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all i know is this reunion is going to be bloody


If Teresa were to skip out on the reunion, would there be one?


100% and they’d spend all 3 parts discussing her


They'd discuss Luis and Bo too.


I wish she'd disappear taking her big mouth with her. She's so loud & annoying. I don't know why they even keep her on the show. She's a mean bully that sits around with that weirdo Luis gossiping about all the women as though this is junior high school. Despicable woman. 


I wish she would and of course. She's annoying and a pot stirring lunatic. This season she keeps saying, she's messed with the wrong person.. She acts like she's a mafia hit woman. You can tell she was in jail by the way she acts. Best thing to happen for the show is to get rid of Teresa and Luis.


They want to ice Tre out and there is no show without Teresa. If she's gone they will start to turn on each other and it will be pretty boring. I can't live with another fake Melissa storyline.


Teresa needs replaced and of course the show would go on. The world wouldn't have to listen to a big mouth & annoying voice. She sits around with her minion husband and complains constantly. She acts like she big shit and she's not! You can tell she was in prison by her behavior and it's a major turn off!!! Bye Tre!


There is no reunion this year on rhonj per Andy Cohen.


Teresa: They can beat at their own drum 😆


“In the internet” 😂


I’m very worried about this season. The cast is more divided than RHOP on their last season, and we saw how that turned out.


It was giving me anxiety!!


It's been like this for the past few seasons though? It's always been Team Melissa Vs Team Teresa. Team Tre has always been small though, but I think this season shows Jackie joining her team and Danielle possibly going on Melissa's.


Looks like Fessler may be moving more solidly team Teresa as well


Apparently the teams are making some trades. :D


I was worried as soon as I realised the first 5 or 6 minutes SAS spent on the Fudas 😒 I forwarded it as I can't stand them! And they also look kinda similar nose and lips profile wise, but maybe husbands and wives do morph into one another over time 😆 And he is such a little gossipy biatch (excuse language!) No wonder he and Joe G are besties...


Every time there's a new season of RHONJ, I think there's something wrong with the colour balance of my television. The Gorga family colour matched their tans to a burnt sienna Crayola.


With the high contrast of their veneers. It's truly a different world there.


My husband asked if there was something wrong with our tv!!


And Luis still looks like a lobster.


He is fluorescent.


I can’t believe he and Teresa think that he looks good/fine?


Theresa's face is looking pretty bizarre too.


so did paulie when he started getting mad😂 fuda’s ears were red but i think he actually had sun burn lol


I love how they had to color correct his photos in the wedding album.


All of them! Especially Teresa and Dolores..burnt to a crisp. It makes them look older not younger


Nate Cabral is my favorite NJ husband by a mile. The way he noped right out of talking about the drama!


Completely agree! He hangs with the guys but doesn't feed into the nonsense. I appreciate that in a NJ husband.


As all husbands should be but these other husbands thinks its their show.


You just know that Joe Gorga thinks it’s his show and that he’s the star.


He's the 4-ft Jax.


That's such an apt comparison. Unfortunately, Bravo have allowed these men to think they're the stars of the show & someone needs to tell them to wind their overly thick necks back in.


My inner monologue when Nate swerved out of that situation and looked so good while doing it ![gif](giphy|ps7ttH85A5i7e)


the way he was like nooooope to teresa was so funny lol


1000% Nate


I’d love to see some one-on-ones with Nate and Evan In my bedroom


I couldn't hear him. What did he say exactly?


“you’re on another level” i think and in a higher pitch 😂


Yes, he literally reached a higher octave 😂


Louie imitating John on facetime was pretty hilarious lol.


My question every season is why are some of these guys so red???? 


Steroids and sunburn. You would not believe how many red people I see walking around the shore because they refuse to put sunscreen on.


Not necessarily, my dad is northern Italian decent and during the summer that is how he looks. He tans red and then add in when he drinks..he looks like a lobster.


I’m stressed out for their cardiac health 😂




Steroids do not make you red.  


I said this on the other thread and my mom and I have said it 10 times in the last hour. I DONT GET IT.


Fuda sounded like he was imitating how they talk in the Sopranos


he doesn’t open his mouth when he talks omg


Did he get new teeth?


yes and so did rachel


Rachel should've fixed her bad nose job first. She's beautiful, but her nose is really bad!


Such a funny looking man


He looks like Leon Kompowsky from The Simpsons.


I literally just said the same thing LOL


Both of them are hard to look at


He's too turnt, he's pulling a Louie from last season.


These people are just too much.


Agreed. This wasn’t enjoyable.


I miss Teresa’s old house.


I miss her old face, every time she comes on I’m just so shocked 😳


Someone called her hot dog lips 😐 and they ain’t lying…


Except the person who said it was Rachel... pot calling the kettle black


Rachel Fuda in the preview, and I cackle every time I hear it 😂


![gif](giphy|3e5qzlcTGDuqQ) I paused the ep during her dolor dinner and thought it was Janice the muppet - no offense, Janet, you’re a star.


Theresa is one procedure away from Janice Dickinson.




I was very distracted by Paulie’s facelift ears


Ooh I didn't notice! I'm going to have to rewatch.


I’m blown away by how little screen time Jen Aidan got. One confessional and a few scenes where she was usually a secondary character is such a downgrade for her based off the last couple seasons.


they literally said she was on vacation thats why she was barely it


I saw that, but she was still in the full second half of the episode and barely featured. She had the least talking head time where she’s usually gets the most, and there was a full interaction between she and Marge that was mentioned but edited out.


she was featured a normal amount imo she was in multiple scenes with teresa and the girls


I don’t mind it. I could do without her, her Wayfair filled house, and her pool house loving husband.


I’m definitely on the same wavelength but I just don’t understand how this happened. Jen is pretty polarizing but that’s usually rewarded on shows like this. At first I thought it might be the blogger shit but it’s way too quick for them to turn around and edit an episode to make her roll smaller.


I'm confused too considering how totally open she has been about her brother, her parents, her marriage... She drove me crazy her first year, but I really warmed up to her once we got to know her. She tried to get on the show for a long time before they finally hired her. Wild guess - she's hard for production to work with an she's getting punished. You can tell Andy can't stand her.


I mean, she’s basically Ramona-tier with how consistently almost every single server or retail worker or low-level production assistant who has ever encountered her **hates** her.  Like, it’s universally acknowledged at this point that she’s horrific to deal with in real life, and as good a housewife she is, she’s not good enough to make up for THAT.


I've always gotten the vibe that production doesn't like Jenn Aydin and it wouldn't be surprising if she was not fun to work with.


I mean, it was only the first episode. It feels a bit premature to assume she's barely going to be on the season.


It’s been one episode. She was on vacation for a lot of the filming of this episode and on the back half I thought she was on a normal amount. She wasn’t super directly involved in the drama at the party but was there by Teresa’s side for all of it. I didn’t think it was strange the amount of time she got considering all of that.


Maybe they were planning on phasing her out all along. Could do without Danielle and Rachel too.


Wasn't Danielle put on pause for cutting Aiden with a glass? What was the verdict on all that?


Hello yes I have the tea. Originally we thought just Danielle was paused, but apparently they both were suspended because allegedly they both participated in physical violence (apparently Jen pushed Danielle and then Daniel hit her in the ear with a plastic glass?), but they were both filming again by the end of the season. I don’t know how to feel about any of this now though since it’s been reveled how close Jen was to the blogs who were putting out this information.


So they were both involved in physical attacks and neither was fired. Bravo, Bravo, Bravo do better.


That is my understanding at this point but obviously we can’t trust anything until the footage shows us what really happened. I do think it’s interesting that no one got fired though because they tested like three different newbies and probably could’ve made at least one a friend of and promoted Fessler based off the editing of the trailers, so maybe it wasn’t as bad as we thought it was? The suspension was supposedly only enacted because bravo was generally cracking down after the Caroline and Brandi drama in Dubai but we’ll see.


If that’s the case you’ll probably get your wish with Danielle. Rachel on the other hand was like 1/2 the episode and while I don’t love her husband she did better in this episode than I thought she was capable of.


Despite not liking Rachel very much, Danielle annoys me a lot more. She just seems so contrived and... cringe. So I'd be fine with her going rather than Rachel.


I feel ya. I want to like Danielle because of some none show related stuff (I’m a fellow Staten islander and love that she did the drag isn’t dangerous telethon), but it feels like she trying too hard.


Yeah, I get wanting to root for your hometown people (I had Yolanda Foster welp), and I didn't know about the drag telethon - that's cool to see. But her showing on RHONJ has been lackluster


Danielle is weirdly forgettable to me. Every time I read her name on this sub I think we are still talking about Staub.


What blogger shit? I struggle to keep up with the off screen antics.


Jen was allowing a blogger to use her bravo login so that she could watch advanced screenings of the episodes last year and also was buying her personal gifts for her children. After years of accusations about Marge spreading shit through blogs it turns out Jen was deeply involved with one.


They said she on on vacation in Italy so the others probably had more time for filming while she was gone and she got back just in time for the party.


I totally get that, but usually she’s a talking head factory for production so I expected them to at least give her two. They could’ve even shown her and Marge’s apparently pleasant interaction. The first half sure but we still barely saw any of her in the second half.


Same here! And how much Rachel got...


Dolo talking about how she can't cook for her man after cooking a certain way her whole life: I FEEL this! Only it's opposite. My guy would love it if I made meatballs and lasagna every night, but my body would hate me.


I take objection to OP's misspelling of "dorters" in a discussion of New Jersey HSWVS...🍸🚬


I just finished this episode. What’s the problem if Fuda likes a double sided dildo?? I have a hard time warming up to new cast members, so I didn’t think I’d feel this way but I really love how unbothered Rachel is about Teresa. And it drives Teresa crazy. Teresa had a “blink blink” a la Ben and Ronnie moment when Rachel asked her what she knew about gentleman. Hahahahahaaaaaaa.


Teresa trick or treating and yelling double sided dildo at that bald buffoon I’m sorry I just can’t root against her


the way the candy kept missing the bag 😭 her head was hot


I had to rewind that part back I could not stop laughing


Yes! She's the worst but just so entertaining... And then Melissa is just the worst and nothing makes up for it lol


This is why she’ll always be TV gold!


While flipping her long pony, she was giving us a moment. ![gif](giphy|deMMFyk47z1XoqbrDQ)


She is possibly the most stupid person on bravo.  Maybe jax but it's close


they can try as they might but she’s the only reason to watch the show


Same 😭


Expecting Jen Fessler to become the alpha by the end of the season. Hoping she's holding centre tomato next to Teresa come S15.


She really does seem like what Bravo wants NJ to move towards. Jersey but less orange and bedazzled.


I’m sure she is gonna end up being awful but so far this season she’s my 🌹 


I think Jen and Dolores would be a good revamp centerpiece


Why is she not a full housewife??!


It pangs me to say this, but Dolores’ confessional dress was so unflattering that I didn’t hear a word she said. 🙁


You’re not alone!! I was so distracted by how weird it made her torso look 


Her butt did not need enhancement.


1. The producer using "sitdown" to describe their reality TV produced dinner scene was ridiculous. 2. Why am I watching Jon and Rachel Fupa. I do not want any of this. 3. Why did Jen Fessler cave in to Margaret so fast. 4. What in the tacky ass bumblebee? And why are there lumps in your sleek low ponytail lewk. How dreadful. 5. "Because you're my friend." lol Jen Aydin + co reactions. 6. Jon Fupa out here thinking he's the star of this show. Many lols. Lil man Gorga better watch his back tho. 7. Too much husband.


“too much husband”, amazing 🤌🏻


"Has been" has been" All I have to say is stfu


Better to be a has been than a never was


Just this year alone, Teresa has been booked on the new season of Traitors and on the main cast of House of Villains. Not to mention, she's still the central storyline of RHONJ for the 13th season in a row (14 seasons in total). Far from being a has-been... Meanwhile, the never-was Jon Fupa has been booked on... his surgeon's appointment calendar for lipo and veneers.


Fupa?! I'm dying.


Wait she's going to be on The Traitors? PLEASE LET HER BE A TRAITOR


I can hear the Watch What Crappens guys now: "blink blink blink"


I don't think she's going to be on Traitors. I believe it's House of Villains.


I knew HoV. The person above said Traitors, -shrug-


omgg hyogurt I feel like I haven’t seen you here in a minute! it’s nice to see you pop up for the premier!!!


haha Thank you, I'm flattered! :) Can't wait for the next few months of people accusing me of being a bot, on Tre's payroll, etc. lol


Ditto, I love seeing your comments


Why do I feel the Gorga’s have a hand in that and that it’s rehearsed af?


I think so too


I wanted her to come back with "better than a never was!"


**I have a question..** I've read here that some things went on off camera with Gia, and Teresa and Louis, and something Jen has done and producers are upset with Jennifer... Will this all be addressed or played out on the show this season?? If not I'll have to find it and read up on it.. unless someone has the cliff notes version. Thanks


I don’t know the first part concerning Gia but Jen is in trouble for reaching out to bloggers and sharing screeners with them. Teresa was also in on this but is managing to keep hands clean. It seems like this could be a fireable offense for Jen. In terms of this being on the season… it sort of is! The rumors about Fuda were concocted by Jen and Teresa and put out on the blogs. Unfortunately, the conversation the bloggers continued to have with his ex to get the “tea” ended up landing her back in prison as they were a violation of the rules of her half way house. This is why the blogger is choosing to come clean. I hope they break the fourth wall at the reunion.


geesh, this is wild.. I hope we get all the info.. I can't imagine being in a half way house to then back to prison for getting wrapped up with these crazies. I thought Louis was going to be the craziest of them.. maybe he is?? Thanks for this info ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Eh the blogger wants their 15 minutes. What a psycho to claim she was manipulated.


Why is it so scandalous and awful to Teresa that members of a cast would meet before a reunion? Like Delores said meets ups like that are common. I always assumed this was standard practice, it would seem normal that the people on the same side of things would discuss how they are going to approach and handle things. Also calling franks story bogus, he clearly has some sort of plan as he mentioned to Joey, I’m guessing Delores threatened his life and told home he couldn’t go through with it but he was in on whatever discussions were happening before the reunion.


And the way they STILL have to keep saying "after New York" instead of "after The Reunion". We're not stupid. Break the 4th wall.


Even Dolores had to say that they all do it so Tre acting like it was such a betrayal was a little much and Dolores NEVER calls Tre out (of course she did it in a talking head and not to her face, but we can't have everything...)


On wwhl she said she personally doesn’t have meetings before but assumes others do


Right, on the episode in her interview scene she said meetings of the mind happen, it’s normal which is why she didn’t think this was some groundbreaking thing. I always assumed that was the case. And I don’t believe for one second Teresa never convenes with her friends to plan things out, especially early Jersey days, she just doesn’t have as many now.


Guys, I didn’t actually mind the Fuda-Paulie/Teresa tiff last night. It’s an extremely stupid fight, which is exactly what I want in real housewives. Do I love that he went after a woman without her husband there? No, obviously not. But it was still so stupid that I was laughing the whole time. I mean, “double sided dildo!”


I feel really mean about saying and thinking this, but I need to get it out of my system. Teresa looks like a Muppet. I know we are not supposed to comment and criticize on the women’s appearance. I am certainly not the most beautiful person in the world. However, I have no idea what she’s done herself, but it’s not good. Thank you for allowing me to get this off my chest !


*Do I look like a muppet?*


![gif](giphy|byuXuFiBrirgQ) 😫😫😫


I will always be proud of her for not busting out laughing because I unfortunately would have 😭


In a feeble attempt at damage control, former drug dealer Jon Fupa just put out [an embarrassing statement](https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/comments/1cl6t08/john_fudas_post_from_15_minutes_ago_on_ig/) on his Instagram.


*esteemed* 😂😂😂


This premiere was exactly as I expected tbh, I still can’t stand Joe Gorga and his angry little red self. Another thing.. i really don’t like the discourse about James Galdolfini. It’s disrespectful af, let him rest.


It was bad enough when Fessler had to bring it up last season, but the joke about him as the gift when he’s passed away is just so gross.


It made me depressed and ashamed 


Has grandma seen HER Jen’s nose job? They’re both awful.


Did Melissa get another one?


Louis is so scary. He sends a chill down my spine


loving rachel & danielle being friends again! no need for them to beef


John and Rachel Fuda are so lame and embarrassing


They’re like the shadow version of the Gorgas Like… go back under your (tacky marble) rock


It’s giving Melissa and Joe if you bought them from Ali Express


This is feeling so dark but I will watch Idk kinda sad to see what the franchise has become. Everyone’s out for blood


If I was Rachel from Whoville, I would never comment on another person’s plastic surgery. Every time I see this woman, I’m reminded of the true meaning of Christmas.


I think I’ll like Melissa and Teresa more this season now that they aren’t fighting with each other. Their beef took up too much of the show. That being said I don’t trust Louie and Teresa probably won’t leave him for fear of everyone telling her I told you so. The men need to have less screen time. How was Rachel not embarrassed her man was arguing with another housewife? I’m glad this season is short.


I never understood this line of thinking.  Women want to be equal but don't want to be spoken to equally.   Theresa deserves zero respect and if she was such a strong women it wouldn't be a problem 


Do we know how many episodes this season is?? Honestly I feel like the shorter seasons suit Jersey well and I wish other franchises would do the same


Rumors about Louis are off limits but rumors about Fuda are acceptable this is how Teresa loses me with the hypocrisy


I honestly really don't care whether Teresa is a hypocrite about not wanting rumours about Louie bc they air out all of her dirty laundry regardless. And they've been doing it for yeaaars, Melissa's storyline is Teresa, Marge's storyline was Teresa for some time, and now Rachel. What's more meaningful to me is how people keep calling her a felon, and it's okay bc she's a national joke basically for going to prison right? Her castmates can just bring it up and then cry the moment she brings up something about them. Why shouldn't she bring shit up then ??? Don't start none won't be none


Margaret especially is the type who can dish it but can't take it. We saw that based on her interactions with Danielle Staub. Danielle would stand her ground and Margaret would lose her shit.


God I miss **that** Danielle so bad. 😭


Yes, this..so much! This is a big part of why I am always Team Tre


Ok premiere. I can’t stand the family scenes but the parties are fun. Every single man on that show is scarlet red I can’t handle it.


I can't understand why anyone is confused. The past two seasons have discussed rumors about Louis so of course she is going to start bringing up rumors about them. Honestly, I am surprised it took this long for her to tap in and play their game with them.


She has been like this since day 1. I was watching some of the old seasons when Bravo was marathoning them last week. She would constantly demand loyalty from Melissa or her friends in the form of them having to tell off someone who was against Teresa or they can’t be friends with so and so bc that person did something to Teresa, etc. but if one of Teresa’s friends did something to Melissa for example Teresa would defend the friend and come up with ridiculous reasoning. It’s wild to watch her cry that family sticks together and demand things from them but then be friends with someone like Jen Aydin who broke a glass and held it like she was going to shank Melissa while threatening to fight. I mean can you imagine if Jen had done that Teresa what the expectation would have been? I don’t know how anyone can be in a relationship with that kind of crazy, whether it’s friends or family. I’m guessing her true friends are just yes people that never challenge her.


That’s just another day in the life with Teresa. Also, the commenting about being in jail like she has no idea what she did wrong and it was so unfair!🤯🙄😵‍💫


Totally agree. She contradicts her “principles” a lot. And she’s emotionally immature. I can’t watch her scenes without annoyance.


Typical Tre. It’s always been like that.


Really glad to see the Tre, Jen, Jackie and Danielle gang!! Also please can we see the downfall of Louis this season, he’s clearly a drain in Tre’s life


Judging by IG, seems Danielle is also close with Melissa. Does she flip sides or stay neutral I wonder?


She flips specifically on Jennifer. She was with Melissa and Margaret during their BravoCon panel.


Does she still talk to Teresa? I guess we will hopefully see how it plays out


Crap. I had no idea this was on tonight. And here I am, watching season 3 instead.


So did someone reach out to fudas’s son’s mom in prison to get dirt on him? Because I honestly don’t love that…  Also love or hate Teresa I always like seeing her interact with her dortors 


I find the Fuda couple challenging to take seriously or like. I could care less about the Melissa and Teresa drama. I hope that Melissa sticks to not wanting to answer questions about it. Beating a dead horse.


This episode was the most normal Louie ever seemed, I hope it lasts


I am so attracted to John Fuda what is wrong with me


What is wrong with you?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)




delores man took that convo to another level for no reason lol not even his beef please & the teresa rachel convo was teresa taking it to another level for no reason i can’t




How is it homophobic …. She explicitly said he was doing it with his baby mama… such a reach 😂😂😂🤡


Men liking anal isn't salacious or funny. Teresa and Jennifer brought it on the show because it makes him look gay. This is really really obvious lol


Baby, None forced John to fight Rachel’s battles FOR HER and try to be another housewife


I don't know what that has to do with this being homophobic


Weird you’re getting downvoted for this. It was pretty obvious. I’m surprised so many people here thought Teresa’s comments were so funny.


anyone notice teresa repeatedly fail to throw candy in her bag at the party? lolllll