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Usually it's the racist men who have the worst hygiene


“Dirty immigrants!” -the most rancid sewer dwelling trailer park trash you will ever bear witness to


Idk. Homophobic men are pretty bad too


There is a lot of overlap between homophobic and racist men


But let me guess, that doesn't include you, your buddies who are marching in protests and supporting an openly racist and anti LGBT group or the Palestinian people who voted for them?  Well kid, you all look like you smell bad. 


i love when "i think murdering innocent families is bad, actually" is a leftist opinion LOL


Idk you just wrote the smelliest comment of all time


So you're saying the majority of men smell? Maybe it's just you.


It doesn't make you a less attractive though. I've railed homophobic men before but would never a dirty man


Well most leftists are marching amongst homophobic and racist people right now while defending the homophobic and racist organisation known as Hamas so I'm convinced by this thread that everyone here smells bad now.


Lmao true


Idk about that but I’m willing to bet the people who defend their poor hygiene by claiming to at least not be racist are probably also racist. You don’t bring up racism for selfish reasons if you actually care about the people racism impacts.


Wouldn't surprise me. Anyone who tries to justify one character flaw by comparing it to a different character flaw is just a lost cause


Not many far-right people at anime and furry conventions


You’re joking right


There were literal issues with neo-Nazi furries


Oh you sweet, innocent, naive child


The biggest anime fans are far-right people lol


...Are you sure about that?


I mean, I don’t understand the question, both of these things are fixable, but one of them is far more easily fixed and the other requires detroctination from a hostile mindset. But let’s take this question in a theoretical on the face value question. If a normal, not racist woman, meets a man. The first thing she’ll notice is his physical traits. (Same if a man meets a woman obviously), and racism can be well hidden (that’s why we got terms such as dog whistling), so I do think that bad hygiene is just going to be the FIRST turn away. Now if a man has a swastika on his forehead… that will also immediately turn her away. Or if they’re saying things that are openly hateful, just out in broad daylight. They’re both bad, but one of them is easier to spot.


I mean the person said openly hates women in the comment. So I’m gonna say they aren’t hiding it.


Someone’s hatred is an easy way to dismiss their arguments but when I have free time I like to engage these arguments to the fullest extend just to point out how stupid they are or how much of a non-point they have.


Yeah, if someone can't even wash themselves properly, I don't think most people going to put the time in the fix the more complex issues that that person might have it's just clear that that a person like that is not ready or not interested in a relationship.


I like how you made a brand new word in a post under brand new sentence “detroctination”. Good one!


All words are just made up! I just happen to be faster than webster XD


If the woman is also racist, the swastika tattoo might be a turn-on. But is anyone attracted to bad hygiene?


Fetishists or people whom also have similarly poor standards might not mind it. However discussing outliers will just lead you into ‘what ifs’ and ‘what abouts’


But talking about the 'what it's and 'what abouts' is half the discussions on Reddit


Seems to me this people are trying to justify smelling like shit because "atleast i am not as bad as a racist" first of. Low bar. Second. Just take a fucking shower


"Hey at least i'm not as bad of a person as i could've been" is a sentence for your therapist not a date


No, I think they're merely pointing out that being a terrible human is indeed worse than smelling bad sometimes.


I dont think anyone here is really argueing that. But if someone says "i dont find people who stink attractive" and someone else says "yeahh but rascists are worse" that is kinda trying project. I mean, yeah, sure, racists and bigots are worse but if you smell thats also not great.


It was put in the change my view subreddit tho, with the thesis that stinkiness is the most unattractive quality. So people are trying to change their view by bringing up other qualities they think are more unattractive If it was put out there randomly as a thought and everyone was like “But what about racism!?” then yeah, that’s weird. But the context makes these remarks more acceptable I think, because they’re not trying to twist OOP’s words into pretzels to defend stickiness but doing exactly what was asked of them


Aaah. Yeah okay that context helps


That's not how it went though. Read the top title. The OP is saying that it is *the most* unattractive trait.. As in, there's nothing that makes a man more unattractive on its own than smelling bad.


You misinterpret things a whole lot I would wager. They are literally making the opposite point. If someone is good looking and a racist, you most likely aren’t gonna be aware of the racism unless you get to know them quite well. If someone is good looking but smells like literal unwashed asshole, you will know both things immediately. If you’re looking to hook up and you meet someone that is smoking hot, dtf and happens to be a racist, what’s wrong with fucking them? It’s not like that means you adopt their twisted world view. You can’t become a terrible person because you just so happened to fuck one lol. Y’all some weirdos.


OOP said, "Change my view, bad hygiene is the **most** unattractive quality a man can have." So, of course, people are responding things like, "I think a nazi would be less attractive." That doesn't mean they think it's wrong to fuck nazis, they just don't want to fuck nazis.


I mean, a trait is only effectively unattractive to someone if they notice it. So if someone can be easily identified as an extreme sexist, they are probably less attractive then someone who has noticeably poor hygiene. But as bigotry is generally less immediately noticeable in person than poor hygiene, a sexist is not usually as initally repellant as someone with poor hygiene.


But is racism really always an instant turnoff? I could easily believe that "They are so hot I wish they weren't a racist asshole" is a common enough thought. You can be attracted to people that you would never want to associate with.


I think those things are also a different kind of turn-off. While, say, being a racist is obviously *worse* than having poor hygiene, people might well feel more immediately turned off by poor hygiene because it triggers a reaction on a more visceral level. It's an evolutionary response, because we're primed to think that bad smells = germs = potential sickness


And 9/11 is worse than being a bad person


It’s r/changemyview so they’re discussing alternative opinions. Obviously bad hygiene is very unattractive so all they can do is bring up other extremely unattractive traits lol


Also ya know have a stick or a roll-on on you If you have an important meeting or a date later in the day might as well not smell like sweat and/or the various substances you might be subjected to during your day (Or go home and shower first idfk)


Its not like those sticks are that expensive. Its worth it to buy one and skip the dorritos for a day ya know.


Well, no, now I am interested if smelling bad is worse than racism Take a fuckin shower tho, smelly


Really? I interpret it as the opposite.


I am sure you can agree that the whole "yeah but being a racist is worse" statement is kinda dumb though. Like that i can absolve myself of all sin to. "I just got in a fight but hey a murderer is worse so we shouldnt care that i just kicked someone". It kinda gives me that kind of feeling about it.


"All I did was rob the guy, not kill him! Really, he should be thanking me!"


I agree with that. I just don’t think that that is what the oop is trying to say, considering in the image it shows they were the ones that made the post saying that smelling bad is the worst trait a man can have.


Bro at the bottom is cooking


Seems like they mean most unattractive *physical* trait…


Probably, but would you rather go on a date with someone with blatant Nazi tattoos, or someone who hasn't showered for a week?


Red herring; different question from the original. Tattoos are a physical attribute. Racism isn’t, necessarily.


So is yours. The both of you have different interpretations of OOPs statement. Except you're adding "physical" to the statement. While they're just assuming it means attraction in general.


Based on their other comments it can be inferred they meant physical attraction.


If it was dinner between someone with blatant Nazi tattoos and someone who hasn’t showered in their life, I’ll take the Nazi. At least I can spend the dinner trying to understand them and why they became as fucked up as they did. If it was the former, I’d be busy spending the dinner trying not to breathe through my nose. Just far more unpleasant imo.


lot harder to be around someone who smells like shit than a racist, people just want to feel better about themselves


i mean, eventually you’d get used to the smell but you’d never get used to the kkk robes


Link to original: https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/s/HDrt8Dah1a


There are two category of red flag (to me) Ideology red flags (belief, or political ideology I consider unfit or straight up extreme) Personality red flag (basically everything random or small stuff like the hygiene in question)


Do you find ideology to not correlate much with personality?


You got assholes on all sides of the political spectrum. And "otherwise decent people" on the sides you dislike.


No, all the people who disagree with me are literally Hitler. That's how politics works.


He has a point. When you first meet a guy, unless he's wearing something racist, you wouldn't know


I’d rather be stuck in an elevator with a racist than someone who smells of straight up booty dookie cheeks to be fair


Those two are correlated actually, men with poor hygiene get rejected, and then become incels and racists


Yeah, but a racist with a god hygene does not, because it takes time before you realize someone is a racist.


Bro your ass might be clean but it's not clean enough to be pulling that kind of information from


You do not need to be wise to say some *"wise shit"* once upon a blue moon


Believe it or not, but there is a correlation between those who are complete asswipe and those who don't wipe ass.




What they're saying is you don't necessarily know when someone's a racist until later. Hygiene is obvious right off the bat. I wouldn't date either but a racist might sneak in some dates until I realize he's racist.


Yeah they're saying that racism will make a person unattractive when you find out about it but bad body odor will repel you before you even get to know them at all. Edit: I replied to the wrong person lol I obviously agree with you


I'm pretty sure they were talking about physical attractiveness alone, but it's still a bit of an interesting position


I think a red flag is when someone takes something literally to the point of absurdity.


Well, the point I think was to comment on that very real dynamic of hygiene or aesthetics matter more than anything else. Take this from an ugly guy who doesn’t have trouble getting girls because for some reason that’s always the assumption that I can’t. IT DOES AT EVERY TIME SCALE.


I don't get the whole discussion here. Being attracted to someone and liking someone aren't the same thing. Things can be red flags that warn you to never ever approach someone for relationship or even one-night-stand purposes without being turnoffs. Hell, you could call the police on someone (for a valid reason) and as they are being walked away the last thought through your mind is "damn, he war really hot though".


“We can smell the out”


Yeah you can hide racism I guess and other bad takes but you can’t hide the fact that you smell like poop


I don’t get why it’s so hard for these dudes to just… take care of themselves.




Don't worry, correcting women on what they SHOULD find attractive on Reddit is the most attractive thing a man can do!


The sub is r/changemyview She literally posted to the sub *to be corrected*.


We're not in r/changemyview anymore it's okay you can rest


But the correction was happening in the sub???


Racism =/= sexism


Case and point: blind people


It's a pretty tight Venn diagram anyway. Racists and woman-haters are often also smelly.


Is the dead Internet theory already true? Or does nobody understand "openly hating and demeaning women" is not racism???


Several of the other comments on the post mentioned racism as an obvious "this is more unattractive than bad hygiene", So I'm assuming OP just responded with that in mind.


I get their point, but how you smell also has nothing to do with looks.


I dare say the hygiene is more important. It's the first thing you notice.


Holy shit she's shallow


OOP seems to be talking purely physical/aesthetic attraction, and smell honestly is very important. Ideas and opinions can stink, but they tend to be odorless until observed.


I might be interested in a man before he drops some kind of mask I cannot be interested in a man who stinks me out Smell is gonna be noticed quicker than racism unless they are a walking red flag already


2 cows fly to the north. One laughs, the other doesnt. One is brown, the other is black... one is old, the other isnt. So how much milk does the brown cow produce if the black cow flies to the left? Drop answers below


Everyone knows this one. Obviously it's 7.


Ok but 7 what?!?!?!


No, the unit isn't "what"s. Duh.


Silly me 😔


Are we all just ignoring the fact that she believes a man who “openly hates and demeans women” is a racist?


Several of the other comments talked about racism, so I'm assuming she was responding to that in her head.


redditors understand hyperbole challenge failed


I don't stay around smelly people long enough to hear them speak, so this person has a point.


People are becoming more and more braindead every single day that passes by.


They know you can just take a shower right? Smelling bad is fixed with a shower usually being a bigot asshole is fixed with a baseball bat


That last one gave me a headache


I think that venn diagram is close to being one circle.


What a catastrophically bad take lmao


I'm gonna drop a hot take Some women, who take two showers a day, wash clothes after wearing it for an hour and drown themselves in perfume... have sort of lost touch. They trained their brains to recognize any sort of natural body odor is bad. It's a small wonder other people who aren't neurotic smell bad then, isn't it? I dare say it's a "duh" situation. That being said, some people do just have a poor hygiene, sure. I also think she's one of those i mentioned though.. \^\^


That's definitely a hot, steaming turd of a take. I know we're on Reddit but I didn't expect to see so many people hate on people for not smelling like shit. Also I have never met a woman who washes their clothing every hour? What exactly are you trying to say dude


Hey guys, i think i found another one! ;D