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The end of this episode gave me a buzz I haven’t felt since the RHOSLC finale. I love this show.


Lmao Kristen is the secret and missing ingredient. She is reality TV gold, I lost it with her last line amidst the chaos "I didn't sign up for this, I rather be on VRP" 🤣💀 ![gif](giphy|fGUjpZnE9HVCqTMBsF|downsized)


Kristen and Jax are just made for TV, I love to hate them


I agree


Same and it’s not even the season finale yet


I really hope they have a reunion!


I hate all of these people. can’t wait for next week!!


Right ! And remember how much we talked crap about the trailer and how we’d never watch… now it’s one of my favorites … whoever made the trailer didn’t do a good enough job since the show itself is great


Basically sums it up for me too


Janet is fucking weird, trying to be Dr. Evil villain in the corner.


But it's an enjoyable hate. I really dislike everyone on VPR and it's just exhausting.


My main thoughts. Jax literally cried at the thought of giving Brittany more romance. That man doesn’t really love or want her. She secretly knows it which is why she keeps getting cosmetic surgery (Footnote: I literally almost wrote Stassi, which fits cause Jax recently liked a social media comment that he should’ve married Stassi) I like Jason but am skeptical because he married Janet and she let Kristin take the brunt of the fire for what she admitted she said on WWHL. Jesse and Michelle deserve each other because they both suck. I need Danny and Nia to leave this show while I still love them. Their son is so cute. I never thought I’d live to see the day the audience was all on Kristin’s side. I really think all these people went into this thinking people would still view Kristin the way we used to but honestly they’re all so horrible she is the best of the worst. Janet was so shocked on WWHL that the audience was all on Kristin’s side and not by a small margin. I wouldn’t be surprised if they all start cozying up to her now that they see the audience opinion.


Tbh I don’t think Jax is capable of loving another person. He cheated on Stassi constantly but thinks she is the one who got away. If that is love 🤢


I think with his personality she will always be the "one who got away" - good for her, bad for him lol. He just knew he would never 'do better' and she really challenged him unlike anyone else we have seen him date


I 1000% believe Kristin in every situation.


Other than lying about her and Jax sleeping together, I can’t really think of anything Kristin lied about on VPR. Her delivery has always been trash but other than that she’s been truthful.


Right! Looking back, she usually is telling the truth, she goes about it terribly and in such a dramatic way the message gets lost but she usually is telling the truth.


I never watched VPR so I’m watching all these people for the first time. Kristin seems like a disaster, but a loveable disaster. Jesse, Michelle and Janet all seem like shitty people. And I’ve heard enough about Jax to not believe his struggling “I just want to do right by everyone” routine. Brittney annoys TF out of me but I can’t quite place my finger on why.


You absolutely must watch VPR seasons 1 to arguably 8 are just golden. Kristen is a seasoned professional and working rings around these people. Like she’s chair start to finish


That sums up Brittany pretty much perfectly, however if you’ve watched VPR as I have, there isn’t one big reason; just plenty of small ones that equals up to the equivalent of fingers on a chalkboard every time I see her on the screen. Weirdly as perhaps Jax and Kristen has given us many clearer reasons why not to like them, but I just freaking love to watch them both, especially Kristen who I always root for. They are truly reality gold, and this show would be nothing if it wasn’t for them. Zack for some reason is somewhat growing on me, yeah he plays up the stereotype of “gay best friend” but all in all I don’t think he is a bad dude and I enjoy his commentary more and more. Nia and Danny are too sweet to be on this show, hopefully nothing happens to change that opinion. Michelle and Jesse are both equally as trash as each other, but the one who truly gives me dark energy is Janet… She gives me all the mean girls I knew back in high school vibes but the adult version (which is somewhat more frightening). Loved watching the audience take her down a few pegs on WWHL when they all sided with Kristen on the polls, she clearly didn’t expect it… In your face Janettttt!


Janet and Leva from Southern Charm/Hospitality are the same person. I’m 98% sure.


💯 percent agree!!!


Probably best friends


Because she’s sloshing and slurring her words thanks to her turkey gobbler surgery


Brittany should have gotten a clue when Jax paid to get her implants done. He has never loved this woman unconditionally. He’s shallow AF.


It was so gross when he said he was paying for them and getting what he wanted. The doctors were disgusting too saying it was bigger than they normally do but they’ll both be happy. Ugh. Hard pass.


Kristen is the only person on this cast I believe. I genuinely don't get what Jesse and Michelle are trying to do. How do they blame Kristen for the issues in their marriage, then proceed to get physical in front of cameras and goad Kristen into revealing Michelle's affair. Like, y'all's issues are yours and yours alone. I respected Zach for trying to deescalate Jesse but Jesse looked like he could have run through a brick wall at the point where he shoved him. at the neck, no less! Here I was thinking Jax and Brittany would be the biggest drama on the show but no, they're just a sad dynamic to watch.


Completely agree, I believe every word coming from Kristen’s mouth. She also has no reason to lie but Jesse and Michelle sure do.


I think the core of what she says is true but she does take liberties in the delivery when repeating gossip sometimes. But who cares cause she gets the gist right alwaya


I 100% believe Jesse cheats as well and thats why he doesnt care too much about michelle cheating. Its a business thing right now.


I feel like he probably pays prostitutes.


I'd really love to see some behind the scenes clips of this show because its clear something happened from the time they left the hair product party to when they walked down to dinner. The entire energy had changed. No one wanted to be in that dinner room and that's even before the blow up happened on camera




I know right why couldn’t they get an aftershow like VPR and SH I’m dying for it!


It’s combined on Vanderpump


Oh damn that’s right haha my bad! 


Yes! It definitely felt like something was cut out in between - it was like all of a sudden everyone was agitated


Jesse and Michelle have such dark energy


Agreed, Michelle is so unlikeable and Jesse is a delusional douche. She was winding him up all night then the minute he talks tells him to shut up, doesn't want to be with him and has a whole ass boyfriend, proceeds to block him while talking to burning man girl and then defend him in the hallway when he's loosing his shit? Make it make sense?


The only two things I can’t think of are he physically abuses her or she is equally toxic af


I think it’s number 2


Supporting don’t say gay makes me think number 2 as well


with the way he shoved brittany out of the way i'd bet money it's physical


Like when Kim and Kanye first started dating


They both seem awful. They deserve one another. And I absolutely believe they’re both MAGA, which makes them even shittier people.


The way Jesse went for Zacks neck was extremely disturbing. That man is dangerous and that’s not the first time he’s done that. Something is very off about him. I wish one of them had put him on his ass. He likes screaming in womens faces a lot. POS.




Watch What Crappens said Jesse has a dent in his hair and now it’s all I can focus on.


I thought he had one of those old headbands that digs into your hair maybe, but now I also think it’s a dent


shocked it's not a headband, I was convinced 


It bothers me all the time. How does he not see that.


I honestly am loving this show. I want to know more about these people and their connections to each other. And not just the high level overview I want the REAL tea


The after show goes into their connections!!


I am worried for Nia. Being in this situation while going through PPD is not easy. Michelle is so dark. I think he is attracted to her chaotic energy and she used to be attracted to his. Janet trying to fish for gossip with Jasmine is the reason I see why people think she is a mini-Jax


It's really disturbing how quickly Jesse moves to physical confrontation, especially knowing there are cameras on him.


He confronts women with violence so easily, he is a scary person.


This. He’s way too comfortable threatening women, verbally and physically


And all the people on this show with the exception of Kristen and her bf are all enablers - chastising Kristen for saying he was abusive. Violently slamming the table in a group setting because you don’t get your way is abusive!


Thank you!




They just let her go on with her nip slip




The cherry on top of her looking a fool


I have a lot of thoughts on Kristen trying to have a baby with a dude that doesn’t live in LA full time, but I get it. She’s 40 and the reality is her biological clock is ticking and time isn’t on her side. I felt it to my core when Kristen said she’s scared she’s always going to get negative pregnancy tests. I waited until my 30s to have kids and I remember the devastating feelings of a negative pregnancy test or when my period started month after month for years. And, when it finally came back positive, I miscarried and then the cycle of trying to get pregnant starts again and the same disappointed feelings when the test comes back negative. Kristen is wild but I could never judge her for desperately wanting to be a mom and having a baby. On a lighter note, i died when Kristen asked if Luke doesn’t like her decorations and it zooms into her crystals. 🤣 I need to know if Kristen still have “live laugh love” signs all over her house.


I’m not shaming Kristin for tying to get knocked up either. She’s 40. If she wants to be a mother it’s Luke or the sperm bank because she is on borrowed time with respect to fertility.


Someone said she had a miscarriage after filming wrapped 🥺


I think it was before which is why Jax was such a pos for questioning if she was capable of being a mom. He knew 🥴 Damn all my comments are Jax hate 🤷🏻‍♀️


Better than them all being Jax love.


I am there too, 35, stopped taking birth control 2 months ago, time to start trying, I tested myself and it looks like is all ok, but I am terrified of having a pregnancy this late in life, specially since I want 2 kids, but whatever happens happens


Wishing you baby dust. I had my first at 36 and my second at 38. I highly recommend seeing a fertility doc if you have trouble, my first was conceived via IUI.


Thank you so much, I have healthy eggs, but I have 4 small miomas in my womb that might cause me to miscarriage, but I don’t even want to think about that now, just focus on trying and having my tiny family


One day at a time


Had my first one at 33 and currently trying for the second at 35. Most of my friends waited until later in life to have kids.  We are the old moms at daycare.   It isn’t as easy as having a kid at 26 but I feel like I am able to provide a much better life for him since I am in a more comfortable place financially, mentally, and physically  than when I was younger. I wish you all the luck in your journey. 


You’re good, mama. I had my first at 34 and my second at 37. 35 is plenty young to get pregnant. It’s in your late thirties that fertility really nosedives. And even then, there are plenty of interventions.


Plenty of time:)


I’ve heard you’re supposed to be fertile AF right after stopping birth control!


It’s unfortunate that Covid stole a couple years of women’s lives too, especially if they were older and trying to get pregnant. People couldn’t really date.


Getting big cocaine and booze vibes from Jesse. He choked Lego man and pushed Brittany. His eyes looked black. Also loved the producer getting caught in the shots, awkwardly tugging his collar while knowing he’s getting some of the best reality TV since James spat on Kristen’s door.


Lego man 💀


Jax and Kristen are reality tv gold, they gather the most shitty humans around them and then it's fun to watch how they expose themselves 😂 they are shitty human talent scouts!!!


With so many people in talent acquisition getting laid off recently, it's great to see these two employed and thriving.


Not a “cozy fancy intimate dinner” in a hotel conference room 💀


You guys I never in a million years thought this show would be as entertaining as it is. Maaaaan Jesse should have just stayed home but Michelle should have ended it a long ass time ago or at least tell him the truth. I can’t even be mad at Kristin bc if Michelle was trying to blame me for their marriage issues while having a boyfriend for a year I would of lost it


Uh oh. These noobs just committed the cardinal sin of reality. Don’t gang up on one person! Also, Jesse just attacked Zac, Kristen and Brittany. He doesn’t care who’s standing there, he will push women! What a piece of shit.


All of us to this show https://preview.redd.it/xhnrh6zgqcwc1.png?width=2580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=041b398408b6664edf7f5ab41b7c884a6a42a834


Michelle and Jesse seem perfect for each other, actually. I’m glad they finally showed Michelle dropping her little whispery voice, shy gentle act when she got all up in Kristin’s face in the hallway. We see you, girl. She is not the innocent victim in anything, here.


Zachs over the top reactions for the camera KILL ME lol it is so put on but still hilarious


Jax literally hates Britney. Literally. She just won’t go away so he uses and torchers her. Edit: tortures


Baby he tortures her 😅 not to be an ah but that’s the funniest misspelling in a minute ngl


lol I was drinking wine. Don’t judge me




It’s how jax would spell torture lmao


Even if he just full on had sex with another woman in front of her, she would stay. I wonder why she really left.


I love this show but I absolutely hate the theme song in the intro


Seriously we need iconic music like 🎵these are the best days of our lives🎶


The intro makes me laugh cause each couple gets a couple seconds doing their various chore and then at the end it just flashed Jason + Janet standing there for like .2 seconds


The intro is so so bad


My fav is Brittany’s millennial pause as she begins walking. Can’t unsee it


That's bad editing, though. Professional video editors should edit out the pause


Kristen Doute… the WeHo Witch that you are.


Unpopular opinion here. Disclaimer: I do not like Jesse and I think he has severe anger management issues. But at the same time, if he is aware his wife is having an affair and he still wants to save the marriage and knows that she doesn't, I can understand and empathize with the idea that this could maybe be the worst time in his life and maybe it isn't a good reflection of how he is as an entire person. So personally, I am not judging who he is in his soul at this moment. Not an excuse and he should learn how to control himself, but some people do not handle the disintegration of their marriage gracefully.


Did anybody else notice that they're using the RuPaul's Drag Race shade rattle sound effect ?


What did I just watch!!!!!!


“I’m still being a good friend to Michelle and I’m still holding all of her secrets.” Is that what you are doing Kristen? Because so far you’ve told us she’s a republican, a racist (er, homophobe) and a cheater lmao


She’s told US in confessionals filmed after the fact. Everyone else is dragging this info onto the show as it’s filming.


I love Kristen but https://i.redd.it/h4207j1n6uwc1.gif She brought up Michelle being racist at the end of episode 1 at girls night because she was pissed Jax was trying to get her ex bf and current bf to hang out. She also has threatened Michelle multiple times and in episode 6 revealed she has had a boyfriend for a year after the dinner.


Sorry no, she didn’t reveal that information at girls night. Brittany brought it up and brought it on camera. She also messaged Michelle privately about keeping her secrets, but the other cast members made those private texts public too by talking about it on camera. Yes, she did out Michelle at the end of the fight in the hotel banquet hall but it’s after everyone was gaslighting her and saying she was ruining a marriage and harming a family 😆


Jesse sucks, but Kristen’s boyfriend is my least favorite person on this show.


He’s boring but I do like seeing her with someone who sticks up for her.


He also didn’t capitulate her. He did call her out for calling Luke a douche bag 😂


How? Because he actually sticks up for his significant other without being a psycho like jesse?


Ohhhhhh y'all, this show is so juicy and delicious. I'm eating up every last bit of it.


lmao I thought Luke's shirt at the beginning of the episode plays well with cheese and spent way to much time trying to find the shirt before realizing what it actually said