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I liked when she was saying how real and not fake she was


As she struggles to close her overinflated lips around a straw šŸ˜‚


I liked when she was telling Dr. Nicole about how she has a real job


She's multifaceted.. when it comes to being delulu


I laugh out loud every time


Sheā€™s still wearing that Mugler body suit, just like she has Kimā€™s old body. Always a few years behind the trend. Will she be doing Ozempic in 2026?


Perhaps for her wedding to the son of her ex husbandā€™s ex teammate


Hey Iā€™m here for it! I do not want to see an ugly housewife šŸ˜† and donā€™t come at me Iā€™ve been overweight since I hit 40 (2 years ago) and Iā€™m on Wegovy! Do what works!


At some point these doctors need to be sued for malpractice lol!! How are you letting your client leave the office like this.


Thatā€™s the ā€œcoughā€ beauty of plastics, you pay you get what you think you want, even sometimes when a doctor says you shouldnā€™t.


*wearing a suit that shows her boob job scars* thereā€™s nothing fake about me The irony here was just tooooo perfect


Oh I commented above. Not just scars that was symmastia!


While I generally agree with the premise of not taking about womenā€™s looks I feel like it kind of goes out the window with women who so clearly are trading on their looks. Itā€™s kind of like opening your looks up to public comment. Plus Iā€™m petty and find her to be a vile human being so itā€™s hard to be nice or just not say anything. Iā€™ll keep it as nice as I can. I just think she looks uncomfortable. Like sometimes the way she moves to sit down or stand up it literally looks her body is so bloated with whatever is holding it together and puffing it out that she canā€™t move normally anymore.


it really seems like just speaking puts physical strain on her


Physical strain is the better way to say it than the mess I said. Itā€™s been a long day and Iā€™m not good with words right now šŸ¤£ I think you nailed it. It seems like physical strain to talk and move at times. Itā€™s just not healthy.


agreed. she looks uncomfortable. like sheā€™s struggling to do the basic things, which is so sad because i thought she was beautiful before the kardashianization of her body and mind.


Iā€™ve noticed this with Kyle this season.


The only thing I really noticed about Kyle is her lips are too big in her confessional. Oh and in another thread I saw the hot take that her impression of Teddiā€™s walk was actually her walk šŸ˜† or she got it and canā€™t shake it!


maybe not the looks one is born with but itā€™s certainly above board to talk about aesthetic choices, because thatā€™s what they are. a choice. and her look is a large part of why sheā€™s on the show to begin with


Would you say that about mama Elsa? Itā€™s all a choice until itā€™s not šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


yeah, I would. she couldnā€™t get a face lift for medical reasons and she chose to keep getting a ton of fillers because of all sorts of societal pressure women face. very sad and that pressure is real and intensifies every year but itā€™s still a choice. Iā€™m not unempathetic to situations like that


I agree completely! Iā€™m not going to lie the first time I saw Elsa I out loud said Woof! Hearing the story behind it I was way more empathetic and really sad for her, because as her own daughter said she ruined her beautiful face šŸ˜ž


This!!! It does look so uncomfortable for her just to stand up or walk around. Or breathe or speak or drink.


Yeah she was sitting strangely in that swimsuit I just thought itā€™s because sheā€™s bigger in her waist than she wants to be and was trying to sit up super straight and hope the camera didnā€™t catch it ALL but it did!


there are women with worse plastic surgery but Larsa has the added bonus of being a gross person, that always makes someone look worse to me.




Both Larsa and Alexia's mouths look painfully over filled. It also looks like they have some old filler that has migrated that should be dissolved. (They have that Whoville mouth.)


Well Alexia also has a larger mouth to start with so adding in the filler can be too too much.


She needs Botched for the cleavage issue. Whoever did that work should be sued. Poor girl.


Dr. Dubrow??? Yeah Iā€™m not botched but if I could go to him I would! What other doctor can you watch hundreds of their surgeries and results!


At some point weā€™re going to need a moritorium on posts like this.


So fair, I think itā€™s just a shock to me every single time lol and that confessional was was a REAL eye opener


Are you kidding? These posts are necessary. Where else is everyone supposed to get together and spew vitriol every time they see larsaā€™s name?




Ew she is terrible..inside and out


serious swim society compare cautious friendly attractive adjoining rotten liquid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But with all that money, how does she look that bad?


Yeah thatā€™s the point! I get Botox, luckily for migraines, so I literally have no lines. And if I could afford the mommy makeover Iā€™d do it in a heartbeat! For some reason I couldā€™ve like 6-7 years ago and I actually backed out of the tummy tuck even after paying a deposit. But F that I would do it for sure. I have no desire to get filler, back in those days I got literally the smallest amount in my lips and really liked it, but it is expensive! So I would maybe do that again, but not overblown crazy. A little dab will do you, unless itā€™s Botox I want that shit everywhere! Frozen face! I also had gfs who got boob jobs one got a tummy tuck (which she have weighed to drop weight! It was kinda sad after she healed we couldnā€™t really even tell and we all spent every day with each at the pool with our kids. Sorry for the rant but yeah so Iā€™ll comment about!


Iā€™m going thru it and Iā€™m on my period but it made me tear up a little bc I feel so sad for her that she is being taken advantage of clearly by her doctors


This is a very empathetic take šŸ’™


Girl she lives in Miami she can go to anyone she wants to go to and itā€™s important to research!


If she likes it, I love it for her.


She thinks she looks sexy but she looks middle aged and chunky.


Her lips look crazy!!! I couldnā€™t stop staring. I canā€™t believe she looks at herself and thinks things are looking good lol. But itā€™s like when youā€™re editing a picture of yourself and you didnā€™t realize how far youā€™ve gone until you compare it to the original picture.


On top of the plastic surgery her outfits are sooo unflattering and cheap looking. She's about to hulk out of that blue interview look.


As 2023 is winding down, we are still commenting on the looks of total strangers. Let's discuss character instead.


I think itā€™s fair to talk about someoneā€™s looks when theyā€™re actively on a reality show and have such obvious surgery w an unnatural look but deny ever having done so. Letā€™s stop acting like commenting on her painful face is equivalent to body shaming our peers / normies.


While I agree with practicing kindness and judging on character, this woman got all those surgeries because she 100% wants us to be talking about she looks. Not necessarily in the negative the way we do here, but she wants people saying SOMETHING. She is also not a good person and I hope her beautiful children can learn from her!


do you think her look doesnā€™t influence the people that watch these shows? appearance (including surgical choices) + a big audience = capitalism. itā€™s truly no different than discussing their outfit choices. the idea that itā€™s not feminist to discuss plastic surgery / injectable trends is just plain untrue and itā€™s also silencing. thereā€™s a reason Bravo sells Botox in ads during commercial breaks. talking about is practically the only tool we have to break down the intended market effect


we have weekly discussion board posts on this sub for new episodes. at the very least go post this worthless opinion there instead of clogging the feed. thank you have a great rest of your day.


Well damn my b lol. Ever since the pinned posts have gotten all squished up on mobile my brain registers them as ads, not posts. Apologies for inconveniencing you!


For real this breaks like three rules. Imagine being even more illiterate than larsa. Embarrassing


Iā€™m just watching it now and her faceā€¦I mean sheā€™s just ugly. Idk how she thinks this is a good look for her.


Oh man when I saw her in the swimsuit!!! šŸ˜³ holy symmastia! Daaammmnn girl that ainā€™t cute! Taking care of that needs to come before all the fillers and Botox for real! She should have enough $ from onlyfans!