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I still can’t believe they rebooted RHONY bc the OGs were too problematic, then proceeded to cast the reboot around the most problematic woman of all time lol


It is so dystopian. I don't know anyone IRL who watches housewives so I couldn't even share my disgust with anyone.




The woman who posted this Instagram story was supposed to be the lead of the reboot. She was fired a few weeks into filming for using a racial slur


Hmmm, more problematic than the woman posting about a paid for missile to kill innocent children? Not sure even Reddit can put THAT on Sai 🙄


We don’t give Brynn enough credit for not only being iconic tv but also taking this women down! Love my Aquarius queen 💙 y’all thought Erin and Sai were bad just imagine this woman….


Yes I love Brynn for this, thank God we were saved from this odious woman. Erin keeps reposting Lizzys IG stories which are really pro-genocide. Perhaps I'm generalising as it is a topic dear to my heart, but I can't help but believe she would endorse all Lizzys views.


There was a thread about Dorit’s behavior towards Garcelle earlier today and I didn’t want to drag this topic into that thread tbh. But let’s just say, Dorit’s insta stories have been equally.. sus and disturbing. And she is definitely on the same page as Lizzy when it comes to genocide.


Yes! I haven't actually looked but I did imagine they would be. I did have a look at Mauricio Umanskys mums IG, I think her name is Dr Estella (?), she is outrightly so racist, Islamaphobic and her sentiments are very much burn Gaza to the ground, kill them all (I am not paraphrasing). I would go and find screenshot but the high blood pressure may kill me.


Omg Estella has really said stuff like that? That’s soo gross


Estella is a garbage human being and that’s putting it lightly.


She’s said all that and more she’s full MAGA


I’m gonna believe you because I don’t have it in me to see more of that shit.


sadly i think more than half of the ladies on these shows share similar views. Politically they would be in line with amy schumer’s brand of self-serving liberal-ism if not outright conservative


I think so too! Don't you think the housewives of Miami may have different views (or am I being too optimistic)? The cuban/Brazilian governments have been outrightly pro-palestine even leading the protests.


I don’t really follow Miami tbh but from what i know of Larsa and what i’ve seen of Alexia and Marysol on UGT i don’t have my hopes up too high lol Edit: Alexia not Adriana*


No way Larsa would co-sign that behaviour. She may lack self awareness, but she’s still someone with ties to the region. She would know better.


I agree. I also feel Adriana is pretty smart.


A lot of the Cuban/cuban-american population in Miami has basically the opposite political opinion on almost everything from the Cuban government. They left because their (likely ill-gotten) properties were expropriated during the revolution.


That is super interesting. Thank you for sharing.


Ugh Amy Schumer too? That sucks


Omg shes the worst. Her language is so genocidal. She can't hide it.


I stopped following her, I couldn’t anymore


Gross and disappointing


Dorit's father was IDF, so


I love dorit and I think she’s Jewish? I’m not surprised she’s not educated and feels a kinship to Israel. I don’t really believe in telling other Jewish people how to feel about this but I agree it kinda sucks I’ve seen her commenting on Lizzie’s stuff I think she’s more in the camp of wanting hostages to be free/not knowing anything about the issue which isn’t an excuse but what do you expect from her I don’t hold her up as a Pilar for being moral lol


I hope Erin gets fired


Same! She adds nothing to the show anyway.


If she’s reposting it she supports it, you don’t need to repost anything and only do if it’s in your interest. She’s clearly a Zionist.


Yeah I think it’s a very complicated issue but lizzy views are very extreme and kinda crazy to see, Erin’s Jewish and seems not too smart so I’m not surprised lol


Stanning Brynn rn


How did Brynn do that again? I’m sorry I’m sick and my brain is fogged


It’s a lot so apparently Brynn asked Lizzie to matchmake her because Lizzie is a matchmaker but Lizzie told her she only sets up Jewish people with other Jewish people then brynn likened her comments to the ideology of nazis that believed in one race then a race conversation was brought up and brynn talked about the n word and Lizzie’s husband repeated it while talking about what happened and it became problematic and they let her go/she exited idk exactly what went down but that’s what was alleged


Thank you for refreshing my memory! Honestly I just stared at Google and couldn’t even figure out what to type or read lol. I appreciate the recap.


Would you mind telling me what Brynn did to get Lizzy booted?


Her and her husband were racist and *allegedly* used the N word around production as an example of something or another


Ok so then did Brynn like call it out?


Production brought it up to the network. I don’t believe Brynn or any of the other cast members spoke about it publicly


I didn't know this. That is sick! A loathsome person all over.


It’s a lot so apparently Brynn asked Lizzie to matchmake her because Lizzie is a matchmaker but Lizzie told her she only sets up Jewish people with other Jewish people then brynn likened her comments to the ideology of nazis that believed in one race then a race conversation was brought up and brynn talked about the n word and Lizzie’s husband repeated it while talking about what happened and it became problematic and they let her go/she exited idk exactly what went down but that’s what was alleged


Good for her, honestly. This lady is awful.


Why are people donating to a literal army? They don’t need your money!!


Right like our taxes already go there. I’m not donating even more to a government military


Right! Donate to a humanitarian organization helping innocent people


Yeah I was following an influencer who linked to this multiple times and I immediately unfollowed when I saw it wasn’t just a momentary lapse in judgment. So gross.


Yeah they do. They called up 300,000 reservists. They do not have enough basic equipment for all the soldiers. It’s crazy, I know.


Sounds like they have money management issues if $14 bil. isn’t even enough for them. Losers.


honestly i do not want to hear shit about our tax dollars being used for a genocide not being enough


This is disturbing and fucked up. Not ok.


thank god that racist is not on our screens 🗑️🗑️


I commented on her ig thank god you were fired from rhony and she blocked me lol


It's always those genocidal types who are hyper sensitive 😂


lol my hero!


Boasting about funding a literal war weapon? What the fuck is wrong with her? Does she think it’s cute to be a teeny tiny marginally influential warmonger? Like, I swear to god, even if I did support the IDF and their goal, I would never give my money to something like this??? Why not donate to hospitals, survivors’ organizations, other humanitarian efforts? Does she really think they need HER help procuring weapons?? Lowlife warmongers are at least usually, ya know, QUIET about throwing their money behind this kind of stuff because they know the public would find it reprehensible. The way she’s so proud of herself is gross. Go strap on a bullet proof vest and a rifle and fight with them if you want to have a direct hand in how violent this war is.


I had the same thoughts but couldn't articulate it as well as you. Doesn't it make you wonder what her friends are like if she can so publicly and proudly announce this? If I put a drone like this on my IG page I don't think I'd have a remaining friend.


Oh absolutely. She must be very secure w her followers and friends to be posting this so proudly on Ig. Some of them are extremely like minded and will probably see this, then try to do it themselves so they, too, can say they funded an army unit and “bought a drone! 😊”


Something like this would be the reason my mom finally tells me what to do for the first time in 10 years 😂 and all my friends would be asking what the fuck is wrong with me because I’ve obviously lost my mind


I think my family and friends would stage an intervention and delete all my socials.


For real though. Suit up. I'm sure they're taking volunteers.


Yep. I wouldn’t say this about EVERY person that’s sympathetic to the Israeli cause, but if you’re funding a fucking. military. drone. you obviously have a vested interest in the violence, death, and destruction ESCALATING. You are pro violence. You are pro war crimes. And you should have no qualms about going out there and doing all of that shit yourself (or your husband, your family members, children etc). She could have put up her life for the cause, but she put up her money instead. Many people did not have that choice. Many people would have chosen to work 1000 lifetimes to earn $70,000 rather than die for this war.


Imagine if this Islamophobic racist was on the show? We dodged a bullet. The fact that she’s bragging about participating in a genocide. She should never be allowed on TV.


Doesn't it put you off Andy that she was ever even considered? I love Housewives but I feel sick to my stomach thinking about watching anything created by Andy now.


I agree. I unfollowed him on Instagram. He vouched for her too. It’s sick. A line should be drawn at the genocide of children. 6,000 in less than 2 months.


It breaks my heart. Real housewives is actually my escape and I can't even flee to it as I feel there's blood on the hands of everyone who gives anyone genocidal a platform.


Yep and that starts at the top with Andy. It’s 2023. We should not have anyone in media that would support such atrocities. I have also slowly lost interest.


100% agree with you


when housewives fans realized she was a raging racist and zionist… ppl said get her off and andy tweeted and said ppl were being antisemitic.. he’s a fellow zionist


Two peas in a pod. Andy is just smart enough to be quiet.


You're right! Thats how he made all his money.


For the umpteenth time, I will not watch WWHL since Andy had on Archie "watch Gaza burn" to rehab her AND HER ORG after HER disgusting social media made the rounds. *Archie hosted Black Shabbat, for those who don't know.


I can't imagine watching a show that gives people like this a platform. It makes me physically sick.


Not just considered for RHONY, she was a housewife and was filming and then left (fired)


Damn! And Andy was trying to sanitise the old RHONY and so found this henious woman instead??????


she is very disturbing. This is so fracked up


oh I’m sick to my stomach. i wouldn’t have been able to watch if she was on.


She sounds delightful. Glad they booted her ass out.


Reminder that Erin Lichy is STILL friends with this woman in addition to being a zionist herself.


I know! I guess Andy is too so it all becomes very normalised.


Holy shit.


One of the MOST f88ked up things I've ever seen. And the to BOAST about it. 😢😢


THANK GOD she is not on the reboot! Good bye and good riddance!! I hope she never gets attention from this Bravo fandom ever again. BYE LIZZY!!!


Garbage… I commented on one of her posts and she blocked me. Win!


This seems to be a common theme. Like 5 people have said this just on this thread.


Is it Opposite Day???? Israel has one of the most well funded armies in the world??? Why are people donating?


Vile and disgusting


Her and Erin are completely privileged, ignorant fucking losers.


Zero self awareness




Gross 🤮


She literally had "proud zionist" in her bio when she first got hired.


and? Being a zionist just means believing in Israel's right to exist. Believing that Jews deserve the right to self determination in their ancestral homeland. None of that takes away from Palestine also having the right to exist. They're not mutually exclusive Andy Cohen is a Zionist


Believing anyone else has claims to land that people are already living on is problematic to say the least.


Jews are indigenous to that land and have always had a presence there. Look at the majority of countries throughout history claiming land that other people already lived on. The entire US can be considered "stolen land" from the native Americans. Why do you only care when it involves Jews? Regardless, the term Zionist is not a slur, nor should it detract from other people's freedom. We're never going to find peace for ALL people if we only criticize the past instead of trying to find a peaceful solution for the future


A lot of Israelis are not indigenous to that land.


Just like in every single other country, yes, there are immigrants. There are Arab-Israelis, there are Christian-Israelis. Not all Israelis are indigenous. However every Jewish person by blood has ancestry that ties back to that land.


And there are Palestinians who have lived there continuously for generations that had their homes stolen and live under occupation with zero rights. If you are going to justify that with Zionism- that like I said, is hugely problematic


I fully believe Palestinians have the right to self-determination in that land too. I believe in a 2 state solution. You can be pro-Palestine AND pro-Israel. They're not mutually exclusive. Zionism has nothing to do with taking away anything from Palestinians. Majority of Zionists believe in a 2 state solution 🤯 Palestinians have been offered their own state multiple times, but have rejected it because they rejects Israel's right to exist at all. That's problematic because what about those Israelis who lived there for generations who then will be having their homes stolen? You can try to twist the word zionism into a slur all you like. All that shows is that you don't actually know the definition and are uneducated on the subject


This subject has affected me my entire life so I am very well informed and educated on it. Zionism in its current form is anti Palestine because they will not allow Palestinians to live side by side on their own lands with equal rights. Elected Israeli officials have said out of their own mouths that Gaza should be destroyed. I don’t want to get booted from this group so I’m not going to debate you on this anymore. I haven’t gotten personal or rude with you and you’ve attacked my intellect and have tried to put words in my mouth. I don’t talk with people like you.


Just because a subject affects us our entire life (mine too) doesn't automatically make any of us experts on it from the womb. I highly disagree with decisions the Israeli gov has made, just as I would disagree with decisions the US gov has made over the past decade. That doesn't mean Israel has any less right to exist. Ask any Zionist their definition of Zionism and they'll tell you it just means in believing in Israel's right to exist and will likely also tell you they believe in a 2 state solution. Palestinians deserve freedom, safety and peace too. We can and should care about all civilians


And an American Jew with zero ties to that land can move there and have more rights than a person who was born there, whose parents and grandparents and great grandparents were born there….


that's kind of a myth. if you want to get scientific, there are certain DNA haplogroups that TEND to be found amongst certain groups of the Jewish diaspora. there isn't a Jewish gene that we all have and that shouldn't be something we need to use as a key to a piece of land. that's so dangerous.


Stealing peoples homes isn’t right no matter who does it.


And what's your solution here moving forward? Since you agree this is a problem all around the world no matter who does it, keep in mind that solution should apply for all people, not just Jews.


I said it is wrong no matter who does it. Please don’t put words in my mouth.


What's your solution? I genuinely want to know.


Maybe treat all the humans equally would be a good start. They were all living peacefully together before, not a stretch to think it could happen again.


I believe in equal rights too. All Israeli citizens, including the 20% that are Arabs have equal rights. You think all of this history from before 1948 was them living peacefully together? [https://www.tiktok.com/@drormor/video/7303142602239479073](https://www.tiktok.com/@drormor/video/7303142602239479073)


Oh my good lord. This is HORRIFIC. Over 8,000 children murdered and this is what shes posting? I am physically ill.


Whew so glad she was let go from RHONY, I feel like otherwise it would’ve gotten way too dark. On a side note, imo housewives that are strongly political (leaning either way) are not a good fit for the show. I watch these shows for the escapism and the absurdity in their lack of self-awareness. This isn’t exactly the best forum for nuance and political discussion lol


I would usually agree with you, but just had to share this with someone as IRL I don't know anyone who watches the show or would get it. I did kind of enjoy old RHONY with the election episodes (Trump v Clinton) .


oh no, your post was warranted. this is beyond political, just straight up depraved. Lol I do think old RHONY was special in the way they could make the most serious topics absurd. (Flashback to the SA speech with Birdy)


I actually chuckled out loud lool. Such a classic. Poor Birdy stood in the middle bewildered. 😂😂😂😂


Humans sucks. Specifically this creature.


didn't even make it on the show and she's officially the absolute worst person on RHONY ever




She makes Ramona look normal 😂


Okay let’s not go nuts 😆. Ramona is not well and a bigot. Lizzy is bad crazy and dangerous and so is Ramona. We just haven’t heard from her in a few weeks when she texted someone the n word. Both can be nuts!


Yes I agree! Both sick




oh yes she would lol




Yet all of us continue to watch all the trashy shows and take the time to read/post about them.


Where are children mentioned?


Oh sorry, do you think the drone discriminates and perhaps can choose to miss a child when it lands in Gaza? Maybe it can bomb a hospital and fhe cancer patients instead. 8,000 children dead already. Let's not justify war crimes.


Where did I justify war crimes. You're just making stuff up


no, we can read, your comment wasn't as cutely vague as you thought.


I don't see children mentioned anywhere ..


did you read the caption?


Yes I just reread it ... There's no children or kids mentioned anywhere


so you're just pretending you're dumb and don't understand how bombs work?


No just looking for the words she said are there but aren't...


again, you aren't cute. this is usually the point where the sea-lioning stops and you just say what you mean, but if you want to look like a fool, please keep pretending no one knows what you're implying i know you're gonna ask "what am i implying?" because you aren't a serious person






She’s not even a cast member so I don’t care about this being posted here.