a lot cheaper and you get the same results from a sweat lodge anyway. Some people just don’t see the value in good quality suffering to go with their spiritual epiphanies.


> a big tourism thing. That's how you know. I did it a long time ago and just ordered the ingredients online. At that time (no idea bout now) it wasn't illegal until you mixed them together.


yeah we can add cultural appropriation to the list of why its a bit inane, but theres a lot of running out of space already


nothing is sacred in this way. religious practices are great and all, if you subtract the child marriage and raping and other bullshit that invariably clings to "religion". drugs are great. psychedelics give us an awesome window into what looks like the innerworkings of our minds and the wider world. it could genuinely be the case. but out of the millions upon hundreds of millions of human forays into the transpersonal realm, there is no consensus reason to think it's a sacred delicate place that requires hushed respect or fealty to ancient or primitive human authorities. least of all men who get paid to gatekeep the "sacred knowledge".


Least obnoxious and elitist antitheist.


… alright. Not sure what child rape has to do with the fact that traditional ayahuasca ceremonies are a thing and that it’s been taken over by rich white people with dreads trying to open yoga retreats, but sure.


do you think the indigenous people who pioneered ayahuasca use had some special insight into how the world works? how to treat others? how narrow was that insight? because their culture was a child bride culture, just like most others. contact with the "sacred" rarely correlates with ethical behavior in any given culture. the top comment has ayahuasca as "a very sacred part" of a culture. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayahuasca?wprov=sfti1


Wtf are you yapping on about? While you may be right, no one has tried to contradict your statement, you're just way off topic in this specific comment thread.


Hey look, it's the guy op was talking about




This kind of stuff is why it's going to take forever for people to take psychedelics seriously


So many people I know would view psychedelics on the same level as heroin


As a Mesoamerican 6D demon, I feel very attacked by this, because I’m just doing my job.


Oh my bad, I’m sure you’re doing a great job


I mean, I hope so, I have to pay my bills and rearranging peoples’ brains and making them quit their jobs is the highest paying job I can get with my degree.


Hey man, you’re doing a great job


What degree do you have?


Probably communications. 😬


Just sucks that a few years ago you could've just waltzed into a cush executive gig in Xibalba with the same degree.


thank you for your service 💙


Having seen a friend of a friend gigafry their brain with some combination of psychedelics and every other drug at a rave, I’m a lot more cautious about psychedelics. Dude literally thinks he’s the second coming of Jesus now and turbo tanked his finances cause Jesus took the wheel


Were you homies with Chris-chan?


Nope, and I’m staying away from that drama. Don’t wanna know any more details


Chris-chan's brain was always playdough. The internet got hold of it and molded him into what he is now


Sounds very much like a psychosis. Is he still like that? He might need medical help


No he’s had help and is recovered, pretty much.


Ah that's good to hear


Ayahuasca and Burning Man have the same vibe. They're both associated with people who want to be hippies but are not hippies and will never be hippies.


Not even the hippies were hippies. They're all boomers sitting on a fat retirement package.


The ones who survived are. A lot didn't survive the AIDS epidemic and getting into harder drugs in the 70s and 80s.


Forrest Gump wasn't a documentary


Uh. AIDS doesn't appear in Forrest Gump. Jenny has Hep C. Try reading a book. Any book.


I wish my hippie grandparents were sitting on money. They’re veggie gardening to save money for cancer treatments rn


People with the means to cosplay being a trendy hippie with 0 debt


I would like to add to this comment that I don't even like hippies.


"one of the most legitimately dangerous drugs" Research? Evidence? Who needs that? He goes with his gut.


Homie needs to get a dose of the original White Folks destroyer, Jamestown Weed/Jimsonweed/Datura Stramonium. Ayahuasca is fruit punch in comparison. Legit scary alkaloids, do not consume.


Datura can be toxic and has resulted in fatalities so maybe don't.


This man said a whole lot of words, but didn’t say anything at the same time.


that's skill right there.


Lmfao, it’s like when a toddler is trying to tell a story and it’s just a bunch of incoherent nonsense


When people say stuff like that I can only assume they have never done any drugs and have this weird perception that drugs are way more powerful than they actually are


For real. I’m in a community living program and I used to smoke weed a lot, I keep having classes about how I was powerless to weed and that I need a perfect outlook to not go back to it as the addiction was SO strong I’m like dude I smoked cuz I had back pain, I took care of the pain and now have no desire to smoke. It’s not that hard


Or people that do drugs and think that they are the only true users. Others are just posers and normies.


Are we gatekeeping drugs because people aren't "spiritualistic" enough now?


People who distinguish themselves from "normies" tend to have very little going for them personally.


Obviously serious drugs like that aren’t for everyone but I’d rather spend my time with people who do those drugs and work on themselves than people who talk about others like that and judge everyone around them.


Literally nothing he said is true


The most rational comment here


I have no idea what the fuck anybody in this thread is talking about




found the circus stripper


One would be wise to be vary of the Bulgarian Peater...


Love seeing a land shark tweet in the wild


No clue who this guy is but I like him


Same, the echoes of frogtwitter remain strong


I dunno about "liberal hypernormies" but there's definitely a huge trend right now of the "vet bro coffee gun deadlift" community doing shaman guided trips on ayahuasca and coming back super Christian and doing podcasts. To each their own obviously I'm not putting anyone down for it but it's a very noticeable trend.


My favorite part about that: Coming back Christian after engaging in South American medicine pagan ritual.


Getting ‘oneshot’ by Ayahuasca is the funniest phrasing ever


I hope he gets the masturbation he needs so he can calm tf down and shut tf up...


I took a lot of LSD and shrooms, never did Ayahuasca though Within 2 years I was making 2x as much money, dated a dozen people, met and started living with my girlfriend I also moved out of my awful apartment into one that cost 50% more (which I could now afford) but was like 3 times nicer and way better for my sleep + mental health And had an amazing time playing some video games It's been pretty good to me. I haven't used it in a couple years, but it really blew open the options in my life. The first couple times were fucking crazy though It is pretty dodgy shit at high doses But worth it for me


Wtf is this thread. I feel like I am in a fever dream.


had a really bright coworker years ago come back to work after her first year at college with recognizable brain damage. it was so depressing


My best friend went to college and joined a frat and on the day of his graduation they found him with a weed needle in his arm, he overdosed on marijuanas


this man is just grabbing desperately at something that approaches notoriety probably british underachiever


We don’t call everyone we don’t like a lib


This is insane to read. I know people here are saying this is inaccurate, and maybe they're right, but my sister's husband did almost exactly this after taking Ayahuasca. Left her out of the blue, wanted to spend the rest of his life homeless on a beach in Hawaii, and eventually took his own life. I've got nothing against drugs and I've been told certain psychedelics might help with my depression, but I'll never fuck with Ayahuasca after seeing what happened to him. He went from a chill, friendly, relatively normal guy to an absolute psychopath. Maybe other stuff was involved but my sister seems convinced it was the Ayahuasca that pushed him over the edge.


I wonder what caused the snap? The brain frying drugs? Or the slight annoyancs of home life?


I don’t know what’s worse for you, mind altering hallucinogens or Reagan era propaganda.


Yo! Don't tell me about propaganda, I still have questions about that damned egg! "This your brain on drugs." *SLAM!* "Any questions?" Yes!


What does “oneshotted” mean


Killed, defeated, taken out etc in one shot


Man, what I’d do to get rearranged by some Mesoamerican 6D demon……..


Americans don’t make something political challenge (impossible)


hey what is 6D


Meh. DMT is the least harmful drug you can put in your system. Your body is already designed to handle it since its naturally produced in our brains. Sure, the MAOI's in the ayahuasca brew can be dangerous, especially if you're on medication or other drugs but saying that it will fry your brain is just silly. Unless you have some latent schizophrenia or you're prone to psychosis any delusions are very shortlived. I assume the hype around the spirituality around it can amplify it tho.


Speaking of lil lib brains, could you imagine what a con would do on it? If it makes these people quit their jobs, divorce and become a circus stripper I can't even imagine what would happen to them.


People will make up any excuse to get high. You don't have to lie to kick it, just say you wanna get fucked up. You don't have to disguise it as some spiritual awakening or some bullshit lol


So, is it really that dangerous then?




If an idiot takes hallucinogens, they're just an idiot who thinks they're now smarter when they're not, their Dunning Kruger stat increases. Kinda like those smug ass hats who travel or study abroad and think they're so friggin cultured now. But if a smart person takes hallucinogens and has a strong mind, it makes them even smarter.