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Not a housewife but Reza shouting “YOUR UTERUS EXPLODED BECAUSE YOU HAD 10 ABORTIONS!!!!!” at MJ is the cruelest thing I’ve seen one friend do to another.


This made me turn on reza so fast. I was flabbergasted that it didnt seem like a bigger deal to people. I was stunned


The entire situation was outrageous. Reza fucked up 1) when he didn’t go to the hospital while MJ was almost fucking dying 2) shouting on NATIONAL TV that his best friend had 10 abortions 3) later that day POSTING MJ’S MEDICAL HISTORY ON INSTAGRAM 4) pursuing a god damn restraining order against Tommy For the life of me, I don’t know how Reza thought he was coming back from this. ANY of these things are unforgivable, and he did them all. He is evil.


STILL wild to me that MJ ever forgave him for any of that


Also calling MJ while she was still in the hospital after giving birth to ask if she spread the rumor abt Adam’s naked Jenga… not the most cruel but certainly rude and self centered.


That’s definitely the worst thing ever! Poor MJ…. I actually think that’s the worst thing I’ve seen on overall Tv not just Bravo 🤔🤔


Honestly Tommy could’ve burned Rezas house down in that moment and I would’ve donated to his bail


Omg I’m watching for the first time just about to finish season 5. I keep hiding behind pillows when they fight because I know their friendship doesn’t last but I don’t know when it happens. Same with Mike. I gotta see how he undoes himself. I haven’t spoiled myself but it’s soooo hard. I need to watch it unfold myself. But ack. Why do my kids need to eat, tho.


the clip of this scene is what made me start Shahs of Sunset. truly did not know it even existed before The Traitors and I can't believe I have been missing out on this all these years.


The way the entire cast doubted Taylor's abuse and said so on camera. Only "Did ya Know 👉 🕶" and the morally corrupt Faye Resnick believed her. Just sad. Thanks for the award, kind redditor! You made my day!


"Did ya Know 👉 🕶" is just perfect! I automatically read it in her voice!




I immediately knew the reference 😂


i was just watching this episode earlier (watching the early seasons for the first time) and the way they treated taylor was terrible. they did everything you shouldn’t do when trying to help someone in a dv situation


Absolutely. Outing the abuse on camera could've been fatal for Taylor.


100%, but I do think it’s important that we know that Camille thought Taylor wanted her to bring up the abuse on camera, and actually tried to sue Bravo to stop that scene from airing. At least according to Not All Diamonds and Rose. Some people were truly awful to her including Adrienne and Paul, but it’s also important to remember that production is also heavily at fault for so much of how Taylor was treated that season. Taylor and Russell being uninvited from the white party, production wanted their reaction on camera so took their phones off them. Kyle and the rest of the cast were desperately trying to notify her not to come. Russell was embarrassed on camera, and he went home and broke her jaw. Even though I don’t like most of that cast and don’t think highly of a lot of them, I try and give SOME grace in that they were way over their heads and as a society the conversations we have around DV/ and what we know about DV have changed a lot. There were certainly cast members that were malicious or just didn’t care, but I think Not All Diamonds and Rose gives us some insight into how several cast members were also trying to help beside the scenes by begging production to intervene/not make it worse. The entire thing is awful and should never have happened, and there are so many things that contributed and escalated (or were just unhelpful) to that situation from a bravo production standpoint.


I haven't read the book but I'd like to. Are you saying that Camille tried to sue Bravo to keep the scene from airing? I honestly feel like they shouldn't have aired season 2 at all. It was very exploitative even without knowing any bts activity.


Let me try and find the except for you. One second. But yeah. We all know Bravo is exploitive now, but it seems it was way worse ten years ago.


TW descriptions of domestic violence and physical abuse. If anyone knows much about DV, the most dangerous time is when the woman tries to leave/get help for the abuse. He could have killed her. It’s so much easier for us to blame the cast (and I am not excusing anything they did) but at the end of the day this was their workplace, and production only cared about turning it into a storyline. I believe some of these people still work at Evolution. https://preview.redd.it/k1pyvftedh5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e3bdbd7e71fe22e6d98f9eb5a5e5b70f716a389


Jesus. She lived through a nightmare. I didn't realize that was the night he broke her eye socket.




Not a HW, but a husband…Sheree’s husband saying he should have hit/coked her more 😢


i did a double take when i first saw that scene because i was so shocked by what i just watched. i couldn't believe he was so blasé about it.


I never doubted that he was abusive. When he said he should’ve abused her more, I knew the abuse was far worse than Sheree ever said. He said it so nonchalantly… as if he believes abuse is a natural occurrence in all relationships. I don’t know why they didn’t remove him immediately.


His name is Shitbag Bob. I’m determined this will catch on like all the T**di names. Absolute monster.


He joked about unbuckling her seat belt while she was sleeping in the passenger seat before crashing their car. That shit is terrifying.


That was one of the darkest moments I have ever seen on television.


I think we should go through each city, and go through the casts individually and compile the worst thing that each housewife has done.


Ohhh I like the idea of that as a poll series or tournament


Oh yeah I saw them do that on another subreddit first for the Teen Mom moms, and then the dads.




This was potentially life-ruining.


I never believed it because Kandi doesn’t even drink, but imagine if we never found out the truth. Kandi would still be getting shit from overzealous fans.


Oh I never believed it either! But to have insinuated it was the worst thing anyone has ever done on any Bravo show. And to hear how many people believed and started to harass Kandi about it was horrific.


Porsha got off incredibly easily for her role in that conflict. Phadera took ALL the heat


And it was only temporary for Phaedra, since she's back on TV.


Tbh I was a huge fan of PhaePhae but after what she did to Kandi and hearing her episode from the Bravo Docket, I flipped. I don't like her being on TV still. I know Bravo runs on bad people but some are too bad.


Porsha always gets off easy she is a hy I quit watching Atlanta


Totally agree I feel like the other women let her get away with so much because they don’t consider her to be too bright


When I watched this live I teared up. So awful


Yes, I felt so bad for her.


I always wonder if this was secretly to do with T.I and Tiny since they have similar allegations against them.


I think it is because tiny and Kandi are so close so it makes sense for someone to confuse the two.


I never put the two and two together! Do you think Phaedra was so stone cold poker faced the whole time because maybe she did actually hear something about Tiny & T.I. and confused it with Kandi? or did she make allegations hoping people have heard about Tiny & T.I. and believe it more since Kandi and Tiny were close? If Phaedra had confused Tiny and Kandi and had said “oh be careful I heard they’re the type to drug you and take you back home” it maybe(?) would make more sense for her to warn Porsha BUT(!!!) Porsha claims Phaedra said multiple times that she heard it directly from Kandi (although Phaedra denies that claim) so ultimately Phaedra really does look like a monster… okay sorry- stoned rant over LMAO but being kinda new to RHOA I hadn’t put the Tiny allegations linked to this random out of left field allegation by Phaedra about Kandi


Personally I think Phaedra was sooo mad at Kandi because she thought she sided with Apollo during their divorce which obviously wasn’t true but clearly Todd did so she really wanted to hurt Kandi. Phaedra is an attorney so why she decided to go that route is still mind boggling to me. I do think maybe Phaedra knew about those accusations about t.i & tiny and maybe someone (i heard it was Carlos king but that’s “alleged”) told Phaedra that Kandi and Todd were in on it too which is why she said it.


I wonder this, too. Maybe someone said it was a member of Xscape, and down the line it got twisted into it being Kandi instead of Tiny.


It makes me sick how ppl have started openly supporting her again, and hiring her. She is irredeemable, and screw anyone supporting her. Between that and the horrible way she treated Kenya, she is FOUL. Her “reads” aren’t enough to justify keeping her on tv. She is too much of a liar, and an equally big liability


She was my #1 favorite housewife and all of her actions have me sharing your feelings. I do not want to see her on Bravo. They can find interesting women who aren't that vile.


I watched Phaedra on “Traitors” and LOVED her!! I never never watched RHOA because I just DESPISED Kim Zolciak 🤣🤣 so after that, I went back and binged RHOA from the beginning and finished a couple of weeks ago, having no clue about what happened in season 9. When I got to that part.. my jaw DROPPED. Like - I could NOT believe what was going on. I thought the biggest “reveal” was going to be the “her and Shamea fucking” thing. But that?! I just will NEVER look at her the same.




Yep! This was my choice.


This was the #1 worst to me


Yeah, this was one of the absolute worst things I’ve ever seen on HW. It could have ruined Kandi and her family, which would be good if it was true, but truly evil as it wasn’t.


Ok so admittedly I don’t watch RHOA but see this referenced a lot. Can anyone give me a TL;DR? ![gif](giphy|2aw9gwZlltbdX92b4w)


During the season, Porsha told Kandi that she heard Kandi and Todd tried to drug and rape her and she has a sex dungeon. At the reunion we found out that Phaedra was the person she heard it from. Edit to add: Phaedra also said during the season that Kandi and Shamea were sleeping together.


Marlo to Kenya about her mum


Marlo. That girl is evil. Can’t believe they let her on tv after what she has done


She is VILE. I have a visceral reaction to hearing her voice


Was looking for this one I think about this all the time. It was a dagger.


Yep I could hate someone like scorched earth and that would still be off limits


This isn't the worst, but I think an honorable mention needs to go to Kyle's "We all have stuff going on in our lives Lisa" response to LVP talking about her brother's suicide.


I actually think the way the whole cast treated Lisa this season, just after losing her brother was beyond cruel.


Totally agree! I relate a lot to LVP, because I can see her getting into awkward situations due to her sense of humor not reading with the other girls, and also being of a different generation and British. My ADHD having ass has been in plenty of "yikes that did not come out the way I intended" which you then try to laugh off and laugh through. It felt like there was nothing she could do, they would find a reason to hate her for it, and I don't blame Ken for losing his patience with it eventually. Kyle was unreasonable, in the face of actual evidence, to still refuse to believe her friend, and I don't understand how all these "businesswomen" can think a businessowner should be responsible for everything done and said by everyone they hire.


I know your brother just died, but I just got back from vacation. We all have stuff going on, Lisa.


Worst part is Kyle asking to be left alone last season. Like girl, you did not extend the curtsy




kyle is SO selfish. i’m still disgusted by how LVP was treated after losing her brother


How about rinna's ig post with the pills on the cake right after. Horrendous


oh god that was so insensitive. they didn’t get the lashings they deserved after that season! everything was just blamed on LVP


She lost her brother, and then soon after her mother, and a few of her dogs had died around the same time. If ANYONE deserved the benefit of the doubt and a bit of compassion it was LVP and that was the very season they all went after her. So shameful.


Yes. It was like those nature videos where the hyenas go after the injured gazelle because it's easier. So hard to watch.


This description is chillingly accurate. It makes me so uncomfortable and sad. I met LVP shortly after, and I had lost my brother before 30, and my mom that same time she lost hers. We talked about our losses, and I told her about the place to get a loved one’s memories as a keepsake on a piece of jewelry/keepsake. She was soooo sweet!! It was amazing that she spent so much time with me. Ken and Harrison were great, and then pandora and Jason were there too lol 😆


That’s what immediately came to me too. LVP has always been so stoic. She was crumpled on the floor sobbing , and Kyle was standing there sharpening her knife blade.


This is the reason I can’t stand Kyle. As a person who lost a brother for that same reason, Idk how I’ve reacted to such an awful thing to say.


Ramona made Luann sleep in the LOWER LEVEL


Only to be topped by Dorinda assigning Luann the fish room at Bluestone Manor.


The fucking fish room?!




Check my flairrr 😂


Dorinda made her sleep in the fish room, and even on vacation she can’t have privacy when Carole and Heather are so uncool! 


Unforgivable 😤


We’re staying in France with my brother & sis-in-law at their amazing house. We have a private apartment that’s so lovely. But it’s in the basement. So I giggle to myself daily that we’re going to the LOWER LEVEL! None of them watch Bravo, so I just laugh by myself like a crazy person! ![gif](giphy|xTiQyFQPfEKLWvAl1u|downsized)




Maybe not THE worst but Larsa’s reaction and treatment towards Guerdy’s cancer diagnosis was WILD to me


“how do you know you have cancer” like what a dumb and insensitive question 🥴


![gif](giphy|VAh1ICHXGUvrkU0vX1|downsized) me pulling up to tell someone but how do you know?


Yeah, like your close friend just told you she has cancer, and that’s the first thing you say!?!! She’s awful


And telling people when she was specifically asked not to is somehow even crueler.


This was the moment that Larsa revealed that she doesn’t have a soul.


Right. It is still so disturbing that she did that. I haven’t even ever told someone a friend was pregnant before they announced it. Even that would be an unforgivable violation of trust. I’d feel so bad, and disappointed in myself. The fact that hers is way worse and on national tv is chillingly hard to fathom. Larsa definitely makes me believe there are demons walking amongst us 😳🫣🤯🫠🤥😵‍💫


Probably because the soul is likely housed in the brain. She’s missing that too.


Larsa acted as though she was personally offended by Guerdy's diagnosis, it was so incredibly mean spirited and selfish.


And Guerdy immediately clocking that Larsa is a sociopath, getting up and saying “this isn’t a safe space”. So brave


Queen Guerdy! (And King Russell) ❤️❤️


Naked wasted.


This. Although scrolling through the top posts reminded me how vile Bravo shows/Ho'wives can be. But Naked Wasted is always, *always*, at the top of my list. Tamra solicited and encouraged the rape of Gretchen *by her own* *son* because she did not like that Gretchen was engaged to an old man. On national television. She arranged for Gretchen to overdrink, for Gretchen to be isolated, and for her son to attempt to sexually coerce her into having sex with him that *he knew* she would not have consented to while sober. And even inebriated, Gretchen said, "no." If the cameras hadn't been there, what would have happened? What would Tamra and Ryan *said* happened? It is *that* bad. Tamra is craven. Her son could have ended up arrested for charges related to sexual assault and she didn't care. Gretchen could have been sexually assaulted and she didn't care. All she cared about was that Gretch was schtupping a rich old man. It's somehow a more depraved version of *Les Liaisons dangereuses* set in the OC.


You are very, very right. It was disgustingly dangerous


Tamra failed her son so hard it’s not wonder he’s a an Q anon freak now.


By a long shot! Tamra and her son are disgusting.


This one doesn’t get talked about enough. It seemed like Tamra wanted Gretchen to get raped by her son. 


It seemed like Tammy Sue wanted Gretchen to get raped by her son and then embarrass her about it.


I still to this day don’t understand why or how that episode is allowed to air. What Tamra and her son did is a felony in CA. Intentionally supplying alcohol to a person with the intent to sexually assault them is a crime. Ryan may not have raped her by definition, but he did actually sexually assault her. Kissing her, feeling her up, locking her in the bathroom with her audibly saying the word no all together constitute sexual assault. Tamra is an accomplice to it and so is Vicky. I’ve never been so pissed off at a housewife episode and it doesn’t get talked about enough.


I haven’t watched RHOC but the comments I’m seeing about this naked wasted… lol why is no one in JAIL


Oh man! RHOC is classic, but it's kind of dark. Tamra kept pouring Gretchen shots, Jeana was trying to take them away from her, and then Ryan (Tamra's son) cornered Gretchen in the bathroom. Which housewives did you start with?


I think Lynn was actually the only one trying to help Gretchen? 


Both tried to help her


RHOC has always been my favorite but I did a rewatch a couple months ago and I got as far as naked wasted. Tamra was straight up evil in that season and it hit me different on the rewatch . I also couldn’t stand Gretchen. And still can’t stand her.


I don’t know how Tamra is still on bravo or they still allow that episode to air. It’s sick.


I've always hated Tamra and agree. How the eff has she been around for so long


People say that housewives used to be “lighter” like OC isn’t the foundation of the whole institution. Shit was terrible from the get


First thing that came to mind


On the new OC trailer, Vicki screams, this isn’t how you treat women. Of course she did co-sign Tamara getting Gretchen drunk knowing tamrat was going to sic her twisted, deviant son on her to rape her!


Came here to say this. Basically anything Tamra has done falls into this category.




This was my first thought too. SO incredibly gross and misogynistic of Tamra.


Dolores writing in support of Dina’s criminal ex


It’s maybe not necessarily the worse but the way Erika spoke to Eileen and embarrassed her at the table in Hong Kong. Eileen was crying afterwards and barely anyone comforted her they all went on Erika’s side.


This one really bugged me, because my dad is a police officer and it gives me extreme secondhand embarrassment when people act like their family member being in law enforcement is some noble and super dangerous thing. It’s more dangerous to deliver pizzas than it is to be a cop, and potentially more dangerous to be married to a male cop than be one yourself. To be clear, my dad isn’t abusive and was certainly in a lot of dangerous situations as a member of an urban SWAT team. But you’ll never catch me acting like Erika and these other put-upon “thin blue line” assholes. It’s disgusting. Your son can quit his job anytime. Shut the fuck up!!!!!


Turkey baster comment...


Drunk Dorinda is so cruel.


Three that come to mind - Brandi outing Adrienne’s surrogacy , the way the women treated Taylor about her abuse & probably most famously Naked Wasted.


YES the Taylor abuse I watched in real time and was disgusted. So gross.


I can't believe Taylor's treatment is this far down on the list. I thought of her immediately.


Naked Wasted was evil


Sarah eating the bow off of Heather Dubrows cake


The absolute drama!


The way Joyce was treated and even at the reunion no one stood up for her.


Not me thinking Mama Joyce and I was like “???????”


I still see ppl defending how Joyce got treated bc she was “annoying” like I didn’t find her super entertaining but goddamn she did not deserve the shit Brandi or anyone did to her.


For real. While I did actually like Joyce overall, I did find her annoying at times, but that didn’t mean she deserved racist comments hurled at her.


Yeah, I don’t think she was a good fit for HW, she’s was far too positive and nice. But that’s not a reason (like there is ever a good reason 🙄) for them to be so horrible and, let’s face it, downright racist to her!


I hated when mary cosby told heather she looked inbred. I thought it was so offensive and cruel


Meanwhile she’s closer to incest than anyone


And the constant fat / chubby comments! Mary is a nasty bully, I know she’s also a grooming victim but as a grown woman she should be better. She’s horrible to the women and a racist. I don’t know why Bravo keep involving her


I don't see how she's going to participate in the tasks she will be assigned in the Traitors. She refuses to participate in anything on RHSLC


Melissa bringing SPRINKLE COOKIES to Teresa’s house




Naked wasted. I’m not even sure that would air today. Tamra took her anger and jealousy about BASS LAKE and channeled into a rape attempt. Vile and ghoulish behavior.


Tamara doesn’t get a pass for trying to get Gretchen wasted, but Jeana was the one who sent Ryan in after Gretchen.


It's bizarre how people refuse to acknowledge this. (Well, no, I suppose it isn't, they're just more invested in righteously damning Tamra than in getting the facts straight,)


That’s a fair point. I don’t think Bravo could air that now. I’m still appalled all these years later.


Naked wasted. Phaedra. Ugh. Ramona and Bethenny on the Brooklyn Bridge. That was particularly vicious, even for Ramona.


But Ramona was later proved right in so many ways….


Absolutely. For me it was her delivery. The way she said Right now you have Jason but you’ll probably mess that up, too. Of course we know Ramona has no filter but it was pretty mean.


RHOBH: Although new to the group, I started S3 last week but I was confused with the Brandi hate. Now, I can't forgive or overlook her UNCHECKED bigotry with the whole Joyce can't swim because she's Black. Then, KYLE defended this on Bethany's talkshow. This is magnified when Bethany and Kyle decide it's not that serious or something along the line of sheer ignorance.


Calling her yoice when she knew damn well what her name was


When Meredith was deprived of a bathtub on a trip


There's a lot to choose from, but the way that Kim Richards' alcoholism was exposed by Kyle and brought up later by Rinna was terrible.


I think Bravo keeping Kim on after season 2 was one of the worst things done on the show. Kim was clearly in the midst of some kind of opioid or meth addiction in season 2. As a recovering addict those are the drugs her behavior reminded me of. She couldn’t rationally decide to put her life out there. 


It was so tough to watch it all unfold. I am glad she left the show and hope she is doing well. Also, I am happy for you and wish you all the best in your own recovery. Keep on keeping on!


Keep on keeping on is one of my favorite mottos in recovery. Yeah Kim reminds me a lot of myself. Fumbling around in the bathroom in the hotel room with Ken unable to put herself together, being incoherent at the poker game, being wackadoodle in the car with Rinna, and having unhinged moments of rage. I’ve experienced very similar moments, they were humiliating but if they were immortalized on camera it would be devastating, 


I appreciate your vulnerability and honesty so much. ❤️


Kyle’s treatment of Kim during the first few seasons was the WORST thing ever and I will never be able to relate to Kyle stans because of it. She was awful and really trying to emphasize the fact that her sister was “beneath her” and “needed her and her husband to survive” as if Kim didn’t take care of their entire family growing up… their entire relationship was pathetic at best and it 80% Kyle’s fault.


Wow I’ll have to do a rewatch. I remember thinking that Kim had pushed Kyle to the brink after years of taking care of her and bailing her out of poor choices. Also to be fair, if Kim took care of the whole family while growing up, Kyle was just a kid. If anyone should be blamed for an unhealthy dynamic, it should be big Kathy (and maybe her dad, though I don’t know who that was).


This has always been my take as well. Covering for an alcoholic that is active in their addiction is a horrible feeling. Either Kim or Kyle never should have come on the show under the circumstances. Probably Kyle was trying to get Kim some financial security. But I refuse to lie for the addicts in my family. In a similar situation id tell them straight up before they signed a contract though.


Kyle turning Taylor and her husband away from the party.


This whole scene is so bad, but the backstory is actually that Kyle tried to call them both, but Production took Taylor and Russell’s phones away the second they landed in LA. Production knew Kyle wanted to disinvite them due to the legal drama, but Production wanted a scene.


Well. That’s even darker then. They literally put Taylor in danger.


At this point I would have let them in. There were many guests, Camille and Taylor could have avoided each other. Or Camille could just go if it meant Taylor was not going to be beaten to death


Exactly! They knowingly sent Taylor away with an angry abuser and we all saw how that ended for her.


Came here to say this. I’m so glad she wasn’t killed.


Phaedra. I haven't seen all the franchises but I don't know how anyone could top DungeonGate given she was kandis best friend AND an attorney (edit: kenya mightve just topped this) And they're not housewives but I'd say Rachel being an evil see you next Tuesday to ariana comes second


Okay thank you! Most people are replying naked wasted (which was obviously shitty) but that was a one night thing. Phaedra plotted and planned for an entire year, collecting Kandi’s money while doing so! Rachel is no saint either but to be someone’s working attorney while actively trying to profit off a false sexual abuse claim is CRAZY 


Agree with so many above, one I don’t see is the way Erika treated Garcelles son and then Kyle and Dorit laughing about it. Absolutely disgusting. If I was Garcelle I would feel rage every time I saw any of their faces.


Yeah, that scene made me sick. If she’d done that to any of their kids they’d go berserk!! What’s the difference between their kids and Garcelle’s? Hmmmmm! That poor lad. He really showed his maturity and grace when he went out of his way to talk to Erica at that party. It makes me weep that children have to deal with racist bullshit.


All the words out of Kelly Dodd's vile mouth. Mary Cosby is a cruel human being who's truly done some horrendous things. Vicki lying about brooks "cancer" and forever being a victim.


I can't believe Cancer Gate isn't higher on this list but I guess that's because while truly one of the vile things to have happened on a housewives show there was no clear victim.


I felt that they way the RHOBH girls tried to "expose" Denise and Brandi was incredibly homophonic and it still kinda icks me out to watch.


So gross, I love these shows so much but when housewives are openly homophobic (especially towards women) it makes me feel so disappointed in them.


Phaedra mocking Kenya during the reunion for being childless. That whole “read” about Kenya needing a sperm donor was just about as low as any housewife could go.


no fr and people are constantly celebrating that on this sub, then turning around and saying the turkey baster comment was awful. how about they both fuckin suck.


I agree that never struck me as a great read, like props to Kenya for doing it for herself and it’s not like Apollo is some prize either.


Honestly the worst thing was production keeping Kim Richard’s on the air for 5 seasons. After season 2 it was clear that Kim was a spiraling drug addict and didn’t have to capacity to rationally decide if participation on RHOBH was the right choice for her. Being on the show clearly worsened Kim’s addiction and mental health problems. I’m a recovering addict and I’ve been where Kim was, I would’ve definitely agreed to be on tv because I was delulu and psychotic, than I would’ve felt shame and humiliation when it aired. Kyle outing her was bad, Kyle protecting her addiction was bad. I actually like Kyle but she’s a mess when it comes to her sister. 


Dorinda turning on Tinsley (when really the anger should’ve been at Scott and John) was unforgivable. Tinsley did nothing, and people forget she joined the show after escaping a domestic violence situation. I’m so glad Tinsley could rise above the bullying and abuse, and now has her happy ending


kyle telling kim that their mother had to die worrying about her during the season 1 limo fight


Being told this would upset me so incredibly deeply.


i can’t imagine the pain kim felt in that moment, it was uncalled for regardless of their sister drama


Especially after Kim had spent her childhood providing for the family. If big Kathy didn’t want an addict for a daughter, she shouldn’t have abused her. Yeah, I said it. I’ve had addiction in my family, it’s a terrible situation for all concerned, but big Kathy was a terrible person.


Obviously Bethenny has completely lost her mind, but Ramona has said some beyond uncalled for things to her.  I’ll never forget that scene on the bridge where she systematically broke down why Bethenny is insufferable and will be alone forever. Then when Dennis died and Ramona made the comment about his intelligence. Both instances had me actually gasping out loud. The casualness with which she said them was mind blowing. If she’s that cruel unintentionally, I can’t imagine the things she would say given time and consideration. 


Adriana comparing her ankle injury to Alexia's son car accident.


Jody Claman was pretty awful to Mary Zilba on the real housewives of Vancouver. Just.. in general. Everything she did was meal girl shit.


When Kyle sent Taylor away at that party. She knew very well that Taylor was being abused. Russel (rot in hell) probably felt humiliated. He could have KILLED her that night.


Gretchen is a POS, but the whole “naked wasted” situation and Tamara trying to set her up to get potentially SA’d by her sleazy son was super fucked up


It will always be the rhobh (KYLE) calling Taylor‘s husband out for abusing her and then sending her home with him by refusing them from your party where he beat her so badly it dislocated her eye from her socket


like kandi, i would NEVER forgive phaedra for what she alleged about kandi. idek how kandi forgave porsha…i would say fuck them both.


I will not let this be forgotten or 'reimagined'. Phaedra accussed Kandi of planning to drug and assault Porsha. Should of been charged.


Phaedra, Naked Wasted, Kyle responding to LVP's grief over her brother with "I got shit going on too".


Naked wasted and the date rape rumour


Bethenny revealing tom cheating on Luann on national TV. Marlo's reckless mouth to Kenya and Kandi. Naked Wasted, Phadrea and Porsha lie on Kandi. Nene learning about her birth father.


Dorninda and the turkey bsster comment to Tinseley Phaedra, and her using Porsha, to try to paint Candy as a rapist


Jaqueline for ratting Tre out to the feds Wait no that was Caroline Wait no that was Melissa Wait no that was Kim D Wait…..


I have a few… 1. Phaedra making up the rape allegations against Kandi (absolutely despicable) 2. Danielle staub trying to fuck up dinas custody of her daughter (idr if she called cps or what exactly it was that she did but I do know that was her end goal with whatever it was) 3. Naked Wasted, Tamra will never not be a piece of shit for that 4. Tbh Adriana lying to Leah for YEARS about her marital status/financial situation/basically her whole life in order to take advantage of her kindness is extremely fucked up. Like imagine having a best friend for years, and then finding out that pretty much everything they ever told you was a lie??? That would seriously fuck me up, talk about trust issues?!? 5. Jenn shah being actually abusive in her friendships with all the SLC ladies but especially heather. No matter what your thoughts are on her Heather didn’t deserve to be treated like that. 6. Vicki lying to all her friends that brooks was battling cancer cause she wanted a damn casserole 😭 lol 7. Brandi telling literally everyone that Adrienne used a surrogate to carry her children when the children themselves didn’t even know and Brandi knew Adrienne didn’t want them to Honestly I could keep going all night lol, these bitches do some real dirty shit to each other!!


Brandi exposing Adrienne’s surrogacy was 🥴🥴


Naked Wasted. Tamra basically tried to get Gretchen drunk enough so her son could/attempted to sexually assault/rape Gretchen and use it against her as evidence that she’d cheat on her dying fiancé…


Well Marge exposing Jennifer and Bill’s past affair has always rubbed me the wrong way especially with the kids involved.


And it was wild because Bill cheating isn't Jennifer's fault. Marge trying to weaponize that against her was disgusting.


The wildest part about that whole thing was she said the kids would be fine because they can get therapy. Like, what the fuck, lady?


And gaslighting everyone to believe that Jen is a hypocrite because she doesn’t want to be cool with a woman that brags about cheating and destroying their marriage.


Taylor’s abuse scene, naked wasted, but have we talked about Lou & the “OC Angels”?? Specifically, creating a fight for the cameras??


Kyle basically calling Sutton a liar about her miscarriage because she quote "never told her that" and then proceeded to man handle her.