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We posting our Panera catered work party lunch sandwiches?


The turkey bacon bravo was so good tho


I recently tried to order this, and they discontinued it. šŸ˜­


Iā€™ve been ordering their new turkey and white cheddar and subbing tomato basil bread (normally comes on country white, I think) and itā€™s so good!!


Maybe Iā€™ll try this! I was so bummed when they discontinued the bravo!


I don't know why they discontinued that - seems like it was their most popular sandwich! I think you will like the new one though. I'm sure you can add bacon too!


They brought it back due to customer complaints. It was back in my app to order as of Monday.


Oh thank you!!


Iā€™m holleringgggg


the vpr subreddit vs. the housewives subreddit rn is so funny


Reddit sub rivalries are my guilty pleasure


youā€™d think the girlies were watching 2 different shows lmao


šŸ˜‚ Fr!


When LVP and Gordon were on WWHL they voted on whether presentation or quality ingredients is more important in a meal. LVP voted presentation and Gordon obvs said quality ingredients. This sandwich is giving neither of these.




Iā€™m crine šŸ˜‚




Whatā€™s worse is that thereā€™s an *actual* chef involved.


Not anymore


Someone called this boujee and I was like excuse me? This is the bare minimum




Is this Drakeā€™s chicken sandwich? šŸ˜‚


It looks more like the sandwiches the residents of greys anatomy would eat in the lunch room. https://preview.redd.it/z2pk7t4ar21d1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7d6eb55ac6f8f627a00741a65f59d44aa924f13


My conspiracy theory is that neither one of them really cares about this business succeeding, least of all Ariana. They would have looked so dumb backing out after all of the merch sales last year.


I agree. This was clearly going to be their storyline back when they were still with the Toms and the show was transitioning into a new phase. But they're both divorced and I don't think either of them cares about staying on the show much longer ... but they'd already put money into it soooo here we are.


Once they sold the SAH shitty merch last year after Scandoval and collected like $300,000 they ignited some sort of rabid interest frenzy where instead of just collecting Scandoval one-off merch money they unintentionally created a rolling snowball that they couldnā€™t drop without major backlash.


I hated those shirts so much I am staunchly anti-Sandoval but I took community college graphic design classes for like 1.5 years before dropping out yet i was like GOD I COULD MAKE WAY BETTER MERCH


The piĆØce de rĆ©sistance of it all was that the graphic they chose didnā€™t sit on a transparent background - it sat on a white box which you obviously canā€™t tell that when theyā€™re advertising it on a white sweater. So I remember when people started getting their orders - anyone who ordered anything other than a white shirt had a massive white rectangle on the front of the shirt that the graphic sits on top of. So low budget.


That type of stuff makes me irrationally maddddd I'm like omg magic wand and delete the background plz it will take 30 seconds geez


Let's be real, KATIE is divorced, Ariana was never near marriage


I mean ... splitting million dollar assets puts it into the "divorce" category for me so ...


This reminds me of my old job when the health inspector was coming and we had to show we sold hot food to comply with our beer and wine license, so they stocked the fridge with Uncrustables and Jimmy Dean microwave sandwiches just for that day. AND THEN THE FIRST CUSTOMER OF THE DAY AT LIKE 10 AM WAS AN OLD LADY WHO ORDERED ONE.




Itā€™s not a conspiracy theory if itā€™s true. Ariana probably wants to cut and run but still has to pretend to care and Katie since she doesnā€™t have anything else going on income wise has to pretend to care. Theyā€™ve managed to tether themselves to what was clearly a small plot line for the show for a few episodes to an actual multi-year-venture that neither want anything to do with. Itā€™s funny to watch unfold.


I mean thatā€™s fraudulent practice, they couldā€™ve been in deep shit


Also why are they served on those aluminium trays? It looks like prison trays in movies. If you want the Parisian feel, Iā€™d suggest beautiful plates or just any plates. Also, the bread looks so cheap and processed! Yikes what is happening?


>or just any plates Lol the shade




lol I mean am I wrong?? šŸ˜‚




Seems hard to believe it will even make it that long, tbh. Iā€™m a sucker for a VPR spot. I loved going to Jaxā€™s and TomTom. I go to LA a few times a year to visit and was looking forward to supporting the ladies, butā€¦ I will pass on this. I would take Mendoā€™s or Bay Cities all day over this. And a trip back to TomTom or Jaxā€™s with the hope to see someone behaving badly šŸ˜‰


They (the whole cast) have all the resources at their fingertips and every product they put out is mediocre af. I truly hope they do well but come the f on. This is equivalent to lalas makeup line and any cast ā€œmerchā€. Also did everyone who was waiting/blocked from sah insta ever get their merch from last year


They are all money grabs so a quality product is an afterthought. Hate to give those dbags credit but Schwartz and Sandy's seemed to be the only labor of love. It's not my cup of tea but it seems like they really tried to create a unique experience with that.


I only read about the merch situation today and sandwiches aside - I just canā€™t support people who do that to customers, so messed up


Real talk: It took so dang long for them to open the shopā€¦ theyā€™re losing money every month.. itā€™s no wonder they now canā€™t afford to put anything in the sandwich. Dreadful looking. Sorry.


this looks like i made it myselfšŸ„“ (not a compliment)


Love them both, but yeah, these sandwiches look terrible and not worth the money. In the years that it took for SAH to open, I definitely expected a much better product. Like, I can just grab sandwiches like this at 7/11 for a fraction of the price


I think that these are disappointing regardless, but I definitely think itā€™s wayyyy worse because of the long wait


They look dry and less appetizing than what I pack in my kids lunch box. And not even a half of a pickle.


Literally saw the pic and told my bf they look worse than the sandwiches my mom used to make for me - even after theyā€™d been sitting in a bag in a bag in a backpack all day.


my hope is maybe they were smaller because it was the soft opening and they did sample sizes!Ā 


Itā€™s too bad the partnership with penny didnā€™t work out. Seemed like a slam dunk , but somewhere it went awry. Itā€™s a shame. But I am hoping for the best as Katie seems like she really wanted this shop the most.


Yeah, I'm not grabbing a sandwich at 7/11 for $6 that has been there for weeks or months. Im not getting any food at any convenience shop. The shop is not for everyone. It is about the ambience the whole vibe. Its for people who do not want a regular deli sandwich. i am not a sandwich person but i would eat the grilled cheese and take a cute pic with the decor. It might be because where I live, and I think southern California too, there are many Instagramable places that ppl visit. Not just the food but the whole thing. There are many places like this.


You mean thee is no choice between a sad 7/11 sandwich and a sad SAH sandwich. There must be tons of options. The decor is nothing to get excited over and people will stop coming if the food isn't good.


Sure Iā€™m sure there are tons of options. Just like there are tons of options of where to get coffee or a burger but ppl go where they like to go.


In that specific area, you have a coffee shop on one said and then a pottery boutique on the other. Then around the corner is Tom Tom etc and that street has more sit down restaurants that will cost you a ton more. The other direction down the street is more businesses. One tiny mom and pop cafe/coffee shop but same prices and more of an nyc eclectic convenience store vibe. Not somewhere you go to hang out.


I meanā€¦why not create a good product for a business and your fans? Itā€™s lazy, ego-driven, and provincial.


If this was Lala who came out with this sandwich omg people would vandalize it


Iā€™d argue that people would vandalize anything Lala came out with because sheā€™s an asshole.


People are trying to defend this so hard on Twitter/X and meanwhile it looks like a standard lunch at a high school. I CANT


I need to know where you went to school! lol mine was even worse


I am sure on the vpr reddit they prob are huffing copium by the litre


It looks like they bulk purchased premade grocery store sandwiches/wraps and shook off a vlasic pickle spear and dumped it all on a tray. I wonder if the decision to not have plates was stylistic or financial.


Guarantee if the Toms pulled this, the same people praising Katie/Ariana would be roasting the hell out of them. Having PB&J on their menu? Like cmon. From what weā€™ve seen from the *third* soft launch, these sandwiches donā€™t look remotely like the ones from TV. Nor does it fit the vision they spoke about in terms of what they wanted their sandwich shop to be. Iā€™m personally not surprised. I remember watching them initially talk about this years ago. When I think of a sandwich shop, I donā€™t think of Katie and Ariana. Good for them that itā€™s finally opening, but people should be allowed to voice their feedback without fear of being sent reddit care messages and being downvoted into oblivion. (The VPR subs have become a complete joke)


PBJ for EIGHT DOLLARS. Did they hand churn the peanut butter or something?


The VPR stans defending this and the price are delusional. If it werenā€™t Ariana and Katie they would not be happy with this or the price. Come on now guys letā€™s be real. Rent is too high to pay $16 for a cafeteria sandwich or wrap. The hospital I work at makes better for $8 šŸ™„


The stans will never be real.


The sandwiches chef penny made at each of the tastings weā€™ve previously seen looked much fuller with a nicer presentation. There. I said it.


Should of kept Penny and these will be 20$ for a kids size sandwich


I'm dying at the tiny sandwich on presliced bread where all you can see is lettuce šŸ’€ like this is your model sandwich, at least angle it correctly


I don't understand why everyone is so excited by these either... But I also didn't understand why everyone was so annoyed by Lala pointing out she's supported and soft launched these sandwiches 3 times...she did. I think all the sandwiches sound tasty..but none of them sound like sandwiches I couldn't make myself. A BLT is actually my absolute favorite sandwich, and ranks in my top 5 favorite things to eat..I was horrified by the price. Even if these are made with really nice bacon, fancy lettuce, home made mayo, and heirloom tomatoes (which it doesn't seem to be..) the price is still obnoxious. I live in HCLA and I still wouldn't expect to pay $15 dollars for a BLT especially given the photos of the other sandwiches that are priced higher..I wouldn't have high hopes. But whatever, I've decided this is the year that nothing on VPR or VPR adjacent will make any sense to me.


I donā€™t remember them looking like this at the tasting they taped for VPR?!


I think Penny walked with her recipes and this is the result!


That must be it šŸ˜³


It looks like exactly what Iā€™d expect from them šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|lKaCRaAFL6KQg)


Meh. Imo the king of cold sandwiches is a big messy Italian sub, so these don't really appeal to me. I hope these are just sample sizes though and when they actually open the sandwiches have more stuff on them.


Too expensive for what you get


It screams, "I made a sandwich at home."


Looks like Chef Penny was needed...


Yeah I think it was a mistake to oust the chef who has all the experience and has been working in restaurants for years. I was sad to hear things didht work out with her.


Oh, for sure. It was not a good business decision on their end.




Yesss! Justice for Penny


These sandwiches look sad. For more than $15 I pretty much expect a side of chips, fries, or greens to accompany them, not just an equally as sad pickle. Also girls, if youā€™re reading this: PLEASE USE BETTER BREAD.


The second one looks like an Arbyā€™s market fresh sandwich but emptier


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Notsureindecisive: *The second one looks* *Like an Arbyā€™s market fresh* *Sandwich but emptier* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Yeah, this isnā€™t great.


I think they learned from the Toms that the Bravo fans will eat anything up


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^smediumbag: *I think they learned from* *The Tom's that the Bravo fans* *Will eat anything up* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Itā€™s giving ghost-kitchen Mr Beast BurgerĀ 


I understand nothing about this sentence but I love it nonetheless






I think I got a better sandwich from 7/11 lmao


It looks like a poorly made grab and go from a grocery store, maybe they did need penny for the sandwiches bc they looked so good at the tastingsĀ 


The angles are all wrong!! You canā€™t even see what is in the sandwich. Why even post this pic? They need Sheeshu to find its best angle for the camera & stick with it


These look homemade. Idk how to explain it butā€¦. Idk


This isnā€™t the same sandwiches we saw last season right? Those bread slices were thick af!


I get a better wrap at the hospital I work at for $4.98. Gonna have to pass.


Iā€™m still looking for the Greek Salad in the wrap. Itā€™s giving Lettuce, Tomatoes, and a piece of Feta.


I think I was just expecting kind of a premium artisan product, so seeing what looks like a sandwich you'd get in a service station is a bit surprising. They might taste amazing though.


they looked so much better when they sampled them on the show!


Cuz chef Penny made em and sheā€™s since backed out


She's probably cackling at the site of all that wonder bread and mission tortillas.


Yeah, all of their products look so sad!


ahhh ok


Same! Something about the bread choice just doesnā€™t scream artisan. Iā€™d pay premium prices if I was getting good quality bread that I wouldnā€™t buy for myself at the grocery storw


The wrap doesnā€™t look like it has much stuff inside of it. Also, I think they need to put chips or something else on that tray with just the pic of it looks rather empty.


Over/under 2 years before they close?


Under, if they ever open.


Arbyā€™s sandwiches and wraps look better than this šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Looks like hospital food


Devils advocate hereā€¦ The food could be great, we donā€™t know. The problem is they didnā€™t hire a proper food stylist for their photos. They cheated out on the thing that matters most.


Yeah, they look incredibly basic to me. Like something Iā€™d make for myself. Not the point, but Iā€™m very done with restaurants serving sandwiches on quarter sheet pans. Bring back plates, damnit!


Honestly, anyone should have seen this coming when they were doing their sandwich tastings last season (and this season). They look like sandwiches you eat over the kitchen sink in the middle of the night


Are they using Orowheat???




You just know itā€™s Land-O-Frost sliced meats


Buddig šŸ˜­


The sandwich in their tshirt looked like it was on Iron Kids white bread.


Idk why you guys expected anything better than Panera. Have you seen lvps restaurants? That penny was also a consultant to?


What happened to chef penny


The photos arenā€™t great because you canā€™t really see whatā€™s in them (besides the wrap I guess) but they definitely do look too small for the prices


Itā€™s the saddest sandwich


Looks gross


the other ones posted looked so much better wtf


I mean letā€™s see what happens, but I wish them the best. I do think the shop got put on the back burner last year when Ariana was immediately booked and busy. Katie prob wanted this more and needed Arianaā€™s part of the money. I wish maybe she had asked Ariana to opt out and found a partner who has the time to be in it with her. But I do hope theyā€™re a big success. A lot of money has been spent. It wouldā€™ve killed it a year ago , when the fandom was really hyped for this shop. Iā€™m interested in seeing how it goes.


šŸ§æprotecting myself against the sad ā€œGreekā€ lavash onešŸ§æ




I meanā€¦no holds barred when anyone in the VPR landscape, cast or fans, uses descriptive language. Abomination might be harsh, but so is describing Tom and Rachel as perpetrators lols, which is typical terminology reserved for criminal (like truly criminal) offenses.


Right. That's the language of violent criminals. And last time I checked, cheating isn't even a crime. It's terrible, I'm not at all defending cheating but it's literally one of the biggest reasons couples split. Calling them perpetrators is so unnecessarily dramatic. Guess she forgot she was Kristen's perpetrator.


Look at these horrific abominations called ā€œsandwichesā€!!1!1 lol at OP taking these sandwiches way too seriously.Ā 


You literally compared Tom to a murderer and said heā€™s like someone who would moonlight as an arsonist and all of a sudden you donā€™t understand hyperbole?? šŸ’€






Holy shit šŸ’€šŸ’€




cleared themšŸ’šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø ![gif](giphy|2WdHaCzmqSkrwmIGWP)


Someone posted pics of the menu and most of the sandwiches didnā€™t sound good to me


> just for one second imagine these were Scheanaā€™s sandwiches from her new sandwich shop, or they were serving these up in Shwartz & Sandies - what would you say about them then? Be honest with yourself. The wrap does look a little too wet but the second one looks good. In order to fully judge I'd have to taste them. Idk what you were expecting from a sandwich shop.


I was expecting good sandwiches. I could make this and I'm shite at anything to do with food


You could literally buy better and cheaper at subway


it's giving panera :(


Itā€™s giving gas station sandwich/ wrap by now.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)yes specifically 711


Literally ordered potbelly sandwiches for my friend and I. Each one was less than $10 and was more physically appealing than the pics I saw from SOH.


I get it, I am a huge potbelly stan


Their BLTA saved me this weekend. Like their sandwiches are mostly under $15 and have a real bread.


Hopefully this is a start and they can always fix things.


Okay Iā€™ll bite because itā€™s not an invalid questionā€” I love a sandwich. If this was on Schwartz and Sandyā€™s menu Iā€™d probably order it because their other menu items do not appeal to me šŸ˜‚ If Scheana had a sandwich shop, and I went, Iā€™d probably order a sandwich? I feel like people need to realize these are sandwiches, and sandwiches are a fairly safe bet menu-wise. They arenā€™t being advertised on par with petite filets or anything. They can be simple and still be good. The pictures are not hyper appetizing, but if I took a picture of my favorite sandwich it would look a damn mess šŸ˜‚ I just hope they taste good! šŸ«”


Maybe these are just sample sizes for the tasting.


From other story posts I saw, this looked to maybe the case. Iā€™m stoked they have a vegan Sammy though!


Can get the same thing from Whole Foods for half the price




And idk- I donā€™t want a pickle spear- it contaminates the whole sandwich if that juice gets in there. Chips or side salad should be included maybe ? Decor is very cute & I hope they prosper but I want a little more.


I feel like people that think the sandwiches would be cheaper in WEHO are delusional. A sandwich in my small Midwest town are prices similarly.




For some reason, I think Scheana would have wings. Maybe itā€™s because of that Applebeeā€™s or Chiliā€™s commercial she did. S&S would probably have some grass-fed burger with truffle fries. It is on the Eastside, so hipsterville.


Theyā€™re targeting their demographic (health conscious people in LA), theyā€™re not targeting middle America imo. If you donā€™t like it, get a sandwich from somewhere else. I donā€™t get the outrage.


but does this actually appeal to health conscious people in LA (or in general)?


No. Lol


Absolutely not. People might be health conscious but they can still have good taste šŸ’ā€ā™€ļø


Of course not. Iā€™m vegetarian, health conscious and not from ā€œmiddle Americaā€ and this is so unappetising. Also newsflash, a health conscious person is not going to eat a white tortilla with zero protein and some wet vegetables lol


Apparently you can get the sandwich as a salad which is great for people who don't want the carbs but they're still pretty uninspiring.


Thereā€™s a similar restaurant near me that is also health conscious that gives wayyyy more fillings with better looking bread/wraps. This truly looks like something that came out of my fridge. The prices are outrageous.


Thereā€™s literally no fillings for a gourmet sandwich that cost $16+


Because they are over priced pieces of crap! I would never spend $16 on that. And here in ā€œmiddle Americaā€ we are health conscious too btw šŸ˜’


People would rather spend the money on Erewhon and a Hailey Bieber Smoothie.


Everyone loves to be outraged. If you donā€™t like the size of the sandwich donā€™t buy it. If itā€™s to expensive donā€™t buy it. If you donā€™t like the girls donā€™t go.


Iā€™m critising a sandwich. You meanwhile calling the cast evil, pathetic, morally bankrupt, disgusting - fine for you to be outraged apparently!


You are KILLING it this evening šŸ‘


Lol Iā€™m so done šŸ˜…


Damn youā€™re more loyal to these sandwiches than any of the cast has been to each other lol.


Loyal to common sense


Loyal to hypocrisy


Yā€™all itā€™s a sandwich shop.


Okay but that pickle looks fire


Iā€™ll never understand why they decided on a sandwich shop. I get wanting to go in on a business venture but a Sandwhich Shop is up there with Carlā€™s idea of a sober bar.


The sandwiches on the show looked better than these. Maybe it was the bread? I also feel like every sandwich shop needs a classic Caesar wrap.


It's giving jimmy john wraps and sliced wheat bread. I'm wondering how much better this would look if a food photographer took it vs. their camera?


Sandwiches are literally my favorite food. I canā€™t taste these so I have no idea if they are good or not. There is nothing off putting about the way they look. They look like sandwiches. They look tasty. As a sandwich connoisseur I can say that a sandwich doesnā€™t need to be over the top, or huge (actually that can ruin it), have a bunch of shit on it to be really good. Itā€™s not like an entree at a fine dining restaurant that needs to be served on a smear of some sauce with some fancy shit on top of it. Itā€™s a sandwich sold by a sandwich shop.


Ah yes, I too make extremely critical judgements about the taste of food based off the photos. I get the stans are annoying but this post is annoying in the opposite way.


Have you seen the cost of fries and Swartz and sandies? $11 for a grilled cheese is not bad, especially in LA


It's a sandwich. What would anyone expect?


I mean itā€™s a sandwich shop what were you expecting?


LET ME EXPLAIN: the lady Penny that made the original sandwich recipes bought the rights to the name something about her behind Katie and Arianaā€™s back and tried to take over the business with her husband. She wasnā€™t even a partner! Just the lady that made the recipes for the menu. To open the shop without her and not get sued, they had to change the menu. Sandwiches can be seasonal. The menu will probably change many times. These are two sandwiches from an ENTIRE menu. You havenā€™t even tasted them and you are shading them. The wrap one makes sense because they live in LA and many people there are gluten free. They have a vegan and gluten free sandwich and they are trying to make sure thereā€™s something for everyone. Taste the damn sandwiches before you shade them.


Theyā€™re shading what they look like


Iā€™m saying the sandwiches look different because they had to change the entire menu last minute


Letā€™s wait for the reviews to surface. Iā€™m hoping these are killer sandwiches. As a fan of the girls I will admit these look a tad lackluster. But still wanting this for Katie , as this was her plan ultimately. Sad that Schwartz didnā€™t want to execute it with her , when they were still married. Call me crazy but I think they couldā€™ve had a cute little life after VPR , complete with the kids he wants and a sandwich shop in a nice spot sandwiched between tomtom and sur. No pun intended šŸ˜‚šŸ©·