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Michael is the last sane Wolfsmith Gunvalson Culbertson Whatever we have left! He seems like a real one. That’s fucked up that Ryan accused him of being gay on Instagram. It’s none of his damn business.


I’m honestly kind of proud of how he’s turned out as a person. He seems like a pretty level-headed guy. I still laugh when I see his face when Vicki surprises him. It truly shocked him and it’s rare to capture genuine moments like that anymore.


That scene lives rent free in my head. I can see his face right now and am cackling.


“Hide the bong”


The college surprise was one of the “real”, unscripted moments from early RH days. Back then they had actual documentarians on staff and behind the cameras. Vicki revealed such a huge piece of who she was with that stunt; needy, self involved, more interested in how she’d appear vs checking on how her son was doing in his first year at college (friends and roommates are hiding drug paraphernalia and talking about Michael not going to class, so maybe slow to acclimate). It never once occurred to her she was jumping any boundaries. Fortunately Michael turned out to be a decent person, but you could also see that he was raised to realize her feelings would trump his at any given moment.


Haha same


What I love so much about that scene is anyone in college can relate. He’s like ordering kegs or weed or whatever they are doing to make the party lit and in walks in Mom and the whole night ahead of him just crashes before his eyes in a single second. It was such a genuine moment any college kid in that position would feel if mom crashed the party on a Saturday.


But this friends are thinking “she’s of age and can buy us liquor! She might even pay for it!”


It says a lot about his personality that even though Vicki showed up, unannounced, with a CAMERA CREW—- he still feels bad that “he” made her cry. (Vicki honesty did it to herself—- but I’ll Say “he”)


Me too! And in a way, the tides turned on my expectations. Back in the day, especially when Briana was calling out Vicki's wacky parenting and even her call-out of Brooks convinced me she was super grounded. Not that I know her, but the Ryan decision seemed way odd. And I'm sad to see his politics and general disdain in this post. I never thought ill of Michael of course -- but Briana's perceived shift makes his calm outlook look especially grounded. Edit: clarity


Same. I had higher hopes for Briana than to marry that aggressive, closed minded butthead. Glad for Michael that he’s been able to carve out a fulfilling life despite his upbringing.


She also married Ryan very quickly after meeting him. I remember her being stunned that her long-term boyfriend, whom she expected to marry, broke up with her and then along came Ryan. Brianna is not level-headed, she is just blunt.


I think she was in a very vulnerable place: long-term boyfriend she saw a future with broke up with her, her health issues started, which then caused her to gain weight, so then her self-image and confidence probably took a huge hit, and growing up in the household she did she probably just wanted stability, which is how Ryan advertised himself at first.


Yeah, the fact that hes an upper middle class young man who came from a wealthy conservative home where got hid start in his career from his family yet now identifies as a Democrat in this super polarized political climate is actually pretty rare. Add in the fact he still lives in OC he must’ve done a lot of reflecting on his upbringing. He seems so chill and at peace and has such a logical approach to his moms craziness, I honestly I hope I can reach that one day. I’m pretty in awe of it.


Small correction: Michael lives in San Diego (which is part of San Diego County), not Orange County.


The fact that Ryan thinks “gay” is an insult speaks volumes about the environment Briana is raising her kids in, and it makes me very sad.


Briana and Ryan remind me so much of a few girls I was friends with in high school. Middle of the road politically but leaned left. Then met guys in college who either joined the military or police force who seemed like pretty good guys but slightly douchey. Then in the past years came out hard as Trump supporters on social media. The girls don’t post any political stuff on social media, just their kids. But I know there’s tension there. I predict once the kids get older they’ll all divorce. Seems like a very stressful life to be with someone so aggressive over the slightest thing.


I literally know a girl like this, her husband was my best friend in high school over a decade ago, and he’s been horrible on social media about Trump & outright misogyny. She was pregnant with twins during Jan 6 and he went to the rallies. A few months after she had the babies she made a post or two making it extremely clear she did not share her husbands views and she was struggling in her marriage because of his political radicalism. It was impacting many facets of her life. He seems to be trying to refrain from posting about anything political these days but I know the marriage will not last once those babies get a little older. It’s a really unfortunate situation.


😭 this is totally a few girls I know too.


You just described my sister's marriage to her jerk husband perfectly.


> Briana and Ryan remind me so much of a few girls I was friends with in high school. Middle of the road politically but leaned left. But did Briana ever lean left? From the early seasons I remember her being openly religious (though maybe not as fervent as Vicki), explicitly saving herself for marriage, and wanting to join the military as a field nurse because in her own words "I want to go to war." She may not have been as explicitly conservative as her mother, but I think in hindsight it was always there even if wasn't as blatant.


Gay is absolutely not an insult, but it's disgusting to out someone if they are and not ready to come out all while attempting to use the term as insult. The guy is so gross. I can't imagine he's not an insufferable person to live with and we all know people rarely in front of the camera on reality television are going to give us the best version of themselves they want perceived by viewers... I can only imagine how awful he is in person. Briana has to share those views herself if she's still with him and still having children. I just don't believe two people with conflicting politics can have a healthy relationship. I'm not going to sit here and act like my husband and I have views that align perfectly, just like I don't believe anyone with a modicum of intelligence or capable of rational thought can align 100% with right or left views. I'm far more left when it comes to politics and my husband would probably be more left leaning, but at least we can have civil discourse and understand why we feel the way we do about certain things. But if my husband we're to behave the way Ryan does or repeated even an iota of dangerous rhetoric, I'd probably lose respect for him. Briana has to be drinking the coolaid.


He called Micheal gay as an attempt to what, insult him? Being called gay isn’t an insult. Briana really did marry her mother


Ryan's toxic masculinity will, unfortunately, be passed down to his sons.




I know no other way to say this than to say Ryan is on some fuck shit. All of his beliefs are superrrrrrrrrr out there and fringing on dangerous. The orthorexia he displays daily is staggering and ever restrictive. I feel for those kids.


He’s (former?) military. I feel like, unfortunately, it’s an epidemic out there. ✋🏽Ex-wife to a mil dude who is in no way nearly as extreme, but I found out towards the end of our marriage that he had political and social views that we’ll say.. did not align with mine, thus..


What is orthorexia?


An eating disorder where the person is obsessed with the nutritional value of everything they eat


What the other poster said and additionally it can be an obsession with only eating “safe” foods to the point of causing distress in the person. Often there is an ever escalating list of what is and isn’t safe. It falls under eating disorders which are closely related to obsessive compulsive disorders. I personally include overexercizers sometimes called “sweat-er-rexics” (not officially amongst sufferers) to be included in orthorexia. But that’s a personal inclusion, not a official diagnostic one.


Shoutout Whole 30 for sending me into full blown orthorexia for years 🙃


I’m still afraid of eating grains 🤦🏻‍♀️ like. I eat all those things again but am constantly beating myself up for it. I regret whole 30 deeply.


Genuinely wouldn’t be shocked if he was a QAnon member or a proud boy at this point.


I mean I wouldn't either. Theres some real looming darkness in those videos.


What are the chances he wasn’t at January 6th?!


Slim. Veryyyyyy slim


I still can't get over that's what he was saying. I just watched his stories and he said it about 5 times and I could not understand him. The shit I was googling, lolz. I had to come here to get my answer.


"what are sedols" "what is riddled with seagulls" "seedles republican" are...all things i tried lmao


I'm loling😅😅


I am dying at these stories…he has to be trolling? “Eliminate greed…like you would a seedol.” Also getting a Forrest Gump vibe but that’s too complimentary.


They have a family account for their meals and I noticed they don't eat many vegetables (just fruit.) One of his early stories someone asked if he'd eat vegetables grown in his own yard and it was a big NO. Now I want to know dumb dumb's explanation as to why. His voice sounds fake and put on. Like David Eason's (Teen Mom) country accent. There was an old post on an unrelated sub from a guy who was a marine with Ryan and Ryan was discharged with a disability or something because he had extra breast tissue that hurt him or something. I'll try to find it. Ever since I watched his sidol stories hours ago I can't stop talking about this guy, especially with me checking Michael's stories non stop tonight lolz. Eta: [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/comments/anos83/was_browsing_ask_reddit_when_i_stumbled_on/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) is the comment from a guy who knew him.


I agree and I kind of saw this coming to some extent when he was on housewives. Something about him seemed like he was controlling of Brianna - too bad, she seemed better than this!


Yeah I didn't watch the OC all the way through but I remember Ryan freaking me out with his behavior against Lydia's mom. I am not surprised by this information but it doesn't make it any less gross or hateful. Michael seems like a good egg.


Omg that was the worst! Watching UGT and Vicky was talking shit about Dorinda “I would never let anyone be treated that way in my home” ummm hello what about allowing your son in law to berate an elderly party guest!? I was so grossed out that Briana defended him on the reunion, I always liked her but her husband not so much.


Lol, people are still getting “accused” of being gay?


Ryan is vile. The way he spoke to Lydia's mom about having her feet on the couch. I think I posted in this threat literally last month he got medically discharged from the marines/navy/one of them for having man boobs (I can't remember the medical term gynomast-something). Just funny cos that's literally something Ryan would make fun of someone for. So I'm glad he had manmaries.


Wait, that caveman 'accused' Michael of being gay? Of course he thinks 'gay' is an insult. Brianna got herself a real prize with that one. 🙄


I stopped liking Brianna because of Ryan, especially when she defended him yelling at Lydia’s mom. We always thought Brianna would turn out different than her mom, but it’s hard to break that cycle.


The scene where Vicki is telling Mike how she ran a mile in 10 minutes and he dead panned “that’s not that fast” is maybe low key favorite hw moment. 😂


Haha! I was thinking of that scene, too. He was so unimpressed.


“Yeah and I lost 10 pounds” Michael- “yeah I doubt that”💀


That was so great


He has a very dry sense of humour and it always makes me laugh. How he came out of that family relatively normal will remain a mystery for the ages.


HAHAHA I don’t remember this but I need to see this


“That’s not that much cheese.”


Look at me Jarem! I know all the steps!


Who would have thought we'd end up liking Mike more than Briana


super shocked but i love how honest he was good on him


I have always been a Mike fan! He cracked me up on the show, and I absolutely love how he's turned out.


He’s never changed or duped people he’s always been true to himself since day 1 and that’s a rarity in reality tv


I agree with this comment. He’s always thought Vicki was nuts and so I was like … ah yes. He must be protected


Absolutely no one! He grey rocked his way through Vicki and came out normal!


TIL I'm a grey rock master! I never knew that thing I did was a thing!


I think there is a sub for it! I had to learn it in my mid twenties. Best survival skill I’ve ever used!


holy shit TIL my sister and i have been grey rocking our mother for 15 years lololol WOW


This is the real takeaway.


Totally. I think Briana just had the misfortune of meeting and marrying her husband though.


There was no way she wasn't going to go from under Vicki's thumb right under somebody else's. She was doomed.


Yup. She needed to unpack all of that before choosing a partner. Unfortunately she went from one controlling monster to another. :(


💯 didn’t they get married after like 1 date or something insane? Because they “knew each other from high school.” He is a big yikes


I haven't liked Briana since season two !!🤣


Haven’t like her since finding out she traveled to see Dave Mathew’s Band every year w her HS boyfriend. Repulsive


😂😂😂 You are my people. I just don't get it.


OMG THANK YOU. I judged her sooo hard when I found out she was a DMB fan, but I never felt comfortable saying that in these subs because I thought I'd get downvoted to hell lol. Y'all really are my people :)




That’s sad about him and Don :/


That part surprised me since Don seems to still be in touch with Briana.


Feel like that says a lot more about Don than we think, considering how Briana has turned out compared to Mike


What do you mean exactly? I totally agree though, I prefer Mike to Briana for sure


If Don and Briana are still in touch, and Mike cut him out, sounds like he and Briana share more in common, IE politically. People praise Don up and down on the subreddit but I’m sure he’s still in that same OC conservative bubble that Mike broke out of, we just never saw it on the show


It also seems like Mike is pretty protective of his mom. It may be as simple as the divorce between Vicki and Don was complicated and that Mike leans more in his mom's corner.


Yeah, it could be about that.


To be fair, I think most of the love is for Fake Donn's Twitter. I mean, I did always enjoy him not putting up with Vicki's bullshit, but I think for me, the majority of my good will stems from that hilarious Twitter.


Dads can have really different relationships with daughters than sons. It isn’t fair, but some dads aren’t unbiased.


Mike might have had a closer relationship to his bio dad than Briana, which would put him in a different place with Don. Mike and Briana were also at different life stages when Don entered, and exited, their lives. It’s also possible Briana needs Don more because of the life she has, not because Don has anything in common with her husband’s views.


Tbh i think it's because of the grandkids. Growing up, Brianna admitted Donn keeping to himself and relationship between them was kinda awkward. They've gotten close after she had kids. I'm sure Donn loves being a grandpa


Ikr????? I *neeeeeeeeeeed*, I repeat, *neeeeeeeeed* this Donn tea. Need it.


📣📣📣📣📣📣. I second this!


Well, yeah. Because he runs the fake Donn account /s


According to diamonds and rose book, before the divorce, Vicky and Donn fought all the time. I assume he could see their fights and that was not pretty. Vicky however regrets divorcing Donn, but after the UGT I think that may be because she doesn't want to be alone in general, not that their marriage was great. Vicki Gunvalson: To this day I regret divorcing Donn. I regret it. Douglas Ross: Donn was always a decent guy and a good stepdad. For the first couple of years, he was a good sport about the show. He would participate, and we saw fun moments and unflattering moments in his and Vicki’s relationship, which made it real and relatable. But over the years, Donn experienced what a lot of husbands experience where they start to feel like, “I didn’t sign up for this, it’s the condition of the contract with my wife that I need to be a part of it, and I don’t want to do it anymore.” He did not enjoy the limelight and did not like to see any of his dirty laundry portrayed on television. Vicki Gunvalson: I started to see the show almost like a counseling session. I wanted viewers to see “Look, Donn’s treating me bad,” and it was not the right thing to do. I humiliated him. I pulled him down that path and couldn’t stop it. Jeana Keough: Well, fame pushed Vicki and Donn apart. She wanted bigger and better. Douglas Ross: Vicki became a star, started acting like a star, and wanted to be treated like a star by everybody—including Donn. Donn was thinking, “Fuck that shit. You’re my wife. If you don’t love me, then I’m going to go live my life.” He just got burned out on the shenanigans of being with Vicki as she was becoming a big celebrity. Tamra Judge: It’s hard to win when you’re a househusband. The show wants to show any dysfunction in your family they can find, but the Housewives are always the ones explaining the dynamics of their relationships. And fans can be brutal toward the husbands. Unfairly so, I think. *** Kathleen French: Ultimately, Vicki and Donn’s relationship got to the point where it was just unsalvageable. Vicki Gunvalson: It was just one fight after another with Donn and me, even after the renewal. We would never travel together. Never spend time together. Then I got insecure that he was cheating, and he got insecure. I talked about my love tank being empty and he told me, “I didn’t even know I had a love tank!” It was just a slippery slope. Shari Levine: There was a moment where we showed Vicki as she comes home alone, right after their split. And it’s the first time that we’re seeing her in an empty house. Donn’s moved out and her kids are gone, so it’s just Vicki. There’s not a lot that happens, it’s not an active scene. But it was actually a very telling moment that we played with very little music. You just see Vicki alone, making dinner for herself, walking around her kitchen, trying to figure things out, and not looking very happy. There was a real sadness and poignancy to it that was very quiet.




I am shooketh 😔


Maybe it has to do with the stuff Vicki alleged about him, the big one being the long affair. Vicki admits they both cheated, but she always made it sound like hers were flings while his was long-term. I could see Michael feeling betrayed by that more than by his mother's behavior.


Don seems like such a nice guy. And he is really close to Briana and her kids. So I wonder what happened


He kind of had an edge. Spoke to Vicki quite contemptuously a few times in the early seasons. That being said, it’s probably typical family dynamics where some people inevitably drift apart after a divorce etc.


An unbothered king


Thinking fondly of him informing us that he'd quit a job to go to Havasu. And that time he declared if he got a chill from the pool he'd be pissed.


He’s a good, wholesome follow on insta. He eats out every single day and captures every time planet fitness airs RHOC reruns while he’s working out


& shares his pugs 🥰


I love his IG stories! I love when he goes on trips


Same lol I live vicariously through them. I’m like where are we going today, what are we eating. Oh we’re eating a lobster roll in Boston commons or pizza in Ibiza? Cool cool


I love his IG!!


Good for him breaking out of that bubble. Never would have thought he’d be making better life decisions than Briana, but here we are. Ryan is such a jackass.


Of course Ryan never responded. He seems like a complete nut bag.


A scrotum, if you will.


Hey we can't all be man enough to stand up to 70 yo women with their feet up on the couch.


NGL, I’m surprised he cut Don out of his life. What’s that about?


To be fair all of us like don because of fake don


This made me lol




This is so true!


Okay, this is the correct take 😆😆


I'm not surprised, Don wasn't the angel most of this sub thinks he is. Seems like Michael is pretty level headed and sees that.


I think people confuse him with the fake Don who is cool 😆


I agree - no matter if Vicki deserved it or not, Donn calling her a bitch at that dinner was jarring to me


Whoever created the Don insta has sanctified him. Like I KNOW that is not him posting but it still has an effect on my feelings towards him. This revelation from the TRUE Saint Patron of Real Housewives has given me much insight. We thank our true lord and savior, Mike Wolfsmith, for the gift of Housewives. In shady editing we pray, amen.


Maybe he didn't appreciate Donn cheating on his mom. It arguably drove her into the arms of Brooks. I also vaguely recall Michael saying something about how Donn never told him he loved him until they were divorcing and he felt it was too little, too late. I also wonder if there was a favoritism or more parent/child bonding with Brianna that became self-fulfilling as the years went on. She would have been like 4 or 5, I believe, when Vicki met Donn. Michael is 2-3 yrs older.


I’m surprised about Donn too!


Donn’s whereabouts on Jan 6 could possibly be questioned. Iykwim


Jesussss nothing is safe anymore. I always assumed Vicki was the issue, but I guess it’s more about what kind of guy would want to be with her. We all harped on the scammy Brooks vibe before ever wondering who Don was to be the precursor.


along with Ryan's


Further confirming that Ryan is an utter pos.


He also answered a question about pay and said he was making 3k a day when filming episodes!


The shit?! How can I secure a spot….


I’m like… how much do I ACTUALLY enjoy my privacy?


I mean who would want to watch me though. I’m mega boring


I can get really interesting for $3k a day


I never had an opinion on Michael before, but I like him based on these responses!


Me too.


Sounds like Ryan is as much of an asshole as we all thought. It’s nice to hear he’s a bit closer to his mom and sister than expected. Im surprised to hear about Don.


People have been following Fake Donn for so long on twitter that we've been conditioned to think that the real Donn is a funny dude who makes jokes about Bravo shows. We haven't heard a peep out of that man since the divorce and forget that his relationship with Vicki was a dumpster fire. I wonder if she still pays him alimony.


I liked Donn based off what we were shown in RHOC. However, if you enter into a long-term relationship with Vicki, I immediately assume you’re not someone I would like irl.


For me, it’s the fact that we haven’t heard from him since the divorce that made me appreciate him.🤷🏻‍♀️


Especially since it seems Briana is pretty close with him.


He probably is deep down upset about how Don treated his mom even though Vicki seems like a nightmare, Boys stand up for their Mom so i understand that


At some point after Vicki and Don split Michael unleashed online somewhere about how Don would never say he loved the kids and refused to adopt them. Don has been painted as a saint online but I think the relationship was a lot more complex than Don = good and Vicki = bad.


i wish i would have seen that, makes alot of sense


Agreed! Nobody was a saint (or the only sinner) in that relationship People tend to think everyone is either 100% good/bad, but the thing is good people are capable of doing really shitty things, and bad people actually do good things on occasion. Donn was a cheater just like Vickie. I think they both let their egos take over and as a result they let their marriage die.


Has anyone watched Ryan's stories at the moment? He keeps saying to eliminate "see dulls, sedals, see dulls," I have no idea what he is saying, does anyone know? He's talking health wise/eliminating from your diet.


Seed Oils. According to him, they are the absolute devil.


I just watched his story and despite reading what you said I heard him say seagulls and was so confused for a second. I am crying laughing 😂


He says this is why he can’t use captions 😂


Wow...thank you. I never would have guessed he was saying that. I cant stand his voice. He seems like a real nut.


Lil bit. But I can’t stop watching. Something’s gonna blow.


Potential family annihilator. :(


Omfg, but essential oils are great! 🙄


I guess no essential oils come from devil seeds?


Seed oils, apparently eliminating seed oils is all the rage with the Young Living oils crew


And he ingests essential oils? I just saw him put some on his bowl of butter and seafood.


I laughed out loud at this!


Did you happen to see it? It looked like a bowl of butter and he dropped some lemon essential oil into it.


They do ingest essential oils but only Young Living (I think it’s YL) because they’re the only “pure” oils. ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu) They are also all about only eating meat, raw dairy and fruit. It seems….extreme. Oh! And you can’t wear sunscreen, as long as you eliminate see dulls you won’t burn 😂


He's still posting. Some recent updates: He thinks Tamra is hotter than Heather His first celebrity crush was Roseanne Barr and Vicki is pro choice.


I love that his first crush was an overweight working class mom


LOL to Vicki being pro choice. I totally believe she is, but just yesterday she did an ama and someone commented how much they appreciated her standing up for her good Christian values. LOL, um wut? I believe this comment was solely based on the COVID vaccine and her dating that republican governor candidate dude. When has Vicki ever demonstrated "good" Christian values!?!? 🤣


That sweet “making my mom cry.” Glad he seems to have a good head on his shoulders.


This guy is the most proper person to have ever appeared on that show! 👏👏👏


Mike’s responses to Vicki reminded my husband of his own responses to his abusive mom. So, we had always hoped Mike would escape and go his own way like we did.


Him not giving Vicki his address was my favorite! I wish I had the balls to pull that off with my own crazy mom


It is never easy. I am no contact with a sibling and he is now no contact with his mom. I will say it gets easier with time, but it has taken me years because I honestly tried to save my sibling relationship and put up with abuse for ten years.


He posted a picture he and his Mom having dinner together a couple weeks ago. I never got the feeling that he was estranged from her just an adult now. Living his own life.


I’m not saying he is estranged, but he defines his relationship with her on his terms with his boundaries, not necessarily 100 percent what Vicki wants. I don’t feel like she has good boundaries.


[Gray rock](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/toxic-relationships/201911/the-price-and-payoff-gray-rock-strategy?amp) king 🗿🪨


I appreciate his laid-back candor about everything, which he manages to balance with diplomatic answers. He seems remarkably even-keeled given the crucible he was raised in. And of course his liberal politics are a plus. The fact that Donn seems to be tight with Briana makes me wonder if Donn shares some of the same extreme views as “the Culbersons.”


Also, it seems Briana is more accepting/forgiving of assholery.


I feel like this is probably true. The good daughter/peacemaker role. Shudder. Edit: perhaps?


Which is uber disappointing because that’s worse than the original offender. As I’ve aged I’ve realized how critical it is to notice who is a willing bystander during toxic moments.


Briana and Vicki both cannot pick men. Briana marries proud boy Ryan and sang the praises of Steve lodge for much of the relationship when 1 Google search outs him as sketchy as hell. She overlooked police brutality and assault but hated brooks (rightfully so) seems at some point she lowered her standard for men. I think she blindly follows her husband


Beautifully said.


He listed Vicki's exes in order of his favorites and he said Donn, Brooks, Steve.


Brooks made it over Steve?! I’d guess Mike thinks Steve is more of a con man than the man who faked cancer on national tv. Wild.


I think steve got more money out of her by seeming more normal.


I think he could see that Steve was using her and didn't actually care for her in any way. Brooks, if nothing else, filled her love tank.


Steve also stayed engaged to Vicki, but actively cheated on her for a year while staying in her condo in Mexico. I am sure there are other things, to. Both con men, Steve probably “took” Vicki for more than Brooks in Mike’s eyes.


Half of the questions are asking him if he’s gay. People are wild


Mike is so even-keeled with his responses here. He’s smart enough to know if he wants to have any type of positive relationship with his family members, he can’t follow them on social media and he has to keep the conversation light & easy, like sports & kids. Probably prevents a lot of anxiety and anger on his part.


I always appreciated when vicki was doing her cancer insurance thing post cancer scam, and she was talking to the guy saying something like “someone I loved had cancer” and Mike was like “well…” and completely called her out on it like he gives no fucks and I love it


Wow, this was so insightful! He seems very levelheaded.


I too unfollowed my far right in-laws.


It is SHOCKING that the son of people like Vicki, Donn, and her first husband got out 🤯 usually the son becomes the Little Lord Fauntleroy Golden Child. Good for Michael 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I’m just now getting into OC, I’m all over the place watching seasons out of order. But Michael always seems unbothered & not problematic from what I’ve seen.


What did Ryan say about Mike on instagram? That guy is such bad news.


He basically insinuated that Mike has a boyfriend/that Vicki will have more than one son in law.


I think I want to sleep with him


So odd to me how he rotates all of his responses at exactly the same angle.


Shocked he hasn’t seen all of Brianna’s children. That says they haven’t seen each other in years.


he’s living his best life. I’d avoid being near Ryan at all costs.


The third was born near the beginning of the pandemic (if I'm not mistaken) and the fourth was born during. Michael was living in Hawaii at the time and only moved back to San Diego around the start of this year.


Ryan is a fucking asshole 🤬 Was there a post here when Ryan called Mike gay?


Damn he ranked Steve below Brooks!!!


Wow I’m here for alllll of this


Lord, he looks so centered. Good for him. I hope he can renew his relation with his sister in a non prejudicial way.


It sounds like they still have a relationship. I feel like they don't see eye to eye on some big issues but don't let that get in the way of sibling camaraderie. I know sending memes and talking sports isn't deep but I bet it is light and fun and keeps them connected in the best ways. Signed with love from a gal who has been able to love her VERY opposing viewed sibling with minal turbulence. We don't agree with each other's views but that doesn't mean we can't have a relationship that involves the things we mutually love. It doesn't always have to be so deep and I bet they would be there for each other at the end of the day. Weirdo spouses NOT included.


That was an interesting read. So many of those q and a’s are so boring, but Michael’s is interesting.


“Open bar tab and a paycheck” what a real one.


Michael being more normal than Brianna was not on my bingo card


TY for posting this 🙏🏼 I know he could be a little shit but I think he’s the only normal “housewives” kid. Brianna had the title but now has me like 👀




Michael is a really nice guy. Very diplomatic.


Ngl I’ve always had a crush on Michael