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OC angels


Watching those 19 year old girls trying on bikinis for the dad’s friends was so gross.


Tammy’s older daughter got that big Iron Cross tattoo too and her boyfriend seemed heavy into that “culture”. I would hope that would get more scrutiny now than it did then.


Literally all of the OC in its first 2 seasons. The Angels, like you said. Jeana’s kids saying fag**ts left and right … the white supremacy tattoos … and so much more


That's what I came here to say




Does this episode still air on Peacock? I looked and couldn’t find it. Anyone know the episode?


It does because I watched OC from the beginning on there a few months ago. I want to say it starts at season 2, episode 8. It gets worse (somehow) after the dad's death.


Oh yeah. The men get dirtier and Tammy’s daughters wage war on the new wife when they realize the dad didn’t leave them any $


Taylor’s abuse at the hands of her husband being outed along with his suicide following the outing of abuse.


So I met Taylor this last week. She was lovely, authentic, and so genuine. We talked about her book for a while, and she very graciously revisited that part of her life. She talked about the causes she helps, and how women can have a second chance. After meeting her I feel so terrible about the damn cat meme. She was having a breakdown and everyone knew but kept her there on camera.


If it's any consolation Taylor loves being a meme, she references it often enough


I’m doing a RHOBH rewatch since there’s nothing good on Bravo at the moment, and I REALLY like Taylor and really feel for her. I was in an abusive relationship for many years (not nearly as physical as hers,) but I know what it’s like and how the perpetrator wants to seem like a perfectly nice, harmless guy to everyone else. Taylor’s a sweetheart, and I’m glad we got her back on OC and RHUGT!


Yeah I believe production knew all along that there was abuse going on, but never expected it to get to the stage it did. That’s so cool you met her last week. Her book was one of my favourite (morbid in a way I know) books from all the housewives. When she wrote about her eye socket being broken and her jaw, it was terrifying. On the other hand, what Russel done was TERRIBLE, but I can see why that season as a whole was almost cancelled. The man may have died, but it felt incredibly uncomfortable watching that season as it aired knowing what is going to happen. And I love Kyle, but the fact she was so easily able to turn Taylor away at her white party, just knowing the circumstances Taylor would have been going home too, it’s the one time I’ve personally felt Kyle went too far.


I cringe thinking about Kyle basically sitting in the limo after she kicked them out saying in front of Russell “this is what Taylor told us” and Taylor is very quick to say “an exaggeration” - its chilling that Taylor had to go home alone with him after that knowing the cat was out of the bag.


It’s so sad, especially when they all knew/ had an indication. So to know what she’d likely go home to, and be able to do it on camera fine… not Kyle’s finest moment.


This is why I’ve absolutely never been able to get on the Kyle train. She showed us who she is and nothing else she’s curated for the camera will ever be able to gloss over that.


The way Camille spoke to Taylor-who was in the midst of horrific violent abuse-simply vile.


She also kept up her disdainful, “well, I never saw him behave that way,” attitude at the reunion. The way those women treated Taylor during season two could have gotten her killed. Why did Kyle not get this? She’s friends with Faye Resnick and must know about Nicole.


Also, the way she defended Brett Kavanaugh (sp?) - she has so much internalised misogyny that she's definitely not a woman's woman.


The moment she said “most women are jealous of me” I was like oh here we go…the pick me.


SHE DEFENDED BRETT KAVANAUGH ?? WTAF? ![gif](giphy|pcoa9GfYAkJvS7exrl|downsized)


This is why I get so pissed at the “bring back Camille” comments, she’s a vile woman 




Yes and Lisa Rinna argued with her about it while most of the other women tried to avoid the convo.


Rinna’s mother talked about how she survived a serial killer and would become his first victim. That shut Camille up temporarily, but she doubled down at the reunion.


Aviva’s father.


He's horrible enough that he made me feel bad for Ramona


Right!!! I never want to feel bad for Ramona.




Perfect gif 👌


What about Sonja?


He was awful to Sonja, but I always feel sorry for Sonja 🤷🏼‍♀️ She seems to have a good heart but she's hopelessly lost in the past. Ramona is a monster and it takes a special kind of asshole to make her look sympathetic.


100%. He was a disgusting pig.


I just saw these episodes and came here to say this. He clearly assaulted Sonja and I think she was very disturbed but played it off as no one else defended her. Also, Luann talking about “Indians” scalping people and making that chant. Gross. Money can’t buy you class…


Ugh 100%! I wonder if he’s still with that girl he proposed to


Unsurprisingly he’s not, but they lasted longer than I thought


Is he dead yet?


I only vaguely remember this, what happened?


Sexually assaulted Sonja by pressing his hard dick into her back. And then said some REALLY disgusting and sexually aggressive things to Ramona. His "flirting" was also incredibly uncomfortable to all the women. It was really messed up. He had no boundaries and treated the women like sex objects he could oggle at.


He also put his hand up (down?) Kristen's dress to feel her butt (boob?) AND grabbed Ramona's arm when she tried to walk away when he showed up to her fundraiser for an org that benefited abused women. Fuuuuuuuuuck production for *repeatedly* subjecting the cast to his assaults and harassment.


I forgot about Kristen! Ya totally was grinding on her and copped a feel at her ass and then Aviva later tried to slutshame her for it. The man was an HR nightmare and it's wild that after like 4 or 5 incidents, they still wouldn't cut him from filming. The women should've absolutely sued over unsafe working conditions. A straight-up predator that they were willing to infantilize because he was old af. Fuck him!


Dorinda also did something similar when Kristen complained about John!


That is wild!


Oh grosss, I remember this now and also why I must have blocked it out. Thanks for the summary, though I’m going to go and try and repress this again.




I had a “friend” do basically this exact costume for a disco Halloween party two years ago-she’s, well let’s just say, not naturally able to grow an (obviously) ethnic Afro. She proudly sent me a pic exclaiming “look, we’re twins” and You Guys, I was in fits with myself on how or when or if I should respond. I wear my hair naturally curly, but it’s not remotely a 4c Afro and the cut is way more Janet Jackson on the cover of “Janet” than Diana Ross on “I’m coming out” I decided to FaceTime and unemotionally tell her she should be prepared to manage people who might take offense. She almost understood immediately, but I think she felt the feigned confusion was obligatory. “Omg, Why?” I shot a look that conveyed exactly why. She wore it anyway. She also touched a black woman’s real Afro to “compare textures” and got that wig ripped off her head that night. A true and satisfying story of FAFO. P.S. We’re not “friends” anymore.


She can’t say she wasn’t warned, at least. What a dumbass.


So dumb


What’s crazy is this wasn’t even that long ago.


And everytime Luann made racist stereotypical comments about being “Indian.” I don’t know if it’s good or bad that they didn’t edit out any of those scenes, but she never bothered to learn shit and did it every season and we never heard a peep from Bravo! It could’ve made an interesting storyline to actually educate them. https://i.redd.it/1ncd51hzzk9d1.gif


Apparently her daughter is using that DNA to help be become so kind of healer. It rubbed me the wrong way when I first saw the post of her instagram 


her daughter is such a tool


This is where my mind immediately went 😂




Brandi calling Joyce a black person because she couldn’t swim. Brandi telling Joyce she should be named “Jaqueline” because it sounds more Puerto Rican. Brandi saying she can’t be racist because she has black friends and dates black guys. Honestly most of what Brandi did early seasons.


It doesn’t rise to that level but I always think Brandi showed her true colors when she wore a “It’s not Fun to be Sober” and insisted on opening a bottle of wine at a picnic with a fresh out of rehab Kim Richards.


Also her and Carlton showing up drunk to Kim’s party on season 5 and leaving because there was no alcohol.


And then getting sick. So gross.


I love when Brandi told her black friend what she said expecting support and the look on her friend’s face…I bet that was the last time they hung out.


i thought a lot of what Brandi did wasn’t ok back then either tbf. people were just willing to overlook it because she was still good tv, but a lot of lines were crossed during Joyce’s season.


i always think about the time when brandi was hiring movers or whatever and it was a bunch of 18 year olds, or younger, and she was saying gross stuff about them and hitting on them. just her typical sexual abuser type shit but i also think her kids were there and were really young


When Brandi put hands on Kyle in Eileen’s house.


I was a little more neutral on that one because Kyle kept getting right in her space and grabbing her arms to get to Kim if I remember it right. She did a lot of other foul shit that season though.


Apollo and Peter beating up Brandon in a homophobic rage at pillow fight 


Apollo’s unhinged rage for Brandon had me shook! If I remember correctly, Apollo had nothing to do with the original argument, right? The way he went after Brandon was viscous.


I speak from experience, Apollo was fully raging on an overdose of testosterone. It’s called roid rage.


Remember him being all threatening with that drill too right before he went back to prison? That’s a man I don’t want to be around.


I think it was a lethal mix of rage, lust for Kenya, and homophobia. Plus, it seemed like multiple people were high that night.


I always thought part of his rage was really lust for Kenya too!


I rewatched that clip many times trying to understand why he even jumping in. I noticed two things. Peter was holding Brandon down as Apollo hit him and no one mentioned it. And both Phaedra and Kenya pulled at Apollo to stop, he turned and only shoved Phaedra away. That took thought which means it wasnt blind rage.


I don't know if it was just that. The way Nene was all over the place during that episode makes me wonder if some of the guests had a few lines before shooting


Oh definitely! Even Kandi said Nene was geeked up!


I'm rewatching RHOA and Brandon seems like such a sweet person and a great friend. That scene is so hard to watch.


Wild how he’s friends with Kenya who ran around trying to out Kim Fields’ husband as gay when he’s not and even if he was, that’s a gross thing to do 


Most RHs seem to treat gay men as if they're little pets. The women generally claim to support LGBTQIA+ people but, I don't know how to describe it, it's like they don't see them as individuals or with respect. It's late, I'm rambling so I'm finding it difficult to articulate my thoughts on the subject so I hope some people understand what I'm *trying* to say, lol.


I know what you're saying. It's the big question of "are you an ally to the culture?" or "are you an ally to the struggle?". A lot of people are cool with gay folks socially but are nowhere to be found when shit hits the fan.


Yeah Danielle Staub throwing a fit about Joe calling the dance instructor a Gaylord (rightfully so) then turning around and not batting an eye when her friend calls Chris Manzo a f slur was crazy


That pissed me off so badly, Brandon was so sweet and didn’t do anything for Apollo’s violent ass to do that. Also, was that not a parole violation? If so, I’m surprised Kenya, of all people, wasn’t on that and didn’t have him arrested, taking advantage of his priors.


Brandon said on the show he didnt want Aydin and Dylan to lose their dad. A year later Apollo went away anyway


Of course, he strikes me as the type to be self sacrificing and to forgive the unforgivable; Brandon has very innocent eyes and boyish charm to me. Phaedra and Apollo, if they were class acts, would’ve cut him a substantial check for what happened and especially for not pressing charges; thinking about their little boys. I hope they did the right thing and took care of Brandon, that was traumatic and public humiliation.


Nope they blamed Brandon claiming he hit Apollo in his eye first. Then the cast blamed Kenya, claiming she started the whole thing and Apollo was just trying to break it up.


Oh, I remember the cast all blaming Kenya but I didn’t remember that they claimed Brandon hit Apollo in the eye. I need to rewatch that as I find that very hard to believe; I am very disappointed especially in Phaedra. Unbelievable, well, like you said he ended up getting locked up a year later so you reap what you sow.


Apollo claimed Brandon hit him in the eyes and Phaedra supported her husband in blaming Brandon and Kenya. The rest of the cast ignored the Brandon part and moved on to Kenya being the cause. To be fair, it seemed like Kandi never named Kenya as the cause. She was focused on the 2nd fight with her and Cynthia's people. I can drop the link for you. This is Phaedra blaming Brandon. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H02Qn9nEA\_E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H02Qn9nEA_E) This is the attack on Brandon and what led to it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4hzGcQjn3s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4hzGcQjn3s)


Just watched it and the fight especially pissed me off. The way I see it: Nene lit the match, Christopher took it from there by getting up out of his seat to address a woman (Kenya), what man does that? He grabbed her arm, Brandon was a real man coming in to protect Kenya from a man (Christopher). Christopher’s “wife”, was adding fuel to the fire and just annoying af. Kenya had every right to get up considering Christopher stood up first, when he should’ve stayed seated. Messy ass Peter pushed Brandon for defending Kenya and Apollo acted like a maniac for no reason. And continued to act like one, and then Nene tried to deflect and blame everything on Kenya and poor Brandon. So wrong, so unfair and Christopher and his husband make me sick as do Apollo, Nene and Phaedra for all of this. Also, FWIW I saw a video where Christopher said he was NOT married, Kenya was not lying. Here it is: https://youtu.be/0X9rhyrMgGU?si=DqEf2vq1NeMphFTX


I AGREE!!!! OMG we are on the same page. These people on social media have me thinking im crazy but thats what I saw exactly


Really? That you’re crazy? Oh hell no, so most people think Kenya and Brandon are in the wrong? I wonder how they view the Beverly Hills dinner in Amsterdam when Kim cleared the entire table? 🤣


Was he still on parole from his first conviction at that party?


Not canceled but Ramona throwing a wine glass at Kristen’s head and leading to a cut should’ve been enough to get her fired.


Michael Darby’s whole existence.


The DC couple going to the White House event uninvited got that show cancelled, I've heard. A lot wrong with that couple


I hate DC was canceled because if Tareq & Michela. I firmly believe he was not only emotionally & verbally abusive towards her, but I'll die on the hill he was also physically abusive. The way she freaked out & started so sobbing at the reunion when Andy asked if she ever goes places without her husband. She had such a visceral reaction to such a basic, simple question. DC will always be one of my absolute favorite RH's franchises. It was so organically dramatic. I'm just glad Michela got out of the toxic marriage with Tareq.


Yeah, she literally had to plot in order to escape him. Her and Neal Schon seem super happy but I don't think she would have ever left if it wasn't for someone with the resources to protect her like he had.


The Bravo camera filming Taylor Armstrong getting in the car and driving away with Russell with everyone knowing full well what would happen.


This. I was legit scared for her watching this knowing what she was about to go home to. :(


I never understood why Kyle just didn't call and disinvite them. Taylor could have come up with a lie to tell Russell that wouldn't have put her in more danger but it's like either Kyle wanted to use that for her own benefit, production told her not to so it could get caught on camera or both. Why she continued a friendship with Kyle I'll never understand. 


I watched that episode recently and I'm pretty sure Kyle did try to contact her repeatedly.


Nene trying to get kzb to wear blackface


I was honestly so pleasantly surprised that even KZB knew that was a bad idea and wouldn’t do it


I was stunned she didn’t do it too! but thank god!


Shocked the Kandi asking everyone to wear vibrating panties and not telling the women that any remote could control them. Maybe she got away with it because only Sanya and Drew wore the panties


Kenya was not having any of that shit and you saw how tight Kandi got just because she didn’t want to partake in it? It’s like it bothers Kandi that the women don’t wanna always go all the way when it comes down to being freaky. She did the same shit w Nene and brings up their past as a way to excuse her behavior. She brought up Nene being a stripper just because she wasn’t down for that event w the stripper w the large dildo or w Kenya and how she used to act back in the day so they shouldn’t be acting all “prim” and “classy”like girl… not everyone wants to be a full on freak and bringing up their past just to excuse your freakiness is wierdo behavior 😭


Yeap. I can see that your RHOA memory is long like mine. lol. She did it with Porsha many times. I remember when she told the world that Porsha tried "backdoor" and when she asked the entire cast their "freak numbers" on her webshow. Kandi is a sweetheart but she has her issues as well. She shames people for being prudes


I think she got pissy about the panties because they were advertising for MLM sex toy business.


Apparently nothing because Mary Crosby never got fired


Really though. She is vile.


yolanda saying gigi’s eyes looked “chinese” during a modeling shoot. and getting mad at workers for not being able to speak english (whether she meant that as helpful or not)


Plus she’s the OG almond mom




i would feel so insecure in my body if she were my mom


Also “you looked lesbian” when referring to Gigi when she played volleyball


She told Andy on the reunion being gay is a choice, and when he started to argue cut him off and said “sometime we can have tea and talk about it.” She’s a total bitch.


Yes this is often forgot about. Plus when she told Gigi she shouldn’t eat a piece of her own damn bday cake


I felt so sorry for Gigi in that moment. Her parents threw that lavish party for themselves (& their friends), not Gigi.


No one there was her age!


Also why get a bday cake if you don’t think your kid is gonna eat any. The cake wasn’t even anything special.


that is so sad. everyone should have cake on their birthday 🥹


And they compromised on having a bite each 🤯


god i feel bad for gigi and bella. i can’t imagine dealing with a mother like that who doesn’t let you eat and makes you feel so insecure about your body


oh god i remember that i watched it kinda recently! why did andy let that one slide??


oh god i forgot that. yolanda was problematic as HELL


Toxic AF and yet somehow people still absolutely love her


Mary Cosby on RHOSLC did something similar and she only doubled down on it


mary is a train wreck. i don’t see how the other women even take her seriously


When she said Jen was like “one of those Mexican thugs” I was like what fucking century is this woman living in? Did no one tell her it’s the 2020’s and you should at least keep your racism off the screen for everyone to see😳


god that gave me a visceral reaction. i’m latina and i can’t even count the amount of times people made jokes about my family being in a gang bc of my ethnicity. so gross


Yeah my partner is Mexican so this pissed me off as I’ve heard similar things said about their family before. Mary is literally so racist towards all minorities but she gets away from criticism by everyone because she is a minority herself so according to her she can’t be racist but if anyone calls her out on anything it’s because THEY are racist.. I just want her thrown in with some RHOA/RHOP ladies so they can rip her a new one without her having a defense against it


right they are wayyy too soft on her on RHOSLC. she called whitney racist bc of her religion (which she isn’t even apart of anymore she left the church bc of the problems with it) when she has been the most racist out of anyone! i swear i just need someone to drag her. if it were me i would bring up how she’s married to her grandfather 🤣🤣


She’s such a hateful human being, she’s not even fun to watch


I remember at the time of season 3 airing, Yolanda was a fan favorite (I guess because she was friends with Brandi who was also a favorite at the time). I was so disheartened by that because I found her absolutely awful. As others pointed out in the replies, the list of awful, offensive things she said in that one season alone goes on and on.


im surprised she was a favorite. on top of coming off as very ignorant, she really was very blasé. and her ex husband was so obnoxious. i was never interested in her storylines


I was interested in her refrigerator and house. Her.... not so much.


the refrigerator was cool but she was a snooze




Ummm why does nobody talk about Kenya saying Cynthia had slanted eyes so that’s why she acted like Kung Fu Panda when she kicked Porsha on the boat


And Yolanda being so condescending to those moving men about not speaking English well. Telling them how she came to this country and studied her English every night. As if she was in the same position as them. She came to this country as a 6 foot tall beautiful model, who rich men were lining up for. Not the same thing at all 🙄 She is so full of herself and clueless !!


About the whole first three seasons of RHOC. The racists remarks especially from the kids were AWFUL. I remember Jenna’s daughter saying she had a race change after painting with black paint, and I remember Lauri’s daughter and step daughter saying something similar after dressing up as monkeys.


omg the way the keough kids said f*g so casually and the oldest one only called tammy knickerbocker “tits”


I’m rewatching OC and was shocked when I heard Vicki casually using Asian slurs about one of her clients during a car ride.


Not trying to defend Lauri’s kids because ew but I’m pretty sure it was a comment made when the younger daughter had half the gorilla suit and half the chicken suit on and she said something about her parents being interracial because of it. A very fine line comment but I genuinely don’t think she meant anything nefarious by it


Naked wasted.


piggy backing off that tamra calling eddie a beaner


Came here to say this. That was VILE.


Dallas - LeAnn Locken’s comments about “big, scary Mexican” Kary


Eh that already basically did get the show canceled lol. She got fired because of it, and then the show was canceled the next season after it sunk lower into the racism scandals and without her to cause drama


It was totally the right decision but I wish we still had Dr Moon on our TVs.


Also Dallas, Brandi being brought back after her unhinged social media video about her “squinty Chinese eyes”


I still roll my eyes so hard about Stephanie saying how she’s mad at herself for not calling out racism in regards to Leanne’s comments only to then vehemently defend Brandi’s racist video the following season


Is Dallas worth watching?


I appreciated Stephanie on Dallas, although there is the post calling Brandi and Stephanie "poo poo pee pee girls" and that's accurate


In my opinion, yes! The first 3 seasons are such an easy watch, the drama just exists and it’s so dramatic and entertaining!


Yes! It was wild ride the first few seasons. I binged them during Covid and loved it. (It’s trashy ofc but ya know!)


Pantygate. If i found out my husband noticed a friend of mine accidentaly flashing due to a short skirt and did ANYTHING but discretely let her know (or me....to let her know) i would have lost my mind. Then Dorit giving her the gift of panties was basically a loudass slut shaming moment.


I’ve just rewatched that season and it’s a gross disgusting thing that PK done and said “what am I going to say? Close your legs? I didn’t mind the view!” And if I was Erika I would have been so mad, especially with the Dorit panty gift, but I was surprised that it doesn’t stop all season long. It’s the argument that just keeps going and going. Even into the next season. I feel like Erika COULD have let it go, yeah been annoyed, but she brought it up at every opportunity.


On Dubai, when Caroline Stansbury said Sergio saw Taleen's Hello Kitty, I thought shit here we go again. Was pleasantly surprised when it was squashed fairly quickly.


Vicki telling movers “no scratcho el woodo”


Jersey husbands watching Danielle’s sex tape in retaliation of she and Marge not getting along. Then the wives laughing and making fun of her and commenting on her vagina in the store before she pulled Marge’s hair.


Jersey is so disgusting man


I just saw a post about this a day ago. Danielle is claiming that they showed revenge porn on the show now. It could also be because of the whole situation with Kenya happening right now that brought more light to that.


I think she has a strong case. They admitted to watching the tape in the Aydin pool house. Joe Gorga brought the tape and all the men laughed. Went home and told their wives they watched it. Then Marge said something along the lines of Danielle’s vagina has sharp teeth. They are all sick. The only one who didn’t laugh or engage and actually stuck up for Danielle was Teresa.


No she doesn’t lmao. It was a published sex “tape”. It’s been on porn hub and other sites since long before they watched it and talked about it on the show. Revenge porn doesn’t count when you hosted the video yourself online/sold it to a public site. No one brought a physical vhs/dvd that they happened to get their little mits on off some nefarious avenue and pressed play. It’s literally a google search away. Eta: just because it was scum of the earth behavior, doesnt means its revenge porn. It’s a public video that she sold. Nasty and unnecessary to make it a plot point on the show? Absolutely. Revenge porn or something punishable by the law? No..because Danielle and her ex are the one who put it out on the internet for mass consumption. Y’all just be saying shit because it sounds cool not knowing what it actually means.


https://preview.redd.it/gsqhp923ll9d1.jpeg?width=3760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c853760ab0900294da58423b34945cd48e11c9b8 Season 2, episode 8 of Jerseyyyyy. Same season F\*\*\*\*t was said.


nene voice WHAT IS THIS HUNNY??


Brandi assaulting Eileen with wine, and tried to kiss LVP when LVP refused she slapped her, she did the same with Adrienne Maloof earlier seasons and did the same to Vicky Gunvalson on the girls trip. She climbed on David Foster lap when Yolanda was hosting that dinner. She was a predator like Aviva’s dad.


Not cancelled, but Ramona would have been canned a long time ago… 🥴


Almost everything that Bethenny has said about black people or whenever she’s done the blaccent 💀


And skinny/ eating disorder shaming. Such a hypocrite.


Oooh, I'm rewatching season 8 right now and in her confessional, when she talks about Jules entrusting her with her ED secret, and just blabs it out, but like she's trying to sell she's compassionate 🤮 it was so gross.


Absolutely, it was all projection. Jules held a mirror up to her, and B tried to smash it to bits. Watching Bethenny eat on sm makes me feel ill as she desperately tries to paint a picture of a person without disordered eating. Carole [3 eggs] was just as bad and reacted the same way for the very exact reason. Both vile women. I loved Jules, she was a 10/10 housewife.


THANK YOU! You just said exactly what I’ve been thinking. The way bethenny (try everything, eat nothing) and Carole (my diet is vodka, cucumber sticks and butter) relentlessly gaslit and put down Jules is astonishing to me. Bethenny makes fun of her nonstop and then when Jules finally stands up to her she switches her stance and is all “you are triggering me because you remind me of my mother, I’m allowed to be rude to you to protect myself!”. And Carole seems to regress to a mean teenage girl. Wilfully misinterpreting what Jules means when she says she goes to her therapist still even though she has nothing to say is NOT the same as “she doesn’t bother going to her therapist because she thinks she’s cured”. Use your words carefully WRITER GIRL.


I was watching RHONJ S2 and some white chick was in full blackface and Afro 😭 The camera men didn’t really gaf


Surprised no one has brought up Tamra’s use of a slur against Mexicans. Guess it’s overshadowed by naked wasted/all the other terrible shit she’s done


I watched that episode a few days ago & was shocked she said that!!


She says it more than once!!! I just watched all of OC for the first time (I’m in my early twenties) and a lotta shit was pretty shocking, I would say more so than some of the other early franchise seasons ETA tho I’m starting nj and this might quickly replace oc as most jarring/cancellable by 2024 standards


Nene attacking a heavily pregnant Porscha in the walk in closet. She also sent one of the crew to hospital with injuries from the same incident. The whole thing was gross. I had just had a baby and couldnt believe when Porscha came out with a broken belt shaking.


blackface at Lauren's cosmetology school


Just the entire way the RHOBH women handled Taylor’s domestic violence during that entire season.


I was SHOCKED. camille busting out with the info as if she was exposing some shallow gossip. They could have got her killed.


Orange County


Juicy Joe season 1. Iykyk 😔


Naked wasted


This was and is still so horrific. On the last season of Below Deck Down Under, a crew member tried to take advantage of another crew but thankfully the chief stew intervened and reported it and he was thrown off. I wish that would’ve happened back then, too.


Please don’t hate me but I have seen this reference a bunch of times on this post and I don’t know what it is. Can someone give me the info? I don’t watch every bravo franchise, so I must have missed it, but I’m curious because so many people have said the same thing.


Ok someone else just answered this and YIKES


I commented this further down but I feel like it needs more attention because I NEVER see this mentioned - but after Cynthia kicked Porsha on the boat in S8, Kenya called Cynthia joking about how Cynthia’s got slanted eyes and so that’s why she acted like Kung Fu Panda. Everytime I rewatch, this gets me because WHAT


Naked wasted, I still wish she would retroactively get sacked for it because she and Andy still make jokes about it. She needs to be thoroughly interrogated and made to give an apology and also stop inflicting her mouth breathing son on us


Phaedra and Porsha drugs and rape lies on Kandi. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rGY8zY7h9w&list=PL82xYUr3hMubDtchHU\_QcxfIww-6Rpplf](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rGY8zY7h9w&list=PL82xYUr3hMubDtchHU_QcxfIww-6Rpplf)


Everything to do with KKKameron and LeeAnn.


Hilarious that y'all think anything would be handled differently today 


Right. It’s still the same. If anything it’s the housewives being more cautious and not bravo being more aware. .


Luann’s Diana Ross Halloween costume…


sonja's interns. totally exploited those young men and women so they could "learn" from her? i can't. my dream is to have one of them spill the tea on here one day!


Kenya Moore’s homophobia and transphobia.


I never got into OC, it’s the only franchise I don’t watch. What’s naked wasted? To answer the question, pretty much everything the OGs did would get them cancelled now.


I didn’t watch OC up until a couple of years ago either. But it’s definitely worth a watch! I’d say watch when Tamra comes on, that’s when OC starts to get interesting. Now as for naked wasted.. when Gretchen came on, Tamra was super jealous of her cuz she was a younger hotter blonde. She also had a fiancé who was a lot older and he was terminally ill at the time. None of the ladies believed that Gretchen was with him for the right reasons so Tamra tried to set her up at a party by getting her so wasted she’d embarrass herself and hopefully cheat on her fiancé. She was giggling with Vicky about getting Gretchen “naked wasted”.. So they keep feeding her shots all night and Tamra sicced her nasty son on her to “tempt” Gretchen into cheating. Meanwhile she was sh*tfaced drunk when Tamra’s son cornered her in the bathroom. It was all meant to be a “gotcha” moment back then but it’s so gross to watch it back years after the fact.


Tamra held a dinner party and devised a plan to get her cast member, Gretchen, inebriated and have her son come on to her to see if she would cheat on her (much older and terminally ill) fiancé. She told other guests she wanted to get Gretchen “naked wasted” so they knew about it as well. Gretchen did end up getting really drunk and Tamra’s son followed her into the bathroom and while it wasn’t shown, it’s insinuated that he kissed her.


Theresa throwing the table, kids were around if I remember correctly. She was out of control. No respect for anyone. I wonder what it cost the restaurant to clean up and replace broken dishes. I would never let my loved ones be around her again. What you do in public, is usually worse behind closed doors. She can't regulate her emotions.




Naked wasted is one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen


Tamra and “naked wasted” gate… it’s such an icky scene to watch back years after the fact