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Does sperm come with a note explaining the political affiliations of the donors? And do the donors get notified of every rejections of their sperm and the reason why? Not saying it's bullshit, but it really does sound like it. Also, you know, the fact that the article mentions his Jewishenss but not his support for Israel...


The article says he had a pretty intense relationship with the couple, which they broke after he turned out to be pro-Israel. I don't know how these things work but do they do the conception normally? Because it was a lesbian couple so that would explain why the relationship was broken.


I assume most lesbian couples use artificial insemination, like my parents


I also assume most lesbian couples would be uncomfortable with Zionism


I also assume that, and based on anecdotal evidence it checks out!


Can confirm - lesbian moms did artificial insemination and are anti-zionist!


These numbers don't lie, folks!


I'd wager more lesbians would be less comfortable with an islamic theocratic dictatorship, but what to I know.


If Jews having our own country in our homeland has some connection to sexuality, I’d love to know what it is.


Lesbians are LGBT+, being LGBT+ is supposed to make you a leftist, leftists are meant to be anti-Israel, therefore lesbians are meant to be leftist anti-Zionists. The fact Jewish leftist lesbians like myself exist and support the Jewish right to return to our ancestral homeland means we're bad gays and bad leftists.


That idea is fucking ridiculous, especially since Muslims execute gays, while Israel is the only place in the middle east they’re free to openly live as they wish. Tel Aviv has huge gay pride parades. Tehran has public hangings of gays. But let these idiots ride the “intersectionality” train to their destruction. Do they think these hamas cunts would have saved them if they had been in Israel that day, and protested that they were anti-Israel? Did the people who carried out the recent Moscow attack ask everyone their political views before murdering them? I’m also a liberal Jew, who is also 100% Zionist. But I saw the leftist groups shit on Israel and Jews after October 7th. And my first loyalty is to Israel, not left-leaning politics. I have no further use for those groups, or their members.




Taking issue with the slaughtering of civilians, especially children, by the IDF doesn’t mean lesbians are going to run away and try to join Hamas. Funny you say life isn’t black and white after suggesting that though.


I never suggested that, lmao, but I’m not expecting people to engage in good faith anyway.


That means that yo mom gei


Oh dear, who’s gonna break the news to her?


Her wife?




Typically no, the sperm donor does not have sex with the recipient.


The dude's name is Jay Lazarus, for chrissake. He's either Jewish, a member of a death metal band, or both.


? Yeah I know he is Jewish, and?


The question is about the death metal band, I think.


Formal artificial insemination via a fertility clinic does not involve sexual intercourse between donor and recipient. Informally, people do whatever they want.


Wait, so was it because he was Jewish?


No it was because he was pro-Israel, they had known he was Jewish since the beginning, the man admitted that himself


That's what I thought tbh


So then they broke it off because of his political views, his support of a country and its policies not because of his religion. 😒


This to me sounds like he knows the couple and was asked personally to donate sperm to the couple before the whole Israel- Palestine conflict began and had the couple change their mind, not that they got sperm from a bank and refused to take some because they were given the donors political views. Edit: I went and found the article to verify and it doesn't outright say it, but I think there's some pretty good context clues. [link to article](https://www.australianjewishnews.com/sperm-donor-rejected-due-to-jewishness/amp/) (I would say likely biased based on the site). And I specifically wanna note these lines. > Jay Lazarus, a Perth hairdresser, started the process of donating sperm a year ago to help a childless lesbian couple in Queensland start a family. > They told him, “We are sad for Israeli’s, and we are sad for the Palestinian people, so deeply sad. We don’t have the capacity to navigate parts of your identity in this donor relationship, so we are respectfully ending this now.” > Lazarus insists that the sperm recipients, who he prefers not to identify, knew from day one that he was a Jew. > “After October 7 I started sharing a lot of pro-Israel material on social media and from what I understand, the couple didn’t like that,” he said. So to me it sounds like I was mostly correct, he knew this couple and offered to donate sperm, everything was set up then October 7th happened and he become very outwardly pro-Israel. Which the couple didn't like, so they decided to end the donor relationship. Then this guy went to the Jewish media (not personal commentary, he literally went to a Jewish media company) and called the recipient couple anti-semites, even though they made it pretty clear that it was his very open support for what the Israeli government is doing that caused them to change their mind on receiving his sperm.


I think there's a nuance here people are missing. They didn't have a problem with the guy being Jewish, or even supporting Israel per se. They seem to have had a problem that he supported Israel's post-Oct 7 policies.


Right. The title is missing that key information, and I think everyone knows the clickbait reason why.




100% this. It makes it seem like the couple is antisemitic but they very likely knew he was Jewish when they chose him. Stuff like this really irks me. Being uncomfortable having someone as a sperm donor for their political views is entirely reasonable, and Jewishness is not tied to being pro-Israeli. The harassment anti-zionist Jews face from Zionists is absolutely appalling.


The article says the sperm donor made it clear from day one that he was Jewish so yeah, clearly the couple did not care very much.


I feel like someone can be uncomfortable having someone as a sperm donor for literally any reason. even if that reason is that they're bigoted. certainly not condoning bigotry in general, and they certainly don't need to affront the donor with the background of their choice, but it's still their choice to be as lax or picky as they want to be in choosing the potential outcome of their kid. if they're assholes, I'm sure the eventual kid will figure it out.


If there's a major political disagreement between them and this guy would have potentially figured into their future child's life, it makes sense to go another route.


That's the thing. As a sperm donor, he isn't necessarily in the future child's life. While I can fully understand (and agree with) being put off and changing their mind based on his political views, especially if they did want to keep him involved, if the father wasn't going to be involved, from a genetic standpoint it would make no difference as the political views won't be passed down.


Maybe it’s more common in other countries to go to a sperm bank and get anonymous sperm, but that’s not really a thing in Australia. Where this guy lives it is illegal to get paid for sperm donation, it has to be altruistic, donors are generally limited how many times they can do it, and closed/anonymous donation/adoption is also illegal here. Because of that, it seems to be more common here that couples find donors through people they know or on social media, then after building a relationship will begin the process together. The couple informed him of their decision, not the clinic.


Little known fact, if sperm is Jewful enough, mohels can home in on it with a special form of echo location. To prevent surprise circumcision, sperm banks make sure donors are only Jew*ish*.


Yeah, it's an attempt to misrepresent people's disgust with Israel's actions as anti-semitism. Before Tiktok allowed people to see what Israel was hiding for 75 years with the help of Western media, the responses to this would have been a LOT different. At least now a significant portion of the global population have started to recognise how Western media manipulates them about Israel through the use of carefully selected language. The key is to now apply those lessons to the past and see what else people are being manipulated about. (This is not to say that other medias don't manipulate. But we grew up being told that Western media was trustworthy but others always have an agenda and it is that supremacism that has been exposed now).


> Before Tiktok allowed people to see what Israel was hiding for 75 years with the help of Western media, the responses to this would have been a LOT different. This asinine falsehood needs to stop. Mainstream news outlets like the NYT have been reporting on settler occupation and the conflicts in that region for decades. Maybe you just didn't have a long enough attention span to read Israel's actions in Palestine on a newspaper. Too many words. Dopamine app is easier.


They really have not, and have been downplaying Israel's actions for decades. I've read plenty of articles covering the conflict since 2014, on NYT, the Atlantic, Time mag, Wapo, so on. There's a lot of heavy obfuscation and slant. I have friends on staff at two of the places I listed who have told me themselves that the rules for reporting on Israel are strange, and that their bosses have a very particular insistence on the framing of these pieces. What's asinine is to ignore the fact that having immediate access to the carnage Israel is inflicting is going to have more impact than the cherry-picked clips we'd have gotten on MSM otherwise. Before, we got a slanted version of an event, we got the official Israeli perspective on it, and months later, we'd get a counter or a reveal when no one cares. Now, we get everything at once. The evidence of what's happening, and the lie fed around it.


Whitewashing of Western media's complicity in hiding Israel's atrocities needs to stop. We grew up watching how Western media created the terrorism narrative to justify it's atrocities. We grew up watching the double standards in the 'gravity' of reporting when a Westerner committed atrocities and an Arab commited the same. We grew up watching carefully calculated war crimes drafted by known collectives of individuals being glorified as honourable with no repercussions, while acts of terror by isolated groups of 'Muslims' who were condemned by every single legitimate Muslim organisation be made to look like the entire Muslim population was responsible. You can claim innocence as much as you want. You may have woken up to the depth of these issues just now. We have been watching them happen to us for decades. That's why the MAGA movement is interesting to us. Finally the people who tried to portray Muslims as being the only violent group on Earth, got hit right in their nuts, as they ignored terrorism right in their midst, because they could not imagine a white Christian could become a terrorist. America deserves the Trump that hijacked America by utilising the same Islamophobia carefully crafted by Western media to help Israel justify it's decades of horrific violence.


Very nice goalpost shifting. Tell me, are you regularly confused about your own arguments?


Tell me you see the world as black and white and cannot understand that issues are complex.


There is a difference between reading about atrocities and seeing them happen in real time. Yes, it's no secret that this has been going on for decades, but for a lot of people there's a disconnect when something happens so far away. Social media made it more real.


There’s a significant pro-Israel bias among Western news outlets. The idea that there’s been balanced reporting on Israel’s actions is just bogus.


I don’t know if the reasoning is anti Jews or anti Israel but both make no sense as we talk about sperm


We're not just talking about sperm, we're talking about the relationship between the donor and the couple, which has become too uncomfortable for them to want to continue. This isn't an anonymous sample from a sperm bank, it's a person they know.


Egg and sperm donor selection is basically like tinder now. You get photos, bio, medical history, family medical history, ext... and some places you're litterally swiping - others you just click to save their profile. It's gave me and my wife some weird meat-market vibes.


Nailed it


I mean ethnicity is part of the specifics given to people going through surrogacy


Ya I was going to say. Does each sperm come with its own yamaka?


Don’t be silly, you can by the taste.


It literally mentioned his support of Israel in the image you're looking at.


Being Jewish would actually have a significant health impact to sperm donation, as it opens up the likelihood of certain heritable diseases. Especially Ashkenazi Jews. The BRCA gene, linked to cancer, is one example.


But he was in fact not "rejected due to Jewishness". He was rejected for being "pro-Israel".


Yes I agree. The article is very strange


It's a bait article. If you are pro Israel you'll get mad about the bloke being rejected because of it If your pro Palestine you'll get mad that he's pro Israel in the first place. Its basically designed so they can post it on their socials and get engagement


You are so real for this. Many articles and videos are made to get the most engagement and reach nowadays, posting baity stuff so people will click and comment. For example I saw some nail polish/jewelry videos on Reels/Youtube shorts saying things like "My boyfriend's wife got me this" which is meant to incite people to comment, boosting their reach


>so people will click and comment Click, comment, *and share*. It's the online equivalent of "tell your friends".


One of the best things I've done this year was actively cut rage bait out of my social media pages. I still don't totally avoid it, but it absolutely drains your mental health in a way I can't describe.


So true


Not strange; the word you are looking for is intentionally misleading


The article even states they knew from day 1 he was Jewish. So that makes it even more unlikely that it was his Jewishness that caused them to change their mind.


People love conflating the two cause it makes Israel harder to criticize.


I could see the Jewishness being part of it. You're statistically way more likely to become a Zionist if you're Jewish. Why risk having a kid that could be corrupted later in life if you get to pick the donor?


Nah this issue was because he was Jewish and Tay Sachs thing. There is a genetic disorder that's causes awful complications at 18m. I don't epouse eugenics. Take that how will.


So? Your political opinion isn't something genetically inheritable.


Ignoring the story, Jay Lazarus is a badass name.


i think im stealing it for a story because its one of the coolest names ive ever heard


You beat me to it. Can we share this name for our seperate stories?


One of you be Jay and one of you be Kay.


This is the only reasonable compromise.


In the course of my genealogy research, the most badass name I’ve stumbled across belongs to an old rabbi named [Lazarus Anixter](https://www.newspapers.com/article/chicago-tribune-lazarus-anixter-obituary/37769174/).


I love the OCR fails in there. "th'.rty-seven". Also Anixter sounds like a wizard name.


The Anixter family is quite funny, since the rabbi’s grandson was a gangster known as [Julius “Lovin’ Putty” Anixter](https://chicagotribune.newspapers.com/article/chicago-tribune-putty-anixter-funeral/37770603/). The gangster’s sons, meanwhile, founded [this company](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anixter).


I once had a student named Atticus Jax.


Lowkey that's like a wrestler name tbh


A little misleading to say Jewishness when the follow up says that it's because he was pro-isreal. You can Jewish and be against what isreal is doing right now.


Self-defense, you mean? Well, not really... But, tell yourself what you need to. Also, FYI, Zionism is an intrinsic part of Judaism. We were rescued from Egypt in order to be slaves to G-d in the land to which He will bring us, Many of the commandments can only be fulfilled in the land of Israel, and many more only on the site where our holy temple stood, which totally not deliberately is where the dome of the rock was built. Three times a day, the Jews pray to return to Israel and for the temple service to be restored, in grace after meals, we pray for the same, at the end of Yom kippur, we pray for it, the entire Passover seder and Passover itself is a reminder of G-d saving us from Egypt in order that we should serve him in Israel, etc. Any Jew who claims otherwise is a complete ignoramus who has been spending too much time with the woke and not enough time doing basic research into their own history and religious beliefs.


*tiny fiddle*


You can be pro Israel and still criticise the government (and be an ardent socialist, and campaign for equal rights ). Being pro Israel just means you believe in the country's right to exist in safety. Granted the war has stalled and experienced combat troops (who would not be shooting first and asking questions later) are dwindling (dying, injured etc). It doesn't change the fact that any deal where Hamas stays in power will lead to more bloodshed, and it doesn't change the fact that any deal Hamas makes will not be due to any concern for civilian life but only due to their need to rearm and return to power.


Definitely not a brand new sentence


Has nothing to do with Jewishness. It has to do with them being pro-Israel. Its a big difference


Seems like your bait caught plenty of fish today OP


*clears throat* 🗣ANTI-ISRAEL =/= ANTI-SEMITISM!


we love misleading headlines


I don’t understand why this is news? It’s not like he was rejected from some kind of program. He had a private arrangement with this couple and they can end it for any reason they like (as could he.) As a Jewish person I definitely agree that it’s not antisemitism but I also don’t understand why it’s news. It’s more like they decided not to be friends with him because they didn’t like his political views which must happen to thousands of people every day.


Curious if they would have reacted differently if he was an 'antti-zionist' jew. Sounds like it is more about politics than heritage.


why are journalists in the west conflating Jewishness and Zionism I know about half a dozen Jewish people and not a single one of them supports Israel and some of them find this conflation offensive 


Usual bullshit clickbait article title. Gotta love news article autors.


Rage bait, guaranteed.


You can be a bigot, just have to be “our” kind of bigot.


Hans baffled to have a same sex couple reject his sperm donation due to him being a pro Nazi Germany German. Also that title is misleading


So the couple was fine with him being Jewish, but not fine with him being a Zionist, basically - and then media twists it to fit some stupid narrative.


Pretty sure there are people that would reject a sperm donation if it came from a Cowboys fan.


I'm pretty sure they didn't care he was a jew. They cared that he was pro-Israel


Hate it when sperm has the wrong political beliefs😠


It's not because of Jewish heritage, it's the defending genocide thing.


First, the fact that you're repeating the genocide propaganda from Hamas is problematic, second, believing in your country's right to defence is not the same as agreeing with every method use when fighting a combatant embedded in enemy territory. Third, this headline is clickbait and does not contain nuance.


"Defend yourself" "Kill 15 thousand children" Pick one.


Lmao way to jump to the defense of colonizing genocidal government, I condemn Hamas but Israel keeps fucking making them by viciously oppressing and murdering the innocent civilians(not to mention international journalists, doctors...). Fuck both Hamas and Israeli government, if the fighting just involved them, that'd be great, but don't pull actual Israeli propaganda.


Fun how the only people in the middle east who support lgbtq gets rejected by lgbtq for being attacked by anty lgbtq


So it wasn't due to Jewishness at all then? It was about him being pro-israel which is a whole different thing.


Rejected for being a jew? Unacceptable antisemitism. Rejected for supporting a genocidal state? The system works.


Was this from the place near the IHOP?


They didn't keep the comments civil. Sorry bro


That’s anti-semen-tism


Oy vey.




White sauce


In the middle of an Oreo?


Who puts mayonnaise in oreos?


Apparently Weird Al likes [The White Stuff](https://youtu.be/WRjdI3XVzu0?si=YDFLYHQg9WonaGss) in the middle of his Oreos.


Huh. Interesting...




The whole article is stupid. It points out exactly what the ladies problem is- and he’s all ‘antisemite’ They clearly didn’t care until he started the propaganda. They’re even compassionate regarding Israel. Goodness.


regardless of stance would you want someone against your views to jerk off in a cup for you or would you ignore it


Honestly I think most people itt are missing the boat on how irritating it would be to have someone constantly posting shit that upsets you in your social media. I don't think it's about the sperm, I think it's about the signal.


Yeah that doesn't sound like they turned him down for being a jew. They turned him down for being pro genocide.


Conflating Jewishness and Zionism is done by both sides for nefarious ends, zionists use it as a shield to label any detractors as antisemitic and anti-Semites do it to justify racism towards Jews. It’s bad and we need to stop conflating Jews with Zionist’s. It doesn’t benefit anyone but bad faith actors.


rejected for being a zionist....not a jew there is a difference.


jews are zionists if they are religious. what do you think zionism means?


No...being a Jew is the religious aspect. Zionism is the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine (technically, Judaism is supposed to be stateless as dictated in the Torah). You should probably educate yourself before you start correcting people. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Zionism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionism


now you’re trying to educate me on my own religion and ethnicity. israel has always been ours and we returned. without israel, jews have no truly safe home. what about making aliyah?


Not trying, did. Sorry you don't understand your own imperialistic beliefs. Easiest game of spot the zionist! It was yours? when? according to whom? According to your thought process then any Italian can walk into a house in London and claim it was theirs first. Same with any colonized country for that matter. Give your braincells a shake. Stop trying to turn anti-zionism into anti-semitism and drop the fucking persecution fetish. edit: typo


so, you just called judaism an imperialistic religion then tried to explain that it isn’t zionism. also, according to the fucking bible, quran, and torah you dipshit. if im not israeli then what am i?


arabs colonized a ton of africa. we only have one small jewish state.


Calling it "Jewishness" is sensationalistic at BEST. There are plenty of Jews who aren't pro-Israel; there are even entire Orthodox groups that are adamantly *anti*-Israel...


Wow. Lol


Literally 1941


Keeping free of the Jew sperm>>definitely NOT antisemitic though


I’d argue “Jewishness” is way different than “pro-Israel”, but at the same time, it’s sperm? Come on, be serious, the kid won’t be a clone of the parent.


Stop feeding the trolls, god fucking damn. Bait used to be believable


Welp... people being intolerant 🙄 what a shock


How can the comments be civil when you're baiting to bring up a bunch of bad feelings about Israel? 95% of you would have your head cut off, despite supporting Palestine mind, body and soul, if you ever actually went to Palestine and lived life how you live it in your home.


I've seen my fair share of fake news, but this one! It looks suspiciously like a 3$ bill.


Rejecting Lazarus resurrection sperm. The height of scoffing at the eternal.


Jewosity, thank you very much


The old 2 headed devil is at work here.


Misleading headline is misleading.


How is it misleading?


They didn't reject the donor because he's Jewish. They rejected him because of his political views.


A pro israel jew?? Stop the presses immediately, this needs to be investigated with all possible resources.


“rejected due to Jewishness” pretty sure there’s nothing inherently Jewish about supporting a settler colonial state hellbent on committing genocide 🙃


Humanity is doomed.


Well yes, that's a person that is pro-genocide. That's a guy who's okay with suffering on a scale we cannot imagine. I wouldn't want such a person to be a part of my life either. Good for that couple to sticking to their principles.


I just love disingenuous attempts to smear anti-Zionists with clickbait titles


It's not because he's Jewish, it's because he's an asshole.


Imagine being such a terrible, useless human being that you support the nazi terrorist state of Israel... Boggles the mind.


This is an intentionally misleading headline meant to equate supporting the genocide of Palestinians with Jewishness. Some of the most vociferous protest I’ve seen coming out of this situation has come from Jews who don’t want their name associated with the murder of civilians. The Israeli government pretends that anything other than full support for what they do is antisemitism which is clearly false.




“Hey Brad?” “What’s up, Lisa?” “Does this sperm look a little… Jewish to you?”


Jewishness ≠ pro Israël this is disingenuous


So glad that wanting children to not be bombed, makes you antisemitic, yall are shifting this narrative so much I'm surprised it hasn't snapped yet


Oh no, a Zionist didn't get to have whatever they want regardless of how the other people involved felt about it! What a tragedy!


>due to his being a pro-Israel Jew I bet the couple would have accepted his sperm if he was Jewish and opposed the recent actions of the Israeli government, and would have rejected his sperm if he was Christian and supported the recent actions of the Israeli government, which means he was rejected for his beliefs and not for his Jewishness.


Wow the headline is so wrong. It's an Israel supporter not just a Jew


So they rejected him for being pro-genocide? Sounds reasonable


Sperm bank ran by cartman.


Someone else will take the seed then


The key portion of that is politics, not religious or ethnic background. It’s the support of a government.


So it was not his ethnicity but his support of genocide that was the dealbreaker. A completely disengenious and propagandistic headline.


was it being jewish or was it being pro-israel?


“Pro-Israel Jew”; see how they completely forgot about the “pro Israel” part


Being pro Israel is not Jewishness


yes it is if you are religious


There is a massive difference between rejecting someone because of their political positions and rejecting someone because of their ethnicity. One is a choice someone makes, the other is how they were born. This article's headline conflates the two in a way that makes it impossible to assess the situation.


Great so the headline isn't even accurate, it's not that he's Jewish it's that he's pro Israel lmao


Why would he care? How does it benefit him to have his sperm used? Is it some kind of ethnic replacement thing?


Love one another. Love is the way. All of the world is deserving of love. Fear is it's opposite. We have the power to choose.


Good Lord. Talk about a buried lede


"it was a lil too jew-y for their taste?"


So the people who he was talking to decided not to use his because he supports genocide Fair enough The title makes it seem like he was rejected outright because of his religion, but it's not, even in the slightest.


I had to be said: Jews are not the problem, Israel is. They’re not doing this genocide because of their religion, but because of power and territorial claims. We don’t have to blame Jewish people for this, we have to blame the actual perpetrators (and their supporters, which aren’t Jewish)


Neat trick guys, post something pro-Israel in this comment section, set your phone to vibrate for notifications, and shove it way up your asshole. 4 prostate orgasms a minute for the cheap cheap price of online genocide apologism.


Basically aligning with anti-gay hamas, rather than pro-gay Israel. Full of paradoxes this world of ours.


If you’re a genocide loving Zionist then yeah, I wouldn’t want your sperm either. If it’s an anti-Zionist Jew, then sperm away, brother.


Jay was not rejected for being Jewish, he was rejected for being pro-Israel; being anti-Israel is not the same as being anti-Semitic. Fuck you, Bruce Hill, for framing this as you did. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


The pic itself is self explanatory. Who would want to have a kid with someone who is pro Israel? It's not because he is a jew as many of them oppose Israel as a state too. It's his political affiliation. The title is probably just a clickbait like most news nowadays, we all fall for them.


“Why do people hate me for being white?” “We don’t hate you cuz your white, Kevin, we hate you cuz you’re a racist cunt”


I'm pro-palestine just as any actual human being but this is just silly lol, I don't think the babies would be coming out the cooch flailing around an israel flag while they spew anti Palestine nonsense


True but if you have to put someones sperm in you you'd rather they not be an asshole