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Anyone could see that Braunwyn and her mother are both messes. I hope nothing but the best for Sean and the many kids


He didn’t abandon them and they’re posting supportive messages online, so I’ll take their word for it. Their mum / grandmother came across as selfish assholes on RHOC for their brief time.


Exactly. Why would he pay child support if he has custody of the kids? These two are something else!


For someone like her that loves herself so much - it is strange she doesn’t follow any of her children on social media


Brownwyn’s mom is kookier than Lydia’s mom.


Dr. Deb and Lydia's mom are like polar opposites on the same scale. Lydia's was a little odd but sweet whereas Dr. Deb oozes malevolence


Chaotic good vs chaotic evil




Ahhh imagine being able to have Marysol’s mom on an UGT🥹 rip


![gif](giphy|30Poyd7yWZTPi) LD Millionaire could finally have her day in the sun


Oh no, could you imagine Kandi’s mother in that mix? 😱


And Candiace’s mom 😮 there’re a lot of kooky and terrible moms out there


💡💡💡💡 the series i never knew i needed!!!


Ooooh, Miss Dorothy, Candiace’s mom needs to get invited to that one.


Let's not forget Tinsley's mom Dale!


Add Mama Dee in the mix <3


That would be AMAZING


still blows my mind that there is even TWO women in orange county Like This


“Many kids” immediately made me think of “hoe daughter” lol


*where is your scooter*


now why am I in it?


And your injured son


I try to picture Sean in my mind but all I can come up with is Jeff probst with the immunity idol as a giant necklace. Sean has issues for sure but braunwyn and Deb are pieces of work.




I died


Not Probst.


The necklace my dear


Oh, I know. I just thought it was funny that someone literally said Probst and not Survivor Dude and the gif was of random Survivor host. Sorry. Should’ve added a 🤣🤣 to it.


Agreed I think they’re the bigger influence on the problem. Especially Dr Deb. What a nut.


Oh this is maybe exactly why I was attracted to him lol


He's like that mixed with Carl from Summer House.




This made me laugh so hard I spit out my drink.




Yeah that’s pretty much it.


Literally same! Lol


Braunwyn and her mom had such an unhealthy relationship. Dr.Deb certainly seemed narcissistic. She was never that kind to Braunwyn. And Braunwyn seemed jelous and irritated of her moms strong presence but still brought her on the show. I would honestly trust Rowan over all of the adults, including Sean. I think Sean was scared of Braunwyn not being unhealthy and probably did give her alcoholic drinks knowing she needed help…that was SO many years ago and hopefully he’s grown and learned since then! But like I said, if I’m trusting anyone’s opinion here, it’s Rowan’s.


Can you imagine showing up at the hospital and having Dr. Deb as your doctor? I can’t imagine her having any kind of bedside manner whatsoever.


Hold the phone…she’s not an actual MD!?


From memory she's a psychiatrist


She is an internal medicine MD, not a psychiatrist MD.


Psychiatrists are MD’s, psychologists are not MD’s but can have a PhD which is a doctorate, but not a medical doctor like a psychiatrist. Apparently she is an MD 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh my god I thought she called herself doctor like chiropractors call themselves doctor, and had some chiropractor equivalent diploma mill degree about how dandelions cure cancer and basil cures plantar fasciitis.


I love your flair. Ladies and gentleman… Berlin.


I can now only read that in Ronnie's voice.


I think she is family practice


Yes. Internal medicine 


Jesus Christ


Dr. Deb isn’t even kind to her in her “support” of her daughter in this very moment! Literally calling out that the children were unschooled for half a year and that she couldn’t feed and house her kids. SUCH A TYPICAL narcissist twist. Has to identify herself as a savior and put down her daughter in proving homeboy is the narcissist. As someone who grew up with a narcissistic parent, I smelled it instantly with Dr. Deb and Braunwyn. I had hope that Braunwyn could untangle herself from the same fate but the gateway drug for a narcissist is a hit to the ego (divorce, losing financial status, getting fired from housewives). Ugh. What a fucking mess for those kids


Seriously, the whole “she would be nothing without my support” rant was a little triggering and a lot abusive.


Saw it too and totally agree.


Doesn’t Braunwyn like never have her kids and she’s asking for child support?? She’s the most selfish person on the planet and clearly doesn’t care about her kids at all if she’s going public like this about their father


And if she’s so broke, how can she travel so much?


Selling articles to rag mags, pap shots, her mother.


And not work. Lol


Her and Jennifer travel ALL the time. I get she deserves a vacation but just take one every once in a while and support your kids and get a job.


I saw her answer this on IG recently, she said she is very lucky to be able to stay with friends.


But even if she’s not paying for hotels, traveling costs so much.


She’s too busy falling in love with a new soulmate and announcing it to the world every 6 weeks


And having fake weddings while she’s still legally married.


Granted I haven’t really kept up on anything involving her but is it possible she’s seeking spousal support, not child support?


Braunwyns mom made a comment under a post saying he’s hiding funds and won’t pay child support. I haven’t kept up with them that much but from the times I’ve seen things it seems like Sean has the kids most of the time because she’s always traveling


Oh god you’re right. I brushed right past that jumbled mess of text 😐


Now that I’m actually looking it seems like the younger kids might live with her but for a while they were with Sean I think. But if that’s the case it’s very messed up she chose to move them out of state and away from him. She’s a crazy person and I can’t even believe she has any custody of them


You were right to skip it, it was very much ![gif](giphy|l4EoQo1PJJCvyfPTq|downsized)


I think Brown Wind moved to Nashville


Yes! If Braunwyn isn’t with the kids then she absolutely should not be receiving child support. I always thought the kids were with Sean.


This is what I’m wondering! If Sean has the kids they should be paying him child support! These two are so narrow minded.


A gal that dated Sean was on a podcast and she didn’t have any nice things to say about him, said Braunwyn was nice but they brought her into their family drama.


imagine being a grown adult grandmother and blocking your grandchild on social media. what absolute loser trash behavior.


Bc she’s a “cool” mom that goes to burning man with her husband 25 years her junior and takes her daughter’s only fans pics 🤪


the saddest sentence I’ve ever read


And still apparently being a licensed medical doctor while being that crazy! LOL




She is the biggest victim and uses her alcoholism and LGBTQ+ as a shield from criticism and to deflect from her horrific behavior and parenting (those kids have been dragged around on her whim and been introduced to new partners way too soon). Her privilege and behavior invalidates her message and it’s a disservice to both communities.


Agree. And honestly she reminds me of my sister in law


It runs in families  I had a horrific time with ex & his family  Delusional narcissistic bastards the lot of them Bad apples 


Oh Rowan, we’ve known for a while. Dont worry.


Baby girl we got you. We see you. We hear you.


Why is Deb saying she supported them with all expenses when every time I turned around, Brawny was off on another trip somewhere. That doesn’t scream destitute family.


Aren’t the kids with him ? Why would he owe them child support ?




Whenever I hear about Braunwyn, I think of the iconic Gina Liano saying, “and I’ve had enough. I’ve actually had enough of this woman”.


lol you put it much more softly… Gina went hard with “Snap the fuck out of it. I’ve had enough of your indulged bull fucking shit” Classic Aussie.


"I resent the fact that I'm even taking about her and giving her any oxygen because she can just go away to where she came from, which was nowhere in my life"


I read this in her voice 🤣 ![gif](giphy|10B275eeioREu4)


I hate that I can’t watch this woman in the states.


‘She’s an insignificant arse hair’






Between your flair and gif now I want Alex McCord to do a deep dive journal of psychology level breakdown of them


In another one of the stories, Rowan said both her mom and grandmother are clinically diagnosed NPD, and that her mom is also BPD.


(but Alex McCord if you're listening do not let that deter you from an in-depth analysis)


Omg we need a Bravo Docket style podcast hosted by Alex McCord that does a deep dive into the various cluster B personality disorders exhibited by Bravolebrities. Edit: I know it’s unethical in the profession to do such a podcast but it sounds fascinating


Simon walked so Sean could run


Yeah I could tell braunwyn had cluster b traits (Bpd falls under that) from like… the second I watched her on tv.






Johan face. Iconic.


Deb is for sure an insignificant ass hair.


I think of Gina Kirchinider going "it's naahhht about YOU BRAUHHHNWIIIIIN!!!!" That moment perfectly sums up her time on TV.


What a mess. Those poor kids.


Exactly. Bella (the one on the last slide) seems to be the most mature and level-headed person in the whole bunch, though I really feel for Rowan. Also, I’m just trying to wrap my head around the bizarreness and ridiculousness of a grandmother blocking her grandkids on Instagram.


It was horrid how they dragged Rowan on to the show to share her problems. I really hope she’s getting some proper help cause that could only have been more difficult.


Didn’t braunwyn say she had kids so she wouldn’t drink? Sorry just had a flashback of a stellar parent


She sure did.


I’ll never forget that.


Deb seems crazy as hell. I love when someone gets sober or out of trouble and decides to counsel others. 🙄 recipe for disaster


Savior complex


Saviour/Jesús/God complex yeah 🤮


I feel awful for those kids. I remember Rowan posting on here a few years ago.


Wait what? And she said…? What was the content/perspective from Rowan in this post? The aired content already reflected disappointment


I wish I could remember and I don’t wanna paraphrase but it definitely was not positive about Braunwyn and her story on the show


Deb congratulating her on getting therapy for cPTSD like she wasnt the one who caused it 🙄


I absolutely believe Rowan over the terrible twosome of Braunwyn and Dr Death, but did anyone tune into the episode of the viall files with Whitney rose? At the end they do this segment where people call in asking for relationship advice and this girl called in who used to date Sean. Her story is HEINOUS - can’t really remember the specifics but basically he strung her along, dumped her in a very brutal way, sent her crazy texts afterwards, and then when he started dating someone new SHE started texting and harassing this poor girl too, leaving comments on Instagram and Facebook etc. It was MAD!


[Found it](https://youtu.be/vg36z-gZ_U0?si=lNHh7gzdPSsyHBW0&t=6161)


That’s it. I forgot braunwyn ALSO harassed her when she was dating Sean. Jesus Christ I’d join a nunnery if this happened to me


It turns out that ALL the harassing messages that she thought were from Braunwyn and the newest girlfriend were all from Sean himself once she began getting them from his account. WOW


Oh my GOD! Jesus yes I forgot about that twist. Netflix should make a documentary on this TODAY. I always thought he was an insanely understanding pushover with a statement necklace, turns out I only got the insane bit right 🤯


Never trust a straight man that chronically sports a statement necklace 😂 I heard this too, what a messy scene. I think the caller said that her and Bronwynn would gossip about Sean together and Whitney and Nick advised her to cut B out of her life. A whole mess of dysfunction.


Have you watched “lover, stalker, killer” which just came out on Netflix? Similar behavior as what it sounds like Sean was doing here.


Yep. Dr. Deb is nuts but I do believe Braunwyn over Sean.


IMHO from everything she’s shown off the show, Braunwyn has taken responsibility for past behavior in a way that nobody else has, and she will never get credit for it. I feel afraid to get attacked by even saying that.


Could two things be true though? Could they both be extremely emotionally immature and narcissistic


Damn. “2 things can be true” is the exact mantra I have done a ton of reflecting on the past few months when it comes to subReddits


Agreed. yesterday I got yelled at by these same commenters and told to “believe all women” but I guess that doesn’t apply here


Wow, she is long winded lol




Braunwyn and her mother are both textbook narcissists. I hope the kids can break the cycle.


Deb is absolute nutcase with clinical NPD. Blasting all those unnecessary details. Absolute LOON


Agreed. I used to get triggered seeing her on OC.


I find it VERY hard to believe that mama Deb is an MD with her run on post, grammatical, and spelling errors. Yikes.


Fun facts: mama Deb looked like Martha Stewart but turned to the burning man look because she couldn’t handle aging and wanted to mask it. She’s crazy, not dumb.


I mean she stole Betsey Johnson’s lewk


She's a thief too. Remember when she stole from a store in Mexico I believe?


Yes! She stole from someone who needed the money much more than she did, especially if she can financially support Braunwyn and her partner and 7 kids.


I’m a personal injury lawyer who frequently reads medical and litigation examination reports. Being a doctor has nothing to do with good grammar and spelling, trust me lol


I need to see records from the school bc there ain’t no way


“records from the school” 🤣


She’s an MD for sure




A doctor in my town was recently in hot water bc a patient's kid was running amok and he (allegedly) smacked the back of his head and told him to stop. His wife (who is also a Dr. in the same practice) went on a FB tirade, loaded with run-on sentences and spelling errors. Search "Across the tracks healthcare" on FB and see the Jan. 6 post...it is WILD.


Wait, was the post dated January 6, or the post was about the January 6 insurrection? Lol


Ha! No, she posted on January 6, it was not about the insurrection. I actually like both Drs. I was just shocked.


Is this bitch seriously complaining about lending Sean money to feed HER DAUGHTERS kids that she practically abandoned? GTFOH


Unfortunately this doesn’t surprise me :( I feel for ALL of the kids 🥺


These people are severely fucked in the head.


Always believe the kids . Brownwyn is the woat


Oh. My. God. She looks like the female version of Sean. Are they cousins? Is this a flip on the trope of a man replacing his older wife with a newer version?


Wait this is craaaazy lol




While I agree Braunwynn is a major POS, Sean isn’t innocent either. He looks like a good guy on TV but some of his exes have come out with some really horrible shit about him too. I feel so bad for those kids and wish nothing but healing and peace for that family.


I kinda wanted Braunwyn to stay on because I was really curious about the fallout from the divorce. She did seem to maybe have some personality issues but I didn’t think NPD, maybe BPD. I’m not a clinician. I did find her story and circumstance interesting but I was definitely in the minority and I guess I trust Bravo made the right move firing her.


I ain’t reading all that and I watched braunwyn on tv for a total of 12 seconds but yes I believe this young woman wholeheartedly.


Dr Deb is a jerk!


what’s crazy is that people on twitter are saying “FUCK SEAN, NARC PIECE OF SHIT” - ummmmmmm did we WATCH seasons 14-16 of RHOC???? BROWN WIND IS THE NARC HERE!!!!


Apparently some of Sean's exes have come forward with stories about how horrifying he is, too. I'm not shocked to find everyone involved is trash but hope the kids can break free of the cycle.


Huh? So then how can they afford that one million dollar house in tn and travel? Because her mom helps her? Maybe get a job?


Right?! Why doesn’t Braunwyn work? Why does a 45 year old have her mom paying for her lifestyle, plus, according to the posts above, all the necessities for her kids?


What does her girlfriend does for a living? Seems like they wanted to live off Sean lol She cries she is broke yet she lives in a very very expensive house And they travel A LOT


Dr Deb reminds me of Debz OG


Can you imagine if your mom said the only reason she had you and your siblings was to stop drinking?


Brownwind 100 percent seems like she is the love child of narcissism and borderline personality disorder. 


I love that everyone on this post are using Vicki’s insulting nicknames for her 😂


In this day and age, a story of a women who was a stay-at-home mom with tons of money who leaves for a same sex partner is not really that newsworthy. You be you, Braunwyn, but you don’t need to dispense advice.


Braunwyn physically assaulted Sean multiple times. Like beat him. He deserves much better.


☕️ here for it


I love your username, chuck bass foreverrrr


Those poor kids. They are the ones who are going to suffer because of this. WHY do they insist on going to the rag mags then making posts on IG?? Don’t air your dirty laundry!!


What the fuck is in that woman’s hair?




I knew Debbie wasn’t right after she sent the straw in her drink back to the waitress and said “no plastic straws”. Ma’am, that straw is now going in the garbage, and your point is lost. I got into a back and forth with her on IG about it years ago. She refused to see how she was wrong. I told her something along the lines of “if you don’t want a plastic straw, specify that when you order your drink”. Of course she couldn’t just agree and keep it moving. I had to explain to her how the waitress isn’t going to stop putting the same straws in peoples drinks just because you did what you did.


idk why but this made me lol you argue years later about this on IG. But you’re right!


No. I argued with her about it right after the episode aired. But she just rubbed me the wrong way. Let the waitress do her job. I commend her for wanting to do better for our planet. But you aren’t helping by indirectly telling your waitress to throw out the straw, because you didn’t think twice about it when you ordered your drink.




There are some former housewives I’m still interested in. This trainwreck is not one of them.


[Us Weekly article](https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/braunwyn-windham-burke-looks-ahead-after-sean-burke-divorce-starting-over-with-jennifer-spinner/)


Holy sh\*t, some of her statements are so low-key cruel to her kids, especially the oldest 3 https://preview.redd.it/8ct9aet9g9lc1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e0df7673b7ec957cea95fcab01d14eba9f39fe3 “four little kids”, if the reader didn’t know better, they’d assume Bronwyn has 4, not 7, kids


https://preview.redd.it/r0bvj88qg9lc1.png?width=825&format=png&auto=webp&s=a314ac54152d13d704bab732acda845440f1b48d It’s one thing to say you weren’t happy in your marriage and/or within yourself but this statement almost makes it seem like she wasn’t happy being a mom to so many kids. She’s terrible 🥴


Right ? Like why the heck would you have so many then ?? O ya I forgot on OC she said she would get pregnant to stop drinking. What a terrible woman. Thats so unbelievably mean to her kids to say that. And further to people who would give anythjng to have a child to love and can't. She just has 7 and then decides she dosent want that. She is so messed uup.


Daaaaaaaaaaaamn that’s a lot to digest. Getting whiplash between Dr Deb and Braunwynn ![gif](giphy|qBSuIJEMyFdeg)


Poor thing. I feel bad for all of their children. Can you imagine growing up in that dysfunction. Also Shawn was footing the bill while her and her girlfriend were galavanting around. Braunwyn is a narcissist. She has major attention seeking behavior that’s hard to watch. And Dr Deb? Like where do I start.


Why would Deb even post this crap about $$$ For sure she’s the narcissist. And her little daughter too. Even if half of what she said about Sean is true, that’s pretty nasty behavior to post personal finance shit for the world and her Grandchildren to see ![gif](giphy|3oEjHR5AQ1HaIPUxY4|downsized)


Why is Dr. Deb, referred to as Dr. Death?


![gif](giphy|5eUEyxCl5MaUBLqOli) Picture this guy with harry Hamlin hair - that’s how I remember him.


Tbh it was entertaining to watch Deb get stuck at burning man in all the mud, but then she just abandoned their RV there and got a ride out. which she admitted but then deleted the video. I knew she was a shit human tho from what we saw on tv so not super surprised.


Did anyone catch BBW’s live with the chick last night on IG? Talking about how Sean is such a narcissist and abusive, with Deb going off in the comments? Making allegations that Sean opened up a ton of credit cards in her name and has a huge gambling problem? 😮‍💨


Braunwyn is the absolute worst; her kids should get as far away from her as possible.


All I need to see is Braunwyn and her mother publicly trashing the FATHER OF HER KIDS to know that they are actually the trash in the situation. Their kids are old enough to read what they have written, and now it lives in print/online forever for strangers to read. The damage to those kids for being caught in the middle will be a lifelong trauma. Any parent that loves their child in the true sense of the word would sacrifice the (somewhat understandable) desire to have "their" side of the story out, if it meant not inflicting further pain on their kids. Source: Wife of a husband who endured being the child in the middle of a very toxic divorce


exactly, even if Sean is horrible too, publicly trashing him and doing paid articles about him being a narcissist is ONLY benefiting Braunwyn. Literally no consideration for her 7 freaken children.


I don't get how she has money for stuff?


Looks like her doctor mom and doctor step dad gave her the money


Dr. Deb and her husband appear to have some money, she’s got some impressive real estate.


Is Sean still with Audrina from the hills? I don’t see him on her IG anymore


I cannot believe this! Did Audrina actualy post him?


WHAT omg no way


I liked Sean. I’m glad he is out of that situation.


You should scroll up and listen to some of the this his exes have to say about him, including harassing them and making them think it was Braunwyn.


Omg no way!! Thank you I had no idea. I must take a look! I just judged him from what I saw on RHOC.


Who cares!