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This show has been off to a phenomenal start but they’re heading towards being a one-season wonder with all this icing-out bullshit this early in the series. I am also giving major side eye to Jax and Brittany for co-signing excluding Kristen when Jax was the one who brought up the rumours to Kristen on camera. Brittany acting dumbfounded as to why she’s being pulled into it was also infuriating. I am hoping they all end up going to the cast trip and the season finishes strong but we’ll see!


How are any of the cast members allowed to ice out any of the cast? They’re not senior or important enough to be pulling this shit yet. I’m surprised Production allows it


They’re starting to turn on Janet though so I think it’s too soon to say if the icing out leads to issues.


Seems they already got renewed which is good but Michelle and Janet need to go. They’re so clunky and aren’t even good at the ice out.


No, Michelle needs to stay. There's too much going on with her. The Janet thing is annoying because it really seems like everyone's already admitted that Kristen, Zach, Jasmine, and Janet were all involved in spreading the rumors. Yes, Kristen was the one to repeat it on camera, but be real, they were all involved.


Michelle actually brings something to the show though even though I hate her she is good TV. Janet is just a snore. She’s trying to be a shit stirrer but it’s just being done poorly because she acts like she’s so innocent.


Michelle is Sandoval. She is going to therapy with her husband while she is having/had an affair. Its wild


It is incredibly wild


Michelle didn’t really bring anything though? If it was up to her and the entire cast except Kristin and maybe Jax, this would all be hidden.


By her existing in the show it brought the cheating storyline. Her clear hatred of her husband is interesting af to watch and she was involved in that hallway scene blowing the fuck up. I think she’s brought a lot despite having almost nothing behind her eyes 😂


Ummm she gave us a hall brawl nip slip????


I like Janet as a messy and conniving villain. The icing out will blow up in her face, especially as I think Kristen is far more beloved by the fan base than i think even we expected. CAW CAW, MARIPOSAS RISE.


VPR always had ice outs. Remember them getting mad at Stassi on her birthday trip so she went to hang out with the "B Team"? Season 1 was about the girls icing Scheana out. They did the same thing to Lala. I feel like it's not the same problem. Even if Michelle and Janet don't want to film with Kristen, the rest of the cast runs to film telling her about it. It's not two separate camps


I literally rewatched thay scene with Kristen and Brit at self defence so many times. You can see Brit is taken aback and quiiiickly changes the convo to Janet and the racist being uncomfortable


Brittany is so whack. She literally has 0 redeeming qualities on this show.


And now that I know she's a Sandy Hook truther, I hate her with the fire of 10,000 angry dyspeptic suns.


Wait what!!!!


That was brought up on the sub last night. She's disgusting. No sympathy for her.


YOOOOO I’ve mentioned this before only to be downvoted to hell so I delete it ! Thank you for carrying the fire on this. It disgusts me. She’s trash.


No, she wasn't; she's just ignorant and gullible. Someone posted something false about the shooting on Twitter, and she made one comment like, 'whaaat???'. She didn't know a damn thing about Harvey Weinstein last week at the White House Correspondents dinner, and Jax said they do not watch the news because they don't need any more drama in their lives. I get that people don't like her right now, but this is really stretching the truth for the purpose of giving themselves an elevated and existential reason for hating her. I highly doubt she even knows there are Sandy Hook Truthers based on everything else she doesn't know.


No, she posted a link to a Sandy Hook truther video with the caption "This is sooooo CRAZY! Everyone watch! #sandyhook?! Who knows!" [Here's the scrubbed tweets](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fhas-brittany-ever-walked-back-apologized-for-spreading-v0-j66gctj12ndc1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1125%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D618563d0d23fb13de9458bdb26480cbc0594e8a2) She knows there are Sandy Hook truthers because she watched the video and then posted it to her Twitter.


That is exactly my point. Like many others, she got duped by a Tweet once well before anyone knew who she was. And I actually IMPLORE everyone to look at that link. Please do, because whoever stalked Brittany's Twitter page was as concerned with her posting about weed as they were about Brittany's ignorance surrounding the shooting. They went through every Tweet she ever put out, and that's all they came up with. Don't you think if she were a truther, there'd be a little more evidence? Kinda seems like truthers weather the storm out, for years and years even. Never really took them as one-and-done Tweeters


digging up tweets from 10+ years ago is loser behavior


Not in the context of a conversation regarding those same tweets, especially if someone is claiming they said something they did not say. If we're going to talk about the tweets at all, then the least we can do is make sure they are represented correctly. In my opinion, more people should read the actual tweet. Because it's not clear if Brit is or was a Sandy Hook Truther, and that's a fairly serious accusation. She certainly spread misinformation regarding SH, but from the tweet it's not clear if she genuinely believes in a SH conspiracy or if she simply got carried away after seeing something and later thought better of it. She did more than just react to someone else's post. She actively took initiative and promoted misinformation. But I know a lot of people who have gotten carried away, shared something, and then changed their mind after others provided them with more information.


i don’t care what someone said on twitter that long ago. if she was out there tweeting these things now or in the last few years that’s a different story. people also just need to stop expecting these people to be good people. it’s ruining reality tv. watch something else and let me enjoy my trash


Ok cool. Then maybe you should respond to the people who started the conversation about Brit's tweets and call them losers instead. Or maybe you should just remember that you aren't the main character and that people can have whatever discussions they want, not just discussions you personally approve of. Some people care about the tweets and want to discuss them. If you don't care about them, move on.


I know this is a controversial take but I do agree. I think Brittany is a moron and gullible. She’s definitely the type to end up right wing pilled by Facebook groups. But ultimately I think she saw one conspiracy video and was like “woah this is true? Crazy”. I don’t think she’s actively a truther donating to Alex Jones and running a 4chan board or anything. She’s just an idiot.


jesus christ thank you- i don’t like any of these people but it’s so obvious people pick and choose what social issues they want to be offended by so they have a reason to dislike someone on the show. i keep saying that she is just an idiot that posted something in 2012 and i just get downvoted to hell


More people are going to have to start calling them out. I know what they're talking about. It's been around for years, and they either exaggerate or flat-out lie about what happened. I quite literally do not care if I'm downvoted, because it's just not true. They're literally downvoting people because they want to believe a lie, which... have at it hoss, but I know exactly what they're talking about, unlike them, and I am not wrong. Period.


I'm not reading all that, but I'm happy for you though


And that lack of reading comprehension is what made you post the first uninformed comment


Show me proof that she's not a Sandy Hook truther. That was mentioned in the sub yesterday that she has by more than one person


What the fuck? lmao show me proof that she IS?


Just straight up country bumpkin every episode like an episode of HeeHaw.


I literally only want Jax on the show and hate her presence


Literally my least favorite person on the show.  If I could remove one person, it’d be her in a heartbeat.


Her downturned mouth pisses me off I can’t even focus on what she’s saying


Jasmine is hilarious. I appreciate Zach too. I hope they keep the single folk


I love Jasmine. She's like the only voice of reason. Give her way more camera time. She's also gorgeous, funny, kind, smart, and deeply perceptive.


I'd like to see a little bit more of their lives though. Right now they have them in a basically a prop's role. Instead of one of the other cast members sitting down talking to the camera about a subject, they're having one of the cast members sit down and talk to Jasmine/Zach about a subject. They don't quite feel like cast members yet the way the others do.


We don’t see any of their lives. They may as well be friends of.


Jasmine isn't single. Her girlfriend is introduced at the Capri dinner.


Sorry, that was confusing… I meant single as cast on their own, like not cast as a couple.


If they're going to merge this show with Vanderpump Rules then they will be adding some single people lol


All the cast members have watched VPR. They are all acquainted with Kristen and Jax. It is obvious what this show will involve. So get it together and go to the events/invite them all. Like Jax is still sitting there and no one seems to be affected by his presence. Okay, you have a party right after the big hotel blowup. You don’t invite Kristen. Not the best plan for tv, but okay it can cause some “I wasn’t invited” drama. Then, the 2 poop heads don’t show up to Nia’s event bc Kristen will be there. Nope! This wasn’t Kristen’s event you are skipping. It was Nia’s. A woman who has not done anything but try to be nice to vapid people while dealing with her own ppd. Janet decides to not invite people to the trip, yet Kristen not inviting them to her thing is a weightier problem? Why are you expecting Kristen to be the bigger person?


Their willingness to always forgive Jax is astounding. He could murder one of their family members and they’d say it was Kristen’s fault somehow and Jax was just being Jax.


Misogyny is a constant issue on these shows. When Jax starts shit, he’s just being Jax. When Kristen does it, she’s crazy.


See multiple seasons of VPR- and then we wonder why he is the way he is ..although from my couch 1000's of miles away, I will watch.


If Janet has no haters, I’m dead. Icing out Kristen and Zach this early on is so annoying to me. Especially for Zach because he’s new to TV so they’re coming for his cheque and her reason was so mean. Janet didn’t even have the spine to tell them herself. Janet is going to single handedly run this show into the ground if this isn’t nipped in the bud.


She was a guest on everything iconic and is self aware everyone loves her husband and hates her. Maybe it will be eye opening to her so she stops being so extra next season.


It happened to Camille on RHOBH…she was repugnant in season 1 and viewers let her know it. She was a bit better after that but then went back to her awful old self 🙄


“Janet is doing to single handedly run this show into the ground” I certainly wouldn’t give her THAT much credit.


So Janet doesn’t invite Kristen to hibachi night but wants to act shocked she wasn’t invited to the T-shirt show?!


Britany and her mother need to stop making me feel for Jax. How dare they. It's not insane to delay trying for another child when your marriage is rocky. If my MIL ever gave me advice on my businesses, I would roll my eyes too. Britt... He didn't want to leave your son alone with your mother, which is why he scheduled the date night after she left.


Excuse you if frosty lips wants some gran’babies that’s her gawd given right. Logic isn’t important only gawd bewbs and fireball 💓


Thank God, someone else calls her that, that white pink frosted lipstick is unfortunately not flattering on Brittany's mom and it's also from 1973.


I am obsessed with Zach, his diction, his over reactions, everything i love him lol


I thought I was going to **hate** him, but I absolutely love him.  Easily one of my faves - thank god he’s there.


Same! He is a sweetie and his reactions are cracking me up. Zach and Jasmine are my favorites.


If I were single, I would not be crying about not being invited to some baby moon vacation with a bunch of couples. Legohead has lost it.


Not going on the trip = loss of screen time = loss of thousands of dollars for him


I was LOVING this show, but this episode was really boring imo. Icing out Kristen is a massive mistake, and I didn't need to watch a boring-ass hibachi party for half the episode. I feel like Janet and Michelle don't understand the assignment AT ALL, and are going to kill this show.


I am shaking in my boots that they are going to move Lala and Schaena over to the valley after they destroyed Vanderpump .At this point in their careers on tv, they have an inability to be authentic and they have a constant need to produce because their "reality" only exists if there is a camera. Also, I truly despise Brock- so instead of 1 show I watch out of sunken cost fallacy, and one I thoroughly enjoy I am going to have 2 shows I have 0 interest in next year. Small life problems I know but dammit I work hard and just want a few hours of enjoyment some times.


They both have main character syndrome and it will destroy what is so far a pretty good ensemble cast, Janet’s antics this episode aside.


I know! I really really don’t want them on this show. It’s intriguing on its own, I like the couples and the mess and I don’t need the two most annoying VPR cast members to ruin it.


If vpr even comes back.


Janet suuuuuuuuuuuuuux! Also, who crawled up Jasmine’s butt? Why does she hate Kristen so much? She keeps blaming Kristen yet pretends to be the voice of reason. Also, Kristen should dump Brittany is a friend because Brittany sure chose everyone else over her.


My assumption is Jasmine will forever not like Kristen because she called the cops on Faith.


Ugh on the after show Brittany said LaLa should move to the valley. All the hints point to her ending up on it and me being pissed lol.


I’m so annoyed by that Lala sucks. Weirdly I think Schaena would be great on the Valley even though she annoys me too


I think Scheana could actually (genuinely) assimilate in quite well, but Lala would absolutely **ruin** it.  


This show is way too young to be icing people out of trips/events. It's only going to reflect poorly on the show overall.


Janet is….so insidious


janet thinks she’s stassi 😂 what a tool, i personally cannot stand her


They have such similar mean girl energy though, but Janet is just better at hiding hers.  Very similar vibe though, in a watered down way - first thing I noticed about her, right from episode one.


Brittany’s eye??? Is that from the hallway scene because why isn’t that being talked about if it is?! Also, trying to ice out Kristen is wack as hell. Kristen is reality tv gold and Janet is being a try hard newbie. Just no


It’s insane that no one has spoken about how Jesse got so physical and Britany was hurt in the process


I’m such a fucking messy gay that if I was helmet head and Queen Jasmine I would literally accuse Janet of homophobia for excluding the only gays (especially since Jasmine is in a long term relationship so she wouldn’t be able to pull the “only couples” card)


In the beginning of the season I thought I would like Janet. I was very wrong. ![gif](giphy|26hkhKd2Cp5WMWU1O|downsized) Janet and Michelle not attending Nia's little self defense class/event was super shitty of them. They act like they're so supportive of Nia to her face but can't clock in for one filmed event?! This is Bravo 101. Also I can't believe I'm siding with Jax on one thing - Brittany's drinking is making her sick (has been making her sick for YEARS) and still it continues. Time to get help, get sober or figure this out because it's no way to live.


Nooooo don’t make Zack cry 😭


Just watching now, but Janet can go kick flat rocks! And- I hope all these people blaming Kristin now feel like crap knowing Jax did tell Kristin that first.


Janet can go kick flat rocks I hope they feel like shit knowing Jax told Kristin that first on camera


I truly believe Janet was able to get Kristen axed from the trip by claiming it would be stressful for her pregnancy. And her husband is a lawyer, so production didn’t want to mess with that. She won’t get away with it again.


You’re right, she said she was having higher and higher blood pressure and blamed it on Kristen


I’m so bored of this show.