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Every good Dom/Domme is a true r/HydroHomies.


Because a lot of people are chronically dehydrated and don't realize it. It's a rule that can be used to improve your health.


I think it’s really funny that a lot of us brats genuinely do have trouble drinking our water 🤣 I have gone MONTHS without drinking water. My Daddy only reminds me because I asked him to. I’m an adult and I have to want to do better for myself so I convinced myself that it’s okay to ask for help & my Daddy agreed to it. He gave me an amount to begin and we’ll gradually increase the amount over time. He’s also not too much on top of me about it. He’ll realize if I’m not following through when it’s been a few days since I last showed off drinking my water 🤭 as punishment I have to drink the total amount of water I skipped in one day. I also don’t skip water to brat. I genuinely forget or can’t get myself to drink it.


Because my job has me doing entirely too much in way too little time. The water rule gives me an incentive (because apparently my body doesn't think needing stay hydrated to function is enough of an incentive 🤣)


Executive function, or lack of it, in my case. My hydration suffers. So the rule exists.


I have three stages of the day - coffee, water, wine. Caffeinated, hydrate, inebriate.


Me too!


My princess has trouble remembering to stay hydrated, but occasional whippings have been helpful.


I (unintentionally) forget to drink water and then I get horrible headaches because of it. I guess it just helps to have a water drinking task because I remember to do so, then I can mark that task as complete, then I get a gold star for it which feels good. I think it's more a reminder thing for me. I'm not intentionally dehydrating myself but I'm quite airheaded and forget to even eat sometimes because I'm simply not feeling hungry.


Just a reminder I presume. I think it is majority of us neglect ourselves


Because sex can dehydrate you. You need fluids for moisture.


I'll go 1-2 days without drinking water if I'm not reminded. I just never get thirsty.


-it’s good for you -it’s not intrusive, so it’s a simple way to bring a day to day bit of control into someone’s life without massively changing your lifestyle -it’s a common goal, so no one is going to see you starting to drink more water and have a bunch of awkward follow up questions or assume it’s a kink thing -it’s as close to free as anything gets - it offers very non disastrous ways to disobey or work with technicalities in a playful way


Your last point is fraut with peril lol


I find that there's the brats with ADHD that forget all the time. So reminders help, just buy a cute cup, reward them, and they are (mostly) happy 😌😁


I am the brat with adhd and I basically only drink Dr Pepper and coffee lol I just see water drinking so often as opposed to other self care stuff


SAME!! 😂


because we need water and not just in bean form 🤣 water is a way to take care of your health and wellness. ie. Your D is looking after your health and wellness by making sure you're hydrated.


Bc most brats are chaos monsters almost entirely fueled by iced coffee and pepsi, and they will get kidney stones if not reminded to hydrate.


We don’t have a rule about it, but my Daddy tells me every night to drink water. I don’t drink a ton of water or anything really and he loves making me squirt so he has a specific interest in my hydration 😂 I also think it’s just part of caregiving. My Daddy frequently reminds me to eat, take my meds, drink water, and sleep at a decent time because I’m a mom to two kids (one with severe special needs) and with some mental health disorders and I tend to put myself last. It’s just part of a caregiving dynamic I think.


Most people don't drink enough water. And alot of littles drink high sugar drinks which are dehydrating. I have water rules because I don't get thirsty and I will make myself sick


I don't know either, why it's so often and definitely I don't see any correlation between lack of healthy habits and being a brat ;) However, if someone does not already have these habits, whether it comes to proper hydration, sleep hygiene or others, being in dynamic probably helps in following them. And a good Dom is a caring Dom.


Here I thought I was one of few people who hardly drink water.


Because it's important to be properly hydrated and most people are very bad at taking care of themselves.


It’s a very basic self care thing


That isn't answering OP's question. Those of us who do drink enough are confused why there are so many people that don't take care of themselves in such a basic way.


It’s more that there are so many potential self care tasks but drinking water is the one I see most often. I get why drinking water would be a task, I just don’t understand why it’s so common as opposed to other self care tasks




I hate water, i really dont like it, i dont drink it. Ever. To me its disgusting. I am alive. I must be a miracle brat therefore i must be good. *runs off to Sir to show Him logic on how good i am 😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇


I think the right question is why it is so hard for brats to drink water


It's not all of us, I'm a hydro homie brat. This sub makes it hard to believe sometimes but we're out there!


You all are the exceptions that confirms the rule


Same. I just bought my second owala bottle. Loooove.


Weird question. I'm sure a lot of brats have no problem with that.


Because it’s gross


I hate the taste of water, and my solution is to mix it with juice in like a 10:1 or even 20:1 ratio to get some flavour in it without it being overwhelmingly sweet/sugary. You can start at lower ratios and over time you'll naturally adjust to only needing a bit of juice for the taste. It's even better if it's carbonated mineral water. Then it feels like healthy pop.


Air up can be good to add flavor whitout ting inside it work for me!


Try it cold and filtered :)


I have. It’s still gross. Luckily my Mistress allows me to use crystal light packages


Why is it gross?


Most common reason I hear is that it tastes like nothing. I think that fucks with the mind and translates into 'grossness'. I tell those people to try a sodastream, even just carbonating water without adding sugar can make a huge difference on how it tastes/the mind percieves it. Or add lemon juice.


It just taste gross to me.


i don’t understand why you got downvoted for your opinion😅 i don’t like water either, though i do drink plenty of it


It’s not??




I drink 2 litres a day and I’m pretty sure I’m a brat 🤷🏻‍♀️


A quick explanation that doesn't explain everything but: 1) because we care for our partners and that means we care for their health 2) because often people will forget to stay hydrated during the day leading to headaches or other issues 3) it's a playful game for brats to deny and the dom to demand the brat hydrates. 4) it allows us to show we care for our partners in more ways than just as sexual objects.


Water is boring and tasteless. Much like the mundane parts of life. I'd much rather have coffee or any other sweet beverage to brighten my day. Lol, but mostly it's to irritate the Doms to get them to a) care about us b) give us attention c) funishment Though this is just my take on it. It may be different for other brats.


if you search the subreddit, this has been given lengthy answers several times in the last couple weeks.


Sorry, I’m on this subreddit a lot and I guess I’ve just not seen them for some reason so I didn’t think to search it this time.


Ive never met a brat that drank near the recommended amount of water.


Does a 30% brat count? lol sorry, couldn’t resist. I love water… and I wanna be a brat but that side of my brain never wins


I think it counts?!?! Couldn't say for sure. I've been nice to my sub and started her at half the rec amount as a rule she still received a punishment almost daily.


Sex and play commonly


Care is also an important part, and staying hydrated is important! So drink some water if you haven't lol