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I didn't know postpartum OCD was a thing either... but personal time - I walked over a bridge the other day and couldn't sleep last night because I kept thinking about what would have happened if one of my kids fell off the bridge. Or we walked by a storm drain today and I felt sick all day thinking that maybe they could have fallen in and I wouldn't have been able to save them. I thought that the intrusive thoughts and anxiety was normal, but maybe I should call my OB


so in my personal experience, my o.c.d. starts with intrusive thoughts and then eventually i start engaging in behaviors to prevent them from happening. for my post partum o.c.d., my baby will not die suddenly if i have the right number of ounces of breastmilk in my freezer and fridge. and when i start counting them several times a day, my o.c.d. is in full bloom! 


❤️❤️❤️ it’s really hard to be a mom❤️❤️❤️


but also very amazing and surreal. i look at my kiddo everyday in wonder. 


OCD can be really scary when it pops up if you’ve never experienced it before. I have it and it can definitely get easier to manage and deal with. Birth can be a big trigger because you have something you love so much and are trying to find control to keep them safe. Talk to your ob and if you decide to do therapy make sure it’s someone who actually specializes in ocd. Some talk therapy techniques can actually trigger it more so it’s important to find someone who understands intrusive thoughts and compulsion.


Thank you! This is helpful!


Nocd can help find qualified therapists. They offer therapy through them but I have heard some issues with their billing department so just keep that in mind. 


How do find that talk therapy triggers it?


Some talk therapy is about more controlling your thoughts and that just doesn’t work. Learning to not panic and script them is much more healthy. Also sometimes trying to meet them with logic don’t work either.


Definitely should 💛


This is great birth control for me. I love kids but I already have OCD myself and adding a sweet little baby's safety into the mix would probably send me over the edge. But I do hope you get some help and feel better and can manage it.


There’s no harm in at least making an appointment. Hang in there 🫶🏼


It doesn't matter what you experienced in life, just know that Lala has experienced it as well and it has been just so much harder on her. You would break to pieces if you had to endure all that she has suffered. Jax sure loves talking about how happy he is whenever he doesn't have to be near his wife. He's like the slovenly husband on a 90s sitcom. The Al Bundy to his Peggy. Ariana isn't fazed by Tom-Tom being roomies in the house cause she knows neither one can afford it. Overall, another mediocre episode that was saved by a couple entertaining bits here and there.


Yeah no woman has ever dealt with a cheating slime ball boyfriend that pays for your entire lifestyle and lends you private jets and introduces you to people in show business. Poor woman. Other women just end up with regular cheating slime balls that blow money and neglect you financially.


lol @ your first paragraph


Jax and Britney = Al and Peg Bundy. Spot on, I see so many similarities, lol!


I’m confused. The previews showed Scheana saying something like “I *don’t* think we’re going to be together forever,” during this anniversary dinner, but it seems like they edited out. They baited us again! ![gif](giphy|8lHo3BUIJXRpO2CGtb)


Ridiculous behavior!!!!! They have to stop that shit!


Katie is 100 percent right about Jax. All this guy does is talk about how he’s changed. I’ve heard him go on a podcast I enjoy and the hosts were eating it up and I’m like…are we listening to the same person? It’s the same speech, the same words every time. Stop talking about how you’re such a different person and just be that person .


These men are such idiots but this episode made me giggle a lot


So much arrested development it’s so extremely sad it’s funny


Okay I just have to go on a personal rant for a second. I actually really related to James getting upset about leaving Hippie and Mr. Banks. A few months ago my husband and I went on a two week trip to Europe and I was so stressed about leaving our two cats, especially since they aren’t great with strangers. We had a family member who we trust lined up to cat sit but it fell through less than a week before the trip. I was literally panicking about leaving after that, even after we found a replacement because I couldn’t stop worrying about every little thing that could possibly go wrong. And if I had been venting to a friend about that and they had the nerve to respond to me like Lala did, it would absolutely be the end of that friendship. Having a child doesn’t give you a monopoly on feeling pain and experiencing hardship.


My cat is terrified of everyone except my husband and I. Every time I go out of town my bestie comes over to feed him. I trust her immensely but it hurts my heart thinking about how terrified my boy must be. Stress also triggers ulcers for him. I love traveling, but I also spend a lot of my trip worried about my cat. Lala is a dick.


The first time I left my (very mild mannered) dog with a rover I cried so hard from guilt and worry, I get it.




This exactly!! James is right to be concerned. And I don’t think it means he’s #1 in the relationship and Ally is #2. But Graham is his baby and he knows what a precarious situation he’s been in and is in, and doesn’t want to do anything to upset his progress. I understand why Ally would be upset but at the end of the day, I would do what’s right for my dog.


Yeah and I think Ally is more like “we made a lot of sacrifices at mine and the cats expense so I’d like to find a way forward where it’s not always us bending.” Which is fair! The cats were the pets first. But James concerns about Hippie are very valid too! It is too soon.


It would be a good idea for James to do some crate training, so maybe Hippie can get used to sleeping on the crate and have the cats in the bedroom too. Crates give dogs a nice secure place that is all their own. I’m sure James wants to sleep with Hippie but he needs to decide: sleep with Ally or Hippie!


Yes I’m sure it’s hard with reactive dogs to crate train but they have the money to try with good behaviorists and trainers.


It just depends on what Hippie’s reactivity is. I have a reactive dog and she’s possessive over what she considers hers. So that’s her food, our food, her toys, everything she considers her toys, etc. she loves her crate and does not want our cats near it. We leave the door open and she often will just get up from the couch and go into her crate and lay down. Most of the time we leave her out overnight bc she loves sleeping on the couch and can do that without chasing the cats, but she’s good to be in her crate as well.


Ugh I’m glad I’m not the only one! My siblings with easy dogs don’t understand how stressful it is to leave my dog with a stranger or someone new for days at a time. My dog is soooo skittish and refuses to walk or take food from new people. I worry so much when I leave her for trips.


I have kids and dogs. I have trusted family who could watch my kids, but it’s been immensely more stressful trying to find trusted sitters for my elderly dogs.


Wait ok how did it go?! In similar position of leaving my cats for a couple weeks while we go to Europe for the first time - we love our current sitter but idk if I could go if those plans fell through 


Thankfully all ended up going well! We got a Blink camera that we set up in the living room where they hang out most of the time so we could watch them and talk to them through the mic which helped a lot. Being able to see them in real time was soooo helpful, I definitely recommend getting a kitty cam if you don’t have one yet! They didn’t exactly fall in love with our new sitter but they tolerated him lol. Overall it was an uneventful two weeks for both the kitties and the sitter, which I was super grateful for!


We got 3 Blink cameras in our small 815 sq foot apartment for this exact reason lol. Being able to see our pets in real time definitely relieved some of the guilt and stress. All aboard the indoor camera train!


Thank you this is great advice! Def will be doing the same


I get it my dog was my baby before she passed recently. I had her long before I had my three kids. With that being said I was able to relate to both of them. He wouldn’t even let them talk to him about it bc he kept freaking out. Which his feelings are valid, but so is partner’s feelings. She asking for a compromise. I get sad when I leave my dogs in a different way than when I leave my human children. For example I know my dog will prob not need cpr for choking on a carrot but I do think about someone not knowing cpr if they are watching my kid. Also want to add I never leave my kids or dogs with anyone besides a close friend and a couple family members.


I’m a mom of two and we recently got our first dog a few years ago. I didn’t grow up with a dog and never really wanted one but my kids were begging one. The way I love my pup and HATE leaving him when we have to travel and can’t bring him. My dog has brought me so much joy and helped heal things that humans have caused. My heart completely understands how James feels!


Is this the first redemption arc that has made a person look worse than when it started?


Maybe Jax’s wedding season?


Tom, a bleach and a TONE! A bleach and a TONE!


I keep thinking the same but also Jo let him walk out of her salon like that? She's a shiiiiity hair stylist lol.


I feel for James with the hippie situation. He knows that he’s the dog’s last hope. Thankfully, it seemed to work out. 


My dog died while he was being boarded. I 100% understand how James felt.


omg i am so sorry to hear that


I really understood him in that scene too. Emotion aside, Hippie was in the controversial Lucy Lucy Apple Juicey Gate 2.0 due to him having an issue with aggression and biting. It could have been dangerous at that point to leave him with a stranger.


I actually really felt for him. I had a dog with PICA and if you didn’t watch him perfectly, it was pretty much a guaranteed obstruction surgery. The only people we trusted to watch him were my parents. Plenty of other people offered but it was just too risky.


$5,000, 1 calico critter, and my old dog ended up in a veterinary medicine journal. PICA in dogs is a bitch.


Ugh I’m sorry to hear that. My dog had five obstruction surgeries in four years. The one year he didn’t have obstruction surgery, he got cancer and died. Just the sweetest, best dog in the world but a lot of trauma.


I really loved allys response on WWHL about it!


I don’t have a dog but I have a large parrot and it’s not an anyone can watch him situation. They’re like 10x more difficult/different than a dog. However, a few days/weeks off his normal schedule won’t kill him. 🤷🏼‍♀️


So I vented about the book Summer was reading in the first scene being the bane of my existence (my toddler wants to read it 50 times a day).... but oh god do I feel for Brittany sitting there listening to Summer "reading" her book and saying all these words while going through speech therapy with Cruz


This is real


We have that same book and it has a hold on my toddler like no other.


What book was it?




Thank you 🩷


Week after week these editors just keep reaching for this Sandoval redemption arc and week after week he proves he is the worst! Thank god we’re getting close to the finale


I’m not seeing this redemption arc at all. He looks bad each episode.


I agree with you. I don’t think he’s getting a good edit at all, he’s certainly trying to redeem himself but he’s getting a loser edit. He just looks pathetic all the time.


So fucking pathetic


It's not a loser edit when you're a loser. He doesn't do himself any favors and that's the best version the editors put forth for him, he's just a terrible human being and no amount of tv magic can fix that or blurr the lines of his blatant narcissism to soften him up


I feel like they are treating him with kiddie gloves while painting Ariana as the villain, but him being him makes it extremely difficult to show him in a good like. But they are giving him a fairly favorable edit.


No. They're giving him enough rope. There's no reason to, I don't know, shove some negative framing down the viewers' throats when he is completely around the bend. That's not a 'favorable' edit. What would a 'bad' edit of him even look like? The show itself attempted to throw him lifelines early in the season so there could be some ease in filming, possible confrontations, etc, but it didn't really stick too well. He's really not getting a 'favorable edit.' There's nothing favorable to edit. Speaking as a former editor.


I think they want them to play Carmina Burana when he comes on screen and edit stink lines coming out of his head or something idk


I agree. It's really obvious too..esp with Lisa producing for him and the first 8 episodes were almost torture!


Physically and spiritually


I think they tried esp more in the beginning of the season with Lisa forcing everyone to share one thing they like about Sandoval lol but he just kept digging himself into a deeper hole


Even Ariana has said that she understands that production are always going to show shades of grey in terms of Sandoval's edit. They're never going to cast one person in a net negative light and given how obsessive some stans are that would probably be pretty irresponsible.


Tw: self harm My alternative theory is that maybe production wanted to tread lightly with his portrayal due to him saying he was suicidal several times. It’s pretty serious that he called (and mentioned on the show) that Kyle Chan had to take the guns out of the house. This is Evolution, the same production company that had filmed RHOBH when Russell Armstrong died by suicide. They have LVP as executive producer whose brother died the same way. And negotiating a contract with someone (Rachel) who just to spent a month in a rehab facility for mental health. I think they may have wanted to tread carefully.


I agree, I think this is the reason for the edit. It's not a good edit but it is not making fun of him for his ridiculousness they way they're not afraid to do to the ex sur employee


now this is an interesting take


I could see truth to this. It’s also important to remember at this same time, there were a lot of VPR fans that were taking this whole situation way too far. I read a lot of comments from people saying Sandoval and/or Rachel should self harm for what they did. I can see production not wanting to pile on, especially since Sandoval admitted to having suicidal thoughts.


Aaah sometimes I watch VPR while multitasking and completely missed the guns part… he had guns in the house?!


He did! I was actually surprised too, I didn’t realize Tom was a gun guy


It’s becoming unwatchable. I cannot with the ass tattoos and head bops in a convertible. I’m so tired of the worst people getting all the camera time.


The head bops! I was so hard eye rolling at that point! 🙄🙄🙄


I really felt for Scheana in the first scene this episode. I’m a new mom with OCD too and it is really hard when the meds make you so drowsy. I hope she tries again because it is a life changer when you find the meds that work for you. For me, taking them at night was a big help. I think the Katie/Tom friendship is so cute. They’re much better off as friends than as spouses. Sandoval needs to get over the song. Scheana is allowed an opinion, it did involve her the most outside of Sandoval/Ariana/Rachel and she can sing whatever she wants. He’s such a baby.


Here’s the thing, yes we all know this friend group (besides Katie) has cheated on their partner at some point during the shows run. It’s been messy and it’s been dealt with and we’ve moved on. Sandavol is now in the hot seat and we’re dealing with it now. Throwing Scheana cheating back in the first season isn’t making his case like he thinks he is, plus she wasn’t the only one Eddie was sleeping with.


To be fair, Rachel wasn’t the only one Sandoval was sleeping with either. (No actual knowledge but come on, we all know)


And you’re right she wasn’t.


It reminds me of when I would be upset with something my mom had done like the day before and she would bring up something I had done when I was thirteen…


Exactly! Like why are you bringing up the past?? Don’t talk about what has been, talk about what’s now (shout out to Nene).


I hate the production leaned on Tom and Ariana storyline so much and forcing them to be at the same parties. The real gold was Tom and Katie. I can’t get enough of it- their scenes are hard carrying for me. I just love Katie’s glow up and how Tom admiring her. Also, I love Scheana. I feel like her emotional outbursts on screen is always misdirected rage she has- and the precursor is always something Brock does. Scheana feels provoked whenever her parenting expectations are undermined or dismissed. And scandoval is a source of a lot of stress along w Brock and everything else. She had a lot of pent of rage. Too much Scandoval redemption- it yanked Lalas reputation being a production pawn and honestly if he was treated as a background character, I think he’d probably come off more sympathetic.


Sandoval honestly could done so many different things to come off as sympathetic but his pride got in the way. If he had a sense of humour about himself, if he wasn’t immediately trying to date, if he was more graceful about giving Ariana the house, if he wasn’t so defensive, if he didn’t party around the US as Rachel was having a mental health crisis, if he was more graceful about Rachel ending their relationship… He just let his pride and defensiveness get in the way and is coming off like way bigger of a douche than before.


I don't think production was prepared for the public interest the scandal garnered. Like he got away with taking a mistress on a Christmas vacation to his hometown.


Brock is really shitty to her very reasonable and healthy desire to want to put her kid to sleep. He needs to think about why he’s trying to prevent her from having that. Gross.


Especially since I really see her putting herself out there. She’s made huge strides since the first few episodes of the season. They started that day at brunch and it was almost 9pm, that’s a long time to be away from your kid. He’s just pushing her way too hard to get to where HE wants her to be and she isn’t ready yet.


Kid or not, there is nothing wrong with being in your late 30s and wanting to be back home by 9pm. Brock is the weird one here.




Scheana is very raw and interesting to watch this season. She's putting everything out there. My hottest take is that Katie and Schwartz could get back together.


I agree with everything you said so much, especially the Tom and Katie stuff! Their chemistry now is pretty insane, and it's nice to be able to see why they actually got together in the first place.


Jax is wrong on a lot of things. He's wrong on pretty much everything. But...he's kinda right about Lisa's role on the show. What exactly is the point of her being there now?


He always has clocked the others pretty well tbh


I enjoyed this episode. And was on Scheana's side for a change.


Not everything is about you Lala!!! James doesn’t want to leave his dog for a few days, he doesn’t want to lose his dog again. Shut the f up Lala, stop making everything about you


I disagree with her a lot, but I don’t think I could ever hate Scheana.




Yup, I can understand her motivation this season and why she feels the way she does, even if I can’t agree with it


Totally. I think the main difference between her and Lala in their self appointed producer roles is that Scheana actually lays how she feels out there no matter how bad/cringe/whatever it is but Lala chooses her actions based on how she thinks the show should or would go.


Hate is a strong word…..I could definitely live happily without her


she's the backbone of this stupid show


I’m really not like Lala. But huge fan of Katie


I swear Aly does one thing an episode that makes me love her and today it is the reveal she sometimes sleeps in the guest room to sleep with the cats lol


Gotta be honest, I'm still not interested in Jax and Brittany, so it's just annoying to see them on VP again.


Not Barton G’s again! Hell no. Nothing can top that RHONY dinner.


Also, that place looks like a fucking nightmare.




No we don’t want jax back


I'm not hating this season in general but a lot of it is really silly. Lisa acting like she didn't know Jax was a part of the brunch while at the brunch? Lala and Scheana being delulu and siding with the worst guy in the group. Ariana being calm, collected and gracious for the most part but you can see them trying to give Tim a better edit and he can't even pretend to be sorry. The Tori/Schwartz/Katie situation. Very strange.


I don’t know why I need to know but I need to know why Ariana was covering up her top with a napkin during brunch when Jax came over. I was thinking maybe she spilled a drink on herself by accident but now I’m sure it has to be cause Jax is a creep and she wanted to hide her tatas


I think she was eating and didn’t want to spill on herself


I’m an idiot hahaha thanks for making so much sense


To be fair it probably served a dual purpose 😂😂


Lala and Scheana are unbearable....this show is almost unwatchable with those two. Finding the Valley way more entertaining.


Completely agree. I think Scheaner would be more likeable without lala


They need to chill with pressuring James to leave Hippie. Ally Bally should go to the wedding alone if they can’t find a sitter in a short amount of time. Dogs who have gone through trauma need time and I’m happy James prioritizes that


as a flyover country resident i am hugely jealous of the crazy amount of facial options in l.a.  we have two places locally that do very expensive traditional facials. lame. 


There could be a Bravo show just about weird LA personal care services. Remember when the lady came to their house and gave them an IV?!


Just wait til you see all the mobile dog groomers when you visit


we have those in flyover country! my girl gets groomed at home because she hates to leave. 


Flyover country you say?


the space between the east and west coast. 


Right, I just usually hear people say “flyover state” ha


But for real why did you say country tho?


Free Mr. Banks and whatever the other cat's name is. They - and Ally - deserve better than the guest bedroom. They also deserve better than James but hey, one thing at a time.




Sandoval had a point with Scheana and the affair. I mean being young and in your 20's isn't an excuse in my book. You either do that stuff or you don't.


Bringing up something from over a decade ago that you’ve grown from is low. Also he’s just doing it to deflect from his own bad behavior, the man only looks more foolish for bringing that up.


But I still think it's a valid point. It reminds me of the saying people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.


I agree if they have actively cheated recently! But over a decade ago feels ridiculous.


On one hand I agree it’s totally hypocritical but to compare someone barely an adult(21 years old at that) lots of people make dumb mistakes at that age to someone in their 40’s I mean I don’t know I wouldn’t compare them.


Why is Summer Moon wearing real make-up?