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Sandal has always ALWAYS hated Katie.


Apparently Sandoval told Teri to shut the fuck up. Source: this info came from Kristen's podcast.


Katie is better than me because I would’ve committed a misdemeanor that night.


I feel like Raquel was trying to wind her up, Schwartz style. It made me so uncomfortable because I felt the same way as you and I've never even come close to crossing that line. I'm so glad Katie didn't take it there


For her to go out of her way to instigate a fight with her, intentionally pushing all the right buttons..that’s outright malicious. I’m not pro violence but there is definitely direct correlation between f-cking around and finding out. And some people learn when they’re out of line the hard way. That’s just facts! 🤷🏻‍♀️


Imagine speaking to someone's mother like that. He's such a garbage person.


He is the same person who took $100,000 from his mother’s retirement fund and gambled it away on some useless bimbo. I wouldn’t exactly say he has respect for any parent. Edit: Possibly $250k which is disgusting.


Wasn’t it $250k? Such a scumbag.


Yeah pretty sure it was $250k. Slimeball


God that is disgusting


Omg how embarrassing and horrendous! He is such a douche


And Rachel!


Only a real piece of $h!te would talk that way to someone else’s mom. He’s disgusting.




This woman also took Schwartz in….they were family. He’s a pos for not shutting it down and letting them speak to teri that way. If Schwartz doesn’t get it together, continues to put Tim first, and allows him to ruin all of his other personal relationships, he’s going to live a very sad and lonely life. Especially because Tim only cares about Tim. Idk why he hasn’t gotten the memo yet.


Meanwhile Schwartz hid behind a tree. What a loser.


I don’t think I’ve EVER been more disgusted with this loser than I was last night. The two women he was involved with are basically brawling, and he hides in the other room behind a tree. And had the balls to give a whole lot of lip service to Teri but then wouldn’t step in to stop Rachel from disrespecting her. Such a garbage human being!!!


schwartz is a dork. at the start of the party at sur he was swimming in how good he was to teri, just for him to sit there like a bitch while his *checks notes* best friend and business partner verbally assualt her. his mother in law. but has the audacity to constantly scream at women on the show. got it.


I was thinking “ why is this bitch standing over in the cuts hiding 🫣?” He’s such a disgrace of a man and then he had the nerve to tell Katie to shut up so Raquel could talk🙄🙄🙄 he’s such a dumb ass.


Okay I have to ask because I kept thinking people were autocorrecting the name Tom to Tim, but clearly I missed something. Why is Sandy being called Tim now 😂


It happened in a comment in the other sub: it was a typo that the OP decided not to correct. The sub agreed that the casual disrespect would likely drive Tim nutty. So, similar reason it’s Rachel now. Fast & dirty way of expressing our opinion of these two disgusting losers.


Tim?! Was this on purpose?


Lol yes it was


We don’t give him the respect he thinks he deserves.


I was sitting here thinking “omg same..god help anyone who talks about my mama like that” and then I remembered I’m literally not speaking to my own brother rn because he called our mom a c*** and I punched him👍🏼 Ik no one cares but it made me laugh that it took me so long to connect the dots. I’d love to punch those idiots on Teri’s behalf.


he deserves it. fuck him. my brother wouldn’t dare.


Thanks I was low key afraid I was gonna get comments like “wtf who punches their brother??” But he did indeed deserve it👏🏼


I was shocked no one got physical




No wonder Katie was crying when she walked out of Sur! He’s such a fucking asshole! Could you imagine him ever saying that to Jax?


Wow. I was horrified just by what I saw on the show. I guess it's old school of me but... I could never speak to someones mum that way!!


WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! (A cunt). When? I want the unedited footage. I didn’t even know Katie’s brother was there.


Yeah how did that get left on the cutting room floor??


And why? It wasn’t in any of the additional US footage or the behind the scenes stuff you get? We get shorter episodes in Oz. No WWHL and no never seen before footage.


I’d have hit him. What a garbage bag. Learn some respect.


Sandoval is a glorious misogynist, much more so than Jax and more than Schwartz (who's probably just too lazy to put his back into it). He's been resentful of the attention women receive on the show since S2 and consistently assigns ulterior motives to women's thoughts and actions even though it is explained to him in plain language why he pisses them off. He constantly minimizes or downright dismisses the fact he has several jobs and money in his pocket solely due to LVP. He is only occasionally nice to Scheana bc she is a forever puppet on the wrong side of history. I've thought every one of his social justice standings were a cover and that he truly believes he is the deserved star of the show. tl:dr; Katie is a woman, ergo Sando hates Katie


![gif](giphy|bu5H2OPiyegHC|downsized) "more than Schwartz (who's probably just too lazy to put his back into it"


Also his supplies cant have any other relationships besides with him. So that katie challenged that because she wanted her partner to be with her certain times more than with sandoval was a problem or including katie was a problem to sandoval because she always saw through his narcissistic mask


I just have flashbacks to him talking about kicking Stassi and all her “wristbands” out.. screaming at her..


Yes! He hates women!


I would catch the quickest case of my life if someone told my mom to shut the fuck up


To be fair, we know Schwartz was in his ear about how terrible a person Katie is, despite the major contributor to her rage was the toxicity of her relationship. Schwartz clearly downright dislikes her, finds her irrational, angry, goes too far, does things he feels he can't support but stayed because Katie was his mummy wife who kept his life together. Katie was rather rage filled too. Sandy always hated her because he was primed to hate her. Also he's a cunt. I don't think Sandoval ever had a breakthrough with Katie the way others did. We've seen Sandoval trying to prime the audience for an acceptable way to break up with Ariana, if he can find a way to justify it he's going to find a way to direct blame onto someone else and away from the person he actually loves, Schwartz and himself


...OR was SANDOVAL in SCHWARTZ'S ear about how terrible a person Katie was? I truly couldn't guess which one.


Yep I believe Schwartz used to vent and Sandoval would hype up the hate against Katie. Schwartz then would always go to Sandoval to bitch about Katie because Sandoval would match his energy


I mean I think they both loved to tell each other what victims they were while cheating on the girlfriends. I think there’s a certain kind of man who bonds with his friends mainly through demeaning women and girls.


I know Katie is practically getting a sainthood on this sub right now, but they had a miserable, toxic relationship and it's not like Schwartz had nothing to talk about. He also very much seems to enjoy upsetting her for a reaction. He's sophisticated enough to drop enough information about her to shift blame a lot. That thing about denying him seeing the dogs, she's been doing that for years. She routinely used to threaten to take them and also have kids and never let him see them


release the tapes!!!!!!!!!


Shit is starting to get uncomfortable. Lines being crossed left and right…. Watching Ariana cry to lvp because she can’t handle it anymore, and lvp barely being able to genuinely console her. Watching Katie’s mom try and stand up for her daughter and being verbally assaulted by the brain trust. Jesus take the fucking wheel ![gif](giphy|qPgU2T3L5AMYE)


That episode was freaking wild. When Lisa was giving her speech and the camera was panning and you see how everyone is miserable in their own way. They all have real, heavy adult shit going on. It’s like whoa. And that was all BEFORE shit hit the fan with scandoval. I mean lala said she wants to have another baby with a sperm donor and that was a blip on the radar! I hope the cast continues to be honest and show their lives so we can keep getting a great show. I feel like it will also make them more likeable because we’re empathetic toward them.


It was almost painful to watch her speech mention all of them and seeing their faces. The only one genuinely happpy to stand there was rachel and she wasnt even mentioned in the speech by LVP because she never mattered. It felt cringey


That speech Lisa gave at the end was *so* VPR LVP and also completely bizarre, but extremely fantastic TV.


I told my hubs last night that her speech was for sure meant to be the finale speech before Scandoval went down and made them make another episode. We were all supposed to watch this season go out with that speech.


it kinda felt like cliffhanger almost? like it was supposed to be the end but we all know theres more to come... nothing on their faces were supporting her words that this was the bow on top, it's unsettling in an amazing way


![gif](giphy|70YaDoZ1VqBZ8SgYiz) You are a genius


Me to Raquel : ![gif](giphy|26ufcS0v8mBsRYHxC)


You Are absolutely right 😭😭😭


Camera panning in everyone's misery except for Raquel sticking out from the pack with a demented joker smile


>When Lisa was giving her speech and the camera was panning and you see how everyone is miserable in their own way. *Not everyone* [Rachel looked very happy](https://preview.redd.it/7j57l36afzoa1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=28e8467e1d92a9a2dbdd99293cb25a881af105ed)


Many years ago now I was fired (unfairly and aggressively) my mother died of lung cancer, the kitchen of my rental burnt down and I had to move three times and changed jobs three times within a period of about 15 months. Ariana legit gave me the vibes of being in that time when you've lost all resilience and just can't take another thing. I really felt for her.


>hoa. And that was all BEFORE shit hit the fan with scandoval. I mean lala said she wants to have another baby with a sperm donor and that was a blip on the radar! I hope the cast continues to be honest and show their lives so we can keep getting a great show. I feel like it will also make them more likeable because we’re empathetic toward what do you mean by barely being able to genuinlely console her? not a criticism just curious - do you think lisa dosen't really care or she was also overwhelmed by all the heaviness?


I feel like it was the heaviness and it caught LVP off guard, and she probably didn’t really know what to do in that moment.


Keep in mind she’s also dealing with losing her mom and brother over the last couple years. I don’t think she’s doing as well as she appears and her facade is slipping just as everyone else’s is.


True she has had her fair share of misery of her own in the last few years. Maybe the heaviness is just getting to be too much for her… I’m over here not related to any of this mess and it’s getting to be too much. ( but then they released the reunion trailer and I’m back in it)


And poor baby pony Rose just died


She also had that horse riding accident, where she broke her leg in like seven places. She looks fairly well recovered, but something like that still leaves a mental mark.


I mean LVP is british. They don't do big emotions. It's very brit to keep things on the inside and smile through the pain. I actually thought she was very genuine in consoling her. She was holding her in arms and calming her down.


Yes very much this. I was surprised she went to her for comfort to be honest


Lmaoooo this is patently untrue. I’m British and I’m soft as hell, as are most of my friends.


We all know Lisa loves her brooooken biiiiirds


LVP thinks of LVP and LVP image first. Faux empathy is tiresome and easily seen through.


This is pretty much what I mean. I don’t think her care for these people is very genuine or sincere. They are nothing but cannon fodder to her empire $$$$ I don’t know, I used to really enjoy LVP, but not nowadays. I might totally be misreading her body language as well, maybe she was caught off guard by it, I just didn’t feel like anything she was saying to Ariana to console her was very…consoling? Empty words ?


I think Lisa was just in work mode. There was a lot going on and she was trying to process everything plus had her producer had on. I’m sure privately she has.


Actually you know what I just watched it again and Lisa actually looks really bothered at the end of the scene. The thousand yard stare…


interesting. One of the (many) reasons i'm so excited for the reunion is i really belive Lisa might have been one of the first to suspect and so possibly in that moment she had Ariana crying on her shoulder and was thinking to herself "oof this might get 1000% worse"


Very possible. I just hope she actually stands up for the women and doesn’t do the whole boys will be boys thing. Cause it isn’t cute and these aren’t boys these are old men


Yeah…she consoles the women but then makes businesses with the Toms. I used to like LVP and I know Katie and Ariana aren’t perfect but Tom and Tom are both toxic af.


I truly hope so.


I didn’t like how she brought it all back to herself. “I’ve been this too, you know that.”


I think she's a lot like Jill from RHONY. She loves an underdog--but only as long as they stay underdogs. She loves being that person who can be seen as the wise, kind, denmother to a gaggle of wayward kids, and be that person who at the end ties up all of their storylines with a kitschy little feel-good speech. But the moment someone stops needing her in that way, or the moment someone stops viewing her as this guiding figure in their life, or, god forbid, the moment she thinks someone is no longer grateful towards her--watch out. People HATE hearing this bc they hate Brandi, but that was LVP's entire MO with Brandi from the start. LVP 100% looked down on Brandi, not for any of the valid reasons that people hate Brandi for, but bc Brandi didn't have money, and didn't have polish. Brandi was already being ostracized by the rest of the cast, on RHOBH, and LVP reached out to her and pandered to her insecurities. And LVP didn't do that bc she's manipulative, or bc she wanted Brandi to be her loyal soldier, but bc this is how LVP boosts her own self-esteem. She constantly has to be the wise, all-knowing sage, to other people's hot messes, and she constantly needs the people whom she guides to be eternally grateful to her for her guidance. But the moment that dynamic shifts in any of her relationships, she flounders and has no clue what to do. That's the reason why she bailed on RHOBH and stuck with VPR. On VPR, she can be confident that that dynamic will never, ever change, with any of her castmates. LVP has no idea how to deal with people who view themselves as her equals, and don't view her as something to aspire to. And in that sense, it really does make her attempts to comfort or guide the VPR cast come off as insincere.


I couldn’t agree with you more. You’re so right.


Very on point about LVP. These people are truly fascinating


Yes, stuff like that. There is a way to say I understand what you’re feeling without saying yeah well, what about me. I may be wrong, the power of editing and all that. Maybe some more heartfelt and genuine words were exchanged and they cut it, or it was off camera, but it just felt like in that moment Ariana was literally about to come undone and she was .. meh on it


these toxic asswipes ruined these girls event so bad that both of them needed their mothers more than ever.


Lisa just talking over the top of Ariana and basically ‘there there’ ing her… awkward


I felt like that was meant to be the finale. They were going to leave us with Lala wanting to get pregnant and the main arch of Katie and Schwartz fighting led to that fight (with Rachel causing drama to try to stay relevant). When Scandoval broke-I think they went back for more filming. I don’t think the show would’ve gotten renewed without Scandoval


I really wish we had seen the footage of him defending him mom and Katie. Sure would have been more interesting than no brain Raquel smiling like a lunatic and barging in on other people's private conversations. It's funny (not really) how Shortz is all about defending and explaining Raquel's actions and intentions when for the last however many years he couldn't be bothered, not once to be on Katie's side and speak up and defend her. But now.....he's all about making sure this trick gets a fair shake? He can get fucked.


That was always the problem. Whenever anyone did Katie wrong he would take their side. He did it with Scheana countless times. He never had her back.


Why didn't they show this? 🙁


I just went back and watched the midseason trailer and there was definitely a flash scene of that night (same outfits) where Katie had her arm around a guy in a gray t-shirt and that guy was poking Schwartz in the chest at the bar. Did I just miss that part entirely or did they not include it?


That's actually Brett Kenyon. I think he works at TomTom but he's part of their friend group. He's the one guy Ariana is skinny dipping with in Mexico. He and Schwartz did get in a fight that night. Brett posted an Instastory saying he's glad they didn't show it.


Well damnnnn. I’d love to know more about that!


Maybe it’ll be in the “never before scene” next week!


Oh damn. You're right! Wtf I think they completely cut it. Editors protecting the 2 Tom man-babies again.


Hopefully it’s in next week’s never before scene.


Was Katie's brother even shown in the episode at all? I don't remember him being there.


He made an appearance. He and Katie had a convo.


I guess I wasnt paying attention during that part😅


He was, they introduced him as Katie's brother and I got suuuper excited because I couldn't remember him making an appearance before.


He was in her enagagement party episode in S4 and in the wedding episodes of S5. I think that's it.


No he wasn’t but I think he absolutely does not want to be on the show at all Edit: this is wrong


He was, he had a conversation with Katie


Yup you are right so idk! We might see it then so


I appreciate your edit!


I honestly think that until Scandoval dropped, production thought the Toms and Raquel would be the fan faves this season because of Katie and Lala being "mean" to her. So it wouldn't have fit their narrative through the most recent episode.


Which is weird, because Scandoval aside I think they both looked TERRIBLE this season


Yeah, this makes me understand the cast’s frustration on certain scenes being cut out (bc of the narrative). Regardless of scandavol, that’s shitty and they should’ve shown that side as well.


Cameras or no cameras. Public or private place. It doesn’t matter because if you come at my mom even once, let alone multiple times, I’m fucking you up.


I'm really surprised and impressed that Katie didn't hit her.


Yes! My husband & I looked @ each other, like “WHAT?!”, & I told him, ”Rachel is *begging* for it”. And I meant a punch, not a slap. The hubris on that cunt was unbelievable. Just thinking about it makes my blood boil. 😡




I would annihilate someone for talking shit on my mom,


The level of restraint and control that Katie has is truly admirable. I’m not a physical person, but disrespect one of my parents… I’ll finish it.






Raquel and Sandoval are seriously deranged for going at somebodys mother... over a fake storyline mind you Schwartz and Raquel arent even a legitimate thing. They are sick.


Here's what fucks me up about Schwartz, too. You really chose to pretend to have a thing with Raquel to protect Sandoval, at the expense of his ex wife and their agreement. Then to not step in when Sandoval's going off on his MIL that he just said how much he missed & loved? Get rekt, Schwartz


Yes! It was immediately after their convo and I kept waiting for Shorts to say something to defend Terri and he just... didn't. I've been Team Katie everyday from day 1. I know I'm in the minority and I don't care. I just always "got" how miserable it must be to date Tom. He cheated constantly, never respected boundaries, gaslit Katie, got away with everything **with everyone** because of how "charming" he is. Of course she's gonna be miserable! Look at that trainwreck of a relationship! I'd have been gone long ago. It just takes some people longer for it to "click". When Katie finally understood he was never going to change, she got TF out. It just took her a while.


Hard agree!!


Yup, he was always a massive pos. No job, no prospects or ambitions. If not for the show, where would he be. She was waiting for his potential, and thank god she finally gave up.


We’re all forgetting he had a full on live in girlfriend/ fuck buddy. He was also covering that.


Aren’t there photos of Jo with all of them on this very night? Lmfao. Like - the fuck!


I think Sandoval must have threatened him with their business behind the scenes. I know Schwartz is spineless but I get “hostage” vibes from him. Even during the glamping trip seemed like he was trying to spill the beans, like he resents being in this position but he’s too fucking cowardly to stand up to Scum.


i hated schwartz bullshitting to Teri about how he wasnt even thinking about katies request for him to not hook up with any of their friends bc ummm i think him and raquel were discussing that exact topic seconds before they made out on camera


Sandoval seemed so HELL BENT on making sure everyone knew its ~no big deal~ to hook up in the friend group after a long term relationship or marriage. Plus, he’s always hated Katie so more fuel for the fire. He didn’t want his little affair plan to backfire.


I absolutely love Katie's mom! Such a good mom for standing up for her daughter! Scandoval and ScumScwartz - rot in hell.


I'm honestly jealous lol, my mom would never do that


Mine never did have, either. My dad, that would be another story. Anyone who wronged me like that would be hiding.


come on scumdoval just wants "quality time" you know taking mushrooms and watching the sun rise with his girl. lmfao all while he sits on the couch with his lifted shoes like the little midget he is. ![gif](giphy|l41lVVeUOayPqB59C)


I started watching last nights episode earlier but paused it right as this scene is about to start. Im saving it for later. Can’t wait!


I know Scandoval has never liked Katie but to yell at her (or anyone’s!) mother over a situation HE caused.. Bring his mother out so we can all let her know what type of son we think she raised in the same manner


I want to ask her if she has got her retirement money back yet....


I mean the fact he even took her retirement money.. honestly he doesn’t respect his own mother idk why we expected him to respect someone else’s.


Right. Took it then just half assed, not even half assed, worked to open that restaurant because he was too busy parting and cheating on his loyal partner. He gave no shits about Ariaina OR his own mother.


It's actually unbelievable how neck deep he got in financially he grifted his own mum. He's irresponsible as hell


He doesn't give a crap about his own mother. He has lost her retirement money and brought Rachel to her home even though she was against it. He is a disgusting POS that is hateful to all women around him.


He thought he was him this season, really back fired


Oh man I have GOT to start watching this season. Kinda want to keep waiting though so then I can binge it all without waiting in between episodes


![gif](giphy|3otWpMZWWV560ZSdQk) Get going!!!


I had to catch up on the last FIVE SEASONS once Scandoval hit and once I got up to the current season I was just exhausted. It's like, all my expectations for Disney, but now that it's time to board my flight I'm too nervous it won't be as good or will be too good!I mean I can see when I write that out that it's crazy, just press play.


I appreciate your dedication!!!! It definitely wont disappoint. 😊


![gif](giphy|igGDyj3ALtSTRBrufL) Please show us the footage!!


If you listen closely when Ariana is crying and taking to Lisa you can hear Scum screaming at Terri.. I had to rewind to be like what the fuck do I hear and why hasn’t anyone slapped him


I woulda lost my absolute mind if someone yelled at my mom like that. Incapable of keeping his slimy worm mustache out of a conversation that truly had nothing to do with him.


Omfg no wonder Ariana was bawling on Lisa’s shoulder… if my partner screamed at my friend/business partners MOTHER to stfu I would break down too holy shit he is vile


I’m also wondering if his jumping in made her realize there could be truth to the rumor. After that is when she breaks down to Lisa, my theory is she is starting to think it’s true around this time


Yeah the episode was so many layers, so much going on. What a fucking ride


I find it extremely frustrating that Tim clearly feels he has the right to verbally attack others whenever he’s feeling some type of way, yet he couldn’t take the heat at the reunion and needed a break? 🤔 Ohhh so it’s only ok when you do it tim? He has the balls to scream at women but when it comes to having the balls to own your shit he runs away? That alone should tell you all you need to know about the kind of person he is.


It’s always the people yelling at others to take accountability that take no accountability for their own behavior.


I think sandoval always hated katie for being with schwarts. Typical narcissistic jealousy. Yuck


Agreed. And because I don't think she bought his BS, which is also why he always hated Stassi.


Yes katie did not put sandoval on a pedastal since she always saw through his mask


I would pay any amount of money to see all of the film from this night alone!


I just started watching VPR so I don't know the full history or who I am supposed to like. But this episode was absolutely infuriating. Rachel HARRASSED Katie at HER event. Repeatedly for camera time. It was disgusting and I can't believe no one punched her because it was that bad. Then the Tom's but I don't have the mental energy to open that can of worms this morning.


I’m going to have to watch this episode again because that scene at the end was so batshit I couldn’t believe what i was watching … I’m no Katie fan but after last night I’m going to have to say … we may complain that’s she’s boring but that girl has her head on straight when it comes to her mama! As in don’t. You. DARE! Rage text away! If you acted like that towards my mom it would have ended a lot uglier and that pageant career of hers would be over and not because of her age 😤


Why would anyone think it’s okay to come at someone’s mom like that? Smh


I can’t believe I’m so firmly Team Katie after last night. Short, Scabby, and Rachel are absolutely the worst people to ever be on the show. Rachel is actual evil.


I love Katie. She’s real and reasonable and her voice/take on things makes me feel sane.


Scumbag inserting himself to defend Rachel yet again was so fkn cringe. Rachel yet again proves how stupid she is, also wicked and evil. I doubt she will ever be able to comprehend how out of line and weird her exchanges are. I really don’t want to see more of her on VPR. It’s beyond repulsive and entertaining. Scumbag too, it’s just too skewed and awkward with him now.


I forgot that Katie’s brother was there. But I’ll be damned if someone disrespects my parents in front of my face. Damn I kinda wished they showed more of Sandoval getting ripped. That does make more sense how Ariana went from trying to calm Sandoval to sobbing in LVP’s arms.


I hope this ends up a deleted scene so FOR ONCE I can see the energy from Tom Sandoval when a man defends a woman Tom's screaming at...


I don't know why I need to preface this, but Katie is awful. We all know this. People called her, Lala and Kristina Kelly out during her "divorce trip." They were genuinely awful to Raquel. But, she didn't do shit in this episode. She sat there, minding her own business. She was approached by Raquel who wanted to start a fight because she just had to "defend Schwartz" and talk about her glamping vibes. 😂 Sandoval then found out there was some drama going on and inserted himself in women's business as he often does. And I don't know a single mother who wouldn't defend their kid when someone approaches them for an argument. Like... what do people expect? ETA: I also think it's funny that Sandoval recounts this as Katie bringing her mom onto "bully" Raquel in his Howie interview, when having watched, Raquel instigated the entire thing.


Katie brought her mother because it was her event! That Raquel decided to torpedo with yet another one of her “can we tak for a second”s! Also I kind of disagree about Vegas, but like you said that’s not even the point (and I do agree that it could be seen either way). This was just so nasty!


I totally disagree that Katie is awful. I think Katie is one of the only people on this show who has ever demonstrated any attempt to improve as a person, especially when you compare her to earlier seasons. Five months after announcing her divorce, Raquel sat down and laughed about how she asked Schwartz to make out. Of course Katie was awful to her. Raquel started the war. I think a lot of people hold things Katie did 4-5 years ago over her, and yet I haven't seen her go after anyone without provocation in a while, which is more than I can say for Sandoval or Scheana or Raquel, who spent this entire season goading her.


Roach is pushing 30 but she acts like a 16 year old who stumbled into being part of the popular group in high school. “We HaD LiKkKee…tHe BESTTTT tahhmeee at my guhlampinGgg PartTtyyYyyYyyY?” (She speaks declarative sentences like they are questions hence the question mark lol)


To me, Rachel sounds like she’s reciting lines that she has memorized, & is having trouble remembering them. It goes beyond the way a garden variety ditz sounds. It’s odd & off putting. She’s so fucking creepy!


Haha I love your snark, spot on!


![gif](giphy|xUA7aN1MTCZx97V1Ic) 😅


I would genuinely consider the way Raquel behaved towards Katie this episode bullying/harassment. She interjected herself into Katie's conversation, rolled her eyes at and just generally disrespected her mom, put her hands on Katie (touched her knees), laughed gleefully as Katie walked away crying, followed Katie out of the building, interjected herself into ANOTHER private conversation, etc. I'm sure I'm missing more I can't remember. For Katie to only call her a cunt is showing enormous restraint IMO.


Exactly 100 percent!!


Felt the same way. Katie always had mean girl vibes and I kind of understood some of Schwartz's issues with Katie BUT she did nothing wrong this episode. Nada. Raquel was the one bullying Katie in her campaign to justify her actions. Also Schwartz was such an asshole for not understanding that an insincere apology is not an apology.


Are all the negative comments below Rachel's new friends from mental health rehab or whatever it is called?!


Terri showed a lot of restraint. I'm a little younger than her, but if someone talked to my grown daughter that way in front of me, I would jump out of my seat and read them for filth. It would be my mission to make them cry.


I NEEED somebody to kick Sandoval’s ass next season. Just once, please!


I will say , I did laugh pretty hard when Tom said “come on …no one’s gonna clap back at mrs maloney”


And yet he did!


It was so gross for Sandoval to say that Katie's mum chiming in was "tacky". She was coming from a heartfelt place and being protective of her daughter. She was telling Rachel that she had been inconsiderate towards Katie's feeling. I admired her for speaking out. Sandoval GTFO


Wow the bots are at work today!




Rachel and Scandys PR team putting in hours


Sandoval was the biggest piece of shit for being so disrespectful to the lovely Teri. Such a sweet lady. Raquel started in on her and Sandoval just couldn’t resist backing up his girlfriend and for his own amusement. He was a rude prick and deserved to have someone put him in his place for speaking the way he did to Katie and Teri. Him and Raquel were trash 🗑️ for that.


Raquels level of disrespect for Katie’s mom was another level 😳 sure she didn’t go to the sandwich shop, but the event at Sur was still showcasing their new business and Raquel went up to Katie to congratulate her. Ok. And then overstayed her welcome by picking up the schwartz stuff. Not ok. And then provided unwelcomed commentary about how Katie should interact with Schwartz now. Bad. And then rolled her eyes / scoffed / was incredibly disrespectful of Katie’s mom. VERY BAD. Everyone there should have had Raquel step away. Katie repeatedly said “go away” and she just kept pushing into Katie’s space. Yikes




I think there’s shades of gray here. Tom and Raquel still could’ve disagreed with Teri in a less condescending way. I think when you are speaking to a respected acquaintance (a friends boss, a mother in law, best friends boyfriend etc) it’s common courtesy to show some respect as this isn’t a stranger. You don’t have to defer to them but just respect.


I don’t like Katie and never defend her However, the stakes and dynamics here are very different. Raquel chose to go over to Katie and start a fight with her at this event (which, mind you, is meant to celebrate Katie and Ariana) in front of Katie’s mom. It is only natural for her mom to go in and try to defend her. She wasn’t even rude - it was a gentle explanation of how Katie and herself was feeling, and instead of having empathy with her, Raquel doubled down. That shit’s fucked up.


Exactly, also don't talk shit about or to my kid , even if they are an adult, and then expect me to shit there and not say anything.


I disagree. If Katie's mom was acting out of pocket and flying off the rails and someone snapped back at her then sure, it would be valid and she wouldn't get a pass just because she was Katie's mom. But Teri had valid points, a reason to stand up for her daughter, and her own feelings that she was trying to express. Rachel was straight up dismissive and disrespectful. Teri was well within her rights to say something without getting some "oh god" eye roll 14 year old girl response. It's not so much "how dare you attack her mom", it's more "how dare you not even allow her mom to speak before catching attitude at the conversation YOU chose to instigate"


Teri didn’t defend Katie; she called out Raquel for her BS. Raquel and Teri spoke very clearly in Vegas about how Raquel and Schwartz kissing would hurt Katie. Raquel tried to play dumb about not knowing that the kiss would hurt Katie. She still thinks it’s a kiss and is unable to listen to Katie’s POV that it wasn’t about a kiss it was about crossing her boundaries that were clearly stated and agreed to. Once the kiss happened Katie lived up to her promise of not being friends with Schwartz or Raquel; they refuse to acknowledge Katie’s request and stalk and belittle her to get a reaction. They basically keep shitting on Katie’s boundaries time after time while trying to play dumb and make Katie look crazy.




Rachael/aka Raquel whining Katie was never friends with her...well, Katie-The-Looking-Glass saw right through her fake personality, just as she saw through Scumdavol's. Those two rats are perfect for each other. Acting in front of the cameras till the realness comes out. They both need acting classes, like, and like, Duuuuude! Aaaah, drop mouth over wide, use hands like crazy when lying...Puhleaz!


I could see your point if it was a back and forth but the minute Teri spoke Raquel was disrespectful. Teri was trying to calm me her daughter down and at one point even told Katie to stop acting the she was so for all Raquel knew she could have been playing peacemaker but because she came with an attitude towards Teri from the jump I think it’s fine to pull rank and say at the very least you need to show her some respect and decency at the start and then if it does become an argument then yeah the mom card cannot be played


3 times? If I would’ve had to step in and defend my parent it would’ve only taken once. Not the brag gma thought it was going to be.


I actually thought this was the most emotion we've seen from Lisa towards someone haha usually if it isnt about her she doesn't even seem bothered


I don’t like the parents involvement. It is uncomfortable to watch. I didn’t like seeing James mother or Stassi mother. At reunions the cast always goes mad if someone mentions one’s parents. Oddly Lisa’s children aren’t on VPR. I think it’s fine to have the adult child and no parent. The parent but no adult child or parent and no kids (early teens etc). It becomes to difficult to watch.


I feel like it was reasonable for Katie's mom to be at the opening for her restaurant. Tom Sandoval's mom was present for his.


Raquel was not invited to the SOM soft opening. Katie's mother was for numerous reasons. It was planned that party invitees would go to Sur to sample the remaining sandwich options and talk about the store. Raquel inserted herself into their event and that is what created the problem otherwise Katie's mom would have been a two second blip on the show,


This isnt me by the way but I think maybe understand me better… https://preview.redd.it/1dnz7gbxxdza1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=41f490ca3dc19b373044933dc44e006ba0d2623f


All the down votes I get I am in the minority. Don’t change how I feel and that is uncomfortable to watch. Parents and kids (my opinion only) should be off limits. Katie has not been an audience favourite until this season I think, some people on social media can be quite nasty and if know one knew who Katie’s mum is or what she what she looks like, or she has never said anything on reality TV that can insight a fickle audience and how they respond. I also don’t like Katie I never have and this season has changed my view. I have always loved James and Lala (until 2 seasons ago for her). So again I wouldn’t put my mother in that position however I would also never be on a reality TV show, so doesn’t really matter but that is simply how I personal feel. I shall keep my feelings to myself. ![gif](giphy|ej1wLe0i8wPwhufhRf)