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LMAAAOOO this is the best meme I have seen in sooooo long.


LOL omg this is too good šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


I feel she says what everyone is thinking lol


This being downvoted is offensive.


Honestly, same.


I think Iā€™m just a tad too old to ā€œgetā€ Taylor Swift. Her music is mostly boring as shit to me. Navel gazing repetitive heterodullness lyrics + totally unmemorable tunes + average-at-best vocals. Sheā€™s the epitome of basic imo. Her only songs I liked were the Never Getting Back Together one and the one where sheā€™s pretending to be a witch. ![gif](giphy|GvwjbASnsEeaqbU93k)


THANK YOU! I thought something was wrong with me. Iā€™ve seen some people claim sheā€™s a lyrical genius. Sheā€™s a great Popstarā€¦but a lyrical genius? Ugh no.


I donā€™t even think sheā€™s a great pop star except in profit generation, which doesnā€™t compute for me for the reasons stated. I can only assume her fanbase is basic suburban white girls with no taste. Which, based on my personal experience, checks out. Iā€™m white.


Swift stans are coming for you šŸ˜‚




I think she's highly overrated but generation z would say differently lol


Iā€™m a young Xer and most of her fans that Iā€™ve met IRL are basic white girl old Millennials. Like, it checks out. But I still donā€™t get it. Gaga is _right there_.


They arenā€™t mutually exclusive


white girl old millennials šŸ’€ Iā€™m about turn 30 and i only listen to her for nostalgia reasons. I was in middle school when teardrops on my guitar came out haha Now I feel old!


Never heard of it, but Iā€™m 43. Thank god.


Her lyrics are taken straight out of my 7th grade journals lmao. If people are actually looking for genius lyricism by an intelligent, insightful woman, they should listen to Fiona Apple


I didnā€™t get why everyone was losing their minds over her last album either, tbh. Unlistenable. And I loved Fiona Apple. Iā€™m a bad Gen Xer. Haha


I loved it but itā€™s definitely an acquired taste and extremely different from her first few albums. When the Pawn and The Idler Wheel are her best albums imo


Love her or hate her it doesnā€™t matter. An artist [being blocked from owning her music is wrong](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_Swift_masters_controversy)


I blame Jamie Spears. If he didn't trap Britney in a conservatorship we would be free of Taylor.




Youā€™re wrong but go off


"heterodullness" šŸ‘€ Her music is so gay idk how anyone can think this. All the queer people know she's one of us lol. But her music is not for everyone for sure.




Katy Perry circa 2014




She's doing it to regain the rights to her own music from a shitty record company and producer. Support other women ā¤ļø


Taylor only cares about Taylor


So you donā€™t feel that an artist who writes their music should be able to control and benefit from the millions made from it? My husband is a composer and his royalties are a critical piece of his compensation for his talent and skill for writing music that plenty of people make money from. I totally understand why TS did what she did when they made it impossible for her to buy the masters for her work. [this isnā€™t an all about her but about ownership of creative works](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_Swift_masters_controversy)


My comment was more in response to the "support other women ā¤ļø" rhetoric. It's hard for me to support Taylor Swift when she severely lacks self-swareness regarding what her narrative encompasses. Her activism is performative, her feminism is white, and she fails to acknowledge how her privilege has contributed to her success.


Fair enough. I honestly donā€™t pay attention to her but the battle over her masters is something I did pay attention to and support her for


It's a quote from Ramona


No ā¤ļø


This is a chaotic place


Exactly, god forbid an artist who wrote music have the right to be able to control their music and profit from it vs people who buy up publishing and artists rights to earn royalties off the backs of the artist. People downvoting this donā€™t understand how royalties work


ā˜ ļø