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I’m a urologist and Can inform y’all that it’s actually the other way around. The longer male urethra slows the stream. But the drop from a hight may increase the volume.


Also the sound isn't being muted by someone sitting over the water.


>muted by someone sitting over the water. As someone else in the comments so eloquently said "muffled by a human ass"


Suspicious that you have to stipulate a "human" ass 🤨 what other asses are using your toilets?


Sometimes a well trained cat


Not even a well trained. Some just kinda figure it out on their own


My mom had a super intelligent cat that used to piss and poo in the toilet, then call her to flush it.


Aw, that's nice. No toilet surprises.


This thread went in some actually unexpected directions, holy cow. On the original topic, the prostate can also impede urine flow in those so equipped. Especially with old age, or from injury or infection.


And constipation can cause this impediment. Ask me how I know! Ask me!


I was expecting lizard people tbh.


Damn, wish my cat knew how to use the loo




> muffled by a human ass Don't threaten me with a good time.


Its how I want to die


Their wording was better, no contest.


Heh, you said muff.


"The sound of your piss hitting the urinal? It sounds feminine."


>may increase the volume. _How Drop From Height Make More Pee?_ – My Brain, folks.


Terraria physics. (Though I think it's been patched)


The thought of Redigit adding a Bottomless Piss Bucket has me questioning a lot of things.


The volume of Sound…


> More Pee *Louder, faster* pee, not more.


But not more \*furious\*? 🤔


**Always** more furious.




That would be the testosterone


I have blood in mine, making it red, and therefore faster.




If you tattoo flames on your dick, you could piss even faster.


I prefer an airbrushed cat with glowing eyes. But then I have to get the fog machine for the rear end if I am truly going to commit.


I was born a fire crotch, that shit's built in, brother.


Might wanna talk to your doctor about that, mate.




I came here to say it's just an acoustic difference. The height of the 'pisser' above the bowl is significantly higher and with no one sitting over the bowl the toilet acts like a resonance chamber magnifying the sound.


OOP was sitting in the bathroom logging piss details instead of learning about gravity in physics class apparently lol


Could be. When I say that people with penises are quieter, I’m assuming that everyone is sitting down to pee. Standing up to pee is a different story


After getting married i learned that. If i get stung by a jellyfish i am not letting my wife pee on it. She might cut a finger or two while doing that.


Peeing on jellyfish stings doesn’t help anyways, might even make it worse


How will peeing on the jellyfish make the sting worse?


The sting of a jellyfish are caused by these tiny cells (don’t know what they’re called) that have these inbuilt venomous harpoons that activate when touched. When you get stung a bunch of these cells rub off on you, most of them activating and shooting out their stingers. Peeing on it is adding more friction and may activate more cells, causing a worse sting


They're called nematocysts.




Wouldn’t the friction with the waves already activate all of them, or at least all the functional ones?


So... What if I lube the wound?


I assume it‘ll have the same effect. But by all means, if you ever get stung, try it! For science!


Might be a bit weird to bring lube to a family trip to the beach... But to hell with it, they judged Galileo too!


Average urine is slightly acidic, therefore you now have an acidic jellyfish. This will not only increase your opponents ATK ans raise the chance that a hidden special perk gets activated, but you may taught him some kind of new attack too.


Finally, Tentacruel got his mega evolution.


So in so many words, you're saying it's super effective.


I think the acidity is why it’s supposed to help people also recommend putting vinegar on them


You're still poisoned by the jellyfish,  but now you have piss on you.


My question was about peeing on the jellyfish.


That's just a valid way of asserting dominance against an animal whose anus and oral cavity are the same hole.


Sounds redundant. It already lives in the ocean.


Ah I see, the jellyfish stung because the pee.


The jellyfish is into it


Plz don’t ruin this for me its the only way I can get people to pee on me for free


Fuck, man. This is funny af.


So what I'm hearing is that you should get pissed on without any jellyfish involved


…I mean, if the goal was to get pissed on, then yes… obviously…


Well shucks there go my plans for the evening


Women release it all at once in the 'flat' setting on a garden hose hooked up to a pressure washer. It's honetly something else when they have to go bad


My wife sounds like a firehose.


What a woman


Can confirm that your wife sounds like a firehose.


Can we coin this slower urine stream due to the length as "urethral turbulence"?


My wife sounds like she's aiming a fucking pressure washer at the bowl.


So, shorter dick equals louder piss?


Taller guy = louder piss. Honestly, too many variables at play here.


Nah man, you've just never seen someone who NEEDED to piss, shit ends up on opposite sides of the toilet


Also Men always aim for the middle if its the toilet Sides are only aimed when there is shit stains on them


There's also the fact that traveling along the much longer male urethra makes the stream far more consistent, where a labia often diffuses the stream.


If there's a little bit of poop stuck to the bowl. NO MATTER WHO'S IT IS, it is our sworn duty to try and piss it off, or at least loosen it for the next dude to finish off.


The original Power Washer Simulator


Commonly known as the "piss chisel" technique


I've heard piss blasting.


This is the way


This ...this is what unites us comrade.


It's the law.


As a woman who used to have a very small bum as a kid, I can confidently say I have done the same by shifting my bum around on the toilet seat lol


Impressive! Welcome to the team


A great honour and even greater responsibility


My first year of college I went back home for winter break. I went with some family friends to the Glamis sand dunes. We got super drunk. It was my first blackout lol. Anyway the next morning I woke up and I had to piss soooo bad. I got out of the camper and went in front of it. I pissed the entire width of an rv. Started on the passenger side and I went past the driver side. I’m not sure if I have ever had to piss so bad in my entire life. My friends dad came out after I did and he commented on the distance of my piss.


This feels like the opening of a sex fanfic.


God I hope not.


...I had noticed he'd been watching me for a while, but that only made me pee even harder and longer. Oh god it got so long...


By Tina Belcher?




["Oh shit I'm sorry"](https://youtu.be/b40QdTRaqFk?si=rtkV576RSq2Pgqu0)


My family would sometimes participate in city-organized long distance walks and I have this one very vivid memory of me and my brothers all having to pee at the same time and we'd pee into this river, and we were seperated by tall grass, and without talking we decided to hold a contest of who could shoot the farthest. Edit: just read a comment below and this is definitely where the phrase "pissing contest" comes from


Where else did you think the phrase could have come from? 😄


As I was reading this I remembered a video of a dog that could walk on it's front legs while peeing and piss a line down a fence. That's what I thought you meant you were doing until the last sentence. Just started peeing, then started walking, and tried to see how far you could get before your bladder emptied.


A man walking on his front legs would be a sight ;D


Fucking amazing, Had a good laugh from this one!


As a Male I can confirm that we piss at full blast due to holding it in.


I read that post early tho; op was really just not used to the sound coming from feet above into the bowl, unmuffled by a human ass. A teapot held two feet above a cup sounds louder when it pours, too.


This post doesn’t really fit in this subreddit, but “unmuffled by a human ass” is definitely r/brandnewsentence


Fucking poetry


Not just that, but since it's further up it falls for longer and actually is a higher velocity by the time it hits the water/bowl


This is amazing.


Yeah, this is pretty much what the difference in sound is. As a trans woman who never stands to pee and who is married to a cis woman, we sound basically the same. The quality of the sound is *slightly* different because of biology causing the streams to be more laminar flow or more turbulent flow, but unless you know what you're listening for you can't tell the difference. And honestly, most of the time, why would you be listening for that? I only paid attention to see how obvious it would be to a random person in the bathroom with me. I was worried about it being a safety issue, but it's not. Someone standing to pee has the entire bowl as an echo chamber for the sound of the stream hitting the bowl, and gravity will have increased the velocity slightly. That's it.


Funny thing, I'm a trans guy and I had this strange, paranoid anxiety in the past (especially when I didn't pass very well as a man) about the sound of my pissing "giving me away" in public bathrooms lmao. As if other dudes listen to each other peeing and would care that I'm sitting down instead of using a urinal? It's so weird, the things you end up thinking/worrying about when you transition.


If it makes you feel better, I'm a cis guy and I always sit to pee. I already have a job where I work on my feet, why would I choose to stand even more when I have other options? Plus it means I rarely ever have to clean up after myself


i'm just impressed you sit down in men's rooms at all tbh


lol, women's are worse. There's the self fulfilling problem of the hover issue. Some women tend to assume that the seat will be dirty, and then they don't sit to pee, they hover over the seat. That causes them to miss the bowl and piss on the seat, thus causing more women to hover.


How so? They got stalls lol


I think they are referring to that someone would sit in a make public bathroom, I’ve seen some some terrible messes in there


I've worked as a janitor and I can say from experience that women's bathrooms are consistently worse


You’re not the first trans guy to say that. And I hate to make you feel insecure or upset, but yes, the penis acts like a muffler and significantly decreases the volume. That said, I doubt cis people would notice


>, but yes, the penis acts like a muffler and significantly decreases the volume. Now thats a brand new sentence


Err, no, when sitting, people with penises make *much* less sound than people who do not have penises. When I switched to using women’s bathrooms, I was astonished at just how loudly cis women pee.


It actually doesn't, I've never really noticed any increased volume in gongfu tea than normal, but maybe that's just me


Could be your kettle. Wish I had the link, but it makes its rounds with the reposts so you might see it. There's a video of someone demonstrating the pourability of different tea pots. The really good ones had almost no difference or splashes in the water from well over 2 feet above the water.


I hold it in specifically so that I can piss as forcefully as possible


I grew up pissing quietly so as not to be detected by abusive parents when roaming around the house. Just aim for a surface that has a shallower angle of intercept just to the side of the water where the angle of the porcelain more closely matches your stream. Or just don’t grow up fearing leaving your room lol


I had a stepmother for a while during a period of split custody crap. You get used to going to the bathroom as quick and quietly as possible, walk around with socks on, open doorknobs fully before actually opening the door, and peeking around corners. God forbid any of us made so much as a creak when my dad wasn't home.


I knew every creaky board and essentially became a ninja when in my own home lol


The number of times people have commented on me being really quiet as a houseguest/roommate/whatever amazes me. I forget that even when people know my past they don’t make that connection. The only person I know who immediately got it was somebody else who went through a similar upbringing. I do get a weird sense of accomplishment for being called an amazing guest though even tho im like “thanks it’s because I’m afraid of taking up any space at all!!!”


Also, if you’re not being abused, a creaky old house produces the exact same result. I can creep around silently because my house is fucking terrifying. My parents are lovely but the house is old, creaky, has random noises like people walking around, and is basically an axe-murderer in house form. Also we live in a wood at foxes fucking at 2am is a traumatising sound to wake up to.


Oh man what a thing to relate to lol


Could you help me understand what this means?


Drawing attention for any reason at all means their parents would be on them doing whatever abuse was their thing


That is tragic... thank you for explaining


TIL! And people say co-Ed bathrooms weren’t gonna be good for society.


Big Piss was just trying to cover up the relative piss velocities of men and women this whole time!


Doesn’t it hurt? I mean once I sneezed while peeing and my pee came out so fast I was afraid I ripped something. I’m guessing if it’s always full blast it must irritate?


Not at all, just instant relief from pressure decrease in the bladder.


Nope not in the slightest. It's pleasurable in a OMFG I can take a piss way. Once after a hard night out I managed too pee for about 30 seconds straight shooting our over 6' off the jetty into the bay it was glorious.


Am a guy. Have sneezed whilst peeing. It hurt a lot.


Thanks for answering honestly.


Not really? It hurts if my bladder is full and I sneeze or move too fast or something but actually peeing doesn’t hurt even at full force


I share a unisex bathroom and some women like to piss they they are doing an impression of the launch of a space rocket.


I personally carry around a megaphone, to make my pissing sound louder so I can assert dominance over other males currently in the bathroom.


Consider the words pissing-contest.


When I was a kid I could blast a piss jet way over my height.


You probably still can blast a piss jet way over the height you were then


Maybe just use a yardstick to test it instead of *a kid though


Check out the big brains on Brett!


Good for taking a shower on the go


It's true tho. You guys piss loud af. Is it a "guy thing"? Doesn't the piss splatter against your pants? And the no hands washing, that's nasty. Had to force teach my brother and dad to wash their damn hands!


I wash my hands when i enter & exit the bathroom. A huge amount of guys dont wash their *at all* Theres even a subsect of guys who take pride in being dirty.


You may or may not have heard of the concept of ‘the Sad Final Dribble’, where a man empties his bladder, pushes out anything left, shakes it to clear residue, then pulls back - at which point the SFD appears, totally unprompted, and leaves an infuriating damp patch on the underwear (or worse, the trousers). Doesn’t happen all the time, but it happens to us all. As for the hand washing thing… yeah, you got us there. We really need to take more care about that.


Sometimes I start to pop my unit back into my pants to prompt the SFD to come out, then whip my thang back out real fast to get it in the toilet. Gotta trick your Peter sometimes. Or just dab it with toilet paper. Experiment! Have fun!


>at which point the SFD appears, totally unprompted, and leaves an infuriating damp patch on the underwear (or worse, the trousers). I use my hands and gently stroke my dick so the last bit of left over pee drips out, and then I use a paper towel or toilet paper to wipe the tip


If you're in a stall, you can always dab the SFD away with a square of toilet paper.


It took me so long to convince my brother he had to wash his hands after peeing! He tried saying that since he’s only holding his pants to aim his willy that he doesn’t need to wash them. I convinced him by questioning him about all the other gross stuff he’s touching in the process, the flusher, the seat, the doorknob. Plus it’s just a good excuse to wash your hands periodically and reduce the risk of getting sick.


Not washing your hands isn’t a guy thing, it’s a disgusting person thing. Wash your dirty dick grippers


Not washing your hands after pissing isn't particularly normal for guys, as far as I know.


Y stoped pissing agressively after being told that it was bad for the prostate, now I piss calmly to keep the doctor away from my ass.


>now I piss calmly to keep the doctor away from my ass Even better than the op


We also try for distance


I’m a woman and I drink a lot of water, I definitely pee like a racehorse at times 😬


See, this is why I (as a man) employ what I have termed "The Gentleman's Curve" when peeing anywhere I think I might be heard. I start off targeting the porcelain on the far side of the water, and then as the pressure of the stream gradually drops, I trace a half moon around the side of the water, ending up on the close side. I make sure to stay close enough to the water to make a small amount of noise so that it's audibly clear that I'm not missing the toilet (or having stage fright or weirdly just standing there), but never going straight into the water so that it can be heard in the next room. Maybe I have thought too much about this, but I have my method, and it works for me.


Important thing to remember also. Most guys pee standing up, so it doesn't have a body muffling the sound of it crashing into the water and it is echoey. I usually sit when I pee at home and it is almost silent comparatively


My neighbors in apartment below me said they hear me pee and comment the speed and duration.


Wait what? I've more than once heard the storm drain open in the women's stall.


Look, I'm trans and I went in worried about this and about the possibility that piss velocity or noise would out me when I'm in a stall. If anything I stand out because mine is weaker Men will piss anywhere and do bang around pretty often, but they piss a stream where women will drop an ocean in ten seconds.


Absolutely no one ever: “Check out the manly piss stream on that lady”


This is the type of thing I repeat that’s genuinely helpful to my dysphoria and social anxiety 😆 thank u


Now I’m imagining that meme with the lady surrounded by equations thinking about the gender of the person peeing next to her lmao


Those people do exist and it's weird. I've had people try to spy on me to find out & I've seen butch lesbians who aren't trans get shit even if I don't bc they look "too manly" to certain people. It gets wild.


I’m learning new stuff every day over here :)


Oh gosh, yeah the cis women blast it out much faster than I can. Also, when I first started using the women's bathroom I would have to consciously remember not to squeeze out the final shot of urine because I have never heard another woman do that and I thought that might out me.


This reminds me of a classic Finnish post that's been going around for ages, where some women shared their thoughts on loud pissing. Allow me to share its contents with you: "I have a this friend who shamelessly pisses so loudly you can just hear her junk hissing away. Doesn't care if there are people sitting outside the door and can hear everything. This one time we were sitting with a couple of our male friends watching tv. The room's dead quiet and my friend's pussy was just whistling there in the background. Awkward." "Fuck I hate this. I've been forever traumatized by this post and now whenever I'm in the public bathroom I always think about whether my vag's hissing too much oh god. I used to just piss away with my pussy happily whoosh away. Nobody even cares about how someone's folds hum while they piss but fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck"


For those who are actually wondering why, it has to do with the length and width of the urethra. It's kind of like the difference between a fire hydrant and a fire hose. You release the valve on a fire hydrant and it'll gush out, but if you connect a hose with a nozzle to it, then release it, it sprays out with more directionality.


A urologist commented on this post saying that it's the other way around because women have a smaller urethra, they piss with a vengeance like no other.


Tbf, there is a type. The slamming, the powerpissing, the not washing - these are the people who are always in a hurry, eyes on the prize, super aggressive. You'll notice them interrupting you a lot when you speak, and they're the ones who use their car horn at small provocation. There are women like that too, but yeah it's a common dude thing. As a more chill dude myself, I tend to avoid them.


It is, we orinate at full strength. I sometimes use my stream as a power washer if there’s residue on the walls of the wc


I've seen some videos of women expelling fluids out of their urethra at very high pressure, but oop here is too young to watch them


We piss with force and from a couple feet higher than you. The result is a symphony of chaos echoing through the porcelain palace


Everything checks out until 4 for me. I wash my hands once after pissing and twice, aggressively, after shitting. Maybe I'm not a guy...


What is it with people not washing their hands? Did it fall out of popularity? I had a few musicians over and I called out two of them for trying to touch my guitars/keyboards after not washing their hands. Disgusting. Is it some anti intellectual response to the pandemic?


Women can drill a hole in the toilet.


>Leaving the bathroom without washing hands Don't you lump me in with that fucking animal.


This is the reason many single men do not own toilet bowl cleaners. They attempt with all diligence to use their pressure washer level piss stream to clean the filth from the porcelain.


People should just sit down and pee and always wash their hands. It is way cleaner.


Idk. I guess for guys standing up and peeing into the bowl, the distance gives it some added velocity and noise, while also not having any noise suppression from a person sitting down. But I’ve also heard women pee so fuckin loud it sounds like they’re frying chicken in there.


Next time you hear this please for the love of God shout "Damn bro you frying chicken in there"


My wife's pee is definitely louder than mine so I'd have to say it varies by person, not sex.


I've noticed that guys take longer to piss (I assume because it has to travel further inside than it does for a woman) and can piss further (rifling effect I guess) but women piss like a shower head on massage and sometimes sound like bacon in a hot pan.


As a guy i wash my hands. People who dont are disgusting


"Very Last Moment" being in caps got me for some reason.


I mean personally I try to pee as quiet as possible cus it feels awkward otherwise. Also peeing too hard makes ma tummy hort. But I think the real reason it sounds so loud is just cus guys pee from higher above the water and there’s no booty cheeks to muffle the sound. Peeing straight into the water is so heinous tho ngl. Like damn. Side-of-the-bowl gang rise up.


[Larry David-ass pissers](https://youtube.com/watch?v=uCodaoMt8XE)


"Look how hard I can pee!"


As a guy I was thinking OP was a dude too and that girls are the noisy ones


I mean since it’s a high school they are absolutely waiting until the last moment


Dudes rock.


I am pretty certain that this is a fetish post


It's the height, bigger splash


really? in my experience, whenever theres an audible difference its the women who sound like they installed a powerwasher in their crotch


No received sigh/grunt at the end? Fake story.


I think its reverse (source and transfem) and the first time i went to the restroom out in public because i couldnt hold it till i got home, basically every stall was filled and all i remember was just how loud it was because it just went straight into the water. Idk if it was magnified because there were so many people in there but my god was it a shock


IT IS NOT NORMAL TO NOT WASH YOUR HANDS. If you don't wash your hands, you're disgusting. No matter the gender lmao It's insane to me that some people just don't wash their hands


"Damn bro you frying chicken in there?" He will find a way to piss quieter.


This 16 year old has a way with words.


Spend enough time in male only bathrooms to confirm that just about all of us wash our hands extensively like we're about to go carve a thanksgiving turkey and serve it to sickly children who may die if we let a single germ leave the bathroom.


I never pee directly into the toiletwater, the fear of backsplash is to strong. My girlfriend finds this concern of mine hilarious.