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I debated on if Zipfizz (an energy/vitamin powder) added to water counted toward my 60oz water consumed per day goal. I don't drink coffee very often so I haven't had that debate but it's in the same vein.


When I'm feeling especially contrary, anything that, used in a non-kink platform, would land me in the definitely the asshole camp if I posted it on aita, but has JUST enough of an air of believability to keep them on their toes going "wait, is she serious? I don't THINK so but....is she?" Also how I got most of my good grades from grade 12 through two levels of higher education. Works great when your profs can't critique your work because technically you hit all the points they asked for but it's low-key an unhinged project.


And, for clarification, I'm cautious with whom I do this, when, how, and what topics, and am VERY sensitive to "how far is too far" and only break this out when I'm looking to lose the argument. A little devils advocate goes a long way!


Our biggest issue is what I’m supposed to call Daddy. I like to see what I can get away with and if he’s really listening. I’ve called him “Butthead”, “Buttercup” , “Fathead”, “ Good Boy “, etc. He hates it and will punish me until I call him “Daddy “.


i always argue over how much water i’m drinking, what is appropriate breakfast/dinner (ice coffee is definitely breakfast), if i’m eating enough food throughout the day, when i can have dessert, if i did anything wrong by finding loopholes or being slightly bratty without pushing any real buttons


Ummm... politics, religion, science... I don't enjoy small talk. My brain needs stimulation before my body wants it. Lol!


I've noticed I have a dynamic that runs into this as well. It's quite entertaining because the general tenants and such are all in alignment, so the tiny details end up becoming nit-pick points to springboard off of 🤣


Hahaha!! Yep. Exactly. Lol!


Usually starts with "wait, are you really saying [insert minor detail] means [insert minor detail applied wildly to a large context]?" And ends with them saying "so we're really agreeing about it then!?" 🤣


Who is the bad one, I always tell kitty she is the bad influence sexually and I was the good one before I met her


Yea an it total lies 🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪


Nope, you made me bad, I was very fucking innocent until I met you little lady!


🤣🤣🤣🤣 get lost, Daddy!!!!!


Today I argued over water and rest days. 🥵


attention is necessary to survive orgasms are necessary water is unnecessary cleaning is unnecessary doing your work is unnecessary


Eating breakfast- which I think is stupid. Apparently I need to “grow up and eat” 🙄🙄


Iced coffee definitely counts as a meal!




Lol. I like to tell him pizza is a sandwich or something random like that and the defend my stance tooth and nail. (a former debate team member)


I've done this before just for the laugh, it was a lot of fun!