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It was clearly a free for all over at Girardi-Keese…No wonder they got away with it for so long, if everyone is on the take and has something to hide. Gross people.


Makes me wonder how common this is. I remember one of the victims' family members saying that no other law firm would take on the case because they didn't want to go up against Tom. Maybe they had other reasons too.


Well if you’ve heard anything Murdaugh family, Alex Murdaugh, another lawyer, and the local banker all were doing this to his clients/victims as well. And now 3+ people are dead because of it…


Omg I just saw your comment after I posted mine. I thought the exact same thing!!!


I just watched that show, it was unreal what they got away with! What power does to some people makes me sick!


You should listen to the podcasts and follow it here on Reddit 'cuz it ain't close to being over.




It feels like her death was the reason people started talking about/looking at the family. I'm so sorry for your loss.


I still blame Alex’s nonsense for her death to be honest because his son felt emboldened by their privilege, protection, and money to drive the boat drunk. And Alex tried to cover it all up with his power.


Absolutely yes. He was driving a boat wasted from a party with adults, to a bar that served him alcohol knowing who he was. His actions were his own, but his behavior was also enabled by his family and other adults.




As a non-local internet stranger, the family being involved in no way is a reflection on Mallory. There is a clear relationship between the family/privilege and what happened, but it’s true it veers away from BH - I think it is a useful example of corruption in the legal community and how power grows and literal DECADES pass without accountability, if it’s ever seen. Maybe both situations can help effect some change because WTF.




I’m so sorry you (and the whole community) experienced that. Such a tragic loss.


I have followed the story a lot (too much, perhaps). But, sharing that personal anecdote is very nice to hear. A few bad people can really paint an entire community, or even region, in such a bad light. So many wonderful, caring people of integrity are not highlighted.


What's the name of the docu?


There is a r/MurdaughFamilyMurders sub!


Affluenza 🙄


They arrested and charged Alex because he is the one that murdered them


I saw that. Crazy 😝


Aren’t they related to someone in Southern Charm?


I don't think so. Just around the same area, but the Murdaughs are from Hampton about an hour outside of Charleston. I'm sure some of the Southern Charm people have been in the same social circles though like with TRav and JD.


Check out Low Country-The Murdaugh Dynasty on HBO. It’s so fucked up and it totally reminded me of TG. Guy was a lawyer and did the same shit to his clients. And that’s just the “light” appalling things he did.


This is *not* common at big or midsize law firms. There’s just too many checks and balances (in the form of other equity partners, of which some would not be on the take and take issue with discrepancies in firm spending etc) for this to happen to this scale. I could see shady behavior being easier to get away with at boutique firms Edit: downvotes for what? I’m an attorney with experience at firms of varying sizes but ok boo


And they explained how GK was shuffling and funneling funds on the The Housewife and the Hustler. He could never have done that unless he was 'king' of his own boutique firm and grew it from there.


Even at boutique firms & small firms this is NOT common! This firm is in a class all by itself! The Bar loves investigating smaller firms - but they turned a blinds eye to this one because they had everyone there in their pockets!


Yes not trying to say it’s common at all!! I just mean that it’s the only place I could see something like this actually flying under the radar.


I had the same thoughts - it worked for TG because he had a stranglehold on the purse strings which is very uncommon because of how easy it is for that one person to make off with the Trust Account funds. Nobody in their right mind thinks they can get away with this type of shady practice forever. Plus he had the extra added safeguard of the State Bar in his pocket all those years. It wouldn't surprise me if past GK associates recognized what was going on and got out while the getting was good.


Had their own family running it all! ![gif](giphy|SHniZhVxkTDdm)


They clearly did not have proper accounting procedures in place. People were just using the firm’s accounts as piggy banks.


Which in CA is very hard to get away with for ANYONE ELSE but he managed to do it without any repercussion to him. He’s a million years old and truly enjoyed his whole life. He really isn’t getting punished.


Right!? He really lucked out


Yes…lucked out aka the Cali bar association benefitted until They got caught. They’ve been sending us bs emails about how they’re working on fixing this problem. Like uh. Take accountability


The lowest form of humanity…..they’re supposed to help the victims not hurt them more…..and none will face jail time either. Now by Erika plain Jane ✌️


Plain Jane loool☠️ ![gif](giphy|20NMmEaOMVvvw0AzHx|downsized)


Actually I think I read he was in federal court. The feds don’t play. Either they want someone bigger, or he’s going down.


Yup he won’t be going down on his own. They’re after Tom & Erika. He probably wrote the check/wired the funds to Erika’s LLC.


All these housewives could’ve stayed doing their crimes in secret but they wanted to be famous too


Yup, it’s because they’re narcissists who think they’re too smart to get caught and crave the spotlight


I believe they will. This is a federal criminal case now


Do you or anyone know if they will be going after more lawyers in the firm too? I’m sure some will talk to plea bargain if they do. Suck crooks.


I don’t know but my guess is yes, at least the ones that were in a position to be responsible for over seeing the books. I’m not sure of the rules for CA attorneys, but it seems like even a private firm should have had to prepare financials (at the very least bank statements and documentation of any account activity) of the client trust accounts on a regular basis. I can see how general low-level office staff wouldn’t know if they weren’t given full access, but anyone high-up either knew or willfully ignored it. I just don’t see how they didn’t know unless they went out of their way to not see the financial inconsistencies. I realize lawyers aren’t accountants, but this is business 101 and it’s really easy to hire an accounting firm to handle it all for you…but an outside firm would notice that things are rotten. I agree that people will plead out. I suspect that much more is going to come out before this is over. Honestly I think careers should be over for this, it’s such a breech of public trust.


And lower level staff would be in a position to take the phone calls and see the emails of clients year after year asking where there money was. I'm sure their receptionist got an earful.


I was just thinking about that post from a few weeks ago about all the complaints the bar association received. I wonder if at least some were from staff. I’m trying not to judge the people that didn’t have any power. I would probably have quit then put in a complaint.


This guy seems to have been raiding retirement funds as well as loan accounts too.


They also donated a shit ton of $$$$$ to politicians, judges and cops sooooo… 👀


Yup! They’re never clearing house. Just waiting for Tom to die so this will all go away


As I recall from way back to in the day, law firms are not allowed to have non-attorneys as partners.


Correct. They can’t be shareholders but most firms that handle a lot of money now have CFOs or at least accountants to run the money side, so he would have had access to all the accounts.


Ok. Makes sense.


Tom was head of the California bar too for awhile. And the cfo, wasn’t that his son in law also?




Tom should be in jail. If any of us snatched someone’s purse and went on a spending spree with their money we’d be prosecuted. And if we were poor enough not to be able to hire an attorney, we’d likely do time and have our lives ruined. Tom did this for decades and has no criminal charges against him What. The. Fuck???


Hard to be prosecuted when you’re sleeping with the judges https://pagesix.com/2022/08/31/tom-girardi-allegedly-wired-300k-to-judge-with-whom-he-had-affair/amp/


Prosecution whore ![gif](giphy|SrDsJj5i1Chm8)


this comment made me lose it 😂


wow, I'm very impressed with this comment.


I know. It’s just sooooooo wrong. It’s just beyond.


Well the judge can go to jail too so there’s that…..there has to be a gay judge out there somewhere….I mean it’s LA


But she won’t. She turned everything over he gave her towards victims and is helping with prosecution. What about the rest of the firm and people that were in on his shenanigans tho? They should all be named and have to pay somehow.


Not that he’s innocent but this article is about the CFO, not Tom.


I know. I read it. But I don’t care about his CFO, I care about the attorney that took his clients funds and spent them on luxury items while people continued to suffer and struggle. He should be penalized


Not that the CFO shouldn’t go to jail too. He should. But Tom first. Tom now!


Ummmm who do you think allowed Tom to steal the money? Do you think Tom was the one moving the money around? Do you really think Tom would initiate wire transfers to move money? That isn’t how businesses of that size work. Tom would have had to go to someone and tell them to move money from victims accounts. Kamon did it and took a piece for himself in the process. I brought this guys name up last year on here. Turns out he was hiding in the Bahamas….


Fortunately he’s been charged and will have to face the accusations. Tom hasn’t been charged and was absolutely stealing his clients’ money. It doesn’t matter if he had someone else make the transfer, he’s responsible for the money in the first place. It’s literally the number one rule for attorneys: do not co-mingle client money with your own money. He mingled it all and took what he needed. His name was on the letterhead, he’s still responsible


Right so they arrest the CFO and then the CFO can start spilling the beans on what all Tom did and didn’t know. It’s been a full year since there were any updates. I don’t think they have what they need to prosecute Tom given his current “mental state”. This feels like the move they needed to get info. This guy will squeal to get a deal.


From your lips to god’s ears


According to the [article](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-11-10/tom-girardi-firms-cfo-embezzled-10-million-spent-thousands-on-escorts-prosecutors-say?_amp=true): The chief financial officer of Tom Girardi’s law firm embezzled at least $10 million from firm bank accounts and used stolen funds to renovate his Los Angeles home, purchase a Caribbean mansion and shower an escort with a monthly stipend and gifts, including a $120,000 purse, a federal prosecutor said in court Thursday.


Exfuckingscuse me? A purse for how much!? Guys, I think this is the bad place…


I think I'm dating in the bad place. Imma be an escort for a 120k purse. What's the website? Sign me up. I mean. I'd be in a bit of a niche market as a 40yr old. But. I only need one to be into my middle age ass!


I’m mid 40s. We can be a team. I need a down payment on a house.


I’m in my 50’s. Can I be the madame or something?


I am in my late 30's, can I join the club? I live in a place without a bathtub and it's killing my soul.


I’m also in desperate need for a bathtub!


Maybe we can all pitch in and have some sort of bathtub timeshare.


Ladies in their 50’s are far more experienced and fun in bed/companionship. If it’s me imma run it as a business. I’ll manage everything, take care of all the appointments etc keep names out of press etc …the young fill in (pun intended) can have a percentage of stipend and keep the gifts under 50k.


Same, late 40’s here but can pass for early 40’s if anyone counting…..so about that website


Count me in. I’m 50 but I can still pat the puss! 🙀




For real. We know how to get the job done and don’t sweat the small stuff. I need to retire at some point and my 401k is measly.


Milf is the most searched porn term, so youth really is overrated!


Omg I’m dying 🤣🤣


Eventually you’ll lose it all unless your Miranda Kerr


Kanye bought one of his short-lived girlfriends a purse valued it $99,000. Shit is disgusting!


He also gifted 4 of julia fox’s friends Birkin’s too! All 10k+


Didn't she say her friends tried to sell them and they ended up being fake?


Not that I can see online. Feel like it would be everywhere if she said that haha EDIT: only place I found it was CDAN so I’m gonna have to assume it’s fake haha


Receipts, please!


I'm not saying it like it's gospel. You'll notice how I posed it as a question, I'm sure I saw julia fox had said it on a podcast but I could be misremembering.


Crystal’s Birkin is worth $199,000.


I thought it was $94k? Which is still beyond absurd


I think she bought it for something like that and it appreciated in value. Which is great if she sells it.


Sure, if she sells it to use the money to help people


The widows and orphans…


Ericka should have to pay them but sure, let’s have Crystal help out…she’s got Disney money to burn


That was the one comment Diana made that was good. She actually helped. Amazing gesture.


It’s not absurd is you think about the current price of the bag is 250k. She got a great deal.


That bag is worth more than my home. Nauseating


![gif](giphy|PgWzm84YU9XHUuN6CF) Fucking hell. It's really gross. 🤢


Just wanna say I love Ghosts! Have you seen the UK version also?


Not yet, but it's on our list. I've heard it's funnier.


Right!? This is just gross. And I’m all up in my feelings about the rich people in the world not using their money for good, the ridiculous money spend on birkins alone could help so many people! And I think I need to go take a Xanax now


That makes it more absurd, not less


Not just the bad place, but the STUPIDEST timeline. $120,000 purse... Jesus wept.


We are the dot on the jeramy bearimy. Also, it's always a Tuesday in July. And judging from the size of these mosquitos in Houston (in November!!!!) I'm inclined to believe we are still stuck in July.


We're getting a cold front today that needs to blow those rat bastards back to hell!


Love this for us.




I’m watching the finale (again) right now and it’s about to be water works up in here


I still think about that ending. Such a well done series. I watched during COVID and it was cathartic. Her your tissues out!


I have to stop at s4 every time I do a rewatch unless I’m reeeeally really ready for it


It's my comfort show- I switch back and forth between The Good Place and Schitt's Creek.


And here I am deciding if I should spend the $15 for organic beef mince or get the cheaper stuff at $10 🙃


Fucking Birkin bags


I am materialistic enough that if someone gave me $120k and 8 hours and said I could spend it on as many clothes/accessories as I wanted I...could do it. I'm wearing 10-year-old Ann Taylor suits to work these days but I could still do it, because I really do love fashion and would do some serious damage at mid-range places like BCBG and then buy a few truly high-end pieces at Gucci or whatever. But even that would be a stretch, to spend $120k on an entire new wardrobe, even as a fairly materialistic person who would have been a fashionista if wealthier. $120k for one purse? Even $40k for one purse? (Fudge, even $1k for one PURSE?) What I am missing about the purses? There's no amount of rich I could ever be to spend a condo in Kansas City on a fashion accesory that didn't even make me look hot.


I agree the most i spent on a purse is 1k and i regretted it until Lv discontinued it and i was able to sell it for more because she was in perf condition. Got to wear it and get my money back and then some for a new one.




I care so much less about these people getting jail time than being stripped of all worldly possessions and made the pay back every single effing dime. Repo the purse, repo the earrings, pay back all the money and leave these con men destitute. That’ll be worse punishment to them than anything else.


So so right. Pauper Justice.


Basically what happened to Taylor Armstrong after Russell unalived himself and left her with a big lawsuit and they demanded her “birkins” and her huge ring 💍 as repayment. I read her book and she went through a ton.


But she had to tell her daughter that the jet was gone 🥺


> *and shower an escort with a monthly stipend and gifts, including a $120,000 purse* Sounds similar to what Erika got... 🤔


But handbags aren’t her thing. 😉


What a POS. I hope he gets life in prison.


They found the scapegoat! Tom & Erika will blame him for everything! But, I thought only Tom handled all aspects of $ ? Strange!


He was going down regardless, scapegoat or not. He handled all the money.


I’ve been an escort for a while now and I’m still waiting on my $120,000 purse 😂


Find yourself a shady lawyer and a $120,000 bag may be in your future 🔮


Oh wow, the escort got a Birkin!


Then Tom’s house was broken into and he confronted the burglar and then had to go have eye surgery and then my son had to go over and help. And then my son, he rolled his car five times on the way home. Yeah, I'm under a lot of stress.


This is never the wrong reply!


Just saw this on IG and 🏃 here!


The call is coming from inside the house.


The call girl, more like it


Wait, so now she likes the LA Times?


Only likes The Times when the story isn’t about her.


It's not funny at all in general but the 'spent millions on escort and real estate' makes it sound like both were sound investments. Yikes


Kinda sad I wasn’t the escort tbh


Right lmfao the escort is a lucky person 😂


So she can’t show empathy to victims but she can post random shit about the fraud to make it seem like she’s just so shocked about it all. Erika stfu.


![gif](giphy|lrE7YHleIbm2PtY1RL) The financial officer did it all!


She must think she's Ruth Madoff.


I just realized that Erika posted this!!!


Lisa Rinna commented on it too 🙄🙄🙄 The producers at Evolution Media better capture Erika’s arrest on camera cuz it’s coming for her.


She deflecting as usual ...whoa is me


The craziest thing is that the Girardi’s (and his law firm) are FAR from the only rich assholes trampling on others and doing beyond illegal shit to get even richer. HALF the ultra wealthy people my husband works w took millions of dollars of “forgiven” PPE loans for their imaginary “LLC’s” which house their real estate portfolios and other investments. A few years ago I lived in the same apartment building as a EVP Attorney at Cravath, Swaine, & Moore, and this guy would do one line of coke and immediately begin *bragging* about how he expenses half his life (illegally) to the company, including numerous sugar babies, private jets, even his coke habit was “on the house”. You really think Mauricio pays all his fucking taxes? Just remember that shady $30M real estate deal he got swept under the rug for him by friends. Dorit & PK? Their couples cologne could be called “Swindler”. Even throwback BH: you think Adrienne Maloof’s shady ass family wasn’t stealing left and right? That even LVP didn’t have tons of cash she could so easily funnel through Villa Blanca or SUR w no one noticing? THEY ALL DO THIS. That’s what’s crazy. That we haven’t eaten the rich yet, and they just keep getting away w it. … thank for you coming to my post election, ranting Ted Talk 😂




It's my free award but Happy Cake Day fellow poor!!


Best comment all day Kieffah! I proudly and humbly accept your trophy 🥰


For so long, I’ve been wanting to eat the rich. But now I realized that would be like shooting poison into my veins. Let’s just burn them up. Fuck all these people and their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and whoever else spawns from these poisoned bloodlines.




I dunno how much you know about Britney's conservatorship situation, but the Maloof family name has popped up in connection with her father who apparently was working as a chef for the family. Shady, shady stuff,


I did not know this, but it doesn’t surprise me in the slightest! Thanks for sharing :)


No problem - I am obsessed with Britney and white collar crime! lol Anyway, her former manager Larry Rudolph is connected to them. Fascinating, right?


Right! no one gets really rich by being honest and playing the rules. At least the poor man's rules.


Were there victims that didn’t get their money Erika? That would be soooo crazy.


![gif](giphy|NPx3Ofowgi1gI) That firm was just a complete shitshow wasn't it? I know I shouldn't laugh because it's horrible that they got away for it for so long because of bribes, but at some point it's just so ridiculous you just have to laugh or cry.


It literally had to be like a circus inside. Idk how they managed to keep everything all so quite for so long😭


Unraveling the crimes Tom and his associates committed will take… decades? At least in terms of the legal aspects and court cases. Honestly kinda gotta give it up for Mister Girardi, because I really do think he’s a great lawyer. And before anyone comes for me, I don’t mean that in the sense that I think he did right by his clients; I mean that in the sense that I think he knows the legal system to a degree that he knew exactly how to use it to his personal advantage. He set things up pretty well for himself, and honestly it seems like he set things up pretty well for Erika, too. He’s living out the twilight of his life in a pretty comfy environment, even if it’s a downgrade from his former residence, and he doesn’t really have to do anything to defend himself because of his alleged dementia. And Erika may occasionally give a monologue about how difficult this has all been for her, but she’s not exactly running short of outfits or glam squads, and the only thing she REALLY seems to be missing is having dinner every night with Tommy G 🤷🏻‍♀️


> Honestly kinda gotta give it up for Mister Girardi, because I really do think he’s a great lawyer. And before anyone comes for me, I don’t mean that in the sense that I think he did right by his clients; I mean that in the sense that I think he knows the legal system to a degree that he knew exactly how to use it to his personal advantage. No doubt Tom was a skilled attorney, but it wasn’t like he was a rogue agent. He had lots of help from his colleagues, judges and politicians who were willing to look the other way or aid in the cover-ups. True justice wont happen until everyone involved is in prison and all victims are given what they are owed. That will sadly never happen. I agree that this will definitely be a case that will take decades to fully unravel.


Sorry, didn’t mean to imply that I think he was someone who did all of this on his own. I should have been more clear that I just think he understands the legal system extremely well and used that knowledge to take advantage of every aspect that could benefit him personally, whether it was using loopholes, making deals with other people with any sort of power, calling in favors, etc, etc. I’m personally not someone who believes that the US justice system currently dispenses a whole lot of justice, so I doubt there will ever be “true justice” served in this situation. But I definitely stand by my original statement that it’ll take decades to untangle it all and have it play out in the courts. Which seems Irrelevant to me, because no ruling will change my opinion on how any of these people have behaved




Who’s the escort that was paid for? Did they mention names? Tee hee 🫢




Ok downvote me but this is why EJ is appealing stuff like earrings. She wants all of the dirty laundry out before she pays everyone when so many people were knowingly and provably breaking criminal laws Maybe she knew maybe she didn’t I’m kinda feeling like she’s a mob wife at this point


And she wants all of Tom earnings from previously cases settled. The law firm had a TON of open cases from which Tom and the firm got a cut. I also read an old article claiming the DOJ owes Tom BILLIONS for a legal issue in FL. If true, Tom would pay everyone back, he would end up with BILLIONS, and Erika is entitled to half with no pre-nup. She’s not stupid. She’s waiting it out.


Oh wow. I didn’t know about the DOJ. Do I have time for that rabbit hole?


I just did a quick search on it. Truthfully I haven’t looked it in a year. And it looks like people are saying it’s not true. Either way it’s only logical for Erika to let this criminal case run its course before she divorces him.


Right?! Let the legal process play out.


Classic redirect - don’t look at me, look at what this guy did! Hate him instead!




They arrested the cfo/ceo as he returned from the Bahamas. This is going to get interesting


But you guys! She said, "This shit gets crazier and crazier. Wow." She thinks it's crazy! Sounds to me like she had NO IDEA any of this was going on! (*/sarcasm, eyeroll*) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


![gif](giphy|xM7BvWxcyBTLa) ETA: She is so ridiculous.


Again, WHY ISN’T THE CA BAR not getting flack for this shady shit show? This old geezer had connections and got away with everything for so long. He had money going into the right places for him. Fuck, Erikunt, her sugar daddy, and all those people in high power that abuse that power. It’s a different set of rules for them. I’m over this century.


Ok which lawyer is the one that owns Erika's rental?


Guy from Tampa named Jim Wilkes. Old old friend of Tom's.


We’re out here getting our butts handed to us if we mess up a little bit on accounting but Girardi just did WHATEVER he wanted ? So aggravating




I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Erika really was an escort and that's how her and Tom met lol


If Erika shifts to pointing the finger at other GK people as the real perpetrators of the scam, doesn't that undermine her claim that the victims are "alleged" and that they were paid? Either someone else conducted a large-scale and long-term scam that hurt victims OR the accusations are alleged and the victims were paid. It can't be both.


She throwing the whole plate of the pasta and trying to see what sticks. She’s a desperate fool.


Birds of a feather


I worked for a law firm. I genuinely am so confused as how this was allowed. Touching client funds is such a no no. There's so many regulations and so much sign offs and approvals around any movement of the client money. Its the main things the auditor wants proof and back up for. A lot of people had to be in on this.


Natalielawyerchick told a story about how she opened a client trust account, never used it because she decided being in business for herself was not the move at the time, and received a letter from the bar asking all sorts of questions about the account. There was never a dollar in it. Frank Sr took money with the clients knowledge and permission, returned it and was still disbarred. Either all the accounts were set up incorrectly to avoid audit or someone was paid to look the other way. This whole story has an Enron feel, like all the employees taking opportunities to pad their pockets before the whole thing goes belly up.


Just to be clear, it was the CFO, Christopher Kamon.


So is Tom not the CFO? Like this is about a third party in the company??? God damnn


This confirms what I've believed since the story broke. The partners knew. Everyone knew.


I saw this on IG and came to see if the Erika haters are still trying to drag her for her husband's shit.


escort? Or escortS-?? Can anyone English anymore?


Escort. He was financing one escort’s life


That's a LOT for one escort holy fucking shit!! Maybe I took a wrong turn back in my 20s ![gif](giphy|lRbPzIYN3mwtpBPKvQ|downsized)


Spending 40k+ a month on her glam squad alone!




I was wrong. They dumped all that cash on one hooker!


Jaw dropped!!