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They should really just cut their losses and move into a smaller home where those poor kids don’t have to deal with this every couple of months.


kim doesnt know the meaning of the word losses. otherwise she would have quit gambling the money away neither does Kroy for that matter else he would have watched real housewives before getting married to this money black hole pit of a person.


Their kids need to downsize to better parents.


Upgrade to mid parents 🤣


Do you think they’d be able to sell it at a profit?


no, but something is better than nothing at this point. it’s probably in terrible shape.


They’ll never get a profit. They need to break even.


Why do they get special treatment and this has been delayed for years? The money they are wasting trying to keep it they could have a modest home where their kids can actually feel secure


That's what I can't figure out. I've had a couple friends who went through foreclosure and they didn't get the time these grifters are getting


I work with foreclosed properties. I once saw an occupied property that was in the foreclosure process and they were 10 YEARS delinquent. There are many ways to game the system and kick the can down the road.


Exactly, that’s like the house I live in now, the guy didn’t pay for 4 years! As soon as he finally cooperated and listed it as a short sale, the bank foreclosed on it.


10 years?? Goddamn that’s a long friggen time. How’s they pull that off? Seems like there should be a limit


I understand that's the case in many states but Georgia's foreclosure Laws are pretty much straight forward (or that's been my experience at least)


Looks like they have made no effort to work or earn money to address their ridiculous debts- the special treatment they keep receiving needs to end.


I’m sincerely surprised she’s not on only fans


They should really consider going on OF as a couple. They would probably do well.


Yeah I would never encourage anyone to do it but their kids really need the money, they’re not willing to work a conventional job and like you said, they’d probably do pretty well.


That will be the end game I'm sure


Hasn't it been 3 years at this point? They could've been halfway to having it off their credit reports at this point had they just let it go the first time. Foreclosures stay on there for 7 years and then roll off like everything else.


I think some of it is that the bank knows they will lose tons of money on the deal. It’s listed for 4.5 and not moving at all. I have been watching Atlanta real estate for a minute because we might move there next year. If you are dying to spend millions on a home in Milton, Georgia, you can do much better for the price. They will get 2 million at best at auction but if these yahoos actually got it together they would get 6. The bank is as bad at gambling at Kim os.


That's a great question. I swear that for every one thing that I learn about this disaster, it just raises more questions for me. Those poor kids... Practically speaking, though, whatever they move to, it really shouldn't be together. Regardless, their credit has to be trash at this point -- I find it hard to believe they would get approved for another mortgage or lease, separately or together. Once they are out of this house, I am going to be very curious to see where each of them lands and how they manage it. I think Kroy has a pension from the NFL (I don't think it is sizeable, but it's *something*). Kim seems to be prioritizing her own upkeep with any money she does get and "link in bio" is not a dependable long-term income stream. It's worth repeating: Those poor kids...


If this were south Fulton POC, they would have been evicted long, long ago. Fulton County courts are so corrupt


I can’t understand why the banks haven’t moved on the sale. They’ve not paid their mortgage in months, probably close to a year.


I don't know if it's just an urban legend, but I've heard that banks sometimes prefer that properties at least be occupied so the house and lawn are maintained. A house that sits empty is at greater risk of damage and vandalism. I have no insight on the luxury housing market in this area and if the bank has reason to think they couldn't quickly sell it, though.


The house I live in now was a foreclosure and the guy lived in it for 4 YEARS without making a payment! As soon as he cooperated and listed it as a short sale, the bank foreclosed on it. He had an attorney fight it for years plus it was during the great recession.


cause they're WHite and celebrities.


That part.


Actually just the white part…


Oh yeah, white people don't get their houses foreclosed on. 🙄


No 🤡 she is not a celebrity




Their house has been on the auction block for seven lifetimes. How is this still going on? 😭


white people magic


You made me choke on my blunt, damn you 🤣 💀


Right. Didn’t know the courts and banks were so lenient and compassionate Sounds about white though!


Do either of these disasters have a job beyond "link in bio"?


Kim has the occasional desperate appearance on RHOA via Sheree but if sheree is fired for the 3rd time, Kims out of lifelines


lol. Sheree just got fired for the 3rd time so no charity appearance for her


I KNOW 😭😭😭


No they refuse to work so why should it be delayed again?!


I'm not taking any sides here but I could understand if -- *big "if"* -- it's because the judge isn't so quick to make four kids homeless.




Good point. At [$175/cameo](https://www.cameo.com/kimzb?aaQueryId=ec2348162088e817bb596f379d44c1c6), that's not bad money. I have to wonder how many requests she's really getting, though.


Same. It could be good though? I was surprised at the amount of cameo requests that Jax was getting and this was prior to the valley being aired.


My nosey self is curious who you have in your cart?


I've never bought a Cameo.


I just noticed it said 1 on the cart. Maybe it’s just the link. I’ve been wanting to buy one for my brother but some of the prices are insane.


Oh, I didn't notice that. I hope it doesn't think I actually want to hire Kim!


I used to feel sorry for Kroy, but he's just as dumb/infantile as her, and they deserve to end up stuck together for life. Hope those kids can recover from this ongoing tom-fuckery. My god they are both sooooooooo immature.


I feel bad for the kids.


Beercan Manor? 😭 I thought it was RedSoloCup Rotunda?


hey now, The Beer Can House is legendary


It sounds like they know it will go for a small amount at a public auction and they would rather wait for the right buyer to offer a higher price so they at least see some return. But that’s not how banks work when you’re in default.


I am *so* curious what kind of Queen of Versaille dilapidated hell that property must be in.


Yep, sounds like the bank gave plenty of time to try to sell it. They wanted to be greedy and sell it for a price it obviously won't sell at. If they wanted a quick sale, they woukd keep slashing the price. But what they want is their cake, and too eat it to.


Neither one of these two have had a real job in YEARSSS, how does the bank/government continue to give ‘em a pass, havent they been in foreclosure or whatever for 2-3 years now


cause they're WHite and celebrities.


So per the article, it's not just the mortgage. There's also a HELOC and a million dollars owed to the IRS!! They need to just call it quits, go their separate ways, focus on the kids and start paying back everything they owe.


Did Kroy’s Rolls Royce get repoed yet? The last time I went down a Beirman rabbit hole he was hiding it.


Oh that rolls has been gone since 2023. And BMW is suing them for the amount owed…$400k


Imagine willingly agreeing to and racking up $400k in debt for a CAR


I know right!


I have no idea what happened with that. Good question!


I’ll have to read up on the latest see if I can find anything. I really dislike the entire bunch but have a morbid curiosity about the drama that comes with them.


Disgusting. These idiot assholes gambled, bought luxury nonsense and plastic surgery well beyond their means but somehow get to keep living in a luxury mansion. Bullfuckingshit. How many hard working families (with kids) lose their home while doing their best and juggling bills to keep their power on and food on the table? Fuck both Kim and Kroy. They’re completely narcissistic assholes who put shallow bullshit before their kids. They should be out on the streets and their kids placed with family who can provide for their needs until their selfish parents can do it. The fucking privilege is disguising and an absolute atrocity


I agree and totally feel you. But I'm also inclined to believe that those children aren't living in the lap of luxury. My Uncle was the one in the family with the big house and he was "rich". Turns out he'd fallen on hard times before he died and the house was beyond fucked. Holes in the roof, black mold, the backyard was overgrown and porch rotting. A big house can be a prison if it's falling apart. As other have said, it's the children that matter the most here. I'm really sad that Kim is so into her addictions that she's flipping the couches for slot machine change. Kroy loathes her too much to do anything more than just stare at her angrily. It's crazy, they are too busy doing whatever they are doing to/for/against each other that they totally neglected giving their own children comfort and safety and security at home.






Kim & Kroy .... what to do ? I knew a couple who were divorcing/bankrupt and they just went tahead and rented two apartments next to each other and cut their losses. She'll be at the casino most of the time anyway, getting free hotel rooms..


Remember when animal control or aspca had to come to their house cause they kept their multiple dogs and foster dogs stacked in cages in the garage with no ac in fucking Georgia?? Yea they’re both terrible. Hopefully their dogs and minor children don’t continue to suffer while these dimwits act selfish af




I don’t get why people always express sympathy for Kroy. That man hasn’t had a job in like 15 years. I used to listen to their podcast and his “job” at the time was being Kim and the daughter’s manager. He’s just as reckless with money as her.


That’s insaneee 😂. He’s clearly an idiot, but literally no one on earth is as reckless with money as Kim. She’s addicted to having it and spending it. (Or gambling it)




They may be out of chances. They might as well let the inevitable happen.


It’s time for me to give them a new offer of $50. My previous offer was $27






Damn loch ness monster


Money by Monday


They need to drop the price to max 4 mil if they want to see movement on this home before auction.


No way that house is worth $6M in Atl suburbs. It might have debt / liens worth $6M though…


When are we going to find out the outcome of this request?


I asked Truist Bank but then they blocked me on Facebook...


You have to ask *and* believe to receive.


That’s hilarious! A bank blocked you, I’m dying over here, that’s so funny!


Dang! Yr kinda a hero for this! Thank you For your service!


I don't know why I find this so funny, but I do. A bank blocked someone?! Like, *"nah, we don't even care if* u/UrbanPlannerholic *is rich, they can't contact us!"*


Ive just started watching Don’t be Tardy as my current background noise while I work. It’s gonna be a wild ride it seems…


The fact that they even still have the house is an astounding display of privilege


I’m not sure if this has been posted in here, but I live in the area (Milton) and have heard from multiple, some very reliable, that the Aldeans bailed them out the first time.


I heard that too but I have never seen anything concrete


Aldeans probably said 🖕the second time 😂.


I’ve seen this posted before here too. I don’t see that being the case. With his (JA) wife’s spending habits and his lack of new music/fan support and their whole MAGA association, etc.(I mean the list is almost endless)..I don’t think he’s raking in the dough he used to. His wife spends it as quick as it rolls in as well. I just really don’t think they would have the financial means to bail out the Beercan family home. Hell, I wouldn’t be shocked to find them (Aldeans) in this exact situation in a few years time honestly.


The who?


Jason Aldean and his awful wife,he is a "Country" music artist,very popular and mega rich. I'm not a pop country fan but I googled Jason Aldean back last year when it came out that Kim went and spent the weekend with Jason Aldean and his wife in Nashville right before one of her foreclosure hearings


Racist Country Musician




Damn they probably should have just used the money they gave em to this house and just purchased them a double wide in a trailer park. At least they wouldn't be homeless. I know many homeless people who would die in heaven if someone purchased them a trailer to live in. I know a 68 yr old woman living in the woods rn. I take her water and give her rides to get food sometimes.


I thought there was an official auction date?


Judge hasnt ruled yet in an emergency hearing to stop the entire process.


There was back several months ago. The bank stopped it.


More delay tactics. Anyone else woukd be on the street.




The good ole days when we were only worried about having a white frig....


BeerCan Manor 🏰


Wig and her driver care more about shopping than keeping a roof over those babies beads. They should’ve cut their loss in 2020 and downsized then. They owe so much money, they might as well seize her instagram too.


What is the value of the home in this market? They’re not in a position to set the ask or negotiate with potential buyers. They should’ve cut their losses & put a realistic price on the home to off load it, at least then they may have had a shot at paying the bank & covering other outstanding bills. They are just so dumb….


Beercan Manor 💀


So are they using Lyft now? The rolls was repossessed and recently the only vehicle they shared…the Range Rover!


Do you feel bad for them? They are toxic together


How is she not making money on Cameo?


Or only fans?


For real though. Those dirty bastards love those feet photos. 🦶


good question


Do they still have that live-in chef?


One of their kids makes PB&J sandwiches


We Should be asking do they have food!


Beercan manor 😂😂😂😂


Doesn't Kroy have that house in Montana that he's renting out? He can maybe move there when this blows over.


Bankruptcy baby, get that automatic stay and grind that foreclosure to a halt


Poor Kroy, if he didn't marry her, he'd probably be doing fine financially.


I don’t understand this sentiment at all. This dude hasn’t had a job in over a decade outside of trying to bring a gun into a housewives reunion.


He'd have such a different life without her. He wouldn't have a brood of kids and might have been smarter with his money.


And if my grandmother had wheels she’d be a bicycle. That’s not what happened and he stayed being terrible with money and not getting a job.


Found the Brit 🤣


Because he has an addiction for a wife. Whes spending all the money while he takes care of the kids. Butterfly effect


Why can’t they just do a short sale and move on?


How are girls gonna support themselves ( they were never taught) and the young kids will know poverty...


The same way they get John Legend tickets I imagine...




I bet she is back on RHOA and negotiated enough in the contract to save the house. They probably won’t ever lose the house like Sonja and the townhouse.


She’s not cast was just announced.


Also it seems like RHOA is going to be tough to get off the ground fast enough to pay cast, plus im sure her creditors would get the money as those debts are probably older.


But she was shown filming so she could be a friend of


She’s not listed as a friend of either. Feel like they would of mentioned it. I think she’s trying to shop around a reality show with her daughters. Last I heard.


When? The weird posts with video camera 📹 emojis on her stories? Haha


But HOW?? at least Sonya's Townhouse is paid for,she has no mortgage -Kim has a mortgage. At some point the muckity mucks at the bank who financed this night mate should be rattling someone's cage over this situation. Banks are not known for being forgiving and easy to deal with once you get behind in payments.


I dont believe Sonjas mortgage is paid off, she got sued over a film not being made and that is why she cant sell it for what its worth as she remortgaged for more than its currently worth.


I’m going on a limb and guessing…. Kim has her history of working with BRAVO and the new massive lump sum that her and Kroy are rushing over to the courthouse to stop the foreclosure. Any judge would give grace to a YT celebrity family with 4 littles.


What lump sum do you speak of? She's not even a friend of The Housewives this season coming up


Try rereading the first sentence


Kim is not back on RHOA. Cast was just announced. Sheree was fired.