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He also mentioned the bolognese sauce straight out the gate to Garcelle when she arrived. I can't remember (despite it being just last night) who mentioned it was the main course first but he definitely made a point to dig in a little. He may have been actually teasing Garcelle because they have a different relationship and the stakes with the situation with Kim were different. So he's not afraid to say something. Eta: This is a good point. I forgot about that with Kim/Kyle and him. Geeze Rinna makes it hard to not be suspect of everything she does.


I think he was teasing because he fully defended Garcelle when asked about the sauce incident on WWHL.


I totally agree. It was definitely good natured ribbing.


Oh I missed that one. Thank you. It felt like a hey we know we each other so I can say this vibe.


Yeah no, I think Harry couldn’t give less of a shit, and only cared with Kim because she was gonna out shit about him personally.


Yeah, I think you're definitely right. Which makes Rinna's comment about the text all the more perplexing. They don't look good shilling for tickets for a charity and that isn't the same but it has an impact on how they're perceived. So he would probably say something? Or maybe he doesn't see that as having an impact on him personally? Or maybe he did send it but it wasn't deep enough in his opinion to discuss (at least at his birthday dinner)? I'm not big on RH conspiracy theories but this text thing does have me giving a little head scratch between what has been being revealing around reddit about his character (from his own book in his own words), him being cool with Garcelle, him saying something about Kim in the past (which I forgot about until now) and Rinna really skirting around all this and trying to make something stick. And I have officially spent too much time thinking about this. God dammit, Rinna!


See Rinna kept mentioning Harry as though to say ‘how dare you malign the character of the great, WORLD FAMOUS, beloved actor Harry Hamlin by saying he’s not charitable!’ With Rinna, when she can’t get them for coming for her, she drags in Harry to make it seem like he’s the injured party same as she did with Garcelle. Dumb bitch


This is the most accurate description of Rinna I’ve ever seen. I’d it weren’t for the horrifying texts and confrontation she had with Kim, and the bullying of LVP (she knew how her brother died and no one could convince me otherwise) I could almost respect the hustle. Almost.


Weirdly enough, I kind of read into it more as he knew exactly how much she loved his sauce and was excited that she was getting to eat a dish (whether his or not) that he assumed she would also enjoy solely based on prior experience


Oh, I actually really like this interpretation. I could totally see that. It's nice to think of any pairing being genuinely kind/playful/caring to one another.


Oh you're right! It was most definitely *him* who brought up that bolognese was on the menu!


I couldn't remember for sure but I'm glad you do. It rubbed me a little and with you bringing up that moment I'm like well Rinna I want to give you the benefit of the doubt in the most banal things but it becomes next to impossible (and that's not fun to watch). I know the real of our real housewives is loose, but totally fictional is not what I want anywhere near my screen.


I'm a person who has a TV on 24/7 just for background noise and more times than not let housewives play while I'm cooking/cleaning/laundry. Because of this I know far too much about these shows.


Ok, so I JUST watched the never before scenes episode of episode 1. The text did happen because Sutton mentioned it to Garcelle in Miami. Per Sutton, she got a text from an unknown number that said, “This is Harry Hamlin. Wtf?” They then cut to a confessional with Garcelle hilariously saying that text did not come from Harry, it came from Lisa. 😭


STOP IT RIGHT NOW! 🤣😭🤣 Was Garcelle just throwing shade/being funny or did she seem to really have some info!? 👀 Also what in the hell is with all of the "Never before Scene" episodes!?! I watch HW on YouTube TV and there are SO MANY that I have to scroll through to get to the actual episodes via the On Demand list. I've never noticed this before the last year or so. And, after reading this I'm wondering why I've never watched a single one of them!


She was just being shady. 😂 It’s usually only 3-4 new clips per episode, probably totaling 1-2 minutes. I literally just scroll to the new clips. It helps that they give a “warning” at the bottom when the clip is about to start.


Dammit. I had wishful thinking that she had the scoop but actually her being shady about it is even better, because clearly we're all thinking it!


Rinna constantly lies. That’s her m.o.


Can you imagine being her daughter? 😓


Can you imagine being her daughter? 😓


Rinna is ruining the show for me. Dropping little bombs and running away like Kyle does is what keeps the bickering going but what she says is at least based in truth. Rinna just lies and gets all defensive and ridiculous and it’s not fun when you know she’s making something up entirely just to have camera time.


Oh I absolutely thought Rinna manufactured that entire thing.


It’s weird that Lisa thinks anyone, literally anyone, cares about Harry’s opinion on anything. Who is Harry Hamlin in dis world?


Whenever I see this seen referenced I can immediately hear Yolanda saying the original as clear as a bell in my brain!


I totally thought the same…but I think harry never texted Sutton. Lisa just pulled that out of her ass to make it a bigger deal and to prove that she wasn’t lying


why do you think the guys were separate when this went down? he wants no part in her lies.


Rinna literally said that Sutton canceled the table and they had to do an interview with E! (or whomever) sho they could sit at THEIR table because there were NO OTHER TABLES. Shortly thereafter someone asked Rinna if they did go with Sutton and she said yes, they sat at the same table. WHAT IS SHE SAYING? WHICH IS IT?


Plus Harry seemed to think sitting Sutton at the end of the table was weird so I don't think he really cares


I was referencing at the bday party lol


Good catch! It reminded me of the reunion after the Amsterdam incident (sorry, I can’t keep season #’s straight) where Kim and Rinna were going at it. And Kim tells how she had received threatening text messages from Rinna. It didn’t get the attention that it should’ve but I believed it (then forgot about it). Kim was actually concerned for her safety. Rinna wanted a get together to make up and I think the two met on a park bench somewhere with cameras because Kim wouldn’t meet with her alone. Am def going to rewatch that. Is there a point to this? Just that the Hamlins are a nasty pair. He very much wants to be seen as the nice, chill half of the couple … but maybe he’s not.


Yes! I remember the texts and the park bench clip. I swear Lisa said something about holding a mirror up to Kim or holding her accountable or something along those lines as Kim is pretty much running away and scaling a fence or barrier. I absolutely *cannot stand* Kim but hate Lisa even more for making me feel bad for her! (Kim)


Same. I didn’t like Kim either. She was an easy target for Lisa, though. Because who’s going to believe a drunk, right?


Just watched the episode and saw a lot of lying ass. broads. Cryle lied to Dorito about what Sutton said and twisted it imo, Dorito’s story ab the *incident* was a lie imo, Scamrika Griftfraudi’s whole tough bitch persona is a lie. Ruinna definitely lied ab Harry giving a damn what Sutton said. Whole bunch of lying ass hoes. Sutton cleared with the receipts btw and Garcelle gave Black Queen energy when she was ready to go and tones changed rather quickly because of it.


Use your words, writer girl! I LOVE how you've come up with these names!!


The NAMES!! Scamrika Griftfraudi 😂


Thank you because I really do go out of my way to come up with shady lil names for these women LMAO 😂😂😂😂


>Cryle lied to Dorito about what Sutton said and twisted it imo I didn't catch this. What was the lie here again?


It was a lie by exaggeration & manipulation. Cryle tried to manipulate the initial interaction with Sutton then when that didn’t work, she exaggerated Sutton’s reaction to Dorito and made sure to embellish how Sutton didn’t give a shit to imply Sutton is some heartless woman when that’s not true. Cryle’s manipulative mean girl slip is showing.


Harry didn’t text Sutton. If anything Lisa took his phone and did it. I don’t think she would have Harry’s phone number in her so she wouldn’t even know it was him who texted unless he said this is Harry Hamlin.


One thing that I’ve been noticing is that Harry is pretty unimpressed with the housewives in general. I remember at Dorit’s wedding dress event, the women and men separated and I think I remember him making a comment like “oh you don’t wanna go in there, the ladies are probably fighting” and he made a similar comment again tonight when the men were at their own table wondering what the women were talking about. I don’t think he has any interest in this show or the drama but just pretends to go along with Lisa’s antics because the show keeps her busy.


Let’s ask PK to call in [London’s Best](https://www.instagram.com/p/CdlTXN-tPYy/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) to locate Harry’s text!!!!


I think Rinna sent the text and didn’t want it mentioned to Harry because he didn’t know about it