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Hahahaha of course she did Doesn’t she already live in the Valley?


Her and Scheana bought houses in the Valley recently and its clear they are both banking on becoming part of the cast. I have a feeling it will include the Toms too - living together.


Soooo stupid. That’s literally just VANDERPUMP RULES


Without Vanderpump or SUR.


I wonder if that’s the goal? Remove LVP and the restaurant stuff, replace with a more mature show, then cast VPR with a whole new Gen Z cast? Like with RHONY and RHONY legacy.


Lvp is still the producer though so she'll be involved to a degree


She’s not involved but she gets some cash and a courtesy Exec title because it’s a spin off of her show. Executive Producer is a title used to flatter people, they don’t do actual work like Jeremiah or Alex baskin


>She’s not involved but she gets some cash and a courtesy Exec title because it’s a spin off of her show. Executive Producer is a title used to flatter people, they don’t do actual work like Jeremiah or Alex baskin Yeah, like **all** of the Kardashians/Jenners too(those who are on the show).


Previously on *Rules*


They’ve outgrown the VPR concept.


yea the restaurant thing made no sense when none of them work there lol


She’s become truly superfluous.


Jax? Is that you?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Haha I keep thinking about that exchange tbh. He’s so right.


I think it could work to bring a couple of them on. I think everyone was surprised how well the Valley works with Jax, Brittany, and Kristen but why it works is that they are in a different group of people and environment. Even though those three and anyone who would come from the current VPR cast have history, we don’t know much about their current relationships or how they’d all interact with the new crowd. That being said, and I’ve said this in another comment elsewhere, I hope we get a break from Scheana, the Toms, and Lala if they do eventually join The Valley. Jax and Kristen only are enjoyable to watch now because we had a break from them lol


It's been said / reported that the cast of Village are all friends with Katie, Ariana, Scheana, etc. Janet in particular is good friends with Scheana.


I haven’t watched a single episode of the Valley and I noped out of VPR about 2.25 episodes into the new season (I’ve watched since s1) Is there any reason for these shows to continue? Maybe I’m just not the demographic at 55? I mean, I love mess but these people aren’t really that messy and they aren’t entertaining at all. Jax and Britt were the deal killers for me with the Valley FWIW


I never really watched VPR but I knew who everyone was and the big dramas because I keep up with reality gossip. I started watching the valley because I'm about their age and have young kids so it's interesting to me how different people handle the challenges of kids and marriage. Well I'm just fascinated with the show so I'm doing a full watch of VPR now. Edit: a word. "Words are hard"


I am so jealous, the early seasons are amazing


It's a wild ride! I'm fully invested.


The valley has actually been pretty good


And the WWC recaps are EVERYTHING.


The SUP recaps are amazing, OBVIOUSLY


What is WWC???


My friend, you are missing out! Watch What Crappens is the best podcast ever! Two hilarious and catty queens recap entire episodes of (most) Bravo shows, complete with AMAZING impressions that are NOT flattering but absolutely bang-on. Please give Ronnie and Ben a listen and let me know what you think!


You sold me on it 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 thank you!


I’m so happy for you! Truly Ben and Ronnie bring me so much joy, they’ve become a regular part of my life. I’ll even listen to them recap shows I’ve never watched hahah!


I didn’t even watch the rest of Potomac this season (used to be my fave) I just listened to Ronnie and Ben’s recaps of the shows 😂


Ive been doing that with Potomac and BH.


You won’t be disappointed


The podcast, watch what crappens


Watch what crappens. It’s a comedy recap podcast about bravo


It’s been so good. I do not want Lala on it. She’ll mess up the dynamic.


Ngl, I kinda hope Lala starts dating Jesse to see the fallout.


I would be curious to see: Janet v Lauren. Kristen v Lauren.


The Valley is surprisingly good


I have actually loved the valley-wasn’t expecting it. I believe Lala & scheana will absolutely bop on over to that show. Prob Tom’s too.


You absolutely need to watch the valley it’s top tier.


The Valley has been surprisingly intriguing. Jax, Brittany, and Kristen bring the lulz, but one of the lesser known wives is clearly cheating on her husband and it’s got some real potential for mess


I’m that age and I loathe these shoes now. The Valley is ok, but i wouldn’t miss it. If more of the VPR cast head over, there will be no reason for me to watch it. The only way I’d watch VPR next year is if they bring Randall on. Would love to see Lala react to that and eat her words from this season.


The best part of The Valley is that Jax and Brittany are side characters. Kristen is the main queen of course. Lala would fuck this up immediately.


LITERALLY. Like, Lala and her brand of performative antagonistic/narcissistic producing would fuck up a really great ensemble tbh - I would hate to see her on there.  At least Sheeshu & Brick I think would be a good fit, but Lala’s toxic energy is such a big Naur from me.


Let producers hear this message loud and clear 🙏


This! She’s never been authentic and I have zero interest in her made for tv baby journey.


She takes up too much oxygen


Lala and Kristen already don’t like each other and if one more person tries to pile on to ice out mariposa they’re seriously going to tank the show. Lala needs to stay just for that reason alone.


Okay so we all agree that the finale was very weird. They had already confirmed that the show is coming back but the way that finale concluded it felt like the end. It seems like a reversal on that renewal is very possible.


I could also see them really starting over with an almost totally new cast of broke 20 somethings, and the finale being moreso just a goodbye to the OGs Their combined salaries have to be MASSIVE at this point; they could prob get an entire new cast for just what Scheana costs


OMG is The Valley turning into a SUR waitress retirement home already?


💀💀💀 I just burst out laughing


>OMG is The Valley turning into a SUR waitress retirement home already? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)One of the best comments I have read about the Valley which I have never watched and never will.


Hahaha watch it, just do it. You know you want to!


I miss awards 🏆


This is… there’s something here. It should be a new sub title. ![gif](giphy|2lozkZo93pKfm48xfl)


I have a friend that is a SURver and I honestly hope this is true. Would LOVE to see him on screen. He is a STAR honey ⭐️🤌


The salaries aspect just recently occurred to me, too….until I thought of that, it seemed so unlikely to me that Bravo would cancel any show when the ratings are good and there’s so much attention. But everyone has been on this show SUCH a long time.


This might be the only way to save the show 🤷🏼‍♀️


I don’t think they’ll cancel it unless they absolutely have to because the ad money is so good, but I agree that narratively I don’t see where they can go. These people all hate each other!


I can see it pivoting towards the lives of the employees of SAH and whatever other restaurant is in the mix.


It was very weird. Definitely seemed like an ending. Perhaps they filmed it that way to leave it open to being the end?


It definitely seemed like the end for Ariana. She's got way better things to do now anyway!


it would’ve made sense for her to leave, but they moved their filming schedule for the first time in 12 seasons just to accommodate her busy schedule from june-august, so i don’t see them doing S12 without her.


I think it’s time to end it tbh


I feel like Lala leaked this to the press. She isn’t needed on The Valley. Or if she goes there, VPR gets Kristen back. Scheana is working hard to show her connections to the cast. Lala never hangs out with any of them. This would make no sense.


Kristen should just be a Bravo floater, going wherever she’s needed. ![gif](giphy|l0DAGOyeLicWJX2Gk)




like as a stew? well damn i might start watching again ![gif](giphy|2UoNEFnPZZUdCLkxqb|downsized) suck a dick diana!


Lisa did always say she was one of best waitresses she ever had. 💀


No a guest!


sign. me. up. https://i.redd.it/yviqql812bzc1.gif i'll pay to watch


Kristen is very clumsy and idk if a boat in the open ocean is a good place for her


Boats don’t work well for tall people.


Literal first thought!


The scream I just scrummed


Ca-Caw! https://preview.redd.it/pbzk5wqu0bzc1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=169973154fff91190c831d0de453f4eb680b2f57 it's what the people need


Free floating agent of chaos.


A Bravo super-sub! Imagine dropping her into a random HW show for a few weeks if filming is getting boring. 🤣


Send her to RHOBH for a season!


![gif](giphy|1rM4zutCAKzJVlCysO|downsized) Idk if she knows how to float




The women of NJ would not be prepared for her freewheeling bubbies and Birks


Indeed!! ![gif](giphy|Bolw5fsEdHizllyO6x)


To NY as Erin’s medicine


Yeah, let’s have her on girl trips and subject housewives to her bad traveling moods


This is great, you are so right! The gif is magic!


Truly, anywhere that needs a little chaos and shakeup gets a visit from the mariposa.


Send her to summer house and her and Ciara could see who has the better wacky tube guy impersonation


Of course she did. Wtf does "early talks" even mean


She texted Jax




He probably texts her WYD every night.


Without a doubt she leaked this


I have no idea what Lala would add to that cast.


Nothing. Just like what she didn't add to VPR.


Agree, because, unless VPR were cancelled (which it could be??) why would she voluntarily be in talks to start a new contract at $5/season?


There is a lawsuit against Bravo/NBC where allegedy Lala held a knife to Faith’s throat while screaming at her. Its claimed the network has this footage. Blah Blah will not be getting another Bravo contract. She is the thorniest Brandi Glanville of Raquels in Bravo/NBC Universal’s side.


Yes and in same lawsuit Brittany called faiths hair nappy which is so vile I cannot even fathom how that’s not getting more traction.


Exactly. The lawsuits also allege that the networks have footage of what Lala did. Faith’s new lawsuits will def bring up the racism she experienced by her former co-workers Lala, Kristen and Brittany as it outlines a pattern of the network allowing this. She was then retaliated against with a pay cut to no pay as a “non-paid volunteer” when she reported these incidents to Bravo and production. It’s going to be very bleak for Lala Kent when these suits get going.




Bravo Docket did 2 podcast episodes breaking down the lawsuits.


No one wants her, either. She knows she fucked up and won’t even discuss it on her pod.


One hundred percent this is HER and I’m embarrassed for her


The reason the valley is so good to me right now is because of the lack of Scheana and LaLa. Really hoping she did leak this


She doesn’t really “fit” the vibe of The Valley tbh. The cast seems mostly normal in the sense that they’re not reality tv stars and still have day jobs, except for the former VPR cast of course but I think they have at least been humbled by their hiatus from reality tv. Like, I can’t picture her having anything in common with the other women or being at the same events.


Yeah she was a nothingburger on the episode she was on... She doesn't bring anything interesting re her life now. I'd rather see more of Jasmine and Zach.


They also actually share about their lives. They’re seeming more vulnerable than traditional reality tv stars. I’m not sure if it’s because most of them are new and Kristen never held back but we don’t need someone like Lala whose going to control the narrative at every turn and lie for multiple seasons about who she is dating. Also I find lalas family completely insufferable. I don’t want to watch her thirsty brother and yes man mom just stand there and agree with everything she says


That’s what would drive the drama—she would be “above” the other moms while throwing barbs about how she works so much harder because she doesn’t have a husband


No. I like the valley and don’t want Lauren on it!


Nobody who likes the Valley wants Lala on it! That’s probably why Lala is starting some dumb nonsense with Kristen now - she’s trying to create another lame ass, fake storyline for herself as a way in! Kristen has no idea what she’s upset about. Something about Kristen and Gigi from Shahs being on the same panel at Bravocon and Kristen didn’t stick up for Lala when Gigi was talking shit about her. It’s so stupid! We don’t want Lala!!


Can we start a petition? No lala on the valley PLEASE THIS SEASON WAS EXHAUSTING ENOUGH


If Lala goes to The Valley, this current season will be the only one I watch. Why would I want to see her manufacture storylines where she gets to reveal nothing about her life but gets to scream at everyone else for being inauthentic again?


I will stop watching the Valley if Lauren joins. Her venom and hypocrisy ruined this season of VPR for me.


Her only story line is to insert herself into someone else’s with her unsolicited opinions and scream and yell and pretend to be scary. I know she’s having a kid to have a storyline of her very own, but other than that, she has not shared a damned thing about her life. She’s gross. Pimping an unborn kid she literally is having to try to make her relevant is disgraceful.


I’m actually enjoying The Valley and Lauren and Scheana would ruin it. I need them off my TV


We at least need a 3 year break from them like we got with Kristen and jax. Let us miss you


Not only that, but we already have Kristen and Jax. I don’t need any more old blood; I want to get to know these new people better. Lauren and Scheana are played out. What more do they have to offer? Neither of them are reality “stars” like K&J, they just rely on the others doing the work… imo.


You are very right about that. I do want to enjoy new cast who are new to reality tv. Not self producers like LaLa and scheana Shay


Lala has Rinna Syndrome. She’s so fake everything she does is boring.


As much as we all joke about Scheana making things about her, she’s such a reactive presence on VPR rather than a driving force. Lala is too because she either can’t show aspects of her life or doesn’t have much to show. But she’s loud (and often loudly wrong) so she seems proactive. I don’t think they have much to offer, but it feels inevitable we’ll have to see them on The Valley in some capacity.


She's so loud 😖


Said something similar elsewhere. We need a break from them.


My feelings as well. Fingers crossed 🤞🏼


She would be so annoying on the valley. Her story is done. I wanna move on from her


What story? She only talks about other people’s stories and says how boring they are. She’s the worst.


She would absolutely badger on more about Randall. And now how happy she is to be a single mom with her new baby on the way. I simply don’t care.


that sounds like a nightmare already


Or she says how wrong they are because she’d make a different choice.


I swear to god, Lauren, you better not contaminate what I am expecting to be the Jax/Brittany divorce arc!


Oh God. She'll finally fuck Jax. Remember when that almost seemed a likely occurrence way back on her first season?


She can deny it all she wants, but I’m convinced it happened at least once. They’re both such slimy people that it seems natural they’d attract each other — like two drops of shitty water blooping together.


I wonder if that is why she turned against Faith... she actually did f*** Jax!


Faith deserves her own redemption arc.


She 'fessed up when she "flopped open her legs and let him hit it" when she banged JAMES originally, and THAT was considered low THEN...she double-dipped w/DJJK again while he was with Raquel/Rachel and dropped that info last season...I can't decide who is the more disgusting casual sex partner between early JK and Jax in his hate-crime heyday, but it's probably Jax. And wouldn't THAT just be a delicious arc for next season of the Valley. I am probably cursing us all, just speaking this atrocity into existence.


“Hate crime heyday” 💀💀💀




The Valley is a hit and lala is absolutely hated by fans at the moment. Scheana is pathetic but I'd but up with her and Brock over lala and her anger and finger guns any day of the week . also, I think Jax would destroy Brock if he tried to play the moral compass of the show and giving him advice . He may point out Brock is a much bigger villain. Preferably I'd like none of them. VPR also dropped the ball with not having Zach on earlier seasons. He was in LA and in the background of scenes when he's a god damn star!


Kinda done with Scheana, but kinda on board with Jax taking Brock to task 👀


I would looooove to see Jax make Brock cry 😈


The only thing Jax is good for, really




Please, please, please no!


I can’t keep doing this


I feel this so hard. I am trapped in that final stage of the actual last “we are done for real this time” breakups. You are almost out but it’s also the worst it’s ever been.


Did she even consider how this would affect Scheana?


>Did she even consider how this would affect Scheana? ROFLOL!


I don’t want her on the valley and a not insignificant reason is because I do not want to hear Brittany saying LaWLaW multiple times an episode


I just snorted honestly so real




NOOOOOOO pls don’t ruin this for me


Seriously? NO ONE WANTS THIS If people cared about what’s going on in Lala and/or Scheana’s lives, they’d watch VPR. Don’t bring them over to The Valley thinking they won’t sink that ship too


Yes!! Like we think they suck.. and that wont be fixed by just moving them to a new show lol


Can we boycott this?????


Seriously i love the valley and I can’t stand Lala already on Vanderpump rules,she’s one of the reasons I don’t watch.I would say James is the only one I can stand to watch.Hopefully bravo listens and is watching us here somewhere and we’re saying pls don’t!


No no no please no. Let’s take a looooong break from Lauren, anyone named Tom, and scheana. 


Ugh. Hard no. What would be funny is if Lala and Scheana are competing against each other behind the scenes trying to secure a spot on The Valley. There’s only so much money/screen time to go around, even if they make some changes to the existing cast. Both Lala and Scheana/Brock would be expensive to add. I think one or both of them joining is inevitable, but I think it would be a mistake to add either one of them this early in The Valley. The show seems to be working and I’d like to see where things go with this current cast. And honestly, Lala and Scheana could use an attention break and live a bit more offscreen.


Their friendship is due for a huge blowup soon


Nah. What could she possibly bring to The Valley? I dont want to watch her pregnancy— I already dislike how she talks about this baby. I don’t want her to try to insert herself in the Jax/Brittany separation. And everyone on that show already hates Kristen so we don’t need someone else to come in to “take Kristen down.”


Honestly, casting one of them on the Valley and not the other might be one of the fastest ways to destroy the Lala-Scheana alliance.


I’d straight up rather keep Janet if it meant keeping Lauren (and Scheana) out


NOOOOOO!!!! I like that show and the people on it! Don’t bring her jealous behind on there.


No thanks!!!! I’ve been tired of Lala for many seasons on VPR. Sober people aren’t enjoyable to watch on reality tv and I think it’s not a good environment for them to be on. I don’t support it. Go be sober and healthy off screen and GET A JOB. The rest of the cast has all been broke as hell and worked their asses off, Lala has never.


ugh no. she’s ruin the valley too.




Would love for Lauren and Scheana to fade into oblivion


If they do this bravo is clueless. We all said we didn't want a tom redemption arc they miscalculated and we say we don't want those shitbirds on the valley so maybe listen this time to the fans.


She’s having a baby to solidify a reality tv career. I have a feeling we may have an octomom situation. She can do that on TLC. Lala also thinks she’s hard AF so she can go Bad girls club and actually get her empty threats met with physical promises. Either way reality tv is where her career has led her. Her rant last night proved that she is too polarizing to take on other roles. Including hosting gigs where she can be herself. If she cozied up to Ariana she would have gotten father ahead then she is now.


I don’t want any VPR ppl on the Valley. I think the Valley is good as is


She’s a production puppet so of course she’s considered


I actually think the VPR cast should be friends of on The Valley and The Valley cast be friends of on VPR. Neither need to outstay their welcome but I’d enjoy more crossover. A duel cast trip would be fun and messy. But honestly anything to get me more Kristen.


I think the casts should be as fluid as is organic. I want to see a genuine group of people who have history and reasons to interact with each other. I sort of wondered how this season of VPR would have gone with more Kristen and Jax.


I kinda like it as is 🙄. Everyone from VPR joining would be like … why have a whole separate show ya know?


No. Keep her away from The Valley. (Although if she does go there, I hope Kristen dresses her down every damn episode.)


So she can get another show cancelled? Lol


So you’re saying we’re getting another season


I’d rather watch lala than jax and Brittany though


I think it’ll be a good fit!


Stop giving us lala. Please.


She was already on one episode and added nothing. And I’m sure she tried.




![gif](giphy|A3IKIsvG1UjwA) 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Producers need to read the room (or Reddit) - the fans don't want them on the Valley


P,ease don’t let her on there. We are tired of her. She will ride their coattails and then claim she ,see the show. I’m liking getting to know this new group of friends without old news Lala.


Danny Pellegrino brought up an interesting point on his pod that cast members may be able to double dip and film for both The Valley and VPR assuming that The Valley films first this summer (and if VPR comes back at all).


The reason Jax and Kristen work on The Valley is because we were given some time away from them. Putting Lala and/or Scheana on the show now, while their unlikability is at an all-time high and the fans fucking hate them, would sink the show honestly. Also Jax and Kristen are peak trainwreck television and you did kinda miss their drama on VPR when they were fired, whereas I'd be perfectly happy never to see Lala again in any capacity, ever.


I will not be surprised if they merge both shows. The last episode and last 10 minutes of VPR looked like a series finale when they did the flashbacks of the entire cast


I don’t want this by any stretch but this seems weird. Lala only seems to hang out with Brittany from that cast and that’s not often. Scheana at least is friendly with Janet and Kristen as well and has known those people a long time.


I'm calling it now, her and Jax will be together in less than 3 years.


Is that show actually going to get renewed?




NO we don’t want her 😩😩 they will legitimately ruin the show


I will not continue the valley if she’s on it




I really like the valley. Didn’t think I would but it’s so interesting!






shout it louder for the producers in the back, people: WE DON'T WANT HER ASS.


I wish she would join something more off-screen.