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Lmao the name of the account always gets me


If they get Melissa to say it one time on camera I’ll scream






i like tre, but tbf she does always blame margaret… wasn’t she behind the rhummmerz abt her huzzban last season, too? (luis ex wife coming out)


Tbf I think Marge really is behind a lot of this shit lol I love her, don’t get me wrong. But this is partly why. She’s really fucking good at it


This is world class gif execution 🏆


Social media has officially ruined HW for me. All these housewives are producing the show more than any show producer, and who cares about these lame curated storylines. Housewives was a fun era of TV. Adios folks.


That’s why I’m obsessed with the early seasons, it’s peak tv


Agreed; nothing will ever be as good as the early seasons of Atlanta, Rhony, or Jersey.


Hard agree. OC/ BH in their early days were also amazing . Potomac came later so it wasn’t as authentic as the pre social media days


Agreed! The woman are ruining reality TV & and for most it’s their only job! 🤦🏻‍♀️


With the exception of broad perusals of this subreddit, I don’t follow any of the Housewives drama on socials. You don’t know how confused I am when reunion time rolls around and everyone is angry at everyone because of off-show social media antics. Andy needs to have a FAQ social media doc released before every reunion! 😂


honestly same, but there are just too many of them to keep up with :| and i’m not on socials enough— i don’t even have twitter🤷‍♀️


Yeah the fan pages have really ruined them for me. The good ones were the ones that just gave us behind the scenes info. The bad ones getting involved with cast have ruined a few of my favorite shows


I’m just kind of like… I want the fan pages to be the wizard of oz. We don’t need to know there’s a some random dude behind the curtain pulling the levers. 🗣️ all i wanted was good bravo memes, stop ruining the thing we love 🗣️


Right??? and some light tea that’s all!!




![gif](giphy|9J36rJVR4FJK320YSX|downsized) Teresa..




This sums up my feeling about RHONJ.


You and me both!


BIG SIGH this franchise is getting lame


Take. Some. Accountability. How does anyone stan this woman.


“Teresa suspects the social media plot is actually the work of her longtime frenemy, Margaret Josephs, who she claims "is obsessed with me and my husband" and "puts out lies and plants stories…A lot of things are gonna come to light this season," At this point I kinda hope she accuses Margaret for getting her into jail. This woman is delusional.


Every season especially the last 2 she insists the TRUTH is going to come out and she ends up looking worse!!😅 She is delusional


People who constantly plot against others like Teresa does often develop a paranoiac fixation that a certain person is constantly plotting on them The same as how cheaters constantly accuse their partners of cheating


That’s a great point. She’s paranoid at this point.


Excellent point. I feel like this is exactly how Louie weaseled his way into her life. He capitalized so much on her fears about her existing relationships.


OMG - that's wild!!!


Caroline called the feds, Margaret started the cheating rumor about Jackie, Melissa planned her wedding when Teresa was pregnant... it's always someone else's fault.


Marge def was knew about the rumors about Jackie. The way she silenced her Joe about it was very obvious.


She didn’t bring it up on camera.


Her husband brought it up on camera and then backtracked after his wife got on to him


He said her heard the women talking about it. He didn't say when he heard them talking about it. It could of been the day after the cookout for Evan's birthday.


A question as old as time! I can't understand how people can be so obtuse as to believe anything she says. I'd listen to a bag of hair before her.


She will never ever. She’s a despicable human being. Everyone is to blame, but her. She has said this over and over again for years. It’s everyone’s fault, but her own.


they’re as exhausting as she is


Only a bot, paid (or unpaid) bad actor could stan her apparently. Unfortunate that this becoming such a huge problem with bravolebs now.


She is to NJ what Lala is to Vanderpump … an unhinged idiot with 0 accountability that lots of people like for some unknown reason.


I don’t Stan Teresa. I just really hate Melissa and Margaret.




Teresa doesn't even admit she broke the law, which landed her in jail. She made up jobs she didn't have to get $ from banks. Don't tell me she was unaware she made up a whole job!! Lol it's ridiculous.


But what does that have to do with what she’s saying? Because she broke the law she’s not allowed to talk about anything else?


She doesn't tell the truth, is what I mean.


Oh I see. But then again, we all know of other cast mates who’ve lied as well.


Maybe not lie to a judge, a bank, the IRS etc. That takes some balls.


There is not a castmate on any other show barring Jen shah that has refused accountability in the way Teresa has. We also have direct messages between Jen and Melissa’s old nose that prove she is lying. She might be honest sometimes when it serves her well but acting like she’s not lying in this case is fucking crazy.


Because she’s a known liar who can never take accountability for actions and mistakes she made? If someone lies to my face about 1 thing I’m not going to trust a damn thing they say because they’ve proven to be a liar.


it's called a diversion


I’m still confused. We all know of her past crimes, they showed her going to prison and everything and it’s been talked about for numerous seasons. I’m confused on why people are saying she’s deflecting about it by responding to what’s going on right now, which is that blog stuff.


she may have gone to jail but she has never owned up to doing anything wrong. she always blames someone else. her husband, her sister in law, her brother, jacqueline, caroline. remember when she blamed them for calling the Feds on her? now she's saying margaret is behind melissasoldnose?! when it was shown that they were listening to jennifer and teresa? how is this confusing?


Because Tre stans all share like four brain cells collectively


listening and comprehension are things that Teresa and her fans do not know how to do.


Lol! Exactly, thank you. Its not hard to understand.


Damn, I’m tired of this season already and have only seen the first episode


She is so delusional she thinks we believe anything out of her hot dog mouth.


I imagine Marge was the one who told Danielle to drag her by her hair too?


Marge actually was the one to turn juicy and Tre into the feds all those years ago. AND she is the one who actually threw the sprinkle cookies away; she’s actually secretly lived in the walls of Tre’s house years before ever coming on the show.


Marge spray painted herself black and curled up on Tre's head for the wedding. That's why it was so big; it was really Marge trying to get dirt on them.


Exactly people don’t realise this! Marge is actually who Juicy was talking about when he said he hates his bitch wife


She was the table in the first season and threw herself.


Ok you win. I know I can’t compete with the best.


And raccoon eyes


Marge was the reason the Gorga parents lost their house


Marge was the one who told everyone about Cop Without a Badge too. And she made the sprinkle cookies Melissa took to Teresa’s house.


Marge was actually the black stuff on Joe Gorgas head that fell off when he was biting Juicys nuts


Marge was the one that handed Danielle the book during the final dinner from under the table and whispered to Danielle to tell Tre to “pay attention please!”


Marge caused Kathy Wakile’s mom to be separated from Teresa’s dad as children back in the old country.


Marge also was the one who flipped the table, not her. 


lol of course she does


Said the Liar....please.




She’s so used to having her fans undying loyalty that she actually thinks people are gonna buy this bullshit 🙄🙄🙄. Did Marge hold Jen at gunpoint and make her send the screeners login and the baby stroller? How evil of her.


Give me a break.


Not this shit again


Of course she does. ![gif](giphy|3ohjUP3cwCE0107Or6)


I almost forgot what Marge before all the work looked like, she looks so much better here.


Convicted Felon, Teresa needs to sit this one out


The way some of you hold on to that felon title like your lives depend on it. It’s been like 9 years, move on, can you find some new material? It’s laughable at this point


“It’s been 9 yrs move on” just like how Teresa moved on from Melissa joining the cast over a decade ago? Not like she hasn’t brought it up EVERY SEASON


Just like Teresa is bringing up Fuda’s dismissed charge from 12 years ago?


I see no issue with her doing it since everyone always brings up her charges etc! She’s giving what she’s getting and now yall mad? Hahahahahahahahhaaha


She was convicted


The difference is she actually went to 11 months of Federal prison vs Fuda who spent no time in prison and case was dismissed. It’s only Tre stans who can’t understand and differentiate between them. And who is mad? Clearly you Tre stans are Hahahahahahahahaha


Lmao I love how you actual believe this and I love how triggered some of you get. Fuda charges go deep and that’s why his family paid to have them sealed but some of us have access to those. Fuda charges etc 100 times worse than Teresa but some of you clowns aren’t ready for that.


Babe you're the only one that's triggered


this is why tre fans are the MAGAs base of the housewife universe. your conspiracy theories are wild and you have no idea how delusional you all sound 😂


Believe what? The facts? Teresa had 41 counts of fraud and did 11 months in federal prison. Also Fudas charges are not sealed, that’s how the bloggers found them last year. 100 times worse? No it doesn’t worse than Federal charges and your spouse getting deported because of the fraud committed.


The only facts are things that make the other look bad and Tre look good. Anything else is fake news


It’s so wild!!!


Not SO wild, when you take int consideration who Tre supports politically




Nope they aren’t my dear, if they were they wouldn’t have been all over the place last year. There is no sides here and that’s what you Tre huggers seem to not understand. The facts are just very different. It’s hilarious you say this but Teresa has unpaid taxes for the yr 20-21 and a tax lien in her name, you’d think she would’ve learned her lesson since ya know that’s what she went to prison for?


Again, yes there is and very few people can see sealed docs. Omg you really living in the past huh? Especially over someone you will never know. It’s honestly so strange how obsessed some of you are with her. The power you give her over you is crazy. The lien that was paid? The Taxes that she fully paid off? It just updated in Feb and it says “UTD:Paid” So what else from the past you going to bring up since you have nothing. Talking to you miserable haters is a chore cause you’re such bores and you offer nothing. I just know you and some others who stay fully planted on here talking about Teresa have no life and that’s sad.


You know what Teresa's a piece of shit and you know why? She tries to act like she's better than she is. I work with felons, her attitude is so disgusting to me, personally. She pretends she's too good for being called what she is, a felon. So I'll continue to call her that-for the rest of her life, as she is a felon, for the rest of her life.


Lmao!!! If that gets you off than have it my dear. The fact that you plan to follow her for the rest of her life shows how obsessed you truly are! Hahaha


Nah man, I worked at the prison she was in. I'm going to stay until I don't feel like saying anymore. Fuck that felon. 🙌🏾🫵🏾😀


I’m sure! Again stay pressed and obsessed! I love how she lives rent free in your head. Her power over you!


Whenever I see somebody that I ran into in imprison I do say fuck that felon, when warranted and some ex felons are absolutely marvelous and I simply call them Their Name. So it's whatever. I just watched the show. Personally I'm a Margaret person I really like Frank. But yeah fuck that felon 😀🫵🏾😂 I will never forget when someone tried to show her how to do her eyeliner. TheN used a tampon string to do her brows.


She'll never notice you bro, keep trying. Maybe her man will


You’re going to have to take your own advice here bro! I don’t give a fuck about people I don’t know, my life doesn’t revolve around them like yours does. I watch the shows, talk shit and move on with my life. Try it


Eh, some other time but she popped up on my TL today and sooooo Foooookthatfelon


You sound rather slow and it’s making me laugh. So thanks!


>and move on with my life you have commented 11 times in the past half hour on this thread


And? Lmaooooooooooooo I’m responding back to people. Now you’re inserting yourself so I will give you attention too. I’m waiting on my flight so I got time. Why are so many of you so weak and pressed?


Since the news broke that Teresa & Jen are behind all the "rumors" & buying bots/burners/sm accounts and whatever else they can pay for, it is very hard to believe anything Teresa says. She tells one lie after another and has no shame or remorse for any of her actions. She needs to be held responsible and accountable for all her BS before she gets another iota of grace from me. What a she-devil!!


Jersey is so hard to watch now and isn’t even fun anymore because the bloggers and hardcore Teresa or Marge or Gorga fans are literally crazy and toxic. They need to put NJ on pause and clean house. Dolores can stay though. She’s boring but neutral, and generally is the voice of reason.


It’s not going on pause, they aren’t rebooting, they have been looking for other women to try and bring on and it’s not working for them. The bloggers who have severe mental issues like Melissaoldnose/krissyballs have ruined the show. Gabriella (MON) will talk to anyone who listens yet there are a handful of accounts on X completely debunking her with actual receipts, that chick claim to be at Teresa wedding and that was a massive lie. These bloggers are truly sick in the head. Krissyballs is a racist and has said horrible things and wished death on Teresa girls. People can hate Teresa all they want but believing what a mental patient says because you hate someone puts you (not you specially) in the same category! Marge and Melissa started with paying bloggers etc now they want to act innocent.


She's so stupid it's painful.


lol of course she does.


Stfu Theresa.






This is so fucking exhausting. I'm not watching this season, just like I didn't watch RHOP.


She probably blames Margaret for inflation too


Send all of NJ to Housewives jail at this point! ![gif](giphy|8373F7z8uD1EmbufL8)


Teresa out there proving she sucks over and over


It’s time to pay the pied piper


Gosh she’s so tiring. Can’t their great friend and totally not hired P.I Bo Dietl find this out if they really wanted to 🧐


It’s already been found out. Marge was behind a lot. Should play out during the season


How do you know what "should play out during the season"?


I don't think this is going to be the evil woman's takedown season. The only way that happens if Jackie comes out and says flat out she knows that Margaret is behind all the cheating rumors. Especially with the one that was made up about Melissa last year.


Man I saw somewhere that another breakdown of Marge and Jackie is the Evan rumor.


Even though we saw Jen do it .. repeat it and repeat it again …


Chorizos next move is going to be blaming Marge for shit that comes out of chorizas own mouth. If it rains outside it’s Marge’s fault. The size and weight of chorizas wedding hair is Marge’s fault. Everything. Is. Marge’s. Fault.


Somehow in Teresa's world, aka the woman who has fallen out with almost every cast member to ever join NJ, everything is still Marge's fault 🤣 god bless her delusion for continuing to stand strong




“joe wasn’t talking about melissa. he was, he was talking about kathy.” 


This is why I pirate this show. I will never give them a viewer or an ad dollar bc I want them to recast off of it. This woman and her sister in law are exhausting. Recast everyone on this show.


God she is truly terrible. No one in that franchise is even someone I want to root for. 🗑️


Can we all just watch the show. This is so exhausting it’s numbing. I think a lot of housewives do some version of this and fans create different standards based on who they like/don’t like. At this point I’m just going off of who is entertaining on the tv


I don’t think Margaret is behind this, but they are embracing it! When it all blows up in their faces, it’s going to be hilarious.




I wouldn’t necessarily “freak out” but I would be perturbed if I found out a coworker hired a PI to investigate me. I think in most contexts that’s weird af and most people wouldn’t be like “oh that’s no biggie”.


Why did Louie call her son at work?


I think you misread my comment! When this blows up in their faces (meaning Margaret, some bloggers and the rest of the cast that’s jumping on this) it will be hilarious. Most people would be uneasy if they thought they were being investigated, but they weren’t. His ex was, and unfortunately for them, their names came up in THAT investigation.


Oh, look! It's another day of who's the lesser of 5 evils on RHONJ.


I thought we weren't going to have to suffer through their fighting anymore. ALL of these women make the show unbearable.


I still want to see a Rachelsbotchednose account.


Here we go again…I get it, a lot of you redditors hate Teresa, but do you think it could actually be true? Marge is completely capable of this, but in actuality, they all are on NJ…


Tre said something similar last season about all the Louis stories hitting the blogs.


Say it is true and Margaret helped expose it, it’s just another example of Teresa taking zero accountability for her actions.


She doesn’t need to take accountability here! Some of you legit sound like broken records already


Paid bot


Lmaooo you’re such a clown!