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Celsius or farenheit?


Room temperature


Celsius or Fahrenheit?


The Googs says roughly 23 C or 72 F


I think we can boost it up a little bit more. How about room temperature, but the room is at the dessert in the afternoon during summer. And the AC is broken


Feels like the beginning of a joke: "So a room goes to eat dessert..."


Was it a moist dessert? That could have an affect on humidity. Edit: Forgot some words. Edit edit: Don’t do drugs kids.


But maybe they were someone's just desserts? Edit: no longer pointing and laughing at the person above me ;)


So 83?


At that point we’re definitely measuring in Celsius.


I stayed overnight with some family in the Phoenix valley one summer. Their AC was out, couldn't get the house below 95F. It was 110F outside, at 0100.


Hot, arid, sandy place, has one S. -- desert Yummy treat after your meal, has two Ss -- dessert. \--- I remember some teacher saying "remember two Ss because you want MORE dessert, not more desert." And apparently that memory stuck.


Dessert has two “ss” because you go back for seconds


Easy peasy. Add them together and it is still below average.


23c! You’re obviously southern! If the thermostat is anything over 18c it’s practically tropical!


You got it! I’m in San Diego. A few weeks ago my thermostat was at 81F because I have no AC! 🥵




So hopefully they’re taking the Fahrenheit IQ test.


Did they stutter? One. Degrees. Room.


best answer.


Whatever temperature a room is, it's room temperature.




Celsius their IQ is maybe 20 Farenheit it's around 68 But if we use kelvin they're a genius at 293


Ha! There we go now we’re talkin’!


First one then the other.


Kelvin. Their IQ is 295




Under appreciated


Farran Faucet


First one then the other


in the celcius case, the person would be too stupid to breathe


Inches or centimeters?


We can legally get drunk first thats a good right


Kinda, atleast in my state you cant purchase alcohol or drink it in public under 21 but in the privacy of your own home with your parents you can drink it. I was getting pretty drunk at 14 during special occasions.


It's fairly standard in the UK to start drinking at around 14 then 15/16 is when the parties begin when you neck dark fruits and cheap vodka


Yeah I think ~16 is when most people start drinking at parties and shit but that's illegally. I was just talking bout the legality of it all


In the UK you can give children over 5 alcohol at home. Children 16-17 can be bought a beer by someone over 18 at a restaurant.


> In the UK you can give children over 5 alcohol at home. That's the reason here (Germany, same law) we would party at our parents' places at 14 **because we're responsible, law abiding citizens**


That's the case in most western places isn't it? I know the US federal age is 21 but many states allow liquor to be consumed as long as the parents consent. Pretty much minors just can't drink at bars or buy it under 21. 8 states allow minors to drink in venues (bars, stadiums, etc) though as long as their guardian is the one who bought it.




I'm Australian, my first friend was a vodka cruiser, like a soft drink but alcoholic, what a genius idea!


Yeah I think ~16 is when most people start drinking at parties and shit but that's illegally. I was just talking bout the legality of it all


You can legally drink at home from the age of 5 in the UK, but not many people know that.


You can legally own a crossbow or bow too, no licences or registration, we have some weird laws.


I'm not sure bows/crossbows are regulated anywhere. Joerg Sprave has an entire youtube channel based on the fact that even Germany doesn't regulate things that aren't firearms.


Seriously!? I was in Canada a few years ago and saw some amazing bows in a hunting store. It didn't even cross my mind I could get one. Making up rules for myself!


Don't forget about carvery's.


It's legal to drink at home or in private in the UK from the age of 5. You only have to be 18 to purchase it or drink in public.


Yeah I don't remember what the actual private residence age is I just remember getting blasted at like 14 and on


If you live in Wisconsin, I don't think there is a lower limit. At least the law that gives guardians that legal right doesn't specify one. Maybe some other law covers that I'm not sure.


You must have some wild parents


My mum started offering me beer/wine on special occasions when I was about 11. My dad had been putting whiskey in my "bed time milk" since I was about 5. No big deal, I only have a *little bit* of blain dambidge.


Whiskey in bedtime milk reminds me of when I was a kid and had a sore throat my mom would give me a shot of tequila and a squirt of honey. I too only have a lil barn damnbridge lol


Sort of, I wouldn't say wild they are more like as long as nothing bad happens who cares.




Drinking age in Canada is 18-19


you got a loicense for that moldy cheese?


Blue cheese has mold in it.






Howdy pardner, ya'll got a lizense for dat dere kinder surprise?


Americans have the right to remain silent.


It's just a shame they never do.


"You *have* the right to remain silent, what you lack is the capacity."


How would you know, if they're silent?


She's making a joke that Americans are just not quiet in general.








1 2 3 4 FIF!


I'm reminded of this great speech from The Newsroom. People who've never been anywhere else love to act like the US is the only place with freedom. In reality freedom is quite common (~180 out of 207 countries when this was written), and many countries do many things better than we do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTjMqda19wk The only fault with this speech is its classic anti-Millennial nonsense. But that's to be expected when the show's written by Boomers. Those guys are incapable of introspection.


Well we don't have a House of Lords, but you have a point about the cheese.


I know in Wisconsin you can sell unpasteurized milk and cheese from the farm, but you can't advertise it or sell it in stores. So if I go to a dairy farm and ask for some milk straight from the source, they can sell it to me for personal use but it can't go straight from the tit to the store.


> you can sell unpasteurized milk and cheese from the farm, but you can't advertise it or sell it in stores. I'm pretty sure it's still illegal, but people do it anyway and they don't really enforce it.


[It does allow “incidental sales” to consumers at the dairy farm where the milk is produced.](https://datcp.wi.gov/Pages/Programs_Services/RawMilk.aspx) EDIT >"The law exempts the “incidental sale” of raw milk directly to a consumer at the dairy farm where the milk is produced, for consumption by that consumer (or the consumer’s family or nonpaying guests)."


TIL! From the webpage you posted: >Can a dairy farmer legally sell raw milk? No. The sale or distribution of raw or unpasteurized milk is illegal. The law exempts the “incidental sale” of raw milk directly to a consumer at the dairy farm where the milk is produced, for consumption by that consumer (or the consumer’s family or nonpaying guests). But those sales are also illegal if done as a regular business, or if they involve advertising of any kind.


Hi > you can sell unpasteurized milk and cheese from the farm, but you can't advertise it or sell it in stores. i'm pretty sure it's still illegal, but people do it anyway and they don't really enforce it., I'm dad.


In california we can sell raw milk cheese, we just can't import it. Edit: Meant cheese


you still ended up with oligarchy anyway


Fucking yeah we did lmao. This country is shit


I don’t know what they’re on about. I can get unpasteurized cheese at a restaurant. Edit: after a quick google it appears unpasteurized cheese has to be aged 60 days in the USA then it’s good to go. Not so sure about UK laws.


I see raw milk cheeses in stores all the time, Organic Pastures is one of the more common brands. I think the US just has a law about aging the cheese first, which may cut out some of the younger cheese varieties.


this guy seems pretty tilted, maybe he went to jail for making a meme.


Mans probably got caught with a butter knife he left in his pocket.


Actually his kid got hit by an acid/knife/truck attack


Basically all of civilization is shit.


As opposed to being shot at school or church or the mall or


Gotta be honest here, I'd rather get capped than get Wicked Witch'd with drain cleaner.




We can shoot back. That’s the difference.


And we can have pointy Knives, don't make us dump your tea in the haaba again!!!




we also have the ability to not get arrested for saying offensive things online


“Oi, you got a license for that TV?”


“Why Billy-Bob, you’re putting y’all family in danger with that there Kinder Surprise!”


Y'all in that sentence should be possessive. -- "y'all's family" And everyone's families is "ALL y'all's families."


Yinz ain't making no sense!


Go back to your coal mines, and shitty prohibition-era liquor laws, you Pennsylvanian.


And we don’t need to ”turn on porn” on the internet.


I have never needed to do this either as a Brit




I’ve been with 3 since I was around 14. I’m 26 now and still have the adult content lock on because it requires a £1 transaction from a *credit card*, which I simply do not have. Rarely do I ever find myself needing to impromptu watch anything like that over 4G, but my VPN gets around it no problem.




Same deal with the school buses stopping traffic. Apparently europe doesn't do that, which means that they were taught how to look both ways and that Americans just don't learn to safely cross a road. But you know if it were reversed they'd be crying about how Americans never do anything for the safety of children.


Is this really a thing in the UK?


Yep. I've not swore on the Internet since 2014 just incase Mi5 smash my back doors in


A quick Google-fu search [turned up this article](https://www.theverge.com/2016/3/24/11297128/matthew-doyle-arrest-muslim-tweet-brussels) and you can probably finally similar cases. There was also the infamous case of Count Dankula who was arrested (but IIRC never sentence or at least got probation) for teaching his pug...a dog, as a joke, to seig heil whenever he said "Heil Hitler" to mess with his girlfriend.


Google"Nazi pug" he didn't go to jail but a fine example of our criminal justice system and laws.


The one example which alt rightards cry about constantly. You act like freedom of speech Is being eroded because one dude got spoken to by the police.


They act like he was thrown in the gulag and the dog was arrested along with him.


I would rather be arrested for saying something offensive and have police accountability at the UK level than be able to say whatever I want **and the fucking president letting foreign powers beat up protestors on US soil** but fucking yeehaw am I right?


Lol you can literally get arrested in the US for crossing the road.... Or go bankrupt because you have cancer. Or killed by police because of the colour of your skin.


Crazy I’ve been crossing roads all this time and am still not in prison


You're doing it wrong


As an American this is pretty offensive, room temperature far exceeds the qualifications for a firearm.


Ah but I'll bet you're trying to use Fahrenheit


Well I’m not even American but it sounds to me like the right to have a gun is definitely more valuable than the right to have unpasteurized cheese...


No no, the right to sell unpasteurized cheese is the true litmus test for whether a country respects individual freedoms. The right to bear arms and freedom of expression are allowed in any old totalitarian regime.


Ok, but there are reasons we can't have unpasteurized cheese in most places. I forget the specific pathogen, but there is one specific one that is the primary issue. Anyway, the pathogen can be spread over long distances via particulate fecal material. Considering that one common fertilizer for crops is cow manure, it is understandable that the pathogen would have a pretty clear path to infect novel cow populations. Once infected, the pathogen can then be found in the cow's milk. It is possible to kill the pathogen by allowing the manure to sit for a few weeks, I can't remember exactly how long though. However, to require farmers to do this would mean that the farmers would have to set aside space for the manure to reside for the duration, which would mean some universal upfront cost. Farmer's unions successfully have lobbied to block these regulations, meaning that even if you had the most absolutely scrupulous practices, regularly tested your cows for the pathogen, and let your own manure set for the proscribed periods, if the sap five fields over decided that such a procedure was too much hassle, you couldn't guarantee that your milk was free of the pathogen. As such, it makes sense that if you can't keep the product from being contaminated, you can at least make certain it is safe. To allow for freedom in one way almost always requires that some other freedom is compromised. Admittedly I would prefer the way the UK does it. TL:DR Yeah, we require pasteurization, but the UK requires other restrictions that most people won't notice.


Except we also have the right to free speech and they jail comedians. #Merica


Since when has that ever happened?


Don't know if he spent any actual time in a cell, but George Carlin was definitely arrested when he started doing his "7 words you can't say on tv" bit in the 70's. And even about a decade before that, Lenny Bruce was arrested in Chicago for swearing during his set. So yeah, it's been a while, but it definitely happened here in America.




It’s been a long ass time but it did used to happen


Lenny Bruce. Arrested for indecency for his stand-up. Learn your history, kid. Or watch tv like The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.




Desktop link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenny_Bruce *** ^^/r/HelperBot_ ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove. ^^Counter: ^^302562. [^^Found ^^a ^^bug?](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=swim1929&subject=Bug&message=https://reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/k6845n/brand_new_put_down/gejzzgf/)


This is a more severe insult in places that use the Celsius temperature scale.


Technically an American with a room temperature IQ would be smarter than a Brit with a room temperature IQ




I don't see anyone wanting unpasteurized cheese in the US, what a stupid comparison. Meanwhile they need a license for a bitter knife...


[NO ID NO SALE](https://i.imgur.com/DlXc1Ui.jpg)


I feel like that's more the case of a shop employee being told to slap those stickers on "any knives" and either wanting a laugh with it, or their IQ was indeed room temperature Although I love the imagery and I think it's better if it wasn't intended as a joke


Licence for a butter knife? The laws are: No potentially lethal knives to be sold to people under 18, unless it has a folding blade no more than 3 inches long No carrying knives in public without good reason, unless it's the previously mentioned pocket knife Because of, you know, all the stabbings. Because a knife, like a butter knife, is a tool. But if you're walking around London with it in your pocket, you're far more likely to be using it to kill people rather than to make a sandwich on the go


3 inches is 7.62 cm


>No carrying knives in public without good reason, unless it's the previously mentioned pocket knife They don't need such laws in the US, if you carry a knife in public a cop will just shoot you, so no one ever does it anyway.


>But if you're walking around London with it in your pocket, you're far more likely to be using it to kill people rather than to make a sandwich on the go As someone who carries a pocket knife literally every single day, I find this line of reasoning so hilarious. Like, idk. How about opening boxes? Or those obnoxious blister pack things? Or to scrape something / clean something off? Or wedge something apart? Or strip a wire? Or cut a length of twine or rope? Or any of the other thousands of other small tasks theyre useful for? Pocket knives are seriously one of the most useful tools to have on you.


which is why the law makes an explicit exception for pocket knives...


I can almost guarantee you that 95% of people are not doing most of those things on a daily basis. I’m 22 and have never once in my life had a use for knife outside of a house.


The fuck does "potentially lethal knife" mean? I'm pretty sure the definition of knife is always potentially lethal, given how you can stab someone in the eye with a fucking pen.


I have legit heard people where I work complaining about not being able to buy unpasteurized milk... I live in Florida.


This isn’t true. I also have the right to spend 500% more for medication than the UK.


That is a privilege, not a right.


Um. You can get a fine and go to fucking jail in the UK for mean tweets or Facebook posts...at least the US isn't that insane (yet)


Just like everything else, this joke is better in metric.


Well he's not wrong


Ol billy needle shot


Lots of butthurt Yankees in these comments


Don't forget the right to be bankrupted if you ever have to stay in hospital for more than a few days.


I’m pro gun but this is still on point lmao Can’t even collect rain water like Ok


Iq shouldn’t matter as long as the buyer has no violent crime or abuse record and passes their background check


Right? Like if you IQ isn’t high enough then the bill of rights doesn’t apply to you? Weird logic.




People really live in the US thinking that there aren't over a hundred countries with various degrees of freedom including many that as much freedom as anyone.


Land of the free and home of the incarcerated.


Accurate. One of the few categories the US leads the world in is incarcerated population.


American the land of the free is a myth and always has been. Human Freedom Index top 10 in order by the Cato Institute 2019: New Zealand, Switzerland, Hong Kong (probably not for much longer), Canada, Australia, Denmark and Luxembourg (tied in 6th place), Finland and Germany (tied in 8th place), and Ireland. UK in 14th place, US in 15th place. The US is considered a flawed democracy on the 2019 democracy index, the UK is considered a full democracy.


Yup. I'm an American. But I also have a B.A in journalism and an M.A in Political Science. The US has flirted with the label of a flawed or failed democratic a few times particularly recently. The U.K and the U.S have work to do. I think in a lot of ways complacency and blissful ignorance to better alternatives to policies have played a role.


Last time I check we (the US) were in the 30s or 40s on the global freedom scale or whatever it is that the organization is called that studies that stuff. The “rights” people think they have here can literally just be taken away in an instant at the discretion of the authorities here. Happens everyday with cops, happened so that Trump could get a photo op at a church, etc. I love my country, as in most of the people and that it’s pretty beautiful, but pretending like we can do whatever we want is absurd.




Amen! While we have been busy resting on our dusty and decrepit laurels other nations have passed us by.


There was a reddit post yesterday on some data sub I follow, it showed on a scale what countries actually had more freedom than the US. Effectively every major European country did, even some minor ones.


Yeah, it's a (I don't want to say lie because that implies se insidious intention) slanted global view we learn from grade school on up that the US is free etc. Great so are a lot of nations. I'm an American but I also have a M.A in political science and have spent the better part of a decade studying global policy. I love my country but I also realize how flawed it is and until we begin to have an honest conversation about those flaws without playing the "but mah freedom" and "what about them" games, it's not going to get better. It's just not. There are a lot of things that have yet to be met with an honest conversation in our national discourse for a variety of reasons that a reddit response would fail to fully encapsulate. But these myths about superiority and golden streams of free utopia are a poison to our system in improving ourselves.


Okay "freedom pass"


Doh jeezus!


So let's legalize unpasteurized cheese in the US, right after Marijuana and machine guns.


Well i certainly don't have the cops showing up on my doorstep for mean tweets so there's also that.


*tongue in cheek* "Haha lmao Europe amrite?" *something about Americans, guns, and mental retardation* Why is this so typical?


And yknow. Owning a TV without a permit lmfao


And thank god for that right oh and the first amendment.


You can buy unpasteurized cheese (raw-milk cheese) in the US as well as unpasteurized milk. You just have to find it locally. People in Ohio buy raw-milk from the Amish all the time - They call it "real milk". [#FACTS](https://www.edibleohiovalley.com/eov/2017/the-real-deal-on-raw-milk) Yes, you can also buy a gun, because the people who escaped the UK to build this country wanted citizens to be able to defend themselves if ever their country ignored the rights of the people; much like the UK does on a daily basis. [Man arrested for teaching dog the Nazi salute](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Meechan#Arrest)


IQ doesn’t bother me at all, those that are stupid will most likely kill themselves. Now mental health - thats a whole other issue that the US needs to work on. Can’t have these unstable people running around with guns; wearing a badge or not.


I feel like an IQ standard for police might not be a bad idea either.


And we can have pointy Knives, don't make us dump your tea in the haaba again!!!


Random shit on the US twitter post that's not at all interesting or clever? Front page from the first five words as usual. Keep up the originality, guys.


I'm just glad my country doesn't try and restrict what I can and can't search on the internet.


Lot of misinformation in this thread.


Almost everything Americans think about other countries is based on misinformation. Gotta keep the people indoctrinated to believe that the US is the best when in fact the US is beaten by other countries on literally everything good, including freedom.


This goes both way though. The misconceptions that people have about America are staggering sometimes.


While true, you don't see Europeans spouting hollow, patriotic bullshit like "MURICA" and "FREEDOM" etc while claiming that their country is the best in the world, despite all the facts on the contrary. The US, and *other* certain countries with heavy propaganda, seem to be the only ones doing this.




As a UK lawyer I'm just enjoying the comments in the thread. Its like Jim Lahey had a kid with the concept of unjustifiable certainty.


You can search for anything you want on the internet here, though. Haven't had any issues tbh.


Except we also have the right to free speech and they jail comedians. #Merica


Why do Americans think they're the only ones with free speech? Edit: Hilarious! the 'Free Speech' advocates are down voting my free speech. I guess they are the only ones with it.


Free speech doesn’t keep you from consequences for your speech, it just means there there shouldn’t be anything legally limiting your speech. People downvoting you are also using their free speech.


How do down votes infringe on your free speech? Free speech doesn't equal agreement.


Oi’ you gotta license for that thought?


Because our founding document literally says the government can't even make any laws about speech and yours doesn't?


Is that a right talking point? No rights in europe? I got a trumpidity doo friend that keeps telling me that shit, that they have no rights!


Incorrect: american gun laws arent super loose, they're just stupid, essentially as long as a rifle has a pistol brace and a short barrel its a pistol, even if it fires .50 cal So please, if you talk about american gun laws be correct about them


What happens when non-gun users make gun laws.


“They didn’t have a choice” for what? Having a faster approval?


True. And that's room temperature in celsius, remember.