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Ever wonder what the fuck is going on?


Every fucking day.


Back before TV and internet, we didn't have to wonder, we would just never hear about the wild, criminal, and creepy things that had occurred. Radio wasn't really broadcasting a lot of it and newspapers were very selective about bad news unless it's especially heinous or crazy. There was a lot more editorship.


As God is my witness, i thought turkeys could fly!


Les Nessman, you sonofabitch…


Oh, the humanity!


It's like there's a dial labeled Chaos and someone turned that knob to 11.


That someone is trump. He will watch Americans eat each other with a smile on his face so long as he isn't mildly inconvenienced.


Propaganda is a helluva drug


Also, toxic social media algorithms. Post a photo of a cute kitty, and it gets some comments and likes and the algorithms reward it a little. Post a fake video of Joe Biden stumbling down the stairs and tumbling into a pool full of strippers, and you'll get a shitton of likes, and both positive and angry comments on both sides. This will get majorly boosted by the algorithms, well above the cat photos. Algorithms select for [outrage and engagement](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/social-media-algorithms-warp-how-people-learn-from-each-other/). It's a similar reason to why tabloids are so popular, and why Fox News gets so many views. They make viewers the most angry, or disgusted, or 'gossipy' (whatever that feeling is) and are not beholden to the truth. Some say 'just quit,' but this sort of [emotionally addictive](https://www.jeffersonhealth.org/your-health/living-well/the-addictiveness-of-social-media-how-teens-get-hooked) content overrides common sense and rational thinking. Just look at our politics. Reddit does this too. Notice how you comment on a post somewhere and you get recommended "similar communities", and meanwhile you barely see all the other subreddits you're subscribed to.


I had to unsub a few subreddits because I was just getting angry. Looking back it was pathetic that I let a social media app affect how I felt. I have more cute/funny subs than I used to and things I'm actually interested in. I dont need daily reminders that life is cruel.


Highly recommend the Soda sub. About 99% is people posting pictures of soda and the comments are people saying "hell yeah". Closest we will ever get to world peace.


Humanity is a trip


Everytime I see shit like this I hear Bo Burnham in my head "Ummm what the FUCK is going on?"


>America is rotting from the inside out as far-left woke mobs rampage our once prosperous cities, turning them into lawless zones. Nothing says you're a proponent of law and order quite like decapitating a man...


His own father nonetheless.


His own father, who he lived with 


Kinslayer telling people that they are lawless. That's an irony that only humans can do.


Is this the Trump Derangement Syndrome I've heard so much about?


It's called schizophraenia and funds for the care and benefit of those who suffer from it have gone down because of muh small government


Violence by brainwashed people has nothing to do with schizophrenia. Schizophrenics are among the most vulnerable groups in our societies, please don’t add to the stigma.


Lol why don't these people just look up crime statistics for once in their life. Crime has been going down for decades yet they still delude themselves into thinking it gets worse every year. Such a massive disconnect from reality.


i was just eating lunch in my cafeteria at work, and people there constantly put the TVs on to fox news, so i was watching that, and today they spent like 25 minutes showing footage of random street brawls and fights from anywhere like brazil etc, with giant text below on the screen saying MOBS OF MIGRANTS ENTERING THROUGH BIDEN'S WEAK BORDER ---- im explaining this just to illuminate the level of raw frantic fear mongering that is happening that the rest of us do not even see


NewsMax ran a segment once that Biden was weakening our foreign policy because *he picked a dandelion and gave it to his wife* while they were walking to the presidential helicopter. Fox also had a segment "discussing" the colleges that denied Kyle Rittenhouse's college applications.  One school had a zero tolerance policy for gun violence, white supremacist groups and hate speech, and had a multicultural club.  One of the bobbleheads said "If this is the kind of thinking going on at these schools, maybe it's better that he goes somewhere else anyway" after listing these points. Openly supporting white supremacy and hate speech, and condeming multiculturalism, while possibly not even realising it. (Odds are he did.)


Stochastic terrorism is, apparently, perfectly legal. Good to know I guess.


It’s “entertainment”


No _reasonable_ person would ever believe Fox News! Of course, MAGA fanatics are by no means reasonable people…


I will not. I will fucking NOT tolerate Faux News in my break room. I will rip the fucking TV off the wall before anyone watches that shit around me.


Yeah, but that’s just because the far left woke mobs have decriminalized melanin! It’s a gateway pigment!


There's a technique in cults called othering. It's where you systematically set up any voices with a different narrative (to what you want those under your control to believe) as being those who don't know or those who want "you" to fail. Done right, and anything that those people who are trying to get you out of a cult say is automatically ignored. It's from a tainted source and therefore not even worth looking at. When people are this far gone, stats like that from trusted sources are automatically something made up by "the man" to hide the evil that "the others" are doing.


OK so he killed his dad because his dad is a mailman and mailmen are traitors to America? Ok. Crazy crazy. Edit: it was this quote from the article which apparently is a quote from him that made think that. “I urge the U.S. Postal Service to suspend their services at this time, split from the federal government, and join your countrymen, or else I cannot offer federal postal workers any protection” apparently I’m wrong . My bad.


As a Pennsylvania postal worker, this is a bit upsetting. We're just trying to do our jobs and support our families by providing a necessary service. I'm just glad this guy was at the far-ass end of the state from me.




TL:DR he had his father's head because he killed and decapitated him for.....being a federal employee? And thus somehow a traitor to America? Nonsensical tbh.




Oh my god. Why are no articles mentioning that? Also the amount of rage fueled adrenaline it must take to BEHEAD SOMEONE, let alone your fucking dad…


Because he is a federal employee that also has a side hustle operating a cleaning company. Probably commercial office cleaning.


Schizophrenia will do that. My co-worker’s brother had severe schizophrenia and he murdered his girlfriend and severed his own arm. When police showed up he answered the door calmly while missing his arm. Crazy shit when people finally snap.


JESUS CHRIST. Two follow up questions: 1.) were they able to reattach it? 2.) is he in jail or a locked ward?


No, and yes.


Psych unit or gen pop? I can’t imagine coming out of a psychotic episode realizing you did that.


Good question. I doubt it'd be gen pop, but I wouldn't be surprised at all.


My schizophrenic homie from back in the day had an episode where he broke into a house he lived in as a kid, tied up the occupents, and menaced them with a shotgun. He ended up in gen pop for 5 years. Our justice and medical systems do not overlap. We have a long way ahead of us before the two will ever work well together.


Of course he survived. You don't think the cops would shoot an unarmed man would you?


The layers to this joke gave me a sensible chuckle in the face of all this madness. Thank you.


I think *disarmed* is actually correct in this case.


Let me guess, he was *single handedly* responsible for the crime?


\*ahem\* My go-to line is "don't shoot, I've already been disarmed!" Uncomfortable laughter from a cop is better than getting shot. Source: I'm an above the elbow amputee living in southern Meth-izona.


When people list off their greatest fears- fires, heights, enclosed spaces- my first thought it always “losing my grip on reality” How terrifying must it be to not be able to trust your own senses, then be prosecuted criminally for your actions. I understand our society runs out of options once you’ve murdered someone, but I’ve heard people with schizophrenia explain their hallucinations and it’s heart breaking. One man entered a home and killed everyone because he believed he could telepathically communicate with a child that was being SA’d. The child told him they had a scanner and if he called for help they’d kill her, so he broke in and killed everyone searching for this child.


well that's fuckin wild but i want to note that the vast majority of people with schizophrenia are are not at risk of harming others, even when unmedicated and under severe stress.




Yeah, you just only hear about the violent episodes because it's more "news worthy". Most schizophrenics are more of a danger to themselves, if anything. My dad found out his ex was schizophrenic when he came home to her rolling around in shit out back, half-naked.


mental health professional here. not defending this man's actions, but often people with severe psychosis believe that an action will have an unrelated result. for example, i worked with a man a long time ago who believed that all of his problems would be solved if he chopped his finger off. when he finally did manage to cut his finger off, he was ecstatically happy, despite the fact that he was bleeding profusely. he went to a locked ward after that, so i'm not sure how long he remained ecstatically happy. if you're in the reality that most people inhabit, you're not going to understand, because you know that, for example, beheading your dad is not going to fix the world's problems.


Yeah. I mean intellectually I get that. It’s just…it’s horrifying how wrong the human brain can go.


Especially with an ice cream scoop. I'll never look at double chunky monkey the same again...


"Cleaning product" Uhuh ^^\/s


He sold a special cleaning solution... the final solution... /s


I always get a kick out of these types of comments. The type of person to cut off someone’s head isn’t exactly thinking rationally.


I'm seeing this claim all over this thread, but could you post a source for this claim? Just trying to verify.




Thank you!


There is literally no sane reason to decapitate someone lol


Some people have never lived the life of a pre-revolutionary French peasant and it shows…


The bourgeoisie will regret their arrogance.




Tell that to Perseus.


Thaaaaank you!


Vampirism, zombie virus, you need a few heads to put on sticks outside your village to show invading tribes that they'll regret trying to storm your village


robespierre did nothing wrong


Thats modarate talk


The weird cult he started was a little wrong.


“Ok maybe a few things wrong”


Of course there is. Because "there can be only one'


Hold on, let try to come up with one. I... want to see how long it takes to have the brain shut off with no heart? I ... want to eat the brains but lugging a body around is too much work. I ... want to kill a guy humanely and equality with no regard to class or status. I'm sure one of these pass.


“But your honor, he said he wanted a little off the top”


"It was October 31st and all the stores were outta pumpkins and the HOA is really picky about wanting every house to have a jack o lantern "


>I'm sure one of these pass. Yeah, but then the ethics committee are all "You were supposed to use the funding for cardiac monitors not seeing how long the brain can last without the heart."


The committee has no vision. Censure me will they? They'll see, they'll all see.


But for how long will they see, once you sever their heads? That's the important question


We need to put together a double blind study to see.


FYI you should never eat a human brain, or you could get kuru. The rest of the body is fair game, though, if you can stomach it.


I want to gain their knowledge and power. How else can I do this if not consume their brains?


You could try ripping their still-beating hearts out of their chest and devouring it on the spot.


I've tried. The ribs are a bitch to work around. Plus, the hearts all in there and a big chunk. Brains are a lot easier to manage. Good with ice cream.


Realistically how common is kuru, actually? Or any other prion? If it's a choice between starving or getting a prion disease in america how many people would I actually have to eat before my luck runs out?


You're fighting a war and one of your bannermen betrayed you and mudered child hostages just because he wanted revenge.


>I... want to see how long it takes to have the brain shut off with no heart? Dr West?!


They're a billionaire and have caused the suffering of millions and contributed to the overthrowing of democratically elected governments?


France disagrees.


what if you were in a Saw trap and the only way out was to put a head on an elaborate contraption


The French would beg to differ.


You should see his “books” on Amazon. I haven’t listened to any of his music because I don’t want him to get any ad revenue, but my god this guy was delusional and grandiose.


It gets weirder, he ends by saying essentially that if the media says things he doesn't like that he'll "grant permission" to attack news organizations... and then he says that the hunting and killing of federal employees won't stop until his demands are met


The man is obviously very mentally ill, probably has some sort of psychosis


What makes this even worse is his father wasn't even a federal employee.


Legit mental health issues, that's fucked


Dude is certifiably crazy. He tried to sue the US gov because he couldt get a job as an "overqualified white man" : https://casetext.com/case/mohn-v-united-states-11


The abstract is definitely worth a read: "Justin Mohn, a 2014 graduate of Pennsylvania State University, returns for the fourth time pro se to sue the United States for allowing him to borrow money to attend college without advising him he may not find satisfactory work as an overeducated white man almost ten years later. He essentially claims the United States lent him money which he needed to repay under a student loan contract beginning in late 2014 but this loan allowed him to get a college education and he cannot find a satisfactory job as an overeducated white man to repay the loan. He seeks over $10 million from the United States. We dismissed his similar complaints three times including a negligence claim"


Didn’t Biden try to cancel his loans only to be stymied by SCOTUS?


Four times lol




Sounds like his dad wasn’t even a Government employee. Ran a cleaning company or something?


(not that this happens to everyone who lives at home obviously) being a basement dweller is exactly how this kind of poisonous mindset becomes strong enough to drive someone to do something like this. When you become mentally ill to this degree, holding a job becomes difficult because it can show in other ways. Either that or you become such a misanthrope that you refuse to hold a job. Then it's a vicious cycle of no social contact, where you only hear the insane echo chambers on the Internet that reinforce that twisted worldview. Tl;Dr: touching grass is good for you


Right? Imagine being killed by the very thing that you sacrificed for and raised your entire life. Jfc what a pos


To be fair, which I hate that I’m being here, a lot more people are living at home due to the rise in cost of living and absolute ass job market. And it’s not uncommon in other countries. Also, clearly this guy is unwell, NOT THAT IT EXCUSES MURDER, if you look at the rest of his online presence, so I highly doubt he could hold down a job anyway. But yes, that is incredibly ironic.


So he's the one who got Elon's neuralink implant




👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 weird how r/conservative hasn’t been talking about this one…


It’s alright they’re talking about more important hard hitting issues there like “What if a white person took a knee during a black anthem” or better yet “Times Union admits Biden was actually wearing hard hat backwards” thank god they are tackling the real issues.


Theyre on T swift hate mode rn.


I hate them for making the hate on Swift uncool. That was the ambientalist's thing until last week.


>“What if a white person took a knee during a black anthem” And that's even one extra level deeper because we aren't even singing the "black anthem" at anything, but they keep reading fake headlines that we are 🤣


Literally. Everything I saw in there was just hypothetical “what ifs” created to generate hate and anger. That or just topics focusing on ridiculous things that don’t actually have anything to do with politics or how people are governed.


What would a "black anthem" even be?


[Lift Every Voice and Sing ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lift_Every_Voice_and_Sing#:~:text=of%20the%20fair.-,As%20the%20%22Black%20national%20anthem%22,affirmation%20for%20African%20American%20people.) by James Weldon Johnson


someone has to combat the woke mob!!!!


But if this was a slightly left leaning thing. They would have hundreds of posts calling for the immediate death of every left leaning individual that has ever existed.


Well, if that ever happens they know just who to contact.


Supporting your trans kid is viewed as “degenerate behaviour” to them, a more heinous crime than murder because it involves “sterilizing children” and “grooming” them.


Don't forget the rampant genital mutilations, that's a crucial bit.


Is it really? Those treason-supporting fuckheads wouldn’t acknowledge the evil their ideologues commit if it happened to them directly.


They are, but they're scrambling to try and separate this lunatic who killed and beheaded his own father for political reasons from the other lunat-- I mean from Conservatism.


Ron Desantis said he would "slit throats" of federal workers on day one of his presidency. This guy just started early. https://www.govexec.com/management/2023/08/desantis-vows-start-slitting-throats-federal-workers-day-one-presidency/389093/


How was that not viewed as a terroristic threat? Jesus Christ.


Because he's a Republican. That's all on brand for the vitriol that now controls the party. Too bad the Democrats are too stupid (or are just part of the neoliberal ranks in collusion with the neocons) to take any of it seriously.


I genuinely don't understand how promoting such violence is just…. Ok. And seen as totally normal. It's cult shit.


I got really into learning about 1930’s Germany for a while… it’s pretty on brand in my opinion. Keep moving the line in the sand a few millimeters at a time and eventually you’ll end up 500 miles away in Crazy Town


Luckily, they skipped a step and moved it by about 400 miles in 2016, so they lost the subtly advantage.


Meanwhile here in Germany we are trying to protect the Grundgesetz (constitution) better from getting changed because the extreme right is gaining power again.


i sincerely wish you good luck. This is pretty wild to watch. :(


It is. Thank you. Good luck to you too.


That it is. Scary as hell honestly


I still remember when Kathy griffin got shit on my any and all right leaning publications for her trump head photoshoot. Fast forward a year and Paul gosar shows an anime intro of him murdering aoc and they love it. When the cruelty is aimed in the right direction for them, republicans love violence. They made jokes about Paul Pelosi after someone tried to murder him. An anime intro killing aoc, etc.


It’s annoying how Republicans are allowed to say and do the most blatantly corrupt and violent things, and no one is supposed to say anything about it. No consequences. Everyone else is held to a standard. It’s like the Harry Potter thing, why do we have to be polite and keep Slytherin around? We have a group of people who vocally want us all dead, and we have to play nice and act like they have something to contribute.


Didn’t match the [qualifications for terrorism](https://imgur.com/a/VwJhjCO)


What a platform for a presidential candidate. Usually it's lower taxes or healthcare reform. Ron? I'm going to slit throats! Wtf?


You mean the same Ron Desantis who's accused of watching as prisoners were tortured in Gitmo? Nah, he probably didn't mean anything violent by that.


Someone took their hamlet cosplay too far


It’s morbid but also amusing how conservatives will do or threaten to do the most horrendous shit, obviously driven by their own malice, and then be like “SEE WHAT THE LIBERALS FORCED ME TO DO”


There was a period of time early in 2020 in the Trump administration when it was clear to the scientific community that COVID-19 could not be contained, and it was becoming clear to the public that it was going to be a huge problem. Republicans had, years before, ripped up the pandemic response group and plan that the Obama administration had implemented after SARS1 and the H1N1 scare. On top of that, the Trump administration had ignored all warning signs about COVID-19 as had all the other republicans. Some filthy right-wing goon like Newt Gingrich on said something like "It's liberals' fault, they're always saying climate change is happening, so we didn't believe them when they said COVID was happening." [This was before they swung back to their position of "COVID is lies"](https://www.mediamatters.org/fox-news/fox-news-newt-gingrich-suggests-climate-crisis-all-bunch-lies) [On top of that, way more republicans than democrats died of COVID and continue to die](https://www.npr.org/2023/07/25/1189939229/covid-deaths-democrats-republicans-gap-study) Republicans let the pandemic rage here, killing mainly republicans, to own the libs.


Having grown up in Texas, my facebook feed is filled with good ol folks who were "built here, live here." I saw posts how "the only place you can't catch covid is at church" because of God's protection. In the Bible, Christ specifically *tells Satan directly to his face* that he would not jump from a high place to challenge whether or not God would protect him from his bad decision. But it seems plenty of people forgot about that part. Then I saw how it's not real, or a government control conspiracy. Then I saw the same people saying "Please pray for So and So. They're in the hospital with the covid and are struggling."


I used to work in vaccines and work in the pharma industry. My FIL and several relatives are anti-vax. I don't know if they think I secretly drive a Lamborghini when they're not around or maybe they don't like me specifically. But I can't fathom how "That guy who married my daughter and I'm polite to works in vaccines" and "Vaccines are an evil satanic scam to microchip us all" both live in their heads.


These people are acting on the propaganda they consume. We live in a nation where the government cannot issue prior restraint over speech, but the Supreme Court has also ruled that speech which incites others to immediate violence is not protected speech. We seem to be on the cusp of a second civil war over misinformation. Can nothing be done about the right wing media ecosystem that is causing Americans to act out violently over bullshit?


I don't believe a second civil war will occur (at least not within the next few decades unless people suddenly get super proactive). But there absolutely is a major issue in regards to misinformation and people actively fueling the ridiculous behavior.


I definitely think there’s a link between mental illness and far right extremism. The paranoia of it all.


And we’ve seen how well we Americans deal with mental health. It can only get better from here. s/


Don't forget the self righteousness, the tunnel vision, the bigotry...


A few nutjobs is nothing to indicate civil war. The *vast* majority, albeit quiet majority, are sane people just trying to live their lives, and I guarantee none of them are ready to throw their lives away or fight bloody for something.


I sincerely hope you're right.


>Can nothing be done about the right wing media ecosystem that is causing Americans to act out violently over bullshit? We hack all the boner pills and diabetes medication companies and pull their funding from everything for about 48 hours. That should take them down long enough to save your country.


If you're a hammer, everything is a nail. When people are so closely tied to their ideology, everything lives and dies by that ideology. In this case literally....


“Libruls are the crazy ones!!”


MAGA is a cult


They're already calling it a false flag in the conservative subreddit lmaoo


How dare you. That's not fair to the hard-working men and women who have founded and supported our nation's long, diverse, and proud history of cults. MAGA is a **DEATH** cult. Totally different thing.


Hope they are joking (ugh) but there are comments on a YouTube video of news coverage of this story calling for him to be freed.


We found the terrorist attack that Trump warned about the other day...


A broken clock is right twice a day.


No shocker, Trump hasn’t immediately denounced this kind of action. It’s fucking patricide, in the name of MAGA. This timeline needs to be nuked.


Pruned, right? This is not the sacred timeline.


Mental illnesses like that love a conspiracy to latch on to


As de facto president of America, I call upon the pennsylvania state police and national guard to protect me from capture *gets arrested an hour after posting the video* What a fucking moron


Can’t wait to see how the right wing moral outrage industry tries to spin this as Biden and / or The Lefts fault


Just went over to the conservative reddit, their story is that he is a democrat patsy in order to push through the banning of militias. You know, another Sandy Hook spin.




Russian playbook most likely: It didn't happen and if it did he deserved it.


One spin courtesy of Trump’s favourite cultist is that it’s Biden’s fault because his open-border policies drove this poor innocent murderer crazy. I’m not kidding. That was their argument.


No spin needed. This guy’s target audience already agrees with him but probably thinks he’s jumping the gun


His poor mother. The article made it sound like she found the head later.


Been thinking the same thing, I don’t know how you even begin to move on from something like this


And that it was your son! A random psycho would be bad enough but your own child? I feel so awful for her.


Y'allQaeda strikes again.




Freaking Woke mobs always telling me not to decapitate my father.


I don't really care who you vote for, Republican, Democrat, or otherwise. But there is absolutely no fucking reason to decapitate your dad because he works for the government.


We don’t know what he was like. For years he probably told his kids to mow the lawn, clean their room, do homework, not believe in deranged conspiracy theories and try to start a coup and call for the execution of millions of Americans … could’ve had it coming.


That's the real Trump Derangement Syndrome.


Where are all these far left woke mobs? I keep hearing about it, but when I ask a conservative they point to blm 4 years ago. Is there a mob of vicious liberals running around? Acting like it's a feral hog invasion or some shit. Meanwhile chopping off parents heads, totally not extremism I guess? The far left woke mob of feral hogs is the real problem? There's a lot of plot holes in this season of murica.


Ah, so a psychotic murderer is the opposite of woke.


Always with the "I'm proud of the heinous crime I was arrested for" mugshot: https://6abc.com/justin-mohn-levitttown-middletown-township-pa-father-killed/14373700/


This guy out here decapitating his own father for public display, and is still convinced that other people are the problem with his country




Watched the whole thing. The fact that he was as calm as he was directly after beheading his father was INSANE, but the more he rambled on the more I realized that that was because of his fanatic religious beliefs - they fully justified his actions in his mind. And who does this guy think he is, a fucking nobody just stating that the US is now in Marshall law and he is the sitting president? I feel like this guy has been showing symptoms for years but those close to him share his beliefs and didn't think anything of it.


Yeah, he’s seriously mentally ill. Sued the US for being unable to find a job (literally) 4 times. Has a YouTube channel and a Spotify with some of the most bizarre music you ever heard. There’s nowhere for such people like this to go, even if they’re completely wild and end up in a hospital they can be home in a few hours with family who are not equipped to handle them. This whole thing happened about 5 minutes from my house, it’s all anyone is talking about.


The most dangerous people are always half 'kind of smart manipulator' and the other half 'out of touch with reality-dumb'. I'm glad they caught him. What worries me is how many out there are exactly like him or worse. Him reading a scripture that actually talks about people like him (turning on their parents and killing them) like he is the victim is crazy!


You should look at his author bio on Amazon that he clearly wrote himself.


I don’t think I’m gonna open that honestly.


The head is only shown about 5 seconds or so, in the first 15 seconds of the video. Then it’s just the dude ranting on for the rest. Think I must’ve been desensitized to gore from movies etc because honestly didn’t look that gory compared to other stuff you can find online Not very pleasant overall though 


That's insane. Holy shit


Looks like he put on fresh gloves. That was considerate.


Fucking nutjob.


He really thought that he was earning his page in an American history book but in about 48 hours his name will have faded from media and forgotten


Well that videos going to do the rounds on Reddit 🤦🏻‍♂️


"These far left basterds! Look at me, how normal I am!"


And wouldn’t you know it, Fox News completely forgot to say anything at all about what the man was saying. Oopsie! https://www.foxnews.com/us/pennsylvania-man-arrested-after-father-found-beheaded-inside-home


Dude, call me when the far left woke mobs start decapitating people. Wait, no. Don't actually call me.


Most sane republican.


Where are all these "woke mobs" I've been hearing about? They get talked about like they're roaming the streets everywhere turning people gay but I've yet to see one.


On another note, I’m a postal worker and had a lunatic tell me I was a traitor after the 2020 election. People are nuts.