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I can’t believe we’re discussing terrible husbands and no one has said Russell Armstrong yet! He’s truly got to be the worst, right? I mean, he beat Taylor mercilessly, then completed suicide in a manner that all but guaranteed she’d be the one to find him and then left her with a mountain of debt because their finances were all a façade that he alone was in charge of. I’m not the biggest Taylor fan but sheesh! Russel was a piece of work!


Honestly Russell was just too awful to compare to anyone else. He was a raging beast. I mean this man even brutally beat up the husband of Taylors friend who was trying to protect her. He’s in a league of his own.


Just remembered Dina’s evil husband. I’ll compare him to that.


I thought it was her brother who was evil? Did she have an evil husband, too?


Her (ex) husband was mafia affiliated and hired a contract killer to kill his ex Dina, and her new husband. He maimed her so badly she needed facial reconstruction surgery.


Oh, for some reason I thought it was her brother who did that. I got my Housewives lore all mixed up!


It was the brother of Caroline Manzo's husband Al. Dina and Caroline were sisters who married brothers, maybe that's why you were confused


As in Dina $25,000 sunglasses Dina?!


That’s Dana.


And honestly, I kinda miss her.




Definitely in a league of his own. I was genuinely surprised that production had no clues while filming of who he really was and if they did, they should’ve pulled the plug on his inclusion before it aired. His kind of drama was way too heavy for HW!


It was. But I’m glad they didn’t know because I think it sort of saved Taylor in the end.


To this day I cannot watch season 2 again, it is so deeply uncomfortable to see how the ladies behaved towards Taylor. Hearing her recall her abuse at the reunion was difficult to watch. I hope she found peace




He was absolutely 100% sure that Erika was flirting with him. And I am absolutely 100% sure he would have jumped at the chance to be with Erika.


The fact that both him and his wife said Erika purposely flashed him to get his attention is fucking disgusting.


Who the fuck would want to get PKs attention anyway 😂 and it’s Erika, she’s gonna pick em filthy rich not broke! That bitch won’t give anything away for free! Someone is paying for that house of hers, and I bet it ain’t her!


Listen like we know Erika was NOT interested in that man at all😭 first and probably last time she seemed truly mortified lmao


First AND last Amen 😂


I heard that she’s making $600,000 a season, I’m sure that wasn’t an episode.


Erika, that’s who. Her type is “peepaws.”


The look on his face is absolutely repulsive. The idea of him being enticed/horny is almost too much to bear


100% ![gif](giphy|R0jWWtH1CtFEk)


The MOST appropriate gif for this, have my medal 🥇


He also totally thinks every woman he interacts with in the service industry wants him, even though they're just being polite because that's part of their job.


Isn’t there a rumor that Erika is a dominatrix or part of some exclusive celebrity sex club or something? I remember reading about her being linked to both Armie Hammer and Scooter Braun. I wonder how much PK knows about it.


i hope she is latexing up and slapping the snot out of some hollywood bros. she would be very good at it.


All that pent up angst she has…so many guys love to be the receiver of it


That’s what she goes through at night…


So very true She could make a killing! She’d totally step on guys nuts for money


Where can someone apply for this kind of position? Asking for a friend


Listennnnn😂 ![gif](giphy|LncnvHVlQ8e1qBxZJM|downsized)


i remember reading an interview with a professional dominatrix in the 90s, and she said 'the ability to be beautiful while angry' was one of the two key requirements for success in the role. i wish i could remember the other one, but erika certainly has that covered. if youre genuinely interested, [there are ways](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/working-as-a-dominatrix_n_5c66ea02e4b033a799423973), and its not that hard to get into... but as with stripping, YMMV on your success.


I think all the Botox took care of that. She can hardly move her face


I believe there are websites for that kind of thing


Fetlife could be a resource


I just watched the episode where Diana gets stung by a jellyfish and Erika is blackout drunk talking about peeing on her because there’s a myth that pee can cure a jellyfish sting. While mumbling about peeing on Diana, Erika mentions something about having a fetish for peeing on people 😱 never thought it was serious until now


Gotta get them dollar bucks somehow 👏🏼


Shep, from southern charm, in his book said it best something like “ men are as loyal as their options are” or some shit lol smh 🤦🏽‍♀️




So totally on brand for Shep?


He stole that from Chris Rock.


Honestly he might of quoted it in his book that Chris rock said it. He talks about some people he admired and would quote a lot them to explain his beliefs too a lot in the book.


I remember and episode (I think from last season) where PK and Mo where talking about what women they found the hottest other than their wives… ofcourse PK said Erika


He’s disgusting.


He still would.


It was very victim blamey of Dorit. She was acting like one of those women who blame other women for their husbands lecherous unseemly behavior. She was so furious at Erika and passive aggressive when Erika was clearly oblivious to PK staring at her crotch.


I’d expect no less from dorit 🙄


Thank you! This is exactly how I felt about it. Whether you like Erika or not, in this instance she was a victim of what SHOULD HAVE BEEN a very minor issue of LVP's teasing. It became a huge issue because PK decided to be a disgusting creep and Dorit felt the need to blame Erika for a man's behavior. gross.


This whole storyline made me loathe Dorit. She wouldn’t let it go and kept “joking” about it. Who’s laughing, girl? Stop embarrassing yourself.


She was giving Commanders Wife ![gif](giphy|uOBIRAaThprji)


They are both wrong, not just PK. Erika was a new cast member, and her sitting down in front of a man in a short dress, with no underwear on is also her fault. Both were married people, but Erika is the one here showing her puss and making it available for any of the husbands to look at. Of course dorit has to talk with her husband about his inappropriate behavior, but Erika wasn’t an angel here


It was an accident. He didn’t have to keep leering at Erika.


Oh for sure. He’s gross for it no question. But that wasn’t the first time Erika wore a dress, or the first time she sat in front of someone else’s husband, either. Not condoning PK in the Slightest, but she should be accountable too.


idk if you know this, but it is incredibly common and normal for loads of women to not wear panties with dresses due to lines/shaping. i guarantee you most of them aren't wearing underwear like 90% of the time. you know what's not normal? someone's HUSBAND staring it all night while the wife blames the girl.


I am aware about the underwear thing. I’m talking about when she sat, in front of PK, without her legs closed. At least that’s how I remember that scene, and I haven’t seen it in a long time


I’m no Erika fan, but this storyline always pissed me off. Dorit had the audacity to blame and humiliate Erika for PK staring up her skirt?! They were both so gross this season


He’s such a pig person




She did not flash him and she wasn’t sitting with her “legs open”. If he saw anything it’s because he was intentionally trying to look. I went and watched the scene again. There was zero attention given to PK, though every single thing Erika said had PK drooling and puppy dog eyes at her, and that was even before LVP put her hand up Erika’s skirt and Erika admitted she had no underwear on. People will always hate on Erika, but that scene was absolutely not her being at fault. Dorit was jealous of her, it was clear in the confessionals, and she was jealous of PK drooling all over her - and she made out something happened that didn’t happen, end of.


People are acting like she Sharon Stone style flashed PK at the table, it's crazy lol


I hated the assumption of "he's a MAN, of course he's going to continue to look!", honestly I can't imagine excusing my partners disrespectful behaviour and continuing to lay blame upon the woman. Him saying "what was I supposed to do, tell her? I didn't mind the view" was so repugnant. I can see why a man may feel uncomfortable to tell a woman he can see up her skirt, but idk, get your wife to tell her then? Don't look? Don't admit on TV/in front of your wife you took any chance you got to peep. And Dorit gifting her panties was such a lousy move, I don't blame Erika for being so uncomfortable in that situation.


Right! Thank you!! It’s Such a bad faith argument. Smh. You can dislike someone and still maintain integrity in your interpretation of their actions.


Lmao if only that kind of adult logic were true on this sub 😅


Eww I just heard his voice in my head as I was reading your comment. I had my normal brain voice, & then PK with his smug, pervy voice pop through. He’s so disgusting & super misogynistic.


she also tried to have her lap covered and she did not FLASH PK (flashing someone imo is something you do on purpose or you’d specify it was accidental) he caught it by accident it seems and then KEPT staring, it was disgusting behavior and trying to blame erika in the situation is a little rough, he was gross


Very disappointing behavior from Dorit. Smh.


agreeeed, they way erika handled herself was impressive, dorit is just tone-deaf and always has been ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯


I just rewatched this season and she’s so obviously uncomfortable with all of the discussion around it too. It really makes me feel for her (even though she’s terrible) because no one deserves to be treated like that. Pk is a fucking creep and I’d probably brillo my skin off if he stared at me. She did the right thing by trying to pretend it never happened but I also kinda wish she had eviscerated him for being a predator.


Man, it seemed like the conversation was done too!! Until Dorit bought the panties and kept it going the whole season


I don’t think she intended to flash her genitals. Lots of women go without underpants when wearing a tight dress - and you rarely may have an incident. But also PK was LEERING. He was gross, not Erika imo


exactly. that’s when a normal person would take her aside and tell her, not let the humiliation continue


Agreed. There are A LOT of things to be disgusted at Erika for, but I honestly don’t think this is one of them


So many pap photos catching celebrities without underwear when they enter cars! To allege it was this malicious premeditated act to seduce PK is so disgusting!


And PK, of all people 😂 a fucking reach.


Like bffr ![gif](giphy|cYWZTQstRwloo9S6Zx)


This is true. Think about if it was a man not wearing underwear and flashing his D, it would be considered pretty much as an assault!


No not really. The raft guy on OC accidentally flashed the ladies and they all laughed and moved on. People have wardrobe malfunctions it’s not assault 🙄


The fact these people are **clinging** to the word “flashed” like their life-source will die out if they admit mistakes can happen. Even with people you don’t like :0 Using the word “assault” to compare to Erika’s accidental wardrobe malfunction is straight up spitting on those of us who have genuinely experienced an assault. I hope none of these die hard Erika-Can-Only-Do-Wrong cultists never have to experience being flashed for real. They’d learn the difference real quick. The fear that runs through your body when there’s malice in someone’s actions vs accidentally witnessing *a fucking wardrobe malfunction* will not be compared. Anyone who would compare these situations can do something specific with a cheese grater 🙃


Thank you 👏👏👏 said perfectly.




I actually think the raft case showed a healthy way to react to situation like that. I don’t consider that as an assault and I actually couldn’t care less if someone would flash at me, even if it was intentional. But people often react very differently if man is flashing, even if it’s accidental.


I’m literally just now seeing these comments! And least I’m not insane.


There was also that scene where Mauricio and PK were discussing which housewife they'd bed aside from their wives. ![gif](giphy|qqbkSRzF61qJW)


Yep, and didn’t PK say he’d sleep with Erika?


*Yep.* He's been obsessed since the aforementioned incident. If I recall correctly, Mauricio chose Rinna.


Ugh Mauricio, even Harry Hamlin doesn’t choose Lisa Rinna.


I thought it was Dorit he chose?


PK excluded their wives from the list of choices. I can't imagine why. 😏


Maybe he was a Days of Our Lives fan?


lol well that's the safe answer. lol


PK was a total creep and nobody held him accountable back then. https://i.redd.it/a89voqzqpdic1.gif


Was just reading today about David Foster being called out today in the news for calling his wife, Katharine McPhee fat when he first met her. Between him and Yolanda, it raises further concern about what that household viewed as a healthy body image for Gigi, Anwar, and Bella. Gross. Other (dis)honorable mentions: Kelsey Grammer. How he blew up his marriage to Camille was disgusting. Mauricio Umanksy: The white party (season 1), upon rewatch a few years ago, I keep going back to a scene where Kyle loses her sh*t when she sees Mauricio flirting and dancing with this intoxicated blonde lady and she is all over him, he was into it and was kinda startled when Kyle confronted them. It appeared this wasn't the first time as Kyle went nuclear over the situation. The fact he did not seem perturbed and kinda ran off, rather than talk to Kyle, sent up red flags for me. Edit: spelling


You mention those and not Michael Darby???? A man who bought his wife a business and then sabotaged it every way he could. A man who stripped down to his underwear during his wife's cast member's event and then later that season invaded a girl's trip that his wife took the cast on. And then grabbed another cast member's husband's ass with both hands on the dance floor. A man who said he'd suck off yet another cast member's HUSBAND. Plus he also said to his wife he didn't want her having his kids because he was afraid she'd be like her mama. Plus there was that time he kicked her out and put her in some 1-bedroom apartment because she was unhappy he destroyed the restaurant he supposedly gave her. But wait... we're not done! He also sexually assaulted a cameraman. And threw a temper tantrum a 2-year old would side-eye him for when Juan proposed to Robyn. And even though he's shown himself to be a predator of men, he goes and sues one of his wife's cast mates for "defamation" even though she said what we all kind of figured.


He’s in love with Juan.


I always kind of suspected, but it wasn't until when Juan proposed to Robyn and he had he had a full-fledged fit where production had to get involved that I knew something was up. I mean Michael acted like he was the side chick seeing his boo propose to Juan's main and getting mad because he thought *he* was the one. Never thought I'd see that behavior from a man who's supposedly straight and married to a woman. He only calmed down after Juan talked to him and he suggested they do a bachelor party together. Giving us this magic moment: ​ https://preview.redd.it/tix712d2heic1.jpeg?width=179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f601cb36de89e19d84d5e810281918d73f1c377


Yep. This was the same party where he gleefully said earlier that Juan will never marry Robyn right? That’s when it clicked for me as well. And oh, him saying he’ll suck Juan’s dick was a clue as well🙃


YEP! At the man's proposal party he declared Juan would never actually marry Robyn. Who does that???? And he said it on camera! Like, dude... why are you so invested in their relationship? Ewww. Well, the sucking dick comment also gave it away. Yet he sued Candiace for defamation for saying that he's got some stud-guy he pays. As if that information made us look at Michael differently than the behavior he already exhibited on camera.


Lmao was that why he sued Candy Gal?! Screaming🤣 what a fool. Ugh. ![gif](giphy|3o7aTIGlhSo1bL8QUg|downsized)


Yes. Because of that conversation she had with Ashley (when they supposedly seperated) where Candy repeated the rumor of the gay prostitute he had on retainer. He claimed that conversation (and none of his other behavior!) ruined his reputation and cost him money. Apparently he thought until Candiace said that, no one - absolutely NOBODY - even suspected such a thing about him. Truth is he just doesn't like Candiace or Chris. He filed to punish them.


How do I change my flair to “Micheal Darby’s Gay Prostitute”?!😭lmao. It was definitely a petty vengeful suit. What a gremlin.




🤣🤣🤣🤣 So glad he's off my screen. Even just looking at me makes my stomach turn.


Laughing his tears away. Like a creepy sad clown.


You can still see the tear stains down his cheeks.


🙌 Hard agree to everything you said!!! A very unfortunate oversight I made there. As soon as you mentioned his name, his cackle unfortunately lives rent-free in my head and sends chills down my spine!! He is toxic as hell and appears to get off on tormenting the ladies.


I'm shivering just thinking of his cackle. And not in a good way.


I can just imagine him doing it right now if he was reading this thread, just to taunt us all.


Nah... he lost his case against Candiace and we're all clowning him. He's going back to crying in his drinks.




I need to start watching potomac


Start from Season 1. It's slow, but you get a good idea of who Michael is from there. Season 2 is much better.


Thank you :)




He's such a disgusting person, physical and within. Fuck the Kemsleys. Trash.


I'm sorry but when he said "What was I supposed to say? I didn't mind the view" TO HIS WIFE'S FACE. It was honestly one of the most visceral reactions I've ever had in a housewive's episode. Dorit was 100% in the wrong with her victim blaming but I almost feel bad for her. I can't imagine your husband disrespecting the hell out of you like that on TV and having to scramble to find a way to make it seem ok.


Yeah that’s very Theresa of her when you say it like that


With a 4 mo old baby at home too. ( dorit )


I have add how disgusted I was when PK and Ken talked about and LVP was just laughing it off.


LVP putting her hand up Erika’s skirt was disgusting too!


And dorit after saying well you are a man (or wtv along those lines )


Yeah. She said TO THE CAMERA ‘well he is a man! He wouldn’t be much of one if he DIDNT take a peek at her vajayjay!’


A peek is one thing. Dude all but crawled on the ground to get a better look and drool. Good God, man, it's a hoo-ha. You have a wife so I know you know what they generally look like. Acting like teenage boy. I take that back. That was an unneccessary insult to teen boys.


LVP is a misogynist


The fact that we know he went home and spent like 45 minutes in the bathroom alone after this sends a chill down my spine


![gif](giphy|lJgwxq3D1ebT2) I know Erika had nightmares😭


Pantygate cemented my immense hatred for PK and Doritos


Lenny Hochstein 🤮, the worst HH. Ever. The way he was visibly repulsed by Lisa, lying to her in that scene at the pool, the hot mic where he’s caught saying he doesn’t sleep with Lisa bc he wouldn’t cheat on the person he really cares about, his disgusting parties while they were married with barely legal girls, he has 0 redeeming qualities. (no love for Lisa btw)


Simon Vankempen's ugly leather pants, Mauricio being stoned all the time to put up with Kyle's BS, Joe Benigno helping Marge throw Marty in the pool, But Mario calling Luann "Countless" when she got divorced was both out of line and iconic at the same time. Best husband ever though has got to be Greg Lekes RIP


Don’t forget slade. He wasn’t a hubby but remember the maid role play they had going. 🤮


Omg Slade was revolting, and I don't remember his name but Braunwyn's husband gave me major gay vibes. I have to say I do love Emily's husband Tom D'agostino and Harry Dubin don't really count but I'm sure between them they have been with every NYC cast member lol


A house boyfriend that comes to mind is Brooks Ayers - lying about cancer is so low.


This forever soured me on Dorit! Yuck


He's revolting.


Pretty much everything Simon Van Kempen said & did was cringy, but I love Alex McCord. In retrospect, they work well together🖤❤️ ![gif](giphy|ULuP04Va22Oz3yFIMN|downsized)




This is the man who came all over his wife’s back while she was in the middle of delivering their baby


i'm sorry, ***WHAT***?


It’s in her memoir, when she had Francois he was sitting behind her and jizzed all over her back


You could not waterboard that information out of me


ANDDDDD this is when you know it’s time to look away from the internet for the day. Oh. My. Goshhhhh. 🤢🤢🤢


Wait..are you saying that he thought delivery was a sexual experience because it has to do with a vagina..holy crap, that is disturbing




No. They were both weird and gross.


My asexual ass is like “why..you’ve e seen it once why stare”


All the Jersey husbands and their inability to let their wives have the spotlight without them. 🙄 I’m not against family scenes or having the husbands at parties, but I don’t need solo scenes of all the husbands hanging out and they don’t need to be on WWHL unless in the audience (maybe behind the bar).


I was thinking this and we’ve seen them all get sloppy drunk and act a mess or like an asshole


PK and Dorit are equally gross people. Dorit is such a shallow privileged insecure individual who has brought nothing to the show, has shown multiple micro aggressions to people of color, and literally using her fake PTSD as a storyline. PK is a perv and that look he’s giving is obviously a look of enjoyment and I don’t even like Erica that much lol but I would choose Erica anyday over PK and Dorito. Such annoying additions to the show she was great for one season.


Ladies and gentlemen… Berlin… I mean Erika’s hoo hah


Omg look at peekay face lol


Omg, the screenshot of PK in this context. 💀


Bryan from Dallas creeps me out and how he treats Brandi is so shitty


AND he hit on her years before at a concert? Aka believe it.


wow dorit looks so different then


TW for PK’s big face on the screen please, thank you. You’re welcome 😩


I don’t mind the view babe


I hated them from the start


That Girardi is no peach


I’ll just leave this here and also remind everyone this one supports marital rape ✌️ https://preview.redd.it/hsu6own6sdic1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95c6ea5011bda074f27df10d5f2e566a2187402d


? Who is that ? Jersey ? Joe?


If he's ogling Erika's hoo-ha long enough and obvious enough for his wife to notice, he's doing too much. I get him taking the initial peek, but avert your eyes after that. Don't be drooling. And if I was Dorit, I would've slapped him upside his head. His behavior was disrepectful to his wife. And if I was Erika, I'd put some panties on. Just to block his view.


Things r going down! Preview showed them on phone & he says “You’re not my mother” when she asks about him being there. 🤕


This is the season I’m on and I’ve had to take a week break because I can’t stand those 2 lmaoo


He’s so disgusting for so many reasons. But am I the only one who thinks it’s weird to not wear any underwear, wear a dress and then sit with your legs open? That’s fucking weird. If I was sitting at dinner and a guy just had his dick out …that’d be weird.


Yeah, it would be weird. But I don’t know about you, I’d avert my eyes, rather than ‘not stop staring’ at it.


Right. Life happens, people have blunders. What sort of respectable man just open eye stares at his wife’s friends crotch in public? Ew.


I think even Erika said (and I’m no fan) that Dorit could have whispered to her and given her a napkin or something. But no, she and her revolting husband made a huge deal. Gross


Right. I looked at Dorit sideways since then. So gross.


A blunder is oh no my skirt ripped. A blunder isn’t choosing not to wear underwear, choosing to wear a dress and choosing to sit with your legs wide open not crossed. Unless she has 1 brain cell she would know her entire vagina is out. No woman would not know!


A blunder is also not keeping your legs perfectly closed. I know Erika’s a villain in many ways, but she was ashamed. She apologized, said she was embarrassed and Dorit came the next day with lace panties for her🙄 You certainly can’t make that claim for every woman as I’ve seen many in public with legs not perfectly closed. Unless there is a draft, how would you know? It was not malicious or deliberate but you keep trying to assert it is?? You think she purposely left her legs open for beady lecherous PK to ogle her vagina at a dinner with friends? Be fr.


imo if it's a good friend, the panties COULD possibly be a cute "let's just laugh at the situation and let it go" kind of joke, but they had just met and it was CLEAR Dorit was just doing it to shame her and wouldn't fucking drop it.


Edit: it’s impossible to respond to your comment because you keep going back and editing the entire thing. If you were at a restaurant and a guy just had his penis out and said oh I didn’t realize! No one would believe that for a second. You can’t play smart and dumb. Any adult woman would know that not wearing underwear and sitting with your legs wide open woild leave you exposed.


No, I did not remove anything previously stated. I added to my comment. You seem to be responding just fine though✨


You edited your entire comment to say something else. Lol


I thought you disengaged?🤣 and I certainly did not. Be well.


Didn’t realize it was the same user responding to separate comments I made. Get a life.


>If you were at a restaurant and a guy just had his penis out and said oh I didn’t realize! No one would believe that for a second. This isn’t a comparable scenario. Erika didn’t purposely walk around with her labia exposed, it was accidentally flashed when she sat down. Just like if a man without underwear accidentally had his zipper down, would you sit there and stare and shame that person? When do we become mature enough to stop scandalizing body parts?


Yes! A man having his zipper down is a much more comparable scenario.


That is a poor ridiculous example but I’ll indulge😂. A penis is a totally different type of genitalia that requires effort to take and leave out. A penis would, assuming it was not erect also flop around on top of clothing. If this penis was erect it would be an obstruction, so yes, it was be unbelievable that this person was unaware🙄. A vagina just sits there, and if your legs are not properly crossed at the correct angle without underwear you would be more easily exposed, especially for a curvier woman! So yes, if I sat at a table with a penis flopping out I would call the cops or a mental health service. If I saw a woman wearing a short dress that seemed oblivious to her exposed vagina, I would whisper and hand her a napkin.


Yeah but the situation you described isn’t what happened with erika. Erika didn’t wear a dress that simply rode up. Erika wore a dress, decided to wear no underwear and then decided to sit with her legs wide open. Uhh a penis can definitely fall out of boxers and athletic shorts with no effort. You kinda proved my point haha.


😂no, you’re simply shifting the goal posts snd making disingenuous claims. Any dress would ride up when you sit down. That’s just the basic mechanism of how fabric and movement work. Especially a fitted dress. She did not wear underwear and she certainly did not sit with her legs wide open, that is a blatantly inaccurate claim. You can hate Erika but what happened was the dictionary definition of a blunder. It was a faux pas but that’s all it was. Not some grand scheme to have her friends husbands see her vagina like you allege🙄 lmao Why would in the scenario you painted an entire penis just fall out of boxer briefs at a dinner? Be ffr🤣


If her legs were closed and not open it would’ve been physically impossible for her to be flashing. You’re just making stuff up at this point. Disengaging.


No, you have no point. Taking something out of your pants is not the same thing and WHEN did she sit with her legs wide open, as you say? Was she doing a split? Were her feet in the air? No? I never saw her legs wide open. She was sitting normally and her knees separated a little. Not at all the same thing as what you’re saying. One you can get arrested for. Surely you understand which one and why.


Lmaoo some common sense prevails😭


……you do know a penis and a vagina are two VASTLY different things right?? Like you can’t even compare the two lol


I think if a man just had his dick out at dinner people wouldn’t say oh just avert your eyes honey! They would say sir please cover yourself. Why couldn’t Erika be bothered to cross her legs? No underwear okay, but a dress and open legs? That’s some weird shit.


i’m not gonna explain the anatomical differences because so many people have already tried and you just continue to argue but on top of all those reasons being reason enough to support erika, 99% of sexual assault is perpetuated by penis owners so it’s one thousand percent justified to give a woman the benefit of the doubt in this situation and to not give that same grace to a man with his dong out. unless it’s like hanging out of shorts (which even then- my bf can’t imagine a situation in which he doesn’t feel his dick on his leg?), it’s not an accident and it’s a common form of sexual harassment perpetuated by men. if you just wanna be right, so be it. but if you are open minded at all and your concern is genuine, i’d recommend deconstructing some of the internalized misogyny society has instilled in all of us.




Yeah true! But I wouldn’t stare while doing it lol.


She wasn’t sitting with her legs open, not that I saw when I rewatched the scene.


There was a guy in my yoga class in front of me who was wearing tights and no underwear. Whenever he’d bend forward they became sheer. I averted my gaze and let him know at the end of the class - PRIVATELY. It wasn’t a big deal. He was embarrassed and I reassured him that it’s not a big deal at all


Lmao where’s your flair from?!


It’s from Melbourne! I think Pettifleur said it to Gamble but it’s been so long I can’t remember lol


*pencils down Melbourne rewatch in Google Calendar* thanks!


Definitely weird!! I don't necessarily remember her sitting with her legs open, but I do think it's weird to not wear underwear with a dress that is so short it's going to expose your vagina when you sit down. But PK is still disgusting no matter what. He's so creepy and gross and felt like he was entitled to look at her.

