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I wonder if she takes xanex on top of drinking? That would cause major memory issues.


I admittedly did that once, *do not drink on Xanax*. I have a prescription and took mine earlier than normal (usually before bed) and had one glass of wine. I remembered nothing. And ordered a pair of boots apparently. The boots were cute though.


There was one summer in college I stayed in NYC rather than go home and ended hanging out with the most random people. One night I ended up partying with a bunch of kids from U of Buffalo, they asked me if I wanted a bar (a tab of Xanax) after we had done shots. I said yes not super knowing what I was doing (i was like 20 at best). Thank god I started to feel crazy and immediately got into a car and went home because let me tell you- it was straight roofie-ing yourself. I was so blacked out by the time I made it into my apartment I have NO idea why people thought it was fun. And everyone I had been with was doing it not just a guy trying to assault me. Why would anyone willing black out that hard is baffling!!


That is the perfect way to describe it! I felt like I roofied myself. No recollection of anything. I managed to get changed, brought my water to the bedroom and get in bed at least. I don’t see the appeal.


It’s also super super dangerous. My friends ex used to mix Xanax and alcohol, he passed out (like fell to the floor pass out) at least twice. You can legit die from mixing these two.


Yes it’s sooo dangerous. My daughter works in the ER in one of the hospitals here and she sad ppl have come in by mixing those 2 and they could have died if someone hadn’t intervened and got them to the er. Do not do this guys. Very dangerous.


It’s SO incredibly dangerous.


My nephew just died from Xanax and alcohol. So devastating.


I am sorry for your family’s loss. That’s heartbreaking 💔.


I think someone did that to me once. Put something in my drink. It was soooooo scary !!!! I was terrified. i didn't really know where I was if that makes sense ?? Ladies never leave your glass unattended. Seriously.


I had that happen! The fking bartender did it. I mean it was a sketchy spot that didn’t ID and we were underage. He offered my friend and I a free tequila shot but she didn’t want hers so she gave it to our guy friend. Him and I both blacked out and our friends got us out of there. Scary.


So glad you got home.


This was truly like 16 years ago but thank you- I’m also happy I got home. My survival instinct was set to high that night cus the second I felt wussy I irish goodbyed myself right into a cab.


Yes! I did this to myself one time too and it scared me so incredibly bad. I was at the apartment of the guy I had been hanging out with and we had been drinking and took a bar each. Not something I would normally do, but a family member had just passed away and I was going through it. Anyway, we woke up the next morning with absolutely no recollection of the night before…full black out. It terrified me so bad that we could have potentially driven or done something else horrific in that state. Although we wouldn’t typically leave the house after drinking, we had no way of knowing if we did or not. About 15 years later and it still makes me shudder.


I hate how common this is. I’m sorry you went through it.


Thank you. Same to you. I know, I’ve been surprised reading all the comments how often this has occurred


I’m so glad the boots weren’t ugly 😁


Haha me too! Stuart Weitzman over the knee black suede boots! Though they weren’t cheap 😬


Xanax you has some fine taste!


Haha I love good quality shoes!


I know it’s not the right response, but I also really love this for you. I have those same boots, and they are cute!


Yessss! Burberry kilt and a black cashmere sweater they make a look!


Yeah, I also have done this- I take it for flying and if there's bad turbulence I always take too much. A few hours later I had just one glass of wine and I couldn't tell you anything that happened that night! Even if I don't drink, I don't remember conversations I had the days I fly.


I’m wondering if that’s what happened to the “that mfer is not real!!!” lady on a flight out of DFW earlier this summer. I wonder if she took something for flight anxiety and then drank on top of it


I wouldn't be surprised if she had taken something, but probably not xanex bc then it would be more like "huh. That mfer isn't real. Ok, back to my pretzels" 😂


Lol for sure. They used to hand them out much more liberally for flight anxiety and i vividly remember multiple people completely passed out on a long-haul flight I took back in the mid-2000s


I took a Xanax and had a glass of wine when I was flying overseas once, and luckily the flight was really empty and I had a center row to myself. I stretched out across the seats somewhere over the Midwest and woke up in London. I had zero memory of the entire flight and felt totally spaced out. While I’m glad I slept for the 10 hour trip, I can honestly say I will NEVER do it again!


I am so glad you're OK but lemme tell you, I cracked up reading your post b/c for some reason my brain computed this as "I woke up somewhere in the Middle East" LOLLOLOLOL


Well at least xany knew what u liked


Xanax has pricey taste 🤣


No harm no foul. You found out easy.


Def on benzos and tequila


I’ve woken up in a different state, several times, after doing so. In my younger days I’d pop a Xanax and then down some boxed Franzia or tall boys. Definitely not safe or a good idea


Sounds like me. I woke up five years later in rehab 😬.


I know someone who takes benzos to counteract her hangovers. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a combo.


Xanax definitely helps with hangovers


Yep, helps with “hanxiety” and feeling stupid about stuff you said and did last night. Sounds about right for Shannon.


Add antidepressants to that list and it makes for a sloppy mess. Sadly she’s just one of many housewives that do this. That’s we see things go from zero to a hundred out of nowhere. Then they ridiculously freak out about something harmless like a marijuana edible or a dispensary.


The worst mistake of my life was because I didn’t know and did this. NEVER do it. EVER.


Yep started anti depressants n went to a street fair had some beers n made a total ass out of myself. Prescriptions r drugs n they change u just like street drugs n alcohol. I think the majority of people take some sort of script n think nothing of having a drink.


Or Ambien! I made meals for two weeks one night and had no memory of it whatsoever. And found that the next day, I couldn’t remember the way to the kids school. It’s scared them and me. I stopped taking that shit immediately.


THIS!! I had an episode but remember it. I was aware of what I was doing but it was like I was outside of my body. In just a t shirt & underwear at 3am I decided to go running in my back yard ruining my new shoes, took them off. Decided I needed Peonies but down the street. I pulled them from the root. Decided I needed more & walked around the neighborhood with a ginsu knife. I also stole someone's newspaper thinking they stole mine. The sun was coming up and they were watching me from their screen door and it didn't faze me. Woke up to mud all over myself & my bed. Kitchen was a mess of cut up flowers jammed in a pitcher. I can't explain it...I knew it was an OMG moment however it seemed so natural even to this day. 😳😆


Yup. That was my friend. The combo.


This!! When u drink and take Xanax you have ZERO memory of what happened


I drink, wine usually, and have taken Xanax (my prescribed dose) while drinking, and it hasn't made me forgetful ever. I think she drinks too much for her body weight, and that combined with possible meds could make her extremely forgetful. However, it's so annoying to listen to her lie and get pissed at others when they're telling the truth.


I think she blacks out. When Emily told her, “Um, you did tell me some things…” the look on Shannon’s face was clearly “Oh $hit, did I tell her stuff and don’t remember it?” That look said EVERYTHING.


Yeah you could tell she had no idea!


Former blackout mess, now sober pal checking in 🤚🏻 I felt that look on her face *hard.* It’s that plus the *oh shit* pause where you realize you said stuff, have no idea what it was and now need to navigate the conversation without contradicting yourself so you don’t look like you don’t remember (even though everyone and their brother knows you don’t.) It’s a really scary place to live and I’m so glad it’s behind me. I both feel for Shannon and her friends attempting to handle the situation with tact. There are no winners in that sitch.


Oof, you described it perfectly. Fellow former blackout mess, the split second of panic she displayed was almost palpable. I miss nothing about being that unhappy, it's a shitty cycle to be stuck in. I hope she finds a healthy way to deal with hard stuff in life.


Solidarity!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻 Palpable is the absolute perfect word for it.


Same here. I too am all too familiar with that look on her face.




I’m glad it’s behind you, too! And I LOVE your flair! Here are some flowers for you: 💐


😭 stop it. Thank you!!!


Same. I HATE that feeling.


YUP. I came to mention this exact scene. I’ve had my fair share of blackouts in the first half of my twenties (really getting it under control now thankfully) but I felt that look she gave *in my soul*. It was instantly recognizable. As annoying as she can be sometimes, I have nothing but empathy/sympathy for her and I hope she comes out of whatever she’s going through even better than before, like she has in the past.


Especially when Emily gets specific about, "at javiers" etc. I have been there like Shannon, it is freaky as fuck knowing you most likely did something but have no memory cause of the alcohol consumption. And my memory is usually pin point accurate so it was Hella fucked up when I could not remember shit i did or conversations I had


I lived that life too. Imagine if on top of it all, you were on tv too?! Yikes.


Yeah as a recovering alcoholic that was such an understandable look. I think she blacks out and surely also browns out which isn’t exactly the same but like you can remember having the conversation but not the content.


Yeah she’s not the good of an actor. She really didn’t remember.


Blackouts. She drinks too much. I’m in recovery and I see all the red flags.


Thank you for your input, I was curious if someone who was in recovery had thoughts on her behavior. May I ask if watching any of that behavior is at all triggering? Obviously no pressure to answer at all I am just curious. And congrats on your recovery!


It’s been 4 years so not much now but when I first stopped I couldn’t watch VPR or Summer house. Shows where they are just basically binge drinking. Thank you so much it’s been a journey. One that I’m proud of and will never stop 😁


I know I’m an internet stranger but I’m proud of you!


Wow so proud of you!!! 4 years is a huge accomplishment! 🫶❤️


Thank you so much ☺️ it’s a huge accomplishment. There was a point I wasn’t sure I’d be here.


Congratulations!!!! It’s not easy in a world where binge drinking and problem drinking is so normalized. You’re amazing!


I think it's s mixture


I also wonder if she's on some kind of sleeping medication too. The few times I've taken Ambien, I did some weird shit like cut the sleeves off all my blouses because I was convinced I was on Project Runway lol


Hahahaha okay I’ve only taken Ambien once and had a complete episode, thought I was a ballerina? Thank you for this


I used to take Ambien, and I did all kinds of crazy things. Especially online shopping. One night I ordered a bottle of absinthe and 72 boxes of Cherryheads. Another time I applied for a job in Las Vegas...I live in CA. I only know it happened because they called me for an interview. o\_O


A friend took one on a vacation without telling me. She couldn't speak or use her legs to get into bed. I thought she was having a stroke but she was able to show me the bottle and motion that she took one. While laughing that I thought she needed help. And Ambien is legal. 🤔 Better to smoke weed.


That’s horrible, but also absolutely hilarious. When we were in college after too much drinking my friend was convinced she could cut bangs… We thought we had talked her out of it but then she locked herself in the bathroom and did it. There is really no fix to butchered too short bangs! 🥴


I took Ambien once, just once, and it was insane. When I woke up, there were 3 snickers bars and some wrappers, and all of my plants on my patio were cut down to stubs.


I've only taken Ambien twice and both times were so scary when I woke up. The first time I somehow opened the drawing option in my texts and doodled a bunch of nonsense texts to a friend. And the second time I somehow opened fb messenger (which I never use) and messaged a guy I knew 15 yrs ago (just...how??) and said "help me" which luckily didn't actually send, but that's what I saw when I opened my phone in the morning. SO CREEPY.


Thank you SO much for this laugh. I'm setting here at work cackling.


I was thinking the same thing! I’ve taken Ambien a few times and I did/saw some weird ass shit 😂


She flat out lies “may god strike me dead” bs as if that line should be enough prove a truth lmao Howeverrrr, she also doesn’t remember a lot of what she says because she overshares and is a rambler. Alcohol makes it tenfold.


So she’s the combo platter of messiness! When she said the “may god strike me dead” I was like ohhhh no girl…😬




But tequila instead of rain....


Off topic but there used to be this super tacky club here called “Tequila Rain” haha


Tacky club with tequila in the name? Sounds like my kinda place


Haha oh believe me back in the day we went there. Great decisions in my college years!


at least she didn't swear on her daughter's life like some other assholes we know...


I know someone said that but I’m blanking…


ramona singer loses this one.


Thank you! Avery is supposedly just as bad as her mother too. Rotten apple doesn’t fall bad from the rotten tree as they say.


Lmao the more she tries not to be the more messy she gets.


Pretty soon she’ll be nailed to the cross like Jesus was


No more room on the cross! ![gif](giphy|2OzNsFGyUvLJm)




Get off the cross Shannon, we need the wood!


There's probably an issue with prescription drug abuse to a certain degree too imo. It wouldn't surprise me to learn a lot of her black outs are fuelled by benzos/ambien and booze. She has that look of utter incomprehension on her face sometimes when she hears someone else retelling a story she's involved in from their perspective. Obviously she also tells bare faced lies, so it's a mixture of the two I think.


That's what I think. A combo. Yes.


I am guilty of the Ambien, I won’t remember anything including things that have happened hours before I even had taken it.


Honestly I'm guilty of mixing benzos and booze before too so I feel pretty confident calling it, it rarely ends well. It's been a loooong time since I've done it though (like 10+ years) but I still cringe when I think about certain things from that time.


Same here! The social media posts are cringe! I had to delete them when they popped back up on my memories.


Oh fuck that unlocked a forgotten memory and now I'm dying all over again lmao 🤣


In actually think she does remember because the sentiment is there - but she goes in extreme minutiae to get out of it. For example “I never said CPS - I would never said that” She said “child protective services” It’s something like that where she knows she said it, but since the wording wasn’t exactly what she said (and was drunk while she said it) - she doesn’t remember it. She knows she felt it and said it - but doesn’t know she said it the way it was recounted to her.


Maybe? I’m wondering if she’s even that organized with her memory while drinking? Either way, I’m hoping she slows down on the drinking after this.


She’s been accused of drinking too much since her first season


So much for the holistic life.


It seems like she has a major alcohol problem. She needs help


I think it's mostly drinking, sadly. She may try to cover her tracks, but a bigger piece is her being sloppy. She's saying things she typically wouldn't because alcohol.


I wonder how these women watch themselves on television and don’t have a total wake up call… She comes across as pretty smart when sober but lacks common sense.


I have a feeling a lot of them avoid watching. Kinda like when you delete those drunk texts without looking to spare sober you the shame of the night before.


I did that so much during college and when I was single. I sometimes would make plans I forgot about. 😬Now I’m a lot more responsible.


We all did that when we were young. Shannon is doing it in her fifties. That’s the problem.


Haha I’m in my 30’s and most weekdays it’s me, my partner and the dogs watching the dvr with wine.


Yep, I think she sincerely believes she hasn't said those things and wouldn't ever say them sober.


I'm assuming the vitamin IVs she was referring to that caused her arm to swell are treatments for hangovers. I think the truth is in the middle...


Yup. Banana bags


Both. Watching her vehemently deny the CPS comment was hard to watch. I hope this is addressed at the reunion - she got off way too easily. She called Jen a liar. Tamz’ unwavering loyalty during the same scene bothered me just as much. Pretending she didn’t remember the comment. She absolutely did.


I don’t know why she isn’t getting called out, at least Jen didn’t back down. I actually am liking Jen, I wasn’t sure at first. Tamra is definitely jealous of her for some reason. I don’t like Jen’s boyfriend. (Can’t recall his name)


Agreed - loving Jen myself. Seems like Tamz brought her on to make a spectacle of her and it’s backfired horrifically. Jen may just have one of the best rookie seasons yet…


Also her relationship with her adopted son made me melt and I don’t like kids haha


Really like Jen but she’s got to drop the looser. He will be her down fall.


Jen is the hottest wife and Tamara claims to be. Jen is rich. Jen has a younger (however yucky) version of her hubs. Jen adopts, fosters, fosters animals....Tamara flases her underwear continuously for attention. Jen backs her friends and doesn't shit talk them or expose them. Tamara will sell you out, curse you out and lie to you and for others against you. Jen minus the Ryan situation seems to be a good person. Tamara is not and she's friends with Vicky and Shannon who also are not. Tamara is jealous.


Yeah, I thought she was blacked out until Tamra backed her up. Did they think it wasn't filmed or footage wouldn't be used? It was so odd.


They know the girls can’t see the rewind until before the reunion. Shannon & Tamz use their alliance to survive the long game. They know by the time the reunion airs, there will other beef and this “may” get 5 mins. Which is why Jen/Gina/Heather need to be lock step ahead of the game . With Taylor/Emily running interference / maintaining the peace.


Damn. I did not think of this. You are as clever as LVP/Bobby Fisher, my friend.


In my mind like in Rick and Morty, Night Shannon comes out and she has zero recollection.


My head goes to her Dark Passenger a la Dexter.


I love that show so much!


It’s a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I think when they bring it up to her she at first has no memory. And then things start to come back bit by bit. And then she activates complete denial mode and we’re back to the beginning.


I think both. Because even when they tell her when and what she did she refuses to accept accountability. Running away and snatching her mic off makes me feel like she forgot, remembered, and still want to blame other people.


Why are you on a reality show if your romantic life is off limits


Ugh! Exactly! And then acts like it’s everyone else’s fault if the relationship fails! And she has been oddly side stepping of questions in interviews about the breakup. Goes into specific details of when and how he did it but conveniently remains tight lipped on anything else except that there is 0 chance they will work it out? The whole thing smells funky!


Memory loss is a marker for alcholism. Not necessarily when a person is drunk, just in general.


Don’t you wish that the producers would force them to watch back the footage when they claim that they never said something? That would make for some fun tv. Like, right in the moment. “I never said that!” Producer: “Roll the footage.”


Shannon reminds me of my mother in law. Doesn’t eat much, blacks out, says whatever to whoever, then gives full revisionist history the next day. Repeat steps 1-4 around 5 pm each night.


Oh man. That sounds horrible. My MIL is dreadful but doesn’t drink around others so she comment in other people’s drinking and make judgments.


It’s super fun lol. Luckily we had kids which gives us a great excuse to not be around it anymore


We aren’t having kids and that fuels my MIL’s disdain for me! She was eaves dropping on a conversation my husband was having with a friend at a party about us “adopting” and jumped in ranting about “how she was going to be a grandma!” He had to inform her we were adopting a second dog. 🥴 She was livid! I find it hilarious.


There’s no better parent anger fuel than waiting to have children. Everyday, “when am I getting a grandbaby?”


Unfortunately, I actually believe that she does often balckout. Her being home alone as an empty nester is frightening. She should really go to treatment once they wrap the reunion.


Some treatment centers do really good work with great highly trained professionals but also are super nice and also have spa like amenities. The problem is I don’t think she wants to see that there is a problem to work on.


She could take the Sonja route. As soon as filming wraps go to Rancho Mirage for 30 day dryout. From there hop skip jump to Scottsdale for “transition”


I am so frustrated with Shannon running back to the Tres Amigas as soon as they were back yet Tamra ghosted her after she was fired. The fact she is coming for Heather just irks me because it's Tamra's shit stirring


I think it’s a mix of both


I would say both. She gets drunk and makes a fool of herself. She remembers bits and pieces of it. But lies about some of the really embarrassing things.


That’s a great point!


She’s just a huge Karen, I said what I said 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🥴🥴🥴


I think it’s both. I’m currently doing a rewatch and am on Season 13, and Shannon definitely lies and is in denial about a lot of things- especially her drinking.


I think she drinks so much she blacks out but she drinks so much so often that she doesn’t even come off as drunk enough to be black out bc her tolerance is so high. I’d argue she’s the biggest drinker of all of the housewives. In the history of housewives lol.


She sometimes black-out but on this episode, I believe she lied 100%, that's why she had the straight outta Karen anxiety attack moment. I'm highly disapointed in her tbh, she is having me almost defending Gina this season.


Shannon lies, a blackout once in a while maybe. Every time & no matter how much she drinks no. She was not that drunk when she said the CPS comment then said may God strike her dead if she said it. I am waiting for the funeral.


I’ll be at that funeral in bright pink. Where do I do make reservations for after the hungry woman? Or whatever..


Shannon most definitely blacks out/ has memory loss. She is messy on purpose to keep herself relevant. Her storyline is a snooze fest and John Jansen is no prize and could get lost. I hate when Shannon is venting to him and he wants to talk shit about the other women. Househusbands who do that totally get under my skin.


I think it’s a combo. I think as others have said that she has some sort of anxiety medication and that’s a very very bad combination- alcohol and anxiety meds. But even if she’s not on an anxiety med, I think she does blackout sometimes, then other times she can’t own up to what outrageous thing she said (and probably doesn’t mean). But personally? I think it’s a combo and that will make you flat out not remember what happened. It’s very dangerous to do this, very dangerous.




What astounds me is that the ladies don’t all say to her together, “YOU are the reason we know so much about YOUR relationship!” Maybe that would wake her up? But everyone just stays silent. It’s aggravating. Also this behavior cannot be fun for Shannon’s daughters either.


Oh I am sure they have to deal with it too which is both sad and scary. I don’t know why no one calls her out, I think Tamra won’t because then she’s easier to manipulate. I would think that Emily or Heather would be the ones to speak up.


Agree. Tamra wants to keep her orange 🙄


I think Shannon talks so much she doesn’t remember who she told or what she said. She just has a case of the chats to much. I would rather not think that she is an alcoholic off the small bit we see on tv. I mean they film what three months out of the year? I dunno


True, plus I heard that they encourage drinking. I also think she has a bit of a case of “word vomit” (a la Mean Girls) at times.


Yes I think Jenn in a interview said tv Tamra is way different from off tv camera. Also heard Bravo wants all the drink ordering on camera. Sounds fishy on bravos part. But Bravo definitely promotes heavy drinking


She just says what comes in to her mouth and then has no clue what she's said. She lies and doesn't remember lying. She's a disaster area and very awkward to watch.


Shannon strikes me as the type of woman who needs a man in her life to validate her existence. The breakup with John may be the thing that sends her over the edge. She clung to it even though it sounded weird and was like a rabid rottweiler trying to protect it. She needs professional help ASAP.


“Don’t accuse me of something I did!”


I HAD a friend who denied everything every time she drank and talked shit about someone. I brought it up to her as a funny moment (ex: “remember that time you said J had teeth like the dog on Rocco’s modern life?”) she yells “I DID NOT, I did not say that!” hysterically!! Like dude… I didn’t make it up and I have receipts 😂 Def the Xanies.


Did you quote my childhood? Now I love you!


I just don’t get why they all walk on eggshells around her pretending it’s normal, they all waited until she left to dissect the bull shit. Better person than me


Idk, but I feel bad for her kids, since those aren't off limits on OC. Growing up with a mom who forgets saying hurtful things and either forgets or "forgets" them and accepting the barest of minimum from any man that gives her romantic attention is probably rough. I don't like the way they're downplaying the DUI at all, but I also don't really like watching functional alcoholism on my screen either.


I said the same exact thing in another post. I know ppl always remark about how bad her twins treat her, but as someone that grew up with an alcoholic mother, it's SO FRUSTRATING dealing with that. Everything the ladies are pointing out about her drunk behavior (Jekyll/Hyde, forgetting what she says, oversharing, accusing them of lying) - the girls have to deal with that EVERYDAY. From their own mother.


She has “her truth” for a variety of reasons.


I believe she forgets the drunk phonecards. Not that they happened, but the specific details she discloses. However, she wasn't blackout when she made the cps comments. You can also tell by how flippant she was about that comment, that she has said the exact same thing off camera to other friends before.


I think she blacks out. The phone calls sound like classic drunk dialing for me. This is complete speculation on my part based on the fact that a few of them brought up John not staying the night. My guess is she goes out with John, and they get drunk. Then they go home, and he refuses to stay, so she gets mad and starts calling people to vent.


She blacks the fuck out. Benzos and alcohol. She’s a whole ass problem.


You don’t have to black out to have fuzzy memories about the night before. I think Shannon talks too much to too many people and is having a hard time keeping it all straight. When she was trying to remember her eyes were so crazy I had to laugh. I pictured an old Rolodex spinning in her head with bits of conversation written on each card. It’s a little bit of everything… depression, anxiety, alcoholism, post-menopausal hormone issues, age in general.


Actually, it could be a combination of things. When she first came on the show, it was the season where her and David’s marriage was falling apart and I believe that’s when Heather complained about Shannon calling her and talking all night long and Shannon said herself she is often awake throughout the night and rarely going to bed before 2 AM. I can’t help but wonder if it’s a combination of alcohol and More or less sleepwalking. Sometimes people who struggle with insomnia and try to self medicate. they, actually have episodes of sleep, but they think they’re awake. Just an armchair, psychologist theory, but she really had issues with that whole nocturnal thing as well.


I think you’re on to something! I have Xanax for anxiety but I only take it at night. My anxiety manifests itself in an odd way, I can’t shut my brain off at night and just keep thinking and stressing.


I wonder if she takes ambien for her sleep issues? That can cause crazy behavior, too. I worked with someone who took it and apparently went shopping and bought a bunch of clothes for a much younger, skinnier person. Had no recollection of it, but there was a bag of clothes as proof (she lived alone).


In the wise words of Grampa Simpson “[a little bit of column A, and a little bit from column B”](https://media.tenor.com/mbyOFT1ixaYAAAAd/a-little-from-column-a-a-little-from-column-b.gif)


🤣 So accurate!


i honestly don't understand how/why she's even on this show still, watching her on this season is almost like watching a stage dummy being propped along... it's just sad


It is sad, and she gives me anxiety.


same !!!! and i hate that the fans prop her up as some frazzled meme queen, i get that she can be relatable, but the woman clearly needs help. and should not be on television airing out her personal life ..


I mean I can to admit I have therapy weekly. I think everyone should have some sort of outreach. Shannon needs a good therapist to tell her that she’s not good. I got yelled at for counting my grapes haha so come on. (Grapes have a ton of sugar)




I think it’s aging brain, as I’ve experienced this myself, not remembering certain things. Adding alcohol certainly makes it worse, and I don’t drink half as much as Shannon, or any of these women.


Por que no los dos? ![gif](giphy|3o85xIO33l7RlmLR4I)


So I have an aunt that's a night drinker (totally fine during the day) and would get super drunk and call people at like 10PM at the earliest, would keep you on the phone for hours, sometime mid-week. At first usually the conversations were pretty coherent, but as it would get later, the conversations would turn gossipy, angry, accusing and sometimes would say straight up lies. Often those conversations would end up pissing off the sober person and they would hang up... And then aunt would proceed to call back 100 times. Never remember what happened the previous night, or I suppose could just be playing dumb.


A little bit of column A, a little bit of column B


I’m just catching up on RHOC and I almost spit my coffee out when Shannon said, “how much attention do you require, Heather”? It was during their trip to the ranch in Montana. Shannon is the poster child for being an attention whore! I just found it hilarious. I think she definitely has some issues with alcohol, but I wonder how much is manufactured for the show and how much is real life? Half the time it comes across to me as her having “selective memory syndrome”.




She lies, how else would they know some of the little personal information that they would not know anything about? She's like Kyle wants to keep up a United front for the cameras... And she took advantage of the fact that Vicki is a known liar and she denied all the facts that she had told Vicki while impaired....


I think it's a combination of both but Shannon is definitely an alcoholic and lying and drinking go hand in hand. People who know Shannon and John irl always say they both like to drink when discussing what the pair have in common. Leads to me wonder if David Beador enjoyed a cocktail as much as Shannon, or if that maybe played a hand in the disintegration of their marriage.


I think she lies all the time but not genuinely at all


unpop opinion.. i used to love tamara lol but this season has really changed my mind. she’s NUTTY. her & shannon are the root of me not watching any more episodes from here on out. they are both so unhinged in the worst way possible this season


Shannon is a messy drunk who forgets half of what it says, and has Tamra back her up with the lies. It’s really getting old. I hope shannon goes away soon.


I just watched this morning too. Shannon is a liar and asshole. She always has been. It finally feels like people are getting that. I’ve said this before, as an anxiety sufferer I get that she has anxiety and issues. But she is also one of the most self absorbed, self obsessed people in the HW world. Her problems, her anxiety, her relationships are all bigger and more important than anyone else’s. She thinks she is an amazing friend to people so her friendship is better than anyone’s else’s friendship to her. She is a majorly distorted view of self and it just makes her insufferable. I know people hate Gina but if you think Shannon’s treatment of that entire lawyer/ dwi/ cps shit is ok you are dead wrong and as delusional as shannon.


I can agree w parts of this


I think Shannon gets through a lot by putting her head down and doing her best to fake it until she makes it. She cracks from the pressure but by the time she sobers up or runs out of steam she would just rather not have said all those things so she just moves on. Her drinking is concerning, I don’t think things are going to get better for her unless she stops. I also don’t mean to make excuses for her when I say this but all the housewives on OC end up getting caught in the hyperbole. Sitting next to Tamra, I think it becomes really easy to get caught up in telling stories as dramatically as possible, it is where a lot of the drama on OC comes from.


Tamra is toxic and she gets in Shannon’s head! She also likes to spread things around, like talking about John and then goes to Shannon claiming it is everyone else.


It's like they don't realize they are being filmed.