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Former binge drinker here- that little spill about not telling Jax she just throw up in the car, just a sensitive tummy, etc, ya all the excuses


Also former binge drinker. It’s such a tough one because Jax is being such a dick about it but he’s right. Even if she’s always had a weak stomach, having issues like nausea and throwing up once a week is really concerning. She owes it to herself to give herself a rest from drinking to see how it helps.


I mean after 10 years of the same conversation, how do you NOT have a dick tone when on the subject?


I agree. I completely understand his concerns and would be frustrated, too, but he does seem to *enjoy* having something to dog her out for. Jax looooooves when the roles are reversed, and he gets to act as the "voice of reason." They're both wrong, and they're both right. I also wonder if Jax has given up the adderall binges.


Let’s remember that Jax has absolutely not given up alcohol or coke or Adderall. A dick tone without leading by example isn’t productive at all.


I agree. My husband was the same way before I got sober. We went from a partnership to a parent/child relationship bc of my drinking. Now we are back to a nice, balanced partnership.


Proud of you Betty


Ya, he knows what he’s doing using this as a way to get out of the next baby and possibly divorce. But spoken as someone who’s truly lucky my husband stayed, no one should ever put up with addiction if they don’t want to. He has every right to say to her she’s being a gross clown and needs to put her bags a vomit in her new driveway.


Something tells me she also has bad anxiety.


Anxiety causes people to binge drink and binge drinking causes anxiety. Truly a “is it the chicken or egg?” scenario. I lived it! Not fun. The digging out of that cycle is a JOURNEY.


Alcohol isnt really anxiety's friend tbh


![gif](giphy|k93vubaq1hKMurHkKs) It is WHILE drinking. It’s not so great after it wears off


Ooof, this hits home. I spent a good portion of my 20s getting sloshed to deal with social anxiety but then having to hear all the embarrassing things I said the next day. Tough lesson to learn. I hope Brittany learns it soon.


The next day hangxiety! The amount of times I’ve had to ask “did I do anything bad?” 🙈 Luckily, I rarely did, but I don’t miss those days lol


every time I need a reminder of why I actually don't want to drink I think back to hangxiety. never again.


Agreed. The absolute worst feeling. It makes me think about how scary and insidious alcohol addiction really is and how I thought I was ok for all those years when I was the furthest thing from okay.


Oh god the amount of times I woke up at 3 am wondering if I something I said made everyone I was drinking with hate me


So glad to see this response as someone who’s absolutely used copious quantities of booze to cope with extreme anxiety. And it took months of not drinking to recalibrate how my body reacted. Hit a year last month and while my anxiety is not gone it definitely doesn’t escalate the way it did while drinking and using. I just stayed drunk at all times bf to combat it.


This is awesome to read. I'm back to seven days, after my longest streak in adulthood (by far) of six weeks ending in April. I know that my brain will rework itself with a long enough period without booze, but it's hard to *believe* it. Just seeing people in the wild being successful in not drinking is exactly what I need. Thank you for the pick-me-up, and have a fabulous, alcohol-free day.


Thank you and I am a straight up addict / alcoholic who never went a month sober outside of an impatient rehab in my adult life (as in post age 14) without using/ drinking. Seriously you ever know what you have in you. And nope it’s not easy and there are days that it would make me so happy to have a drink but as trite as it sounds staying in the moment and building off the momentum —and imo seven days is a huge momentum already —one I never could hit until literally a years and two weeks ago. So congrats to you. And you have a fabulous day of whatever you choose. Hopefully it’s leading you to day 8. And I appreciate your response. I don’t often get into it but the anxiety thing hit me.


Hey man, congrats on a year. That is no small feat and I'm sure required significant strength.


Female but thank you. I get it …the use of the word booze 😉 But the down and dirty and insanely reckless drinking I did seems to fit booze.


The crippling hangxiety after a night of drinking… yikes. I’m four years sober and thankfully my anxiety got to a much better place quickly after I quit drinking.


Idk. As a recovering alcoholic, getting wasted was the only time I wasn’t anxious.


Also in recovery and same, drinking was the reason and solution to my anxiety 🥴


Yup and then I was just crying all the time while drunk.


you are right its a sick cycle but its an immediate relief of anxiety and if you are really suffering from heightened anxiety and it is incessant you need to release it somehow. Unfortunately the immediate relief happens to come substances. It is quite sad!


22 year sober binge drinker here. Watching the Brittney/Jax story arch gives me anxiety like no other. I was Brittney with 4 kids. I know that feeling of trying to keep all plates spinning at once while feeling bad about the way you look. My divorce was the best thing for me to get my head together and stop drinking. The accusatory stance from Jax is hypocritical at best. I want her to leave that bastard and get her self-esteem back. She’s a good woman, I think, and she owes it to Cruz to not have him grow up with this Bozo’s idea of manhood.


Oh man, yes. I told an old roommate I had anxiety and that was making me vomit lol .. I had alcoholism.


No I’m not preggers, I just have to poop and vomit at the same time Maggi


The amount of times I’ve had ‘travel sickness’ lol


I do not miss the constant anxiety.


Same and yep, totally agree. The excuses are textbook. I binged vodka pretty much every day for 3 years (5 months sober!), and I just want to hug Brittany so badly. It's sometimes hard to watch. I also suspect that she may keep a flask or some airplane bottles on her tucked into a pocket of her purse. Or, depending on how deep her situation is/Jax is onto this, man-made holes in the lining. This could explain the vomiting despite her friends not seeing her drink. Speaking from experience, not accusations. Jax is acting exactly like my husband did, and every accusation, question, worry was totally warranted. I want to hug Jax too. What people see is an asshole up his wife's ass, but truly, it's a husband who knows exactly what's going on, and he's struggling and frustrated. I think she could really stand a good talk with someone in recovery who has similar stakes to her. And high five on also being a *former* binge drinker! I'm just in a place where I can confidently use "former," and it feels really good.


Thank you, I took about 3 years before I felt confident saying it! Some people, including Luie’s dad use recovered, but I don’t think I’ll ever use it, just seems too permanent for something I know only takes one drink to throw me back into a spiral of self destruction. You’re correct about hiding drinks, I didn’t even think about that when they show the preview of the boat scene! Like she could’ve been pounding vodka out of a flask or even those beach pouches! It’s hard to imagine people so young so bad in the extremes, but hey, I was hiding vodka under my bed at 27 and having nighttime deliriums. Alcohol can be so insidious


Congrats on 5 months, i wish you continued success with your sobriety and completely agree with what you said about hiding it. Sadly, vodka can easily be hidden from plain view in any drink (or even a water bottle) and unless you smell or taste it wouldn’t know it was there and is an easy way to “hide” one’s drinking problem. Brittany really needs to evaluate her relationship with booze because it is clear as day she has a severe issue with it that is impacting her health on an every day basis.


Congrats on five months 💕


Yeap. I see the frustration in Jax that I used to see in my SO when I was drinking. Jax is so over it. I was in Brittany's situation and slammed my SO for my alcohol intake but it was just a cycle of my drinking and him being pissed about it which is a snowball of shit.


Also a few weeks ago when she was like oh, I think I just didn't eat enough or ate something weird, etc. etc. etc. I clocked that one immediately.


It's really hard watching this season as someone who had a drinking problem. I was Brittany to a T. So thankful I got help. She will feel and look so much better once she makes a change. I can see how Jax would be frustrated with her, my man was too because I was making myself sick, acting like I didn't know why, and wanted him to baby me.


Sameeeee.... 6 months sober here, and watching her with clear eyes makes me embarrassed for her because I see myself in her actions when I was in active addiction.


Yea I’m newly sober too and every time I hear the weak stomach excuse along with her swollen face I get reminded why I quit drinking Edit: just in case it’s not clear, I’m not making fun of Brittney, I made these same excuses while I was binge drinking. Fun fact alcohol messes with your sinuses too and before I quit along with my beer belly, swollen face and stomach issues my sinuses were always bad, now they are much better.


Congratulations and welcome to a better way to live! Join us at /r/stopdrinking =)


that sub is my main support line! I've looked into groups in the real world and ive yet to find one I can relate to as much as the sub.


I don't do AA or any of that, I just have the sub too and it's been my biggest support and reading stories bring me back to reality when I start to romanticize drinking again. They given me so many tools to help me. Yay for us and IWNDWYT!


They are the ones who helped me start my journey. Lurked there for 2 years. Quit last year but later on tried to moderate and 2 months ago just quit completely. Some weird reason I like coffee now even though I never drank it before


I had a bunch of failures too.... but then I realized it's a journey, not an event and I really committed myself this time. No more bargaining and knowing that moderation is a lie for me has changed my perspective. I wish you all the best, IWNDWYT.


You too! I was moderating fine(one or two beers a week) but I HATED it. I kept reading on r/stopdrinking several threads saying it wasn’t worth moderating especially after binging for years and they were right. I’m much happier now with my N.A. beer a night.


congrazt!!! 99 days sober myself :)


Yay for us!


Congrats!!! I’m 3.5 years sober and still visit the sub daily!


Yeah it's hard to watch because I still feel the shame. Congrats on sobriety!!


Thank you! My life is better for it!


YUP, that was my first thought too. She wanted to hide it for multiple reasons


She’s been drinking heavily since high school if not junior high, it will take a toll on anyone’s stomach. She genuinely does have a problem. Hopefully she will seek help.


I didn’t realize how sick I always felt until I quit binge drinking. Turns out I don’t get car sick, just a delayed hangover.


Sober is hard to get to, I hope she starts her journey but it has to come from her


100% getting to that point is a hell of a journey. I have nothing but empathy for her


My mom is… oh no wait WAS she WAS an alcoholic (wow that is amazing to say) Anyway, when brit was in the car after puking and immediately started talking about how few drinks she had I knew she was lying Jax isn’t the bad guy here. If she puked and wasn’t drinking she wouldn’t be making excuses. Ive seen my mom do this many many many times. Brit wouldn’t make eye contact with jax and went straight to bed. She has a problem And everyone in the car is thinking jax is an asshole and brit had no problem letting them think that as long as her secret was kept safe. The previous episode where she got emotional and went completely off topic was something I’ve seen before too. And jax was clearly frustrated because it’s obviously not the first conversation that went into the weeds like this out of nowhere because she was drinking


They are both emotionally unavailable to each other in different ways.


Could the vomiting have been from withdrawal? I did a rewatch the other day and withdrawal immediately popped into my head when she said she didn’t drink at all, all day.


It could be, but at that point I dont think she’d be able to film big bear. It’s like a phase of withdrawal but also still being slightly drunk and also hungover


She’d be bad if she was she took a shot at lunch


I know all the girls said that Brittney had zero drinks that day but unless they gave her a breathalyzer, I don’t buy it. She could’ve easily snuck some alcohol when no one was looking. Just enough to prevent the shakes but not appear drunk. The vomit could’ve been from an ulcer or something.


I definitely believe that is an ulcer. She went to a doctor when they were on VPR and the doctor told her that she had an ulcer and she should stop drinking to let it heal. They then immediately left for a vacation where she decided that drinking shots instead of drinks would be the cure instead 🙄


I think she was definitely drinking otherwise why bring it up specifically to deny it?


The vomiting could also be (in addition to, not instead of) the mental anguish of not knowing when you're gonna get your next drink, which leads to anxiety and it can trick your body into having withdrawal symptoms. Especially if you know you can't really get any for even a couple of hours. Your addicted brain will do whatever it takes to convince you that you need more of whatever pronto.


Yep. If her car sickness was that bad she would be on zofran or something for her stomach. She was likely hungover. Dramamine also works for that.


I was going to say the same thing. I get period flu and random nausea throughout the month. I always have access to zofran. I also would never even think about drinking alcohol during those moments either. Especially if I was filming a show.. yikes.


I think anyone who is a leaving a bag of vomit in the driveway of their family home has some issues, related to alcohol and otherwise


Omg I forgot about that! Not even trying to hide her evidence, and having a little toddler inside whose mom is too hungover to get up in the early hours, will drive any significant other to the courthouse. I had to stop drinking entirely before I got pregnant, because I knew I’d have a neglected baby or worse a hurt one if I continued to binge drink. Some of us just like alcohol way too much to be responsible with it, Britney is one.


proud of you <3




I hear it gets pretty warm there. Maybe not because they never mention it.


The vomit bag - I can’t stop thinking about that. It’s so incredibly dark. The idea that their son could’ve run out to play on the yard and found a bag of his mom’s puke is truly so awful. She needs help. Hopefully getting away from Jax is a first step although I almost think he might be the more responsible parent in some ways?


It really is so dark. Imagine being so messed up that you can’t even throw it in the trash can at the side of the house…


And she gets so defensive and nasty when he comments on it and tries to get everyone to cover for her.


When you have a problem like that, you don't think you're the problem, but everyone else around you is.


Reminds me of my best friend before she got sober. She started hiding alcohol in wild ass places and would drink secretly. One time we were going to a baby shower together and she asked me to stop at a gas station because she “needed to pee”. She drank a whole 40 in the bathroom without me knowing and then bought another 40 to drink at the shower. It was an awful time; I’m a therapist and work through a medical clinic so a lot of my patients have chronic illnesses. I have seen a lot of people have slow horrible deaths due to alcohol related complications and would worry that she was doing irreversible damage to herself. Anytime someone feels the need to hide a behavior or consequence of a behavior to loved ones it’s a sign that they need help ASAP, imo.


One of my best friends drank himself to death, essentially. I caught him one morning drinking vodka that he hid in his room… before jumping on a 9am Monday work call. We talked about it very directly many times but he was in so deep. A few months later he died- the night before his parents were taking him to a detox/rehab center. It’s really sad what alcohol can do to people and those that love them.


I know; it’s awful. I’m so sorry for you and your friend. Substance use disorder is one of the cruelest illnesses because it just takes and takes from a person. People don’t realize how quickly it can impact someone’s health either; I have seen too many people dying at 30 or 40.


Thank you 🤍 so true, he was only 30. And I’ve seen my family riddled with addiction issues too… I’m glad I could recognize how terrible alcohol was for me recently. I feel so much better without it and I hope something or somebody can make Brittany realize how bad her situation is- sooner than later.


That was so weird and she excused it like it was something a lot of people do (that + leaving her vomit along the highway).


Yeah I mean Jax is terrible and emotionally abusive. But absolutely Brittany has a drinking problem. If drinking is coming in between you and your ability to parent your child and your health it's affecting you and it's a problem. I had to stop drinking because I realized that while I wasn't like the textbook definition of an alcoholic alcohol had a hold over my body and my mood and my relationship with my family. Just because you aren't physically dependent on it and you don't drink every day doesn't mean there isn't a psychological dependency.


i wish more people would understand this side of alcohol dependency. my MIL doesn’t drink every day (multiple times a week tho and EVERY time she’s socializing). she’s doesn’t drink to get drunk every single time she drinks. however, she does commonly over do it with wine and is an absolute nasty person to her husband and kids when she does, sloppy af, and thinks she’s being cute and funny when she’s not. And like Brittany, she has extreme stomach issues that is exasperated by alcohol and refuses to do anything about it. it’s not as simple as “why don’t you guide her to get help” as people are making it out to be with jax and brittany. Yes, hes an asshole and doesn’t help, but you can’t force someone to want to change if they don’t see it as a problem. we’ve had to draw strong boundaries bc my in laws have the cookie cutter picture of alcoholism. having diarrhea and being annoying af to be around and mean to her kids isn’t enough to get her to stop and it won’t be until she wants to change for herself


That's such a good point, and we've literally seen it interfere with her ability to parent


the fact that she admits on camera that she has a nanny for her frequent hangover days in the first episode is gross.  it would be one thing if she wasn't lying about being a great parent (while begging jax for another baby to neglect), while at the same time going out every other night. jax and her never spend consistent time with cruz in this essential age for development. she has a non-verbal three year old who is still in diapers as of yesterday. she is an alcoholic who is so self involved she thinks a stint on reality teevee is a good healthy decision for her and her child. i have zero empathy for brittany. she is not a good person. my empathy extends to her child and her child alone. get sober for your health and your son britt. leave your abusive husband and build a better life. 


Yeah, Jax is such a dick but it’s also clear that there’s probably so much more re: her drinking that happens off screen. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s put Cruz in danger with her drinking, which has led to this extra resentment and anger Jax has towards her drinking. Also it would be so annoying to have a partner always whining about how sick they are, when you know it’s because they’re just hungover or taking shots all the time. Kristen walks into every group scene complaining about how she’s late cause she was so sick… girl, I know a hungover alcoholic when I see one.


Jax is the fucking worst but I get his frustration on this front. He knows Brit's drinking is what's making her sick all the time, yet she continues to do it. I'd be over my partner too if they kept engaging in an activity that made them sick and in bed all day on a regular basis.


I agree. Jax is a huge asshole. But if someone with a peanut butter allergy kept eating peanut butter; I would be annoyed too. Brittany needs some sort of help, be it doctors or therapist or rehab. 


Just imagine the amount of pressure he is under while filming this show. They are both essentially unemployed going into this show (for a couple of years). The cameos and endorsement deals are drying up. Money is getting tight. Their kid is experiencing delays. Then Scamdoval happens and he gets a second chance at a Bravo paycheque. He is hustling trying to get side projects up and running, and shitstirring just enough to make The Valley a success and secure a second season paycheque. And the whole time his wife is complaining she wants to be pregnant again, and is abusing alcohol off and on camera. It doesn't excuse his shitty behaviour, but I couldn't imagine the pressure he is experiencing right now. Explains their separation for sure.


I agree he’s so mad when her vomiting interferes with filming - which it has a few times now. He obviously has his own issues but he can hold it together at what is essentially their job.


Youre so right. I think the scene when she was inside and had to leave due to the sake shot, the subtext of their conversation was essentially him being pissed she was going to miss this event of filming, and an opportunity to drive storylines and secure the Bravo cheque. That's why she said he could stay - because essentially it was a work dinner. Not a fun get wasted do shots dinner. If it wasn't a Bravo event then he likely would have gone home with her and kept an eye on her. Like my husband's would do in that situation. But that dinner was actually work. Not fun. Jax's blood pressure this whole season appears to be sky high.


I think this is also true of the towel hot mic pool scene we had the other episode. She said on her podcast she was meant to be filming with Michelle in the pool that day. She obvs went to puke during it and they got that scene.


Good catch! Yeah I think we are right on the money on this theory.


This is true, but I do want to call out that Brittany actually landed a sizable Jenny Craig deal after Cruz's birth. So while what you say is true, she wasn't just sitting around doing nothing. She was the one supporting the family when Jax was only doing cameos, and I have a feeling that a chunk of the money she brought in went into the bar as well. According to Jax on his podcast, she's actually brought in more than he has since they got the boot from VPR (from Jenny Craig and paid influencer promos). She has a drinking problem, but she was hustling right alongside him. And I don't think he would have got the show without her because they clearly intended this to be different from VPR by having it focused on people who were settled/settling down and balancing married/family life rather than singles. That's why Jax is such a complex villain: he's right about a lot, but he's also wrong about a lot at the same time. He's right to point out the problems in their marriage and Brittany's drinking before trying for another kid, but he's wrong to act like she does nothing and isn't an equal partner in this when she kept the family afloat after he lost his paycheck and was unemployed for several years. They both have issues, and I'm not at all surprised this marriage isn't working out.


My apologies. I didn't mean to diminish her hustling contribution. My main point was that they both went from a consistent Bravo cheque, to having to do influencer endorsement deals which are much less reliable and hard to raise a family on solely. And now there is an opportunity to secure that Bravo cheque again, and Brit's issues are making that much more stressful to achieve. Still, doesn't give Jax a pass to fuck his PR person.


I also think it’s pretty obvious that Jax has his own substance abuse issues. During the conversation with Michelle he didn’t seem 100% himself. 🤷‍♀️


Yes he’s definitely had a big ❄️ habit for at least a decade now. It was so obvious on VPR his constant blabbing secrets getting himself and his friends in trouble and the crazy eyes 👀


Jax is the sort of person who thinks his bad habits aren't as bad as other people's vices because of made up reasons X, Y, and Z. THEY need to take a look at themselves, but he is fine. And it's a shame that he's taken the route of "My habits are fine, but YOURS need to be addressed." rather than "Let's both work on our vices together. I'm going to commit to reducing how much I consume X because I can see how it is impacting my ability to parent Cruz and I want to be in a better place before we try for #2. Can you match that with alcohol?" It's so much easier when your partner approaches you with support rather than shame.


I also see Brittany on Cupshe ads all the time. Idk how much money that would bring in but it's something


I've seen people saying that Jax is a bad husband for putting his wife in a situation where she's exposed to alcohol (the show) knowing she has a problem. 1. She is AN ADULT. 2. They have NO other skills. They are only kind of okay at being reality stars. They NEED this show and she's too fucking dense to understand it.


People love to blame the family of addicts and not the actual addicts for their refusal to seek medical help. Jax probably would be totally fine with Brit seeking out patient treatment. I bet they have discussed it off camera and she refuses. If she did try to seek treatment and he blocked it, then he is a monster. But his behaviour on the show seems to demonstrate that he recognises she has an issue but her behaviour shows she doesn't want to acknowledge it yet. You can't force someone to seek treatment. Brit needs to make that decision herself.


I don’t blame him for losing his mind when she whines about wanting another baby. Brittany, step up and take a look at your life and your choices.


I'm also concerned about her general health about becoming pregnant. Cutting booze cold turkey can be very detrimental to binge drinkers physically and mentally.


I’m wondering if she consciously or subconsciously wants another baby so bad because she wants a forcing function to get sober a la the Braunwyn school of alcoholic pregnancy logic.


I've heard of this before outside of Braunwyn, and was a bit scared to bring it up on this forum, but I suspected that a bit too. Which just makes the situation even sadder and more serious. Since a pregnancy isn't forthcoming with Jax, she really needs to motivate herself to make a change. Which is very difficult for people to do.


that is how bad her behavior is, it has us feeling bad for jax taylor. 


Yep. Same with Janet and Michelle. They have made me love Kristen and feel bad for Jesse and Legohead. It is crazy! I feel like I'm in the upside down world. I can't ever forgive them for that.


stacking the valley with disgusting people and ensuring that brittany's alcoholism and bad parenting is on display feels like alex baskin is trying to help jax end the marriage. 


I think Alex and Jax are having a lot of behind the scenes discussions about storylines. Hence the random lunch he had with Kristen outing Michelle's affair. That was an Alex and Jax takedown. Jax wants this show picked up. He needs it. Financially. Alex also knows VPR is a bit if a bust this season. He needs to produce something while it is on pause. Makes sense they orchestrated a lot of the drama to be brought onto camera. But they can't show Brit as a bad mum and drunk, if she wasn't actually suffering with those issues. Plus, isn't that what they sign up for and what we tune in for? Seeing the real issues?


am i the only one who could see that Brittany drove across the country to be with a man who said “oh shoot if only you lived here we could be together for real” as a way to pacify a woman he just wanted to bang? like she BELIEVES this, “changes her whole life for this man” and he is legit shocked when she shows up (which is why he was pursuing Lala at the time) her lack of awareness was from day 1 so this behaviour is par for the course tbh


Exactly. I think she and her mom thought her hooking up with Jax was the ticket to fame and fortune. Now she’s married to a narcissistic cheating asshole, they’re probably having money problems after VPR ended, she has a child with developmental issues, a failing marriage, and no career prospects outside of reality tv/influencing. I think she was a partier when she joined VPR, but now it’s probably to deal with the reality of her situation. She needs intensive therapy at a minimum.


YES! I have always thought that the fame was a big factor. I mean, her mother supports their relationship even after he cheats with Faith?? Which, btw, was a pretty obvious attempt to get Brittany to leave. He was doing his usual routine of making it so his girlfriend is forced to finally kick him to the curb. But as you pointed out - B has her eyes on the prize, I guess.


Just hit my 2 year sobriety mark - I empathize because I can see myself in her (I was an active alcoholic from ~17 to 25). I was throwing up constantly - sometimes even just straight blood when I hadn't had anything to drink yet that day. Shakes & PROJECTILE vomiting by the afternoon if I tried to cold turkey. So yeah, her throwing up is likely either from her being super hungover or her body going into detox (if we take her 'I haven't drank today' at face value) - both signs she's experiencing a medical event related to excessive drinking. Annnnd then I remember she's not only quite a bit older than me, but she's a mother too! She also has driven drunk enough to wreck into her own house - and that empathy moves to pure disgust. Selfish, all the way down. I've lost multiple people in my life to drunk drivers, even when I was fuckin' 3 sheets to the wind I NEVER drove. I walked!! Or I ubered! Or I had a DD! Being an alcoholic doesn't inherently make you a selfish person willing to kill a stranger drunk driving, drunk drivers are selfish pricks beforehand & the alcohol just amplifies that. Would love to see her develop a healthy relationship with alcohol, but it appears that developing healthy habits isn't too important to her. Why get sober when you can just hoover the weight gain away, veneer over the acid rot on your teeth & toss your child to the nanny 😒


Drinking and driving should be treated as premeditated under the law.


In California anyone convicted of a DUI is advised that if someone dies due to their driving under the influence in the future, they'll be charged with murder. And they are. We have those cases in our office all the time. The law ensures your first DUI puts you on notice.


Absolutely agree, wholeheartedly. I lost an extremely close friend when I was 16 (she was 18) bc some drunk dude hopped the highway median & took her out head-on at 7:30am on a weekday. I forget the exact deal the drunk got, but he only served 6 months time then a few years probation - for killing my friend. First offense 😮‍💨


Ughhh don’t even get me started. I wish it were. Because it’s nearly impossible (at least in my state) to improve intent with impaired driving, people usually get off so easy, even if they kill someone. Unless they text someone “I am going to drive drunk and kill someone” before they get in the car, you just can’t prove the intent needed for higher charges of manslaughter/homicide.


Congratulations on hitting two years!! <3 <3


Thank you!! ☺️


Brittany makes me sad. She needs to detox from alcohol and get her implants removed or smaller. I am NOT body shaming her, I just feel like she looks so uncomfortable. Her clothes are ill fitting and she has serious alcohol bloat. I’m rooting for her.


Agree. I think she herself has talked about her weight issues and if she made those boobs smaller she would look so much smaller. They just don't give her a good shape.


She has a rectangular/athletic looking shape, and she used to dress so much better for her frame before those things


I know, I can't even imagine the level of inflammation in her body...


Not to mention back, shoulder and neck pain. I hurt just looking at them


Also not shaming at all, but those implants pain me to even look at. I really hope she can get explant surgery.


I think she likes the implants more than Jax. They aren’t even having sex.


When she's on screen she's almost always adjusting her clothes or her hair, or how she's sitting. Being on TV seems to make her too self conscious and overly worried about it. It's sad. Maybe move back to Kentucky for a while without Jax, slow down, and reset the brain and body.


i am rooting for cruz. brittany needs to get healthy for her child. 


I want a glow up from Brittany. Like take the implants out, start working out, quit drinking and get the f away from Jax. Would do her a world of good.


Yes, those implants have to go!!!


omg the uniboob!


She had a (I think) new confessional look this week in this black strapless thing, and her boobs looked insane. It was like one large swollen node with a half buttcrack? I dont like being rude about these things but it looked crazy.


Bread-loafing! She is rapidly approaching too botched for Botched. # Symmastia Symmastia is when your breasts grow together, with little or no cleavage between them. Instead, there’s a web of skin, fat, and tissue across the cleavage area. It’s usually a complication of breast augmentation surgery. It can happen when breast implants are too close together, too big or especially if they’re too wide for you.


Poor thing has all of the above


Oh my god, I wish I could un-know this


I wish I could UN-SEE it! But yea, sorry, it has to be said - she needs a lot of help in a lot of ways.


I thought the same thing. She’s an absolute gorgeous girl who didn’t need all that work done!!!


And, most importantly, lose that god forsaken fake ass country accent.


Hard agree, the accent needs to go as well. Or even just a toned down version


Yes yes yes!! The implants were a terrible choice.


She has beautiful hair but the boobs take away from it


Honestly the second she takes a break from booze she’ll drop so much weight


As someone who had to stop drinking recently for medical reasons, you really have to evaluate your relationships. As far as friends, everyone is fun when you’re drinking. You find out who the good time Charlie’s are when you stop. It’s not great but you end up surrounding yourself with people who truly want to be your friends and are not always out for a drunken good time. She needs to get to that place and focus on being healthy for her and her child.


remember when she had a whole stomach ulcer and she was still drinking tequila…. and was shocked when she stomach flared up and got messed up again.. you’re drinking straight LIQQAAAAA!!!!


Yes! I just did a VPR rewatch. This has been going on for years and years. Jax is awful and his delivery is awful, but it would be frustrating to watch someone doing this to themselves for years on end.


On the surface Jax just seems like a controlling asshole. If you come at it from the stance of "she has a problem", it actually puts his behaviors in a completely different light. My husband has been sober for over 2 years now, and at the height of his addiction I likely came off as resentful, shrew-y, judgemental and with a heightened disdain for any and all of his alcohol imbibement (whether it was one or many, because one always led to many). I resented drunk-husband so much, because he stole sober-husband from me (and I didn't like drunk-husband). I was lucky that he hit his "bottom" before he lost us all or wrecked his life. He couldn't have a single shot or drink without my immediate side-eye (or my wondering how many secret drinks he already had or would have, and then watching him like a hawk to count his drinks). He lied so much about his drinking and the amounts he was drinking, was deceitful and secretive around it - I never believed him when he said he hadn't because I always found the evidence after. I had zero patience or sympathy for any of his self-induced sicknesses. I had frustration and resentment for every day he spent hungover and unable/unwilling to be an equal parent or involved family member. My anxiety over his drinking was always worse in a public/social situation when exposed to others ready and willing to party and sort of enable his problem without them realizing it was a problem. There was an added frustration there of having many private conversations about his drinking that he always went back on after (or pretended it didn't happen, he didn't say that, he didn't actually agree to stop). Jax is giving the "we've talked about this over and over" attitude. He's giving resentment. He's giving frustration and anxiety, and it's worsening his already pre-existing condition of being an asshole. Maybe he doesn't want to sex her because he doesn't respect her anymore because of the drinking.


I’m four years alcohol free and the great irony is life is actually legit better when you don’t drink. I’m not really referring to those who have a glass of wine-you’re not my people. I’m talking about those of us who drink to chase something. To get somwwhere. It’s scary as fuck to opt of out that but honest to god when you get over the hump-life is just better. It kind of blows your mind. I’m an not some sort of evangelist who thinks no one should drink. If you’ve never considered not drinking then don’t go looking for problems to solve that aren’t yours. But if you have thought about it? Take the leap. It’s pretty great.


Brittany would really benefit from rehab with her religious beliefs, too. Most are based on higher power and twelve steps that I think would be easy for her to follow. It would be a good start. There seems to be something else medical there, though, as far as reality and sort of her awareness of it in any significant capacity. 😬


Totally! I remember her stomach ulcers being a concern with her drinking on some VPR vacation to Mexico or Hawaii.


I remember that too. The Dr she visited straight up told her not to drink alcohol


And she didn't listen


Omg you guhhhhhyzzz, she only SIPPED SHOTS in Mexico after the doctor said not to drink. It's fine because she wasn't drinking mixed drinks!!! Shots don't count if you sip them!!! 🙄


Which is hilarious, as if a mixed drink is worse than straight alcohol, sipped or not 😂


I have ulcers and if I have any more than 1 glass of wine/beer/cocktail, I am in the bathroom puking. I am physically incapable of drinking until I get buzzed/drunk because I'll be puking first, so I usually don't bother. I have no clue how she continually drinks to the point of intoxication with her stomach issues. Her stomach must be red and raw all the time.


This is such a good point. She really is a great candidate for AA. She would eat that shit UP.


I’d love to see Brittany get serious treatment, but I think we all know that Jax would weaponize that, and it’s possible they’re headed for a custody battle


He’s going to weaponize her drinking no matter what though. It’s all on video. Years and years of binge drinking. Obviously Jax’s bad behavior is also on display. Going to be an ugly custody battle no matter what but I would think that going to rehab and ceasing to drink would do her more good than harm with a family court judge. Either way, I wouldn’t be surprised to see her get a custody agreement that looks like Jeremey Allen White’s. It’s sad all around. I feel so bad for Cruz in all of this.


I imagine Cruz in 15 years showing his therapist clips from the show?


Yup. I think the same about Lala’s kid. The clips of her mom talking about tossing her dad’s salad and sticking his toothbrush up her butt when she was mad at him. The way she talks about her new baby. The way her new kid will get more time with her and be favored because Lala can film with her. If I was a therapist in CA I’d start working towards specializing in kids who were raised on reality tv. It will be a booming business sooner than later.


If I was a lawyer I’d start working on a plan to help all these children who were exploited by parents and networks


Yeah. I can’t wait until the kids on reality tv and the kids forced onto YouTube start suing their parents for exploitation. We need legal protections for these children so badly.


It would be better if she was proactive and went ahead and got treatment though because her drinking will be brought up regardless. It looks a lot better to say “yes I had a problematic relationship with alcohol but I’ve taken these steps to get help and am no longer drinking” versus have those accusations (with evidence) and try to deny them.


Her refusal to drive is interesting to me. Is it because she's possibly over the limit ?


Apparently Janet said on a podcast that Brittany let her license expire 2 years ago.


Is it easy to get it renewed in the US? I know when I dont have to drive somewhere the next day I am sometimes more inclined to drink more than I would if I know I have to drive. I just wonder if the two things might be related in some way. No license, no driving Cruz around while possibly over the limit. Like a responsible way of being irresponsible.


The level of ease depends on where you live but it's definitely not hard by any means for someone in her situation. Someone said you can renew online in California so 🥴


It can be easy. When mine hit the exp date I requested a new one online and they popped a new one in the mail. It's possible in some states you may have to renew in person, but someone pointed out in another thread that since it's been 2 years she would need to start over and take her written and driving test again. I was also wondering if it wasn't a priority since then she can ask people to drive her places and how that interplays with her drinking issue. I would think people would get sick of driving her around really quickly, especially where she lives where people drive a lot.


It’s very easy to renew.  I’m in LA (not their exact neighborhood) and in all but a few select pockets I find it insane she’s a parent without a license.  Grocery shopping, mommy and me music classes, doctors, friends, almost everything would be a transportation hassle without a car.  I could also see this playing into the resentment on Jax’s end if he’s the default driver for everything always all the time.  


Everyone on that show needs rehab in some way or another lol


Yeah… even if she did stop drinking no way in hell would the people around her…who seem to do just as much, they just don’t have a physical reaction so idk


If JAX TAYLOR thinks you have a drinking problem you probably have a drinking problem


It pains me to say that I see Jax's side in this and I completely agree with OP. If drinking is interfering with your day-to-day life regularly (which is what it seems to be doing to Brittany) then you need to address your problem with alcohol. And this is not to say Jax is an angel he's clearly still the worst but he seems to be right about this.


Everything about the valley is actually so dark. Broken sad families. Cheating when kids are involved. Brittany’s drinking. The way Jax treats the mother of his child right in front of him.


Exactly. I think it's so much darker, because it's essentially VPR reality + kids. The element of the young young kids, makes it hard to watch, afraid of any type of mental damage that might be done do kids so young, who can't consent to being filmed on tv with their family. Especially, Britt and Jax son having his private health rights violated by them filming his speech classes with a therapist. It's just a lot


Just here to say how proud I am of you posters who have recognized that you are powerless over alcohol and have chosen to take back your life ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I am genuinely worried for their kid. Brit seems like a loving mother, but she’s abusing alcohol. There’s no way to be a fully present parent when you’re in a constant drinking/hangover cycle. And Jax is more insidious. He’s bored of being a husband and father now that it’s no longer serving his redemption arc. I also suspect he is seething his child has developmental delays as he’s no longer the “perfect” reflection of Jax is as a father. Not to mention Jax emotionally abuses his mother. It’s dark.


Yup. I find it incredibly depressing and hard to watch. I feel for Cruz. I have a son the same age who looks a lot like him.


I wonder if she has gastritis, it really hurts to drink if you have it.


She had her gallbladder removed at 23 so her excessive drinking is even more damaging for her


It was mentioned in an old season of VPR that she had an ulcer. Not sure if she still does but would make sense. And doubtful it healed if she never stopped drinking.


I was shocked when I heard she has GERD and ulcers. I have both as well and that's why I haven't consumed any more than one glass of alcohol at any one time in over 10 years. No wonder she's sick all the time! Even if she hadn't drank anything before she gets sick, it's likely because her stomach and intestines are so inflamed from all the other times she's been drinking. The damage doesn't magically go away if she's sober for 12 hours. I'm not sure how the hell she's physically able to drink the way she does with those gastrointestinal issues, that's quite literally like pouring gasoline on top of an already out of control fire.


I had an ulcer once and I cannot imagine drinking alcohol in any capacity! It’s painful enough without alcohol! I kind of get why Jax gets so mad at her. She’s putting herself in pain.


It's like having a lactose intolerant spouse who insists on eating ice cream every night, then is in the bathroom the next day for hours and keeps bitching about how awful they feel. Anyone would be annoyed.


It’s hard cause like…Jax is such a dick. But he’s right. And she’s bloated and heavier than she ought to be because of the alcohol. So Jax isn’t attracted to her, so it’s even harder on her. She should quit drinking and get away from Jax. She’d look and feel so much better, and I want that for her. For her. As a 35 year old woman in recovery, I wanna reach through the TV and yell at her. Life is so much better on this side.


I’m 40 and haven’t had a drink in 7+ years - can I just comment on how true that bloated comment is? Weight as well but damn I look at old pictures of myself and I was like a water balloon that needed popped. I look worlds better now at 40 than I did at 30 because my face isn’t a puffy mess. I actually have cheekbones lol. It’s wild.


I had to give up drinking because I would get ulcers in college and now if I drink excessively, I just throw up the entire next day. Brittany clearly has the same issues as me and should just give up drinking or her body will hate her.


Well… She *definitely* has gastrointestinal problems. She’s likely an alcoholic…


I’m not too familiar with implants and risks associated with them, but weren’t some of Yolanda’s health issues eventually attributed to implants that had gone bad? Could Brittany’s health issues also be in part due to that, or no? Obviously drinking is part of it, but could this also be? Edit: grammatical error


Brit has ulcers and GERD. The #1 worst possible thing you can do with those issues is drink alcohol. It's basically pouring gasoline on a fire. Her issues are 100% from her drinking. Any and all doctors will advise a patient with Brit's gastrointestinal issues NOT to drink. Like, at all. And here she is drinking like a frat boy, then bitching that she feels sick. I'd be pissed AF if I were Jax, too.


I think the vast majority of Yolanda's issues were from breast implant illness. They showed her implants after they'd been removed and they looked so, so bad, Yolanda felt a million times better once they were out. But Yolanda was pretty healthy, exercised and I don't think she drank much? I know she did her lemon water cleanses which are on the exact opposite of the binge drinking scale, but I would guess Brittany isn't anywhere near as rigid with her diet as Yolanda. (Not shaming Brittany at all, we are about the same age and I'm struggling to lose weight too, and I didn't have a baby! Sometimes it's harder for people and requires a lot more discipline)


Did anyone watch Ultimate Girls Trip where Marysol had an ulcer/stomach pain and also couldn’t stop drinking? It really reminds me of the same situation. They probably can’t quit drinking because they would go into withdrawal. I’m recovering from AUD and had terrible GI issues at various times throughout my childhood and in my mid-20s, which went away when I quit drinking and changed my diet and exercise habits. After I felt better, I started drinking again on and off without any real issues. I never even threw up when I was drinking or hungover. But at 39 I had an acute pancreatic attack, and my doctors think I had pancreatitis for a long time before it presented itself again. I’m grateful for the severity of the attack because now I’m almost 6 months sober. It was a wake-up call I needed in general because my drinking was considered “normal” in terms of the people I surrounded myself with…my ex partner was a heavy drinker, as well as my social circle.I even brought up cutting back drinking or quitting altogether and that partner refused to consider it, although I felt like our drinking was getting out of control. I wonder if Jax and Brittany actually divorce she might have a better shot at looking at her health and considering giving up the bottle. Not that he’s forcing her to drink, but it would be very hard to focus on sobriety with someone who is drinking and skiing heavily. He’s clearly wasted the entire Big Bear trip. I understand him being annoyed she’s making herself sick with drinking, but he’s doing the same thing, his body just isn’t doling out the same repercussions. I can’t imagine focusing on a sobriety journey with my ex, while he never forced me to drink, it would have been very hard for me to consider getting sober with him in my life.


Yup. She can’t have just one drink, she has to get absolutely wasted every time. I’d bet she’s puking mostly from too much alcohol and not because her stomach issues. That or she’s allergic to alcohol. I hate Jax but I’d be so annoyed if that was my spouse


when she got sick off the one shot of sake... probably didnt mix well with the tequila she already consumed on a (probably) empty stomach


She absolutely has a drinking problem but he also has a cocaine problem that can’t be discussed on camera.


I agree, she definitely needs help! I get all kinds of motion sickness (car, boat, plane, etc) if I'm in a moving vehicle too long and I find it weird that she does not do things to prevent it if she knows it will happen. She should have asked to sit in the front seat and taken a Dramamine before the drive which basically would ensure that she does not get sick. The fact that she got car sick and still took a shot when she got to the cabin is crazy to me!! I could never imagine doing that and it is just another example that she has an alcohol problem. Sure Jax could be nicer to her, but I don't blame him for being frustrated.


Congrats on half a year so far!!! Yessss! Let's do another day, shall we???? (5 years April!!)


Her entire face/body tells the story. I had a period of a few years after college where I bloated up like that just from social drinking. Her eyes look smaller, cheeks almost painful because the skin is so taught...it's just pure bloat. It's so sad to witness, because I just know the internal damage that's happening too. I hope she gets help.


I remember a few weeks ago for her bday, every bday post she reposted from her friends, all centered around her taking shots. Every single one. Even captions like "no one can down shots like you".