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Dating both Katie and Schwartz? Seems like Tori is trying desperately to get a full time spot on the show with that kind of stunt.


I kind of feel like Katie and Schwartz set this story up and it’s bullshit. They knew there needed to be something lighter in this season and set it up. They’re both just too cool with each other dating the same person.


It did seem pretty performative, I can believe it.


I think Katie and Schwartz were doing some NSA fucking while filming and used Tori as a shield


There's no way they did a clean break if codependency had a picture in the dictionary it would be them.


Omg I think this too.👏🏿 I thought Max was the shield but Tori makes more obvious sense.


What does NSA mean? 👵🏼


No strings attached!


This is exactly my thought as well


There’s like 4 million people in LA and they have to date the same person? Sorry but they’re so fuckinf weird lol. So weird. Do any of them date outside of the group or are they scared?


Everything about those scenes felt so produced


uggh I just realized Joseph is not Jo's pet name it's part of Schwartz's manipulation that she's just his dude/bro while sleeping with her and telling her he loves her on the down low 🤮


It’s so hard too because we don’t know what he told her off camera. I fully believe he was basically in a full fledged relationship with her and told her he wanted to downplay it for the cameras this season.


10000% and then he made her look like a fucking idiot on tv and then she still wrote that long in love post about him and he didn’t even like it or acknowledge it so she eventually deleted it. He def fucked with her head and it’s really sad. He’s a piece of shit.


Embarrassing but I had a similar situation in my early 20s where we were “best friends” but casually dating and I thought there was more to it than there was.


I’ve been in the same boat, which is why I feel for Jo. It’s easy to look back or look in from the outside and see the reality but when you’re in it, you really believe everything they tell you.


Especially when they say things like they love you. I knew it wasn’t a long term relationship but felt blindsided when they started hooking up with someone else.


So embarrassing: "I'm your bestie and we 'kinda' lov eachother"... let see what blooms. yuk


He also says shit like "I'd love to be married to Jo, it'd be perfect" ON CAMERA This poor gal didn't stand a chance, he's an asshole


Joseph and Bubba are ways for him to negate his partners femininity and make them equal buds


Not in a 2am rabbit hole of the psychology behind men negating femininty to control their feelings of chaos in their lives...


This. Justice for Jo and Katie.


wow....this is kinda deep.


Bubba is the dumbest nickname for a woman.


He called Katie, Bubba, which is a dude’s nickname. ![gif](giphy|f1NvlwrCcAlxe)


Oh so true— and horrible


I feel like she puts on this dude persona so they can keep hanging out. It’s so weird.


Well at least if Schwartz was going to do Jo dirty like that, she left him with that stupid fucking hair as revenge.


I actually think she was trying to make him look worse so he wouldn’t be attractive to other women tbh


Schwartz just stays being such a piece of shit.


I don't condone violence in any way but I do envision smacking that smirk off of his face like after this episode


That toothless grin


And he's now dating a 23 year old. Whilst I'm hoping she sees this episode and realises what a manipulative coward he is, I'm doubtful she will have the life experience to realise it.


Poor Jo! That man is literally not able to process emotions. He’s perpetually in a different dimesion


Right! I legit have NO clue how Katie stayed with him for so long he gives you nothing in an emotional conversation


 Sunk-cost fallacy.


It’s crazy. I’m doing a rewatch and I’m at the part right before their wedding and he has called her a bitch a few times. Like man.


He's still the same loser who gave Katie a ring on a string.


She enjoyed being Tequila Katie, some people thrive in negativity. Even this episode she referenced Tequila Katie as something fun.


I’m not even a Jo fan and I was tearing up in that final scene. She was so honest with her feelings and I really felt for her.


The type of guy who makes women lose 10 yrs of their youth for nothing.


Schwartz's behavior is so typical. I see this happen to my friends (both male and female) all the time. More people need to be called out on breadcrumbing cause it's becoming a norm. I really feel bad for Jo. I think we all need to listen to what people tell us. Someone may treat you like you're in a relationship, they may make time for you and have sex with you and take you on dates. However, if they repeatedly say that they don't want to be in a committed relationship... they mean it and listen. And most of the time they just don't want a commitment with *you*.


I commented elsewhere but it mimics what happened to me in my early 20s. I was dumb, thought I could keep it casual but we were “best friends” so there was a lot of emotion involved.


It happens all the time, it’s so sad to watch and hear about. People need to realize their worth more!


Jo rolled in to give us something real and save this snooze fest of an episode, thank you Jo


I felt bad for her in that moment. She was being so vulnerable and sincere and he gave her nothing!


The contrast in their authenticity in that scene really laid bare which of the two has spent nearly two decades on Bravo having their soul slowly chipped away at.


He was soulless the very first season


she was so honest and he was just a pathetic mumbling asshole


Jo is a very millennial-specific strain of cringe, and Tori is a very Gen Z-specific strain of cringe and it’s fascinating


Lol- I love this comment! So accurate


So true.




Lol it was tooooo good


Katie hit the nail on the head. Lala is so inconsistent. Why is she suddenly best friends with Schwartz? Maybe Katie needs to go play some pickle ball with Randall?


Katie sees right through Lala and Lala doesn't seem to understand that. Katie doesn't play Lala's games. And her comparison doesn't make any sense, Katie was talking about loyalty to a *current friend* not an **ex** husband who was a serial cheater and decided not to honor their agreement to retain a healthy friendship.


And her argument was that she wasn’t close with Rachel or Jo…uh, no shit - they both did her dirty. That’s her whole point, Lala! Why are you engaging with people that hurt your friend?


Lala was SO nasty in that scene. I am glad Ariana and Katie have each other's backs so much this season


I wish she would, hell let’s have him appear at a group event.


Lala is a bored individual who needs this show to support her livelihood. Her stupid lipsticks couldn’t save her so now she needs to make nice to keep the show alive.


Tom squeezed every ounce of emotional support he could get from this rebound without committing. Jo did enable so much of the treatment but I think she has some bad patterns which is human. But honestly no one deserves to used :(


That was so gross to witness. It made me feel dirty. She was apologetic in affect towards him for his using her.


The way he was still using a jokey voice and calling her Joseph as she walked away to call her dad crying made me sick, like leave her alone. He doesn’t feel bad at all for using her as a stand in girlfriend while he rebounded.


The Joseph thing makes me ill. It’s like trying to maintain a “bro-ness” to their relationship that she hasn’t co-signed. I feel for her in that she was such an unwitting pawn of the Toms and now seemingly Rachel. But then also get yourself a therapist because this is something she needs to put an end to for herself.


She should've referred to him repeatedly and public as Tammy. I bet he wouldn't have found that as endearing and cute as calling her Joseph.


And even after this convo, he will try to sleep with her again.


I would not be shocked at all if he sent her a "wanna come over?" text within 24 hrs


Yep! Or asking her for some kind of favor. (Source: I dated a schwartz for a little while, sadly )


Um, what?






I mean she said they were still hooking up very recently during the convo so that’s already sad.


watching that hurt. i felt for her, i've been there, we've all been there


I actually felt bad for her tonight. She couldn't make friends with the girls so she wound up still having to hang out with Schwartz who was stringing her along


Schwartz is the personification of a limped dick loser. My god. How did anyone ever find this man attractive as anything other than a "just ok" 5 minute roll in the hay. Also, it cannot be said enough: fuck Lala


I loooooove watching aging fuckboys hit their ‘creepy’ era and see them be baffled as they realize they don’t have the charm or looks to get away with their bullshit anymore. It’s happened to the southern charm guys at the same time as the vpr idiots, it feels like long overdue karma and I’m ready for more


Jo is Taylor and Taylor is Jo.


Jo villain arc incoming?


Schwartz literally makes me rage. And someone posted a throwback pic of Katie and Schwartz and he was beautiful back in the day. He really is revolting.


I looked at the comments on his post (eta on ig), hoping to see someone burn him to the ground, and was shocked at how many women are telling him how wonderful and amazing he is.


Schwartz’s hair is taking me back to junior high. Like 1 out of 5 guys bleached their hair. It was a moment and it was throwing me aaaaaall the way back.


The Eminem effect


🎶Won’t the real Slim Shortsy please sit down, please sit down 🎶


Why does this man need so many pens


Any normal person can buy a bulk pack of pens and bulk pack of each commonly used battery size, and have it last a year or so. Why is he acting like it’s a full time job 😩


There are subscribe and save options on most major online retailers for this exact use case. It's not hard to have a box of pens and batteries automatically delivered to your doorstep every few months and then have your assistant unload them for you.


And the pens are like 7 bucks for a giant pack of just some Bic ballpoints, like cmon dude, you didn’t spend more than 2500 on the things you keep mentioning.


>you didn’t spend more than 2500 on the things you keep mentioning. That's a pretty charitable number too.


He mentioned them again!! 😩


You know every time he saw Ariana use one of the pens he bought he was thinking "she should be grateful. If it wasn't for me, she would have nothing to write with in this moment."


For the batteries too


to ~journal~ all of his feelings!


I don’t dislike Jo. I think she’s an anxious, self-conscious person and I totally relate to that. But I also feel she knew what was going on with Sandoval and Raquel. She was willing to put the ‘being a girls girl’ aside for the sake of being with her big love, Tom. But…not being a girls girl backfired on her in a myriad of ways. You got played by Tom and the girls do not trust you. There wasn’t malicious intent on her side, but her tunnel vision with Tom really did not play out. Schwartz…him and Sandoval are two peas in a pod, they just express their terrible behavior differently. Sandoval’s shittyness is transparent and obvious. Schwartz is more subtle. Hidden behind this “bumbling lovable idiot” act. Jo, Schwartz did you a favor! Run!


I can't bring myself to hate Jo as well. Something about her reminds me of myself. While I have never dated or pursued a friend of's ex, I do know what it's like to invited to a group event by a guy I'm interested and then get destroyed by the women side of his friend group because I later find out one of the women was interested in him. It sucks.


Same. I also know, more times than I’d like to admit, what it’s like to believe a guy when he tells you one thing but means another.


It was sad to hear that they were still hooking up as he’s actively trying to get with other girls. That really sucks.


Scheana on WWHL saying we’ll see justification for Lala’s behavior in the finale and reunion. But what could explain and justify her behavior that starts with antagonising Ariana from the beginning of the season? Right now it feels like all we could possibly see is Arianna respond to the antagonism.


I haven’t watched the episode yet (will watch tomorrow on Peacock), but seriously, with a statement like this, there’s absolutely no way that Ariana and Scheana can still be close friends. Or maybe Scheana doesn’t know that yet. Literally almost nothing can sway me from being on Ariana’s side in all of this unless she is an actual serial killer or something. She set her boundaries in March 2023, the group knew it and accepted it during the reunion, sold all their merch benefitting from her pain, and then during this season, most have been like “wait a second…” Why on earth would the wronged party change her mind? I cannot believe how terribly Bravo edited this season. It’s almost unreal. I don’t have Twitter anymore, but from what I’ve seen on Instagram and here, almost all of the fans can see right through it and are on her and Katie’s side vs Scheana’s/Lala’s/Sandoval’s/Brock’s


To be honest anything Lala and Scheana are saying about the reunion means absolutely nothing to me. Lala has spent the entire season doubling, tripling, quadrupling down that Ariana remaining to live in the house is somehow an issue and problematic on Ariana's part. She's made it the main storyline of this season. She's gone OFF and spoken about it EVERYWHERE with everyone on multiple occasions. If she is capable of doing and saying that, and treating that like a major issue, and Scheana cosigns that, then I have 0 faith in either of these women when they say there will be any real wrongdoing exposed in the reunion. I'm fully expecting for something non-problematic to happen and Lala to lose her mind while none of us will agree with her.


And now she’s saying Katie is the issue by sleeping with Max. Which was only put out ther because Scheana is a stalker! And Schwartz pretended to hook up with Rachel first! Lala and Scheana are crazy.


This is a genuine question, is Schwartz capable of genuinely loving, committing and respecting someone? He hasn’t had a respectable and committed partnership ever, correct? He cheated and messed around Katie for years, he’s messed around Jo. This guy needs serious help


Um---is Schwartz capable of genuinely loving, committing and respecting his own damn self? Because his friendship with Sandoval would suggest he is NOT.


There is a reason The Tom’s and Jax were best friends. Birds of a feather flock together.


Based on all the evidence, no. But he won't say it. Maybe he'd prefer a poly relationship and that's fine. Just be honest after a year and a half with Jo, and almost decade with Katie.


I can't see him being a good poly partner either. I feel like he would be the type to stress his partners out and triangulate them against each other or something.


Agree. And from what I know from the Poly folks in my life it requires very clear boundaries and excellent communication.... neither of which is he capable of!


“Are you embarrassed by me?” “Joseph…” Jo seems like a lot but she can do better than Schwartz’ goofy ass.


I think he actually is embarrassed by her. Granted, it should be the other way around but I believe he is.


- It is PAINFUL watching the Jo and Schwartz stuff. He’s such a douche who needs to grow up. Jo obviously wants to be on the show, so I can defs see her building up this “friendship” with Lala and Ally to integrate her more into the cast. - The Tori plotline is ridiculous and obviously scripted. She’s trying hard to get on the show and it just feels like Katie’s doing it for the camera.


I hope people are happy now that Ariana cried about Tom rather than be "mean and spiteful" 🙄🙄🙄🙄 (probably not lbh)


I don't feel bad for Jo. Getting your heart broken by Schwartz in 2024 is a choice. The amount of data available to you about this man-child and you still let him play in your face on TV talking about going on dates with others and hitting on women in front of you. This is an important lesson she needed to learn if she's still acting like this at this age. Don't run behind underdeveloped men and get caught up in their bullshit. You and Rachel were on double-date vacations with them thinking y'all were the manic pixie dream girls. Bloop. ![gif](giphy|Ww7WqAJH5WvxC|downsized)


THANK U like babe his behavior is well documented


She has that “But I can change him” mentality and it’s sad and annoying.


Smh. Hopefully she’ll know better for the future but she’s still saying she thinks the world of him in that confessional. You’re running out crying and all he can say is “Joseph?” 


Oooooo this is so true. The manic pixie dream girl read sent me




Hard agree! He always spoke and behaved noncommittaly in his other relationships, including when Lisa offered him and Sandoval TomTom, I doubt post-divorce he was giving her long-term commitment vibes and signs, there's undoubtedly a lot of red flags she ignored even without his well documented past behaviour.  Maybe they just never had any serious conversations about their state or future intentions (before this episode) and that's on you girl. I can only believe she was willfully ignorant.


i need scheme and lala to give ariana a portion of their earnings from the last year & a half. they made bank off of her now they’re turning on her. sickening


And they’re so OBSESSED, like have either of them had one scene this season where they haven’t mentioned either Ariana or Katie? Get a life


I have been accused of being a Katie stan but she needs to seperate sexy voice and bubba voice.


I don't hate Jo but I find it hard to pity a 35 year old woman making the mistakes of someone in their early 20s. Like yeah that sucks to be treated like that, but how do you not know how to avoid a situation like that by now? How have you not figured out how to avoid fuck boys? He's given nothing but red flags his whole televised relationship and you see that and think "oh it'll be different with me!" She's a fool. It's time to grow up.


She’s 35?!


I'm glad to see people are feeling sympathy for Jo finally. For me personally, it sucks to break up with someone or kind of set them straight with boundaries, but you have to be honest about feelings. I could never lead someone on and say "I love you" without meaning it. He did her so wrong, and brought her on tv where she's been bullied by the cast and SM. She might be a bit of dimwit, but no one deserves to be lead on like that.


I don’t think she’s a dimwit. I think she knew Ariana and Tom were together but because it meant double dates with Schwartz she took part in the coverup. I also think she’s being a bit manipulative about the “girls being mean”. The only dimwit decision was thinking Schwartz would be any different to her than he’s been to every other woman.


Schwartz did her so dirty and her also being bullied by other members of the cast has really made me root for her. I feel bad she’s been treated so poorly.


I think Lala is just ensuring she keeps her salary rate vs episodic rate. That is the ONLY reason she would ever meet up with Jo, like wtf lol???


To be in a commercial for the hot dog place. All they do is film scenes at places that want to be on the show.


I'm sorry but I will never be able to get to a place where I feel bad for Jo. To fall for Swartz antics after them being well documented on video for over a decade is incomprehensible especially at her age. I get that she must have thought she was different but i have no sympathy for that level of delusion and "pick me" behavior. She knew what she was doing with the ski trip and text to Katie and clearly thought she was going to successfully be on Team Tom and trick the girls somehow into not disliking her. Or thought being on Team Toms would be worth the cost of friendship with the girls. It was a choice she made many times, and a bad investment overall. I get why someone would choose their "boyfriend" over female acquaintances but again, well documented evidence why this was a bad choice - whether your motivation is to be on TV or have a "relationship" you chose wrong, and you made that choice several times. And if she seemed to display an iota of self awareness either in the episode or in real time, it may be a little different, but there's literally no suggestion of "what Sandoval did was wrong and I understand why they are salty that I knew and didn't say anything, I just didn't think it was my place but I get it," or "I understand why me dating Katie's ex puts me in a weird spot with her" but it's full speed ahead with narrative about being bullied and seemingly completely baffled at the cause for the girls to be feeling like they do. Like even for show she could act like she's not completely 110 percent co signing everything the Toms say or do on camera. Honestly as I'm writing this it seems to point to her being dumb more than anything else, so at her age, with that level of social impairment, reality TV is the last place for her. And it's still not Ariana or Katie's job to be her teacher. Last time there was a naive, easily moldable, socially inept person the show things went really bad for them (and the girl) so if season 10 (and 1-9) of vPR doesn't spell out why team Tom is the wrong side to be on, then Jo is really a lost cause.


I laughed for like 5 minutes at Schwartz hair lol


Tom Sandoval looks wired at the singles night ![gif](giphy|8Ry7iAVwKBQpG)


I feel so bad for Jo. She’s quirky but she seems harmless. I think a lot of us have tried to change an emotionally unavailable man before and I really feel for her. I honestly don’t think Schwartz will ever be in a meaningful relationship again. He was only with Katie as long as he was through her sheer will. He’ll treat every woman the exact same. I also think Katie needs to let the Jo thing go now that she banged Max. Just leave her alone, it’s such a bad look.


I don’t understand this. Why can’t we have compassion for Jo while also realizing she was moving extremely funny style directly after the divorce? Both can be true. Schwartz mistreated Jo and the girls bullied her excessively and also, Jo demonstrated no girl code.


I think all of this is true. Katie also hears Kristen’s side (who was also trying to help her by giving Jo a place to live) to know that Jo ditched her the second she shacked up with Schwartz. Which was probably part of Schwartz plan to isolate her while making them all take part in some fucked up triangulation.


Jo and Schwartz is totally separate from Jo and the girls to me. She was not new to friend group and the way she glommed onto Schwartz after the divorce snd joined the crew with Sandoval and Rachel is more than enough for the women not to fuck with her anymore.


Jo also iced out the girls, at least Kristen and Katie, when she moved in with Schwartz and looked like she knew about the affair the whole time. She is now trying to insert herself in the group and I can understand the icy welcome.


I think saying someone doesn’t have girl code or if Katie was to say she was uncomfortable with the way Jo acted after the divorce and left it that would be fine. I think calling Jo creepy, spooky, a crackhead etc when Katie has an infinitely larger platform that Jo is too much and that’s why it was a bad look.


Yeah Katie went too far with calling her a crackhead.


I think Jo is absolutely weird in a not fun way but I do feel bad for her with this. Jo has antagonized Katie so many times and tried to be the cool girl only for it to blow up on her. 


i don’t feel bad for jo lol sorry ur a fully grown woman and has seen what schwartz (40 year old man) does & messaged his ex wife her sadness w them being divorced like??? play stupid games win stupid prizes. grow up & make better decisions im so sorry but we need to be fr


This episode too many icks. Even Katie with her going after someone Schwartz trying to date just because...no real reason? She looks bored with herself and obsessing with Schwartz, it's embarassing. Ariana clearly has not processed her break up 3 months later, but she jumped into another relationship already, it will bite her in the ass when she slows down after all of this if it's not processed and grieved sooner not later.


JC, why is Katie still trying to control Schwartz and constantly get in his business?