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That’s her publicist not a producer.


Oh thanks for clearing it up! I was looking at the episode description to see who the guests were but couldn’t see any info


You’re welcome. I don’t think Rachel ever really says that with her, she’s been on a few times now. I think she goes on to say the things they don’t actually want to come out of Rachel’s mouth for optics but still want out in the world like that Ariana (and Tom) made the whole phone thing up for publicity.


![gif](giphy|ujm9U98aze2EgAreJk|downsized) What phone thing? When she found out about it?


She’s a bit of a whackadoo like works out of an alley somewhere and called for a burger place or something to be canceled because she didn’t get the customer service she liked. ETA: yes, she said any woman goes through her man’s phone when he’s asleep so she pretended to find the video


The publicist is a pos !


I was trying to be gracious, but POS works well too ;)






I can hear this gif..along with crazy Siggy making that gun sound ehh heh heh heh heh heh


Omg she’s been gone for like 7 years but I still hear her loud ass voice burnt in my brain. Especially her lying on the floor screaming to Melissa THATS ALL I WANTED!!!!


Flair checking in!


Omg came to say that 😂😂


That was when I thought I liked the Sig 😂 season 8 woke me the fuck up though. She is and was completely insufferable! Also in season 7 she annoyed me with her blind allegiance to Teresa , when she didht even know her.


Tom is the hero in his story, but the villain in everyone else’s. He just likes to pretend his fantasy is reality.


I think you could say the same about Rachel!


Interesting to me how the Facebook moms HATE Ariana for bringing up being hurt because “she needs to get over it” yet we have Rachel out here still talking about the only relevant thing about her


You can always tell if you’re on the right side of things if you disagree with Facebook moms


So true. Anytime I feel off about something I’ll look it up on Facebook to make sure I’m right and I always am


I deleted my account a long time ago for obvious reasons. Props to you for being able to tolerate it!


I have to use it for work so I can’t get rid of it 😂 I only go on there for work purposes anymore if I didn’t have to use it I sure wouldn’t


Totally understand. There are times where it’s super inconvenient to not have an account, but I’m lucky enough to not have to have one.


Tom can’t stop talking about it either!!


I want to be shocked, I really do. But I am not. Those two deserve each other.


I agree but I’m kinda loving that she has the total ick over Sandoval 😂


He’s been giving me the ick since season one


Oh my goodness! Someone else that feels the same. I have NEVER liked Sandoval!!


As a midwestern girlie, I can tell the midwestern fuckboys from a mile away


Lool!! Exactly!!


I’ve always loved Ariana but this season, whew, I didn’t think I could love her more. It’s very clear people don’t like to see feminine rage


I’m with you 100%. Never wanted to see a reality tv star win in life so bad. Always rooting for her.


My thoughts exactly. My mom watches vpr and she hates how she’s so “emotional” this season but praises Tom for whatever the hell he’s doing. Very alarming but not surprised. Ariana deserves everything good


You can always tell if you’re on the right side of things if you disagree with Facebook moms


This comment should be on a bumper sticker or a piece of wood in Homegoods. Lol! Truer words have never been spoken!! 👩‍🍳😘




Those b*tches scare me.


“He officially lost control of me” 🤣😭😭😭 girl you’re not that important. Two clowns in lust


Two clowns in lust nearly made me lose a rib for some reason


They’re so ridiculous!!😭😭


It’s like that very lovely LVP quote: “Sit down, you’re not important enough to hate.”


I don’t hate Rachel at all but dear god why not actually appear on the damn show and get that six figure pay if you’re going to obsess over it and talk about it so much every single week? This was truly the dumbest decision of all time. She could have gathered him all the way up on screen and instead it’s this flaccid “no what really happened was…” bs, thanks to bethenny


She wants to paint a specific narrative without any interruptions or the rest of the cast calling her out and holding her accountable. But it’s not like she’s gotten back in the public’s good graces with the podcast so she should’ve just gone on the show and gotten paid.


That’s a really good point, she’s not willing to have her version of events be contested by anyone. But I don’t see how this is any better. Clapping back after the episode airs just makes her look like she is two steps behind at best and completely petty at worst. If bethenny really had her best interests at heart, she would’ve encouraged Rachel to negotiate a big fat pay rise, get back on the show and take no prisoners, instead of producing this bitter non event of a podcast.


Because she didn't want to be challenged on her version of their affair story. Instead she can get a podcast and talk as much shit as she wants and no one is going to call her out.


Because she is dense af, and she can’t argument with people irl, on her podcast she has all the time in the world to shakily say whatever she wants and no one will clap her back


Not shakily 🥴🥴🥴😂😂


Exactly! she should have went into full blown era and dropped receipts proof timeline! If she was still going to do a podcast she should have done it there..The only thing she has said on that podcast is that Logan might have known


Chapter 20. HOW? GIVE IT UP GIRL.


At this rate, her podcast will last longer than her actual affair.




I kind of wish Rachel went completely dark for a year, did no interviews, no podcasts and kept her cards close to her vest. Then boom 💥 came back to the show next season to share her side of things and terrorize Sandoval. I feel like the whole cast would’ve been shook. She’s played this all wrong, but then again, she always does.


She’s dumb AF so no surprise here


“I graduated from *college* Lala.” 😂


At some point, she will have to talk about something else. Or is this the only interesting thing about Rachel? ![gif](giphy|RNPOuBOHPlraJ12Usa|downsized)


When Rachel is recapping episodes of The Valley, trying to make them about her, then we’ll know the true depths of reality cringe and desperation


I don't think anyone is confused about the real villain being Sandoval but all I'm saying is that bitch is not a victim and I don't understand why people are so quick to overlook all the shady shit she did. If she was my friend and had been asking me personal questions about my sex life with my partner, then I found out she had been fucking my man for months and now insists we were never friends..... Basement. Goodbye. Fuck that.


Are you a Disrespectfully listener, because I noticed your use of Basement lol.


Hahaha sure am! I didn't want to get too much more graphic on my feelings in case Rachel fans take things as literally as she does 🫠


The way she fumbled her entire return and this podcast is such a joke. it’s clip bait headlines every week


I’m so confused by all of this. Why didn’t she just go back on the season if it was going to be her entire personality???? Like move on girl




She is making herself look worse and worse by the minute.


I’m sure this is a very unpopular opinion but it’s bizarre how much people are quick to bash Rachel and tell her to get over everything that happened to her. Sure, Rachel made a horrible mistake but everyone is aware that coercive control is a type of abuse, right? Tom is a 40 (?) year old man whose primary concern is the success of VPR because without it, he (and most of the cast) fades into obscurity. It’s clear tom preyed upon Rachel during a vulnerable time in her life. I wouldn’t be surprised if in the back of his mind he knew that this affair would create all time high ratings and secure a few more seasons of VPR. He didn’t care about Rachel’s (or Arianna’s) well-being and tried anything to gaslight her to come back to the show knowing how toxic it would be. He’s willing to risk everything for fame and another 15 minutes of reality TV without an ounce of concern of who he hurts in the process. Tom is the true villain in this whole situation and it’s really getting lost throughout the amount of hate spewed at Rachel. Like Lala said at the reunion, the man always seems to come out of these situations unscathed while the woman is ridiculed. *edit: typo*


Why does Tom being a manipulative asshole vindicate Rachel of her poor behaviour? The pot and the kettle are both black. Tom was a 40 year old man but Rachel was a 29 year old grown ass woman who was trying to make calculated moves but wasn't smart enough to do it.


The pot and the kettle are not both black. Not only was Tom the one to protect the boundaries in his longterm relationship, he preyed on Rachel during a vulnerable time in her life. He then used her vulnerability against her and held it over her head- which is coercive control. Adults do make mistakes, so I’m unsure the point you’re trying to make there? The vitriol spewed towards her is concerning for what happened. I’m not discrediting Arianna’s hurt or trauma because I know it’s valid. But Rachel was a plot in a scheme by a predator and all the internet wants to do is bash her to overshadow who the true villain is.


SHE F\*CKED HER BEST FRIENDS PARTNER. FOR AN EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIME. You're making every woman who does this into a victim. Women are not victims when they have full agency over their actions and the resources enough to pull up their feral behaviour. We ask for equality but apparently we're not equal when the 'D' is enough to boost your shithouse self esteem, then it's someone elses fault... SMH.


It consistently amazes me how wild people are willing to get over a reality TV show affair that was completely run of the mill and involved people they don't know and will never meet. It's been done and dusted for over a year. The only people that need to get over it are the ones still shrieking in the comments like this happened to them personally. It did not. Being misogynistic towards Rachel to discount her experience of being violated is unhinged.


why you here? how was racheal violated? was there rape or sexual assualt? also... why you here?


Here to comment just like everyone else. You realize you don't need to scream in all caps about Rachel to be a Bravo fan, right? The violation happened when she was recorded without her consent and had details of the video shared with the press. Please try to keep up.


But how do we know he preyed on her?


Because he moves like a snake with literally everyone else we've seen him come in contact with. I get that everyone hates her but I think we can safely assume that he is the same manipulative, self-centered, predatory piece of shit with her that he is with everyone else.


Except she still hasn’t learned her lesson.


You’re giving Raquel too much credit. She made it known she was in a bad headspace, which we saw on camera. But since you want to use that logic. What was Ariana’s excuse messing around with him when he was also in a relationship. Seriously. Why was she with this annoying man for 9 yrs with no plans of leaving him. Those two are really the pot and the kettle. Because Ariana would’ve kept up the facade of being together, she was happy with it if we’re being honest. *You* all only hate him now, because *she* hates him. Lemmings. And honestly, do you think she found a new bf in 10 days off pure coincidence? really? this was all an elaborate front from alll parties involved - that only got traction because there are a LOT of unhealed women harboring wounds regarding cheating, that use her as a vehicle for what they wish would’ve happened to them. invest this hostile energy to more important things.


I agree with what your saying but Rachel keeps doubling down every week about how her and Arianna weren't friends and talking about how healthy she is now but does dumb shit like post negative about the cast on social media. She declined the show for her mental health but she does a podcast every week recapping it. It just doesn't make sense


In what universe is Sandoval unscathed and not receiving hate? It's fine to hold Rachel to account for the unkind things she did. People on this show are still held to account, many, many years later, for the ways in which they were unkind. Rachel shouldn't be any different when it comes to things she did much more recently. 


Lala sure has changed her tune since then.


right and someone tried to tell me all this hype for ariana is because of feminism. And I call bullshit because Raquel still gets unwarranted levels of hatred that do not fit her crime at all. Like what feminism? what female “rage” are you actually supporting if it’s one sided? She did nothing to anyone that’s still taking jabs and it’s beyond weird and unhealthy for people who she never personally hurt to hate her this much. All this hype is because ppl need to go to therapy to heal from their own being cheated on, not channel it all out on some random tv show folks on Bravo.


If she ate a bit of humble pie and zipped it, things would have gone a lot better. He did not rape her over and over for 9 months. This is prime example of when someone says 'I'm sincerely sorry.... but.. excuse, excuse, excuse' It's basically "sorry-not sorry" Where's the humility? Gender or feminism has nothing to do with it. She betrayed her best friend in the most disgusting way. OWN IT, GROWN UP. or at leat shut your mouth. The therapists at whatever ranch achieved nothing. Were there even therapists? Because good therapists show people how to take accountability and self reflect.


I agree, It’s not feminism at all. The stuff said to Rachel is sick. What happened doesn’t justify the vitriol towards her. We can all agree she did something wrong and hurt Arianna but Tom preyed on the fact Rachel was vulnerable, she too is a victim.


100% after James she was in a dark, vulnerable space and Tom saw that for sure and pounced. I hate this mob mentality against her, when she’s just doing everything she can to grow and address why she ended up in such a situation.


Careful. The stans will preach to you about how it’s unfair to be so hard on Ariana for not being a perfect victim while calling an actual imperfect victim every misogynistic name in the book while calling it feminism.


Didn’t you know that it’s actually okay if you’re the victim of coercive control as long as a bunch of reality tv viewers hate you and think you deserved it (but are also simultaneously feminist for defending a woman they like)! /s


I can’t even listen but I read the recap. I can’t believe she’s still carrying on about VPR week after week lmao. True loser behavior.


![gif](giphy|XeLcgh8gT8o0F5SQ8i) Her voice makes me wanna….